8 The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanville, Nov. 14, 1962 NMj re g e Men S SPORTop IC S'ýGog fi 1,Bond had a real bti isCwnEupet1 l1 nosed out BondLade Hrdar 1fi -f13y Frank Mohun MA 3-7234 gle by 4 BpinrLuber- l e J.- ~~~~~~ N ~~arnt Jack 300. Itwa utteFnksVrty 81 reverse for high tipeBnSebGrtHat777 BADMINTON UPSURGE a78anGe From ail reports the Bowmanville Badminton Club 2_isof i a Ia busy place, as many badminton enthusiasts have been Carter Our young bolrwthAe1e iaction during the first month of the seaSOn. So it appears a ret utrehad~j ~~SNm v that after several years of "famine' the sport is about to, k 3,Hrl mnake a come-back. atiSuCrg Tis reporter, who has tried most sports, thinks that ome70,H badminton has to rank high on the list. It is fast, exciting 70,AlencWiema aO lwSf Jckaye2t and one which anyone can play- and improve their ability AeWimab ln most cases. You dont have to quit when you are too old y Culn e s nG t n ew a So hv w CubT ng L% ueî4 a Pprh o r u n ab le to m ak e th e te am . an d %v e certain y h ope th at th e 0eenage oys W e b le ve th eh a s e r a o d B n e t - 2 1 apparent upsurge will continue. Oke 7 - Beauprie 0; Colvillel a misunderstandingr u e Bgei2 1 T. Callan 2; J. Callan 2 -1 rules for bowlersbwigJciod2 1 O L E S A E ' U G YG ya h ea d o f th e ir sch e d u e i h . H n a z n2 1 GOFES RE'4HNGY6 15 7 . Team StandingToceruthsimoneEonBck2 21 Gof iap ont dth t th uouh ie 5 69 i eiq 1 j fW B aupîe . .. . emre an g r eog Elot oh are .2 2i Oke............... lern hatth 2 31 :1 tR 'be oiidwe o r o lnil --2 GofBanquet and Dance has been canclled because out of Bapi ............. oeMngrG ail the members oniy 35 signified their intentions of attend B. ovi... ..............21l...ue...f.....are bowling a RssWrght242) ing. It would have been a fine wav to officiaily wind up T. Callln ......... ........2 rlactie fgoameageElitBiHare.2 20 the season, but I guess the golfers .Îust arent hungry. Any-i T.13 must b...o.ified an....en_ Dave McKnight 21 202 way, were going to have the dance members oni) so let'si .G y ... ............ 3M S entfe 253, C. Mutton 216, M. Char- score your gamesfoyu.tEdLsi- 2 20 lhope the golfers like dancing. Presentation of ax ads xiiiH g Sn l il be mad at th danc this aturda, Novmber 1th. Ales 233, S. Oke 239, J. Callan ' o art h bemd a h dnethsS turaNvme 7 220, D. Gay 231. league for a bowle opc akPre .~ ( ColviripelB.out bis best games oidt aryGy.,~ 0 P IHi M T M R V E5 3 .G ayT ipl4 -9 . be counted in the le g . If or O' o ke - . 2 2 1 ,~~#. 573, D. Gay549. Girls ~~~ any bowler continuto ir-Gog tpe 42î Five new players bolstered the Pic - O - Mats' line-up engGil Sunday afternoon as Lakeshore Goodyears handed the locals al5-Pen2;Vstegrth ueli 6-0 defeat. It wasn't as bad as the score indicated, how-5-Oe2Chn7- uoledtrsi fm ev r ra l n 1 0 ow m anvile show ed signs of ook ng ie niSanding'Cola and K ram p 's F r i ur.,I likea hokey eam ate n th fist ad caiy i thesecod ~ han Tean Stndin aretîedfor op ositon wth veSfor 'topOunP( Vanstone -- . - - 16 points each with h bti A pair of fast goals, one lucky, 16 seconds apart, foided thein wostemhvgte loal a i teyd ee bltd y Lstn unh.Paeden.......................... 251 monume fpnsF og Mulholland ...............24 UIIiI f p Ball ............... 4 Ed Lugtenburg stl hid The boys wre skating faster and tossing 24 bd arud oehiLoigOke ------ ... down top spot in teavrgsDics1- rud smting that was missing last week.LoinHihSgl - S. Bu wieMnae ergessiot n unlike a "Mike" Osborne coached club, passes were 'way off :7242, B. gl Browl n bs s art e r t mG e bs m v 233, 277, S. Etcher 236, K.,Oke adnwi eodwt 2. Lau edn etnDd the mark adfns rudtentwspatclynl But the potential is improving and if "Mike" can get ' -' 1.Seilmninti ekgr o hi orhsrîh n hwniHigb Triple- P. Jeffery 644, ta one Of Our star lowbwes n eod nls hnawe th by rlln in practice, the club should beginhaig S. Etcher 614. Garf Clarke had azie65oe omavhePcOMt signs of xinning. Apart from the Weston Dodgers, this' re o t r e x p e cts th e P ic - - M a ts t a h o ld th e ir o w n w ith J u n o rsons t i p le'. Kapnpdh e g o o n g h the ather tree teams.- Crago 0:MacDonald 2 - thre fr te ocas wo sîl Added ta the roster are Borden Bootbby (great name Edmondson 3 nk ae' hw in frah ceman frm unsvle26 scondngHearsesowek ck odîgwnigfîm for an athiete), a fine looking defencea 2rmHut6i Juveniles, Ian Simims. a speedster fromn Weston Dodgers;' dodo crsti ek Neads .......... ......... ... .. 20 Hn azn26 i ereJno B it a fod Bud Yahn, rigbtwne .o...r..Oh.w.Geer.s;1ar Porteous, also from Oshawa and deferîce player MonKaecuxon.............265, Cliff Black 261, usOeBueWleJc an of Weston, who didn't play much, sa we can't assess bis ........ ...Crago95, dLut ability but tbe rest looked good. i --~'- ~..r~i:<O~.t'. ihSnl .Wlo Harold Bennett 23 oywt aro ale ah S,5e ~~ ~Hih inge . ilon250, Coombes 252, Les Sc 25.SnlsettaJmohsn ;r~~r~ - - -~~~-~-. .~~ . G. Adams 177, N. Richards: emSadnsMDnl n er BRENT HUGHES SHINES On Thursday evening of last week, quite a large in the season. Thecrln shduewilsartand35 . dms34 Hi35,G.hAdouble314. Wlo emWLPs omrWib ueiea Whie he ocl Jnir B"s are aving their troubles, number were on hand for the first evening of curling row evening, sa it would be Wise for interested would- Jnirirs eps oa1 1 o or coe wc o Brent Hughes is starring with St. Catharines Black Hawks' at Southvicw Golf & Countrv Clu.b and soon made be curlers ta Visit the club anJin u sqiky a uandior -Girls rap's Friur 6 8C6te Pi-- attlae an ln is second season in te Junior "A" oop. Brent, switched! up rinks ta swing into action. This photo shows several possible., la es ea n d Harold as M c , lenn Gould 5 - S - ae s ; te 5,K hen sFuels .. 4 1 1 n ake an o o el ream cetre ut defeneaste ason aso del apoedit a fine' of the men applying themnsel-ves to their brooms in Lander, Ge. Van Bridger and Charlie Bickle. The, 3 - Sellers 2. 'Lbrty Bowl-14 0 14so., rearguar, bu thi yea he as asa bassoed at asa alost id-sasonform They reported the ice as stone was actually thrown by Harry "Dutch"y Osborne. MsesemSadn point-getter as in bis juvenile days.- keen and almost perfect considering it Was sa earlyý __________ aters -19-THE--EXT- K.NSMEN Hughes bad scored seven goals and assisted on seven uîhllad............ 1 DLiLII I AI Lobb- 227, Mcl Burgess- Gould............... 6 iaRiuI 227, Arnold Sleep- 226, How- Samelîs ...... .....5 ot e s a a e t re p o t s e k n t at s rIt f î t i n rd B ro m ell - 2 2 5 a n d L ew S elle rs , .S UP....R........B I N GO_12 ~~ ~- i~~ t t ~~ Welsh- 224. 1 Higb Single - M. Bebee 195, RD YN V M ER1 83 . ALS MAY DO IT RD Y r Ici e eco ~Team Standings ýB. Ormiston 190, B. Brîne 212. After watching the Montreal Alouettes demolish theF e s T kS co d Vt ry 11Hg Double - B. Brîne 375,1 ~lfff iuei~ wu~u1 Palmer 43 P. Debao 324. IJ U U .Argos a few weeks ago, we said that the addition of Don E$rc7,3007«ata irqTO A PIE 0.EthIi.,------------ - 33 Il Goodwin 5 -Tice 0; Bromel sncluding $1,800 nteTW If Bernie Faloncy isn't hale and bearty we can't sec Hamil- BVLL ~ fJi i U 1 enne~t.- 33 Goodwin 5 - ice 0; Bromeli I o te16 to tkigth fnaevn f eis i' gin t e ouh. cue n ip o onat on Brunt -32 3 - Edmondson 2; Lewis O - BIG.LU.I1,A tan tc lang t efial, eW nnifeg b e yis, ils ingt e The Bu eh.Grant -------- ------------------ 31 Burgess 5. Bom er wil iH.f ourr.ock 1As- ------Team Standing We'l aîl a antea-Wi ni eg re Cu b tti, he lu Wthe pBcnnv Riepng agîn ett! s inc u ' se e ad er o h n r. a s M. tcher --- - ---27 Buges. .. .. .. .. .. .3 Bombes wil wiî- of curse.ingtepcStpe1ul MQensMtosbucdusual, Dan Seto xvas top Man-Harrion--- --27BuLess_.................. 2___________________Soi_________ t t t t t ~~picked up their second xin back from a real pasting last for the Cafe crew wîth seven Harson ------------------- 26 ewioso. -........17.........2 SHAMROCKSANNOUNCE IGNINGS in as man starts, owni , \eek ta edge winless Corona- points. !le ---- --------- ----2 dodo ............. 7 SHAMOCKSANNONCE IGNIGS i as any tart, doningtion Cafe by a single basket Bowmanvillc Shamrocks announced the signing of 16 Bowmanville H-otel 2,5-18 in 2-1-19, in the nightcap. The! Tearn Standings Averages Gaodwin ........................12 b players Sunday nigbt. Some certificates are still available, the first game. of lasi Tues- gaine was close througbout, W Luels.2O. Etcher ------22lieWadt hepeue butstndsna apeas a b te troget.League double-header. King being a mere three points. McQueen's Motors 1 2 ýV Prout 9 11 !W. Lewis 151. mo _____ iseveral years. Vince Vanstone will be back between the counted Il points, uhile John Bruce Bail with seven and Bowmanville Hotel 1 i12NB G'anvîle ---- 208 F. Bh urne26 . Major 312,1*omm pipes, backed up by Jack Mantle. On the blue-line, Ray!Fowlcr hit for seven ini the Frank Sobil, eight, were the Coronation Ca--e--O-2---H--Bennett 208 F BurnaAIv Preston, Terry Masters and Bob Abbott are back, along with F. Brock 202 Ismal tuy snu wslthe goalie turned defencemap John Fowler and Ken Roberts, ýso Improvement IH. PalmTer -20ge-aIthbolranan M. rative, per -_th___lrsonhad ]ER elected by the players as team captain. Roberts, an Oshawa -M rn 199 agaîn this week. Dnn n sfn...epcai ÀJ. Nowlan - 99 ________out_ nvstarred last year for Port Perry, and was given per-eewer o a199lg cn msinthis year ta line up with the Shamrocks. U f U J ~ E~Iii.- ~ - lII ei............. Assistant captains Don Masters and Orono's Dean West rare cu rrently on a line with Bob Marjerrisan. Returning taý the Intermediate scene is Fred "Buck" Cowle centering for: "Archie" Crossey and Hcrb Trani, formerly with the Wbitby Juniors. Ted Fairey is back ahong xith Orono stars Keitbý and Junior West. The Shamrocks opened the season Tuesday night in Picton and play their home opener Thursday, 8:15 p.m., at the Memorial Arena with Trenton Flyers as the opposition. Let's give the boys a lot of support in their first game and ail througb the season. The gaine of -Scoro" will again high-ight the second, Intermission. INTERMEDIATE "B" HOCKEY THURS., NOV. 15 - 8:15 p.m. TRENTON vs. BOWMANVILLE Adtilts 75c Students 50e - Childrcn 25e MEMORIAL I ARENA BOWMANVILLE Telephone MA 3-5728 z- FRIDAY, NOV. 16 CHILDREN'S SKATING 3:30 to 5:30 Pi.. PUBLIC SKATING - 8 - 10 p.m. SAT., NOV. 17 - PUBLIC SKATING 8 - 10 P.. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER l8th OHA. 31ETRO JUNIOR "B" HOCKEY 3: 15 P.ni. DIXIE BEEHIVES VS. BOWMANVILLE PIC - O - MATS ADM'ISSI ON Aduits 75c - Students 50e - Children 25e SUN., NOV. 18. PUBLIC SKATING 8 -10 P.111. E-lLvRTu363 U bV tu 16ORC31MUFUVi LAWIESYMAJReVVLor Bo ,man.i Pic - O - Mats, only goal of the first perîad !Chairk notched his second o ** 7 R. Brock ---- ----- -- 40 wt enw fces in the lin,.- at the 5:18 mark as Clark a neat play with Lauren t a!U W u2 1B. Kunkel --------- --- 36 up, showd decîded improve- lckdoapasnpayxîî116:07 of the finial stanza ant BO LI G5 S ut... . 3 ment over theîr carlier gain-!Fuller wahked in ahaeon Th LaisMjo ege 3 H. Snowden - ------ 33ý ebtit wasn't enougb ta Sindn'adTDhidonLBo-iJhnsne'Mrjorwit a iîîgte. es bt wide ad avdsn.Bo- ohsoe' rla wtha intestandings tightened consîder-ý J. Baker- 30 save the loais f rom a 6-0 de- manville came ta life near the and 23 seconds remaining ta ahly Monday night when 6 E18 . SKing 1 feat at the hands of Lakeshore end of the period and carried wind up the scaring. gue-lcading Baker was u Shwrz -- 1 G oodyea rs. ýthe play earhy in the second,i Ron Moore wvas the top per- 2-1 hy Joli. Etcher, chaiming The big difference 'Was a but when it appeared thei former for the Pic-O-Mats the oiily shutout xvhipped cel- lack of finish around the nets homesters were on their way. along with goal-tender Lamne lar-dwchling Martyn 3-0), ta and poor passing by the Pic- a pair of fast markers set Campbell. New-comer Bar- inake thic big lump int second. O-Mats, who skated xith the te eid 30adte e otb showed well ou Goodycars and hit hard, saine- neyer recovered. the bIne-line, whihe Staîî Dowc' Bt eistedfrrne-e ween k. a Cook etrived abasepuckturncd in a mucli stron gerup, lost. dropping imb a four- st ýCookretieve a losepuckervay dcadlock for third, two week s 'lied h, at the blue line and fired game tha1n in hast Sunday s poiîî ts off the pace. Vivian The vistor ntcl"d e iser past Lamne Campbell at cantest. GrIuhe ktddropped a 2-1 decision ta Bu- /Î3:57 of the middle session. A miles but ahi in circles. day \Vhile Richards was edged dribbler off the stick of Wil-1 One of the top performeis !2-1 îîy Brooks. S Ight H1I-awVks iso skidded 2 feet into the Bo Bishop was out with a* Lyle downed Patfield and cage 16 econs back injury. Gord Wilson bas Haynes won aver Preson I stick made il 4-0 mîd-lway beendped Barry Furey bath by 2-1 scores. î Ladies' Leaguel through the perîod on anather Alex Wiseman and Grant JveLI' 2 oa ok long die__ddntsi p_ hîglitriple 1hionours, folhowed Novrneu thbv Stella Brown- 619, Donna Teani Positions Mt iuxed League Bow l Pl:reson-- 603 and E. Spencer, lNI. Wisemian 231 V. Pickard- 21 M. Crac0 "0 M. CovIe 13 E. Pickard 12 F. Allen 1-igh Single M. Crago 242. High Triple B. Rogers 579. 200 Gaines- M. Crago 2 4'2, B. Rogers 228, 210, I. Wright 217, V. Pickard 214, M. Wise- man '212. Ave rage s V. Pickard M. Crago M. Co,%le L. Bui-geýs M.Wisenîaîii F. Allen B. Rogers E. Piekard D. Halro vd F. Paters'on I. Wrigh:' M. Sedmnari M. Ho>dgýscn W. -MeNeil G. Scot' B. Wilbur R . Robertson J. Parker M. Firth M. Wazi-an S. Coonîbes D. Covvan V. Sarginson V. Foran- J. Seatt J. Bakecr S. Bail- O. \Iof:a:t C. Cohr-' E. Coomnbes -N . Fuj'( r M.Haxx 'iorne 1M. Swan . .........- -167 -164 154 -152 1.52 -149 - 1-l -14 -145 145 -14 ) 1:18 1:36 133 119 1 11 9 116 1:l4 Thev came close, but Pal-. and the men's best single of Stella Browvn show ed' ithe away iin the single race it nier always secins able ta stay 264. Onie Etchci' rackcd UP 2< ganie, ailier bighs gaing in front aîîd Friday niglît nice 298 game and a 727 triple. ta Doris Polie',- 252, Joyce was no exception as Palmer "Hap" Palmer vvas next ini lyle- 250 and Nancy Bryans, won ovec Morley Etcher 5-2'the triple race, rolling a 712 1-244. ta increase their league lead folowed by George Elliat- Nov ember 12, 1962 ta six points. Elton Brack, 669, Harold Bennett - 647, xvba had narrowed the deficit Joe Nowlan- 646, Gord Wîl- Hligh Averages ta two points hast week, was cox- 639, Norm O'Rourke- Berîîice Buda y _ ...217 upset 5-2 by Brunt. 636 and Ccc Mutton- 613. IJoyce Lvle ......2021 Oîîie Etcher downed Sleep Other high singles went ta Doris Joli ......... ...... 201 5-2, pushîng the lasers mb oai Harold Bennett --- 263, 2122; June Baker.................. 201 lie for hast place with the me-1 Onie Etcher- 257, Cec Mut- Onie Etchei ------- 199 guhar tenîîants-Harrisan, wha on-24 Hp amer __Donna Preston 198 upset Grant 4-3. BenneTtt1253, 238, 221; Joe Nowlan- Ena Etcher . ...... 19" cdged Hilda Brock 4-3 takeep!252, 223; Gord Wilcox- 248, Helen Dutin 197 thcir hopes alive. I Vince Prout --246, 243: Jack Dot Brooks .. 192 Vince Prout was the night's ýSchill- 245, Norm O'Rourke- Kav Beauprie ........ 190, top bowler withi a 753 triple 233, George Elliott-- 232, 231:,Peggv, Haynes............189! ______________________________________________Shirlev Biekehi..... ..188 Norma Gav ........184' Ollie Patfi eld_..........183 See Us First . . . for Mro lgt.... 1 Dorc Mutton ......... 17î91 EnADid Tennant ............ 1791 HEln Vivian 179...... SPECIAL LO W RATES Lrraine MartYni........... 17-9 Dot Bond.... ......... 1-8 onl 200 Games Donna Presto n 222, 21.1' Dru Mution 217, BerniceBu Automobile Insurance dy21 Ena Etcher 2262', Brown 290, Beth Chartran PHONE 725-4243 212, Elsie Spencer 231. 242,1 ___________________Marily n Wiggans 200, Heleni Nicholson 214, Nvhl Sheehani 2127, Doris Pollv 252, Onie Et-' cher 224, Marion Slaght 203,' C. H. DUDLEY Jean Sellers 2'17, Rase Birk.I ett 219, Joyce Lyle 250, Olliel COURTICE ONTARIO Patfield 205. Shirley Davisi 203, Helen Dunn 206, Thelmai "TELL X7OUR FRIENDS" Forrester 215, Nancv BrI.ans; 244, Doris Joli 239, Emma' Bromell 200. L triute to Your enJoyment: the 4~ cuisine, service, atmospbere! OLYMPIA RESTAURANT KING STREET, EAST BOWMAN VILLE GOT YOUR EYE USED CAR? Got your eye on a good used car... Corne and see your autborized GM dealer and get behind the wheel of one of these guaranteed used cars: 1962 Corvair 4-Dr. Sedan 700 Series, automatie, customi radio. One -owner, local car. 1959 Pontiac 4-Dr. Sedan 6 cyl., automnatie. Locally owned. 1958 Buick Special 2-Dr. Hardtop Only 40,000 original miles. This auto- mobile is spotless! 1956 Monarch 4-Dr. Sedan Automatic with customn radio. Ex- ccptionally good condition. 1955 Pontiac Deluxe 4-Dr. Sedan 6 cyl., with overdrive, custom radio, 50,000 original miles. One owner. ROBSON MOTORS LIMITED 1 w. MeMECHAN, President BUICK PONTIAC - ACADIAN VAUXHALL - GMC Phone MA 3-3396 166 King St. E. Rn wmnan ville 1 1 ýi