Kinettes Hear Speecdh 13 OfIton oe" KinetesHeurSpecit n!;Our church ivas beaut 1A51 ecorated for our tvo TI Reha iliatin v orKoffering, services. Rev. J. Rehablita ion ork er of'Oshaiva deliverec President Kay Cainpresded tion Centre. Toronto.o sserv- fine sermons. Nusixýas at the dînner meeting of the ing people who are paralvzed plied bv our choir. 1hi Bowmanvjlle Kinette C 1 u b or crippled from an%, cause. theni chosen vvas "I Wil held recentlY at the Flying and il 'flot exclusivelv fortoi Thee M-v cod 0 F Dutchmnan Motor Hutel. A. those who have been affected and Mrs. Turnbull sai W. Brown. Toronto. Campaigii bv polio as so manv people oeyslU7hhwa Manager of the RehahiJiiation mistaken1Y tink. he explain- much enjoyed bv ai.l I Foundation. Toronto. was the ed. evening, the EnniSkilien specal ues spaker Plns eî' iomietd fr he Maie Quartet delightt specal uestspeker.Plas wev cmpleed orýwith two fine anthems. In a graphic addres,Mr. 0e lHallowe"en Masquerade attenciance %wasnt o uit, Brown spoke of the wonderfui Dance sponsored by the Kin- lag asuaJbtth work being done for handi- ette Club at the BowmanviIle laes usuai. bu pýt the capped people. fie described Badminton Club. cespi e r vr .g a invi the methods uýed to help theun Arrangements fori, he K'i- dspite 0f ou rainv1 and e become self supporting, and Çettes Christmnas Bazaar ii. the thanks to alw-ho helpE the treatunents given for theWr St. Andrexvs Presbv 1er ia n successfuîîv in maiking dlisabilities. Church Sunday Sehool wvere Takofrn evte ý!,(oeyra'd each xear also discussed. It was decided ýhn-feigsrie 14 g teMrch or Dimnes to« have Christmas tablecioths cess. "omaville and else- on sale at the bazaar. MrArchie Winegard, f o r~ n s :_ M a rg W a rd e , T r n o whee i spnt or hispur- During the social hour fol- eeorto pose. he said. The Rehab'lita- lowing the business meeting wekend guests of Mr. much merriment was caused Ml-S. Russell Fowier. ~, ,~- "~ by a well presented entertaîiî- M r. and Mrs. George ment, which gave a Kinette son and fainily wvere Su .'. version of the popular "What'sgus o MsEte W S My Line" show. . Oshawa. Mus. Audre.v Sieep wvas the Mrs. Doroth-v Br ' an. O1eeTctbORK moderator, and the pan,21 IliIda Hall. Mus. G. Wea /SM VT Pmembers were Mrs, Lillian '1P, Oshaw'a, YW ~Hooper. Mus. lHelen SehilIj reos, Hubbar an Jg Vc~~YKNOW ~ and Muls. Joan Brunt. The.Tetn wre een g TNArscontestants were Mus. Barbara !of Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubl /S yConnel. Mrs. Evelvn Werrv,1 Rexr. J. Porter, Oshawa, WVFVP"LC4<dIJ Mrs. Eleanor Larme r mas the and Mrs, Kennieth Lai 7~(PtI/CÇ0special mysterY guesi. Peterborough,Mr la Mrs. Mvary Wilcox and Murs.i mer. Toronto, wveue Su ~ ~ Audrey Slcep were the con guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hý venors for the evening. At the: Larmer. j 1 meeting there m-ill be a fond Mr. Ruzsell Spinks. auction. ecd Kinette will, awa, was Stinda.v guest o. Sbring a uccipe. and Mrs. Thomas Hodge - farnlv ard Mrs. 1. Argue. Mr. and Mis Flugene B URKETONsytli. Miss Ev.ei S\%,i Tl i wih dep rgretveof MVr. and Mrs. A. E. Rit Il kwît dep rgre we Sundav Sehool will b Lc T RI1C LTD. rams f1rom our village. Mrs. ship at 11:15 next ECONTRJACTING REPAIRS1 Adanms was a vernu loy'al and day. ~ ~faithfiol worker in our chuuch. Mus. Hielen \iTpstoti Mwas. REFIGRAIO-L lCFIC arid both took a verv keen in- tprvýý to a jewellerv denion r-AlSýORlR terest n al] our social activi- ina euhm nMoi TV-RA I -UPIlNC S t i s We ish theun ever evening. happiness, and good luck iný See Coming Event.; e g their new home in Bowman- week with regai-ds t A M Iville. Ail we can say is "Bow-i bazaar. A& ii avë e.Pit2 f"49-SAVIE RPIE2.Uc E9 CASE OF 24 TINS $6.70 - SAVE 18,e MOW'S REGULAR ýMARGARINE 84-4ORTENW-G (5e OFF DEALk JEWEL JANE PARKER PUMPKIN PIE Reg. Pre 2 l>. 43e--SAVE 9<c #5 1-16 Pkgs 99 C 9",. )b 24C-SAVE AN EXTRA 9c 2 -lb pkg49 c Reg. Pac, 9c-SAVE 10< le<'qe 24-oz pie 4 5C JANE PARKER Ref. prc.etacsî 3ec-SAVE 10e SPANISH BAR CAKE each29C '&P INSTANT COFFEE Reg. Price $1.39-SAVE 14e Ke-oz ýar le.2 5 GRA DE: AF 0OVEN RFADÀOY, YO UNG TOM TURKEYS 20 to24 POUINDS WELL TRIMMED, RED BRAND BEEF, SHORT OR CROSS RIB ROAST FRESH. WHOLE OR HALF ROASTING HAMS qROOKFIELD OR MAPLE LEAF, PURE, SKINLESS PDORK SAUSAGE Ctifornia. No. i Guade, Excellent for Eating EMPEROR GRAPES Otj, odSoaeSok Faracy Grade, Best for Eating McINTOSH APPLES 3.Icelto b"g 3 3JC Ail Prjci Throug W/fOIr OR NAIF ib69c ib49c l653c 2 b33C a * G t L& Cý '.C , .. ces Shown ln This Ad Guaranteedi gh Saturdaey.November Ird, 1962 tiu rk1,7 hiank - Por- twvo ie an- Il EN-! inga In thie Led usý e a'q Pro- ing i 1dulii ýxtend our: and Ai inda y aller- )bard. t.11r. ri-net-, Lair- ndax' aroid 1' M'r. and For'- e ai, Sun- Durham Wins Potato Competition Bill Olan, R. 2. Mil lbieek, amid Lai cv\Vel'l.R R. 4, Bowrnan-vî le, rep tesen ti ng Dutrhami Countv, were Ihe ' wînneî-s of tie Duibiarn 4-li Potato Com1jetition ai the Ontario' 4-H Intei-.C]Lub Competitions heid at the Ontario Agriccîltui-al College. recentlx TheY aie seen xitl I heir coîaches. A. 0. Dal- ryunple ( lefi ). Ontario Depa-t.nîent of A -'\giIoluîe. Boxx'manvjlle. and J. C. iny-atta îh). Fruit and Vegetable E.: tcnsio Special ist. Bcxvmanville. iMvore t han 500t 4-1-1 Clunb imrernbi(îý-s fi uni ail parts of thtle p ioinfce t eok parît i n Ille. Comp1etî t 1011 vi ch repîesents te top au h evenien ts amnii i 4-i-1 Cluobs in Ont ario. HAMPTON stri- SChoc I. NMr. anîd 1Mis. RollI .îkandîu tîds .Al i he îcîîs-eux te, Re'-. l)b h have ioveci mJut heir Mur. Page> tatk t tlic hi Ici net lonme. nex Jenu sas ciion ac'and ite AMus. Majia al i ltu caogu ()ou >erniclo-n 0thuactî swas 011es.TuuJîc isiideieh-rii -Tlie Last Suippuri-. The Sac- ( e li\ir. M. Pi-il,(,aruci M i ýz rauncu i w-as adîni uîstereo. Pi mne.iNIes-sus. Deugla-' Vilie O11 Siioida v eting uIleanîd Goudon N î iots-. Torouto. UCW ilîcd iheïr Aunua I Atît- is150 isited Mu. a ndl VI i,. uimn Sericile, xvili h M J. Laxs Purime. rece MacAli. Jeu nf tue -Cali- 'uIiidGs )xceoi ltît adiaJi Stiîda.v Soehufol Missionî. eiiiixaindi -hlcîcisitiecI J. as xUesi speaker. Thle flcxvî s- and Muis. Wa lieu \r tI-Sar iin the eilîii ehwei.i-' litfrtil citiî riSatn J ia,ý the Cook - Sosi' xx'c,,ddîig,. 1NI,. a ci AM s.Avi Nets 'ia,. 11,n )JSilbeain Messen- A-ill'i u r sue :'ViSiti'r!xi geî--' net iieucia 'tvat 4 p.iiro Mu id1Mi.. Jatck MVauna b mi C-..T Tnit' l: it isa t -130o uda v ý\'ex ezi g. 1) *in.> . Ilidiptuii 'liii> Mu- A. Wdsi'-ù. ilt, M.Titos-dax ai tG:30iP i anJidLau-c îAlsiJ liam-ptoii Sigia -C sai i sekmc i i. Si: "F' gruops fmet Wf-ciuesday aidit h Re\ . .aîîlndIMus. page 1).P ni. aud îMus.L.arnbeuitý HiallpicJi Choîir Piact Jue Mms.Ckt.Tici eai Tluslîai 8 Ms.p seîîgei s oii TuieScLax' sai-i:24,-) isSciR~eJîJgsdix rhi.(ilcliucii. s isiici Ilîîî-iuitl Ne'Siliîii\I- xi]]te('lîamp- .slî-s. Flocute Wilkiis- ai ItOc loriH a rues- if inie Serxvicsa:;honuloi Mis-. Joîhn Rogers. 2:30 p.iîi. uher tPie .oJi Mi. aid irs.IHaroilciSali-,, s-pealku-rxxilI he Stt'pli'iS' -rteue Sen iiscs ox suell ofIliet-'Si. Stt'phiŽiis- ()IiJStiiiax av l s' qe î1' Chu uui~. slîa~ a gut-iOfuNîM. ali i m Oii Satudas aituî ,i leieDax tes. Cooîk - Sniaii u ec-ding xx a s mic .lus- l'i tN solenîinizcecli i laiiîpîci t iilseiiUitdIllte octaldaio Chiireh sithtiihe roi-cptiJOJ i!) eurs the T'viîplai]., M r annulMrsnýsCI; lJ lSa Sinceresi - iîah's \ Ni xsicnxile' Mu-. Heu I eiîdc-u i \ s-s ocec'ii Peuceti1Ir\ B. e3 ta JtIDaîc. x aud lier hicîh1eis of) Itue >iîci- îpp- gossxiiIl auc uienî pass- ' fnEa k iîd niiîtlieu iîis o.iiSmhJi i 'ie era t51J5ou Moida v uiJe wxithii ii'îiientin iiHamîptonii vei r a, Cenirteux'. Sy ni 'nt hv is also 1 î- ad Mus. Alliif àlack lin, exteiicîcci lu Mi-s, tuiî Like !Mi. a îd MIS. Beii t aei, on ithe ciali hi 'lJeu- granid- x isiteci thle t tiei'a I paru ()I l niotiier. Mus. W111. Soi thî,Qi Sunîîrhmv afil dîJîon to ii>' tlîei r os fiaxxa. i ;ecets Icithie ite NI's. Pui - oiiic. \isiied N arnsd Mus. G. Mu randîulM us. Doîîliasse!_ -\,1i ci c'hildriî. Nijapli'. Mu Nir. and Mi". Oliver Hiîh- fies Sandersoi, Toronto. s sý- bard.- Osia xxa. x'isilci Ms.lied onîîS uiday a fterniici xi Lîuilic îAtlin n i cmlIînîlx MJ ýnulMis-. Dourglas Higgis l\ J.,oili Ha I-ii s p- il1lt and i -. n suveraI Ia> s xili h Mu. anîd !\I. sud i Is- H Jgguils ,andi Mfis. I.e-.lie' Ios[ciiii îcîtu' J iiianid Mirs.Pll p . Willexx - Corii'is-, andclciiSiliodav ueec .dale i-,ss-ueo ýI i. and M t'S. iig suas a t i ages-t xvilh MuýEx cret i Saiideusuu. Cali. ué-- andl Mus. Si au ex ýHosk iii - Pnor~i lix Hope. îl.aii1lMusj:\is 1 e y mr. aid MI's. Ihuigir Couritis Nciîjîi', iided thie Ciii- .speii - Illie uec'keniicl iK iigs oi teîîîîîa I Sric ail coi atteniir ig I lit' asieulu Aiea Cliticc i n the llorti'i ig Sant Steel WcJrkeiu-. a leriiooun Sîîrîdax . IlI t11w Mi .andiclrMs. lu îîî HiIl.Os-h- ux'î'Ji*ng NMu.aîîlM . \iiii a %va, andîml Mu. JohnîîGlu'i. Cî- joY a tieIiimed i'lie H xei liceuiîk cilMu. JoliiniMaleitc ie, llîiuseri us ail uuiIi TI" roiîmî. îc" relxsItou'-. M;S:, Jeaitn JxiOsjlîasx wvJiii Mr. a iind Couits. spelil Illi e xeokcid xxitlliMs M\lu- atind I us. Toni Wcav Caioiî ex-e >peiiSai uruhav x xilJ uand MF- r.auini Mr-.i . 5' Dexue I l'-S. Sainî Rt-st' anîd bouvs. Jce ii itucd iIM. aîWis Oshaxx a,. Ouri'ioCruikshlanik., tiî'hu O11 Sai la x' ex cii i1nln,g sr>. ug JohnîîîCaruigaii snd .\l î>s Rou Nul. afidtl irs-J. D. IIoga cth. Marie Puescul i x-e e utesi s Mu,.liinrW lbui: Mi.a nLI ait' e home tf NI'-. C. G ..\lrs. Sain DexxcIl spoîît llu r-t- BoxvJ ia u. Eu lic Ici MiIs. Wav- ia',r*lc'i\cîiai a la mii. cen Sinii . lrs. larii>îiDaveY gatli li îg il hie liuîîe of NIr- and A .îlrs.C:îrl Sarge'nti sure IL. C. Snuxs duon. Nalîle ( i e. i -iimîcsc-- fou a tri'sîellaii- NI: aiic i ' s . JlîîlWî i 11- -cshuuî orcRose ?iscliJil>.pc'il Saliîcas'i\,iigi' 'File guislis x fetourmier sc-hîci us th M r. and MsSaiilji-su.w triuiîds anid Itig.iu>OIIý. 5Jii l (l1 %vas al) x uiîiiig of 'o o t "ip ladeý uf i lie W .1 xu- uenieuiîî-'îIoi il)?ik Al .\lParrx Cliiin-'.jý Ai-. JIîlm -('dl ca, zpîl xliii 1:1ias-'d îe tuti xxait i if Saiicl e îiitg xxiii Nlî 1lit' ,îîîid Iti sxIxxige o s ile (il licuberi Pics eLti.tIle p5¶s it txa i '- uoîii MIr, Jakc- Rtýs- I(Ii, 'hoiit,ti le xxaî"r aîîl ntici u.Soiic Nsiteci Mi. snd Mis-. JoiliuCar- I eiI' ( î.bot xu e alk--ni i icc- d igcnan ail asotualIll0ePi'e.-c-oli ppoplu' liaci IîikenîI iîlito h' b oni- en SuIdn(a s a irîuuil park hîigaluu icili osx'îi-f NIL"Pfteî Keiîîmi and ehîlci- îîîîîSt cfIllie tpplie ýitîOtohie i'ei. Bl - M xiiuc Ii. ponid butlile saI',agi' crcxx and d Mus- Cai tigari ci Suda.,a ided b\ixBarrx%. localuci souiîi' atienutJonî. cf itue supplies. Mu rýand ul Mu-. iieFac Mu su adiM i s.G a ru Chan!, i'ot'. Weltoiî. isîtec Irîlîaclnd F ric. Tvî'oce: Miandî Mu-' Rax îîîîrîd Fairexx' Satîr- Mu -s Jack- Carier and iCari- dav t x 'iiing.cOite, I iiiii}t. xx il SitIIIla'. Nl IU- il Nl 1it, mi J:l ai dîîîîtî gî11UsIxxitl, .Nsi1 ait1iC gllr.Osili.î\ s ciiecl MI. Mu- i t('1liî>iîli xi an(]ci .sSîi Rer -cx on Tue '- îîmg Mi . anîd \irs Ted iChanîrt ulax .Rex' fe T e r>-es. .Sua: - xisiluîd i r.Staîîlev Chant. boucoigîx .'>penIii oniîda v m"xx i Tui'iil¶t. M r iand Mus. Sud Kie, Mi -.. I. Cleillei s. M -A. NI I S.P la sur à,fii(JToim c' L. Bltîtiliai c. Mu-,. K.Csel çspeiii Wcd i ,-sidax v ii h Ir IrsPage andciNir> Bi I bit ai - Jac-k L «'on. i, xxlîtîîMasei Terux i'iuc t he UnîitedciClii uî'eli Luoti liaci a uîa ntu ru lebrai ' Pues-h' i crialI Ou IcintiOhsii - h s b i Ou Suliîda lvNir. Mu. andîlMis . er ine Barr us. and iMis Jack L"JJJJand lfaîîi- Rochester .' dIr. aund Mus.Dioi t l,,s-uc-i Nr andciMus ],eiLexx' mcSpeicerpori N.Y. Mr. PIs s c. BHuxuiiixJle Suand Nrs. J. T XVIlII. Toronii- 1MIr.Ralpis Ballard anidMrluIo. \csiieci NMr. ud M>W'il- Ale-x Carra-k and NM' Siaile s ied Snia le, folîowsmLýiig lie, Nillsc îî i Mars-ltFracaiu, tooii- Sunale xxutiding ociiu- atiendc'ýd the nmeeting uf ihc' urda'. AOTS Iniî'-. Cîlbai COshassa NM .anîd Mus. Toîîî S\ kes an)ý las-t li>lJcet- g. îxTouîîo.n e'eiiu mst STABKVILL Aliun .JohniiStark 'oacia Stin- h o i)e Fîmulax Pvxeili 1îîg las-t Sattircla fenici. un ais' iîm'iidcd Mi.. Poît", Fai i-îiss.' -c v Lr . W i-erbeit. Dais-i ats7 a. s xgutti speaker A ihe!- ai iiix i'a u srsi-eal Shi1ci.î Stîtrîs', afieci ioi S Ili 1I 0îh uhotu, iîider'11iedietîiîonfo Nît s. \'fstiiîueser, p r oc- vIe cd Mur. andsciMus.('i fln d Ho'] Aliî I luih Reici'- Alu-. GCeurge Sîîî :i a'!d 15 i 't'Settws ui assxxflhMu aii. h-Peint Faricîs.. AVi. i X'llta'iis. 'ui.ah NI:. andîch . "E, hi , 'I'- 'th. -ict -'tsi' xxekeicia: : aiil Allus. H o \ss a r dI Qilamii tIIEIi:ýabot:iilIe. sue: ep St id-, g-tic.-is ai, Nu . Earu Re éi c. b 'îî >îî 'ts Nu ilîci id Beitlah llatlnx"-l se decii: mîtmLjestl7, ai M .W Nur aiîsci Mus. Geîî o iKti- ln>iic tuai. Netsc'astle, x'ere t s Ir. !oi les' Robiný M. WXiî, eus . Mr. mccl - ':s. L.awrtcte Ss'veîx -Oshi- awsa, ai Mr. Riisçell Saxci's. Mu. anmd Mus. Sici HaIloxveII i', C'st1ili, Sndav. The annual Hallowe'en par- Marie Dow-ney: Best, dresed Mo' Ivr' : B e t dressed puiblic schoot boy. lst oncue , tof Shaw's communlitv %vas Rdi,2dMk ryemr.C> lLx icO nn '. held ai the school on F iida- Characî- cn uMi e r girl- . s i ni c-,W-l .'ru 2 night. E. R. Lovekin %vas the Maulene Do\\-nex . 2ndCaso S :e ii.> cil:' efficient m aster of cere mnon- Lovekin: Characîci ceos-uilic. ox e . c' ix l. I ¶ W es for the evening's festi\i bos. Ist Glenn RabhU. 2 d M l: h i :ic ae Eric Patterson: yMosl oriuin al! N c'.i:,ix'. ,Ie il n ties, and with Mus. Otto Bragg costumje. Mus. MRbi:Cm playing livei 'v mai-ch tunes on ic coszttm. ide l. 1 Riso,-'~'i î the piano those in Costumne. Diinkle. '2nd We,: du , r::'ci\ .:-si paraded betore the judges Colmiec ostumne. adu'ls.M I x - cIibii' wvho %vere Mrs. George àAllIin'John Killeeti and M : oi -:.e b' M s and 'Mus. E. C. Woodland ()Seling N-. \'.ix" N ew castle. and ui H a xm an, BCru d m nr es i d e s d maî u ' ic B0w man xi le. cvemn eidesd1mn v lulaii'jS *The Caniadien Statesnian. ifai~ie fît Thevie ofu "or n-: timnes, displaying clever ideaz. wxere jîidged as wxiiîiers in the following classes. Bezt, dressed girl. pî-e-school age.~ Brenda Brock: Best dressed I bo.v, pre-school age, Rickv i Lovekin: Best dressed public schooI girl. lst Kathv Lox-ekiii. 2nd Cindy Loti As-uc 3rd Aînim G. E. "TED" SPENCELEY Rx.l. 2, BETI.*NY. ONT, PH-ONE BETlI.NV U1 I -]EXCELSIOR LIFE C'entral O4ntario lBrîaic any WITTNAUER Holido An, eiegarit gi........ $49.9t Diplemet AIJ-Proof, bioneeît... ...... $59,9i5 Momtaid Ail Proof-............... .. -$59 95 £leatre'Ckn ofeetu.,. 9 Countest Cold'filied, broceiet,...- $85MO Wittnauer watches Irom $39,95 HOOPER'S Jewellery& Gift Shop !9 K~ing St. E. Bwa~iI AUTHORIZED .JEWEL.ER MNNE Y AVAII.ABIF FOR NORTGAGES JONES & GREER RAI.PH 8. JONES THO'MAS H. GREER 130 King Si. E. Oshawa fruits and Vegefables - Arriving Fresh Daily New Crop, Curly Leaf, Trimmed and, No. 1 Graci SPINACH 2I.:;:bes2 9C i COOD NAMES, when consideri Wh(!n iîL "M 1 SHAW'S JUISL holds