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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1962, p. 15

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Large Parade Sunday of Legionaires and Ladies <~School News By Francis ('urran SOn Mondav, November 5th,. the Girls' Athletic Society held a meeting to elect theiri executive which is as follows:1 Prslent, Sharon Tamblyn;' v ice President, Linda West-' h euser: Secretary, D arl1en e Ransberrv: Treasurer. Marion A beautifuil, bright ýiay greeted mrembers of the Church. Here, the veterans are lined up, ready to Demark:' Publicity Directors,! Royal Canadian Legion and the Ladies' Auxiliary on march off, following a brief stop at the Cenotaph. PtPrnr ai we;b Sunday morning for the church parade to St. Andrew's __, termural Committee, S u 9 a ni ______________ ___ _____ _______ ____Gilbart, Darlene Ranrberry*! Interschool Committee, Mar-' ENNISKILLEN 1 gery Tyrrell, Sandra Ferren; Social Committee, L i n d a (Intended for last wcck) Westheuser, L i n d a Green- The O rono N ew s r Thes: turbulent and fore-!r ,oohe Student Counicil of] bcigtimes have prompted Clarke have aonounced the r r'~*II nMr. Crawford ta give a serieschool formai will be beld on Mrs. James E Richards, caitor !of tresermons on -hl Secnd dvet c Chist inDecember 2lst. In order to1 ýSecnd Aventof Crist înarrive at a suitable theme for -whîch he plans ta explain its1this dneacneti en Mr. Allun Penfound, Mr. Rov Mrs. Earl Gradv is visitiig'one United Church. Rev. Ba5j]]meafllng, its involvement and!heanceSaudente s areing Penfound, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- in Hamilton and district. iE. Long afficiated. 13ata t efnt rt ed to enter their idea6. Theý enePenfound, Oshawa, Mr.' ado l C n important doctrine cf auriwinner will receive a double encGrone e, al r.adMs.CalsJohns,lcburcb Our niinister hopes and Mrs. Bob Evans and farn- and Arlene, of Willowdaie,ýBowmanville, were suppWr : e fcto ruhwî free pass ta the formal. lly Bomanill~ vsitd Mspent the weekend with Mr.iguests of Mrs. Charles Wood' e revealed as this subject is By Bruce Allun M. H. Staples, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Ken BaIl and daugh-Ion Friday. Don Staples and familY. tr.Ms.McCneo a repeated. Mr. Crawford call- On Friday mforniiog, the' ter. Ms. ac arltonbasbeenred attention ta the "Signs in students of C.H.S. filed ot Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Al Mrs harlcs Wood and Mrs. staying with ber daughter, tesn n nth on n h adtru o n iprs- lin spent the weekend with R'-Braal isted Mrs.1lMi's. A. Pigott. in the stars, and upon the sive Remembrance Day e Mr. and Mrs. Clarence TIrigg, Fred Brooks, Oshawa, on î Mrs. Taîbert Findlay 0fýearth distress of nations, with vice. Margery Tyrreil read Brooklin. M4onday. pTbornhill, Mrs. Len. Rainey af 1 perplexity." His n e s s a g e the scripture, 'followed by the ,n blrn saa iie Mr. ad Mrs. ColiPriInn Taylor Unionville spent Sunday withiclearly indicated that the hymn "0 God. Our Help iný rand rn sh aywarrabaî BowMandille, wholri et Mrs. M. Birch. I great focal point in ail historV Ages Past." The Glee Club' on Sunday. returned from a visit in Eng- Miss Helen Colville, sister adpohevwrs gis1 sn w selections, "The doan, pn Sunday i t h Mn. of (Esther) Mrs. Robt. Stew- not being readv ,vhen the in- Lord's Praver" and "Non No- Miss Edra Best, Mn. a and a s. Wm. Mritcel. arpasdwawona, oevitable advent takes place bis Domine." Mns. ayneHooey Tonnto.venvber l2th, at The Lodgre,adrmiedlsttGd a Sharon Tamblyn read the -visited Mr. and Mrs. Horace Mr,;. Angus Watson, Leskard, Nursing Home, Newcastle, i confirmed bis truth through sentences of Remembrance, Best and sons. spent Fridav with Mrs. Alex' her 87th yer uerlo'succeeding generations. The adDa ibr eie h Watson. Thursday. bnterment in the sir. Choir with leader Mrs. I lnesFed" ',Ar. and Mrs. Ravmnond, familv plat Bowman v 111 e, Wright and organist Mns. IL In remembrance of those who M 0NEyClapp, Tyrone, visited Mns. D. Cemetenv. MeGill led in the service of neyer retunned. Brent Coates G. Hooper on Sunda\. r.JmM.dltn agad hs h nhm laced a wreath, followed bv ! M. ad Ms. im &idletn,"Tnusting in the Saviour." two minutes' silence and the AVAILABLE FOR Miss Elizabeth Porter of Mns. Bruce Tennant, Rand.,, Supt. A. J. WerrY selected -Last Post" by Lynn Brown, Penetanguishene spent Mon- and Greg, spent Sunday, Nov, sbss.yoewihwn1OrSuetsCuclPei dayv witb Mns. J. E. Richards 4th, with Mr. and Mrs. Leo ýhand-in-hand with the text Of dent, Bob Brown, introduced ri ale nMîs hs. Har- ugdeh adsnBraSa preceding clurch service. He the Rev. E. C. Woodland of JONES & GREER Miss E. M. Holmes of Osb- Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wat- proved attendance. M isse s'fitting addness.gaeavr J N S& G E awa visitedhrsitrMsso, aeno , visited bis Kathr -i Slemon and Shirley Rm brneDyIno RAPH~.JCNE Ilowell Rowland who bas been mother Mrs. Alex Watson on Avery', two potential S. S. tea- -ustaooeraholiday" staten 111at er ome Suday. !chers, arc attending the wec- n oolnl"t sadyo THOMAS IL. GREER Congratulations to Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Jimi Johnson ýend training course for S, S. takgvn adremem Mrs. Edward Clelaod Lane, and cbildren. Peterborough, Workers at Five Oaks. branks. The and thousand 10King St. E. Oshava the former Miss Gai] Audrevivisited Mrs. D. N. Myles and Wit thepeancofS'-ofougmn hoa hei 728-6246 CoOper, on their marriage Sat- Mr. and Mrs. James Johnon' eral ne beats o Sndaof yives mentw o ga e w rs i tirdav, November 1111h, in Or-'on Sunday. w ton dSupet i îit ie that weamt a ie. was spring time wbcn the fair, Tbey died that we m ay lv sex usually parade in Easter have freedom of speech ta use bonnet, etc., but the reason a voice against greed and in-! I was really the results from a jujstice: freedom of the press! three-day millinery class last for the welfare of the nation; M u n i ip a l Elec io n week when 17 ladies wene hin- frcedom f worship for grati- Schmbeg, romthe Dept. Of mak e use of His church. MU ma "Chapeau." Ou entlemanl can do as we please?" asked: Tow nshiip of IC aike from the parsonage joincd the' Mr. Woodland. Tbey died SOI amateur milliners at one ofithat we might ]ive freely, andi Elctrs their sessions andi explained cosiniuî1d u uya Public Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Municipal Eetr in same clever poetry wbat, citizens to upbold the idealsi of te Twnsip f Carkewil hehel inthetook place at the class. At which tbev believed and cher- ofth Twshp fClrk wl b hl i tethe last session Mrs. Crawford isbd Tc brw1e oc expressedl in verse the appre-1ihdTe*v rwtetoc ciation of the class to Miss1 for us -to bolti high. TOWN H I HAL , O ONOsented their teacher with a Ashton, Mr. andi Mrs. Edgarl on ~~crami ndse. Wigtratedd h orn Thons utm etn tion Convention for Barber-I ofthe Cirstaun eeutiong sop singing wbich was helti Co te Chris tian euatone at the Royal York Hotel, Ed-1 CommitteeOVas at the1hom gar and Ray assistîng the mo-i FR D A , O . 3r , 19 1f mrabr peet.O. C.chie aemebr. hs ai the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon was mucb discussion on theý was also another very special forthenomnaton ! cndiate fo th oficeo!best procedure ta take in '1" dayv foi' Mr. and Mrs. Wright! for he omiatin ofcanidaes or te ofic oftroducing the new curriculum as tho'. were dinner guests at 10 cburcb work. Some plans; th e 25 year club dinner of REEVE, DEPUTY-REEVE AND 3 COUNCILLORS andi committees wvere arrangý- General Motors wbicb was al- eti for 1963 progranis. Next, so hold at the Royal Yonk for tbe Corporation o! the Towvnship of Clarke for the ensuing year, in meeting first week in Dccem- Hotel. ber at Mrs. L. Xearn'. Mr. andi Mrs. Gartb MeGilI, conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Act of the Province of Mr. O. C. Ashton andi Mr. Schombeng. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ontario. also nomination of two Trustees for the Township School Area J. Hanna, Hampton, bave gone MvGill andi Shaun, Port Cre- with Mr. S. May Io bis boi' dit, wc 're with H. J. McGill's.i of Clarke hy Ratepayers in the said Township School Area o! Clarke. ing lodge at Sundritige. Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Griffin, If oretha th neesarvnumer ! cndiats ae nminted an a Hope you see a deer, boys. Blackstock, were Sunday tea If mre hanthe ecesar numer f cndidtesarenomiate, ad aMiss Lois Ashton was one of guests ai Russell Griffin's.ý polis required, the proceedings will he adjourned until the guests at an enjoyable Mr, Melville Gniffin, Black-ý ~Olparty at the borne of Miss stock, -was a (allen. Kathryn Liptav, Havdon. ran Ms.DB.Kv Mondav morning five voLing Toronto, spent Sunday t;ith M O N D A Y , DEC. 3 rdp 1961 men left* for the dav, lhuntiint Mi and Mrs. A. Sharp. whenl a poll will he open aten o'clok in the nîorning and continue tntil aîong Mih R b r a r \ agrs ht y r Ted Yleo at lace Gniffin and Herbert Pres-gil, hibercaerat seven o'clock ini the afternoon of the saine day and no longer in each cott. Robent and Wallace hiat Mr. anti Mrs. G. Yeo's. Polling Sub-Division o! the saîd Township. a chance nt a lovely big buck, Mn. andi Mns. Stanlev Tu1r-ý wbicb tbey wene lucky ii ner, Oshawa, Miss Elsie Oke,ý hninging home. Mn. Albert Oke, Mr. and M'-s £ Mn.and ns. Cro. rwinClarence Aver\ wene with 'r. Polling Places for Election of werp n o Rocivgenon Suin- anti Mns, F. Donland. day wlipre tbey calleti on Mn. Mn. andi Mrs. Rgss Le, and Mrs. Ernnct Inwin, Mn. Kedron. wc'nep Sunday dinner ànt làolnlCmpb i gu' ntaIAllan Wornys.: I manv:flýe, hiati Monida' tincr nu, fnom bene for the tbree- (;od Sav'e The Queen ,*i 7Mr. aiid Mu s. N. F dav deer hun, that havent __________________________________________________________Wnigbu. been mentioned, Wish thcm Im Mrs. L .Aýýhtoa and Ray luck. i The C,'nàdlkn Statesnmn, nowmanvlle, Nov. 14, l9m2 15 lCredit Union ' Directorate 500 ROSSLAND ROAD W.* OSHAWA * 564 KING E. MAe et i n O ro n o , The October meeting of the directorate of the Orono and District Credit Union was held in the Co-op building, Oct. 23.: President Mr. Chas, G!lkes' conducted the meeting. The t rcasuirer-ma nager, Mr. A. Loucks, rcported that there, are 145 members and 42 bar-ý rowers at preserit. The total assets stland at $23.593. Miss Susan Major, Orono, was chosen as our entry in the Beauty Queen Contest,. he]d on Credit Union Day of Oshawa Chapter, Oct. 27. She; 'was awarded second prize. Clarke High GENUINE * Limit 2 per Customer PRESTONE ANTI m FREEZL G&A TENDER PEAS SAVE 80e gai.s2 1 1iSoz. Tin Save 3c 11iC AYLMER Save 6c BEANSwithPORK 2Ti: 29c POWER Instant COFFEE 6-oz. Jar Save 14c. 75C MAX WELL ( ' -b HOUSE OF EE KON TIKI CRUSHED PINEAPPLE 2 KINGS CHIOICE TOMATOES 2 SAXVE 4c LYNN VALLEY Tîn29c -Peach Halves2 SAVE lie ALLENS CHOI('E Tins39c APPLE JUICE SAVE 6c Tit 29c SAVE 4* Ti 29C THISCOUON CLISE CANADA No. 1 GRADE CREAMERY BW 15c BUTTER1.1b. 41 1PCi4nCt lpon TOWARD THE B U 'TERE T E AiD --- PURCHASE 0F1 Couipon Effective to Tiue%., Nov. 20, 1962 - Limnit One Pecr ('iîstonirn COUPO IN1U T B *E "C3IP' E OrBEo:V -A I CITRUS CARNIVAL.9 .. rich in vitamin "C" S. No. 1 GRADE, NEW CROP, I"ULI, 0' JUICE FROM THE SUNSHINE STATE FLORIDA ORANGES 3~79c: FROM SUNNY SOUTH AFRICA VALENCIA ORANGES 2 s i 1. 21 6 DOZ. 89c, THESHORTTRIP 15 WELL WORTH THE SAVINGS (8 miles) 1 1 1 1

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