Florence Nightingale Lodge Instails New Officers 6n October 25th,in the Odd Fellows Hall, the following mnembers of Florence Nigbtincale Lodge No. 66, 100.OF., were installcd as officers for the 1962-63 term. They are: front row, left to right, Bro. Allin Farrow, Outside Guard; Bro. Ilerb Powell, Junior Past Grand; Bro. Leslie Chittick, District Deputy Grand Master, Durham District No. 42; Bro. Gordon Lamont, Noble Grand; Bro. Wesley Fryer, District Deputy Grand Wacden, Durham District 42 of Durham LodIge, Port Hope; Bro. William Wade, Vice Crand; Bro. Dennis Severne, Lef t Scene Supporter. Second rowv, ]eft to rioht: Bro. William Bcgley, Inside Guard; Bro. Stanlev W il ' 1 1 J iker ,iîffenrr q trkn n Dase Lifle S«~Li Sud ay* afternoon and us i Meinmoial Hoaputal. Boxxman- ville. Be Developed by Mir ..MIa u iccBa k er. St. Highways Dept. Ms.Tomi Baker. Dr. Jerryv Nlillsouu. Mra. Mr. Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. Durham, reports that the Hon. W'illiami Goodfellow, Minister off Highways, bas designated the Base Linie Road in Dar- lington Towinship for the pur- ~:pose ot Pre-Enaineer-ing. rleir' 1This road carrnes a flow off traffic from tht Darlington Area towarc awa and Toronto, and the future developmen pected in the area it portant, as Mr. Carr suggests, that a firsi road be provided. Th proving off this road. hi ed, wil l ot onix' relie% necessitv off building, vice road on the nortb Highway 401, but wil provide impc-oved fai for the farmers off tht and for those who usi road for travelling da, and from wock. Great credit must be s aid Mr. Carruthers, t( MeMurter, Recording Secretary; Bro. John Griffin, Warden; Bro.'Daclington Road Super Francis Tufford, Conductor; Bro. Art Youngman, Rigbit Supporter dent, MIr. R. M. Short,1 of Vice Grand. Third row, left to right: Bro. Gordon MeMurter': present reeve, Mr. C Treasurer; Bro. Ross Hlenrv, Musician, Cobourg Lodge; B ro. Macý Rickard, and to Mr. Ro * So is, former reeve, for Moore, Rigbt Supporter of Nýoble Grand; Bro. Everett ýHarness, L.eft: interest and efforts inh Supporter of Vice Grand; Bro. Everett Wînnacott, Past Grand.ithis road developed, ai Absent: Bro. William Corden, Financial Secrctary; Bro. Harry genecal for the extensivi Farrow, Chaplain; Bro. Henry Barter, Left Scene Supporter; Bro. sound program off road ing which has been c, Vincent Archer, Left Supporter of Noble Grand. ouît in the township ove past few years. Nliii ad0 13iliVanaiis Doris Nilison. Toronto.,\'isît- cd relatives hiere at the mweek- end. INr. anid Mrs. H-. Freitag and sons, Oshawa. visited Satur- day nighî with Mr. and Mrs.: E. C ry'dermian. M.and Mrs. Keiîb Cr-ý.v-- man and Joan n x sit d ?Mr. and M.rs.. L. Sta inton, Enn is- kîllen, on Suniday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ccvýdein- man, Elleni and Larc v visiîed Mrs. S. Rundle, Bouvmanville, on Sunda. Mr. and Mca. Wes Yellov- lees %vene Suiidav diinner guests off Miss Nan Àllin. Tor- Thf, CRni(iin tategrnAn. iqo%, 'fl1ni, Nov. 14, 1§62 Nearly 100 On Welfare ln October Inî addition to w.e Ifare costs for Ociober sho\\-i n the re- port of R. J. W'elsil, the ad-' nînitr:o'.sn mi t ted to Boxvnian illle Tow~n Council at Ibis' rneetil heid in the' Coîuncil Chamber on Monda-, e\'enil. there were aiso wel- fare expenditures off $2,186.70 shown uinder the accounti paid prior. This was pointed' out bhv Dept*v-Reeve Ross Stevens. Stîbsîdies xvill rover' approxiniatelv 80 per cent off the 2if.u welfare accounts paîd plior. olito. Thece were 99 xvelffare re- (ipierits in thle t ow I last Our sincore congratulations montb. Tlîis total includes 2 and best wxishes are extendedun poed easofamls Ici Mr. and Mrs. S. E, Werry with 41 >dependants, eight sin-- who on Saturdav, November g1e pel,:olls, four deserted 10. quietlv observedi their cae ith egtdeedns. fifty-third wedding an'I'vers- 12 patients iu nursing homes. arv. IMrs. WXerry, altbougb con- and six people, xvho receivedj fined to Oshawa Hospital 'vas; suppleinentarv aid OAA and1 happy 10 en,îoylier evcingo meal wvith 11\1r. W'erv. The Te iaradnstto'D hospital vei'v kindiy made Texefr diitao' and decoratc'd ant anniiversacv report state'd that $3,724.80 cake for themi and presented W a S expendedi during the Mrs. Werry ' wîth a lovel 'v cor- nionth; dirýect welfare, $2.- sage foi, Ibis special occasion . 502.80,. nuising homes $1,018, supplemnenlary aid $120, ex- cess and medicines $84. Ex- pected recoveries of the total shown in this report through federai and provincial subsi- dies, and charge backs. amn- ount to $3.099.87. This leaves S$624 off the total as actual coi;t 10 the town. port showed ilhat 14 building .permits were issued in Octo- ber. The receipts foi r e permits was $129.40, and the~ .total cost of constru1ction' was $1t4.3,917. Eiglit plumibing per- mnits were îsstii dajnd a total off $64 received for- îhemii Met Moore, tile Building In- spector, made 141 btiilciin1c inspections and Il trcnchi in- -spections dîîriiin the mioth. There xx'ece 28 invvstigatiOiii made, and 28 inquiries \.ec receivcd. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the %vcck of Nov, 5 11I i nclu siv e. Admissions 51 Births 8 maie, 5 femnale 13i Discharges 54 Major opcrations 8l Minor operations 1-1 Emergency ireatients .1i-t Visiîing hoiirs 3 4 p.m. and 7 to 8:3 (0 P.11. Conmpet itii'e Prices Plus Personal Service Mr. anid Mca. Cordon Bad- ger. 'Mca. Wmn. Maîrs and dan- gbter Bonnie, v-isited friends inOOnlilia oiin Wednesdav off last veek. Mca. FranîkJaimes. MIrs. 0. Tleard aind Mca. Robent Ger- roond, aIl off Oshaxwa, \'ere giiests off Mrs. Geo. W. James r on encdvoff last week. Mcs. ,A. W. Hammorîd and Mirs. Robent Kerr, Toronto. were cecent visitons wîtb Mc. and Mca. Harold flammond andi familv, Libecîvý St. Nocth. Mca. Ruth Angîis off Toc- ùnto vas a weekend guest %vith lier sisteir and brother-in- lav, Mcr. and Mrs. Ron H-aw- thonne d Barney, Liberty, St. Ncth. '.cI. and Mirs. Art Dolan, Wil- mxx dý!ic. aîd ',%I. arid Mris. AIf Dolan. Downi.ev,ic\- v er SaiticnlaY guests off Mr. and Mc:s. E. J. Faines', King St. Di st. P,. Will Bentham and Mr. H ei Rogers returned last W4 froni a motor trip 4o Chiî:ago, cetucning via the ncxv International Bridgce at Satilt Ste. Marie. .Mca. Etta Jiiiiieson and Mr. flov J'arieson off Tor'onto. , - Fani Truil and Mr. Angus TrulI off ,Courtice. xere Sun- dlay calions off Mca. Sarah J. Witlianis, Tempecance St. Tlhe many fiends and ar- qiiaintanccs off Mr. Lloyd Pres-' ton xiii be happy io hear that lie is progressing tavor- Rably, folloxing major surgenv Io Toronto Genecal H-ospital. Mr, and Mcs. Cordon C. Martin enjon*ved a visit from lheir cousins, Mr. and Mis larold Bentley' v off Clavet, Saskatchexwan. Mr. and Mis. Bentle v also visiîcd relatives in Newcastle aind Ncxtonville. Mca. Frank Rundle lias been visiting hec sîster, Mcs. Sid lHuglison, Toronto. On Sunday, Mr. and Mca . Si Ticex\viinand daugbtec Judith were dinner guesta off thein aunt, Mcs. close. The tea tables were enticing and those attending tbem were kept busy. Friends were present from ail churches Gn the circuit, also from Port Hope, Garden Hlli, Newton- ville, Newcastle and Bowman- vil le. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rab', '.x'oc visiting relatives in Fen- around the Great Lakes. En- wickithisSuta1. route homne thev were over- Mca. R. Giow accompanied nigbt guests off Dr. and Mrs. the senior cîtizens %vhen tbey K. Stewart in Kingston. Mrs. attended the lue Follies in Stewart is the former Virgillia Toronto last Thursdav. Stutt. Mr. ai-d Mis. Normi'aiiF.arl Mr. and Mrs. James Gros- and familýv, Ida, wer i' îsiting bong off Estevan, Sask., an- Mca. Rarîs parents, Mi-, and rîved last Wednesdav for a Mî's. M. Irxvîn on Sundav. x isit xith Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Men- Goheen and family, and Mn. cillex' and ffamiil,%, Port Hope, and Mrs. Jack Gobeen and spent Sunday witb Mca. C. famîly. They attended the Meneilley. Royal Winter'Fair in Toronto (intended for last veek) on Frîday evening. Maîiy I romn Zion attended HELP! HELP! HELPI And the G. C. W. Bazaaî' at Newton- vie do mean belp iin gatherin, ville Iast Frînlay afternoon, material for this column. Time N ov. 2. to phone and dig out items Congratulations and best sees t begetingshoterwishes to zion's Senior Cîti- ece 10 be tgettngsorter zen Mr. Ebenezer licxvn, xvho growing and there are man Nov lebrtedhs11tbrh newcomecs whoni we have no tNo.It bad the pleasure off contact- Mis. Chas. Rab * Nattcîîded ing. Manv of you do not tbink the teachers convention. Fni- yor comings and giîg day, Nov. 2nd, at, GUildwood 9 0ou19 Inn. Scarborough. xvouid be of intecest to others. How wrong you ar'e. Vou have' Mr. and Mca. C. Meneiliev, no iea hw muh itmean Mc. and MrS . Arthur Meneil- nospeally oW out-of-îown 1ev, Douglas and Lvnn, xvcre espcialy o ot-o-ton sub- su p per guests off Mc. and Mis. seribers 10 spot a familial, J. lVeneillîeyon Sundav. namne- a ffamilv\, a school pal Sbo tednebsbe or a neighbor tbey knew when loled cndecab liasthe pa Ihey lived here. Our phone lo, eek cosderabl the pat numbr i MA -3313. ence of Chicken Fox. Mr. Ray Dudley will give a Mc. Dorreil Moi'den and piano recilal in Eaton Audi- friend off Wellington ver'- torium on Tuesday, Novomber guests off Mr. and Mrs. Nor- 27. Il was just ten years ago inan Getow last weekend. that Ray gave a recital in ----- Eaton Auditorium, a shor~t ternational piano competitions. MA fLE CROVE During the intervening years he bas made eight Euî'opean Mir. and Mis. C. P. Swallow tours. playing recitals, and as visîted Mn. and Mis. Len soloist witb leadîng orches- Groom and Mr. and Mirs. Jack tras. As well, be bas perfform- Ashton, Scacborough, on Sun- ed many limes on Ibis contin-' day. ent and just Ibis Fall bad the Mr. Charlei Greenham aI- honor off being the ffirst plan- tended the Goodveair 25-veair ist to give a recital in the new service banquet a thie Rov ai Philhar'monic Hall, Lincoln York Hotel at Tor'onto, oin Centre, iin New York Ciy. Rav Satucday* . Mr. and Mca. Chai-' was born and raised in Bow- les Greenhani and Miss Canole manville and is the eider son, Greenbam w\ei'e Sundav diii- off Mn. and Mca. C. H. Dudlev niec visitons %witb Mrs. Chaclea xx ho now reside iin Courtice. ShaW,' Oshawa. _____________The svpt nof tis con',- I nîivis extended 10 Mca. turned home xxith t10cm. L.L±TEbcîîzccnox Veof aluîxxa. oi M rs. L. '. MJIameslWiC and the suddcn passiog off lier Mca.Geo W.Jams xcce The ZiOii U.C.W. Ba,'a;ichusband. aînd 10 ailreais vinonig the gîlcats xx'o attend- beld last Wednesdav afftcrnoono of the faniily. cd the Cbryýsainilieniînm Tea Nov. 7.pnoved most successful, Mn. and Mca SturiantMorIon gîven h' Col. R. S. MuLatigh- there! was a good ccoxx',d pre- ha ve lCtLiîned homne ffcom "A lin and bis ffaril ' vat bis ceai- sent aI 2:30 v:hen Rex'. Mr. Canadian FartiineraTorîr off dc(,nc.( "Pai'kxx'oodi". Oshava, Fr'eman declared the Bazaac tOc Unitedl Kingdom." xhcrrn on Saturcda1v, Noxemrber 11110. offficially open. Ail tables wen th1ev enjoved a voIdciC-futl tiLr Mc. and Ma Tccn> v' Master-; vell stocked and atîrýaetix'c bx' brisoff thc Unitcd King- retrînî'e(d home lasI; Suindav brut business xvas brisk, and dom, xxhich va.a orgaiiized b" Ironi a111enjovable nioltor tnip vers' 1111ercaîned aI the bbc Ca nadian Paci fica Imini - gration and Allriciitrral De- celoiinient Dcpartineil.TON, nou cxvaa plcinncd to sluoxx' ,tilt TRINITY UNITED (HUR(H Canadian fariner thc la*lcat in BritiSh agr'icltice aid I x- Miniter- Rv. m. . fousandr, A. B.. soc'k. ani al th1e saine h me M unste - R x m K HostanerB ~ D ovide aide tripsa lu iiv ut Ou gaîî ist - Mrl . At tlîtr Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S. îte tbu rit att raclins in' Scotlaiid, E'ngand and Walea. ______The\- encourintcced a x'ecx coui v xovage horne, so w'ere il1 m -MORNING WORSHIP Iglad 10 get their feet on Can- "ThePow r of'Nods"adian soi] once more. "The owerof W rds"Mr. and Mca. James lcnnx', ,Sruaan and Michael, spent a SUNI)AY SCHOOL fcxx da 'vs vîiting their fami;- liez iii Goiden 'Vallcv, and 9: 1.ù a.m. - Junior, Internmediate, ani Sentior lc-Icr'sbohnxh 5u 11:01) n.n. - Nursery and Beginners North Bav Hlospital, 11:0 i.. Kidrgrtn ndPrniryHeacitîlc nla ino 11:2) a.n. Kiîdergrte amiPrirary;!en Rae Dairx . Boxx'mauxili!, on theur .510 anî rh 'off A CORDIAL W\ELCOMNE TO ALL hsu~.Itlxwas establishr'd h; Mr. R. R. Stevenîs on the ------farniu Ocre al Maple Grove on SNov ciiib hec 21)1. 1912. and haç 'L.nCTA I I made ta\er REHOBOTH CH IS IAN Iliii1c McRocss txesand bis son, Mc. Bob -steveils. aFr 11iIi~Iqnmuag-eta off t O w ins.- KE O E D CH~~ 'fURCH 1 q hidhi Nsooui lob Oc siiîga liexx large addlit ion and e up Slctugo(g Street, Bowmnan'illei nient in tOc plant. A lýire 1nrIîbu'r off Scoi'- Re JouhniC.'e'u. B.. B.D., Minister 3 and ('ubs xxith their leaders; M'llltieNA 3-502:3 'Jattcnced tlue cOn cch service 2t.le)hrfl jon Sriýndav ntorn:ng. A full jchinrrO gceeled the pasion, NVORSHII> SERVICES 'j ey J. P.RoinecîXB.A.. B D.. -~ - 'j xho pneached a vecv appro- 9:0<) a.rn.- English q tnialc sernion for* Rernen- il :0<) a.m. - Hollandq brauce Day - TOe choiruc as aiso !in fine fettie. 7:30 p.m. - English Mc-ýAl. Christueif. \I.-s Da r- V 1roclaîîn ing the %Whole Comnsel (if God leneSuinda-i os v Iii t ýo fut. .~niera brother, MNIr. ud Mr - [1 I ~Gor'don Mactio. aîud M.s Li "Back To God Hour" Broadcasis t da Martin uceasdM Il C1'LB. Oshawa, at 9:15 p11. e%'ery Sunday .-XOx-ri X\'itce. \uxht xx ù:e ihori - CKFH, Toronto, at 7 a. ;!ilt wxith frucuids 1A- xx eck. qshot thce e fer, Av; i. gel- ~ tune two and Monlev ne- Religion for Todciy by Rev. A. C. Herbert "Alil the earth doth worship thee: the IFather eveslasting" Most offLus aie being in- 1cceasinglv sepanated fronithtle common earîb. Even the gair- 1den produce xve cat noi maIl *'% arrives cîther ici frozen packs or in caris. ur cliickens gcoxx n bcoîlen-hoîîses, not back- yards, and voiiiig coxca knoxv o11iY'%veal-houses,*,lot pastune fields. And thex' aie conceiv- 1 d bx' artificiat insemînalion. We have learncd so tb control natui'al forces that %ve easil v imagine xve bad cceated thein And xvben xxe sec flie achieve- ments off man-made satellites. or- cringe beneath Ille possi- bilities off a nuclear bonib il is s ' v b ci-\- otit, 'G;od içs dead', on at lcd-'t to say that wve bave ouit-paced hlm. Yet ail the liie ve are niut ii contact xvîtb a vaguie maý7s off chaotic malter btwiban ocdeced liffe. The verv fears caised bv our scienlihfi dIis- coveries are partlv qiîietvd. xvhen xve ceali u that those d iscoveries poin t moi'e tbail even to the fact that naI ire ia anr ordered process. Perhaps lui ou cday it a itie scient ist xxlii, obsecving some *nexv. delicat- lv intricate fact, mure thai', Most offLns cries onit Ihaltiih- earth praîses God. Foc ail offLus, IbbenatiLii il xvorid caoi be oîîc i ntoduct ioni 10 God. When St. Pan] wanted 10 tellIllhe Athenians about the God who Io them was UN-ý KNOWN, he beg-an xvilh theý natural world. We shah riever gel Our religion right rinle.ss' we base it on thc nature Godý bas cceated. God la tOle Crea-l toc, God is the Sustaiiier. tlle ('realion la good. iidoi'girci thi- staternent 'Ail the ca rtiidot i wvorship lhee'. Christlia nit v j'w îuot a sont mental malter of offering Ille tIiinga w e litre Io God or accepi ing soie cosv,1 esca plat worsh p. Il is failli n andi obedience Io thle God xvoiin JesîîaChrist i. reci - cîling ail t (ing 11 liîmî And ailthiiugs iocide iac- ridden gernis xxhich dea't nu'; hurnan t ves and I'lo eca ictl quake xxii h lea0ta a -om mnitx' i cm rii-'. Bit airc t1ie eacthqiiake and ti'-' dîis's riddei, gen ilvceilwheul xve sai\vfliat ]Il(,heiitact h nlh xxocshio t1ie"? soi mo n fif tllc exila iin mi- xx ui d z.e < off the planeti ever sice theý beginning and wilI continue Sto the end. And wben xvei sîog oun praises we ar~e join-, ing witb ail off them as lhcy: go about their appointed pur-, poses. The Txventy Tea Teens met, on October 7 for their fourth s meeting. There were 17 girls' spreseot. The subject matteri xvas on Entertaining at Tea. The leaders shoxved how 10 make ffancy sandwiches. The gir'ls leacned the proper way 10 set a table. On November 3, the Twenty, Tea Teens met ini the Com-' rnunity Hail. Theire wece 18 1tev. Arnold C. lerhert girls present. Roll Caîl wasj ï..nsxvcred wîth 'Why you like i traceable to the hic', of fools. 10 entertain.' Dianne Tink and The b)egining ,,,off the anjs- Mairie FîctI will prepace theý xver ('ornes lu Genesis 3: 17 . skit foc Achievement Day in I\"nx, throuIgh 10v act, the Januacy. Party Ideas were dis- grotiiud is noder a nurse. Ail crissed. Each girl birought a the clava off tliv h fe thonl shaît kind off fancy sandwich and! xxiii bond fioni il w 1h. 1oi;; explained how it xvas made. tluimcis und thisltes it shahI Remembrance Day was ob-' yield lluce', servecd at the church service' Buit the cuise xxas not to be Sunday n'orning. Followingi eternal damntiaon. la a i al the readîng by .Howard M1lI-, ,givesIhie ticexi stage lunchapten son off the names on the Hon-ý ,53: 17hf. . . ." I rate uexv Our Roll, two minutes silence' heaveins and îa iîexv arîli.. was observed and the Queen, nolnt n -xaîu shah m111 people sunig. Reverend Page chose as, tu . t Ocre shah ble no hurt! bis sermon topic "These Ston-1 donc, the Lord sa \s, 11o liefe es". Miss Pat Davis was at' saal be forýfeit." the Organ for the service. Man s te o crrtio. iA numbe off Solina ladies .Manilia., linedroxn of cratin'and somne froni suncounding Maîi~~ Oaa iniid li tht en lie lias tvwisted 11 ec f 'muiis ejoyed thein! the ear 0fannual faîl trip by' chartered thina. aui bcng imstffbus, to Toronto on Thucsday. diatoi ted, pi ove, incapable (_' Somne off them attended ses- stri,ýtuintht tis. S,)sions at the WlJ. Convention thle xvhole 'creat ion groaned in the RovaI York Htl. aiîd xvaS ii pain n iltii God un Peaî'l Leacli was the delegate Ch1 laI ,Jesc(""lie !0 i'Cstoi'e fron th1e W. cii as a cliild uin the fami", off God.'roda' ouir minds rau toOUr sympatily vis exteiided go xiii n1g iibo pa t*h Raiph WilbUr and ffamily sonie pnCtle xhc o of Ulica on the passing off a conthinuie ils 0ocbit foc cenIt ic- 'ing vi fe and mothen, affler iea. XX'c do nu: %-(et knxv xxha! a icugthY ilîneas. lii iiiil xifi.l3 The'O Explor'er group met oui xvc do kinxx lIn )it wîie cilSaîucda 'v afternooiî with21 i t xxil st iii he xitîi10nieîes piesent. The roili Goda <orhit, îiiduc lis pioxi- cai]foc'nexî meeting xiii be lee.nas ire c I t ie t hings il "WhbatI Iplan t10 be xvben 1 meit: u n ils fligl. SS(ilnce groxv uip". Exervone joined ho tînucts eccîî' tat God iN a sing-soiîg. TOc Jun ions lcacn- nu,, n1ix' S >1a Inr O i aN cd a bout the Explocer hvlmii. touiil' us Ct'ea toc. This Fa - Mi's. TinO led the wxorshi p lier Fx erlasti haa hm servacxice. Carol Knox nead Ii., ion or thucIleoe scr uiptur'e lessoîî. Janet Mili. _______________________son took up thc collection. A gaine x'as pla - ed and th e ineel ing closed xxith a bycon. F R E E Bownianvillvstd 01Sn dax v i lb Mca. J. Yelloxvlecs R K I N G ! and Miss Glad ' a Yelloxvlees. at Rer ofMr. a nd Mcsý. BcicL(e 'Iink, s 'Îioe toreNei i and Hterbie were SnIIIda\x gUieSIa Off Mn. aind ?xIrs. Bru('e' Urii stoîîanîd faimi lv, Col uni- M rs. H. E. Tink isited 1-fipMr. and Mca. Peccv Dexxel ;te p4Vand family, Hampto*n. Ij C)RMi'. and Mrs. Cecil Neals oUSIadfaiy eeboogvs 1o ited Mr. and Mns. Bruce Tay- Mr. and Mca. E. Thornton, MLcmec BlacstMr. and M.E Mailnook: c. ocand Mr.E and Mca. E. Crs'decmau vece E,ýjUJNG*.Suîîday tra gue*sîs off Mn. and FEATRINGMca. E. R. Taylor. AW 1 Juanita Fraser leaxes tbis weck for Cold Lake, AI- berta,. viOece she will be sta- tioned. Mr. DgaMs TaN. ione, KM anc. uaMs. Tanton;'eMri. cc41% andMca. Frank Cook and - OU T T S CAN 'hildren. Mn. and Mca. Grev Stepliens and Mr. Edwin Cook,' Bownianvilie; Mn. Ron a 1 d Broomne w'e'e Suiidax*' gucsts' off Mr. and Mrs. Fr'ank West- aOc, Jr.. and famil.v and Mns. Frank MWestlake Sr. Miss Ruth Pascoe, Peter- 9 borough; Mr. Loran Pascoe, Ivrone, visited Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Broomne and sons. Miss Ol1g a Knezanowski. Courtine. vîsîted Miss Ex'el)-'n Hockada v. Mica 'ei'a Stinaýn', Toronito: Mn. Wesley Powxell aind Miss4 LIMITED Ma bel Powell wr Sundax' laitions with Mrn. Mrs. Ný. wot te n. Mcr. and Mca. N. Wotteii annl MnI. Francis Woîîen visited 11 -5.36cI. and Mrq. Herman MecGill, Bowvînani-ihe Bethauxý We are âoî-ry tu report Mr. reli ef orf sorelws moutl iul]ceca., siir dental ticeat- Faîst, effect ive, ,eimmetuded b', Special Valutes and Reminders Effective Ail This Week Buy Now and SAVE 9.90 value ASTHMANEFRIN Prices (;od until NOVEMBER 17 Reg. 89C Listerine Tooth Paste 2/99c LIQL'ID SHAMPOO - Reg. 1.29 LUSTRE CREME ---- 1.09 Reg, 1.89 Noxzema Skin Cream 1.59 Reg. 65e for 5 Pepsodent Tooth Paste 49C Reg. 69e Phillips' Milk of Magnesia 58c Reg. 1.98 PREPARATION 'H' -- 1.67 Bi PLAsyle-TIPPEU bot 5154$ 4.90 Reg. 1.2-5 BAN DEODORANT -.-98c Reg. 79C BRYLCREEM Reg. 79e BUFFERIN Reg. 2.25 DRISTAN TABS.----- Reg. 810c LECTRIC SHAVE 63c 69C 1.89 67c LISTERINE Tooth Paste + FREE Pro Tooth Brush 89c FOR TH SORI Ri'q PA Ins~tan t r due to denturesi. Ment.1 ta.Re dentisîs. 79C 75 for 25c VW", Remtoves Tortor, Nicotine and othcr ~, ,~' unsightly s ta i ns. HormIess to tooth enomel, contoins -- no Pumice or ocid.75 Now For Childrer, Fast Pain Relief Moth.,, welcome Espirets,.th. chid-size anti-poin tobiel for prompt relief from mnior oches and poins, simple foyer und certo, n cold diseonforts. Eoch oronge flovor@d Espiret tablet proýid.s 11/4 grain& of ASA., just I'.é the ocettyslsacylic ocid in an od,.It tablet. Assures procis. dosoge foi' cbldren. Reconmend.d by doctors. 45f. ESPIRETS 3,.15 Ita PIeastire! Nail Hardener 2 MINUTES A DAY STRENGT IlENS, HARDENS FINGERNAILS If your finqer- nouls craxck, split. peel or break. you wii ilove t h i s pi.nsuxni way ta enlo? i o n qg i a p er e d uri beautitul n a i i a." No pis no m ess','oînimentsq you dani Aeven r emo 0v yaur C Poiisht juxi dtp ingers 2 minutes ita Pý a da-y in ihix maqic iiquid, and NAiIs. your nouls wl IRE qrow langer and siranqer wi hin one week or yaur money relu nded. Laf-u4-oz.size 'i75 1 »-- - *PRESCRIPTIONS ... I.DA. REMEDIES * ALEX. McGREGOR DRUGS 5KING ST. W. 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