2The Canadfan Statestmar, Bownianvillie, Nov. 14, 19621 Report from Ottawa By Russell C. Honey, M. P. New members of the Com- said, -I cannot understand thie'naturedlyý, as "Tory Tomm"v nions, including the member, leader of the New Democratic As members prepared for from Durham, confessed to party and the leader of the the second vote on the mair some difficulty in unwinding' Social Credit party saying we Liberal amendment a new at- last nlght as the effects of themust wait for a period. Surelv,imosphere of uncertaintv de- dtram.a of the evening sessionithis is not in keeping with our veloped as a sharp div ision took Somne time to subside, concept of responsible govern- was apparent in the Social This mornng it was reassuring! ment. Our concept of re-,Credit ranks. Sharp verba] to know, frorn conversation:sponsible government is that exehanges were observed in with veteran members of the!when a government bas lost the Social Credit lobby as Mr. House, that this emotion wasthe confidence of parliament,,Thompson sought te hold his not conflxxed to freshman' when At has lost the confidence followers in line. The N.D« members. Oldtimers on Pari- o! the people, regardless of the party had previously indicat- lament Hill advise that theiinconvenience to which the cd they would support the tension of the House had nt the Canadian people might beLiberal main amendiment, thus been equalled in modern times subjecied, the very integrity shifting the onus to Social -neot even in the "pipe-line"i0f Our parliamentary system Credit to prolong the life oft clebate of recent memory. calls for the defeat of that'the Conservative governmnent., Veteran Liberal Paul Martin government, whether or nlot Mr. Thompson's success was( that means an election." mixed. Mr. Caouette, present1 was the last speaker before the Hav ing the smallest repre- for the first vote, was con- first vote took place on the'sentation in the House,P the spicuous by his absence for Socal redt b-aendenNDP votes Iast, and thus is the vote on the main amend- te he uppy mtin. iscos-ina favoured position if it ment. Twelve of bis members ing a closely guarded secret wishes te take advantage of it, followed him out of the arrived at during two Lîberal to save or defeat the govemn-'chamber. or chose to abstain caucuses during the day, Mr., ment. It was obviousîy a bitter: from voting. Two Social Cred- Martin declared that the Lib-. pili for Tommy Douglas, in it members stood wilh the' cral Party would throw its his first vote in the Parlia- Liberals and the N.D.P. Thpo weight behind the Social Cred- ý ment since taking bis seat last remaining members followed _ it sub-amendment. In making Fridav, tb lead his group in Mr. Thompson's lcad to oncet this statement the member Soîid spoto h osr-aanssanteg\en-et from Essex East declared that supr'fte0nsr-aanssai h ocneî it ws bingdon, nt a atîve governmenl. Had the The Social Credit cleavage it asbeng on, So as aN.D.P. followed the formerreflecled the growing restless-t vote for Social Credit policies, pattern of votùig with thc ness of their Quebec members. but as a vote against the g9ov- Liberal Party, the goveromentmany of whom are obviously ernment. Stating that if itwould have -been defeated. ln concerned with criticism that was rigbt for ail three OP- the end, however, they saved they are maintaining the Con-, position parties to criticize the the government by a majorityiservative government in powv- govrnmnt hen it a5of eight votes. This morning, er, rather than dischargingt right - indeed it was t h îr in thecordrM.Dulste epnibisas n duty - te vote against the cordrM.Duga hi9epnsblte sa govenmet ad togiv th being referred to, good opposition party. people the opportunit'v 1e once again sce if they cou]d return a government with sufficientia r e A d e c s H a strength te bring forward present economic problems. Sa i.ton rrry o d ý Making a direct appeal Io f opoitoarisM._atnAt B. Hu. S. Auditorium t "'A Festival in Brass" pi-c- voicos o! bbe Vocalettos wci-e sentedi by tbc Oshawa Salva- again heard in "Keep Iut tion Army Band and the Nia- Touicli." This was foliowed bv gara Falls Salvabion Army.bbc playiuîg o!thie au'r\varie Band at Bowmanville Higýh "Sunshine" by bhe Niagarut Sebool on Saturday even in g Falls Band. was greatly enjoyed by a large The Osliaxa Baud aiso audience. Cýaptain Donald Rit- playec Illie festiv-al inorc-l son introduced tbc chairman, 'Praisc", and thi e leclioîu, Captain Doug Hanks, Com- Momenits wîi '1scliaikovskv' mauîding Officer o! the Salva- The niinuct "Bcrih-c' i Ciou-ps. - Nagara FaIts hY Ill, Niagurja yFous Baui1d Corps.vas also cujos cci. The prograiui opeiied witlî "Beuicath the Cross o!fJcsiîs' bhec origregaliuinat1 song "Praise wxas sung ib' ' the Vncaleîhcs My Soul, the King o! Hoaven" anîd Panclsmnî Jaç-k Cnckheacl followcd wibh a prayer by Y. gave, an eupbouîni solo, "Ms P. S. H. Harry Bartletb. Liglit aîîd Soiig.' Mus. Caphaiin Next came a stirring niarcli 'D. H-anks. Niagara Faits, gav-e "Norwood Heiglîts", played by n ascripîcuro reading o! bhe tbc two bands. The lovely sei- ISibîl Psaluii. eceion, "Robes o! White", was The two bauds conucctcd piayed by the Oshawa Band. by the Bowmauiviiie Yocung The Vocalettes, Oshawa ýPeoples Band Leadier Geo rge sang "We Have An Aiclior"'iCherrington playcd "ly" Much applause was aiso u-e*'Beriediction wus giveî bx' Cap- ceived by the Niagara Falîs tain James Waywvelt, ÀAjax. iBand for bbc mareh "In bhe,- Firing Lino." A fine trombone solo, "Count Your Biessings", was played by Bandsman MI os iciI Noîm Rit son, . iThe Oshawa Band's present aion o! "Giad Praises" ws W enther excellent, and the charmîng i 'PROM PAGE ONE, TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE The 4th Instaliment 1962 TAXES ARE DUE AND PAYABLE NOV. 16 d 1962 JACK REID, Cle rk. Get Acquainted With Your Member 0f Parliament nt the Bowmanville Hotel Mr. Alex (arruthers M. P. P. Mr. Garnet Rîckard FEDERAL CANDIDATE wiIl be guests of the Bowi'nanville Conservative Assoc'iationi 0on November 19,1962 9 P. m. EVERYONE WELCO31E Jack Brough, Pi-es. GOD SAVE THl-E QUEEN Bowmnanville Ladies Auxiliary to bbc Royal Canadian Legion. The Memocial Service was opencd by Re'. .J. C. Ver- 'bruggc xith thc Cail to Wor- ship and Irnvocationi. Thbe bvymn "God o! Our Fatiiers" was sung. The Lord's Prayer wa s said un unuson by ait pro- sent led by Rev. S. A. Grant.i The narnes of tbe fallen were read as foliows by Max-or Hobbs: Honor Rolli o!mn who felliun action 1914-18, 1,J. A. Aidcro!î, S. Argonb, H. B1arr, C. Bruc-e, B. Tranch, R. Brancb, E. P. Bribton, W. G. B cilson. R. Camplinig, E. F.' 'Carr, P. G. Chance. A. Cbîris- btic, E. G. Clarke, L. Clavîon, T. Cochrane. E. W. Cousins, P. L. Crago, T. Ccrran, J. Da-, viR. Davis, H. D. Edgcrton, IG. Fowiec, P. Giuîîblett. F. G.' Goodwin, J. Hitchcock, W. 'Hlughes, D. Ireland, H. Irelaîîd, XV. Jackson, R. H. Joiliffe. A. E. Joncs, R. F. Jouies, F. Kor- shaw, A. F. King, G. King, A. H. Living. C. Luxloîî, K. C. Martin, N. MeCrimmouî, C. McDouîald. A. E. McLaugbliu, F. Me.Mann, H. V. W. Moses,' 'J. R. Moyse, H. Mcîthon. W. H. Nichoils. A. Oxlex-. J. Palmer, O. Pingle, J. Reicd, G. Robb, IL. W. Sanders E. L. Saîîders, A. Simnick, J. Srnith, C. Sprx-, J. Staiker, R. W. Tait, P. H. Werrv, C. Wille'«.-, A. C. Wi - lianis, R. A. Wilson, .A Wren. Honor Roll o!fnmen wlio fei iuî action 1939-45, Gordon AI- liii, Tomnmy Bird, Eric Cheet- bani, Kcnneth Cole. Gleun Colo, Xitiani Coîx-ilte. Alex Colxiile Johni Coîitie. G orcicii 1 Cowling. \ibtani Fair. W'îl- t ian Joliu n 'vto Edwxarci Flaxmni, G. 'F. B. Hlouîe 'ian. Rouîald l'oopeu-. Fred Jack- mai, Williami Jolloxv. G'oI"-;e Kennedy-, J a c k Kilgannon. HarrY Lee, Arîbtir Livinîg, Harold Louigx'-uu-ti, Job i Mat- tiîiews, F. Chiarles Mtuttonu. John ~ Pocitton, Raîx-Ru-uiardU, -jac-k Roac-u. Sîd uiex'Rcîidtc. Dant Sbeehan, C. E. Souîîer- scales, Eric Swîidells, Joliîî Taylor, Norman E. Tlîruuîpson. W1vseý Kiitedi on Ac'ixe Ser- ic,19.51-53. .J ltu n The Prayrci-o!feîeîîba. was said by Rex'. A. C. H-er-, bort. Then ail preseit saugý tic liynirn 'Lead Oui. O Kin: Eherin." Bev. W. Ký Iloci - tauîder gave bbc Rpsponiîve 'Readinîg, Isauali -40: I-lt. Th-ý, Seripîcire Reading \iiSgix-c i bv. Captaiti Donald Ritsoii. 'Fhi Prax ors for I(t-ua o ai IPea(ce. for 'fbose W110o Suf-1 fer bv Reason of W'ar ancd forir thec Quoeu, Coinîionxeal:h. and Canada, werc Said bv tic',. Harold Turner. Ait sang bbce bvnin, 'Gcuide 0, OThon Great Jebox-al -- The Txvo :ic'Se- al, Ilt a un. iMn rxo! Tbise Whîo'Made Itie Stilpi en)e Sac- ni ficeewas I«olloxx'ed b - Uicth la,,t Pc-iA, Lanîî-î:' anîd ox-il- le. pu i b'.' Rex R. F,5'.', i!.' o-i the .Lbcc L' V'1Fre He empbas;lzed the act i.hat I the one thlngr evervone ha.q in' common is forgetfulness. Nob impressed about something at'iantHnrrV e er n the lime. x'.e seem 10 forget, par he declared. i tALrnn rt "We trv tb overcome forget-i n1 jfulness in- many ways incelud-' t R m m r n e D n ing makîng notations in a diary, or on a calendar. We do A wonderful Remnembrance!president, Jack Knight, Ser- the Bowmanville Lions Club, it bv observing speciai davs Day message was delivered' geant-at-Arms, George Thra- The winners of the Hockey for ibe things of wider sig-ý bv Rev. James D. C. Jack, sher, treasurer, and Ernie Per- Draxv were; Wedncsday, No- nificance ,'hich we \vant to Cobourg. the guest speaker at fect. \'cmber ]4th. G. Kemish. Osii- rremember in a special wav. the Armistice Dinner meetin-gý Other guests w'ere Rev. ava, and Ken Kelly: Satur- "Soxv osevetoay- e-of the Bowmanville LionsFred Swann. Bowmanville, daY, November 171b. 'Ted Bag- mS embran erDave toremind Club beld at the Lions Com- and Don Williams, Superin-,neli, and George Muscat, Osh- us thal wha.\ Ieno 'o ree- ndmunity Centre on Monday.tendent of the Ontario Train- awa; Saturday, Novernber 2-1, Lsta htýv nooffe-evening. ing School for Boys, Guelph, Dr. Keith Slemon and R. 1domn and prosperit%, was not A. M. Thompson introduced wbo is a former member o Brooks. easilv wvon, but lias been madeth usspaendave possible lhrough the blood, ftbe gust speakr, Jandkafoteh the loil, the sweat. the tears ftak 0M.Jc o ~ of men and wvomen who set' xeletadrs asmvdt. Paul's Church U.C.W. evei-ytbing aside when free-;bv Bill Burk. dom was lhreatened, and' The following members of *went out tb subdue and con- the executive o! Branch 178H l u c s f B z a r quer the threat. of the Royal Canadian Legion 1 'Not one o! us bave been were guests at the Lions Ar- The Bazaar hcld by the St.,centred with a lovely ar- f unaffected bx' Ibis sacrifice.1mistice dinner meeting: Pre- Paul's United Church Women rangement o! bronze and yel- SThose wbose names xvere reaci sident James Woodward, l51' in tbe Sunday School Rooms, loxv cbrysanthemnums, and the sout paid tbe supreme saci-i- Vice-President E. V. Sbeeban. recently was enjoycd by ' atea tables were adorned witb tfiee. These mon here repu'- Chaplain John Living, Peter-large number o! people. Mrs. pretx' autumrn flowers. -scntin- tbe services paid a Bathgate, Po p py chairman, Harold Turner, the minister's Mrs. Harold Turner, Mrs. rsacrifice. AIl of us in one way Don Cameron. assistant Poppyýwife, and Mrs. Frank Osmond, Anna Watson, and Mrs. Alex or anoîher bad tb pay for tc h irmn - ,d -p te11 ieprsdnt e-McGreor p resided over the vietrv wieb bevw-onfor s. comed bbe many patrons at "But is it not regrettable Ibat Nobel Peace Prize was award- the door. Mrs. H. A. Cuth- inacs. Those w oassisthe 1we have 10 wail until Novem-'cd to Dag Hammershold three bertson, tbc treasurer. was yonegrso m e o! be ber 111h eaeb ycar to think montbs a fter his death is sym- pleased wîth the excellent re- \1on girs o! the corea sciouvaott s fw obouec, be added. l turns from the suceessful* in isHahr Moe so even then? We forget ro The speaker- referred bo the evnt1ennifer Purdy, Miss Penny easilv and so soon. During recent crisis regarding USSRý The attractive booths offer- Lofferv, Miss Nancy McRoberts, the da ' s of the first World missiles in Cuba and the Unit- Jda ak o iels rte sMi .s_ Alfreda Joncs, Miss Bren- War. and during World War. cd States' quarantine o! the Mrs. Jc cstesca da Virlue, Miss Jeannette Bop,i II, the Battie of tbc Atlantie, island. The world held iýuls onenran ar.eKofthe Miss Janice Purdy, Miss June the BaIlle o! Britain, Dunkirk. brcath for fear the button foi-.Hilwcre inchreote Bain, Miss Donna Rog-ers, and Dieppe, the North Africari a thermo-nuclear war might Christmas Cards Table. Miss Gail Sellers. Campaign, the N o r ni a n d v be pushcd. he asserted. Mrs. W. B. Syer, the leader 'lhle following ladies assisted! ianding, and the advance Khrushcbev's agreement to o! No. 9 Unit was convenor of in bhe preparabion o! the tea- lbrougbI France. thie Lowdismanîle the missile sites in thc Apron Booth and the iii LterWlh Ms i_ Couinîries and Germanv eCb pactybs soived!Knitted Goods Table. ThisMrsLtrWes, rsW- lboughl w-c could neyer for- the imminent tbreat from bbc Unit was also in charge o! hbb ci Teeple, Mrs S. MCAllîN- gel." Cuban crisis, but armed con-1popular Touch and Take 1r r aodMoe n Mr. Swann spoke of the fliet bctwecn India and China,!Table. Mrs. Syer was assis - Miss Elva Orchard. groat senseofo pride ait fPi! tension in tbe Middle East, 'd by Mrs. Douglas Kemp when îîews flashes procîaimi- the Berlin question, and u11- and Mrs. James Patterson. S cd the braverv and devotionrcst in Africa are ail indica- I Mrs. N. IL. Eldridge was the S e le of those meni and xvomen wlîo tive of' these troubled times, convenor o! bhc appealing dis- fouglbt so gallantIv-. He dc-'Mr. Verbruggc stalcd. ýplay of toys and Ibis booth piorod that il bbec alm xvbicb, Altbough people, de si re offered a wide variety of de-, u rges followed thieStorm peopleipeace, as long as open inspec- lightful stuffed animnais, me-1 tended to pub the thougbts of tion of armaments bas notchanicaI boys, and books. Mrs. batie uI ! teirmins ad bcuinstituted, preparedncss 1Eldridge is the leadcr of No.11t cROM PAGE ONE) blu sout ofglua eirtin cx sUianodî' rie tatmui'Unit, which was in charge of Who are continuing tb make lnt foî'ot tIîo ertaiosex-ats he pid ot r i remarked. the Tov Booth. She was assist- gi'eat daiysacrifices and wbo tnad \orv p tosbe . 'G ean b iorm, cnts'expedured by Mrs. C. C. Purdy, Mî's. necd kindrness and gratitude. Ho expli md that people for armnamenîs arc far greaber Harold De Mille and Mrs. Jas. The guest speaker was un-: forlet casil', beeause of iî'îir than those for spiritual, moral Colvilie. troduc-ed bx' brancb serviceý miental ,ae- p "ossibi, and cultural agencies." The'1The. Home Bakiiîg Booth's officer Pasi President Ross tliey do îîol givoe nocigb speakcer also spoke o! tbc com-i1delcctable wai'es proved to be MeKnîght wlîo paid bigh tri- thouigbtt inîpressions that parativelv small amount o! a great drawing card. No. 5,bute 10 Mr. Rcid for bis uîî- sliould be indeliblv ctclicd or. monex' available for sprcading, Unit was in charge off this pîo- tiriîîg efforts op beliaif of Iboî niuds aîd Iosee . bbcmesageof he osplsject and of bbc wondcrful col- voIci-ans and dependanîs. Zone plots tui niad 'thorv X te eagf t heeagtsopeeae.lection of janîs. preserves aîîd Conîmander Ab. Mavinc- sible bavet become -taîatisý Mr.' Vei'bruggc recalled the:illies, wbicb wcre prescnted pressed the audiencc's appre- and intereting stories," ho vast destruction of Worid!in lovcly gift containers, and ciation. clîigd.Wai- Il and bhe enormous loss!:aiso rich Christmas cakes. Branci President Jim Wood- Thoé-speaker' also pointed out o! life. "On Remnembrancel Mrs. Eugcîîe Bethune, bbcexxard was lu charge o! the' bliat forgeth'ilness and iîîgra- DaY ocîr bearbs and minds No. 5 Unit leader was bbc con- mieetinig, wlîic'b began wibb aý titude go baud iin lîaid. The' tlink o! bbe price in bumaný venor. She was assistcd by deIicious chieken dinner, pre- persoîî wbo is trulv, gratefII l bood cxpendcd to preserve.Mrs. Murray Abbott, Mrs. pared and servcd by the La- caui uoee forgol. The nian frecdom," lie said, and refer- Robert Burgess, Mrs. Robertb dies Acîxiliary. Mrs. Jack' Whbo is ieallv apprec-iatix'e eo!red 10 bbc rows on rows 0fýCarruthers, Mrs. J. Castle, Kniigbt was thie convenor wba bbcsarihceo! thrsw'iîi crosses marking bbc graves 0)fiMrs. T. Gould, Mrs. H. l-aass, also, was responsible for tbc always romembor luis with bhosc w-ho sacrificed Ibeir Mr.J îîe. r.H u-npî-essi'e pîat!orm decora-1 graitde li saîd.lives. ncy, Mrs. N. Metcaîf, Mrs. K. iî. "Lot us romember and bo He also spoke o! tbc dis-Pî, Ms .PouMs . Durin.g bbheevcning, the gratfuIthi monin fo th abed n mlitr.vhospitals jStainton, Mrs. R. White and grocîp was cnbertained witb xictorv xvichlibas been won The aîinual sale o!fpoppies byiMrs. R. Wbyte. selectioîîs bv bbe newly foî'm- foi' us over tx raitox. Lot , bbe Royal Canadian Legion is Mrs. Stuart Jolian, the lcad- cd brancb gîce club, led by îecall with thanksgi ving tlio.sl, -a î-minder o! those wbo gave er, was in charge o!fbthe Mes- Murdoch Beahon. This chorus who'b eouriio u their live.s instintingi.v that we mav livesengers Grouip's Plant and was formcd. this faîl and i.; clear i' nto tbirnclves, but in freedom, tbc speaker stat-!Handicraft Boothi. She was uapidlv gaiîîing in popularit.y.' gav-e theniselvos that l ý d. asse isAnCli- At bhe lîead table werc sev- iiiglt e ro."Mi, wan We conderrin Commun ismn, bertson and Miss Heather Jo- oral guests o! bbc branch, me- sai<l ,i ocoin a dîeadful foc wbosc goal isiban. proeciiting local service clubs.'~ Tho Benedictioiîw-si,.,uvorld donmination," Mr. Ver-: Miss Marv Aiken. tue lead- lix- Re'. E. 0o Booinoi. Tb, bruggc saici. 1He spoke o! con-i er. was convenor o! bbc C.G.ý Salvabion Arnix' Band, ,&,ichditionis bchiîîd thc Iron Curý- l.T. Candy Booth. She wasý provideci bbc nîmusic for bbc tain wbcre people arc slaves Iassisbed by Miss Gwen Gra-' service, pla.ved God Sav-e tbc o! bbc state, bamn and Miss Rose Robinsoni. Quce en.1 Otiier enemies o! frccdom I Mrs. Kcnneth Werr', tbbc ('huch Pradewere aiso discussed by Mr.iExplorer's Chic! Councillor.1 On Yidx irigbir ebug.Ssesta e was in charge o! thîs group'si On Srida mornng teremove God are dangerous bo Miscellaneous Booth, She w&sý was an excellcent turn-out o! the future o! man, bec0con assisted by Mrs. J. Measurol tbc memnbers o! Braîich 178 o! tended. Demoeracies t b a t and Miss Ann Feî-guson, as-! tic Royal Caîîadian Legionmight consider onîx' hp ser- sistiant counicillors, Mrs. Wii- and of the Bowmanvillc La-I vice cnough to offer God.are baia Corden, Miss Marilynl cies Auxiliar «y to the Royal'as destructive as Comnmunism. insn h issGog- Caîîadian Legion for bbc Ar-r Arc people who ailow truc Robi d znsoMses Grge-m, mistice Dav Cbcîrclî Parad.e. freedorniho be dismantled an n uane GaaE The parade fi-onithe Legion: piecemeal. any better than Bin, and Miess Daiss Ban, H O W IV ýBMiss Jud MiselleMisBan Hall, Quecu Street, 10 bbc bthose whlo would biast it, Town Hall xvas led by the away in a single xIso,, No. 2 Unit was in charge o! Bowmaiiviiic L e g i o n Pipe ,foc speaker asked. ýh tea, and ils leader, Mrs H O M Band. Next came bhc mem-, People must be as dedicatcdj Anna Watson, was the con- bers o! Braneb 178 off the to frcedom as bbc Rcds are toivenor. The beaut fullv ap IHOE M Cariadian Legion beaded by Communism, Mr. Verbruggeloibe srvng tale wa President Woodwýýard. Presi-ladvisedi. Ho warned that ma-! dontBat an buemenber o!terialism and secularismn are! tic Bowmanx-iile Ladies Aux- bwin threals bo bbc moral Local îliarv to tbe Canadian Logion fibre o! a nation because bbe.v followed. Theo Color Pary excIcude God from social and, W n r xvas composed o! Comradeeconomie life, and thus de-...... isinesses and industrie!,. 1311 Bates. Special p r i z e Opcning anîd ciosing ere- awards weme xwon by Glen Juilies saw tbc branch color Large, M.\rs. Peter Babhgatc, rtY ini action. ted by Sgt.-at- Murdoch Beaton. Don Pamker, 1;i Jack Knîgbt and inclcd- Bob Evanis. Jack Gibbs and Sbearers Glen Virtue and Bunnyv Dunlop. You Save More MORE,@. At Your Rexali STORE SPECIALS FOR NOV. l2th - 17th SOAKY BUBBLE BATH Reg. 89C Size COLGATE TOOTH PASTE with Free Tooth Brush Reg. 98c Value ,---- .Now 81 Ony%8 PERTUSSIN VAPOR SPRAY Reg. $1.39 - -------- Special $1.1! MULCIN 16 fi. ozs. - Reg. $5.51) Now $4.21 ALLINBURY'S BASIC SOAP Reg. 3 for $1.0 Now 3 for 87g BABY BRUSH & COMB SET Reg. $ 1.50 Value ------ Special 79c BROMO SELTZER Reg. $1.49 Size - Now $1.29 Our Price $1.1, CURAD PLASTIC STRIPS Reg. 98c Valuie. Only 65C LADY PATRICIA HAIR SPRAY Reg. $2.010 - Nowv 99c Our Price 85( LISTERINE with Free Listerine Tooth Pasîte Reg. $1.016 Value - Special 631 HELENE CURTIS SHAMPOO Our Price 99CReg. $1.29 - Special $1.19 APRIL SHOWERS SKIN BALM Weekly Special TRIG - Men's Deodorant Reg. $1.25 Value Only 89c VASELINE HAIR TONIC Reg. 98c Size - Now 75c Our Price 65c METRECAL POWDER' 3;lbs. - Reg. .$5.69 - c 9 9 c c l9 c c g Special $4.91. JURY& LOVELI YOUR REXALL STORE 2 King St. E. WE DELI VER MA 3-3361 YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENCY A1 ENJOY' )RE THI! Basement ily Centre vice al thle A ilbira iClîc Dr iiop In and viev thi iii Oroiîo onîîSuudav-e-uiugThe Rumniage Sale bcld hv etrom vrp al sovoîî 'ock. Rcv. D. R. the Evcning Branch o! St. p enrsoaîie eiPr, Dowdnex' offic-îated. Afbrr Ic 'John's Anglican Cbuc rh W.A.:vou step by step t thr-îe bev paraded ho theî rROM PAGE ONE)t in bhe former 1.1. A. Store. simple instructions. 0rono Cetiotap)li10for hEie ai- alo for Durbain un tbc coming King Street West. on Sabur I etc. Desks, planterç M'ial ArîInî:ti-e DWY Ser-vice. - dealelcto satd ha tday, was an outstanding suc- i hrpnpu- Riglit Honorable John Dicfcuî- 1ccss. The presîdent. Mrs. Ross baký'r us stiti bbc ablcst person1 Westlake, was tbc generai con- un Canada to icad tbc country. venor. She was assisted by all R otaw y cotinupesenbbcrendun Oawbe From bbc ofptei n o bb If ntho pes tetotry in ttwabbcFm ebe gbbcbfanhe oui the verge of an ciection, ho Rummage Sale ah 10 o'clock C lu b3 ididcd. on Saturday morning until it ýFPGI1 PAG ONE'Fuiecpi-osent buo ant agri- cnded aItbree o'ciock that a!- 1)(I..Ili) li he ocl Rla c ulluiral econornx' hrougbouî temnoon it was well attcnded. bc Thp iUîelocl Rtar' Canîada is a bealbby sign o!fbbc 'Proceeds amounted t0 $114. C i."Sirice lic ioined tbr wbote economv o! bue nation,I Appreciabion o! the gener-, ilibie liuas nuuol oIx- e- il- e e.outcnded. "DarIington! ous donations o! a xide van- cedu'gl- xY as Ilue minis- Toxc,-uship aI bhis ime docs icby o! useful articles given tOi- o!fîthe Christian Rcfonmed 001 bhx-e an able bodied per- by townspeopie 10 the sale Ciîurch anîd with parush ac'- son, or anyone available for'wsvie yPeiei et tix ities, hUt lie bas also !îhted work, on public -elfare," Mr. lake and tlhe other ladies. aIl lusý obligations, as a Ro- Ric-kard stahed. Tbey au-c specialiy grateful lu bain"Dr. Siemon saîd. in Unemploymeuit is at a level Don Milligan for lending the îireseuîting the A r um i s t i c e satisfactorv bo the economnists: store. Ail arhicles tbat remnaîn- - jîcakeras t is lcss than five per cent'cd uusold bave been donated Mr.X'rbîîgero,î!uced the o! bbec work force, Mn. Rick- ýby the group to tbc Crippled diii o!fIthe recerît annocuuc-e- ard claimed. Hoe stated that he Civilians in Oshawa. aîinitroni Noruav that bbc lias great faithun bbc people Nobel Peace Pnîze wili flot ho o!f thus counîx'. and trusts that: axu-arded Ibis y-ear. This isluis is reciprocatcd so that it Rushing arGund smnarblv, is oril ' btue i-th tue since bbcexiii show in bbc rcturns at thbc' no proof o! accomplishing esî-ýablishmeuit o! bbc- Nobel"îexb federai clection. muc.-Marx' Baker Edd',. Axvardls iii 1901 that it haý A question and answer per- As ex-cc',-tbread o! gotld iceu Ortitîcci, lie poînîcd ont. iod followed. Afterward a vaiciable, '.À)is cvc x moment The fact that the last lime the social hour was enjoyed. of time.-John Mason. BEAVER LUMBER MA 3-3388 96 KING ST. E. BOWMAN VILLE YOUR i WINTER EXPAND YO0U R LIVING SP ACE A N D REMODEL FOR MORE FAM- ILY ENJOYMENT IN YOUR HOME. For ideas, planning help, Sestimates, a full selec- tion of material and service, BEAVER LUM- BER is at your service. ONE (ONTRACI You deal directly with a Beaver Home Improvenient Specialist trained tb provide you these services: * HOME APPOINTMENTS - At. your eonvenience-day or evening. * IDEAS - Pictures. books and suggestions to blyou decide.he,. * PLANS aînd SPECIFICA- TIONS - Sketches and plqng are providcd with sel- tions to ensume a proper Job * COMPLETE LABOUR AND MATERIAL S1'PPLIED - We supply aIl materials and labour lncluding carpentmy, electrical, plumbing, etc. *~ ONE C(>NTRACT-You get a wmitten coiitmact stating ex- actly what is included and covering all brades requlred to do your job. 0-INANCINCG - We'Il help you arrange financing through the bank or through an easy Beaver Lumber monthly pay- ment plan. * JOB SUPERVISION - Our supervisor wiII inspeet our work progrcss dally. *WORKMANSHIP (..IARAN- TEED - OnIy quallfied warIk men are selected and Beavý tuarantees workmanshlp. BUDGET TERMNS -I ELCTRIC LD' CONTRACTING REPAIRS IREFRIGERATION -ELECTRIC MOTOR - SALES - SERV ICE T.V.- RADIO - APPLIANCES' Coffee wilI be served a - $Loi