14 The Canadian Statesnian, Bowmanvffle, Nov. 21, 1982 Bîrths [n Memoriam Coming Events Articles for Sale 1 Articlesfo Sae IelEte for Sale Real Estate f or Sale--KVLL R W ' BmRD-John and Joyce (nee HAMILTON-In loving me- Bowmanville Kinette Christ- 21" MARCONI TV. Phone SALE of lamps; TV Tables;! Burketon - 120 acre farm SA K Burley) are happy to announce mory of our dear mother and mas Bazaar, St. Andrew's 623-5863. - - -47--l students desks; blankets; floor1good clay loam. Creek. 4-bed: ee edmaM.adMs the birth of their daughter, grandmother Elsie Hamilton Church, Friday, November 23, E R - t, flogTl-'mats; rugs; hassocks; *lteýron2soe house, l ag1n M.W.S Lincia Anne, at Memorial Mos- who passed away Nov. 25, 1:30 p.m. Tea will be served'IEA I clothlog el-hmpr;smkr; aaiesroom st eworey * a ae ý ELO tM.E tR pital, Bwa ail n Wed- 1958. 46 ý1phone 263-2754. 47-1 HtMrighr Rbnonte coowthte rsiet Bowmavill, Beide our rave e __________ -..racks; pictures; record playerlmile ta school. Full pricef Estifghwa 2 l day. Ms id ipoi h nesday, November 7, 1962. ABsd orgaew oftenfc r.I lm siser or ougaso471DsandPlnatsatendth EniakndetPNllrgeQuaer paethatndstnd;ecffe tales mttrss-$2010. ONE f largeile rQuakeru, Trono, peticairtan1Ms20auren0ow With heart bath crushediCircuit Parsonage Bazaar inter. Phone 623-5911. ing- roo;suitce es. oMurphy w 10Ae force aingclints.niCl 6334 awekshld 47-1 es; k ite anedro ifo10Are pacisvcaints.ad:1ail623364 a veK's ldya r r latiga ertr. h and sore. ithe church basement, ensUPIIT piano; 75 ft. endless Furiue King W., Bowman-1 We have properties inlNea Newcastle, 280 acres,~ MKys (nE-Bpce nd are l nSt till the sweet wrsdy oebr2 at 8:15.ibeit. Phone 263-2525. ___47-1 uvi, 2-3781.__ 47-i*1Oshawa and Whitby areas.laefotgfriesu -i Mrs. Jim Star] a eundAtrasotbsns eid announce the birthofter Notlcame, Lunchr. TO irs' 2nerc.as 47-1 r Cal MRS. A. McROBBIE room house, bath, furnace,'ýfrom MemnorialHopt. thmeinwahaddve of her1 os bu gne eBrengo, grl' wntr cat, sze1 PHENATHIZN Iavle-6375 barn 30 x 100. See us for' Mr. and Mrs. Cifr okt r.Wla î,wocn son Allan Brook on November, ot nw hwmc w isMonster Bno hrdy7 and 8. Phone 623-3740. FIorNifomaio. pet te eeenia Brks u-td62gmeof-uhr.5in Bowm anville, a baby brotheri you, by t e J ni r7ab r-fl!_ i T Tr ~B W î v for Steve. 47-1* MHe counts the tears we shed, omec, e arNattAhfo ae Jandordeliveredof - -Use-di foworiniOlioe slxepartdary uigh ngs in13 Mrll.an Mr.ORihdshedyMs.ECalnd rs _______And wh5rs, "She anly Ohw.45-tfICalCliff Pethîck, C 3231 se fraond ati.ofe±Esat oo rpire95lb.milkiToronto; Mr. andi~ lwRt roel.Ohrlcy GRLLS-Robert and Joanf Your îoved one is not dead. Don't forget the dance, Sat- 3-f 218 IJundas St. E. Whitby quota. Priced ta seli. Hallowell spentSudyen-pzewreonbMs.un <nee Kearns) are happy ta an- Sa we'll be brave, dear Mother urday night, Nov. 24th at EETI tv n rgr Any Kvet Needs Cotat-_____________47-1 Near Enniskillen - 100 acre ing at Mrs. A. Dosn1 Pt n Ms orieBon nounce the arrivai. of their And pray ta God each day Solina Community Hall. Jim' ator, $50 each. Phone 623-5639.1 Your Local Representative r'T>1pasture farm, two streams. Ai Several attendethtrkyIBons uyBes ed ozs., on Thursday, November' ta yau wlcm. 71 OEf SNOW~DEN REALTOR $2,000. ! veek.tokhefrofauiina 15, 1962, at Memaorial Hospital, Your smile will guide the -ecm. _ _4- O air furnace pipes, 12" and Enniskamtoi-l0lers _______ j 471* way. Maple Grave Home and 14", adjustable elbows. Cal . 1 nisiln 263-2655i Maple Grove wihcrernfuue ih-ndere nPtroogso o hrdyeeig -Always remembered by the School Association Bazaar andl623-2077. __47-11- -471 all23530way. Gekoodftrdenan. hPrîce'sundayvisiing ebr o.lt ih1 ebr SMITH-George and Shirley family. 47-1* Tea, Saturday, Nov. 24 at East' ALSO I-edroom--br Fi:shleig, wois hsialzdpsn. h oca veig are happy ta announce the Maple Grave School, from O ooswndws an CONNb Two bedombick vene ,r!$350 per acre. 47- *înssidings, railings. Lamne ungalow with garage on 31 Near Tyrone, 40 acres, pas-1there.whnteldsetraith 7 lbs. 23/ azs., on Sunday, mary of my dear wife Celia DnetaCaaNesbitt'-s 0f Mr. and Mrs9,00. pon. T. Wil,00.Tonis.an Noveber11, 9621at emo-6whpased wayNoveberMusimakrs, atudayNov sN"HEAY duy cil bd O GAN id.Askig pice 9,80. pnd.Pri54$2500.Teins. nd ancywit Mr.andMis.SatrdaNevningNovmbe îal Hospial, Bowmaville. A 5, 1956.124, Tyrone Coîmmunity Hall 'spring, in excellent condition.ý Sales - Service - Rentais xeeTw odobn al o n-4 edtro ul om buno, any a. iigtoSna. 2thadteaîna hita brother for Barbara, John, Within my store of memorEs dmssion $1.50 per couple:1 Phone- 623-3274._ 47-1l Seven Thrilling Models Iveniences, full walkout base- edgraerim.it aCSs nstd atMr. Om aî.'ent' nTusa vn Carl, Beverley. 47-1 She holds a place apar vroewlm.edgaeiidatpse- _____ __________ vryn wlom. 4711CONTINENTAL bed, double, for Home, Church, Etc. ýment, garage. Asking price sion. snvstda For no one else can ever e Clo .. Deaths More cherished in my hrt. hartered bus going ta Buf- book-case headboard, $50. Tale- PansTund $16,500 with $1,500 down. Two homes in Bowianville, church UCWfmtatteoigrDcrnetth hecm ____.-Dick. 47-l* falo the weekend of November Phone 623-7126. - 47-l* ao ue One acre lots in Clarke ail conveniences. Only $1,0O00 meeting with te pesdn unyisetddtaM. BRUCE, Eva-At Memorial _______ 23rd ta 25th inclusive.HtOCAL adwo func, BR CE______ ora H tel REPAIRED - BOUGHT- SOLD- Township, just off Taunton down.Mr. C l To d i ch ge T e Ev Mc r y an fa iy nte Sunday, November 18, 1962, mary C 527),nearly two cords hardwood,1 Write or Phone Ra.$0 a o. 4- Milk route, P.C.V. licence, iadies xvere verypead 18 92 oyof our dear friend CeiaPTravHe.Aeny488-2527 . 263-2509. 171, Ptri a, r 4-ton International truck, price the success of the ukydn rno hyatne h Eva MacMillan of Newton- who passed away Nov. 25, Port Hope.____ $4,500. 4-irm\. 47-1 ville, beloved wSfe of Ray- 1956. New Year's EÈve Dànceëë, Bow- FIREWOOD in stove wood ZEPHYR ONT. REALTOR dollrs was taen n h r.J5 uro mM.adM mond Bruce, dear mother of You are nat forgotten Celia, manville Badminton Club, $121lengths, free dclivery; $10 a lNMt. Albert 134W2 and GENERAL NUACdelrwatki Mrs. Robert Gibson (Marion) - Nor ever wili you be, per couple. Tickets from Fredcfload. CO 3-2275. 39-tf ___47-1 52 King St. W. 6S23C-2453iyigaoutceae il eas uso r of Bowmanvile and Mrs. As long as life and memoryi Cale. Eighty couples only.LODbb aiig pi'Ls s rn ed toward thehetnsy MradMs.R Sipn Charles Watters (Isobelle) of lasts, Bill Millar's Orchestra. Fun,1lady's white ice skates, size Car fr1ae7is Chpui u.Rch StOwmnvll pementsth is cnenaorsitrs orno nSn Ansonville, in lher 7lst year. We wil remember thee. Favours and Food. 46-tf;1 17Phone 23-2417. 47-1 - - 4 Bedroo brick 2/2store Rested at the Northcutt and,-Ruby, Joe and Jim. -17/'-, Phtear23i417 4Bowling Teambrik 21/estoey car.da.MsE.Cîrtundt 47P tavleBoln Ta r' _ý1952 PONTIAC. Telephoneihome with garage. Ultra 623-3393 Trnowt hmatrvst Smith Funeral Home, Baw-ý sponsoring a Penny Sale at TWO slih, wooden doll's'623-7205. ___ 47-1 modemn kitchen. Very nice lember of Oshawa & District Mr. and Mrs.OreFlsinwth erauhr, rs manville. Funeral service was WA'rSON-In loving memory Starkville School, Saturday,, house, transistor radio, pus16 livihngr and Mrs. Brian Ca- A surpriserartywas hec ed condition.cPhoneW623-5081 aorycdoqui2eclose.taedshopping.hWet125 Acreefarm.l SolidtbrickPhene.6at50theohomelof MisskLinda edbyasevieonWens-edaayNo.26 16. eestoar eain yse 623-3066. 47-1 can recammend this home at house with ail conveniences.:M.adMs day, November 21 in the Unit- God toak him home, it was for Church. Tickets 25 for 25e. WESTINGHOUSE four-bumner -_________ _ - the list price of $12,000. Ternis. Good barn. Excellent MmsnoMsilw al-Calo atra vei"i ed Church, Mermon, Ontario. Mis will, 47-1 eloctric stove, gaod condition! 1954 CMEV. power steering, Fa'm, 127 acres, near Orono. pod. Portperyara r 5üýeand Jim atedutohouofMsNnySmp Interment in adjaining cemne- But in aur hearts we lave cash price, $35. Phone 62 ' 3.automatic trnsisin g, or 0acr'es w ' bl, -raom n, aterynris.$9, '[Royal Winter Fi das oteocso en ac' tery. 47-1 him still. Waodvicw Comrnunlty Centre 623-17. tp termsio n -ow oulagwarnble, Terms.the hockey gameatt M Mis memory is as dear today -Monster B i n g o. Twentyl- 47-_----_- _ _-1 ado wneie; so1 hue ag an tem 100 Acre farm, 7 milesLa adn.brhaNny HAPR~A eoia o-As in the hour he passed igames-twenty dollars; fiveILLOYD baby carrnage, girî's ti.res, radia, and in good run- .Pied ta sdil with gaad ternis. north of Bowmanville, 2-storeyl efGres pital, Bowmanville on Thurs- away. games-thirty dollars; $50wintor coat, size 10; bath j,,nrng odr hn 2-76 0Ar amjs ot fhm ih trom and Mm. and Mrs.Gere o- Ms.Rb Anrsetre day, Navember 15, 1962, Clar- -Lovingly remembered by jackpot, and two jackpots at good condition. Phono 623-3970. ______ 71 Bowmanvile wîth 6-roomn fumnace. Barn 30 x 100. Ful ton, Orono, were dne ussMmra aptl omn _________and_ ___________ ouse and barn. Small streamn. lina of tractor machine*yin last .veek at Mr.Atu c ila usafrsrey I We hope ber reeov47y1willih- yers hsbndo!th lte471 Oay 8pm earn6_, KEYS cut autamatîcally, whiîe ______________Good sub-dividing property. Irena Axford and dear father 1Žvd shw.~t you wait, at MeMullen Mard- EIGHT pigs, seven weeks aid. 6-Room 11/2 -storey brick 60 Acre farm. Mouse lias:Ksa euatahmhm n o! Aileen (Mrs. Mughi Rogers), Cards of Thanks New Year's Eve Dance ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- Phono 4130 Clarke. 47-1* home in chaice location. Pnicedhbathroom, furnaee. Painted 1aiy Bowmanville; Marold, Belle- W ol iet hn Part y, Lions Community ville. _________ 3-tf - -to seil at $12,500 with gaod'barn. Spring. Loeated near; KEDRO m. Cronbsntbe vile; liford Osawa Emeveryone who so kindly sentîCe.ntrd. Favours, food and'ORDER your wood now, 2,150 CHOICE Hereford and'terms.Enikle,$30.Tem.wlfosvrawes.W mroToronto, and John flowers, cards and gifts when prîzes. Chas. Coehrane's Oreh- cords resawed, $35 delivered. WDnamstyckDc 5. ea. letrees. Looter. 0 cea tod on god rad 2lTheScous ndCub hi pey eo y hle atithegorSricueral rbaby was born. cstra. Tickets available from J. A. Carscadden. Phone Orono W10 miles north 5f Bowman-, xveek ta instaîl their newnEx- Mm. and Mrs.SWeutingtdn hel, BowheMonviso, nerMo Lloyd and Betty Yeo. Ralph Ames and Bud Masos, 35 r 9. 40-tf McGowan, Phono 778-221310mlsnrho wan:e",tisal1 Chpl omnilo o-46-1 $10.00 per couple. Accommo- M0--GLO înuae o avelock. We deliver. 47..ý A. L. Hooey - 623-7264 ville. Pmofessionally pruned ocutive. A ChaimmnhsytFroMs enPri n day, November 19 at 2 o'clock.- dation limited. 4730 ALN nuaedbt. A Barton 623-3098 and ready ta eut in twa yoars. ta be faund, but teSceayM.WlimMreatne __________ ____water tank and imeson6 ENS, two months in lay- ýP., Kowal 623-5868 Only 5,000 full price. for the new yeam ilhoM.te3hWdinAnvrsr Ineret ilmnCeeerBible Society collects $975.()o Durham County Federation heater, almast ncw; $20. Caîl ing, three-way cross, R.I.R x, 47-1 5 Bcres wh T celebration ofrtrSmand;Mrse Utica. 47-1 in recent eanvass. The local of Agriculture Annual Meet-123-2520. 47-i S x R.; also eiectric brooderi ___________$5,800,____$1,Aces0wthon.ea lonWmit;esreM.i ra«tehm ___tv fthssceyin aqeMaoi epe for 250, reasonablo. Phonei rn.$,0,so ~n NlonWih;tepoigEeetHo exeu tive o ! nk th s c ie-y1 inor BanqeSt, M aov ic. e pl, D U T H RM:pa e h at r i N ew castle 2116 aft or 12 noon. ýL f LSm ali retir om ent hom e i nmit e C a m n, M . . ! M . M u r y M o o , B ck , ¶EM ri NGHotaon, 2:30.uos n a vasr orM .A t uga eP e en et distributor attached. Ex- 7n-wat-r, on Saturdhy d a ,e m oial H o s pita 19T 2lle - mA w ld tat e a n 6 2 a t e c n- a rt H o., p e , a t o. 24,t vi l e ale t co n d itio n . T e le p h n e _4__ _ _ _ _ _ 4 b ed ro o m a a rt me n t. O ro n o . $ 1,2 00 fu ll p rice . J a im , a n d th. E P a r D r v A n u b r f othS e io / daLovmber17,41962,b a-tyaSing the1962 ca4va1sabl fo.paker.Tcts vail- 623-5862. 71 Avaîlable December 15. Phono 19 Acres with stream and atne h otclua da ambo! 40 îbrtySt.suces, 4-1 blefro ay dreco-.Evmy-___________ 47* u i U i623-3102. ___ 47-tf ponds noan Kendal. $3,900 fuIll The Group Comit(wl Northh,________I vvoris. vvaoeuone_____ ____ stiîî take oders forfapple, banquet in Nwcastle on Wed th e ate bertville ife o! We wish ta sincereîy thank anlworom. 4-2 d? ARak forvMuff-LADY would came for pre-FîE-roomed bouse available p10e Acre parcoîs of land on !and can provideNrhî edyeeig dea mohe o!Mr. JhnLaw au fiensneihbrs nd Make arrangements naw ta Western Tire, 85 King St. W., schoal chîîd in hem home. CalDc ,hayduywmn n Highway 401, Na. 2, Liberty' Spies, Talman Set n son (Geraldine) of Welland relatives for the lovely cards, attend Now Year's Eve Dance Bowmanville. 47-1 623-2077. 47-1 garage. Phn 63385 47-1 StYtautnRad idaMacîntoshes. and Ron o! Bowmanville; sister flowers and gifts received on at Southview Golf and Curl- Street,___Taunton- I R 633805iSOLlN o! Mrs. A. J. Arthur (Dora) the occasion of our th eding Club. Cavaliers Orchestra. LADY'S beige winter coat, LADY iîak ae !acMOEN elf rooms ith baath. ried andown$200 e ra. bTe beontudaypDcmirs .LnmadsSna of Toronto and Edward o iganiesr.Sumptuous buffet, prizes, nov- size 14, like new; namne brand o wcildrtae ii h fon home hne Newcasc 251 ob395. Pried room$0bricrunalwber h. Ifonanytu a enSho Caso osasse Winnipeg. Rested at the North- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Jones.ete. comoainiited guitar; Gendran baby carniage. Phono 623-5045. 47-11 47-Nwasl 55 r391 1 edrentrallctiongin ow- isda rvau rvs îhte pnn !Sna cutt and Smith Funeral Home. -î $12.00 couple. For roserva Phone 623-3971. 47-1 47-1ver cetra loctio inB__________onpre Funeral service was held on _______tions Phane 623-3077. 45-4 WMITE Gendron baby car- ELDERLY couple would likel ONE medium bedroom with manville. Only $12,800, $2,000Qvho wishes tocntiuetSholnSndym nng Monday afternoon. Interment I wish ta express my sincere -Sale of Blindcraft Work inrnage, $15; chrome hîgh chair ta shane your bouse in ex- single bied; anc bed-sitting down. ithis proj oct, a teponcalDnKoxrdthscpur Bowmanville Cemetery. 47-1 thanks toa ah those who sent Hydro Shop, Bowmanville, on $6; play pen $4. Ail in goodl change for househald duties; room with studio couch. Phone Brick 3-hedroom home on ta Mr. Fraser woul eape-raîgWle alrgv me cards, flowers and visited Frîday and Satürday, Nov. 30 condition. Phone 623-5108. elderly people proferred; one 623-3878. 47-1* Liberty Street. Only $7,500, iated. rcttatecas~ KITSON-At his home, Little during my recent iliness in the and Dec. 1. Many worthwhi]e _________ 47-1 or two versons. Good cook.1-- T___dom ei-eace$1,000 down. Why pay ront?, The participatioo!KdnhynndMsLagi p. Apply Aavertisor 305, c/aoThe:housecoet uiessc Winterized 2-bedroom cat- United Church i h etrsne nitmsigsoy Britain, Ont., on Tbursday, hospital. Special thanks ta and beautiful articles. Came CARPETS and D R AP E S Csndia catemsePO. o andofisesnedssos stecst November 15, 1962, Wmn. C. Dr. Rundle and staff of the early for best selection. Spon-j(Samples taken ta the home). 19, Bowanile 7. tian, available immediately. aea atBah sigPa cce t umnto etn !altahr Kitson, beloved husband of Medical Ward. sored by Bawmanville-WestFreestimates. F. A. Kramp owavlc 4- Phone 623-2223. 47-1 anly $2,800, $400 down, bal-anSndyateno we heen Sunday Sehalwok il dear father o! Mollie (Mrs. 47-1 ta the Canadian National Insti- ville. M A 3-7071. 20-tf A . anB$0 otl.Aiios etteAh m h t20 bRed on T usay ngt ________ c~~~ld, newiy decorated. All con- 'central location. Must ho sold two, ta caloa I h ails TeT Owen Sweetman) o! Little Bri- ws aepesm e tute for the Blind. 46-211NSULATION, blawîng mcth- '- rT4v iecs Immediate passes- at once. Only $6,500, $ 1,000 in any way coln(etdwt h nth eyc esm tain; e n o! P eter b r o u g h I k - L L L. & .L Dln ~ . L L e a tl n 1s- - n P h o n e 2 6 3 -2 4 7 6 . _ 4 7 -1 * d o w n . i h u r h V isits w i h c u d n oh a l n S t r a y a e r WifrdoCommencement et hak t, rensrlaivsmansbip guaranteed. Froc esti- PHONE MA 3-7127 1SIX-room semi-detached bouse, Cîl62-393homade on Suidywl easee ih"n uya garet (Mrs. Tom Dancey) o! present neighbors, oid NorthCo m ncmet ates. Harry L. Wade. Tole- !modemn ail furnace, centra all63333copetdduring h ek ots oadhmget Cannington, Ada (Mrs. Ross Ward neighbors, and organza- Jcoplto Goodliand) o! Beavorton, Cas- tions for cards, flowers and' Exercises p1n lrk44063-f3-Nio t. Bwavil oatdwt garage. Available EveRcr - 63314 hepaning sie (Mis. Frank Stacey) o! acts o! kindness at the time f.to be beid ini HIGH SCHOOL DCRT a bita, 6t a hn 2-26atr6 and ck Ricad -3154 roo Tho e pasnigfrte ii-Ms Wdo heHm cn Little Britain, and Eva (Mrs. my recent beroavement la thel AUDITORIUM paint or wailpaper. Free' I47-1________47-1;effort for manypepeadabu mterpraingt Clare Netherton) of Lindsay. loss of my doamwife. I alsal 0NovEstirnates. Satisfaction Guar-' SEPTIC TANK ýLARGE six-raom bouse, ail Ï- ',for the Kedron ladiswosn civmn a nJna~ Funeralsevc a edo iht hnDr E. L. Ewert! Friday, N v.30 ate Phono Harry Cla heated, with garage. Centraîy-h~ydall teSco spesfr19 h ujetmte a Saturday, Nov, 17, 1962 at the for bis came and attention, 8 P.m. cuit, Lander Hardware,__46-tf PUMPING located. Phono 623-3784 atrDe WihRe l siafe theaea. o ersmns al a Mackey Funcral Home, Peell Sidney Little. Public Cordially Invited ALUINUM do o rs a n d WHITEWASHING STABLES 6 p.m., or write Post Ofc Stet n ida.7nemnt 7.' f'1 Bo'imanville - 14 Frank St. M.DrkBmetbsatdse nbfe tl n oke Streetin Linsay. Itermon 47.1*47-2!-vind0w's. Call us taday for: «R~l T~fDTT Box -10014. 4-* as General Chaimaudrndcksbugtytegil was at the Christian Chumcb ________________froc estimato. Temms amang- fl lIERPARMEN, uitblNfo Dial 623-3950 'the direction o!fe.Rnl ~eeenoe.Tenx et Cemter, Lttl Brtai, Ot.I wuidlik taexpessmy Auction Sale ldd Cowan Equipment, King' PHONE CLARKE 4721 ilady or elderly couple at 9 Newcastle - Phono 3341 ýLove. The VisitatinCarn igwlhonDeebr1 47-1-incren bankrtamyhmnyk___________________St.StEE.,,owmnvile.v honeNEWONPhoEnLavosELneOiNBomanvhle 200Acr fam, ner Rie' as n. Jck rancs. ater anltheroMrcaî wiacbe"On fiends, relatives, neighboms Auction sale o!liîvestock andIMA 35689._____ 45-tf ____________38-tf Available Dec. lst. Contact 20Ake clre amn 5areals Chairmon mr n r uya!apesn us" PATERSON-Suddenly at R.! and organizations for the love- funiur, heprperyl!arEEgerWibuarMmp, is2Jon adacres13r R. 3, Bowmanville on Satur- I y cards, flowers, gifts, visitsiLeslitueR.Coh rne Lo 8for good ed tWlevisiamon t H r V nD Bi S. Cohngwood.et 4-r wood; 8 oomed stand bouse. val Jackson and M.Avn Ms .Ylole a day, November 17, 1962, Lewis! and acts a! kindness I roceîv eleR ohae o 81o go sdtlvso es em n an e ets olnwo--- --47-tfAkn 2,0.Trs Secr r o James Paterson, aged theeoed whiîe in tbe Oshawa Gen- Con.i9, amt o niTownship'chesiteieds, bodis, drgraossos, GENERAL CONTRACTOR 15-ROOM semî-detached bouse, 200 Acre farm, L-shapedatda eore himnfrsvmldy atwe e years and four months, belov-ioral Hospital and at home.' days loet uies an tem 8roe o,,adM.Hrl e do y ) f a n dt R a on E i h od a e - ' a l s a n s s , o ran n c s.ta ea,: 0 p . . H e l i g s a l E m r , C>n a p n r W rec i t e . A v r is a l em 0 , c / o T h l o s e n n g ta o o a kng$ 1 4 , 0 t he r o gH a me y C r m i tt c C a r r . G m y G a p l , Tt n -,als nurs s and staf. ;ca h. Sae at 1:30 .m . H ýnew sleig svîsitedlerMrsd.CJ.enYel'thewloesm on son. Service was held at the'ElerNeskt AasclnerCîfodP--29. 46-tf NEW WORK and REPAIRS ýCanadian Statesman, P.O. Box wîth $5,000 down. me.1edy Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow-' 71ik cine. 4*ONE garden tractor, snow PHONE CO 3-28, MTN10 owmanville. 47-1 141/ Acros witb 5-roomediTeta edrwoec h lwr ttecuc manville on Tuesday, Novem-; plou gh, gardon plough, tile t IET ao prmns bungalow, ail fumnace, an pav- recmuitod an avergo!ansevcanudyWrdpce IntermentThe famiy o! the ate Mm. nd cultivtolleGuiey cook-LuBuRY a Aar tssoends ed road, 'north Bowmanville. 'teams o! visitorsweM.trebthRyndsamy ber 20 at 2 o'clock. Itret h aiyo h aeM.WEEKLY astove wivt orvoiurec- ,,. frigyupid hrrmnt.olan d sig$300 om.Rnl er, m na ei oigmmm !Ms ticetin ilur asoticmiiserM .-i 47-118 50; '7.50x16, 750x7, .50W-V LeGpin ;iýrow hewme ! h QATIYbae hyPhn2,85x0S50x 7 7manP.O. Box 190, Bowman- 5SRomed bunigalow in New .pIiau Wib temiisOl B..urner Servicelvle 46-tf castie, ail modemn canyon- Lost or_ tryd Z5RePscevsedM, __ N. ville.oe fte UNIYbae a.Poný0 .520$50;9.O2, ETI AK N Mr à r.Norman E. Utica U.C.W., the McDermott- Bethany 8 r 22. 47-11$35.00. Snow tires, 2 for $25.'1 ETI AKSAD e nces. Price $6,500. Termis.- Wright, Enni.skillen, wiIl be Panabaker Funemal Home fan MANURE- spea-der mstho JMISOiTR TILE BEDS fLL - ESAT.L.L-J. Ms ta ho sold s,,n. STRAYED fromLt1,Cn .W uml tAicut pleascd ta welcome their kiad assistance in aur heneave- ago eaî.L .Suaîr, BMIEoîmN IE42t PHONE 7TCArT 8 Roomed home, Newcastlce 8, anc Mereford ste,8090atThrdyig. -_i________ _L.A.______Bwmavile 2-i ALES ENHa t e ol 'o eLl etael bs. Just cdehormdRwad Ms.W.KxanMi.C relatives and friends at a re- ment. 623-2223. 47-4* HAMPTON CO 3-2288 Mst esl asti sae Ted Werry. Phono2328.SrhiBagavstda ceptian in honour o! thein Ralph Wilbun and famiîy. !îo AI-orbrs- fams-S MSNTYON-O -25 We have an openlng for Two Asking $6,200. Ternis. ______ M.adMs .Feia Fifty-!i!th Wedding Anniver- ý%_ýl0PI o rs rms_ SM O YOEC -60 alesmen (or ladies) for oui 5 Roomed bungalow with 4- onadGog nxs sary being held ini the Mamp- -_________~- lever action rifles, other aId T7T-~7'c 19-t! Bowmanvllle Office. attached garage, natural stand eae n os n n i.Gog ton Community Hall, Satur- Pesnlrifles and hand guns wantod. TV .L..YVLa.IJ V tS Car necessary. firoplace, patio, etc. Will sdI_______________ itnm Ohwa iitda day, December lst, 1962, 2:30 -__________________ hono_728-5574. 41-8 ECONOMY and DELUXE ________Course___________ at sacrifice price. URNEDt ta 4.30 p.m. and 7 ta 9 p.m. HYGENIC supplies - (RubberHGETpresadfo Bynofrthbstrie ALGEmasoea- Contact: 7 Roomed home, Bunketan, 47-2* goods) mailed postpaid in plain poultry, goose feathens, fea th- . ngArne pinefumîture. Taken pvd od,3pic bt. s- aisoervicetaimks.Cdean L________ - sealtd envelope with price list er ticks, scmap iran, - inncngArane away free. 263-2509. 47-tflJH F. DeWITH- ing $4,000. Very low down Teeiso2Sric-a.Poe3n88dMm3StnM.îo LIESDSix samples 25c, 24 samplsm as and raw furs. Phone OSHAWVA 8x 12. FOOT- Platfor-m Du mp REALTOR paymont. 6338.Rpis nSt NuringHom $100.Mai Orer ept T-8, A 320Thosawpsonct Newcastle, Ont. Phone 334, 3 Unit apatment building, RADIO aad Televisinaln Hayn uiln HmeN.-Rubbcr Co.. Box 91, 48-f V UPPY TD N st. Phon om64375 47-1 Newcastle, 3 bathmooms, extra Prompt service. Pc-pad M.adMs olyG! UTQHHaeNusn ým Hamiltan. Ont. 1-52_____TV____ _______________hone986-375 lot. Oaly $750 dawn. delivemy. George's14CnrEfd ceommodation for private _______15 ALL kinds o!Ilîve paultry, 361 GIBBON ST,. __47________ St. Phono MA 3-1.4-fmy f0,istdauda semi-private patients, TV ' feathers, ncw goose and duck Poe788 0 DEDadcipdfim____Pets Aften Mours Cal: TV, hnne7288180ning ____a le.Don MountJoy -623-3614 EPRStaimkeo!r-DnTyradfml. Full liensd. _____ -also aid !eathem ticks wanted I stock, pce up pramptly. MOUND, black and tan, maie, frigeratons, dameseancm-BdeysC muty lb '4ding, modemn. Visitors PIANO Tuning. Arthur Col- Highest prices paid. Ml. ilatt, Day or Night Telephone collect 263-2721, 1 year aid, needied. Price $25. Idso Wiersma - Orono 1649 nercial; milking cooes i.wl etFîa vnnNv Reasonable rates. lison. Telephone MA 3-3900. Lethany R-R. 1. Phone 7 r 13 BILL LEASK, Prop. Margwill Fui Farim, Tyrane. Apply William Curtis, 199 King ïo 1vdo ehn 0r o lcrcLmtd 8Kig2.M.FacsWry n L41. 1-l 36-tf coilect. 21i-us 27-t! Licence 149/62. 42-t! W., 623-5195. 47-1* 47-1 St. Z. Phone MA 330.7t iklew.1so ïtru DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesday, 4:30 p.me