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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1962, p. 12

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12 The Canadien 5tatesmarn, Bownanvllle, Nov. 14, 1192 OBITUARIES FRANCIS HARRINGTON %vile who died Dec. 8, 1941 The eat ocurrd Tes-Surviving relatives are tw The eat ocurrd Tes-daughters. Mýrs. Creelmal day, Oct. 30, 1962, at SouthjAcorn (Edna). NMîscouchc Haven Nursing Home, New- PE.., and Nrs. Gordo castle, of Francis Harrington Brown (Evelvn>, R.R. 3, Col foflowing a lengthy illness. Helbre swl strega was in his 75th year. 'children, Jayne Broivn, Jeai The deceased was born in and Brian Acorn. England. He marrieci the' h oan rse tt former Emmey Johnson Ifl Morris Funeral Chapel. Boy England over 50 years ago. manville. Funcral service ,%- Mr. Harrington lived in held Thursday., Nov. 1. con Toronto for 35 years and was ducted bY Rev. Arnold Herber a mail carrier there until heifS.Jh'AnlcnCuh retired in 1948 and came to: t. Jons Anglin Mounc Bowmnanville. Inesnt C was b M outo H-e was a member of st.Pesn cetrTrno John's Anglican Church, Bow- Palibearers wc%-rp 1Messrs rnanville and a member of the.Harry Dadson. Harry Free War Veterans Masonic Lodge, mnan, Harry Sutton, Aifre( Toronto. Allin, Joe Barton and Ber Mr. Harrington served with!Parker. the Canadian Army during thej Among the Inovel.% flora First World War and was over- tributes was one froni Dîîrhaiy seas for four years. 'Chapter, Order of the Easterr He was predeceased by his Star. 'iB The Industrial Development Bank helps finance most types of small and medium- size Canadian businesses for a variety of purposes. If you are engaged in a business, or plan to start one, and required financing is flot available elsewhere on reasonable ternis an d conditions, you are invited to visit an I.D.B. office or write to one for a booklet. w INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK 22 BRANCH OFFICES ACROSS CANADA Branch Office: TORONTO, 250 UNIVERSITY Telephone 368-1145 AVENUE Get the most from your inisurancec Guaranteed protection end savrx-gs-plus h sp' thp man - 10The Mutual Life &-! ASSURANCO Tt e mpony u a h£ Winners at B H S Hallowe'en Dance Iwhile on a hunting trip in thel Sundridge area. Several eeri w e r e shot in Cartw\ri.glî' Township during open season last week. 14. 3RS. JOHN Fi. MOHUNSA E ail The death of Undine Eulalie; (Intended for last wvce lý e. Mohun, î71, occurred at Strat- Anme rmti 011 gn haven Nursing Homne. Bow- munitv attended the - At j- manville, on Wednesday, Nov- Home" at the Manse. Tvrone,! d- ember 7, 1962, following an . on Saturday and the Thiank- mn i1lness of 22 months. offering Servics n Sunday. Born in the Barbados. neWr sorrv to hear- cf the he tish West Indies, the deceasedde psig fMssDr ,-was the daughter of the late udnwhha borte as Rihardand lizaeth nurse for some -,-ars. n~- She attendcd Public and High Smah setne ole ýrt Scbools in the Barbador. Her aiyndfeds h.lhusband, John Henry Mohun, Miss Marion Buttery and nprodeceased bier several years Mrs. John Kinghorn xx-ere' Jago. cae stsses lasi Friday ex-enirig e- mnvile fom orono adi for a miscellaneous sbower for mdýanvriedfromlTronato and àýMiss Gerda Craig. After Gerda *d bd îside ather ateresi ,iad opened lier many varier1 rt dence, 133 Elgin St., for ap-1 al oeygft h hne" proximately 35 years. Shie EU ws amemer o St Jon'severyone present. The even- AnglcanChucb. rs.Mo-ing was spent in composing a n -un's father was a r-ninistcr, dit uc xa evd and in ber younger s'ears theTh Yun Pope Uin ,adeeatdwas an acrtve andh held itheir regular meeting at ardet wokerfor he hurc. t the church on Sunday evening.- The late Mrs. Mobun is sur-! Mr. and Mrs. HowardFoe- vived by hier son, Frank R. Mapie Grove; Mr. and Mrs. E., Mohun of Bowmanville. Also Foley. Town. Miss Lois Ash- surviving are two sisters, Ir- r ~ton, Enniskillen, wvere Sundav crne Rock. Toronto, and Mrs.' On Hal]o\ve'en night, Bowmanville High School was a colorful spot for guests of Mr. and Mî-s. E. Dorothy Hickey. Palm Beach,! h annua] aqeae Prize winners included, fromn left to rgt Donna Twist. Floisie and SauewockbothWilcox (Elderly Costume),Pen fer (M 'sJd Thertell Ntv) Mrs. Editb Sherwin. Miss, PennylJefery (Mamuel JRdckNative),Bertha Cain,'Orono: Mr. and of the Barbados. Jane Oliver (Man f rornMas and Bill Cobban(Oina Roman).Mr.auec vr 0Ii Among the lovely floral -Ph-)to by Gary MacDougal awa: Mr. and Mrs. L.- Wc .Il tokens were those fromi the' n 3ivwr udi ui ïMetropolitan Life Insurance Sbaxvs Comnumitv, and the by hier husband, Earl C. Fisb- [rs. Hfaîold Beatty. and famils' ofi-r.Sund -ysun-. Cc., and North Ward ncigb- Ontario FHospîtal *Social Ser- er. i Mr. James Harris cf Lind-'Blackbirii. bors. ivice Dept. Mrs. Fisher was a lifetime!say spefli several days witb ýMr. andi Mrs. Gerald Sback- ~~~iThe funeral service was Tbhueaeeriew~bld resident of Newcastle and dis- Marvîn Neý-b1t canl Ted Lon- loton and Mr-. and Mrs. L. Cbal. Brom anvilMcrr o Fun- fîroln thc Morris Funeral Cha- trict, and was an organist andI nard visitîng cibers in the \xil- Welsb attended th(, Durhain dayNovmbe 9. nd iaspel, Bowmanville, on Tues- music teacher for 401 years. lg. Ms.Rbn MCl, et cat Yl-cprv aies l- day ~ ~ ~ ~d, Noveme ,adws a oerber tub, andI was She was a member of New-! ,, Mr. aobcdC ue te\croilsTu- cetondu t bohRev.A conducted vR. A. C. Her- castie United Churcli andI or- Toronto ,-ere recent visitons ecig bx Rex-.hns glcngaito tecurhfr ayi ih 1Mr. and Mrs. John Tam-bli. br of StJohn's Aglin, bort cf'S.JbsAnlcngnito1h cuc o mn ibMr. and Nîrs. H. Lee and Brampton; Mr. and iVrs. ken Cburh. ntement'«a xcCburch. Interment w-as in years. As '«cil, she was an on-!Cliffoîd. On Sundav (o esSaclon ntfaiMr Bowmianville Ccmetery. Buinil oitr. tuisi n audmmeýteL 'hcltnadfriy r Palîbearers wene Mecs ;sr 7. Bx-cvleCmtr. tusatvadvle ebrxisited llowa-rd's other M n r.Grat bclti Raymnd utcinsn, lex Pîllbearcrs. ull grcndsons, cf the various ladies' organ-! !"-e'inBccli.and fMily ere reShceton Camoron, Robert E. Evans, xx-cKav, Paig,-( Max and izations of the church. M.ccarn u aisc d ergueis witb Mn. antI Mi-. James Martin, Norman Wilcox Daix c Lx cctt, Keitli Lamb Shie was the last surviving, 1\1reeadug .Teis cf rmtn oan d guShackiletn Mr. Gon- and Sam Leggott. andI Lny Lamb. member of ber family, bax'- spent Sundav witb bis par- don Sbackleton and BilIv - -ing been predeceased by ber ents Mr. ccd Mrs. Eli Maix-s. '«bei they celebrated Blly;s ~~~ ~~~~ brother, Norman Riekard, anci Normani axsso erfut itdy .NRS. C. J. LAMB bVA ICOL er sîster, Eva (Mns. Geo. Misso erfut i-hav Tbe oat cfMrs.C. lT i failinuc, caltb for two Jamioson). lalie occurrodf atM mori. T ea r', Lucas Nichols, .548 The deceased is survived b é 4~h, ~ Ferhili Boulex-ard, Oshaw«a, bier son, Carl of Crwl Hospital, Bowmanville, deon'ny ox.4199e 1962. OSudxc Nov. 4,l1962, atOnt., andtI tree grandchildren Sunda 'v, Novembor 4h 92ýsaaGnrý Hospital. 1-e'Robert, Caria and Richard. She ~~~~was in beh3dyaat vsi is 87t}x -cr.1 The f unenal service '«as j~ far suffered rom arirsts n o fthue late Mr. andlield froro the Morris IFuneral i forshe fral ea ivrs. - sMis. Luca-us Nicholîs, the de- Chapel, Boxvmanvillo, on Sat-4 bor inCcxn'«llEngandccascdecs bcrn iin Nottic-'urday. November 1<), and was dau-bter of tbe late Mr. and hm ng 0 Fb <, 1876,1 conduceü yRe.E and \cs nmarried in Wadsbxv ]and of Nexvcastle United M rs. James Jones. She came r to anaa 'hononl a exvChurchb. cccr Sheffield, Ecg- Cburcb. Interment was in thei x\eolCanaa w ntI latne landI, Mer. 1, 1902. tp-mily plot, Bow ma nxilIoLe-~ scbool at Burnt River, Ont. lr Nicholîs xxs ducahed Cemetery.. . In1901 sbe married Christi~1 ig~i clsiydbs p'Plbaes 'c- e-r J1. Lamb '«ho predeceesed bier Prccltuces;lip Ibere as a tool-,Enerson Fisber, Brenton Rick- in13.maker. Ilie cmo te Toronto ard, David Werny, Albert: Mr. and Mrs. Lamb. in in 19013 ccd lixcd in a cumber Peance, Ross Allun antI Char- movd no Fc-of Cacadiail coinmuc it ies ntil' lie Johns. Merch,1920,1940 'bn osottlcd in Boxv- elon Falls tb the Wm. Knigbit mc-lc i i-di o ferm property, just east of:mnîl uiuî15 «e o M RS. SIDNEY LITTI F Bnowm anviLleson «ad.ti nomcd to Oshawva. Mr. Nicholîs After an illness cf six ,;on Cia s ambs tRd. The'rtrd rm teGodor'eeks. the death cf Mrs. Sud- son liveresies tere.TheTire &Rtubber Cc. in 1949. ceLttwiooRevLt deceased wes a member of SIJTedecsd «sa n-te, occured wfofWcesdaLit John's Anglican Churcb,Bo'«- bercf Kng tree Ucied o nemer7,196, a sday manville, and had lived withbîinî ,Or shaxva, crcd '«snatedno'eer 7, Hospitan.OSh wau bier daughter, Mrs. Wm. Lv-. formerospeialer cf Ti in colt, Bo'«manuville, for the d Cbuî-cb, Boxxnx 'lle. olie 4hycr past eight years. xvcs cisc cax enxactive xxcrken aci oe onbp h Mrs. Lamb is surx'ived hv in tho CCF c'rganization in deceased '«as the former Mable Johns, daughten of tbe laie t'«o sons, Clive of Bowmen- Dunbcm Ridicg. M.a t, n.RcadJhs ville andI Keir of Whithy; ecdý Mr. Nichols is sunxived bySeetndd Pr Hope two deughtens, Mns. Wxi. Ly- bis '«ife, the former Mariaih ted Pr Hoe Lycett (Lois), B3owmenville, HartleN, andtI xxo daughters, Sehools. cnd Miss Audrey abc Mrs.Jc ae(uie f M. and Mns. Little werel London, Ont. Ton grandehild-'Osbaxva and Mrs. HlaroltI G.imanried on June 25, 1913, acd rncand seven gxeat-grand- Co'«,les (MIen fTood eied in Pont Hope for- two childron aIse survive. Also surviving are four years following their marniage. Among the beautiful floral gnandc-ildrcn. Mrs. Douglas Thoy came to Boxvmanville 47i tnîute, eideceof the es- Tenxxilligar (Diane) and Wm.i yeersaoi195 teem icn'«hich the deceased D. Tace, cf Oshawa: Paul 61 Mns. Little '«as a memberl '«as heltI, 'ene those fnom Tace cf Toronto and Mns. R. 01 Trinity United Chureh andtI ..Dunisford (Patricia) of xn canlier years, wben ber a Oakville, ccd six great grand-1bat emtewsa c childrenc. tive '«onker in the vanlous or- .. The finril service 'as gacizations cf tbe church. helt et the Mclntosh-Andcrsoný She is sunvived by bier hus- Ftucnal 1-lorme Pt2 p.m., Wed- band, Reeve Sidney Little, ccd nescley, Nov-. 7. Rex-. L. W. bv two haif-brothers, Silas Hierbert. minister cf King and Walter Johns, both of Sti-cet United Chunc-b, con- Pont Hope. Fivo brothers acd You kno w Fred. dulictrnIlle secî-'ce. Intermeci fivo sisters predoceased hon.' h'eloos mo Iing xxas in Mount Lcwn CemeterV. The many beautiful floral Helok i-otinstributes w'ore evidecce of the e fui/y and he chose esteom in '«bicb the deceesed, The Mutuel Life" CARI, WILSON GA31BLE was beltI. The funeral service '«as heltI One cf the stairs cf (ho Blue fnom tho Morris Fucenal Cha-' T1 ri .,Jîunioc hi-cm which ne- pel, Bowmanville. on Fridey,w 1 presected i~axan OHA cîr- November 9, and w'as conduet- c-es. prian to th(, advxent cf the cd hy Rev. Wm. K. Housiander Oshaxea Gc-ceralis, Carl Wilson cf ,Trnixty United Church. Gamuble, (lied at tlhe Oshawa Ictorment follo'«ed in Port G -ea] 1loscic1, Friclav. Nov. Hope Union Cemete. 9tfhb, 1962. he lecased. w-ho Palîbeaees '«ere Messns. L t nIcrrurc, xc. i.uc, A.F. & A- - MC amihc s i.-, u-o(d bx-pleased ta knaw (bat Elmen ~ -, b"~ iO(r, NrJ ,ack M eGilit hopes ta soca returo e e ' i adsIcf baxa a bî-o- home fîom Oshe'aa cea 'iici-,Nacl, cf Toroni ancd Hospital. Me' (brrc ncrphr\îx sDcvid,' Pauîl Mn. andI Mns. Bruce Heaslup c1ci :u:MuG wene in LicdseY fon the fun- Aggl-ydflo rmotrsae Thefreti-exO xas held oral of ber aunt, Mrs. Vichtorogl-ydfliwfo utrsae i bo illcio- -AxieronGrandy. h PýIcntýh AderonMrs. Joxce Irvice ccddxhil- This lovable, laugnable cnaractcr wno Fî'c<lHome ail 3 p.m., Set- rec of Windsor spent sonne ii . dv. Nov. lOih. Icierment lime '«uxb ber mother Mns. A. jingles and squeaks, has charmed dollar ý,W;i'i N \Iom, L.cxývn Cnmetenv, Ellis.. 's.En huadofcireonTV R( ,- fu . I.W. Iler-berit.Mrcand xii ns-Est Frentosnso cide nTV high dividerids n1imý!cr(f KîlC Sret ltlicd pn te weknd orh f C*îghj duîdnd ncnuc h ser on- senttheerckige not < M'arty loves children and thefeeli1ng V: CeI Mits. EARL FISHIER E coiTANY 0iF CANADA .\f:ir i ocs f ncc yan, tIimil'dl1-l-piaiBoxývrcec- si b2 0W vilI.n. cci cdccsdev-, Novem- êJLb 21W ber 7. 1962. Foou yLauinvaMax-Rick- Rtc I rse ft a tivr: FLOYD H. MicKINEY pici c. buibof the laie Sami- icrli ii nma Rickardi, the Mearnls Avenue uuri,~dx i aca .2 Bownanville, Ontario N(ýcx-, tii - i catt c nd e i anuc;cd Boxxmanxille Hxgb JPhonoi MA 3-5372 1&ýhools. She was predeceased tage for tbe season. Mesdames T. C. Gnaham, George Bo'«ens, Kennchb Sani- cils, Allen Beacock, Lavwrno Malcolm ccd Arthur Hyland eccompenied the bus loai cf Port Penny ladies te (ho Area Conxction cf the Fedenctecl Womon's Institute in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, on Thuns- de x. Mn. ccd Mrs. Arthur U-- land ai ndNI. and Mns. Aus- tin Beecock wconein Dunsforrl an Sundav, dinner guests cf Mn. and Mrs. Vickens Beatty and two guests of Mr. and SOUVENIR DESIGN COMPETITION> Recently, Prime Minister John Robarts announced that the Ontario Government wiIi sponsor a program, recommended by the Tour- îst Industry Committee of the Ontario Economic Counicil, designed to encourage development4 of the souvenir industry in the Province. This two-fold projlect wvill involve a souvenir design competition, followed by an exhibition of the design entries at the National Gift Show, Feb. I8th-2lst, 1963 at the Caniadian National Exhibition Grounds. The competition offers first prizes ini ten separate categories (SI100 each) with a grand prize of So Closing date for ernrieç is: January 3lst, 1963 A'!ore !nfionnation and Con te.t Entr-î Form.ç at-ailah/c front : ONTARIO SOUVENIR PROMOTION COMMITlEE Roomn 405, 67 College Street, Toronto, Ontario ONTARIO PROVINCE 0F OPPORTUNITY M1arty' is mu tuai. Now your children can play with Marty at home. Corne in and meet Marty-and sec Maher's com- plete range of popular priced shoes and slippers. Marty only $1.29 at ail Maher Shoe Stores

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