3 The Canadian t Itteoran meowmanville, . 31,11821 SPORTropucsef By Frank Mlohun MA »è-7234 Junior "B" Squad PIay Firsi Home Came on Sunday Rural Bowlin Teani Standing,- PIC-O-MATS MIEET N.H.L. OLD-TEIMERS After bcuwing Io Lakeshote Bruies ie an pxnîbîtîori tilt, Bowmanviile Pic-O-Mats wil face an even sterner !est, this Thursday night. Bowmanville wiIl play' bost to the, N.H.L. Old-Tiniers jn their home debut at. eight o'clock. The Old-Timers include Wally Stanowski, Hank Goid. iip. Jac'k Hamilton, Herb Cain and of more rent vintage .1ohn H-enderson, Hîîgh Bolton, Ivan Jrwin. 'Rags' Raglan.j JIohn MrCormack, Sid Smith, Cal Gardner. Guis Bodnar., Harry Watson, Ron Hurst, Eric Pogue and Tod Sloan. It is certain that most of the ex-N.H.L.ers wiJl bc in' lhe line-up Thursday for the game sponsored by the Bow-i mnanx'iIle Kiwanis Club. Nol only can you see ypîîrj favourites of the past but« vou wili be able to assist the, Kiwanis in theiî' projects, chiefly (at this lime of vear-) theý Santa Claus Parade.i It will be a busy week for the Pic-O-Mats, haviegi played Tuesday at, Dixie and with the regular season openeri here Suinday afternoon. Weston, touted as the Metro Leaguie a top club. will meet the local Junior "Bs al 3:15 p.m. Sev- eral O.H.A. dignitaries, î'epresentatives of the other IeagueI teams and Niayor Ivan Hobbs xill take part in the opeiling <eremodies. The fans w0'l wvaelt to hc in theur scats eariy tei sec Bo\xx'manvlles excellent Legion Pipe Bland perfoî'm. statting, al, 2:45. SNUFFY SEZ. . . Seth 'Snufty" Hunt, president of the Men s Town Softbail League lor the past season, b~as asked tiuis scribe Io coney bis thanks '10 the executive, sponsors, managers. players, other helpers and the fans for their co-operation and supýort during the 1962 schedule.' Tbanks 'Snuffy' for (ha). excellent banquet and dance,' 'Saturday rîighi. 347 BIG GAME A tip of the hat tri 14-Xear-old Robin Vrtue v"hol r-t-AeA up a big 347 game at Liberty Bowl. Saturda',' morning. Chbristine Sametîs, a 12-year-old, notched a 250 singlc.1 Fatheî' Al! better watch ouiv 'i i -i. t WVELL, WHAT DO YOU KNOW? Facing certain defeal, the Argos managed Io cnvincc Ottawa te play Argonaut style in the final two minutes. Sun- dlay. Wby uoulde't %e have seen a game lîke that? Ar way, they'll probably turn in a real dandy against Mortreai, Saturday --- anA we mean bad Se w e'e "C o ie 7icb il eoe 15I'k.i jýi -il iiis. a cu ci A. \'. iiiî ü Bsi l op1h bu 1 CroIxilig t Se hee"ooi* Glhis cre 5points Siinday sick- az.ýinlg udt t e. riijd tl!iw i iuniuiteni marl. Lacur- a;nA îoared about 70 yards to set up the v. inning T.'D. in the Bu..tlnlcPie-O-Maits uic'- <'ut 21 liai uu- c.ugaïi') dying rminutes, but. rh ppig thc Io.il x'îh11-h3oeiutiîglis sec- t 't T ay nighî. Il xx as ll t ho tîr ex- '['iiie u îa jIs i ti)minutes. INEMDAEPRACTICE ?Iibition appc'uuaur- o forî' uicandillu.î' 'uund.; ga%-('Lake-: INTEMEDA'T ui'." Ylv urneul .j 1 3-iiui 'B v ini euuiLîuîg --2 bul ge Was down to the Areria Sunday niglit ai; Coacîli .b h 'lii'Bcr'.' vc sCurrAtIii 'Samnbo" Smith put the Shamrocks tbrough a two-hour Fui1(lu ticulx - huit tii Bruýi l- - Iai iiun Italiv ut 1. tas ucou m fronit , blie It-t i t ' 'Co1iul i crîr. l. ]Papu' woîk-out. Didn't stav long enough to get the names of the gaine xxa-r a rrinicue 'olA ai.A Uir"d'tIt i re atil8:35 anii newcomners, but Sunday onJy a couple Iooked as though theyiaddeci aiother a rotl cut iii- ('aik îaua paiclr ai.9:4') night heip. Dean West '.as the lrie Orono player out, along;iles- laici'. Mouore niadne . 3-0il 1 -) :)à suc-01ri1 i't'i with holdovers - Preston, Marjerrison, Crossey, Sheridan,1 a 18 Polard TeryMasters, Ted Fairey, Mantle anA Vanstone.:!Loca 18 Hockey Ilso eut to practise was Gary Bagriell who played his Minor, 'ockey in towmanville. For Farnily Needs PL-AN TrHROUGH SUN LIFE 0F CANADA Retiremerd Fu.nds WVith a Sun Lif e Endowmenu. Plan, ample funds cari be made availabie at your retirement. To diseuss this and other needs, . ali BANNER PASSANT MA 3.3258 14 Rehder Ave., Bowinanville SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA MEMORIAL ARENA BOWMANVILLE Telephone MA 3-5728 THURSDAY, NOV. lst HOCKEY 8:00 p.ni. N. H. L. OLDTIMERS vs. JUNIOR "B" PIC - O - MATS ,%DiMISSION Aduits $1.00 Children 50e FRIDAY - SATURDAY, NOV. 2 - 3 PUBLIC SKATING 8 - 10 P.mli SUNDAYI NOV. 4th HOCKEY 3:15 p.n. M'ETRO JUNIOR "B" LEAGUE WESTON DUKES VS. BOWMANVILLE PIC O.0 MATS ADMISSION Aduits 75c - Students 50c - Children 25c Sun., Nov. 4- PUBLIC SKATING 8 10 p.ni. WEDNESDAY. NOVMMER 7tb CHILDREN'S SKATING 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. Hornets Shut Ouf Cornets Win Third ganie oîf1th e a-ouî uîîici (bu- 'i-iî(I. Cornets macle it 1)>'i'siaigbit, inlîh' - .. iju-e1(tc uLocal 189 league pîcu' ,Sci'- euciî uîilit' ('Cornes u '(la)' noruiiig.11 bu t tiittu gaine an ire ( ie t ThFli irst gani-etftIl'e <oi;- foi' lut' twe rins î.' i'i lul- hIle -bull \vxas t'utr c ". a Ild o c' "un h fb\. Jimn Slr-Kilught goal le1 ccli eg battle bu-tv.cea J Iii.. ut i )lu\ v 1,xi' bi'othcu',, Cît'andfVileu-Vaiut- i Buini , Mu" ead nu 7:1,5 but. Bill stoni . The' îeanis dcled oul suorsles ternis for- 22 nru anA 2:3 Seconducs behe f lulr, pla. îc CGrîgu' Huatb lfl-Tcleen i g the puck jas inuîVu.e \'aiit.-luî' xxhii leatienijupii in li',ii' Bîî Shî-rioil ui xho riînî xil' c Boy s thu shîit gui \vas r((ilterii t i '1 ' la ). di , tire gotal. i'un, I . (L k, :;, i".Bea'.- liard,i-Aemeiuîcutheu'rigglu ig tlU anA a haîfi li iiI Citc iter lil 'I iarn Standings give flhc- Horuiets tIici- i r,, P-1cpou 9 iviii torthe .-oLilig suaso .('ii t i C ailcîii 2 5 Vaustone tucrîterine a ci't JOs" uai' <'udrt riitgoal tii iuu nu B. oiîllx'A1- sbctout. T «i t lh.îîî 1 -il Tieul auu'. ;il'uil goi iî l ii 1 ) . ij t Ille vnn i .,tIi i 'la '1 k li "îi V ii'tilt, ;. Io plax . Tr'uc uîcî'ua" ' i 1-diîit2 t B. ICui11le Coinuts a ce oibchliî -jP iO ' 27 S Cke 7-6 xiii oxu'r (lhe Biciui. Ai- ":1U. .1. (2,lni J1... Ckr,2014 ici' the f'i'stpinrfr-1s 1,1u1 pi i ji)'o ' r Itic : P P'e î' t-c tht e uuuiug. the Bruiîs luiiîi 37, 2ii ..Cie :, 23G), the Icau l ot uir. si-jaiaie ouva-1p. w c ie.fîialil 'rabbiiiil ci6-4 buIgý -as ftic-Corniets appe:lte- c'A he-ncid r t'i liîir i' î't setl- huicI. IDanGi iI)Ii îiiked 1hli t-lt.aî G28 28.Faii'i S gol '- ' the c qual t ':tu('. un .5,,( rixe îîîîîuutr lui,;t andir a g:"l iý' < "Night-hawks' 1. l'ckiaIl F. Allenu %V. 1 Pu N o i'1 G. Rcoigv V. SAue N. Scotti .1. Parkuf' 3 Fc zit'fil V. R->i lr Ni.gl 1."ut ilhi' 533 . 'ai te' 169 lii' i (31 i î;.î i .1-i j.':' I .1 I (5) 14:î I 1'1 14 I 48 148 il, t 4' hi. 'il ('.4 122 23 :5.1 12; 122 121 il 'i (Si 1' lui" 2 I 2-i. will be '\eston Dukes. Pî'îces xviii be 75c for adul'ts,! 50e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h fersltanndin.-se fr-ehidu-n. evncen-b Bonanville plavers on the team are Nelson Yen, fTev tcidng ernafIeed en- left. and Alex Wieargt asi ThuriýsdaNs action at Lib-! -Photos by Behder c rty Bowî 1But the ieadingý Padrup. et 5-9 by 'the 0f- ;11F OWLIN fx e pointis. Machi ne Shop kep:ý eb to i t .October paucire.dfeatileg Hose 5-2, while N o. 4 PR.Westlake .7a 7-0 \'corv Ox'ethe last Tiý winrs cdc ou, .r- 3 1H. Snovw'den tAnelos enabledl the Fanl markers irdnjethe finul 7 R. Broo-k. Beits te dra\v exce xvitb the lseosoil, as Del Pape notchec; 5 S. Hum aor or enaed e bis second. and Clark made P. 2 B. Kunkel ' .îhOfc eviieo - oui' lot. thle iîgbt.rapping lin I1J. Baker 24 ceion exerLed Ps. anothr pai o quiekies, a 6 E. King ont o vrCmie m'iniute anîd two seconds apar;. ô C. Schlv C aiy s vnd Tîer Caedbaues Joiues fired tihe other Bruins' î~as -xa obxie goalt niI uî pltheruiniig. a iîelnt nieat - in hd Jou1 LuxtIie -cattered th,, ',Blic w .crn 1 a îpieeet- r idg j uIfý-raku p l is for a Ô32 triple best of ']il J .leaeo jila s ceg anpertd re uli i a;t a he rigiht. xxhile other top Io-: i ii th sae ederas îared. ifpi'ssive 841 ti ple on ai .tis xxeeberng recorded by c)f.11(J.269 an Y12.'rî t)Dil (e - 01. Jim MurphNy-. night. le pare the Mix d lLua- '(.91, Jack Bond-- 670), 3Waiter urs. EHuroid Beieett vas 11w Gclocle 660,BiAl1 Iloirýoydi- pick Of the men i wîtI a h uI týil a 0 'id Ted '«ice 64.5 rrliplh eor7011. wile hE, ikp Pu- 'i ~jTice roileci up a 314 cf- R ai e s .eet and Joe Nýowlan tied at fort Ie rapt ure high si ngle R a i er 1262 lor- high sinegle non us, honoiurs. foilowed b)' Johl Bob Gîanx'ilie camne up with Luxtoi _.310.ý Bob -Hateiv a 698 total. followed b 'Heoiýt" 27,5. Bih ll IuA 26.W Palmner 67 1. Eltoîî l3rock -- 1 or Gotîdu '6.RayWestlake- II IV Y 663, Cee \Iîtoî 642. Il ilcta 213 Ted Clnrk-s .1262. fini ilu R wBiock -630. Ket liito1ipi 2611. Farewell Biack- Un ~ ~ ~ G ve.eeîtisor 14. huENow lai, 6(1 e on 29Don Oke 253 t'esor " rank Wright 602. ned IlAiati 2,54. ,îuî i C i ald 'iaiik' ane il c i topisingles weili 'aînStantdings J0!ri Cuîîi, tnd Bruis îe]-frontBobl)1 ianiix'i- 2601, 251: *I ap irs ýic ii te r isi frnPalieiur _25 :-, 46.i IlaruiA îi d'.t s. buit F&ui.'o' and Bob Abbots raille bar k lo kiiol thle coiniat Beneiet t - 26o1.*2235. i-HI an sho 4-4, iie Clark:e eoiierîecl Broc'-_258. 2141: Vi ro iut Laci Press 3 9 .Lns >ucîmud taliy and Bill Lyle 5".22:KenîLuxlc)e 248 Laberaiot 7 39 iade i6-1 Hilda Brnck- 242 Gord Wil- Office 312 c' *' x 224.Cee .iîtteîu 2 39, lTîgers :3 i 2 1, Jim 'o2-19. F1-i-n ~Conus 3 I W'îglî 21. Jî n Thcîmjxee o Prcess2 2-11, Nol-i) R ur 221. o1 Bow ling AI [obb «I 7Helen Sh d orhiîe20 -ie 65. \ili' ? Bruitedgedi eague-Ieaiieg B-i leenage G irspud (Grant 7-01, laî:îg over til i rteîîdO Pie u'i it C iOtariole [hcos ik 'i Ak , \aitone i.iiil.riijispo(t ulilv foli i olil*5trieatn - z 1n i 2. lUlî i ild 5 .Pae-1back ef thc leader s.Kceoelg usta hvîrîl i,( Ieleruric geîiein o icr iîdth fmoilyeOx Ete-inete coutrol. Th is systern, Tlrain Standings (ir î-0 and E]toîi Brk oclown- ofîcis x ast eeoiines wlipli lia i 2 e HiIdaBi ck 2 e abatIstations aie iocated in te JiiuiÀl - iel ei 2) Uude.ipited ri csii )îtiliuji,îuir 18oft fi(" lowv x spot i ch;' [lai]~~ .5o~ -2 (oSlr Uc) k ;Aveî'ages in Sglce H. Vaisisee 0* Elulier 2 'i, 'u2 S. B3,l11i-218. Mý Yeo N. Uiou'rkc'2t 20 I . Pauenc -13. S. Ga'.' 201, B. Gia11x île21 S .\I lu.'.cî v 210. 22: G. Elliot t21 S lo i 1.'2 ,V. Prout 20(4 l i pic Fi, Vanstoie Il. Beettl 2031o ~ a 605. S .\llnwca 3 52, .1. Newian 20P Junior Boys FI. Palmer2(1 '2~ ~ ~~~~~~W Gc~2-W sn2 dod \.(ralit W~i -L i lsoii 2. dHod- i lc1 W) K. Lîixton 11 Tem tadigs C. \IutteIît19 7 Eî.îisi F. Praicx 1v1!': Ncead 18 F. writ n) We are pleased t 1 t D. PerfeciI 1 Ni ~îDu niI r 8 . ('ileî,~ beyond ail expec i..i~ o ~ G. Wileîix 2 ilgi Sige 1.MLDeaî WeArtSep 85 outstanding trad JPll nLIllllgam l16.3, N.A. Lebh I 1Our12 E i c ) 1 (1162,M. W; 1 ox 17 7Se Ou S j~ hDîîUlîe J "APOe 'latt ïHarrison 1.7 all 2I.1). Edînoiidsol 303, TE. Bronieli 1 ,'; NRîî-Iîcmds320. R. G4rant 172 1961 J1unior (.irls J1. BrLeet 1 S : .îulîiia') B. Lobb 17 1 Faei . CcxN 17 il MORRIS s e 1 .0. Mas1clu D.Braiex v 2 iuuil î\âl wî. nlacii n leam S~tatidiingN A.Sien> \lîhelknit 1 ~ lelii-îîu167STATION a t v Ni i 1tonW'AGON Hatî e D B .l il tonfil s~.îî~ . î M.N O laut 6IJ mactulate GocîAL - M Hi cîson 15)condition. BR\T:trc2 1.t) 1îi iigle C. Sarnell.. VO'Rourke ltS PE ('IA1,0 F B. . B Brille 162.. lciisi .,J3. N. Gouîlci 287 '1 \caî~i 5 Bantani G(ns . ),VSi sia ll 11u t» xxc 5 - Gooiwîr 0. Bur- .1 Cox 169 5 Ecnoiiel(,B o i! ' R . 2.Jcje eu14, Ta' G. Wriglit 14-1 'reani Standings B. Charles 14 -1 B c ru -2j) Aurray Wintiaîo(tt li ] 7 dei 1 . Lcxîiati142 actiRO BSO N j"'L oilwî i 1.7 . Lirim Wneaot1 Iýion îî 1ilT. Bennett 4 T;ie 4 P Prouiti' W. (4urî~lî~î -,N. (Haiîiile'1 D. Palmner liId BLICK - PO(NTIAC iuOSingle -J. BromnehilM. Welsh 133 19., W. Lew-is 180. M.I Perfect 1 26i 166 KING ST. E. [Hiu<li Double J. Broneii H. Schîl I ' :";: i3 1, 1., 1xzi ::17 ' .Tb nouI u JMen's Ma I Elarry Gav and MelBrgs wxon the top bonors W'ednies- 'day nighit with Gay baving the Ii hgh single game of 326, Burgess taking the triple prize iwîth -149. 1Hap Palmier xvas the onl 'v cîtheu' bowicr te bit 300 or * hetici'. Hap had :309. Les Srnaie followxed Mel Flurgess - with 722. Jack Gay bit 71,5, J-arry Gay' 713 and Norin Henning -7b2. Alex Wisemnan liad the iov-, etsingle score, 90. Harrv iAkelv made 96.,John Cariter*l 1(13. Bud Hennîng 112 ainA .ini ig 'astle 113. Three bowiers tieA for the low'. triple. Aiex WVise- ,-is.iAkex' nad 408. UIiit Jilacku 438:. Eneîikul eîu r. 13 Garfield Clarke 4,39 and BuA M-apie Grove 12 uHeningi, 441. .Blaekstock Aiy(bte soli!]a Ale Cate EeniSkilleiî int. tý LA Ltiuenbur-g is thie 'ex 1-ianpton 7 ieader in the ax'erages .'.ît Salem i 6 '29 foi- 18 games. George T) rouie 5,Elliiett, last. xxeek's top mnt, Ili,-I Sinugle aniA Triple- box'.leA 472 allé!toppled frorn T'. McLaughlin 334, R. Twis-tltuie top rciig to fiftb pusiticue. 529 Rus alîrnan anîd Russ Oke' Louxx single au rpe C.!are tied for the rcieur-uip Russell 73, K. Shackleton 289, position. Both box'.'ers ai-e Averages over 180 laveraging 222. Nanie G. Ave. l'le CoN-an Equiprniîî teur Tý .-Laibl 15 21 s 3 garnes anA te..-aic D. Baiiey -13 2 îuonly 1 point abenad ot the eth- H. ïMcLaughiin 138 '2081 hem tearns. iîarnely Stc'phee R. Tw..ist 18 20)O Fuels. Pepsi Cola a'nd Kuanp's K. Yeun 18 199,Furniture. aIl with Il points. Ce-cil Mîlîs 18 1961 Sorne good garnus recorced J. Sîr-mon, 18 9_1 this '.xeek xxere Le's Srnale 299, 1). Revulicis 18 19 4 No rinH c ilieilp,27ô23,S i T re'.'. ili J. Me1Lemue J3 90 j fank Janzen 269, Elton Bmoek K. RîGill 17 19(0 "61, Don Oke 251. Russ Hall- N. Baile)1199 an 276, Jack Gav 28.5, Sit B. NieDonald 18 187 iCrago 262. Ed. Leslie 293. Mel J. Venueg 18 i84 Bugs 27 e Nex'.lai 2G1, John Coornbes 181 Don Bagneil 252, Ed Lcigteiu- 1). T'aylor 18 181 burg 266. G. Becket1 9 181 - ----- Standings End of f6tb Wrek First Sehiedule GOODYEAR 'eani W L Pts. BO LI G Stcphen F uels 11 7 il FINE QUALIT1Y MtONUMENTS AND 1IARKERS 1 OF STAFFORD BROS. LTD. Stafford Brothers Monuments Box 133 318 Dunidas St. E. lihitby Phone IlVhitby tMiOhawkl8-3.551. ijor League Peusi Cola Krarnp's Furniture Lander Hardware Libert,\ Bovvl Beaver Lumber Ken's Mes Xar Jury & Loveli Nels. Osborne lis. Selb v Grant Heat. Fu'ank*S Vaiit. Averages EA LLuiteirg Russ Halimni .Russ Oke Rap Palmner George Ellioli Les Snmaiu Dr. Hl. Boniile Elipn Bi'ock Jack Gay Bert Engiey Harold Beenîtt Teci Bagneli Jlack Bond Ross. Wright Hank .Janzen Ed Leslie Bill Heai'lc Har"v Ga v GereStcphcin Bob Glanv.ihlc .Jaek Parker Dave ckigt Joe Nowxlan It's ou pleasure to serve the best IVe take p ride in liig ui to our rep)iclation for stuperior foods, expertlv i>rc)a red a nd gr.iciotisl- served. I>ine here ofteuî, and enjov the height of h ospi tati iiy. OLYMPIA RESTAURANT King st. E. i I HOCKEY N.H.L. OLD TIMERS PIC-O-MATS BOWMANVILÀ- JR. B's Thu rs., N ov. 1lst 8 î>'lo<'k Aduits -Si.of ('hildrvil - Soc SponsoredJ li BOWMAN\TILLE KI\VANIS CLUB :o say that sales of 1963 models are ýtations ... therefore we have some le-in used cars comning in daily 1 ;alesmen for Furiher Details ! 1958 MERCURY "MýON'rEîItEv" 4-DR. SEDAN Automatic. pover steer- ing and brakes, radio, white wîaIJs, stluel dises. Blue and lWhite l'erv ('Iran insidî' and outi $995 MOTORS Limited J. MciMECIIAN, I>resideni -ACADIAN - VAL XFALL - GMC PIIONE M.-X :3-3396 k 10 9 > 9 9 9 2 2t 21 217 '10 209 209 '203 208 20R 207 207 205 204 204 204 FOR THE HUNTER!1 BOOTS Greb Leather INSU L.TED BOOT'S $22-95 Kaufman Leather INSI'LATED BOOTS Rubber INSI'LATED 130OTS 10.95 - 13.95 Lloyd EllS Shoes 19KNG ST R EET % V. BUll hAN VILLE 1958 BUICK 2-I)(MOU HARDTOP Automatie, radio. %%hile %valls, wheel (lises. Blue and lWhite Local. one owvr auîtomîobile. Immaculate condition BOWMA NVILLE X:--Iký~ 1- Und AI tu-manai) aene o<if :.c'vi cî ,Bu]xr î vvil] îeluîn ici Lflini' hocke lrankati S SUidav afier-- nuion w.hen the fexl, oî-rneci J un iII! "B" Pie - 0) - Mats Wii11 plav 't beir !iî-sî SChedud LuLîn» gOM il rithe Nlernoiîs Arenra. sI artn g, at : The. 1(1 i[i (ii iclts Pic-O- ats LùOse Exh e] ole, 1