14 The Cariad fan Statesman, Bowmanville, Nov. 14, 1962 àa directlonal arrow. 1 rampant ln Eth!opla, but thisR f(7~8-3); Pamelà on, yetJn apr as The communication fnfj1ILLIiHAN is gradually being chanred esuis6.T3 Bae ae rnoPm ed council that the proposed through the mission schools I 13-14 vrs. - LyndaDwJd HrpDan Thte, Establish New Streetlocations of the signs would Mr. and Mrs. James Fraser, and hospitals. Healing the 2d 8.) the Base Line pointing north; burg. Florida, and will remainTrachoma and leprosy are 15nd6 (79.)- LndaBiî,Bed ennL in G irl G uides A tte d (ouncilwo a: Librtv and King for the winter months. amnghern.tc(79.d2);Oha a Slo y-8Topedaran Streets pointîng west; two on, Mrs. Ralph Preston, Mrs. eases. When the people are LU1Law artnetes- aptin ing north: one on WaverlY Jennings and Mrs. Ross Carr fering, then they are more On Saturday, Nov. 3rd t- Marilyn Cross. 2nd,(96: alnhuAnnBrad Road at Base Line pointîng attended the Women's Insti-: readv, to receive the Gospel O'Neill Collegiate, the Oshawa Marilyn Else . , (76.2).MuenMriCrlGen north; one on King Street atitute Convention held in the'and be converted to a Chris- Baton Twirling Competition 9-10 vrs. - Patsy BIae nYug ianneYrosi H a x C u c*l r O c toWaverly Road pointing east, Royal York Hotel, Toronto,!tian way of livin.' took place %vith the following (80.1); Gayle McNally7.6.hm Lnd BovMai Deputy-Reeve Ross orvn-pn eealdy uii hettes, 2nd place trophyv: Jua- tek (83.1).lteKitk Statem ents M ade by R eeve ~ ~~~~~reminded couricil that it had patwe ih h ar y helping thern. One of her ior Corps, T a r t a n Lassies. Advanced Solo - 1-2ys odnte edr id garding its intended expendi-, Dr. S. L. Speller left on first Christian wedding, held saa, ndpaetoh: - Diane han 8.2;152 CabrlneTopeot s A By-Law to accept and garet Lucas. were present in quired ta know how' council tures. "I wonder how a Senior Corps. Tart a n e t t esr.RuhnDeoi(35,Asnal eerynd ei establish Barbara Street was the audience. His Worship is elected and how it oper- they intend to go. Do thcy' Sau. rdav nitafokMnt arelintheon usThefoe sh ae tOshw ndB. mnileS3dM ria D -yg a ia6)CriteNac ulhry passd a th metintoesaimthttiiwasgooftoseeate, Ms. uca exlaind. nted t spnd hismona feshe Corseforoneceasdiferd mch fom he ld invTot Lage LamrGoe 3r. Sndr Rupel D bhrean Bowmanville Town Council young people taking an inter-. Museumi Wants Signs out of capital?! I thought therelat the Royal Victoria Colg. aa ceremonies. denett es, 2nd place: Tiny Tots! Basic Strutt - 0-6 yr.Ap KahRos held in the Council Chamber 'est in the affairs of the town. Aletrfo th* would be stili enough in theirIMrsSpeîîer acopne i. In conclusion Miss Vealssmî TaTivTirs Abramoff; 7-10 yrsPas TiyTres Lad , on Mondav, Nov. 5th. This r.Lcsth nruo, vleM em Bo manqs-, account to cover running ex- Ms ldaccomaMinid* quoted froin Psalm 16, "Therý3rd place; Novice Senior!Blake 3rd, Marilyn Cros6h hriYug rue pi sdto ethe town by o .and d on behaîf of the Guides; ed council's approval of the pncesarut I molve th apro ary Nurse, home on furloug1 Lord is the portion of mine in- iTeam, Lyntwirlers, 2nd place. l Sailorette Novice Crs-snMrok ao rsly r.Wlo brehrns, thanked Mayor Hobbs for his! erection of eight highway val be given for the signs," fom thiopnited Africa, soelnh erine tplcs south from Jackman Road frwloe n adta tesgswti h norh haai.to the ietin e iurc hoe ntyea, In a ant pdlahes; i orDacTirrosh uCapeta , ae cNalI Mrae ee girls appreciated being able toi purpose af directing visitors a hi etn edi h 'a aeagol ei Hawkettes. 3rd place. iDebbie ZKar o, O sa attend a meeting o! Town'to the museum. It stated that Councillor Annie Oke sec- Sunday School room on Mon-!g,"1 and askedthtw Mayor Ivan Hobbs welcom-!Council. Those in the group ,the cost of the 30 inch by 18 onded the motion and assert- day night, relating her ex share aur goodly heritage with, Novice Solo - 0-6 yýrs.- A-Prs. aieDygalDr as lk;KrnBatn ed the lst Bowmanville Com- at the Councîl Chamearinhsgs oudb$5,nd ed that she believed that the prene'i e wr1weeothers. Chrl AYaof ng . d, (7.) ;Jon Major, ElaieirroPml on.Jn apr pany of Girl Guides, who withlall working for their Citizen-ithey would bear the words: Musuem Board intends ta pay!she is connected with the Su O.n display were many Afri- CtyEmntn their instructor, Mrs. Mar-_ship Badges and they are re- 'Bowmanville Museum" andi for the signs. Councîllor Ken'dnItro iso.Ti a tm eitn h ok 910ys ayNwl,3d - Hooper said that counicil dan- Interor M isio ndThiican ies eitigte ok 9-10 yrs. -ary Neell, 3rd)., oCthvE.,DmonistoBonnieBeda Hnîg es kept syad trngts a ptalreinterdenominational1 the schools and a copy of the, il vr- Dianne Yourkoxvski,keHazelton, Linda Brvantmision, Cathy Dianne Yurkowski. Judy Har-, indaBrva Roas nd tret Dear~;and supported by variaus New Testament, translated lt 8.) elnCaeln Murdock, Marilyn Crs, ai-pr mentto pt sins u tha churches. land printed in one of the Afri- 2 nd. (82.4); Brenda Hennîng l\yn Elsey.Lvtres-LnaBov, "If the Museum signs are colored slides of the Africanl The speaker xvas lintrodLICed 1-1 vrs. - Bcvcrlv\ Tinda1!X Dianne Shaw: Troupe. vlnAnBrad D a r in g o n u n i ip a ýnat put up faster than thosecountryside, the people and by Mrs. T. J. Jackson who _ laraypassed adapoehi customs, with Miss Vasla known the Veals fariy they will wait a long time.Ias narrator. Telling of their for many years. Miss Veals N ~Present work should be clean- ý problems in avercaming Ian- had been born just a fewý ed Up first. guage barriers, the Coptic andmiles north of Bethany and lSi f "I want ta know definitelv Moslem religions, Miss Veals received her primary educa- f rlH E L ET I O have to pay for them, tails of her work in the Cîiic school, also atendng the oId rcrmedt and whether they will have of which she is in charge. Franklin Methodist Church,ý them put uo Town on Dsaeadinrneaebtofwihhv e cs-rc m e, Nleeting of the Eleclors of the said Township of DarlingloR The letter is not clear and I of the pipe, or culvert was fori president, expressed the warm! weekly speca will vote against the motion.a 14 foot drain from the doarlthanks of the group. Miss willlakeplae inIheof approval." are hto! the main building. The Veals is spending hrfr wilfk lc nteMayor ob agedtt need o this resulted fromjiaough among many relatives 19 2 C E . M AL clear except for the purchase "Jack Barrett and two menl Mrs. Henry Jakeman had D I ..price of the signs from anýdgatec Oshaa frm."The Museum'dgatec and came up tcharge of the worship service,; M unicipBord basifnisngbuttheptnnythe shop and asked me ta go, eading the scripture lessony.,Poe Bommitee ha ould dou the . down and look at it. Reeve and leading in prayers. Th < 6 y. owrGid rnmiso, utn Little, Mr. Moore, Roy Neads, affering was received by Mrs. ýwork would be Roads and' aiwiewl ieweldss id Streets," he added. the Arena Manager, and T.. Ralph Preston. Mrs. Addison', sbield washerstne5lspde ah I Concilor oope poitedStewart, the Works Superin- Scott read the minutes of pre-' n we uooie elsap F rid a y , N o v a 2 3 !utthat the Police Committee decded 12inch ipe wa"Thank Yu-noesfor gfs ýhdbudgeted for signs, butý needed. Mr. Stewart said ber received during illness. Mrs.1 1962, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, for the purpose of nominating candi- Bnoafr.Dth ReevrSthevuemdns 1962 EUIeIflV SEDANowngae he innc date fo th ofice of Ree e, epu y-R eve th ee oun ill rs nd aid . tha t yh e t e vnsum that the quickest way ta get, report. M rs. Clarence Rowan iI W~ date forthe ffies o Reee, Dput-Reee, tree ounillo an Bad previouslythase nt"" it would be from McGregor's and Mrs. Winnifred Spencer,1 61 two members of South Darlington Area School Board. Nominations Bonr ey fo is yaount e Hardware. were appoînted as a nominat Nwcrwarny must be filed before 1 p.m. had asked council's approval "The Building Inspector g omttet prepare a of the expenditure. then telephoned McGregor s , te oDefcebe r eetion I am t ________________________________________________Councillor Glenholme Hugh- and ordered 14 feet of 12 inch' heDcemm etig es moved as an amendment ta Pipe priced at $28.34, and, During the social hour lunch .A I*m * the motion that the request charged it ta the Arena. A'was served by Mrs. CreightonMU WI** M be approved but that the pur- subsidy was not even thought:'Carr, Mrs. Frank Prussak, signs must be paid for by the ber a! counicil asked Mrs. T. Jennings. CERLE IHVYI front 10:00 a.m. Io 7:00 p.m. Museum Board. The motion Bickle or the Building Inspec- Miss Laura Hutchinson, who ' CERLT - CEYil - EVY - ODM BL as amended was carried unani- tor about this. Some members wiîl bc living in Peterborough,ý CHEV. TRUCKS irnousîy. tamof counicil should be caution- was presented with a cup and: COURTICEBO MNIL E~~~ letter rn the Depart- ed that tbey should investi- saucer, with Mrs. Jennings Poe7860 hn A335 ,ment o! Municipal Affairs re- gate and make sure of !ac.ts expressing the thanks of th e Poe7860 grigprocedures concern- before making statements in group for ail bier interest ini in ieper cent transactions open council meetings, or cburch work.L was referred ta the Board o! Mr. Brough stated emphati- 1962, if poils shall be demanded, at the places hcreinafter named and Works for investigation. This cally. with the following named persons as Deputy Returning Officers and was moved bv Councillor Reeve Little told Mr. Broug-h Poili Clerks: Hooper, seconded by Council- that he was mistaken in say- N Y i lor Keith Shackelton, and ing be had been at the Arena PLIGSBDVSO No1 opoe ofLt1 o7icuie carried. with the group on the morn- Neyer before has a brand-nw crwnsc m POLIN SU-DVISONNo.i onposd ! Ltsi t 7incusveTree Removal ing the pipe was ordered. "I EY in the Broken Front, First and Second Concessions, and Lots 1 to 12 ciiee removal from t~he.viji was ome ill for a coupleh ofCU A mediate sales acceptance.in utoe er inclusive in the Third and Fourth Concessions, at PROVIDENCE antw ohepretiser at the Goodyear I saw a castChv Il asgn trm a tnd gsattaar - SCHOOL. on the agenda under unfinisb- iroan oupipeadtHe told mer. JAC IA Mr.Caec unr euyRtrigOfcred business. Councillor Roy Bog bu t etl eý"'isfarlT~i hni Mr. laene urer Dpuy etrnngOficrW. Nichols stated that these, galvanized pipe bad been * ay ucces ieasonield Mrs. Wm. Bragg, Poil iCerk. tre r o î o h e'bought, and this ls o! course.E POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 2 Composed of Lots i to 12 inclusive Iland said the Hydro will do iý t is not up ta counicil pateto ak ahn!,tebs id SUCSonyCeyI fessuhtpvlecmie i as soan as its men bave time.' check the books. This matterl 1 W CSO at civ apern i in the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Bog bet a ab netgtdb h Ninth and Tenth Concessions V s attractive appearance anigatd bygca rtmhee Roads and Streets Commit- at TYRONE COMMUNITY HALL. Jack Brougb, a former tee..Howwou-d-M--Brou- Mrs. Walter Park, Jr., Deputy Returning Officer mebro h peetTw know if any member o! cun Mrs. Walter Murphy, Poili Clerk. Caniapae uigtecil îooked at tbe books or net. -periad for deleg-ations, and staed ha thre asbee aEmployees bave no rîght to~, 1 satd tatthee as ee atel bim. The Roads and POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 3 Coniposed of Lots 12 to 24 inclusive i story arising from a counici Sreschimnwa1uhr in the Broken Front Concession: Lots 15 to 24 inclusive in the First meeting as mntionedwhichized ta bring in a report," bis name was mentionedtare- and Second Concessions: Lots 13 to 24 inclusive in the Third Con- garding a purchase o! pipe for Cuclo ooe ttd cession: at MAPLE GROVE SCHOOL. ithe Arena. It was alleged thatl Councillor Nichols repeated thîs bad been bougbt in Osb-1rthat up ta four o'clock that j (a) Mrs. Ed. Leslie, Deputy Returning Officeri awa and charged ta Roads and'afternoon neither Mrs. Bickle Mrs. S. R. Man Poili Cler. Streets in order ta obtain a or be had been able ta find an, ik subsidy. This was nonsense,i it. "To aur knowledge it was (b) Mrs. S. Doyle, Deputy Returning Office r Mr. Braugh stated. i not charged ta Roads and Mrs. J. Hurrie, Poili Clerk. Councillar Hooper saîd that:Streets. If it was cbarged bhe bad moved that this mat-' through as hardware Mrs. COURTICE WEST SCHOOL. h'ave haci sometliing concrete M~I ~________________________________________ tabring the matter ta cour,- u oea n1 (hi) Mrs. Cecil Adamis, Deputy Returning Officer cil." ..... "I as tnld that tbis bad **IAB****Y Mrs. Harry Worden, Poli Clerk. been boucbt for the Arena ...N (b2) M1rs. Robt. Fowler, Deputy Returning Officer tbrough ÎRoads and Streets sa A Mr.Ma obnon ol ier.that a subsidy could lie oi-! INSURACK1 ... Mrs.May obinonPollCler. 1tained. I will be satisfied if POLIG UBDIISONNo 6 Ciuosd ! ot 2 t 3 icis. it is proved ta bave been PREMIUMS AS LOW AS ..... POLLIG SU-DIVSIONNo. 6 Conpose of ots 2 to 5 inlus- charged ta tbe Arena, or if -AHDAR OGRLF XAS ATR-AI the Arena now pays for it. W W SELF-AOJUSTING SAFETY. DRIED ROCKER PANELS SYSTEM PRODUCES SAV TO EEAO..-VNIAINO HV SCHOOL. ýPurchases for one department PER VEAR MASTER DRAKES.. . does FOR OURABILITY AND INGS YOU CAN COUNT ON charges youratey JSPWRPVEEN Frank Pascoe, Deputy Returning Officer, cannot becbarged ta others ta away with periodic LONGER-LASTING BEAUTY . . . fewer replace- even when thegnCIE..iiie i gel. subsidies, or we wiîî lose * Budget Terms Available 1 brake checks! ... keep rust and cor- ments, quieter, more is idling! pluin otiue Mrs. A. D. McMaster, Poli Cierk. r ail subsidies," Reeve Sidney* Easy Monthly Payments rosion out! economicaloperation! t ogregn îe POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 7 Conxposed o! Lots 25 to 35 inclusive Mittle asserten _____________________________________________________ iii he Eghth Ninh an Tenh Cocessons t :mission ta speak. "I admit'Shf Whiiewall tires optionai a: extra co AGNRA OOR AU BRADLEY'S SCHOOL. 'strain due ta the illness of bis Llilted Mr. vret rdemnDeuv euriigOfierwie ad~ rnsrr.But I 360 KING WEST 6 0 6fHL Y UT E I IJ N 6 b1s vrt rdraDpt eunn fie ave been under undue strain . OSHAWA - ONT.BesrtawthonnaothCC-VntokecSudyhe oulclliigfrchnladtme 31rs. W. Bowman, Poli Cierk. several times during mnv life, Bsuet ac onzonheC-Tntwrec Sdy.hckorlcl1 and I arn glad ta sav it bas Phone 723-2265 Sec your dealer for Chevrolets Special "Go With The Greats" Hi-Fi LP Recr lumOfr n'This all brd m er nte I r s era And at this said nominating meeting, W. E. Rundie, Cierk, "This afectem'rsomemyre.s - r a shall be Returning Officer. ridîculous. The Building In- your 'phone ~~* ~ ~ ( spector. Mel Moore, was given * Don Ellison R O Y W .M NM W G. . ICAE, eee W E R NDEClrk authority regarding pcices for * GerryOson HamponNovmbe Bt, 162.dition ta the Arena. The RapScoid CHEVROLET- OLDSMOBILE DA R Reeve %vas also given author- * Reg Aker M HapoNvme t,16.itv ta oversee the work," Mr. Ample Free Parkiing* Silver Street Bowmanville Brough pointed out. iHe exp]ained that the need