('o un cil Appro ves Zund Se e SewVICIng D3y-Zaw Has Firm Commi*tment. From a New Industry Ek ant Shows Up at Party Lý fÀTAI q ii - 1 - ThIS IIs nsual costume xva.s abit awkward and warm f'or dancing, buti' certainly drcw a g5reat deal of attention at the Kincute Club's'annual m asquerade on Sattirdav evenini a t the Badminton Club. Inside were Mr. and NIrs. Doug Rigg whu won a prize for iheir jngcnntixPhoto bY Rehder NUv LIMIL3 RVRILADLL By-Law No. 1833, which authorizes the installa- tion of a watermain and sewer, and the building of a bridge in the Base Line industrial area, was passed by Bowmanville Town Council at the special meeting of council held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday evening. All members of the Town Council were present with the exception of Councillor Roy Nichols. First reading to this By-Law was given some time ago, but council decided not to pass it until there was a commitment from an industry. Mayor Ivan Hobbs announced that a f irm commitment has now been secured f rom a new industry that will locate in Bowmanville. Milk Prices Likely WiIl Not Increase The milk industry in this area is really in a state of confusion following a radio report on Wednesday. Premier Robarts is suppos- ed to bave declared a mora- toriuîm on the milk pricea paid to producers by dair- les. As of Nov. Ist, this was to have been increased by 19e cwt. on order of the Milk Industry Board. Dainies in this district, expecting to pay the larger amount to their suppliers, have already issued carda to their customers announe- ing a le a quart increase starting tomorrow. As of this moment, they have received no def inite word to the contrary fromn the Milk Industry Board, but if would appear prob- able that the price increase wilI be suspended. ___ Introduce New Plan Ikeduce New Rates by 100/Io ForCo-Op Me dico! -Group Report Surplus of $9,09 7 A redut lion n l pien 1 iiîm Pr e s:de nt l-12-v Vvade, croft srlu u rate,; as d bcOim. - aud a I ch laired the mneeting, attesuedluA of $9,097fo the more complete niedicl la1 b 14(0 people. A deliejous year's operation was reprte'd the annunuTedxla.tr ine a evd by bvthe auditors, and il as the nnul bnqut metigof the ladies of Yelverton Unitcd dlecided to pay a patrong Durham C(oiuL:v u-Onp MediclCu-h netimn a dividend of 10% in the form Serics.hiW l vertn provided bv Miss Gowland of a reduction in the nexi Commn LI Il;I kand (ornpanv of Campbcll- premium rates. Councillor Ken Hooper stat- Councillor Wesley Fice sec- ed that he had been against onded the motion. "Now that the provision of services at there is a firm commitment the Base Line until a fli-m counicil is as gocd as its word, com.mitment had been receiv- and will put the services in. ed. "Now owin.g to presenf I arn all for getting industry facts regarding a new indus- an-d ready to spend rnoney to try," he moved, "that second do SO," Councillor Fice stated. and third reading be given to He asked Mayor Hebbs if K. the necesary By-Law to pro- N. Morris had anything at al vide a sewer, waterrnain and to do with obtaining this new bridge for the Base Line In. industry. dustrial Area. (TURN TO PAGE TWOî Eleci Ron Brooks, lncoming Presiden f Local Kiwanis Club O fficers 01 the Bowmanville-__________ Kiwanis Club for 1963 were elected at the organization'sPln ar d dinner meeting held at the Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel on Monday evening. ThoseSa u d y F elected were President Ron VNI . B roo0ks, lst Vice-President fy n Hi Cranston Scott, 2nd Vice-Pre- ryng i sident Don Mountjoy, Secre- The Grand Parade o tary Bruce Colwell, end Trea- cast of "FIyin g h surer Don Milligan. Toronto musi cal va President Ross Jackn-an pre- show, sponsored by sided. The Board of Directors BowmanVille Kiwanjs9 elected for the coming year wiIl be held on Satu is comiposed of George Beebe, morning commencing Jim Colliss, Gord Clark, Hank 10:15 o'clock. Janzen, Gord Beech, John e6 igRgi -Morton, JoIm Brownlee, and Te"FlIngIih Btll Cobban. ade wIll startat 10:15 oi by the Rural Hydro on1 Plans for the presentation perance Street andi of "Flyin g Hi-gh", a musical off down that stree variety show from Toronto, at Church. 1[t wil goj the Town Hall auditorium onl Church Street to Sc Saturday evening of this week, Street and down to November 3rd, and on Friday Street, along King to L and Saturday of next week, ty Street, north to Ch November 9th and lOth, were Street, west on Churc discussed. Jim Castle is the Temperence and back tg ticket chairman. Tickets wiIl startlng point there. also be obtainable at the door. e or of the îariety rthe Club, turday- fat l'ar,- 'dlock Tem- move -et to along ceugog King Lilber- 'hurch reh to to the Make Money Keeping the Wolf From the ... ..... .......... . ..... ...... . .. ..... ..... Door On Saturday afternoon, while checking Christ- and eventually they came upon its den. After about mas tre es, east of Enterprise, Mult Wannan, Kirby; three hours digging they were able to unearth and Don and Doug Lycett of Orono saw a wnlf running shoot this brush wolf while it xvas stili in the den. across the fields. Fortunately, there was a Savage Bounty for these animais is $50, which is flot bad for rifle complote with scope in the truck, so they took three hours work and the peit may bc of somo use after it. The tracks were easy to follow in the snow as a floor rug. Lions Heur Deputy Governor' Discuss Responsibilities 0f Ail Members of Clubs The birthdays of Cliff Sa- catering convenors. Clarke and Warren Taylor, mis, Geore Webster and Ro- Deputy - District Governor al of the Peterborough Lions bert Kent were celebrate d by B renton Rickard, Newcastle. Club. their fellow members at the was present ai the dinner, ls t Vice-PresidenitRusl dinner meeting of the Bow- meeting. Other guests werc Oke introduced thi ecl manville Lions Club held at Frank Hoar, president of theiguest speaker, Deputy-DistrictI the Lions Comniunity Centre Newcastle Lions Club, Jack Governor Ross Oliphant, Pet -1 on Monday evening. Court Holdstock, Bowmanvillc BLIl erborough, an officer of Lions, Venture, Canadian Order of Sisson, HarodFreeman, a» IRN1 PG Foresters catered for the de- - -______ ______ licious ineal, and President Jean Devitt and Vice-Presi- dent Edna Baker were thel Visîtors Tour New Bi Tri nity Wii (elebrate 127th Anniversary Thîis Sunday inorning and Peen i n g. Trinity Uitefd (bhur(h wili celebrate is 127th anniversary. Special speaker for tMe services %vill be Dr. George D. Kilpatrick, former prîji- cipaI of McGill University College, and a renowvned speaker. Outstanding music lias beeti arranged for this lim- portant event. uilding It was also decided by unanimous vote to offer a Much BIood Needed package plan including surgi- cal in hospital medical and major medical, or a compre- h lensive plan which would in- For ospial S ppi clude above coverage plus Nc~ Wu - o Nu-cb--,i o e r-s or a luv.ed.onie im v organization plans to spend a ilhi- VOLi~ uV~ihi e iii'uîeo f a blood tra n -1considerable amount of money uI akc ~i oitit es \; ol donrson advertising and promotion )lt(()i a On tat rone ooswho max- be of the nevv plan. daytIi Nih tr- hodin- pp îhensive abouit teir fiIî-st E. Schofield of the Co- a clilliîc for\-Iu (-C-13o i cnic. mav- ute sa v that don- operative Medical Services of Donlor. f i i< a t a i r g 10 xlod s flot a paîn'ul ontario explained the neces- effort whi ch c, w ,aýîeI(llpror-ess. Onlv 30)minuites of1 sity for introducing the dif- uniless YOU-'In, ikg'b-I\, oLir lime are l'equîired. and0 erent and complete coverage. operate liii- IncaiL led O- intividuals arc iii flo1 New directors elected for a exectitiu a:- L1;L IL wav a fh-ctecl ti the moss Of: three year term, included Da- manv n-xt lî>inrs t LI iL li lthiLVamoeut of blood. Dona-1 vid Wilson of Nestleton, Mis. Ilie i aiik.s ioi tht-reglurjs. lions miavbe made as often as Myra Page, Bethany, and Mrs. Noule of - O '!1ouTURISN TC PAGE TWO i Kathleen Dorrell, Nestleton. Donation for Ventilation Membeis of Bowmanvilie Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion received a big boost last Thursdav with their plans to install a system of air condition- ing in the Legion Hall on' Queen St. As usual, the assistance came from the hard-working Ladies' Auxiliar 'v in the form of a cheque for $1,000. Auxiliary President Mrs. Robert Bate is sho,,wn here presenting the cheque to Legion President James Woodwarid. Ç13/ts and1 BARGAIN SALE - The hockey inothers of Bow- manville wiil again be holding a sale of used hockey equipment, skates, pants, pads, etc., at Memorial Arena on Saturday morning, starting at 9:30. This will be an excellent opportunity to pick up some reai bargains for your youngsters who may have grown out of their oid equipment. j. .t . .tJ FREE DRIVES - Citizens of this area wili be able to get free rides and refreshments next Wednesday. Ail they have to do in return is part with a bit of blood. The occasion is the Red Cross Society's Blood Donor Clinic at the Lions Centre from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 to 9 o'clock. Phone 623-3882 or Newcastie 3551. On Nov. 7th, Phone 623-9010. The blood is urgently neèded to build up supplies at the hospitai. CURLING SOON - The ice is going in at Bow- manvilie's Curling Club and should be ready in a few days. If you have flot aiready contacted the curling executive to let them know you would like to curl, do so at the eariiest opportunity to enable them to arrange sohedules. Incidentally, several important improvements are pianned for the grounds and ciubhouse, so it should be a wonderful season ahead for ail curlers. i. . ï- t tj TRAGIC DEATH - Mr. and Mrs. L. P. "Paddy" Dolan, King St. E., received a dreadfui shock on Sunday when they were informed of the tragic death of a nephew, Kevin Bud Dolan, 14, of Renfrew. Apparently, as nearly as they can piece the known facts together, Kevin had been piaying in the celiar and somehow became entangled in the ropes of a swing which had been set up there, and strangled. The victim and bis parents have visited here often. Paddy Dolan and son Jim are now in Renfrew for the funeral. j- 1- -;- t HALLOWE'EN TONIGHT - Many folks will receive their Statesman the day after Haliowe'en, but for those who pick them up at the stores on Wednesday nights, this is just a reminder that the goblins will be loose around the area about the same time they are buying their paper. We shaîl hope the event wiil pass without any major damage and urge ail motorists to drive carefully to prevent the accidentai injury of some youngster with a mask over his or her f ace. I t t j BIG SPUD - This week the Editor and his family had a free feed of potatoes, courtesy of Garnet Goheen. Mr. Goheen donated an unusually large potato, weighing two pounds, two ounces, to the Statesman benevolent fund. He had apparently received several of them in a bag he had purchas- cd and was amazed at the size. John F. Wintermeyer ____________________________ Guest speaker at the Liberal IConvention tomorrow (Thurs--______ day) evening at Orono's Town- ship Hall will be the leader A large number of visitors frorn a wide area took advantage of the invita.' of the provincial Liberal party, tion to tour the new promises of the Agricuitural Office on Frank Street on John F. Wintermeyer. At this Thursday. They werc welcomed by members of the permanent staff includ. meeting, Durham Liberals will ing giutrlRpeettv A.0 armlihMssaioMi ni also select their provincial AiiutrlRpeottv .O armlrgt isMro urac candidate for the election Fruit and Ve getable Speciaiist John C. Ingratta. They were photographed in which is expected next year. front of a portrait of the lato E. A. Summers whose activities as Agricultut-al There will bc at least four Representative for Durham will long romain in the minds and hearts of luise candidates in the field, and ho assisted. Unfortunately, the heavy snowstorm kopt many away who plannrf possibly a fifth. Officers for the coming year will also bc to visit the offices during the evening. Lunch wvas scrved to the gucsts, mnany chos en. of whom commented favorabl y on the excellent facilitie s a vaîlablo. Regional Planners Hear Architectural Expert At the Flying Dutchman Motor Restaurant on thoir autonomy. At the head table o0f the session Thursday evening, mombers and ,uests of the Regionai were, from left to rîght, Past Chairman George Lof t- Planning Association heard Professor Anthony Adam-1 house, Whitby; Professor Adamson of the -University son deplore the lack of progress in regional planning. of Toronto's Architectural planning section, Chairman He stated that regional planning in Ontario has failod W. Jenkins, Oshawa; W. Manning of Whitby and Vice- because most municipal governmonts fcar theý loss of i Chairman A. J. Cole of Bowmanvillc. ______Durhanm County's Great Famnily Journal VOLUME 108 14 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBÉR 3lst,1962 iOc--Per Copv-Nl1Mý,BE AA a - P.Y 1 9)ieces aH &M la