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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1962, p. 2

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2'Ca!radian S' afesntari. Boxur-an. :ir ouI ?,h. 116, Honor Tyrone Couple On .55th Anniversary foc -hi]no! ri rt foiecdnc c dd <,-,ix.' I it ::d clii-a c'a- 'xor 'lhcc o i 1) YO SA:~ ' :lVE ocu'!ciiur"U' m 1 uno r.- 3'c u'i tih. 107. itaI i i" xx re niarm'c'cliii S t Pauil' AXi; uni C'cuii Thoion 1 tSur:'e'v' Eu nia îîd. Iu lii-di'and agu 'îîch an ait- ;ix'; r' la i.teadc-îng (C AT YOUR REXALL STORE Moirs Classic Chocolates 2 8-o . - .A B i z B u * Moirs Chocolate Bars Only 6 for 39c Odorono Cream Deodorant Iecg. Vio~altie Special 69C Odorono Spray Deodorant $1.50 Valuie - for 98ç Our Price 86c Lady Patricia Hair Spray $.00 'illi - for !9c Our- Price 85c METRECAL WAFERS Specicd 87c Special 6 tins $1.34 Only 65c Jrylcreem Hair Dressing L~' c --7,*,)c Special 54c CRESI TOOTH PASTE (i~c. 7c Paramettes Vitamins& wilhi 25 Tablets FREE' Reg. $6.f00 Vailue Special 54c Minerais Only $3.69 Ii<'.~l) î NITEgg Creme Shampoo S2Ou 'î lî<--for ,12 Our Price 99c KOTEX 2 foi. 95(. Our Price 2 for 89c ",0l.' UXILLSTORE' X.OUR LOCAL IRAVEL .AGENCY YOU HAVE A HANO IN IHINGS when you own Life Insuran< Suurprusing.>"s- ht t rue tu Uc nsi ;'v'np1p. vou ha ve prohahly tihou ght of you r life inurance-as protection for yocîr furîyangood %way t savc otou)ey rrguarl-as avaluable collateral if yoo nv a lban for an emnergeuut' - as a ret ire- mernt plan f'or you lAter oui. Aî'îu,îIIv. 'o'Ir h10C uu u, diu liarlîi :(,<c trnc thaîi an îîl e in ii cur persoîlaiI setcurityx'andc xour fnux' lts ltlr Are îoa ux'si,'t ininCIri i .Iuuîl. 'tc'x ,t iulai e groxtu hanid rîce~anud lîilp makc thus î'ountîrx uu bet 1er plin uit iih In Pr audtuwcrk. At this iuonî'uît. 9 BhILION I(llsL <if lfe iinusorai c' ..îxiugs criluesîcri ii the ptirt'hasc oni' h týitrouigit nonigages. Tlhtî'se lîard-workiuî bu u'iluut'fe greatIl~ iiinuvsui'h as pil tres, bridges anud hig fa' torie.s. iutdusî ru Th'e i uîi'ie uhie t'uriih, lusx;direc(t ix' lv hie iinsuiraue tii xic <il ber C.arîaidiali pîli 11-HE LIFE. INSURANCE COMPANIES liseLîfC aiiitmnm\'ciuug ýwell, Ciarrîîoîî, xx';iîMn. aiiî mtionsanîd te B v-Laxv(Orit-j Mr\is. WCraîg. cerulii lisbentu, 1wnwu *Mn. anîd M s. I la"rold Sllen,j propîrtx' itte arueo.Hlis ne- Hamptont.w lb I ir. anid Mis. quesl %xas grauiîud. Buth Davies. Bot hi î'adiîgs <ifr lie(- Bx -- 1ix- thtose xuio x'obuu liTe mc- Hobbsn h x cil d ini favor, of: M IN Il (nouded 'tos0o1Itlle su'oîuci:'bbc Bv-Laxv. and Iui cd reîdiiîgs wxx'ci' iu Couitellor i loup c. seeuiid-a au c cxs Ruee cîc dlv 1Lit1- cd bv Couiillor Fiee. ilovocl tIc. Coineiillors Annite' OUe,j tuai 'ite Townu Clerk, Jack H Glciiiolnte Huhtl. hu h<nt-I Reid, bc auttori'zed 10 niake e",. W'e'.(,lcx- Fic'e, KuiSit sauk-1 arraîîgernnîcîs for cengineerng ser-iceus. andtn cicall fmr luit- PEO P cers for llte conistmuctionî ni tlite sexi cmand iatermain ie lte Base Line arca. Titis v,an canuied uutaninocuslc. A leter was receix cd fromt' th e Bowmn.nville K i w a n i si Club treqticsting permission to'iR I :T hnld a "FI'*.'iug Higbh*' Parade A N G:T (Mi Saturda *v nîooiig of tis xx'eek inî coutuection with the Kixx'aitîs' presentatioîî of lte THE .ALERT : 1 %. musical vaieîv show thtat ev-, coing in fliteTown Hall. This* permission was giveiî. 'it'* itani of the Ernergeitîx Meas- ies Ognizatioî nniornibtce prcseutted a reportl. The nîhen, rncmbei's of luis commnitîe are Mayor Hobbs anîd Depub:. T K O E i ~~~Reeve Ross Steveut,. AECV "îee is ndoubi Iliat j hiese arc punli s limes anîd 't'licre is lte poss-ibilix- 0of hic-' Ion u'attack iii bite aitr," Court- uillom Hughes saîd "I waot hi stress lte necessitx' of indjx'i- dual andtfai p lants. There anc n publie- sheiters id tflie The ALL CLEAI fudunal gx'erniuteitîdors ucit loUl as if ult xiii provide arîy 'Asîrcul lias been iînstallcd *îx'iHall, II will buroui- e M S trcillcd frnt u i)siîaxx'. COi lîîî iar xiii tt ý1I le, tâtî FAI.1.OIT is a lucrre s danigerof irad l-ac-tive rin tm k fnl i -uîît if a iii luni' icîîîîc bit s Toonitîo tii ru xxitjiici iv' aterial provié fali -uniI lieu e ivitiii itaîf ait iulourI'lt'o hous. '['ls tlune square foot. 16 sitouid be [ised 1o lake pro- ora. 2 et etixe steps. m ra. 2fe "If furc'ed îttleigi oiiîtd, i, nîlit Ibu e u~ax c tosa" Ilucre 14 dax ý. Pimple sItocluid Any mat( foo fi-îieitsex's îudIlci ple mattresses, * i': " * Jarnikuslo cn where you inte kits. anid also nieans for blite around cellar »V du-posai of huimait xxaslu. Coiteilinl'cHughecs a iso .a CANADIAN rdj thal Boxx'mlauivýille cou.ld If you h ces fronitbargel areas. "Plans ceare goiîîg forxvamd wiih the Your RAI ir tic ~.<' hi gîtt ied Counlies E.MO. fouiicrl o their reception anîd arie be-c, the elcri o 'Orics andiistnuks aund Durtani and Nni'bhon'îbemland Counlues are expeclcd 10 me- ucive 160,000 cx'aruces iin 1h" case of an atbaek," Couicillorth FA L U c g dollars- are helpiutg Hughes A L U d )cnoei'is allor this "The Bow'matilie E.M. t Conînittee lias agreed to place ~~dayu t pelines, shopping vrei- aut adverbusemrent tiituhe localý ~ix'vhomes, a part- press tating lte rinilmornihee s precautuons that ut us uteces- T eei bu ilduigs, schools, sar *v for individuals anîd fat--toew oc l lies ho take. Inqoiries have toew oci a I planutîsand powver i: e omi', n it n ini t'office 1 il ît cal utctis x'rvau a 'id ici bbcTown'iî Hail," CoLiui- B w * 1111 iO. iille i ughes stated. Ici a c- cîucst frni Cotincillor Hooper. v c esfa- esc it et cculsheui- iairnian of the Police Coui- redueiuîg the (-051 of rittce, authorized te pur- c'base of new tires for tiie ')il anîd te 9 Milioni police croiser. iu'oxputt'rs. dd ici eveBo wmanville E. I N CA NAD A Little, eonrcul ageced ho auut- o "ir ue îitcucltutgOf tIh M- xatî in trcctuadxa Dec Size Regi. $129 Motreccil Liquid CEPACOL LOZENGES jEuT HiG RGI i 7c Off Rail 2' ,cc whcn 'onrealiie t1hcv L~1~ ... U ~ 1 TYATE SPORTS NE%% *.; floceetceig coe 7h h u R endtrog to oldwro~ h g sslNSrE O Local hunters wil! not need sic foir the marcbing was abiv MXrd Gibsrv in teah is ~ i--asDo ec to go north for deer hunting done b2ý Mrs. Lorraine Brown xol ari rnc is-- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gist Bowmanville Pic - 0O- Mais this year as there are going to and the judges for the even- 1ý,li Jack ;n the Second on", C.Ila io oaid Mvr. and Mrs. Carl Ellio' se nt out the call for more be afe days of open hunting mng were Mrs. Lillian Ben oot comig ii n h wi ho'r iotre b iminsovr te i m~flpla'.cr elp. aftur losing tîtoir liere. if s hoped lhunters will, nett. Bo\wmanville, Mr. a *oil IniUh laýIilî effect. RM AGOEo eekend Io visit Mr. and Mrs. - I*i Mtro J r. B openuer 9-2 la'4 be sure what is in their gun 'Mrs. And\- oeîs hc \Mr. Gibbs f~ ie e kx- ; thiree nicnths t~ ogDavison. iiinet t10Illehost Dixie Bee iglits before M1 ire . sui ie J( tz ia 3 ranchîî n a d ii ffut n adiion10 C'P Sudayvistos wth r ives. 'Fhreor four of tOilady renarked. (3lad we live Prizes were awarded to tie -:x era -gandhidrn ilîngprvie iis lfegîîn~ ad rs Lrn Laîî, nus-Pic-O-Mais' top perforier's linIillte village. following: Best girl, 5 andi bch around to celebrate their. service fuir otiers. \ ou gain aikillen. and their granddaugh- ern't I atîîikhc ,wtjM rs. Burwash and Miss Mc- ýo,5 n under. Pat owlcoun; .55th w.eddingt anniversaries as distic a -nage your-self. 1er Julie Rae of Bowmanville. pari- respuîîsibie, for tiitIBride -fCbug settebs o.5adudr oî~ iý raditioiial withtli te Cibbs for mwhen voni' blood i.z taken :4rs. Eva Thurston. Fenelonrsan past week with their sister, Pitt, white; best girI, fan iii and ivped x'ou receive a card -al.M. n r.NrmnDxegabbed a 4-o first .C Thompson and Arthur.i 6-8. Margo Affin. Hawaikai e taig or vîîblo casi,~.~50 Ubideand M.pcriod bulge anîd added four Mraîd rsGege ac girl: best boy. 6-8, Ken Boyd, fiatoî. arie ii ou wl-ad Yrs. Herrnan Rodman and mie l tlî hîrd afteî- being Donald. Roy and Treasa~iî-ba;bs il -1 on fl S IcIe, thîS card mîghtl welI raVe Karenî of Litle Britain. he l, obnue goal nithte niiddlo dle ohr r.Sleka Budger. rag mop girl: bc<t immedale uidefor outos * M. an Mrs Nei Leeaîîd ~ ~ sngle iiicacî of he fîîal Ornrnedfoi'tee eeked boy 9-I, Daîd Hghes Mcx \ our owîî life. It provides ail sessioni. Bowýmanx-ille eotinted Ie ote ekn. by ., ad ositl utorisnit baby daughber Deborah Aîîn-priuus'o Mr. anid Mrs. Hatcher Fos-ifil ter and Mrs. M. E. Foster re- Best girl, 12-15, case of aocideiit. . i hArhrMCii01 LII1lriied Friday frorn their two Kozub, 'beatnick: , Planîîo 10heipotht sand rs.Arîur MCoî oi Sun ' ask-etIail B1jus eeks trip to Virginia. Mrs. H. 12-15, R o nn ie Art o mýv u ne lf aI h i e nL i s n t r e M . n rs u s e r o î .l î e n 's T o w n î B s l k,, îu a ll F o s te r s ta y e d w ith h e r r o th - la d y ; b e s t c o m ic , J M * mi ul clinc a th Lios Cntn M r anLMr. 1ues 16-63 seasoî t,,r_-,er, TMrs. Gosney and sisters at "Man with the Pipe"; best Sfrom 1:30 10 4:30 p.m. i01, 'Icl m aMs.BihBrWn 4W cd last uiglît at the Highi KeeIig, Virginia, while Mrs. couple, Leigh and Bradle *v * fbmoo ad6:0 o9:00 m-, of Oshîawa visited Mr. an!uolgnîasuîlt e-M.E. Foster visited the Foster Wilson.,h ovctadlt î the ex-eniîîg of Nov.7Mm. H. Lee. Mr. anîd Mrs. Bi ulaî' double-bili gcîîing it-l('OnfetOi h ace o-Mnwt h u;bs rs Transportation cati be arrang- Wcston carne for tlîeir three de aiv wr ilhm dldMr.Ge uhs edbx cihn aîv0fth nt- boy who spent the past week rtcaI73 pm i ttetefaiy wr alhoeelaMs. nHuh, ber hite ic te avctis- iththeLe's.I peien tpîeiwv t :u0s.m dIn Suiîday. old lady; best dressed genit, thewcomcc Beîîuv K g's 25toeuî Tîtîtîpsoji Gord onMrs. June Wilson, "The Head- ment appearing ila this issue' Mr. and Mrs. Eddie LeMierý point performiance. downed Langst.aff and Jack Neal at- less Man"; best cosnic, Mn. IL Sof The Statesman and leavigaî ail oebmve ini Coroîîatioît Cafe 3 9 Dan 1 tended the Lakeshore League Mcllroy, The Dancer. b s, vorname, adrss n ieiemîe buei o-hNs Seto was, Cooiaionis best, Basebaîl Banquet in Newcastle couiple, Mr'. Douglas Rahnîe tilii voit wish to doîtabe. Iletoit this week. a eî- sn .. seoiiîg 17 poinîts. Bob WiiiisFriayuight. and Mrs. Jue Wilson, "Flap- Dr. and Mrs. Jack Malow,. a former Mayor of Bowmiai-, dmopped ini tine foi- tie wiui-1 Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Elsev per"_andtd he Headless One. j îcrs wltile Gord Ritteu-\vas adsnTrno eeget Jiotii and Patricia of Liv- le was recetlv selected as af onTooto___ uet cl. nt sen te eeen Caiuîaî1o lteBowimanville a iVe poîuît niail for-te Cafe.1 Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. SALEM e ' v. t.,Iterpaents.he abured aPbicra o Tiîcu ws agonda;îî,d ie r. arnd m. S Nedaiuli Utilities Comnîission.. Bon.îaîîvîlie IloId swantp- George Merceî-. t,\as 1-od ited- veing Mr.andMrs Nel Mm. Mason succeeds the laie cd McQuecu Motors -10-13 it' Mrs. Hilda Pritchard and aiRe aI oun Thankoffering'Werry, Carol and La rry andiMorlex' Vaîîstone ini Ibis office. the iîightcalp as Johnt Fow]er .Mm. aînd Mrs. Arthur Mercer...... service oit Sundav ini spite of Mm. and Mrs. Neil Baiiey join- At the sanie mîeetinîg of thec iored 2 points. Fred Cowie of Toronto visibed the form- bbheclcoudy. . raiîiv weather. cd the Ma-ilovs for a famil. PUC. Wilfrid Carrutiters. ait- added cîghît and Lloydc Cox'er] v cr's parents and the latter's The choir provided specialýgatic'iig at Mr. aîîdMu-s. otiier formter Mavor of' lite notcliîd seveut. Bruce Bal xitil granidpaments Mr-. and Mrs. mnusic. A maie quarbet colit-IGrýaiit Thompsoiî's. c.wliî, was îîaitled Vîue-Ciair-ý four and Tcd Faii-cv threeuiau- Fredpc Warren. .- Bert Johnston posed of Messrs. Bob CraigiM .T . agfla . IIlis Worshilp, Mayor Ivant mourîtîud for inuost of NMcQîîcuîî s Jim Coomes, JohnTwist.aT. G.c bonge front P ort lite isItle titird îiinbei' of lobai. Ji CombsJonTwstadiibeto returnmen rmPr h Public Utliîies Conmmis- 'l'le London Life lîîsîraîîee Erie Shackleton, favored with Per b ospital today and alIin R W ' Comnpany of Canada rccently a selectioîî and Miss Gedahpe semrvcn uhbetr anîîouoced that Mm. A. IL. Craig also favored witiî a so!o.l Mr. anîd Mî-s. Arthur X N Hv.i n rs ak el '"Bert" Johnstoîî of Bownîan- wr îasd1 ae iv T ecdnerget Wu 'oonto, were supper guests ;ville ltadi won distinction with We1 tIaIsqa nSna eeigwt r the conipan «'. lie has becrî oui- guesi paerafrmr1r.adMs. Byron Hyland i IO l.t \ iriti iitr e us suen Oit nd ay eve Ca] ning îthMr. ." mnade a privileged memnber of pastor on this charge, Rev. A. mId familyv. Omemlee On uinoi- r vitdusudnyadMsW.Clan fmiy Lonîdon Lifc's Menit Corps for E. Cresswell, Clarernont. li_,, day. lasb wcck. Weditcsda.v aftiu- IMm. aîîd Mms. R. Page, Hamp- sc-o ae ntetext . ot ucit of lte snow which 'ton, called oui Sunday eveningý 1er6on Go bavs -e praise *!Mr ad. and s <h terîed fle gronind nîclted also to visit with Mr, and Mrs. H pfor Go ie iepaswa3sDianne veu-e Suiîdayx \isilori'5FROM C E Iu OiaNE lce very appropiate. T1he coiî.gre-l,vitl, Mm. anîd Mns. Waller Me- htFil.v ornuîiig h was Cal]. ,,e are gldt epr on bm m kr gaih Renjv. andMshortesseiGlnbilleIîicilnational. wiîo gave a ii ongito udismupf. or dciay that Mm. Call was able 10 ne- C ounc..I Sorrd brrepoî-t Mn Elmeriispirîîg aidness on Llin. ii niOtor ibralfie oit itese siipperv mm b bc is borne on Frîdav on a budget' C u c l afler te service. SNbiîî 1 epor lr.iii ýIjdi,'cusscdthie duIt ie.S, r'- hi 'Filec :chOOI bssand frointMentorial Hospital, Bow- A on nod ieidd ii waspital fopreqnbsemin oi iîoiîib.,'ilitiîcS. uanulpriviicxý(cs teacltuns ar-rixcd lait,. But as nianvilie. where be was con-1 With our converuent Premiini A p eo e lllowe'cn party aite dxmys mîd oe sc l fLion ruiciîbersiiîîand lite one looked (tut fi on i tesafe fined xith a severe bronchiall-Paynent Plan you Cali space Oit w' iii be x-able 0retur îîeb reorat oîîporthîîitv tlîrougliî oîiîso ieios iebs-cold. anîd is feeling nuch bet-I , the payrnents on your un- oilSatrda niht.x i11 e ale o rturi o f scr\'ing lte coIntriti îya il S. trcs anîd wvirnus vifi lutheî r ber. FROM PAO E ONE 1 SunidaY «Visitons: . O0Ii ntlon, WalixBradlenoionlie- ('(lai of' sioxu appeared a x'en\ Miss Lida Cal] spent Fmi- su rance oý,er a period oC No, Mie. Morris did tint Nir. and Mrs. Clarke fteLu XVîl-inv arlad 4 igltwt is lie I utvti oiei taxe a single thiiig lu do w"'îIi Ms uiE dx i i inis antd te Arnold Wil- Club tîtankuuodepix-itiu rdî'exeiuitg xas h ock,ýliuglies -and Saburday theyl ence and 'Our budget. lt's a nblaîuîîng luis iicw i iiduslrx'îdMs Lod ihrd aIMS farnuly spenl Sundav oy ' 0o iiiail f r hi ii il)-OsohMwnsshopdpingI 1îglot if pent ut shtawa shpping lo frBxtailu Iledd ot Mr, aîîd Nrs. Wiibum Biau- wit the Ronald Williamîs fam- litnwinsi jeddIi Kný M.adMs lcMri even bave anv contataulwitb it boni, Dale anîd Douglas, Hav- i«v. Oshawa. liftingaisrict. wuetsteatcddli iîs n.aîdM s lc abî anir hnîrrg1 a wittsox'e Cciieiîor ooi- on.Mis JaiiWuslac. u- epby Diîî t Gv~î JUrnicii*sBiitgýo ai Peterborought. euîerbaîîed the fol ow i ng: a large lump sum once a ycar. un cid uiiuch o liebic ork. li- ita. Miss .JolîtlakuîgoîîGolden Wedditng Riekard aiiiiud i'a' îH- Site aîd tlitre,otiiens flad fuili guests oui Saturdav evening. ' UIl us for fulldetails. c id naske ofdflcd sie f ro li inia, idM ss Ma111 -ilhoîî But- M.aidMs.Vud- N uWeastiu Lions (21 ci us .tard lite tlle car nga teand Mm. aod Mrs. Brian Caswell, Industrial Coriniîilee chair- Ierci'\- t iMi. anid Mrs. F. sit veme hosbs tb ait eiîloyable Chtanter Niglit il xiiild idiivided ftue <2.i00 beîw,\ee't Crooked Creek, Mr. and Mrs. niao, ocîîeiiorGieî IIuges Biekbi rt aiidfa ii v.Ianiîly gatberiîîg oit Fiiday conjncI ii xitihlte iritani - 'i lici:.Site a isuoiton25.00 oit Bruce Nomnis. Mr. and Mrs.' man Cotheir ees. Mug Missesack usan ai wrs a- .vonbbvcainofb./i ii .du ilit ut ilia garne. Il siums qîîte remamk- Laurie Staplelon, Toronto, an' os raid.oins. issiion.îskillen, p, a reî' odnwedn.SreBximîviuLoîs eir ible ltai Dianeites flicfflit Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rainey, flobs aid mu, Lis shtn, nýiiskl wclý,nty-fivc mnembers gatbered Decenîberit. Ife a.ked 1I ,wiiîîisn Iront Keîîdaixvillage'. Bowmnatville, Mr. and MrsAR Councilior Fine dt-c i a r e -jfBeverit- Burgess and Olgajtnl'Oionour Mr. and Mrs. George Bowntaniiellf o iîs l p- Tiîmee have itad 1lu shorethie Robert Stepheunson, Newcasble-IST AR . Olint a lot of eredit is du(- toi Krczaito\wski. Couîi-icc, MVessrs, Hudson wlto were manu'îed in port the evtiult., iie xiiwiesl m îî r.Gro a COCoitillini Hoopen. "Y 0o nDavîd aiid Carlos Crydermai-,fýTofrot nOctober 26bb. 190-2, 'Theîuaccountsii crt iad bx i wîrineis. liii, Bowmanville, were dut- workcd liard 10 bring titis ni-I Maplu Gu-ox-e_ witl MI,'-audni nd bave a family of Iwo ginl s il'te s(crlr.Bo Viiit- Wdedx'xcin a od crgsswihM.nd is J dIslnv 10 Bowntanviile."' HeMrs. 1. Twist and [anmil*y. ian Iw'o boys. Tbey were the 1:1 ViePeict U..,"Imx'ieijox:ed btu ie full ouîr Alec Martint and boys on An- acoeon dcd ('ocicilio:-iMn. anîd Mis. Sid Laîîcastcrireîltieitbs nf beautilul ýifrs oîtdcIl% lx owari dJeffenxfnelîkx'sîpnalîugtuiemaynday, Octoe Reid, UANERELESAr Hugie~ nriMavr lbohs fr aîd omeia.New t10 î il I e' aîîd iumerous congratulations uîîoved thatIltle bis tic-paid. ihe xxeatiîi- itacitumned coJdld Mu-. dM-.Dv ed lîcîî sîiccessîii i ffîtris liittis wilth Mr.anid Mrs, Sant But!-Ilit wich botit mcplied gi-ne- aîîd bls x\vas narricd. aîd a snovw sîorni had v-isited!Braiittord, with ber parents, King St. E. Bowmanville 'olletioni x. iocLIsiy. A surnptu.ous lunchb ut- 'lTe oiit r tiiîue Mlnî' sNrs.Westheusem vi" k !d .aîdMsJ.GSepe- Dcpulv-Bee(vc BossStuc is <edî(iaid rOD,-. cloding anniversary cake was Dc'aw xx-unîPauiline C(aul<iun,iîv eiiîcnetained wiîii' orgai 'sou, on tîte weekend. Office Residente a ' kcd permtissioi n t i î'fnaitKcuî Milîc ,Froitt. ivtîtM[,:uijoyed. Guests weme preseot Stewart Caîiuilon, If. G. Wt-' music- and Amit1.ow sloweci Bow . . l Mh A 3-5681 ÏMA ".549: frontlit le disussion of tc aîîci Nrs. Doug. Rviods ruiniByron, St. Thtomas, 'l'o-lief,, OsIiawa.XW. W. Bagiieil. flue colourimus'lides of Upori heir annoal Hallowe'en Party provision of services ai lte e'.aipM- . .C ns tito and Willowdale. Mi's. Box'Uo. and Citris Tulle. Canada Village, local sceiîes. ai the sehool on Saburday ev-

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