NEWTONVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bent- ed the Lane - Cooper wedding. ]ey of Clavet, Sask., were vis- Others from Newtonville, ~ tors at Mr. Geo. Stapleton's. who were guests at the same ast week. wedding ncluded Mr. and Mrs.; Mrs. Robert Burley of Tor- Ross Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Sid onto was a Wednesday visitor Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Phil with Mr. arnd Mrs. Willis Far-, Giliner. row. Mr. and Mrs. Mark March- Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Wat- ant, Bowmanville, were re- ters of Ansonville spent the cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. past week with Mr. RaymondRoy Hall. ]Bruce. Mr. and Mis. Jack Elliott Glad to report Mrs. Bruce is were in Toronto Saturday ev- showing some improvement ln ening attending the 2th wed- Bowmanville Hospital. :ding anniversary celebration A lingerie display was held of Mr. and Mrs. Wray Soules. et the hoi-ne of Mrs. Roy Hall,' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wade, last Weýdriesday evening. were Saturday evening guests Messrs. Robert Carlaw and of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Caswell. Fred Sweetbread of Orland, Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robin-,: were Thursdav callers on Mrs. son and family were guests Zeina Carlaw. of Mrs. A. Boughen on Sun- Mrs. Wm. Villigan in her day. officiai capacity as District At Mr. Arnold Wade's were President, attended the entire Mr. and Mrs. Bev. Henderson session of the W.I. Area Con- and family, Bowmanville. vention at the Royal Yorký Guests at Mr. Don Vinkle's Hotel, last week. Mesdames A. were Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bur- Wade, S. Lancaster. M. Samis ley and family, Cobourg; Mr. and G. Mecullough helped'and Mrs. Ron Burley and form the bus load to the same'Bob, Port Hope. Convention on Thursday. ! With Mrs. Lena Ovens were Mr. and Mrs. Aif. Perrin'Mr. and Mrs. Rod. Gilmour: and boys were Saturday even- anîd fami]y of Toronto. Jng * itors at Mr. Fred Hen- Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton dersâqs. and family were Sunday visit- Mr.and Mrs. Wilfrcd Wood ors xith Mr. and Mrs. C. Rob- with Mr. and Mrs. Melville linson, Orono. Samis attendr'd the funeral of; With Mr. Raymond Bruce, the late Mr. .1. W. Perkin in Sunday, were Mr. Bruce Wat- Unionville, Saturday after- crs, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bruce, inoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bruce, Mr. Mr. and Mývrs. Bud Jones and and Mrs. D. McMillan, Carl family are spending a few and Garnet of Bancroft. days with his mother, Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. George Staple- H. Jones, prior ta leaving for ton were Sunday guests of! Edmonton, where they will!Mr. and Mrs. Carman Bell, take up residence. On Sunday Campbellford. they visitec Mrs. Margaret Regular monthly meeting of; Shaw and datighter Yvonne at, the Womens Institute will be Pickering.' held at Mrs. Clinton Brown's! Weekend guests with M-. home, Wed., Nov. 21, at 2:30 and Mrs. C . ILi Lane included, p.m. Our branch is invited toi Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moore, Maple Grave, Monday even- Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. How-1 ing, Nov. 12. ard Moore, Brantford, and Mr.' Mrs. Herb Gilmer, Bovvman-j and Mrs. Wm. Weekes. Tor-: ville, is spending a few days onto. Ail were guests. too, at- at Mr. Clarence Gilmer's.' the Lane - Cooper wedding ini Our church was filled with Orono United Church, Satur-ý a capacity crowd on Sundayý day aftcrnoon. afternoon for its second an-1 ýSaturday evening guests nual Bemembrance Day Ser- with Mr. and Mrs. G. Stapleton vice. Members of the Port were Mrs. Harry Clarke of Hope Legion and their Band Stoughton, Mrs. Lamne Kerr,lattended, as did also some Bowmanville. Mrs. Irwin Col-1 members of their Ladies Aux- *ill, Newcastle. liary and township council re- Miss Donna Baptist of Port ipresentatives. T h e anthe m gope spent the w'eekend with "Bless the Lord, O My Soul",~ Miss Dorothy Elliott. 'vas rendered by the choir and' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane of, a stirring address delivered by i Owen Sound were weekend Bey. R. C. White, appropriate! Suests of Mr. and Mrs. C. M.':ta the occasion. The church 1 .ones, and with them, attend-!service concluding, the gath- ering fell in behind Legion1 ET RESIGE and Band, proceeding ta h G LU THE RIE Centaph. Led by the choir, L E "Oh God Our Help In Ages Past'" was sung, then a period GINGE ALE of silence folloxved by prayer. *awu~~~~ft Councillor Perrault announced1 ME W ILSOV S :th laying of wreaths: Legion' __ Stone, Women's Institute - Pres. Mrs. C. Brown, Milligan Family- Granddaughter Ber- I Il iice Milligan and great-grand- I III daughter Sharlene Hall. Then I Taps were sounded, followed by The Last Post, Benediction and "O Canada" in that order. ~1 The parade ended at the Com- munity Hall, where coffee and light lunch was served by members of the W.I. ,1 Newtonville Hockey teamn played their first game of the current season in the Port Hope Town League, Sunday afternoon, defeating the Mer- chants by the rather decisive score of 9-1. Goals were scor- ed as follows: R. Brown 1, R. Robinson 2, P. Gilmer 2 T. Barnoski 2, A. Murphy 1, C. Trim 1. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wadei 9 were Sunday night supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wade and family. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Samis took in the Royal Winter Fair on Monday. Air, Rail or Steamship i TI1CK ET S TO EVERYWHER Consult J U RY & LOVELL ________________ 15 King St. W. MA 3-3361 r owavil TRA VELLINGP See your CA NA DIA N PA CIFIC AGENT for Scenio dome rail traye! Al-inclusive fares (including meals, berili and tips) Group discount fares Trans-Atia ntic steamship service Great Lakes and Alaska cruises Hotels and resorts across Canada Airline service across Canada-linking 5 continents Winter cruises to the sunny West Indies Mvediterranean and Greek Isies 1963 cruise Information and reservatians from: 1. K. WEBSTER Scugog Street Phone MA :3-56441 TIA. MS , ,q _ S 55 r A L . ...E : I,-' ý , WQRL>â MUr Mi..ETRANàPQR[AliOtI SybSIM h Canadian Statesman, Bowrmanville, Nov. 14, 1962 For The Personal Touch Tha t Makes The Dîfference . a Money Saving Specials BALLET - 2c Off - Aqua - Lavender - Pink TOILET TISSUE 2 Rol Pkg. c 12-oz. Luncheonl Meat Rouind Tins 8 9c SWIFT'S Irish or Beef Stew PARD - Liver - Beef - Chicketi mm Beef with GravyUÀ DOG FOOD VAN CAMP'S PORK&BEANS 7 KRAFT - Plai CHEEZ WHIZ PILLSBURY - 6c Off - BUTTERTWILK PANCAKE MIX 24-oz. Tin. 9 c 15-oz. $1.00 Tins 15-oz. Tins 9C 16-or. Jar 5 C 32 -oz. Pkg. 9 c Devils Food - Chocolate - Spice - Orange - Pineapple - White PILLSBURY DELUXE 18-or. CAKE MIXE-S 2 Pg.65C HILLTOP Black Tea Bags Pkg. of 90 65C FRESH BAKERY PRODUCTS RICHMELLO CRUSTY BREAD ]RICHMELLO DINNER ROLLS Plain - Cinnamon - Sugared DONUTSRihel 2 24-or. Loaf 2 c Pkg. 2 of 9 3 Pkgs. 4 of 12 9 Frozen Food Specials GREEN GIANT FANCY Green PE4 MINUTE NIAID Orange JUICE DOMINO FANCY - French Ct Green Bec BOOTH .Sole Fille FARM HOUSE - 5c Off Deal CHERRY F 'ns t fs MIE 32-«Oz. Bag 9 c 6-oz. Tins8 9 c Pkg.1 9 c 16-oz. Pkg. 2--oz. Pkg. 45c 52C GREEN GIANT FANCY 32-or. Niblet C.orn Bag 9c DOIMINO CHOICE Asparagus (uts 10-oz. Pkg. 2C * G uaranteed Quality Meafs CHOICE FULL CUTMà% LMB A THREE-MEAL VARIETY * - ROAST . CHOPS AND STEW 212li CHOICE, MEATY AND WELL TRIMMEDc Rib Loin Lamb Chops 491b CHOICE, MEATYc Pork Side Spare Ri*bs, 491b SWIFT'S PREMIUMc .Skinless FRANKS 1lb. pkg. 491b WIFT'S BROOKFIELDc Pure PorkSAUSAGE lb.pkg. 652b * Fresh Produce Specîals* MARSH SEEDLES SIZE 60's Ruby Red- GRAPEFRUIT SOUTH AFRICA VJalencila ORANGES 49c SIZE 216'sc Dozen 4 CALIFORNIA - FRESHI GREEN TOP b ce NEW CARROTS 2buce29c ONTARIO GROWN - FANCc Mclntosh APPLES 6 qt. basket 59c SAVE 10c Braeside lst GRADE BUTTER We Reserve the Riglht to Limit QuantitiesI AMPLE FREE PARKING while you shop SAVE 30c DUTCH BLEACH 32-OZ. PLASTIC BOTTLE- Values effective at your Dominion Store Limitd, Bowmanville, until closing time, Saturday, November 17th, 1962 LEGS (Whole or HalO LAMB in a BASKET Ail Popular Brands Cigarettes CTN. 0F 200's Alil nerchandise sold at >your D)ominion Store Liniited is unconditionally guaranteed to give 11001% satisfaction. he rý 1 -J SAVE 6c