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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1962, p. 9

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Menas Basketbalt Lady Curlers Practice Sweeping The Cariadiari Statetarnr, Eowmanvile, Nov. 21, 1962 Score 2 in Final 3 Mins. ~Ste phen Fuels Unbeaten Coroncition I1s Winless Stephen Fuels won tlîeir ",a" Coronation's best with anie points for the Motorc * third in a row, while Coron a- dozen, ODon Welsh adding five with Fr-ank Slobil" triggerini tion Cafc made it thrEe points,. eight. strai.ght lasses in Men*s Town; Scornrg leader Bennîy King Team Standings League Baskctball action. last!- ed undefeat cd Stephen's witn W L.TPt Tuesdav nîght. 12 pomîts and Eric Rase added Steplien Fuels 3 0O0O In thie opening gaine of the eight to account for neariy al'! Bow'ville Holel 2 1 0 doubie-header. Bowmanville'the inncr's scaring. New-,McQueen'a Hotel took over sole passes- cor-Narni Buwaida startedi Motos-s 1 2 0 sio!Y of second place. defcating, offon the right foot, scor in g Cosn'tnCafe_____3___0 the winless Cale 34-23. Dons Mai-lin dropped Il points t(,) Teenage Bo ln pace the winners, while Tais- Pearson connected on five Teenage Boys Tcam Standing long shots forten. _DanSeto, Coiville 7 - Oke 0; Gay b Edînondson--------------..... ..21 R rl B w ig Beauprie 2; T. Callan 5 - J, Wilson -.ý....------ ... 2( Rural B wlïng i Teain Standing fuxtar - - .......- -21 StninsBeauprie .... .... .......6 MacDonald....................1:' J. Oke----------.....4C.a~ Maple Grove ........ 2liB Colville---------------....3.. High Sin-gle - D. Brock 261 Enniskilen Sr-----------201j' Callan -..... - ..... 26 !M. Mas-shall 165. Solina-------------------.. ......17;Ti. Callan 2.1 High Double - D. Brock 344 J Wackstoek 13 D. Gay 18 J. MIacDonald 311. j Enniskillen lot-----------l: High Single B. Cols ii' ci Junior Girls * Salem .. ........ 10 286. 211, T. Calian 263, B.- Masters 2 - Sarnelîs 3; Hate. T on - Sînale 223. P- Buekies- J-! Iv1 3 - Mulholland 2. Gould 3 HighSine n d rpe-8 Callaîî 206. Ésellers 2. H.;h inge nd rile D., High Triple - 8. Colville, Tearn Standing Taylor 290 - 734. r)68. T. Callan 617. Masters------------------...2. Lýow Single and Tripe V, Teenage Girls Hatelv--------...----2. Milis 70. S. Butter ' v:,09. Pacdlen 2 - Oke 5; Bal 5 -G oil--------------if Averages 10 ifO adOser -Nuho:iand2; Vanstaiîe 5- uhlnd..-- H. lcbeaugliuî 2ijChant 2. i -niells ..-.... [D. Bailey 21 Team Standing Sellers - --- --- R. .- 2or Vanston-e---------------ý(7 igh Single - M. Hately 250 T. Mcbaughlin-------. i2i): Chant . .... "D. King 15f). j J. Slemon -99 Bal---------------------. High Double - M, H.atel3 K. Yeo . .... 197 Paeden----- . .... ...386, S.Cas-tes-'.169. Cecil Mils------- -,,-Mulholland .-----.......... 26 Bantani Girls B. McDonald ---- 19a 0k .- 1 Lewis 5 - Goodwin O; TiCs B. Beglev -19)1 Higlu Single- K. Oke 24P,. - Bi-ainell 0: Burgeas 5 -Eô K. MeGîi---------l24 H. Vanstone 236, B. ýnîondson 0. D. Reynolds - . ... . 188 Brûwiî 213, D. Cole 203. Team Standing D. Taylor 1--..... I7ý High Triple- H. VansLtanjc,Buirgess----------- J. MeLear--------------...... K. Oke 5"Lws------ - 2 N. Baile, .. -..... 13 Junior Boys 1,mnsr-------- AI Wilson .i . ...1. MacDonald 2 - Luxtonl 3; Brornel----------- -lu.. ..... J John Combes..........83 Neads 5 - Crago 0; Wilson2-Te------- . J. Venning 1111 Edrondson 3. od'vin-----------. *OE BRAND DOMAESTIC (Se OFF DEAL.) SHORTENUNC CHUM (2c OFF DEAL.) DOG FOOD ANN PAGE CREAMY PEANUT BUTTER OHOiCE QUALITY, CREAM STYL A&P CORN FANCY QUALITY A&P TOMATO JUI(I JANE PARKER LARGE ANGEL CAKI %eu. Pr,.. 4 1"W-SA 1 04 4 -;g 8 9c R.o. Ptx» lb 23*--MVE AN EXTRA U Reg. Pr,.. 4 Une 43o--8AVE bc I0 .5Ozfns99C Rnm. 3e a 7--BAVE 4 M--z e 3 3 c te.Prie 2 tins 37e--SAVE 12o 6 20--o7 tins9 9 Re.g. Prie. Un 29-8AVE bc :E 3 4840oz ins 7 9C «M ..h50.-BSAVE Me Eu h39C GOLDEN YELLOW, NO. 1 GRADE BANANA&S %l9c ORANGES LETTUCE VALENCIA, NO. 1 GRADE SIZE 15(Ys ARIZONA, NO. 1 GRADE, NEW CR01>, FIRM HEADS domef 59C ".ci 9 wCANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND" BEEF ROASIS SONELESS ROUND STEAK ROAST, i BONELESS RUMP, l8 4 BONELESS POINT SIRLOIN PORK LIVER Schneider's Pork HEADCHEESE 12-«: Plastie Cts, .ch 3 9c CH-IICE OUALITY SLICED 1Suort eut PRIME RIS ROAST Choie-e Quality Frt.iy Ground, Al Bref Hamnbure CHICKEN LIVER fb3 9C MINCED BEEF Naple tiaf WIENERS ý3 3 ib 7c mb47c Mapi. Leaf, Slicd #.pl49c COOKED HAMê&g59c F. .~ on a T'cr o .1 Ai1 Prie* Show* In This Ad Guarante-ed Through Satu rdoy, Nov.. 24th. 1îg5 Shcimrocks Win Opener 6m4 Bowmnnlie Shdm rocksii 's seond g LaI1 nîdwavian I Htrb Tran ta rn3ke it 4-3 scored t vo goals within '29 through the ~i idle session at the 12:55 mark, but Jones sseconds, and in the final threelmade it 3-1. Bob Marjerrisoni îed it ip 15 seconds later to -g ~~~~m1nutes, op s hrlig 6-4 put the locals 'oack in the run- set the stage for tbe Sham- victory over Picton McFar- ning wit1h five seconds to go rock 19 t e c, -winning lands in the fir st game of i n the period. Keith West and flourish. LakehoreIntrmedate"B' Ke.n Roberts set up thie plav. iPicton otso omn sedeusdyi Pctn Bo-manville caughit fire iflýville 46 1 It was worth four points to the third, outscoring the los- Bowmanville in their firsýt ers 4 '1. but it took a goal by gaeunder coach 0'ab o asters at 16:41 ta pro- Smih. vide the win, with Keith i iKeith Wesi fiî ed the first Xs's s'od 9f te am iSharroclks' tlxof the sea- putting il on Ice -9 secondsi son afcr nl sc~ons 1 Keith West assisted on theý play. It took the McIFarlands inrfo i out on less than a minute 'o notch inrfrhsoutpit, 6 thxe equalizer with Keith MeI- and Fred Cowle was also in on ! Donald clicîin, on a pass plav the finlal. rersn~tu xith Roll Hull and Dae WthHI off for high- 71ons sticking, 'Archie' Crossey liedie Hui! sent Picton 4n front at the score on a Cowle p îss at! the 16:31 mark. Jones aid 6:30 of the third. Dean M'est Lonel Botley assis ing, a 'iicon bîred with Ted Fairev Goodyear Bowling TRAIN Corn-ets whipped Ilose 7-01-273, Don Olze- 273 BilIBORD while league-leading Braiders1 Joli- 265 and Walter Goode- frmutn 9! l,~~were being upset by Lead 1262. frmutn 2 ~Press, TI rsdai v rîiTt. Thie big1 9 lead has now EI redued tto Bill Holroyd's 698 was thec mode! train track. 8 ~~Six Points. 1tùp triple Join Carter had al Durable but llght wclght. Fan Beits decisionud Ban- tzux4'4 x8 4bury 5-2 ta dlaimi sole posses- 1 en tnig'$2 4 49 Sion of third place. when Ma- 1 TajSadns 24 4 9 c hine Shop lnst a 5-2 cantest Pis. 'Y t10 Iahoratory1, îeaving both ~1j- 56 Actubs deadilockedfor Ilurt BULLFT---------IM * . .. .position ii a major upset 1tCmesBOARDSI - Be i -ni handing Office a .5-2 setback Laboratorv- -45 Thcro were many soie muscles over the weekend fol1awmng tUie apening Iwhiie Tigers edged Combines!Machine Shop -4COK ACN of the curling seasoti at Southview Golf & Curling Club when f ive days of free 14-3. Ofc - 4 71culig er aaiabefor those experienced and new at the gamne. Instructurs Jack Honeyman rolled a .107 Tigers. -3 9 s495 E C 7i were or hand ta give guidance. but these tw-o ladies didn't require il. they are go1me ta capture lîigh singleLezi Press 38 LU 6 old hiands at the sw\eeping. At loft is Mrs. Tom Woi.îdlack, wîith Mis. Glenn hotiours. foliowed by Art Combines Z30 3Lander. Nev mrnmbers wîl] be welco mcd at any lime. Ble35..ackbun -'280,'Has--.()0EXTRA SPECTAL! 2 -Frwl iakun-20 Baîibtry 24, t Win 1BR Holroyc- 279, Ron White Belts ~ 16 P P A ýPic s Drop 10-1 Mtïu NDRA ric-i-ivicts Ede Dixe 3-2To Lakeshore 'she Bovman uc P cO M e and five f rie [Jo e, Bî ipBob \VîF-ori gined pon- prc-sented new s e -i b Red"Iihtn. it t >ad'e di lot uýne looked si,-rp an ta Whitby lIunlops afterj WE9 5COMS TME IN McDer nîtt ,vih a xvii Sundi ,dsrv h 0rin n te total (0zÀch McD, îm d scoirg five goalis lhursday afternoon - their first of the because Ituli had cut his head; onîx two inlicimud of tihe1iliglit at New Toronto ta leai seasan anfte cohuixe o~tue boards. I '-4, akeshore Gaodyears toa a op-' WEVE defeatýý. The locals withstoùtl -- - ie 10-1 viccorvy over B.ow-, BgEN alate third period barrage toa N a/ iîdadepandrls~.ianvilie Pic-O-Mats, T uGN down Di1xie Bre-i-ives 3-2 5n.N iaht Haw'ks <urlingg ard ed ie iC. i e local club. a new cntrn- a Metro Jr. Fl' it at ih ber-s thiat the schecIuec curl-ý i, the strangr Metro Jr. "B" Memorial Arena. Ij/ ~ng xvould hegin on Tuesday,. loph-enwItaifive After a lacIc-lustre scoreiessIadOies' League! AI] in a1l ut was a ver,: suc- gamiez first period the clubs opene-. cessîvi apcning, Thîe execu- OhrGoyas ol vn u.p n th midlc sssio whci ian SL-.Indiings tîve xvent home happy, feeling 1to[Joug Dunnville, Ne ail the scorîng took place. Joe '11 Wienia thicy had had sanie part in thi I Kirk clieked on a nice p4ss v Puckaidf.a.cbub thati ___________________ ji Pau 1xa ou d ___________-_----------_1_-à_-Phone 623-3388 play uitih Bill watts ai-d M. Cag........... eînnîn ialu ssýidgood1SwindelI and Jim MoareBURNER SERVIC Brian Lewis tao open tht cSoi'-IN 0 -o-de -- 23 4o hpanirortpr GatFinofae the e ~g~BOWMANVILLE ing at thle 6:28 mark. WithjE Piîrbard -- - - 13 lof its devcbopment in thc. flu-%vwitew asll job, seorîng Bowý,- IGwilliani off for high-stick-. F Ïje ____ anviile's l00e marker. __ rng Bob Bisho-p ex-eied the tr. __ score frorn a scrailnble in. front' APcî r17 . es~'c of the net. Ken Lili Vam i ci -k -------- - Stan Dow.e drew assisls. M ol--------16- H,-rx Orr ensh-1 lit Do,,; . Mg. . ~ 1> 6 ta, set-d th( Bec-iîvos ba'içý F. Allen ~ 157 in front. Dowc 100k BishioD'sB. ogrs 154 ---___._....._ pass and banked one in off' F. ...e-.o..-1.... the goaiie's stick 41 secons'. .....--------. 152 :-1 later ta tic It Up ag-ain. Le:-s E.Pi 'a j uîd 151 - 2 than Llîrce minutes la tpr -M. Stiaî~ -151 Dowe tall ed the winncr w-huiî . Ilolrov(i 150 Gord Wilson gatthie draxv on:,Mý. 1lonjgous.. ---149 a face-off in the Dixie end. W. '.1,1 eil . 1491j Lewis had gonc off for holC'-,r, 1ViWiiîr . 147 ing, five seconds carier. G. Scot------- 41 Th-e visitors szorrned ta ti'c ,1 id. Fith ~.144 attack in, the third pelI .Wina --------- 1421 particularly in thc last teii:J. 'tl-10 minutes xvhen flhc Pic-O-Mats l 1igh)sigle- M. Waizrnai werc forced to ice the puck,213. -as -orSdn(lo4do eln continually to relieve thej ît Triple - -- M. Sedman j invader Station Wagon (one of two Acadian wagons)>as -orSdn es -orSdn pressure. Goalie Grant Wright i oO came up with several top 200G imes saves and the Bee-Hivcsl t',ýaJzFresh, frskyand packed wit marksmen helpcd by missing 202« F__________-a n p ac_____t opportunities. t Bob Butler drew a higbi !Lad y C urlers sticking major for drawingj new features for 16 blood, a fighiting major an-d firstpeio<j Huff got a0fmilierjE oy p n g InlemediteOf Local Clubi~ Inte medite 1The large tus-nout of 76 ia-i 20-Uxbridgc at Bowmanvil)l xrvsi i.< 21-P-tonut ri-naishind ftic glass now zsccmcd * ~T-t'brîd,- u I3oiîa vile -rv differint. However. f-r ', fro 28~~~a Trbigea senton * tic, ex p:î'si.ý:ion the faces a'.~j those curling. it was an eîîjoy-, January. able experieuîce, '3-Pictoiî ut Uxbridge Whuit could be more plca-j * - - 9 -T renton ai Ilowniajii'lie i- t a ter ftic cool air of the 4Ï-Picton at Treîunon 1curling riîîk than corning int. 7-Treicron at Uxbsidc i a !awanîn rom nta enjoy coffîe1 8--Trciiîan at Pictoui gnd refreshmcnts ini a fsicndly l. 11-Uxbrii4ge at Trenîitîi i atmosphere?1 The social cDm-! Deaumnont Sport Doluxe Convertible ànvader 4-door Sedan (olso 2-door Sedan) 14-Picton aI lixbridge 'milIce. Eileen Osborne, Milda I 15-Uxbi-idge ut Pictori I Marrisý, Dos-othy Woolsey andl WhiowaliIie$ optkonal a11 extra coi. 17-Trent<jî7 at BowrnauîIli Ida Goddard, had arranged' l8-.-BowmnnsilIe ut Trenton tables, attractiv-e!,. coves-cd 21-Bawmauiviile at Uxb)ridgýe %wiîh red anîd xhi:.e cloths, 22-Trenton at i tn cmlTe flaihes andle, ii'f 63 frsACRO IANona 24-Uxbridge atBw-avii a senti-cinde befone the large2TrtoitPioncmlewihrdcdes fehf s yf ct na 25--Picton aI Trentonî stone fireplace. A -303C 6 oCD 28-rno tUxbridgc h lme ftebunningl 29-Uxbridgae at Picton Ilogs, added la the lîglît from i A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE SEE IT NOW AT YOUR ACADIAN e PONTIAC * BUICK DEALER'S February: 1 the cuuidles aofIthe centrepiece or the large decoratcd buffet, Se sure to watch "The Tommy Ambrose Show" on the CBC-TV network: Check local listings for timne and charmel. l-Box-nàiaîx-Hh t Trelînas, table. cast a w'us-n glow: 4-Bownianxille at Uxbridýù- - Iths-oughout the enlu e roc) Startiîîg Turne5- Bs--inIn this relaxed ainuosphere, ville 8:15 p.m.. Pîcton 8:30 p.nî. Vice-Presidenlt Mîlda MorrisRBO OOSL M T D Trenton 9:00 p.rn,, Uxbridge r presented thc Oshiawa ldes, OSNMTR imr D 9: 00( ,with token gifts af apprecia- Exetihn Ubig in h rsdutaa~î 6 igS.E hn A339 . Ecep- hen Uxride ton Th pe-sdet aýo n-166Kig S. E P oneMA3-396Bowmanvi# plays iii Picton. gaineb ivwîU ts-oduced ber execuie ta the istart at 9;00 p.m. imerabers. Freda Kranip out-'__________________________________________________

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