frorn west and southern On 1 tarie. Three men fcom the C..uliIvati Hamilton branch house arted as hosîs. Each agent received C ouita Schaeffer desk set with plaque and wives weepe sented with corsages. Ths 'ie tleId In bwmantlleinversarv. Mc. and Mrs. Ash- by returned home on Thurs- James Leslie Archer, age forced hec while holding aChief Kitney that he was res- day. E p #61 R.R. 3. Bowmanville, wasknife pointed at hec, te open ponsible for the damage, ' Mrs. Gwen Couchman xwent x l tharged with assuait against the cash regîster. Constable McDonald said. te Tarante on Wednesdav te Kiwanians Walter Kowlewski on Tues- The youth had obtained S2 Cocnish denied having dciv- attend the area convention et with a wocc dey in Magistrate's Court in buils and several quartiers en the car at the mail boxes. the Wemens Institute being new and rapi here, Me pieaded net guilty. %vhile brandishing the knife, "I did it with my hands," he hcld there at the Royal York. off Publie Ri Walter Kowlewski testified Constable Corneil testified. clairried. The case was ad- We are sorrv te reotS-dvng a that he is a student at Cour- As he was lcaving the thidff journed te Tuesday, Nevemn- zanne EYden h -a eenrt u-nday nighta tice High Sehool, and infocmed had instructed Mrs. Porter te eo Oh eeal ins oeHsia o h atmme f the court that he had trouble stand by the door te the kitch- e 0h oeal ins oHsia o h atrebro with the accused in the sehool en, and toid hec if she moed te appear. who had informed week.' She had received a bro- tiens Boardi 'earing n Moday orn-he would throw the keife at the OPP et seeing a car strike ken collar bone in an accident Mr. Belang ~ 2iaymr- e.the mail boxes. and the shock aggravated the dress bv en( tht ecae u of Constable Cerneil told the Neil McCormick, age 50, a diabetes from which she sut- rct the me cHocg at1:30,admenuheo court that he had arrested transient with ne address, was fe rs. ae mrs &chol a 1130,andwhe heMinshaii about twe heurs found guilty off having been Mcs. Howard Payne and hiec Relations is entered the parking lot found ltrAcp hce cr intoxicated in a public place rivedagts etteTrlingyp4 Archer waiting for him. The and hunting kniffe were found on Saturday evening. Nevem- enteonr Saturday bv train, ai fantastic ce'a accused had complained that in the saddlebag off Minshall'q ber lth. He was sentenced te first train ride for ah off them.1 expense accc lie had been saying things bcceteOP ficrtathee day~s in jail te date from They xvere accompanied bv salaries alou lm ndKolwsitel. ' the time of his accest. This Mrs. Allan Peters of Morrish.1 Actuallv, ,aid that he had promptly den- Harold Lloyd Cornish, Osh- allowed the man te leave, but Mrs Ida Toppin, Keith and Public Relat ied this. iwa, age 2 1, a General Mot- he was warned if he appeared .Mcs. Mary Toppin off Tocante, i recorded his - *'Then he started punching. ors employee, was chacged again on a like charge he ca' do svclfred n h sasada H{e bit. me first, and I only hit with wiludagettw would be sent te jaîl for a communît on Thurl rnsay.thesaode an hlmbusef efnc. e o etmail boxes in Daciingtenmc oneMeio. ~ vr. and Mrs. R. Best and action, said ,go te the same sehool. 1 had Towns h ip on Hallowe'en David Davis, Peterborough. Berneice visited with Mc. and "One ef the net seen him fer twe years," night. was convicted on a charge Off Mrs. George Hicks off Fox- ers was Mai Mr. Kowlewski stated. Constable James McDonaid, careiess driving, and off having br nSna.cin tlu Onth san te ccse OPtestîfied that the cri- nriven without being the hold-, Bennie Austin off Peterber- wise an exe( told Magistrate R. B3. Baxtec plainant had seen a car smash er of a driving license. Bath ough Teachers' Coilege was1 varieus teols that he Ïs a pupil at the Tech- deiberately into two mail offenses teck place on Septem- home foc the weekend, and about himsel nilcal High Scheol. Port Hope. boxes at approximately 10:40 ber 2nd. He was fined $25 and, will be here for ail off this' eth-century "I called bim out ail right. At p .m., October 3lst. $3 costs, or in default five ekashisongpatc Tepuo the dance last Fciday night a "The next mecniog 1 saw days, on the first charge, and'tcachingat hesDr. H awknticens sThe pr feilow told me that Kowlew- Harold L. Cocnish at the Bow. '.Io anîd $3 costs, or an addi- School. 'ski had asked hlm te tell me manville Police Station- and tienal five day.s, on the second Mcs. R. Scuitherpe and Mrs. té stay away from the dance. lie admitted to me and Police -'charge. T. Wilson off Port Hope went 1 ha notevenseenhimandte New York last Thursday he told somebody else te sayiadepcd ormnfrth S Questioned by Magistrat e TBiNEll B coclugh of Bat e heaccus bedhrt ind Home and Seheel meeting tended the banquet at the Qucens University was home P C thhe had ne jt been hurt in wiil be held this Thursday at Legion Hall. Bowmanvilie, for the weekend. F s in the face." he assected. He 8 p.m. Saturday evening. Mc. C. Bcîghton and David .amte hth a en Congratulations te Janice Mrs. Chas. Vanstene, Misses Ashby returned fro m the chidarged wth asse at in alr h cm is tteMarion and Dcbbie, Bowman- north during the weekiend istrate's Court, Bowmanv ilie, publie speaking eontest lastIllewr upcgessofbign tersaeof The hiat list April, but added that the weck at aur sehool, ber sub- Mc. and Mcs. T. Gibbs. deer shot by the greup with charge against him had been Jeet "Water Saffetv*. Janice Mc. and Mcs. C. W. Hilnt, whom they were hunting. By 0. disissd. s o seakthi Wdnedayý.Belleville, visited Mr. andý There weree usual well Magistrate Baxter stated cvening, Nov. 14, at Hampton. Mrs. BhHala n hiiren on Sd.cayemernng witcho i the T i that there is ne question that'Judges were Mrs. J. Dugan Ms ilHl n hlrn n Sna onn ihi heTw Archer went te Ceurtice High Mrs. L. Annis and Mcs. W' Tocante, spent the weekend Gloria Nichais reading the 3rd, 9th anc Sebool iooking for a fîght. Park. Teacher Mc. David with Mcs. fi. Hall. seriptuce. The missienary talipices off Bo\& He found hlm guilty as char- Drain. Mc. and Mrs. Stanlcy Hall was oni weifare werk done by Club, was a ged, and remanded hlm eut of Speedy rcovcry te John and children visited Mr. and our chureh in Canada and fui enthus custody fer a pre-sentence ce- Harmer, he had an acute at- Mrs. Lloyd Beeh, Bucketon. vacieus mission heuses for, thaughtfui a' Hewl peci ag- tack ot appendicitis Monday Mr. and Mcs. Bob Burgess this work were shown on the vealing lol port. H ilapainMrse 10and chide visited hec par- rmap by Nieki Gcoenieveld and bilities off 'istrate's Court here to be soen- m-orning and was cusedteens c n r.HryBg-Cey lre abr m hndr tenced on December 4th. Bowmanville Memorial Hospi- et r n r.HryBg-Ce ]Cak.BraaDn hndrc Leslie Wayne Mioshail, age tai for surgecy. lew, Bethany. Lori returned i)er told off the many needs for sive channel 17, Clarke Township, was (on- Mrs. Jack Oliver, Fenelan home wvith hec parents. this lielp, Pearl Austin des- victed on a charge af acmned 'Falîs, visited hec mother Mr3. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Seddema cribed a cecent visit ta theI Making no robbery. He was sentenced te Percc McCoy, they were aise and family, Nesticten, visitcd Fred 'Victor Mission in Tlor- anything bu, 15 months definite and threce vecnight guests off Mc. and an Sunday with Mc. and Mrs. ente and Giartield Payne and High '62 rnonths indefinite ln the ce- Mrs. Alex Poulter, Oshawa. Jae eeg.LnaTorndyke read appcop- many earma formatory. Mc. and Mcs. J. C. Cook Mr. and Mrs. David Par~k, riate seripture passages. Two _____ Constable H. R. Corneli, vîsited Mr. and Mcs. G. Wilts ý1Bowm-anvillc. were supper 'minutes silence was observed oP gave evidence that Mcs. Ingheweod. and aise called on gucsts Off Mc. and Mrs. W.adnmeosuchfso acriic fr s Porter had telephened fcem Mrs. J. C. Ceok Sr., George- Park, Jr. idmesuhacfceors Sid' RetaurntHighav o. twn.Fiowers were placed le Ty' - in the wacs off this century. I 2, Clarke Township to the De- Mcc. Herb Mucray, Ocano, is rn ntdCuc nSn tcuc evc oi e. tachmert Headquarters at spending a few days with da>, in loving mcmocy off Mrs. M\. Freemnan and the congre- 8:30 o'cîock on Friday even- Mcs. George Alidrcd. Mrs. F. L. Byam who passed away gation paid tribute by the ing. Alldread ceturning home freini1 year a go, by hec family. rcading off ihrce poems, and' -.When the OPP officers ar- hospitai ast week, she is im- Mrs. W. Park, Mrs. J. Mur- by prayer The secies off sec- rived at the scene Mrs. Porter proving nicely. doch and baby visited their mens on different reigiaus > had told tbem that eachier a Miss Jean Philips visited aunt an Tuesday, Mc. and Mrs. ifaiths was eontinued as well 1 ,youth had corne te the couniter liec sister Mrs. W. Goodfellow G ihs anntn s h yesaybgnhs with a checked scarf around'ýCedrington, last Saturday. 'Mr. and Mcs. G. Estabreok week. White chrysanthemumsý blis face. Constable Corneli Mrs. Edna Philps, Mrs. Jean and Pat, Couctice, -visited Mc. and pink carnations were the, aiso stited that Mrs. PorterAbrams, Mrs. M. Hamilten atiand Mcs. A. Knowlton. ýfloral offerings for the wor-' hai tohd hlm that this yaung tended the -Child's Evangel- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hath- ship service. Mn had gone back off the 'ism" meeting at Belleville on erhy and Darlene, Alderwood,' Manyv were fortunate te be o Wnter, aken hecarm,_ and Saturday. Mr. Jack H-atherly and James, watehing 7011 on television aný Aïr an Mr. . Gblean, Nwtovileviste Mr A-,Mrs nd vni Mcolm sws i- "FrQAI1 as Bruce wece Saturday evening lie Hatheriy. Ms ineMHl a n andr SeriTC" - Ivisitors off Mc. and Mrs. T. Mc. and Mrs. W. Rahm wece tervicwed fer abaut tee min- an evie Barrett, Long Sault. iSunday evening dinner guests 'ttes an the same pragram asl SEE -Mc. and Mrs. K. Crage and Off Mc. and Mrs. Clcm Rahm,! Arthur Godfrey and Chate- 1 ~* family, Bowmanville, were Lindsay. laine's editor. She is te bel m Sund'ay callers off Mc. and ý Fifteen Explorer girls met congcatulated on hec poise, R fl Mcs. S. Gable, Miss Jean Ba- le the Sunday Sehool room'self possession and good ans-ý M &QUEEN ker xvas supper guest. ast Thursday evening. At the. wecs. Hec interviewer compli- an enjayable singing period. :location when she and hec MOTOR-SALE Miss Betty Phillips, nurse- husband movcd te the vicin-' LIMITE - BR WN'Sîn-training, Weston, spent thej ity et Roseberry Hill frani the1 LIMTE - UIUYY1~weekend at hec home Mc. and wcst. When questions brought1 Earl McQueen, Pries. Miss Georgie Simpson en- Mcs. T. Philiips. the information tha t Mrs. 219 KING ST. E. trandhcfla uiso The 4-H1 meeting off the Ty- MeHelmi was a correspondent BOWMAVILL Grads 6,7 and athec omecne Teen Tainners was held for the Port Hope Guide and Authorlzed Dealer for on Friday evening. Games on Oct. 29, at the home of Canadian Statesman, it was and dancing wece enjoyed and' Lynne Stainton, with 12 mcm- suggested she must be oee off MG SPORTS CARS 'Mrs. Simpson served the chil- bers and twe leaders present. !Ontarie's oldest newspaperi MORRIS - RAMBLER 'drer hot dogs and drink, The nmeeting was oee ihwies and Mrs. R. Simpson were Mr. minutes read by' Esther Rose- and Mrs. Erie Balkind, George- vear. The roll eail was an.-- PONTYPOOL town Mr.Frak Sipsonandwered by' ail, followed by bus- tow, M. FankSimsonandiness The next meeting is Io children, Wcston, Mr. and be at Elaine and Charlotte, We are glad to report that, ,Mrs. Tommy Simpson. Annis'. Mrs.Gapl ad1M.Loti Williamson bas re-i Mredn eay Sneghentojin lhi Mrs. Stainton told us how andl turned home f rom Torontoi iWedesdy nghtto oinhiswhen to serve formai and in- after tak]ng treatment in Hos- hunting party for the balance formalIcta. Next \ve did ourPital there. ofiss ekadrey McLe, T questions. We aiso made many Serrs' to learn that Mr. San- MissAudey MLeo, Tr-lvarieties of fancy sandwiches dy Van Dam was taken to onto, wîth Mr. and Mrs. T. which were later enjoyed bY Boxvmanville Hospital with a' Wilson on Thursday and with ail. severe heart attack. the atendd te fn;ýal fýSaturday evening Mr. and Ronnie Van Wierin g e ii, lier cousin, Mr. W.T. Brunt. Mrs. Rov'\ Maynard ivere sent younigest son off Mr. and Mrs., out te a Turkey dinner, while Harry Vant Wierengen is in Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Walker Civie lHospital, Peterborough,: and Dean off Bowmanville, with pn'eumonia. D ykstra s cared for Mr. John Maynard, Remembrance Day Services Dktaswhohbas been l for rnonths. were held at Public Sehools Whe Ro an Mael etun- n tis omi-unity on rdy ed home, the%. were taken b.v afternoon. They had been vis-! V ari ty srprie tosec ui mny crs ted hy a memnber off Royal1 V ari ty up ri oe. so ý,av RyCanadian Legion 402, Miii-l and Mabel's l5th wedding an- brook, on Thursdav who spok:e F ooas niversary last Thurýsda,,, his on Remembrance and left a For Free Hlomie Delivery family' presentedi theni with PoppY, Box. On Saturday two Phone 63-3541 hostesýs tables and blankets. local girls Lois (.ilban)k and Phn 2.51 Those present wvere: Mr. and Ca1th «V Fallis canvassed the Mrs. Eric Stai,îtuîîan d Jeani. Vil lage wvli in the a fternoon EXTRA LEAN Mrs. S. Walker. Bwavletw o ladies [ rom the Lad:es T-BONE OR WING Miss Phyllis Maynard, Salem, Autxiliarv, Millbrook, seld pop- Mr. and Mrs. C. Terry, Mr pies at the CommunitY Auc- STEA Raph ayncd nd ofl Gi- tien. son, Oshawa, and Mrs. . Hall. Wer. Bro. Trotter, County c Congratulations rom ail your Master off E. Durham, paid an Tyoefriencis. officiai vîsit te LOL 82. He was '..JlI'> 9 91b Trn aceempanied by Wor. Bros. Beardsley, P.C.M. W. Bateman, u7r"TtVITTTt' P.C.M. W. Kidd, District Mas- SALE LEAN YYSLEYII±JJJ ter of Cavan. W. Bro. John Ste.' Caroix, P.C.M. off Cumberland B lade - RoaSt Th, fîî st stud'y night for the County, Nova Seotia, was also "Word and the Way", and its a visiter. Short speeches were Blade Bone Removed interpretation of Bible teach- made by the visiters with the 6 c îng ivas held here in the Sun- County Master conducting the day school room last Tuesday Election and Installation off Off- OnIy 6 1 night in charge off Rev. M. ficers. Freeman and with about 17 The follewing were duly el- present. ected: Past Master, W. Bro. C. LEAN - LEAN Mesdames Richard Best, Fallis: Woc. Master, W. Bro. M. G R O U N D Harold Be-t. E. Barrowelough, Bradley; Dep. Master, W. Bro.' Berniece Best and Barrie at- G. Chapman; Chaplain, Bro. J. STEA tended the bazaar held at Strong; Rec. and Fin. Sec'y., Zion last Wednesday after- ýW. Bro. R. J. Payne, Treasurer,: noon. The ladies, there, Éer- Bro. H. van wieringen, Lec-ý Only ved a delicieus tea, pleasing ýturers, W. Bros. L. Clarke and 7 1 b te the eye as wvell as taste and! D. Bowins, Marshall, W. Bro. Corne and lake a look t showved the effort off the UCW F. Graham, L. Brown, E. Lane,; members who are few in num-, P. Mucha and R. Kerr, Trus-! our large selection of ber for the task undertaken. tees, W. Bro. C. Fallis, L. Fal- FINEST Last Wednesday night, Mr. lis-and C. Curtis. and Mrs. Ken Ashby attend- IM OR ED cda dinner at Muskoka Sands Ge Inn, Gravenhurst. given by GlCs oa CHOCOLATES the John Deere Company t o r in Beautiful Gilft Boxes honour their agents whose o iOd A nlijances business reached a certain 'quota. Congratulations te Ken throuth OPEN THURS. & FR. who -was the only dealer pre- T A T ESMA N 'TIL 9 P.1M. sent east off Toronto. Another for yur cnvenence oualified but was unabie to be C L A S S 1 F 1 E D S for ourconenince present. The othexr four deal- Phone MArket 3.3303 _______________________ers with their wives wereai ________________ I~t~ Mag ist rate's 0 8 1 . - A ing flIgD UL FIIeU IviLiE Mo ving Performances M. 0 A le.8 I. M. Cobban igb '62" pcesenied ;n Hall Nevember i I (db, under ail.- wmanville Kiwani,ý triumph af ot- Siasm. Foc the adoit it xvas a ce- cintoe the possi- sucb cnthusiasmi ted loto progre3- :pretense to bein., t amateur, Flying iicvectheless bad icks -ofthe protes- a iiittual desire te do it al over again nlext* vear wvith thciTrnt new show - -Fîx ing High '63"L.nit 'Local Farm Rummi U.c. W. Hold iage Sale wuences Kockung 'Union Elecis 'A successful Rumage Sale \vas hehd by Units Na. 17 and Sional show. le fast meving were nîanv, and stage facil- k Ç No. 5 off the Tcinity Unitei sequncethe rogam acedtie beig a thY ar influNew O ffcers Chucch Wamcn in the Sna seqouchnic h g anaciad tc en sTe r te~~Sehool Rooms on Saturdav theuhsigig dncn adToun Hall, these youngsters Temnhx etn f onn.Ms ila aa ccd%, routines cleveclv mix-! - cd, and delîvered xitb th-e miust havýe changed literally. Local 78, Darlington, Ontario was the canvenox- le charge etf ftat-orît confidence that cemes On the run.Farm Union, was heid at the'arrangements for the sale. w~ith bard \%vork and tougb cre- The rmusice %7aqespeciallv home et Mc. and Mrs. J. Tru- Thase who assisted weu's Iiearsals. Apron acts ini front good. Most off it was written deau, Bowmanville , en Tues- Mcs. Keith Jackson, Mrs. Arnx- et the cuctain allowcd for for tesobtsm a dav, Nov. 6th. Mc. Otto Bragg'odLkMs lo ih scicr hanges' and aveided taken froni shows and sangs was iin the Chair. ards, Mcs. L. Short, Mcs. S. the fatal buils which kilt the of ether days. Thdce are neo Reports were given hv ah ,Leask, Mrs. Cycil Avery, Mns. fmeod et an\ show. professional siegeî-s in the committee- and aIl dehegates!David Alidcead, Mrs. George A gircat deal off timie and group, although the miusical -who attended the OFU. Con- Cawker, Mcs. Cliff Mackliit, thouight had been puit into thie dicector bas, three sets of let-ývention at Lindsay, 22nd te Mcs. Bradley, Mrs. Merle Shu- costume changes whicl i ust ters after his name, but the 24th inclusive. in October. At' te, Mrs. S. B. Leggett, Mrs. have been donc with spli t harnionv, timing and enun- this convention a liveiv de- Lawrence C. Mason and Mca. secnd imng.Th chnge ntio wre Il er god. bate took place with a panel Richard Patfield. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE SHOWROOM 728-1617 COURTICE SHOWROOM 728-1611 ECREATION OOM D.MPLETELY ISTALLED FULL 12 x 18 FOOT RECREATION ROOM INSTALLED IN YOUR HOME Let Oshawa Wood Produets transform your basement, attir, gar-age or unused storýage area into an informai family-living, relaxation and cntcrtainment centre. Oshawa Wood Products handies the complete job uinder one contrýact from the ceiling te installing the floor.. you buy a "Package" not a "Project'*. Price showýn ik for average installation and may be slightiy lower or highier depend- ing on your neecis and requiremnents. VISIT OUR SHOWROOMS OR MNAIL STHIS COUPON TODAY! OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS P.O. Box 368, OSHIAWA, ONT. 1 j wculd I ike a FREE Est inate(nuii obligation) on buiIdi ng a BRecveal icin Roomr. NAME- ADDRESS .. AS LOW AS $ 453095 NO PAYMENTS FOR 6 MONTHS 3 CONSULTANTS TO SERVE YOU TELEPHONE -- DO - UT - YOURSELF SPECIALS 4' x 4' POPLAR UNDERLAY PE PLYWOOD - Waterproof 9 C SHELI' V16" I'nselected 1.auan 3/16' I nseler-ted I.auan Rlotary V-grooved Rotary V-groo%,'cd Pre-Finished Mahogany 1'nfinished Mlahogany PLYWOOD PLYWOOD 4' x7' 4 x9 4x ' x V14'x R' $4.06 $4.64 $3.50 $4.00 U0 nselected Lauan Rotary Plaisi t'nlinishcd Mahogany PLYWOOD $4.34 $4.96 OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCIS Ltd. 10 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU Main Office and Showroom BOWMANVILLE - MA 3-21:10 COURTICE - 728-1611 AJAX - ZEnith 2-9600 OshAva Office and Showroomn OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Phone 728-1617 on o Pubic Sntim nt The ('anadian State-nan, Bowmanvilie, Nov. 14, 1962 - 17 Costumes, sccnerv and light- of three dealing with the rniik 0 inîg wcre desigord and built issue. Much discussion follo\%-- vtle companv themnselves'ed, wvith the panel doing thoir ,nd showed imagination and; best te answer all questions on ice Of Public R elationis ingenuitv,:nd :gain that sc otoesa usin .ined to K iw aninClubeable.m oe bertina24th Uio,.a this amateur show lemax-k- speaker on Wednesday, were presented' l;c sentiment and it is ne less to one off eni;lihtned sl- Thehmu afakaddaY ihmn issues of Coli- i picture of the~ a science than anv other field intecest. unsr>phisticaIed - remnnscent cerniment te the farmers of idlv growing field involved in moul. ding publýic Mcr. Belanger s5unmcd unoff the old lime minstrel showv Canada. elations on'NMon- opinion. It developed slowlv his address as an effort te in somne places, and bordering A, iglig c f the Novcim- îthe.v listened te affter the first world war and present an image off a publce on the slap stick in others.- ber meeting of O.FU. is the ger off Toronto. a began \vinning substantial ce- relations couinsel as an im- Young and oldi alike seemed elctioni of' officers. MIc. J. the Public Rela- (*ior after the close et portant memiber of industrv's te athii easilv. In fact Trudeau, C o o n t Director. off Canada. wvorl.d war *twýo. the speaker management team, both heiP- audience reaction 'was exeel- chaired this portion off the ier started his ad- continuied. During this period ing te fermulate policies that lent at aIl three performances. meeting. Follo-wing are the ideavoring te cor- comipetitien had become keeii recegnize col-porate responsi- Laughter and enthîîsiastic ap- eiected officers fer the cern- )vie-televîsion ccc- and il became necessacy te bilit.v te the public. and as a plauýse broke out in ail the ing year: President. Mcr. L. sien that Public 'ourlt favorable publie opin- specialist in communicatîng right places in those spen- Wood: V ice -President, Mc. a glamnoreus, high- 100.. that awareness. taneous bitîsts vwhich are the Otto Bragg: Secretarv-Treai- of enterprise with Se business eiplo.ved pub- He %vas introduced by Don life blood off ail performers, urex-. Mrs. Lola Cox; Pýublicitv, wards in unlimited lic relations to eldIo..t bring, Milligaji and thanked bx' Joli>i evervu7hcre. Education, Legislation, Mrs. ~ ounts and fabulous comipanies, products and ideas Brownlee. After SatiirdanIighlt's per- Coutts: Recceation and Social, before the public in such a. During the meeting col- fernmance the Kiwanis Club M is. M . Wood; Organizer, the practice off wa *v that the 'v would win pub- ducted bv President ROss gave a part.v foc the cast, and Special Problems, Mr. E. Cox:, tions Js as old as lic support, Publicitvý is in- Jackman, reports were ceceiv- vvere glad te note that the County Representative, Mr. sterxy, he said. It \'oi\ed in this precedure, but ed on the "Fl.ving High" show wcar and tear cf the show had Otto Bragg; Auditor, Mr. J. one man trving te public relations does more which, apparently. had been ne effect at ail. The younig- Trudeau. ither man te take than that, in its efforts to elldI ost successful. Efforts wiIl sters went right on si',nging Your Farmi meetings are d Mc. Belanger. a product or corporate image. be made te present it agaiîî tîli the party cndcd at 'i-aogtemetipratt ablest practitien- Before that can be donc, theceinext year. night. To the thoughtful aduit yu laeatn hm rk Antony whose has to be some justification' Progress on the Santa Clau., looking was anttindpiring is Caesar was as, for the corporation te be fa':- parade, aise being sponsorcd sighit - se many ha'ppy teen-ý Business being concluded, ia 2cutive in utilizin-' ocablv reflected and that is by the Kiwanis Club. wecd re- agerq singing and dancing in social heur followed. Appro- to build an imagae, where practitioners off publie' ported, with over 10 bands the Court Room, se etten host priate thanks were extendcd 1lf as an 'v twenli- relations have piayed an ini-:alreadyv bookcd and floats ar- te other teenagers whnse lives te our hosts. Next meetitlkz businessmani." i portant cdc, in awakening the] ranged, te make the show ev- don't hold enough of laughter Dec. 4th, at the home off Mr. se off Public Rdla-1 corporation conscience fcom a en biggec and better than last and singing. and Mcs. Otto Bragg, 13n,.- cultivation off pnb-"puibtic-he-damned" atiudnea.l spite et the tremiendot- manville. Farmer Know Thy- amout ofwork invoived i U:L 'LI" r2uungingAIhiL show from Torsef.- " SERVICE05H W * QUALITY WO ODH W " DEPENDABILITYWo D " INTEGRITY PRODUCTS MA 3-3356 1962 Rambler Station Wagon 4-dr., 6 cyl., standard, radio, low mileage. In new car condition. 1961 Pontnac Sedan 6 cyl., 4-dr.. solid cei color. Radio. In good condition. 1958 Oldsmobile Sedan Heater, radio, autonatic. An exceptionally good car. White with red trim. Lowv mileage for year. 1957 Pontiac 2-Dr. 6 cyl., standard, radio. Local car in AI condition. 1956 Chev. Hardtop 6 cyl., standard shift. Radio. Real sharp car. 1955,s Six Models Chrysler Products, Pontiats, ~evs. and Fords. Sotie automnatlc, sonie standard. A good variety to choose Vrpm at bargain prices. Now lm the time to hav-e your car Under-sprayed and Snow Tires lnstalled. Don't be caught napping. 24-Hour Towing Servicé Service Station MA 3-3401 Alter lilP.m. MA 3.5645 Wo are now a rerognlzed niember of N. A. iL. Our Sheil Service Statioli s open dally until il p.nî. CONTACT: S Earl McQucen Weldon Brown Bud Fogg Jim Crombie Sales HERE 15 WHAT YOU GET * 490 sq. ft. of heautiful pre-finished T.auan Rotary V-grooved Mahogany Plywood. * 216 sq. ft. of Vinyl Asbestos Tile, colour of your choice. * 216 sq. ft. of Acoustival ('eiling '111e (WVhite). *One Door. *Complete trim, finishing iaterials, hard- ware, etc. *3 Recessed Tights. 3 :Receptacles. 1 iSwitch * (omplete Installation liv skilled ('lafts- nmen . . . ail labor and materials fullv guaranteed by Oshawa W'ood I'roducts. FREE PLANNING, SERVICE Oshawa Wood I>oducts' consultants %,%ili help you plan your Rec. Room ti best fit the requirements of your family! FREE ESTIMATE SERVICE A complete cost-estimate NvilI he f urnishcd . . . you pay oniy this contract price « no hldden 'extras"! GET FREE ENTRY BLANIK FOR Ç LIV E PONY See tfiis beautiful pony at aur Courtice showroom SATURDAY., NOV. l7th