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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1962, p. 16

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16The Canadiari Statesrnan, Bowmnanvllle, Nov. 21, 1962 'Bowmanville, Mr. anid Mrs. ___________________________________________Trimble and daughters, Base! Line, were guests of Mrs. S.; GNidderv on Wednesday, Durham M. P. P. Analysis H AM P TON hn h Ieerae er8 birthday. A number of the vil-, The flowers in the church Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hall and lage ladies called ta offer their U nem ploym ent P roblem 0n Sunday were two bouquets' daughters attended the funeral !congratulations and to enjoy from the Kesier - Prescott io! Mrs. Hall's father in Brook- ýlunch with this IovelY octo- wedding, and two bouquets in nStud1 Deet y-geain Pi- uple are inclined to inter- palities ta carr *vont ineeded Other help has also been Brought by Mrs. Dave Hall in pathy is extended ta Mrs.* r. 0 alatprit unemployment in terms public works designed 10 pro- tendcd ta smaller industriE Tving memnorv ofaiher father. Hall by hier many friends. -and Ronnie and Mr. art~d Mrs. of figuresrte hni ersvd h oteploynieut uii- get established. Emphasi Mr. Leslie Hall. On Wednesday evening last, McKee, Oshawa, visited Mr. acusecnoiefetaddeth ierorsrgrm alobngpcdonh Cales t hePrsctthoe Pblc pekig ones !sand Mrs. G. Adcock on Sun- possible methods of solution. These received substantial good'q now imparted madE CuringslasItheck re Mr. hoePuldie Hamptn onship ay. Alex Carruthers. MPP for government grants. stead in Ontario. dun atwew Mrs. Patn amto Tobishipand Durhîam said on l'uesdz.\, Nov. Retraiîîing programis desigii- Hclp to Northern devE an r.PtTbnadDale, 1Hall, the contestants being the 'b and rsa Olived r m- 3t. d to a ddi Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Earl students who came irst in brOhwvstd OlA upgade isplced the men, inreasd gruît Precot nd cs Knneh her an ehols Cngatla- Thursday evening with Mrs. desngteauam ers . Courses for uncmplo,.cd other aids to the provir l-iardy, Tyrone. fions are extended ta Miss LiL uthr lunanpfaProîg ra tess~ive onevTw-ve bengeiif -OtautClIiY Friayevnig gess tjan Page, who was chasen as Mrs. Wili Armour. Oshawa;sipPorsieCuevtv centres. Enjoying Prosperity anc of thethcee bestspeakers.Mrs. Gilroy and Mcs. Sperice: Association. Mr. Carru thers Vocationlai traiiý fIor v ng Mr. Carruthers concludei the Pescot n M oRel othe ihre tseauk wenos. tweedinrgussgave an analysis of theunuem-I thoes re Mr. and Mer. Psshe gaesifrher o aficeld Toonto, wer ih Mc. piaysit pobierni, hich lie people to pruvide basic skiffls svi;ag Ontario enjoyed a hoe eeMr n r. a h oe ate ail. ýnSatucdav ih r and l-etp v while at school. flie gceatest periods ofp Tobin, Oshawa; Mrs. Brian Ms e.rmuan Miscnee aoe hihcu Teslc oiiteo rt iishsoy U blilletand Miss Pearl Fudge, Mr. and Mr.Fak Wilbur Mr. Ga.Armur nc Mis onede vas nce it h cas- icsiet onht( ouprvintshtry U Wîllowdaie: Messrs. Jacob and familv, Oshawa, visitedlBertha Armaur. rlaedto al ail o fi c-mnowraioming stidv ut ta ndst t.e rtov 1ssrCSmtanB.Je-Mr. and Mrs. Harry Palmer.i Mr. Herbert Johnston, North , making acmlt tcvo tnsa . e eto Xesle, . Sit ad B Jw-Bav, visitcd Mr. andi Mrs. Wnî. A mmbe ofthel'g v. the probiemn with enmphasis on labour for-ce, whereas the Pl], Toronto: Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Walter Rahm, Tyrone;,IAxford. u&scmmtctahiuu e apprenticeship prograî-i fioni7l average is 5.6 per ag.Mc. and Mcs. Jack Niddery, thr*ý omtteo i o e P~cti age.-r and rin e nniPrs- training, Mr. Carruthers listed!now ini operation. Recommrend- Ts reflects in nos tiieseRogackgndaurd causes.-at ions will be made at the ucxt v yt he dynamie creed killen, spent Saturday evenîflg ie bcgoncas. 1 session af the Legisiature. -hh we have iived since wîth Mr. and Mrs. Murray Lit Cuesldustrial expansion uncier Consei vative party took pc YoMSISMr.MR .. H. S. Price. Torono, which attracfed y ouug peuple of industrial expansinuaund mains the heat andi centr TO Rand Mrs. C. W. Slernon, Nia- unta iidustry in pursuit of hilîih evclopment, headeci by Rob- our poiicv. 1! CE gara Falls, spent a few days vwages i preference ta contin- crI Macaula..huis lias given "Biefly stateci it is fuiis,n At Your UReAciU ST R E wi th their sister Mrs. A. E. uing their education. Theselfresh impetus to the Sale:; people. more industcy,n Billett. were uow cauglît in the neslî-!drive for cxport miarkcets aud jobs, more wages, more op SPECIALS FOR NOV. 19 - 24 Mrs. Arthur Stainton. Peter- es of automation anîd technoi-,as a resuit is pcovidiug iuew Itunty, aud from thesen bocaugh, and Mrs. Ross Lec, agical change aud ueeded ce- jobs. A trade Cusade aud productivity andi revenu Kedron, called on Mrs. John training for other work. Irade shows arc aimed at heip- do flic job," hie said. EXLAX1 Ba lson. The emergeuce af war de- iiug Ontario idust. -alits. uCioî Onr.33 and rs.h Ralph Balard vastated counitries, once major Reg. 4c NowHeathier visited an Su-nday dustiais competitors. A DEEP HEAT RUB iwith Mr. aud Mrs. Harry Ap- The formiation uftflie Euru- 0 1311TWu A R I E S C pleton, Whitbv, aud with Mr.- peau Communn Markcttit s fi( ORGI( I. I Cl rh.Intren V Reg. 98c NP4 O nly 83c landi Mrs. Frank Ballard, Coi- (ani barriers. Great Britain-ý umbus. possible cuti-Y w~itlîott amîple 'l'lie ctîc'at ofGerg iai B wrvle enfr'v ALBERTO VO- HAIR SPRAYMrs. Hlarrisoni, Scarboroti. Comnuonwealth safe g il a r d s bers Wright ocurnreci atIlvli- Pierer.albofc ALBER O VO5 HAI SPR Y sud hem- son-in-law Mr. Af adds ta Canada's cumipetition Trenton Mernorial Hlospitalf' \vce Mssrs. Ray Re.$.8VleSpecia1 $269 1Crawford xvceeThursdav ev- ,for- markets. Safti:claY.Nov. Il), 1962.ui anelloerTom Re.$.8Vlelening dinner gtests wifh Mrî. 'l'lie agricutural revolutioii a short llficess. son, Cecil Malle 'y, Eîsv and Mrs. Alex Carriek. x.îcîby niechanisimg faci- Soi ufth(fe faie (;eorge a nd a ndii Russlell Robia PERTUSSIN COUGH SYRUP iMc. andi Mrs. Jack Carter iîîg fîad reduiced the [anti f-Mr WriglIî. fie \vas b1juin l bte.eidHioitee $1.15 size89e size 5c siz 'and Candace, Toronto, ,,iiteci bOucrfor-ce. This also lias led 'î butes.l 177 i. k ich idecea h st Now 99c Now 77c Now 55c !Mr. and Mis. 'led Chant a 011 oa production ut agricutural 1 M'- vdii Nwastctin lielivch fiiodeseda Co 9 o 7 o 5 hantsdMc. and Mrs. Gary goods; fournfiies that oif 1cf :syars andIolu- filie pasI f2 10. rnBwa CantMrs. Eric, Tyrone: Mr. Autonation i n îdustry i i iei\ i tnKi ls 0î-e1Club Genera C EPACOL LOZENGES G R L n r.CrsCat il-rpaigsild nklidad;,etn ken, andi Mrî. Vernue Cliantui t vte-cul iar .vorkcers bY nmach - Hrita asai. <uod os, sud Newcastle Ball C Ee. 5 Vle -Only 59C Toronto, wcrc Sunday visitors ilnes. mgrc--a- APRIL SMrW.SaSdIN BALMTed Chant. ieprobuuinofrutrainin- dtictiiîg busi iî-ss s iii (Green - cd ta Mrs. Morley Lake (lice \ cars ou particuiar jobs,. SuiîIev'mcille Pusai' ,hîatigPO T P O Mis atPnge) frmr- cno dpMteievs io i igal iiancilesai. iHe w. $2.00 Value NoO nîvMssPf ige)$1fre.0uotaap0lemeve a meuiber ot Newcastle Pres- W\e aret giad ta repart Hamîptoni girl, on ireceiviingietriiu suy ad roustitute a sao-,Ivteiriaiu Chiurccl aîd Du rliaîîî Mis Hector Bcggs is mai J. J.BAB PO DERhec R.N. She is prcsenfly em- ciai problini sd look tu suc- Masonic Locige. Newcast le. satistactorY prugresi BAB P WD R pioycd at Bowmanviile lIas- îety toi- assistanîce with c e- Mi-', Wrighît \vas predcecasedti ia . Reg. 75c Sipifai.------ -------rease56celiare b V fus vme. thîe former Mar-- "lfie Orange Hall was fi Re.7eSze- -Mr. snd Mrs. Laver'ie Cie- pro-amns . 1dthte saine fini - Jn nfl.Nv 1 vtifi sadodn mesvisifed on Satu rdas' withlirnanv jobs are vacant hecause garcet .an1Sîif. o.2,1 :viJILJI'. tfreanlssd Maid n POLY-VI TABS. !Me.nd r. oma Cln- fflce1942. Survivmîg arc tIi re osusbosofM.udMsI Jtn-ut(i ack ut skilled hefp to Donald, out iivefy; Douglas. iof We b fi outPeterborough enToronto. filIei. 'Trentoni: Jai-ie. <if Newcastle. Saud.v e ,nn. All Eeg. .$525 V lue......i i Mc. L. Crvdcr n i, Mrs. XVi. Caîiada's posiio ni as a c0t'- Tiiece are cîglit gaîidcfiidreii. irs"iiftat celebrate wih t Chapmsii, Mr. aud Mrs. Dicli.frv uvhi tu-i imiport,;nmore goucis Thelite ieoris I service w:oit ffliei silver xvcddinga LUSTRE CREME SHAMPOO 'Gibbs, Tyrone. visiteci Mi. pe' capita thIia any otlier in lielid at flie Acmnsf roîg Fanerai era .Duciug the ee WIT FEE AI BRSHaud Mrs. Ray Pettif, Toronitoflicxvurid. The tigures for lloiue. Oshaswa, at 2 p.ii.. Moui- fliet' vece pcesented witiîs 81.98 ValEE . --RU Only $1.29 ou Suuday. Caniada aie $230) per persoîî day November 12. Re', R. S.fîvt gifts. Foc- manyy $19Tauh----lle youiig peoples Suda'? per Year conipaîed wiîh $35 Saîî i oiiuîl rs lcWbscsddhr Sehool casas wcnt ta Toronfo iii ftfe United Staes. $60 iîvn aiCitcfi fiitc.(vrvmfxihs(e -7c Of f on Satunday ta sec the stary Wes! Germanv and $75 ni I enýl KOTEX a nohw nr er fhpymt ___ "Bar~f ý1,abas". Their teachier, Great Britain. By reducingiUiontcceitev.ii <1fa i f1e .5uiapym Reg. 2 for 95c --- - OflA 2 f or 89c !Mr. Gardon Chant, took amie fuis bv $1010 per' persa iniiiOn- Umim ciii.' O.L. 444 muet on Satu, car Joad Othecs wha drove farna. 60,011)) iev jobs couid c ea ftrilooi wheîî the afi KLEENEX 1eeM ei rlMc ii-poic.EtIVOOI) EARL, RAHIE~I foi- 196:3 were clected and old Balson and Mr. Terny Ilos- T'le cust tacfor iii Caniadas.;sald Arneet Size 400's Special 29C 1kin. ecuîîumy imade competitiom 'l'lie cicailioccurr i id îdvîe- .sdt i'e .acîmsgParts Mrs. Octouî Cocbcft, Coaks- w%,ith other cauiitries ditticulî. lv Satiirdav, Nov.t 7itî, I 961 m, wl eieda ae ville, and son Mr. Pauli Coir- Otfiet'couimtries are operatiîîg ai fus summiier cottage naj t lb i e'.sd aMns. Sidae TON H ME ER 1AN NTbett, visited ami Fridsy xithloI.i-eecoiiomnicallv\. Caiipbecflord, as thie esuilt of and uiildrnmofutOshawa Now $1.59 lhec sisten Mrs. Page and Bey. Great distanices iii Ontario a fiesit 5Itack, ut Eiwood<f art -i p- Ee.$.0Vle-Page. - nake netraiîîiug workers dit- Ralimii, ot '211 Albert Stre'e. avts ~TIVITABSc.n Mi s.Pu iîoî,lci eause ut the î-cmote- Oshîawa. Mr. Rafînie \vas ii Mr. Rommile Vaii Wieriî Janet aud Paul, Bowmianvilie, ness frum tr'aining centres, es- fus .56tfîvar is fîuîrne agaiti after sper Only $3 ~9 visitcd Mr. andi Mcs. Raymond 'peciaîlvin ithle northi. A soitutofîle late Robe:,uui hu iiCvi o Farraw on Satucday eveiig. Meeting the Situation and Marthia Rafiîiie, filic(de- On Suuday Mr. adsud Ry- Aftrofi l oeo lcceascd was burîî at Biir-ketIo;i TUSSY RO~LLONDE DO AN moud Farrow and family visit-,p tIbenis ou thii smeutfic 8 97 ndla e edMrs. Morley Rosa and Mî's. p beus af -tn empluy- aprf1,i17 tc a e: S.p.*il85C metdMr.Caaut cesiclemît af Oshawa toc 4f) Reg. $1.2,5 Blake De Hart, Bcooklin. mh.M'Cauters wcnt un ca1~ Mrs. Robinson, S t a ii e y to speak about how the pro- Mc, arsissteii-ii' VASELINE HAIR TONIC Creek, is spendiug a few dxs uca ocnietwsmu-of the rnsehiniirv clcpartrneiit with Mc. aud Mca. Jini Hanima. îîîg thie situatiomi. He- lista tiiu. oisi Actnîv Reg. 98c Size Ol 6c Mr. and Ms. Paul Kelly steps which lie called positive iîîcH wsp-sdn an MssNacyKel,,oilefforts by goveciimeiit. labour, i OîanuAttmoie a Credit, speuit Sonda>' wit Mage ntnduirsis th--cîe sudtarioAts Assiatîol CREST TOOTH PASTE McFe Hu>.Encouragement fo muuici- cieadPrsAscai. 1 Mrs FredHoney 1sad af the Atîtomnotive Engiur Reg. $1.05 Valuie Now' 89C Mr. sud Mcs. George Hoiey,; Rebuildeis Assoc iatiloan ot Fenelon Falls, visiteci Mrs. laud daughtci-s. visiteci at Mc.':Auierica. SILVIKRI SHAMPOOFred Honey last Thurada>'. iHoward Farrowa, Starkville. île s siirvivenh bv his wif. Mc. sud Mrs. Fred Holco 'vd Mn. and Mns. Ben Killeus flieciou'uîcr Betty *Couuîcli: a Reg. 75c Size - Now Onl 53c Jr., Susan, Jaey, Bîlly anti aîd famil>' attcuuded St. Mark's , halîter., Miss Betty RoalI,, ~~flaY Lynvisted Mc. sud Mrs. United Church, Whitby, when o'Tnot:a at1RvWi Amas Bcookham, Oshawa.. Killens uiece sang 'ni a liam Rahme, a graduate lu cýI- * Mcs Lionel Hickey is home! duet, Tiîey were dinuien guests giueerng af the Uuiversilv ut * froni the hospital. Miss Kelly witlî Mnr.aaîd Mrs. Geo. Fus- T orouto îiuw livinig iii Vai- * Hickey is still with hiec grand- fer.' Whitbv. . couver; a ,;tP-diaughter,. Mi- II t paetMc. snd Mrs. Fred Mu'. and Mca. Merwin Mouii- Gordonti evll Ctiv '! b paOVL L Horents Sr. ,toy attended the Royal Wilit auw ubuil Ctt- ~u Mca. MeCune aud Ciuîdy, ter Fair in Toronto. .aid Doyouî. ai Kirklaud Lakl«D R KingSt.E. E DEIVE y itedon hurday ithMr-Quecule Mackiii of Os:i- 2 W DEIVE 423:-3:,61 Mc. sud Mca. Len Player and 1Mca. Gray' and tamily in Mari- Mc. ud cs.ArtReyold, eal Htw ome s al Tuiesia FrmBomnile i ed e. Sude Fan -ý_- - ". - - -A ýA_,'Dcbbihe oStevewasuddRJane, will ive yu a and childrcn, Bowiauîville, ýR.R. 2, Newcastle. fortc h, fai 1 Sunday. Clarke Towniship. lie \,vas - iNEW SUITE for CHRISIMAS S ay isurad eurD:wcli timiii NoC WHryGaschuf, 0'l'. he dceaseul ',',as auilfN o C 2-Pce. KROEHLER SOFA & CAIR ~l5 OnWdied enig 'if eut ai Newcastlte t1iitîet -~this week tfîe Ladies Servic-' Chîurch, and a mueiifer oif Or- Large Selection Mf Club catered toi' o baniquet at oua 10.0.F. Luîdge No. 4:36i. Ii front$17 9 *50 lampt oui Halil. , heni flicBow- serv-d lxviivia s w th i li, Rangng rom ....... - ------- --- i mauîville Rcîîarv Club enfer- Cariadian i Anmîuv. (Less 'Jr adc i t aitied.i lie facuters ot thie dus- Sui'viviuîg ft-i-lu' hs it .,i jKtic.arc hredaugfîtem a ou' SIMr. sud Mi's. Rober't Bui'gýess sutn. Mca. Wuîî. Gordo htuulîr- j See Our Large Sellection of *M~ andi childrnu, Tvnuue, visited Icyt. Calunmbtus: .Jh Mr.anngi. ergSetns.-t. Iicce (A itla)0-lo * OCCASIONAL CHAIRS - TABLE S MConMc asud atis. etoStMis PAArt ridg Jones (Daonna),t *M na Fdei-, ie a f Mrs. rer- Newcastle; sud Bs roiu ot Bm\x * LAMPS - BRIDGE SETS - ETC. r ill. wvho rode a pouiv at thi nanville. rARovai Wiuten Fair sud woni a Al,,o Strviviiig are um it- A uice pnize. fer sud Ihîceha-othlici. i A SMALL, DEPOSIT WILL, HOLD ANY ARTICLE Il Mr. sud Mus. C iaieiiu iTuiit.i RussellI Robintsonioi uot 1 oi-) î;' FO HRSMA ELVR' iaufcd ami Suuidav ',titii Mrl. Clarenîce aof aîi- V-. FOR CRISTMS DEIVERY, and Mca. Bill Dadauui., Peter- Sfîecwouud utfBiruiabv. B.C - - ~ brouh. udcaleciouiIhir sud Wilfred o u t i.Iluur1- .. LTD ~ Rerîid. D r Bwmutcousin, Mrs. Wilcox lu Cuvic was predccessed f byilis brui' - ÀAHsital. f heu' Ioue t(Taraito)î . xchu F . A RM suD i Mrs. lloskin Siittii died Auig. 7, 1962. iiiei F *K visîtec oui Suutdav xculî Mn. griiuc!childu'u'îi also irix- ïVecua Forsyfue, T'ronta. Tfue fuuueuia service ',',î FURNITURE and HOME FURNISHINGS A Flad MillerKala held trom the Morris Fueîa!l 37 KNG T. . RO NIAVILE 62_-4t)7 A Rssel Rynols, r.D .Thur-sday . Noveniber 8I. ated 37 KNU T. . BO MANJLL 6237111 ~Feafluerstamie, Toronito. vîsited Nwas condc'ed bv Rev. E.C. ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- M r. and Mca. Perv Dew,ell. *W oodaid of £New.cat1c Unitd Peterborough. R. Wor. Sister Cors John- stan Past Grand Mistreas of Ontario East and other mcm- bers of Janetville L.O.B.A. visitcd Pontypool L.O.B.A. on Mouday eveniug. The>' took charge o! the Electiouu sud Installation of officers. i Last 1.riday, Daisv \lae anid i cx- LuI Abner once agaiu appeared' îes to us us 0114ou the sceuie ta taniî the back- ix îug !St. flUrew S grounîd tor tfe autuairls ce in- uughht t it' ,1h flic Sadue v p Choir. at llawikins dane ~ .ti [nd~N steo dauce clad inthe uuoai'a A cspacit ' couugregatoui ar was decoraîed wuth lute-sizeul imiendsansd members ai Nes- picfum-ýes utOfDais> Mae sud 1,11 ýd b>' Ileton Presbyteriaui Chtircli Abner. mie ai attcndcd the Annivccsscv Sec- Bill Warbtt ulon actinig as a pros- Ivice of that church oui Stuudav capable M.C., annuitomic-td sev- nem- cvening. November IhIth. at ecal spot dauices anid dornimg vince 7:30 p.m. the ex -eiîing-. aloîug with two fe the Rev. R. F. Swanit. B.A., B.D. other couples. preseuited a ! s conducted thle ser'vice and r nock xveddiuig. Oue out hic cent. preacheci the sermonu. speaký- hîighlighIts oi the evemîuuîg was sml ing ofthe danger ai depriving the preseuifatiomî ut jackt to d yGodaif aur love sud oui' lavaI-flic execuutive ot 1962-63. c the (>', sud of the need fan w-hale- ower hearteci devotion ta Christ Mns. Du'ew ansd the foodc ih ce- suddTlis Church. Commtiuttee set',eti lîtuin ithie te ait The choir ut St. Aiudnexv'-;, cafteria. moeiPresbyterian C h oui. c h. Box,- -T tu Iiduis'Cuiiii wtl macmanville, under tue directionu like tii fhanîk Miss Pu-uwer, marc ai Miss Lets Bragg, A.R.C.'I', Mr- Jettery anud Mr. Deuunisý ipor- led tlic congregationi in wuu'- fon ac-ting "as cltaperuîies; Mr. me hi.Mca. J3h Bell sud M,-. Blake who hlîpeci wifh lîceaui The Duncan Bradley' ceudered spe- up: Mcs. Du'ew and the fodi -Tecial nui-rbers. Comuiittee; tfelicrc'ud, douci anud Wil- wocth insou. il tri- steemn nvil le Mot- ltub. tIi at1 akiuîg1 h os- tilced ieigh- ioni (hein' ann;- ýning some yeacs aud, mn y urried 1 i rda',' licers! ch lu- ,'hich utc. om be were the n ge n ndiugl Spital. JOVEAUX NOEL' FROHICH WEINACTEN! VROLYK KERSTEFEEST' VESLEY SWAYT! WESDLYCH SWIANT' BUONA NATALE! MEIIRY CHRKISTMAS l'lie INIas's Stîu've3-s ei ng lheld iii ouU niLîted Cotunties ini 1962 and I19611:tarue ma~de possible. hy y(tir purchase of FIOHI * TB * WITH C HRISTMAS SEALS :ANSWER YOUR CHRISTMAS * SEAL LETTER TODAY C~hristnmas .Seis are hueing mailed ouit to most homes in the United Counties of North- uniberlaud aud l)urham thîuu week. Vour purchase of these Seals xiii help 'ITB patients sud your yu'ar round pro- grammue aof'ase-finding, health education, social serc'e and re habilita tion If you did not receive yotlr Seais, please wvrite to the: Northumberland - Durham Tuberculosis and Health Assn. BOX 300 COBOURG, ONTARIO and wve wlI he happy ta send tlen ouit to yotu FIGHT TUBERCULOSIS and clean-up cornmittees; and anyoile cisc who hclped make the dance a success. MEN'S anid WOMEN'S CURLING BOOTS by KEN IWATSON I leece lined,- ih li s-IPUPPY Fleece Iined MENS F I'ECE LINEI) CURLING or AFTER SKI BOOTS $9.95 MEN'S INSULATED BOOTS by Grch I t he r Waterproof Lloyd Ellis SHOES 49 King St. WI. BOWMAN VILLE pIete Medical Coverage j at IAM (OUNTY COmOPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES FER 9 a 9 NO AGE LIMIT 10 MEDICAL EXAMINATION - PLUS - ettiements According to 1962 ntario Medical Association Tarif f of Fees. incellation on Account of A11ge!1 For Further Information PHONE HAMPTON 263-2744 - or - NEWCASTLE 3366 - or - BLACKSTOCK 986-4995 R. G. MOFFAT, Sec'y-Treas. ORONO 1631 r Cou rtice High School News 9 0 0 COST --ýà i

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