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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1962, p. 4

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4The Canadian StatesTnan, Eowmnanvllle, Nov. 14, 1092 EDITORIAL COMMENT A Worthwhile Project Completed Just 10 years ago, when the Kins- mnen Club was very young and ils members were jusî feeling their way into service club work, the club took on a gigantic project which more experienced groups shied away f rom. This was the installation of artificial ice in the Memorial Arena here at a staggerng cost of many tbousands of dollars. Each year since that start wbich actually gave the Arena a tremendous impetus, the club has staged ail manner of fund-raising schemes la enable them to make the large payments which fell due every November. To their exer- ]asting credit, they were always ahead of the game, wîth funds in their treasury when the annual invoîce came in from the town. How much their tremendous con- tribution to the community bas meant will neyer be assessed in exact terms. Tbey made il possible for literally tbousands of young and oid cilizens ta enjoy the recreation connected with hockey, skating and even broombail. As a result this area has been well sup- plied with ice time ta keep ils young people busy and ta enable tbem ta learn the fine art of handling them- selves on skates. Withouî the artificial ice this certainly would have been im- possible and we oflen wonder whal those children would have done or Saturdays during the fal. xxinler and spring monlhs if il were nol for the arena. Unfortunalely, in Ibis au-ca, the climate changes whîch have laken place in recent years have made this area unsuitable for ouldoor rinks, ex- cept for a few weeks of the year and even then the risks of losing the ice due ta sudden thaw are considerable. The artificial ice appears la be the only way of providing cantinuity in this f ield, and Ibis, of course, bas been accompanied by belter organizad hockey, baller trainad figure skalers, etc. Il bas also provided a superb out- let for youthful pent up energies. The Kinsmen Club members are ta ba commended for their tireless efforts over the years. Tt bas flot been easy to stir up enthusiasmn about the same routine praject year afîer year. The general public who bave cantinued ta support Kinsmen arlificial ice fund campaigns shauld alsa feel a great sense of pride of achievement as the final payment is lîanded over ta finiîshi the job. Not True Il must be apparent ta everyone by now that higher living costs are one of the penalties of the dollar devaluation forced by Canada's f in- ancial crisis. Higher costs ta producers cannot help but be reflected in higher prices ta consumers. Illustration of the inevitable sequence of events, an instance that will affect every family, is a probable increase in the price of bread. A spokesman for the baking industry's national council notes in a press statement that since the U.S. dollar is the world currency for wbeat sales, devaluatian bas meant that flour now costs just thal much more in Can- adian monev. On top of that, the xvorld price of wbeal wenî up by 1212 cents a bushel under the new International Wheat Agreemeot signed last summeu-. And finally, mainly because cf higher distribution cosîs on bread, more than one-Ibird of ail the baking compauties that file corporation tax îeturns were reporling a loss exen befora the cost increases resulîing from dollar de- valuation. Since devaluabion was announc-ed, soma gyovernmenî spokesman have im- plied ta the public that business would be aI fault if price increases xvcre im- posed on the consumer. That is simplv not trtme. 'Leisure Stricken Man' Marilyn Monroe took a pilI last month. l was fatal. She took the pill because she could not work or sleep. "Poor, misguided girl," they said. Poor, misguided North America! The seconds won't keep and the minutes are too preciaus in this nuclear age. A true professional bas no retire- ment plan. Like the beatnik or the tramp, he's what he is. By curative wonder drugs the doctor adds to man's life, but man can skorten his own spant by having too much leisure, not knowing how ta spend it. Even the regulated child is an ambitiaus, happy child. A Cobourg inother said last week: "Oh, MIl be so thankful when my chiidren are back in school in Septem- ber." Came the reply: "What a parent! You just want ta get them off your hands." "Na," said the mother seriously, "that is flot it. I lave ta have them at home, but tbe children can't cape with themselves. They've had too much holiday and need the hourly discipline of scbool." Like the average black citizen of Africa, the average North American is flot mentally or morally equipped ta cape with the freedom hour. On week- ends be kilîs bimself on the bigbway; he drowns wbile fisbing; he shoots bis companian while hunting; be over- taxes bis beart with a spurt for spart, seldom througb the measured regular- ity of work. The union mnan may win the 35- hour xveek but be wiil lose the 133 hours lef t in the week by dissipation of time-a negalive i-eward. A disease of blackness, leisure pulls man down. It bas no warm, live colors of purpase for tbe canvas of life. Leisure-strieken man is the garbage waste of bimself. His mind, f ree of the regularity of work, exists tragically, deluged by delinquent thougbts, lost values; breaking homes, formulaîing wars, scheming on how ta live wiîhout p aying in work for the privilege. Thus eisure would flot anly burden but debase saciety for ils keep. However, when the mind is com- patible wiîh the need, the union of mind and body requites, rewards, and rejoices. Il is ail a marIal can gix'e and ail he needs ta receive. The meaning is indelible -- the superstructure cf man is the finest cre- ation on earth. When man is in tune with the task, be's a good worker, a compulsive one; but, as Marilyn Mon- roe, he can't compete with leisure. A game be was neyer meant ta play three or four days each and every week. Deep within the human consciouý- ness is desire and need - leisure is passive, deadening, dull, self indulgent, and black in perspective. Very few can partake of il as a major pastime and retain normality. Wbat too much leisure can do ta this country is fright- ening. The short week negates pro- gress. Il does flot increase the stand- ard of living in the moral sense of obli- gation and decreases attitudes of social responsibility, placing an overburden on tbe North American economy. The man of leisure does flot pay bis debt ta Society. Leisure-bent man is a tax liabililv. He plays aI work and warks aI play H-e needs a pill aI bedtime. Hle's nat healthily tired enough to sleep. Man's materialistie mode is pe-1 culiarly sad. I-e wanbs more and mare of this warld's goods foi- less and less effor-and, taday, still nol satisfied with the overpayment life on earth bas bestowed an bim, he xvanbs to fl 'v tao the moan on the taxpayers' back.- By Editor Foster M. Russell of the Cobourg Sentinel-Star. LAZINESS The mater cf moderun dayv lazimîes lias been succinctlv summed up bY Dr'. John Macdonald, pi-esident cf' JB('. He said the trend ta phYsical lazi- ness reaches ils leight when a 150 pound man tises a :300) homsepower -cam- ta carry him ane block ta bus' a one cunce pack of cigarettes wilh filtert- ips so he vcnt knoxvles smokitac,. -Ux- bridge Times-Journal. Tell me whab compati*v bcthi keeji- est, and F11 tell thce wxhat thou at Cerivan les. The campany of jus! and righteous men is beter thani wealth and a u'ueh estate.-Euripides. Ute %4fl4ZIurn tate#man Durham County's Great Family journal Estabished 108 years ago ln 1854 Also Incorporating The Bownianville News The Newcastle Independent The Orono News «Autharzzd ce Second Cls Mail bY the Patt Otice Dept.. Ottawa, and lor payment et posmciqe u. -n cash" Produc.d every Wednesday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED PO. Box 190 6266 King St. W. Bowmnanville, Ontario JOHN M. JAMES EDrmmo-puIusx GEO. W. GRAHAM ADYTG. MANAGER GEO. P. MORRS BtsxwtSS mGR. SUUSCIPTON RATES $4.00 a, strictly in advcmce $5.50 a Year in the United States 1,hearing, which wlllehedl "Look at th Bird e ithe Counicil Chambers on Nov. 91 , ~ JI23, at 11 a.rn. <on the day o u.o n r a nominations). hrsoudb This scribblcr will leav'e it home at 5 arn.. was back at look a chap hîking forh. e s'nterpeaion of the n to the experts to quote statis- 5:30 a.m., with two deer which thought lie was going south,prsn ZongBLan tics about how mani deer and hie aims, hie had bagged with ta bis'ar esde:oing in theadton oreenisae their hunters wereso u-an ht hy uthv ee rigdreto.h hould peririttcd ta dwcllings unless -e shotdur- oe shot.Ththemtothale floorroareaiectuon ing the first tbrec day allla s of the standing prctty close together. have been on a parlle tadaetal he prntrequirement phony war, but xiii mention A qualified official. making mille to the cast. eultepeetrqieet ith vorprmsin a few a routine check of a chap sitt- Cavan Township played it naedngb-a a incidents that lie gleaned from ing in a car, on a busy townsr t ieecigsin d passed on Aug. 2, 1962, by the grapevine as wcil as res- ship road, in a *"shot gn iighner ose e-counicil, in spite of the vehe- pectable news media. only area, found a well load msso from the owner o f anyi ment objections of counicillors Oeyugfellow loft his cd 303 rifle, which was OK misinCornish and Mir. Oneyongprivate land, but bow aboutý for making a fire-pot of a those gents who, when caught, The 0.MB. hearing is being this country from going on~ Jerry-'s" steel helmet in World pretend that they "no spicka held as a resuit of a mernber 1 h ok.War 1, but hardly kosher da Eniglishi?" of counicil registering an ob- It's not the big sinners who wherc found, in November, W stydutohwod, jection to the passing ,t this spotthe schools and bas-, 1962. drn Noember ,6, 7,ad amendment, fo 1coÈ~ to supot e ,Another chap. uriih, himanything under 1050 sq. ïpitls and pay for ail those wetd o roueh ienre- 5, an himxt iners ue new docks and posi offices and qetd rdueh icnebuzsd next wntckrdelf i sak missiles without warheads and claimcd that lit was at home, Ioodntinmournoentbeck yard and had been purchased fromý and even there, shot guns were' o' mgn h on linconclusive elections. Heck, a certain dealer. A radio call popping not more than two cillors would object to the I could keep a mistress or twohnrdyrsaa.I y 'hak wels vt. gamile eaviy, eclae ~quickly established that the bnrdyrsaa.I n sakdelr"vts I phone hbakuvil - do ae a u vslin ol deer. in our ncck of thle woodÏ, He bas made a motion that ltigbu omt hgyta do becaus- ad ois aresho ulci happen to read this, the ,township solicitors be re- erythig butcommi mur rtt hady ead gaeosard- the v xiii know that lit ils noxv quested to attend the O.M.B. -and the gax'ernmeatdwouid- ga f -nd te ga nien taxes. ,ens are fairly alert, intelli- s- e 10 came out of their hid- hearing and counillor Muir ritsthke a iesinter s.wit bisent people wo have heard, ing places. It lis a fact that, seconded the motion. hsand are quîte prepared ta our scribe saw a nice, fat, hre av'en li deck of fags and his box of beer wh pas te xsofcp ihms xue thre point buck the day be- aganst Theodore Leifers for bor wopasth ho. A hunIer was standing fore the season started, and having r-ui i Bd Thissimle eonoie txit, quetl, attheedgeof g'buhla,; seen several deer since,'ShIop" without a permit, for howcvcr, rarelvý divcrts the'wc iedccsrlc nýabut iione xvben the nimbleiwhich lie did apply repeated- aid lady from bier tantrlnm. him: lie shot and missed the nînîrods eeahnîg y u vsrfsd eas She tbre\v a dandy ,,heii she of the faregoing itemis of i nsufficient frontage; pre- came home .%esterýda, afLer O(-ne of the strangesi varnis brings to a md an incident of sently required. His casg com _____ ~~~~~spending a weckava frani c îcre the youug Ibuter fifty ycars ago, wben a far-esuincrtD. 1 il S. w~~~~%Vho killed a deer, and ai the nier, living narth of Carsca- Sol h a o etm "Look at the bii'dic" sax s RecmRuta as she posesý She ivas sore as blazes at al same moment, received a siug den Sebool. shot, with a rifle, prdwt omnsne reaix an witng orth fort anua Cnadanofus then shie left Overliii bis own tummv. H1e xalked at a graund hog, on bis own stîli believe in "do unto others sometbing or other, and slite a mile, to a conveyance, whichi property, and wounded the le.g a o oudwste ad Camera Fair to be held ini the Queen Elizabeth Btmild- Nvas 't home tweflty minutes, look him ta hospibal, where lie of bis neighbour, who xvas on:uno ou. ing at Exhibition Park, Toronto, J'rom November 21 the I kisses and bugs xi'ere'stated that, wvhile lie Wiîasnýt bis oxvn farmi, on tbe opposite Sincerely, b 24. This bg photographe exhibition isibnscaree teon14. his culminatedic ehibtionisslingsure bow lhe bad acquired îîis side of tbe raad, Apparently.Mary T. Budal. spnoed b he Cndin Potgahi1rd blew up again. hiot lead souvenir, lie presum- the bulîci bad ricocheted off!Sc alninRtpyr Asscitio. l vii b oficaly oend v te on She had left me a dciaied that, one of bis own slugs a stane. Association. Assoiatin. Ontaribeofs iist oe cf ythel ad o te.I xas ta pas the inîter- niust bave ricocbeted off a \Ve beard of three fellowsi Bryan Cathcart, Onai' iitro rvladest on the imorîgage. ho sure rock and caut him f ront and who spctted a brusb wolf.ý Publicitv. Features include extensive displavs cf ta pay the hydro b1ihl and gmt centre. Two of thcem tbougbt it was a fl.R. 2, Newcastle, photographie equipment and supplies, fashion shows, the discounit, put SOIQIýICIch Ail almost incredible stor' wolf, but the third was posi-ý November Ist, 1962 of rie innngpituesphtoclnie, 1ana ramn accaui A int accournt was of the hunter wha, in the tive it was a deer. It was Dear Mr. James: galleriesofpiewnigptuepooliisSaa B ta caver suýeh-and-suIch, sec uncertain liglit, shot aI a deer tracked 10, it's lair and proved I would like ta tbank you on Claus, movies and "Miss Camera Fair". 'tbc bank about rcnexvîug ()tr threc times and had. apparent- ta be a wvolf. Now. wben a fulilmafo iaadmsî o dernanci note on thie TlVset. lv. missed eacli lime. fie start- grawn ruralibe can't tell the having such a good writeup in be sure ta put the rîi1ut ' d back to, camp and stumbied difference betwcen a fifty last wcek's paper and also for change in flie niilk boittis, across three fresblv killed pound wolf, and a mucb big- the b)ecauso flhe pop licks the milk deer. As no other' huniers ger. different type of animal1wil oey iture of be theto aidthe pennies were in the iînmediate vîcin- caîîed a deer. this homo-sa î ieipd erha an ves fallit iathe louves, rake thuiv.le nldsta,,ihwanttkn licacsby Tina was iin Toronto on Mon- ca us t Ot cte garbailo cah shot, hie had bagged a expasing bis valuable carcssday, October 29th and taped a :nd c ~ce rer t' in. der. Could bc' wato tcr hie business end of a blun- th, showcrefIlill eprfowr ICE ~e ta the kids hadi a bath, A couple af 'aur hired ben, dei- boss being operated by seeth o Channel 6 on Dec. 5th at andnotvtchth lae mvi. o teirwayto woklovr-c'ross-cyed city feiler.____ 6:15 p.m. Therook dî ner for folmers ý,vas aav. Afeera's 1Ili 1 pearod at the end af the show ~ B B Il Sm Je ~ ' ini niht orauizea np ta tu J o\v(b i o as askd ta pick the person Bv lhe tbought was the best per- Caio aîis-oîîe tellnie x hgets lhall a (10On bilit- aMi c l i*v for rmy Grade il kids I alngta bens 3,ifws$,809.frer. The guest star was wonin ae s firceabou gos ito,,-itizv. se aplaý, or licJust whcrc is-bue monev Allen Blye, a n entertaîner n:oîî-ev. As Brcutcus said. 1' * * YMCA drive. and -1a'ch flev Dca:- Editor: derived îram for the main- from Toronto. 11e said ha pacuse for a repltv. No answe , s'xre'îds ou~t!aie rmaxie without soîiiebocilý' Tliire noct îaving bcoiî a teiîance of Ibis building if not tboughit Tina, bhc accordionist, .tl . tnilsieu ts e iga ei)coi usocial event sponsored by- the l'ram the laxpayers? Cao any-Twa's c est.bgprfrac :Well, thon ane 'anane te1(10 an abe:o ersse:b d. Darlingtan Ratepayers'iî anc give any logical explan- Tiasnxbgpefrnc wbyxvaen re a asolbol aîd hees a paeî- bi., Besidcs, it was ri week ta Ibis summeî-, it was decidcd ation whv tbis hall should not "Up and Coming, will be tele- clcîele<s aboul pcr f ec t] Y hau k k.hcqcme book.. She eniertaiti tho Friciav Aller- vsdo WendaD .5t strai-htforwarci handling <ýf . by the exerubive ta holdabeiedfrrcaioapu-vsdnWdndaD.5t acids ox'erYblingugcp six tlies. oCu. a now-bltný cue o rceoa u- aI 6:15 p.m. on Channel 6.1 noon lub. peranbcîltingdanuce, b hab the weathcr lis poses for these taxpayers andwudlietbakyoagn th, lox-el\v staff" No ai>xxer. Sliîosubiracts debi s froni bank orga nizatian for woutldli telrid oranyousid ativkaveris ilassuc? knexx there wocîtdrî'Ibe. blanace. hursts imb mears ýancîd ors. at wiiich they icetaoff tverv nroll For vears. I haudted t hchurns charges succ as 'nica- sca-tnetkea fuel, I xvas tld Ibis was the rul- I mone.\inu*aur fanli.auditîne addict" sud achoi'aisI-ai ad gtthegbae ou.n 'as lofb in chargeofai al igogfathbb board and tbey in- Sinccrcly-, evervthiiîg ran snioablv.. A nie. At icast, my sol did. ll* ai e h graeoirrangements and made a re- tenîd to, stick la if. Mrs. G. Kozub. couple aIfx ours ago, yietding Everv tinie x'e lhave a 1'- still scared af wonîeu. les Servation for the ball in aur, 1 did ual arcepb the cn it om adwim arcdanca>Municipal building.celto an gveIe Ib tasae adwhmI gredania crisis ihat is, abaoub anly fifioco. But I didn't psY JIxvas informed Ibat th ulltiatum df gaving ihas teNovenher 7th, 1962 to turnover tbc family finan- once a xveek- il ornis oct mucl attention ta the roi-est aI hi f eain i ces ta the Old Batticaxe, anîd bbatbteoly vvwerusaytIisrci ns.lifart, Ille ag1oudha$60 ct Oxas or we wauld bave a ml-a a oh simce lie. ve aveen ore tcciof debton's prison lis forinote containîng thonraxvas mis- avriigwsalwd ing thon., wbîch would beý The rcnewal af my sub. fisca chas. ý ' iThîis seenîed ta me flle a fiscal chaos.e nietagîve cîp the weod sud'placed. That lis a word 1 likr olshrsrito,1iciinn-widely advcrtised and plenty 'seription ta The Can - a The trouble is. sbe panics.thie niait. Il dido't actuailv lose il, but . caans h oidnso f reasans for il. This timeiStatcsman is accompaniey 1 uscd ta solve the prob1e.-n And every lime. 1 have to I rouidrit find it. ting agwnsit he reidnts af the nîajariîy votcd ta rescind a sincere expression of ap re- obil ypcîting them ail in point out carefumIhý and pa- nev hilesibt ged t h te motion but it was flot ciation for the weekly visit of myhpacket sud lttiig tiently that i.'e ittle sinmrs Tj cumt evervtbing short,! nevo eres u rak naniias. Guass who voted the homc-town papier. Ilo them age for a xvhilc. Slhe( are tbe only thing, that kceps and ta put if so s'imnple a child the roetio and jusm alagaiuist if"of forivard to reading each Issue. cauld understand il, 1 callect-lwe ro c h e aeI h ac etofi h t iecvrg flclnw ed 14.78fr mv xv tue as nabified by registed!mOst orderly manner, with and other interesting feabures. ticetsta ie how pik-mail Iliat tbc resarvation 1 had prizes given for five spot dan-kesacbrdig onl LM- made for4t.e0ance tas beingces and an alimination dance, witb people and places so wil c ither accaulît A or sccolofec frsa, couples. thougb I bave been away frain a dB. for $270 ta cax-ar the cast' This af course was oîly al We arc banking $23.00 aftar Bowmanville for many years, cn f tha tickets, spont cubher $14 poar excuse, for liow cilseýaI expenses hv ee admcmory bas rebained the as- or $24 cf tbe Y money on gro- cauld you keep order anjidap haatetimenwahd, sociations and friendsbips af L'ctst cries, bought somnebSccrfor evertiing acounted ndfor i ba leaaif te 962 budetby-gone years.unOîaba D istant P s teFrîday AfternoonClb ye fo 'bal.Ormnsy Fro Th SttemanFils out cf cithar mni ticket mow'v This narrow mindcd decis- $4000.00 was set up for "plann- been cballenging, pleasant and Fro Te tatsmn ile o mv canvassnîoney, and ian was made unanimausly by ing". $500.00 forco itea progressive. Parliament HIi ----,,ademv own donation ta the thie hall boai-d, of wbich twc adjustmcnt and $3000.00 for lisbu.zzing witb acivity these 49 TarsAgo25 YarsAgo o ut cf bbc milk rIO'/ councillors are also members-ý,Ilegal fees, wbich served tca days. As an ex-Parliamentar. 'lou shouhd have heard th", Dep.-Reeve Blanchard being" nie yeîioiyf r t ian you will be vitalhy inter- (Na. <) 193)(Nv. 8,197)sûreams. You'd thîink I'd run one and cauncillor Cornislithbc try and find aut just bow mucb esîed in political matters. Mis AtieBrggis istîîg ax uiaîvile îgi Sliooff with a belhy-dancer, oi- othOe-. Ibis "planning" had cost since Ail good wushes and kinci relaivs Aune Baggiovii nd Juuî-icr Tvi eam hSccsha0 lst my job, or faihed ta use a: One may xvell wondar if the il was first implemcnted. regards to you-sclf and fani. :rlaiesinNwtnvle ndJnirRugby emscs- deodorant, or le 0onm m i t t e id bail belongs only toaachsi Wet], I'mi still waibing for ily. Par Hoe. cuhv aneed ie isticttile omething equaIIy heinous. cw,(lb is rcnled for weddiogs the answer and wonder if ooly Yours sincerely, Detectuxe Jas. Jarvis af Tai- bY tueur viii agaiist Oshlawa ý he wvas Just about rcady toansd' other occasions) and if itlwimiici are curious because 13ill Pointen aîîîa Police Force, is hciidiay- ami Tliursday. Tiieir coachi waii5 ea in the Mounties. :is only those who bave builîl'no member of caulîcil was cur- Rev. H. W. Poînten. in a is lIer Chiai Rd. Jin' Davis sudthie meuibers One cf these days, I'rn gaongiand help maintain il. 'iaus enaugb in the lasItbrec e______ J a cx's. îicîded Jack Gai-mmiDnta put myl foot doxvu ovorl I the 1962 budget $5,500.00 years to aven have an apprax-. Mn. Jalîîî Troxel, Berlinî, re- 1Ixeu.Wlla ae.C thaso financial crisas ai ours, xvas sot up for the municipal imate idea of il, or so they tel A bee lis neyer as busy au i'eitv iste ls auhtu-CGruniai._aq nliie .xeu adifitds-it in.ig, abutdu .d h atular-me l.acs;i'-jutt.t lca. F..B. - . - Casboruî. Bv1ay d'r IUvf, k" h .Lcxc-îiNevatle, Toril Depexx'.JohnGi-ahianm, ba Iust bai-vesteci220< bcsiî-,Bliine llit, (;i-igg Mardeui, cis of potaton: oIl txvo acr-es ai Cliarlie ,b, oi..% Traier xva. gr(iiuid. Qne mnimiîicli ýv/iitC Bah Gordomn. Wiisemnanamd ,uber xxeîgied 2 ibs.. mare0or Whiie xxbue nîcu t emuphoto less. Tîe.v xx'eplatmied .1îuîe itaken. 1N. iýs,Lam-la Ciaike. Tor- Mnli. Gea., GKennind daii omibo, speuut Saidas- at hiome. giî 1crNMiss Doris Kc'u iY\-,Tremu- Mr dMs -.1.Tcg loi, spem thile xxeekeuid wth ixuuu. adervI. Il. pIr ib lis lm:'them-. Rex'.1-l. B. Kemiimv xbain. cu id xxitiî M,. aid Mi the -ah thieMebliocish pi-suia'e k.n<d- wmiMi'. andcis., M.anid Mis. Fred D. Ciler- vwMmi m-isi. Srhmie'iav, Y.,viited u..aidms. P. F. Ii'eiaod b> mîîmIlerweekiens. Ranîm~~,sd sou Johnu, Torontomiba, xenc axe tu- x'ckud.Sui dus' cistS <if NIu'. a il J Mr. Gem aic R. Melonu, w'1 10 s.R.IlWestaxxa v. beefronu Salmnm irî. B ... 'Xmi(a xmgiahteile dHi i:as Ill-îaedte licautuiclammi 0 trîioîîalI hie atht mi-sdeuce ud i-cods f M. Iatialuon un Tor-omto axer tbbc Robecrt Copeiand, King St. E., xxeekemîd. amuilia tacîîposassan. Miss Audrey Prout. spcobý MisMavnio Shîaw spant Armustire DaY xx'iiî rcatix'sl the wxeekemic xxitb fnîauîds ini i Txx' ecdrernainiuîg foi- the Tomioto. dance ibat uîght spansorcd by Mns. (Rex' t J. F. Clîapmni, tbe Hockey Associatiomi. Oniîncee.,;penît Sundlay witli Miss Car-oline 1Hainmtan, ber parenits, Mr. and Mrs. Lexi R.N., and Miss M. McKioicy*, Morris. R.N., af South Smdc Hosptal, Dr. Herbert 1. Barbci-, Bay Shore, Long Islandl, bave Burk's Falts. stîcut Scuîday, been spending two wecks with' xitb lits parents hbeanau ls the foi-mers mother, 1M1r S. xva v lhomîe fi-oni Balimmiore, Thonias Hamilton. Mdc. Mr-. and Mrs. Ernest A. Joui Mni. .11,Joi; r'Yx%-ii' clebted es, Elginî St., Northi, celebi-atad Pi'-'identft lhie (imtai a Col- thîcu siiver weddiog Samidav, tege of Pharîacx'by Ibbc cx- Novernbeir 14th. xx th liievci- feCciix cxihmeiîinid i'l'ai-ota tciamuied a mumbeu-of ai fnd.- Mloudamiv. ai sUpper'. Nir. VIrcx-Kîllick sud dau- - Mm. Chai les Papieau sieitz glitens.> Blanchie and Violet, tlie veckend iii New York Citv' sud Miss Flou-once Hiolmes, ibis visitîng lus auib, Mr-s. F. S. toxvîî.lctt Mcuidav tfor Ment- Flor-iaui. i-cal tii ssil bY tbc Alian Linel Gai-don (Tcd i Morri-. ho- Victniau"for Enmig ia i d 'getheiý x'iî :3 thibe-'înbn xxhîcrn tuer' vimtemîclta esîde. ai biie Oshaxia ifuomt Ctub, Thue eclurationai woi-k ai lias et urued fi-rn a txvo xxeek Flîrcigner .' ioUcis. IuIdCiarlapOt- Ilion imi trip aI Cranîbie Bav, -. Iuîd ii -mîonudicted bv 51cm- Puckerc'l fluxo. T he Club deuils ai ci t arn il afI hlie rol - mnîîbers bracih home 14 t'go o., s-i>omîs.Qui bue stafIf cccranud Ted xxas farbumsiet ai b eacfhir>'fou' tIiis icar xxe cuimugli ta ev-acLre alo a mced noticee b mar's oa IrMs.Chas. tox, bhe peu aIf x0iiçhiilie fins T. Paul, B.A., anîd Miss Nailie pmccumtcid ta Mi-s. a:NIoiý V. Min.gcaud, dacîghter aofINMm. Qi-ana. Miss Beatiice Harn- A. \-îîeuBoxvmiîaivile. i learnîng the dime> aiofa NI-s. Wni. Painton and M.viss talephni operatar at oui- Pamiton ai-e in Tai-enta Sisît- loaa exc'iauîge. îog M'lr- -F. .A. Fih'ett Soliris Mu. linix rd Miii- M\r \m:î euoi u .sui bedîg the fiao,- a lia's becon-,e a Couuuiezi' Con-.\iuher Faim aF a nîîcober af étable. the ju.dguîg tearrL The people of Ontario can inake a $600,000,000 present to thenîselves in one year by reducing their spending on imported goods by $100 per persan. This action on the part cf every persan ini the province would help create 60,000 new jobs. 'Ne are the world's greabest iniporters or manm.facured goods. Contrast aur yearly total with that cf other countries: Americans spend $35 per capita. The British spend $75. .. West Germans spcnd S60... Canadians spcnd S235 per pcrson per ýear an rnanufactured goods. lifîlicse expenditure-, in Ontario on imporcd goods could be rcduced bySl100, v e siould still bc amongst the vorld's greatest im- porters. If that $1 00 were diverted la Cana- dian g!oods\%cw-ouldaddS600,000,000to aur cconoiny and hcelp create 60,00O0 new Jobs! To accamplisli this, the consumer must become 'label conscious"; il is thé sum of aIl oui- day-ta-day purchases which can add up ta thie success or failure of aur economny. Whenever the consumer reaches out for an imported product, he or she should ask, "15 there a Canadian equivalent?" Foar in most cases there is a Canadian product that is as good or bettet-. The more moncy %ve spcnd an things we make, the mare prasperous thceçpeople of Ontario xwill bc! M COVERNMENT 0F ONTARIO ,41 TRADE CRUSADE MORE OPPORTIJNITY The symbol of progreas and opportunltyforthe people and Industries of Ontarlo.

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