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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1962, p. 1

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br(Ennab trnahfrmr Durham County's Great Family Journal Yo ung Folks Attend Ceremony ýv-OLUME 108- 1 Pýages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14th, 1962 lOc Per -Copy NU-MBER 46 Service Last weekend, the new ambulance service for Bowmanville and the sirrounding area went into operation under the proprîetorship of Donald William H-arvey, agc 32 years. Mr. Harvey bas bad consid- crable experience in this field, botb in the United States and Canada andci e xiii have two ambulances readv foir 24 hour service. The 'Phone number to cali is 62ï3-3321 if you require an ambulance locally. MVr. Hlarvey, his xife Wendy, a Registered Nurse and their Goes Into Operation More Funds Needed Famous Optimist Band Here for Santa Parade Toronto's Santa Claus Parade will be held Ibis Saturday morning, but Bowmanville's will flot be far behind. It is scheduled for December 8th and promises to be one of the greatest events of Arrangements have been a large number of outstandir Sother-s are ini the course of prel is aiso proceeding on the giî * boys at the Ontario Training completed work on the huge Si This week came the g( Optimist Band of Toronto will parade. This is a prize-winnir wonderful reputation for marc Unfortunately, whîle th, doing the majority of the wor' ship of Parade Chairman Carso will be a costly venture. The are not being filled as rapidiý weekend. several botties will t ing communities where it is three children, Marilyn 4, Wendy 3 and Donald Jr. tions xiii be generous. In 3 months, have taken up residence in tche town. Theiri canvass of town merchants isc cquipment includes two-way radio, and aIl the other:i as large an amount as possibl apparatus to provide the best service possible. Mr.1 made your donation, please d( Harvey at right, is shown a]ongside one of bis vehicles.' opportunity. He xii be assisted on a part time basis by Wm. Evans,, a qualified maie nurse, standing at lef t, and four P . other part time men on caîl at any time. D..arling Ion P. imade to import quite ing, new floats and paration here. Work ant figures and the 1School have almost Santa Claus float. good nexvs that the Il be one of those on ing group that bas a .ching and playing. he Kiwanis Club is ýrk under the leader- on Elliott, the parade Sbotties in the stores ly as required. This be taken to reighbor- boped the contribu- the meantime, the continuing, to obtain le. If you bave flot Io so at the earliest C's Elect Le,910n eImIeIImranc~e Luier Trinity United ýVTiicerS Tor iyoz-o. / Speaker UrgesRededicationHolds Its 127th At Hampton Meeting m oC four youngsters were among thosewowrcpentn Sp a e re e e ïatv(nl onn hen teLgotouc P'aeh F rancis Werry Enniskillen, sities, labor and management wreaths in rnemory of those xvho bad paid È urm ariiei vr Annivesaryvas elected president of the towards a solution were dis- T o Ease urden and Sorrow AnuversaryDarlington Progressive Con-'cussd by Alex Carruthers, rbe W ah rF re To Ea e Bu d n nd S rr wAt the 127th Anniversary. servative Association at the M.P.P., in bis address. M s Services held in Trinity Unit-1 annual meeting held in Hamp- Mr. Carruthers lauded the M s r l e t e ed Church on Sunday, Novem- ton on Tuesday evening. Oth- policies of the present Ontario ber 4th, Dr. George G. D. Kil- er officers eiected for 1962-63 Governmcnt. He stated that s T ALPatrick, D.D., Toronto, who were: st vice-president. Elmer since the Progressive Conserv- R mbrn c nhfSe.j O f ino e uuno ~ uîîer a Losse ~i~ie:l hof thereo<.logia presièent, Lloyd Ayre, Shaw's, in Ontario in 1943 more jobs,Rem * ~ a* ns d A man xwhose dai work1-the purpose for which they their responsibi1ît'y to the de- Coliegae at McGiIl University, and secretary-treasurer, Har-1more wages, and more oppor -_ brings him i constant con-'fought and died. Remembrance pendants of the war casual- wasth us preacl1er. -l asn apotnte aebe rae tactv wtte arth have to bcm a ties yetnigcusl The basic causes of the and from these productivity it tatwî h a njured. aywthbeoeey x'ninoouseDr. Kilpatrick's inspiring growing problem of unem- bas been increased, and there 5a g r ws A tt n e veterans' xvidows and chiid- part of every day, and not guidance and friendship to semna h o omnt n h tp en asbe rae eeu ren, urged his audience on1 mereiy an anniversary to bc theni at ail tumes throughout viemona oh mning ser- lyetanthsepbigbs-enagrtrrvnu.B t Lge C od Saltîrday evening to rededi- celebrated with formai cere- the year. A visit to Sunny- in ns.heDvieSu, taken by the Conservative Garnet Rickard. the Pro- cate ihcmsclves to ease the1 mony and solenin music, hie brook or similar hospitals mn. In the evening his Govcrnimcnt of Ontario in gressive Conservative candid- Despite the wind and rain pices of the MayorTw en ,n orwo h e elrd would remind us that theretoiNtFrSae"wsao conjunction with the univer- TR OPG W storn that swept the district Council, t h le Bowiani pe h ns who are icft. Mr. Reid urged those pre- 'are many veterans still alive both uplifting and practicai. _______________________________ on Saturday morning, a large Min isterial Association ndDc espeaker was Robert scnt to take tume to fufli ýTURN TO PAGE TWO) Mrs. Lloyd Ayre's soprano peolenun .uwuaryrlay79cl heRO rO, .B.E., provincial Ser-1 solo was 1o\ Beautiful Up- 'ber ofp0 iende d eranc h 178 in egof the RylC o bnedth uis The m i r-ï. iSerie of laremas ncoe, l-ia Leon Thsonte L Canaclian Legion. He was a- %eVc eîs ni-Ïl ýsýicnooff Rei drsigteana ee-service presented "Crimond" years. There xvas a good at-i Annie Oke, chairman o h brance Dinner at teLegion- M.a.n A th e kley, i s sud y tnTheis kendirsCvi oimi ,C Branch here. Fine RemTeflbranc l .A erscant is s u y LOTS 0F MILK - It xiii bc recaiied that Glen tmendbnccof teLiadire s iie omtege, Cun1 lo Mr. Rç4d refreshed memor-' Brough, and Miss Mary Ruth Rae Dairy marked their 5Otb Anniversary in iary to the Royal Canadian lor Keith Shackelton,1vT T les by -ýreca]ling that in the A a I. Osborne. A r t h u r Coilison, business last week by giving away a day's supply Legion, Girl Guides, Boy. C. Vcrbrugge , exRenvmd. Te First World War Canadians MýA d ress ut R~Lotary Clu Mus.Bach., L.R.S.M,, was the of milk to their customners, plus a quart for every Scouts, Brownies and Cubs. Grant, Rev. A. C. 1 Fahroth BrdwI sufrd1002csate, rAt te veig service the' order in the stores whicb îhey suppîy. In ail tbey The annual service honoring Rev. W. K. HousianderCp nnileRtr lbo Witl the1kildi atoe0vepe nte eoeacenitona Pret ted those who had given their tain Donald Ritson, REv.Hrhrdy rdyadSt dyng 60,66 th eoe nthe dty o sferancA we ar was presend-toCountry Four, Don Stapies, and their îroducers provided the community witb ieho aaaxa edi old Turner, Rev. R. F.Swn, ray cnng at81 Second WorlcI War, there wer.21the freedoni for which hun- ýGeorge Stephen by Art Ribey, JMcrrili Brown, Gie Au a d 1 ove 00 urtses ofofeemlk . Toh e aisorersn- theaofonH ud itor ium ih Cn-IJRes ..Woo r, resdn'acoki ieTw hl .53.145 casuaities and 41,99 ded f thousands of brave!a member of the Attendance werc kiled iri action. In themen fought anýd died in twolCommittee. The birthdays ofnubes for the full 50 years. Nice gesture!ThRmebacDy r-ndPsintAryBt,'n îtraimnan i Korcan operation. which was' world wars, Rev. John Ver-' Bernard Holden and Bill Mor- The of thc RoylCnda eiopa ilpide outstand- riot conisîdrcd large enoughibrugge told his tellow Ro-irison were celebrated by their vire was held uinder the ats- <(TURN TO PAG~E TVO a neceln at lu be callcd a war, Canadians tarians in his address at Bow- fellow Rotarians. p .4 VENISON PLENTIFUIL Harry Akev, Lance-- had 516 killed and 1202 othr:ianvile Rotary Club's lunch-' Dr. Keith Slemon, a past S o tN w and Don Plain were with a group of hunýtcrs who casualties. con m eeting at the F yingl president, introd u c e d the re al y b o g t bo n h e t T e h t f u The sacrifice the-,e cagor, Dutchman Motor Hotel Ou ispeaker. He said tîiat hie was Bownianville DisMtrit Bovl moose, tbree deer and a bear. Harry shot one t ors o r s o d n n T mien and womnen made has notFridav. Mr. Verbrugge was,proud to have been Rev. John SosC ouci iitlb deer and Lance shot lwo moose. Ted Bird was been wasted su long as those ithe special Remembrance Day!Verbrugge's sponsor for mem- - sCuii st cheldj who survived do not forgcet'speaker _____TuRN TO PAGE TWO> onl Tuesday, Nov. 20th, at 8, aiso iucky, be shot two moose, with another party, -p.m. in the Legion Hall, Bow-ý and Gary Hancock yelled something that sounded Veterns E ter t. A drew s mahe pstye.&s ike "I shot a moose" as he drove by in a truck Vete ans Ente St An rew' aciviies nd he lecton flithe other day. There arc otbers wbose names officers for the next year wiîî xiii not be mentioned who came home empty- bc the main items of business handed. It's bard to shoot tbem f rom the bunks, In my opinion, the prograrn boys! offcred through Cubbing and *iT +* Scouting bas the best charac-+ ter building features of aux' FIRST WIN The Shamrock Intermediates are 1program available today. 1, leadîng their hockey icague. Tbey played Iheir first should bc given whole-lieart- game iast nigbt in Picton and came up with a four- ed support by alI those inter- point win, 6-4. Thcy meet Trenton bere lomorrow esteditheyuh for o (Tîîuisday'), xvhiic the Junior B's next encounter Council President. xiii be with Dixie here on Sunday. John Bain -I$ PILES 0F TREES -Tlioxxsnrls of Christmas.- ----~~ Local Winners ln Competition At Winter Fair Exhibitors of horses and sheep from this area at the Royal Agricultural Wînteî Fair have once more wvon bhonours in their cliasses. Victor E. Cookson of Bow- manville wvon tbe grand cham- pîonship mare award in the Percheron Class of the breed îng horses division last Satur- day. This is the fifth consecu- tive w'in foi- bbc Cookson's.ý James A. Cookson and soný Vyictor also had the reservi- juniot- champion in Percheron mare. They also took first in the six horse bitch and fourth in the four horse hitchi. Boyd Ayr-e of Hamnpton won ribbons as follows in the Chev-, itSheep competition: Rani, twovo cars or over, Ist: Rami, one year and under two lt Rami lamb, lst and 2nd: Ewe !îamb, lst and 2nd; Flock, rami, any age, two sbearling ewes, I two ewes. Ist; Four Iambs. 1 both sexes, not more than two rami lambs. isi. Lloyd Ayre's Southido\wni ewe xvas named champion. His farni is just east of Bowman- ville. In the South d o w' r n awards, lie also \%,on as fol-, low-s: Rani. one year and under two, 3rd: Rarn lamib 2nd' yea- ling cwc, ist and 3rd: Eve lamb, lst; Fiock, rani, any' a-' .~two shearling cwes, two ewc 4t lambs, lsb: Four iambs. botli Standar-d bearers nad their fla ssyn iha eio ais uiir exes, not more than two rami gs flinghi-has LgionLadis Aui iay lsb. rflL'mbers entei-ed St. Andrew's Presbvterian ChUrîch. un Sundav murin gti, for a T%%o local cxliîbîtors placcd Remcembraîîce Service conducted by Rev. Fi-ed Swann. tTURN TO PAGE TWO> trees are piied around Burketon raiiway station these days as the annual ioading for the season gets underway, and trucks piied bigb with the evergreens are plying the highways. Christmas certainiy is coming very quickly. DURHAM CLUB - Toronto's Durham Club meets Thursday wben guest speaker Mrs. Ethel Brant Monture will speak on "Pauline Johnson". The bulletin tbis month features a brief history of the, v'illage of Orono, narned after a town in the State of Maine. t ~1~t 1t t THE HARD WAY - Ross Alldread off Beaver Lumber went bunting on Saturday... with a truck. It xvasn't intentionai, but be got bis deer, A 250-1300 lb. buck leaped right in front off bim as he xvas driving aiong Taunton Rd. near the Acres Restaurant. The lhree-day season was over here so the OPP took the dear deer wbicb prob- ahiy xiii provide a feed of venison for the aged citizens at the home in Cobourg. The truck is heing repaired at a cost of between $200-$300. Expensive hunting. BASKETBALL -T he town baske tbaii league bas openings foi' severai piayers. If interested, contact Ted Dadson, Tom Pearson. Doug Rigg or Don Martin. BOARD AND RO0031 Anvone in toxvn interest cd in providing board and room for two or moi-e men whu xiii be working here for, the winter months? Phone The Statesman and we shail be happy tco pass alontg the information. ERRATA --Ii last week's Statesman Uic name off Nor'man E. Sxveet appeaî-ed as President of the company \which xviii be starting an industry here. It shouid bave been Norville E. Sweet. Our apologies' No furthcr details have been receivcd cunicerning this company which is bu havc a sod- turning ccremony on November 2lst. MRS. MINNIE E. MdHOLM Another fir:ýî in her life was life, belied ber mneliow yc.ars. hiumor and some pathos. chalked up iast NMonday even- As the interview unfolded, Mrs. McH(,Irn mrîried out Mringl correspnent. tlo hei was- evident that from earl- We-st ai-id she and lier husband ,Morrsi-,correpondnt fo Thcanie ca.t '14 ycr;is ago, scttling Canadian Statesman. With theie t girlhoodi she had been of 'nafn atfo:ery111 aplomb of a seasoned veteran, an advcnturesome nature. She -She has written sinc , she was Mrs.M \Iflîni was most relax-'toid how she, a shcltercd girl, a girl at selîool antic is pres. cd, natural and at ('ase when after the death of her grand- entiy working on a book. She inic xi v.d 1 Rex Loringr on parents, aiiswer<-d an ad and mentionc-d a (hapter, 'Dark (il . ,ii TV Channel 6, carne bu far away Canada froni Sommer", whichi deals with CELï*' Erigland, fer first job 450 her first somrmer in thle West At. 8(,;,Mis .. liHoli-n u-prùb-, ' ars ag<î xas that of co>ik (inand her battles willh tlies, ably the oldest active rîews- a faim in Western Canada.* Atýrnosquitoes and even bedbugs. papcr correspondent in On-'her grandparents' borne, whichIWec hope Mrs. MeHorni's book tajo nil iont n Canada. fier- %vas s;taffed vu? h servanît:,she s sî'ou conipletred. Tt it ill \.Il, chapil and keen mncmury, lh-icd had nuo cookîng Icasonslia If ;ts good as hcr interview, as lic irclatcd intcrcsîîng and or tlie lîke, and ber exper-ience.s'it %41 Oc duliîghtfutl.-Photo by %humnurus neudutc6 humon her-as cook-gencral wure lull o,Mrs. IRoy Luiîncy. Area Ambulance

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