$19t087.89 SI Owing IThe Canadian Statesman, Bom ,Approx. 78,ý'o Current Taxes _ etrt )wmanvllle, Nov. 14, 1962 i Godn ge, dtothin te cSior r .1, ,,The Newastlegndepeent eiv a nvt ii Gordon Agnew, Edilor Phono 3621_ H ve B en P i S yNCeeco wcastle, Ontario. aogwt ayohrc'i [1 H v e n P e a sDear Edîtor, a ay an cînc The following wreaths were Newcastle - Tax collector geon sald $36,343,77 had been.___ I have thought a grEatda aebe o ay then laid: Fnank B. Pidgeon in a report!,paid in the June instalment' ate n habotvenore t hs îcevoio h ~ns Province of Ontaro- Mrs. to the November meeting of leavîng a balance of $7,417.14 en ta hFl oncuis: (1) Childne romSmpermn ne u Large Crow ds P resent forSam Powell; Village of New- the village council announ-;and in the October instalment sdhmsh castle - Mrs. J. E. Belsey; cedi that current 1962 taxes '$32,087.78 had been coilected jneed roa h tet.Thyarpiad Cifw r Weyrich Wood Specialties - collected up to November lOth laig aane0 $l60 2fnd tc omnhonsitnr hbeord- sspne lcn R enien branc Serv ce onIrvine McCullough;Bor of amoulited to $68.43 1.55 or ap.. on this instalmenîî or attlNeàarin o bcs$thoe.0r Education - George Chard, proximately 78% of the cur- 'balance of $19,087.89. be oe Rem embalancervi euonstandingFamThe JNo emb rrntmoetingaviofa blancehilInnen kighof dostontngai-. Easybesentenceofs2) Chldrenwho d dra;Cak ihSchool- some $19,087.89. Mn. Pidgeon tax arnears. Mn. Pidgeon saîd the Cenotaph Committee Was tend chunch and Sna anrsetfrfi asa~ Bob B&rown. said he believed this was he had collected somre $10,- held in the community hall school regularly accotfo.teou.Frqe ffdr Su d y n (o m niy H a ldr mi nktes frsetu lgtymoeta vrg s7050o 5 ftetxsot-oasnsa vnn it is ftedlnun Su d y 'o o m n t a land prayerful silence followed, a numben of taxpayens always standing on December 31 the Chairman D. G. Wallon !(3) Most delinquentsfgre aretybieeihTomiue ofesetusihtymrtanveaes70.0n450fheaxsu-onWdsay veng vih otoftediqecywilepctnhngutor broken only by the sounding leave their tax bills until the 1961. Mn. Pidgeon said he was presiding. Fred Couch gave a the world owes them a lvn om ftewoecîn Newcastle- On Sunay, N. Noen. E. A P. Leonel Bowenof the Last Post and Reveille. end of the year before mak- quite pleased with the ne- report of the necent Stag con- and cntertaîniment, (Theylv woîdb erveoi i h Nv.atltte -an na mi-N. Gome, GE. A. oulson,P.LoelBwn1 Rev. Dewdney offered the ing payment. sults to date as the collection ducted by the conmmittee show- in the best country in h uue No. 1hth nnalAmi- .Gome . .Howand, A. 1939 - 45: Cecil Bruton, Non- prayers after which the hymn Breaking it clown, Mr. Pid- method being used is a slow ing a dlean profit of $180.61 world today, what moren ud~teOI'P h~ tice Service was held in the B. Bloom. man Bruton, Alfred Waddell, O0 God of Love, O King of (but sure) method and saîd and Mn. Couch wvas commend- theyashveaarjo tee lV Comnt a iha\o- 1939 - 45: Murray Butler, Joe Goldstink, John Grady, Peace" was sung followed by that by this lime riext year, cd for the fine job Of onganiz- (4) Thene is need forra derfulatenattendanceY.AfredMAAlldread, n Bro Maynardrd lClough dneyMSidneySaveMon-ueeQueen.niycifnheinuediscoStag., itohekno dnc orthcane.iti an sevrt e ru friends, neighbouns and famn- Kanea: J. E. Belsey. gaJc BrieGlrt Terosf pisanth the state of the outstanding In the conespondence con- curb offences -easy mehd hlnnae.Iansr fî ilies of the boys who had paid Township of Clarke, 1914- Dent, George Forbes, Sebent crosses flanking il were placed wi a tax anrears should e n a sidered was an estmate ne- !have not worked. thesupem sariiceinthe 18: D.C. Law, F. W. Gbson, Hall, Milton Morton, Sidney there ini respectful memory _ more reasonable condition. ceived fromteOhw o- Ihv odrdaot~plc vr akdu yh' ,ars gathered to pay reverent Leyland Hooper, Lewis Spry, Reid, George Rolph, Donald for those who died, by the Newcastle- Following are To Met PoieMrent Co., making two bids nole of the O.P.P. be il eeycudcryotterdte respect to their memony. Roland White, Sam Glan'vîlle, Powell. businessmen of the village._ the high scorens iin the van- TAM- etPoliceneceived but no action iva3 10 give out traffie tickets emc etr Reeve ougla Cunnigham ous lagues n thecommuity c special meeting was ua- taken on letting the job. it just to sit in a cruiserntllabbeon ReeDulsCniga ,s,,unthycdfor WdSomethingon Itwa rprtd h con4ucted the service with the 5 bowling lanes for the weekWdesa afroo Ilaseprdth sign called? (While laws arebenaoudeiunc.Teaor- Who read the Scipture, Psam MoIn4r~:f ndg Laiesovembe guoh.when membwihfiers of theuni posed Cenotaph was completed1 If that is the ole- I adlwaiigci- 124, and Rev. D. R. DewdneyWr d R e o n d p a e (200 and over) F. QuantrlOnaPovniilPoieioce1anid would be installedi in its xve are in a terrible situto!pys Who offened the Prayens. 231, M. Winters 220, V. Parker l todîscuss the village contracti place on Friday (it was). Ac- Why are police someie ensoldnthvet u' Just befone the service be- 2 ,.I j 18, E. Dost 215, R. Couch 214, . ftepoicewd delinquents.tngto$3.heitntaou efoc gan the Bnownies, the Guides, io isE. Perrin 209, L. Farro\v 201' out ,ost what general polie- xvene ondered paid and the sec- Be it because of the laws o the Cubs nd the Souts, wih"Wthe Avillageo smelus.1Tnetary Sam LBreretonngreadhethclbecauses.ofettheSacourtsonWhen AheConcennedofCitcourts their leaders, paraded into thel (225 and over> L. Hlighfield Cuii nmesse obito donations to date as: e au. 247 G. Grrod237, . G n agreement that OPP polie- ýlisted below: hall and took their place near A47 . arMU13,B.RER ý i fivile 23, E Schid 79. ing is good for the village as the rt ofhehall. vi5llen i ' r ci y , , ,, 2350anE r) Bd2. Mra 0b aylasta ed Poed fro Sg181- 2MLK Itwspesigt e 1 t n i er a y N g tWednesday Ladies' League fan as it goes, but thene seemsDnaios2 AWAKE mnany vetenans in attendance. -(00ad1 e . og nf b oin th s tat nee t o eds rm Ad 10.1 These men manched in behind 256, E. MVeadows 251, G. Couch'nocn htd' se t ir AaNwatl$1.0l N G T th hlrnsgop n ook Neucasle- The commitîc.e Born in Eliabeth, New Jen-! member of Canadian delega- '234, R. Couch 224. corne unden the police con- lHerbent Gibson, Newcastle' their rightful places at the, in charge of the Lions Club sey In 1908, Mn. Jone ecî- lions 1 ol rohrod Teenage League---(175 andt ra, even fth iage forden Hl lx250CaRnuelMP front of the hall. 11h anniversarv Charter din- ed hýs B.A. from the Wesleyan1 Conferences in Paris, France, lover) J. Baskerville 322, R. eneal olipneofthevilage GadenHii $300 Rusel C 8,hsMA Busl adBlimadwsGod20 .Rda 3, Thene was very littie of Honey, MP Port Hope $10.00; MayeleeeremoîaodHlh knysferoinsd Mns. John Garnod xvas the nerandac 0b ednUnvsiyi198hsM..BuesadBlgm and wasce'Good 260, D. Rodman 238in,19 B. newsworthy interest in Mon- Jesse A. Allen. Newcastle night'a reat. They tosam un xes andafo h bod ftc accompanist for the service. the Lions Community Centre !in Boston in 1932 and B.S.T.1 the recipient of the Beth Shol- Tendam 227, J. Chard 225, N.:. day's meeting though a good ý$5,00; Seven-Up Ontario Lim- bed-and then are duli and cteaso onadiprte iyi h The hymo "0 God Our Help 1bi Bowmanville on 'Satunday .(n 1933. He taught Latin and' cm Bnotherhood Award in Gaines 202, B. Heatlie 180., deal of cornent business was ited $20.00; Robent Hicks throghout tedy ytm itre ei ie eln JoAgsPat"ws un ol Ieenng ecmbn8th, have Eng-lish at Athens College,11957. Thursday Mixed League -ru h, Jowed by the reading of the'announced that they have Athens Greece, from 1928 toi1 This man bas literally trav- '(200 and oven> G. Ban tcean aed fy ouncithea1963 5.00;:anryCuhesaaIii Alc hc a e and Roger Si-ltendoelowoIa yo Seipture by Rev. Woodland.:been most fortonate in secur- 1931 and was ordained imb the! elled around the World hav- 289, M. Couch 24 1, B. Ferguson ,ci th sia te o te 1963 85.00; ndree2.0 and RognS-e atox eporaydo'desiel inih-i Reeve Cunningham then read ing the services of that great Ministry of the MethodistJ ing made extensive visits to ail 236, B. Rowe 216. A. Rowe cocl. Wih or nltomiec, edl8.0:Gre bu odtion dahich haven'tthatspright$10.step aI horlth theft before nomination:dapeRiekardeBowmanvidlee$10,00,hur cains1for thevuse os inrIbead youme-uss Dndd'diKgdney ecste11-198W.-bbc Rev. Richard D. Jones, dir- Pastor of Gladstone MethodistiPoland, Latvia, Lithuania andi Thursday Ladies' La ce ommitf the meves wn as-MNeandstleer$500: C. Clanke 62d E. Lockhant, D. M. MeDonad ector of bbe Canadian Counicil for three years and Grace Me- alobIdaehnMxc 10ad(~r .Wlim d whether tbey would seek $10.00. Total collections $292.- D. W. Parker, W. W. Jose, G. of Chistians and Jews. thodist Church, Kearney, N.J., ýand Alaska. During the war, 207, J. Stacey 187, D. Stark n-lcinfr16.6.i _______________________________ for 10 yeans. Mn. Jones served witb the 181. E. Elliott 178, J. Hall 172, elctofr1936. Mn. Jones bas been assoc- Merchant Marine spendîng J. Walkey 163,H. Farrow 157, MUNICIPAL l ference of Chistians and Jews Italy and Soutbern France. Friday Mîxed League-('200' sînce ils inception and he or- There is no doubt about il and over) K. Whitnîey 308, C. H P a d S V t y u S ganized the New Jersey Round a man wbo bas had the ex-! Glanville 250, L.Dyke 247,A. Table of bhe National Confer- peniences listed above will IPearce 240,J. Lewis 235,B. E L E C T IO N ence of Chistians and Jews bave a talk 10 deliver that will Aildnead 217î,P. Rare 213, I and several other Round Tab- certainly be worth beaning. Cunningham .110,M. Henry FriendIy, Neighbourhood Bowmanville IGA Str Public Notice is hereby given that a meeting of les. He was also engaged We understand there are some ý210, E. Langley 207. in speaking tours witb a priest tickets available bo none i. ..................... the Municipal Electors of the and a rabbi. He was appointed members wbicb may be secur- . cilofChrstan an Jwsin ;Newcastle Lions Club, wbîleE en a VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE o h CndanCu- v bruhmebr o bngj WAR SAR 'AD ITH.- November 1947 and was a'tbey last. A HE \R r4n MTTT'r T- A T rl;r AQTTr Is B sy Grou âÀ UU...,J.J.VUI. . J.J.J..l.J.La, I.YV'1J lL on FRIDAY, NOV. 23 1962, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock p.m. for nomina- tion of candidates for the office of Reeve and four Councillors for the ensuing year, three inembers of the Public Scbool Board and one member of the Public Utilities Commission for two years, for the Corporation of the Village of Newcastle, in conformity with provisions of the Municipal Laws of the Province of Ontario. If more than the necessary number of Candidates are nominat- ed (and a poul is required) the proceedings will be adjourned until MONDAY, DEC. 3 1962, when a poll will be opened at 9:00 o'clock in the niorning and continue until 6 o'clock in the afternoon of the samne day and no longer, in each Polling Sub-Division of the Village of Newcastle. And that at said Nomination Meeting Frank B. Pidgeon, Village Clerk, shall be the Returning Of f icer. 0f which ail persons are required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. FRANK B. PIDGEON, Clerk of the Corporation of Newcastle. Socia Weekend visitor and Mrs. John Vou and Mrs. Dudley S. Joanne Sale of Sc Mn. and Mrs. Rc and Mrs. Charles Orono were Sund with Mns. George and boys. Mrs. Howard Toi Pearl Hutcbinson day visiting witb 1X, G. Hutchinson in1 Mn. and Mrs. A knap) and Mrs. Ge attended a Turkey Sbiloh on Wednesd 1Mn. L. Paul assi master on the C.P, a holiday deen hi. week. Wbile be Mn. D. Truelove v job. The Oshawa ,Young People's Un: conducting a servý United Cburch c evenîng at 7:30 te young people of 1hi ity are invited 10 a any othens wbo w: sbip. The Young 1 Sconduct a Fineside1 SPECIAL tow Pmua *ON NATIONAL BRANDS* i.At Your Local Druggist's - Thurs. - Fr.-S5 B3AN DEODORANT -Reg.125 ~'BRYLCREEM -Reg. 79e 6--- ----- liii.Reg. 79c 1"DRISTAN TABSO- Reg. 2.25 LECTRIC SHAVE ------Reg. 80e 1LUSTRE CREME Liquid Shampoo Reg. 1.29 1.C jNOXMMA Skin Cream ------Reg. 1.89- iPEPSODENT Tooth Pse- 5C - 4 PHILLIP'S MiIk of Magnesia- -Reg. 69c5 1PREPARATION "H"i -__Reg. 1.98 i WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEK BOWIMANVILLE NEWCASTLE ICOWLING'S DRUG STORE JOHNSONS DRUG STC ALEX McGREGOR, DRUGS ORONO JURY& LOVELL STUTT'S PHARMAC Newcastle The Evening IewcastIe Branch of St. George's Wo-ý man's AtLxiliary met in the! Parish Hall on Wednesday,1 November 7th, with 19 mem-ý bers in attendance. conducted by the President! s with Mr. Sunday School room followring and the minutes, of the last tt were Mr. the service, meeting were rcad. The trea- ýaleandMis Mrs C.R. ovekn ws asureir gave a report of the re-, ca and Mis Mres. hC. R Love n m acent turkey supper in addition arbrouh. ues attheChrsanheum to the usual report. Mrs. K. y Barrabaîl Tea given by Col. R. S. Mc- Stephenson explained h o w Wood of Laughlin and family on Sat-th e'ryWmnsAxl day visitors urday afternoon in Oshawa. ~eDaeyWmnsAxl *îary is to be rcorganized in E!Crowther Mr. C. Reginald Lovekin was the spring ivith the addition discharged from Memorial of many newr deanery off icers. ms and Mrs. Hospital, Bowmanville, o n The flower ertyalogv spent Sun- Tuesday and has. returned iher report.scrtrasogv Ir. and Mrs. home to complete his recovery: A requisition bas been re- Weston. following a serious illness. ceived by the Branch for cloth- ýrthur Red- iing for a 16-year-oid girl, a, orge Smith pupil at Gordon Indian School.! ydinner a't ELIZABETHVILLE Business arising frorn the ay evening. minutes broughit a hearty vote' stant road- Sunday School was held as Of thanks to the young who R.enjoyed uawihhuhsevcS a helped with the turkey sup-, unig ls aden curhsevce tper. These included Linda was away O h1 Cali, Nancy Simpson. Leslie was on the O Monday evening the 4-H lStephenson, Aif and Jim Ail-0 met at Mrs. Waiker's. They'dread and Stan Cobbledick. Presbytery studied introducing, invta Most of the meeting wasi iion will be tions to ail kinds of parties, spent planning for the Horti- ice in the with table centre demonstra-, cultural Societ-v Ban que t n Sunday lions. On Friday evening the wrhieh the Branch is serving )which ail club met at Mrs. Ken Trew's'at the Community Hall on ie commun- when party planning was November 14th. ttend. Also studied. Il b e i n g Sharon The next meeting on Nov- ish to wor- Trew's birthday, we did a biý!ember 2lst, will be a very, People wili of celebrating and had a nice! busy one combining a Toyi hour in the lunch. The girls made cupiShower, Packing a Bale and cakes. nominating officers for theý * 9iI On Sunday Mrs. Watr onn year. Ihad Mr. and Mrs. Whitbred The Christmas Party which iand the Muldrews, Oshawa, will take place on December1 3S ' also Mrs. C. Beatty and Roy, 5th will conclude activities of ý iBeatty, Toronto, for dinner. ithe Branch until 1963. Finalý I~ 'ljiplans for the party have yet to S Mrs. B. Walker, Haliburton, b made. *~ ~visited with Walkers on Sun.i day and while there along1 with Mrs. Walker and Missý Mary Powell called at Thick- E NFIELD ,~son's. i1 .an l S Mr. Wiibert Fowler, Peter- Murray and Leslie. Oshawa; borough, and the Yarrowr boys,! Misses Linda and Marlene a.iiOshawa, spent a leur days atlHarris. South Monoghan vst' *Fowler's huntîng îast week.* lcd at the E. L. Prescutt home. 8c 'II On Tuesday we had Our Mr. and Mrs. Allen Tavlor: U.C.W. meeting at Mrs. Long- and David visited tie Hart- 'iyear's home. Rev. Wright and man Jamilies at Enterprise. Mrs. Wright were guests. Miss Freda Schocllar, Ba-1 3 C About 15 memnbers attended den, spent a fcw days at the metng r. oar htc r and Mis. Harry Lar-: 9 c I took the devotional as well as mer and Ruth, South Mono- ~' ilthe topic taken from James'ghan- Mr. and Mrs. Neil Smith "<II chapter. The minutes were 1 and fami ly. Columbus; Mrs. R. read and approved. A coin- Griffin visitcd the F. Samis'. mittee was put in to subscribel Miss Beverley Samis spent I for our Obser-vers and church the weekend %vih Miss Mar- for the supper were attended also visited the Royal Wînter 7c ij:to. Mrs. C. Mercer was putiFair. in to purchase bowls for the! Mr. and Nlrs. W. Bowman, church. Lunch was served. ' Eric and Miss Laura, Mr. G. )9 1Mrs. H. Quantrili attended B owman attended a family re- the three-dav convention at union dinner at the home of ~ Ithe Royal Yýork last week ýMr. Everett Dabol, Toronto,' b ~ iSeverai ot the ladies took the Sunday. Thcv were guests at 9I bus trip to Toronto on Thurs-'the unveiling ceremony at the 9C ~day and attended the Women's 'Royal Winter Fair whýen the 'I~ nstitute Convention, portrait of the late James Bowman of Guelph was among iiI Time and goodness dtr hs neld 'mine greatness.-Mary Baker Ms. er. rectR- 8c .111 Eddy.ger and Erin spent Sr C Eddy.ith M.r. and Mrs. David M- Asiilucul il ieLean, Blackstock.DaiMc 11,j1 without injuring eternity! -, Miss Donna Samis conduct- Henr"y David Thoreau. ed the opening cxercîses of Cet Your Price seaz Threvas a drop in ai- RE~ For Your Livestock dutdapbi paigcn thrngband Mrs. Wilfrid Bou-man as' STATESUAN judges. Finst prize ,vas award- cd t Marion Pncscott and C L A S S 1 F 1 E D 8 Boby Grills %-as second. Phone Arket -3303 We are sorny b t learn that Phon MAret 33303 Mns. James Parr is in hospital 1witki a broken hip. We reserve the right to limit quantities. PORK1 LOIN SALE! Loin Roast O' Pork TENDERLOIN PORTION No. 1 Grade - Snowy White Hcads Caulilf lower r55c 19C1 f brida- Indin Rîiver ',ize 48's GRAPEFRUIT 10Ofor 59c Garden Fresh -No. 1 Grade CRISP LETTUCE eachl9c South African Large Size i Valencia ORANGES doz.49c Aylmer Fancy - 20-oz. Tins Aylmer lialves - 15-oz. Tins ToCmato ~F~ Choice F JUICE L '2UC Peaches2139c Aylmer 28-oz. Tins Orange or 2 Fruit - 24-oz. air CoKeio489 IA 29c FROZEN FOOD DEPT. Hospitaljty - Available Green Glant - 2-lb. poly bag Thurs., Fni., Sat. Only Frozen j APPLE PeasorCorn1'I'C PIE 39c Receive $10.00 in Bonus Tapes with INSTANT COFFEE SHOE POLISH IGA 10 oz. jar Esquire Black or Brown - Ecxch Reccive $6.00 in Bonus Tapes %vitlî CAMAY FACIAL SOAP santa specia Ba BLUE CHEER DETERGENT KigFz BRYLCREEM Hairdressing Large Size Receive $4.00 in Bonus Tapes with AYLMER CHOICE PEAS CORN SYRUP WHITE CROSS TISSUE VITA "B" CEREAL No. 1 Grade CARROTS COOKING ONIONS LOIN PORK CHOPS TABLERITE WIENERS 220 oz. 2 Tins Crown iBrand 1'21b. Saille Famil y 4 Pak 36 oz. P kg. 3ib,. Ceilo Bag No. i Grade 3-lb. ceilo Bag Centre Cul Any Pkg. Receive $2.00 in Bonus Tapes with SMALL LINK SAUSA GE Pupl McINTOSH APPLES MARGARINE KRAFT CHEESE ALL PURPOSE FLOUR Golden Dow S lb. Ceilo Sriq ilb. 2 PkqL,. Medium Craui<er Barrot 16 oz. Pkq. rive nes .Ab. Bag EAGLE BRAND MILKTi Aylmer PEAS & CARROTS 2 liinýs Be sure to get your copy of the îîcw Free Gift CHRISTIMAS SUPPLEIMINT lkP1a/YtIfe:6 BOWMANVLLE IGA MARKET - BOWMANVILLE- m