-World BàrJey Champion rnT~Tbxa ____________D VOLUME 108 _ 16 Pagses __ BOWNIANVILLE. OverUse ofHall Reeve Pounds Gavel To Hait Verbal Scrap 'At Darlington Council Postpone New Industr Sod Turning Garniet Rickard, Reev-e of Darlington Township,ý and Durham County's Federal Progressive Conserv-, ative candidate, won the world championship for 6-rowcd barley at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fai in Teronto last week. In the above picture, Mr.ý Riekard is shown with his championship barley and the ribbon that goes with the honors. The N. E. Sweet C( pany, Limited, Bowin ville's newest industry postponed its sod turn ceremonies until later ia month. Norville E. Sweet sta today that the firm is w; ing to receive the perý fram the departiment higliways, which is requi for any work to be do nearer ta a highway ti 85 feet. "Our plans eail for a fe along the edge af our p perty by No. 401 Highwa lie-s-td Beehilve Rebekahs Ho Id 5Oth Anniversary Banquet Honor Two Charter Members The 501h Anniversan v of! was made by Mrs. Eula Hive- - Perhive Rebckanh Lodge No,kle, Kirkland Lake, prcsideitý 125 a celrated at a aem-of the Rebekali Assemblv oi, Receives <jrale bnqut hed attheOntario. Liun-, Community Centre 011ii The Toast Io the Cate Satur d a y cvening. Noble! Members. Sister Jessie Prout Grand Mýabcl Wade presiclec. a past District Dcputy and a Past Noble Grand 1aî-ry Past Noble Grand, and Sister «%ade proposed the toast ta ihe Mabel Bagneli, a past Noble -Grand Lodge of Ontar-io, Ii- Grand, was eloqucntly Pr-opos- ciependent Ordier af Odd Fel- cd by' Sister Elsie Richards, lows, and District Depuity w,,ho is also a past Noble Gr7îi1d Master Les Clittick re- Grand.* Sister Jessie Prout res- plicd. 'ponded. Sister iiRuh Hut lison, a On behaif of Beehive Re- past Noble (ý,rnnd. gai e the bekah Lodge Sister Susie Lc- Toa:s, to the Rebekali Assem -vitt, Sister Elva Beckctt and] blv r Oni;tin o The i-espon-ýe:Sîster Aima Powell presented ý each of the 1two Charter Mem - ed S e h n bers, Sister Mabel Bagneil and:'eI:ý:::<:-I: ýed Sh ehan Sister Jessie Prout, with a gold cup and saucer-. Beautiful bouquets ot clîrv N ew Presid ent sntimm n golden shades " h were preseîîted to the two - Charter Members from theirn Leg~ion Branch fMls. Tagn esenmaebio t mils. Teprsmaetat1ir Ttýjl Sheehan was elected'son, W. W. Bagne]], and Mr's presidient of Braîîclî 178 of the Ora Trewin, daughter of Mrs. Royal Canadian Legion forIPot made the presentatio 1963 at the meeting hl no flowers t e mother. the Legion Hall on Sundav r An attractive gift xas pr(ý- Mýiss Linda A. CowelI1 aftcrîîoon. Presîdent, Jame's sent2d by the committee on Woodward called on Zone behalf of Beehive Rebekah 21-x-ear-old daughter of Mr. Commander Ab I\avin to pre- Lodge ta three 25 Year Mem- and Mrs. Eric Colwell, Horsey ride (luring the election of of- bers, Sister Florence Moore, Street, has received wýord that ficers and executive for the Sister Annie Woods and Sister she has sîccessfully passed the.l coming year. ýMary Joynt, Lindsay. Ontario Nurse Registration Ex-1 0'lier officers elected for,1 The Toast to the Veterani aminatiGns. Miss Colwell i the coming year were Ist vice- ýMembers was proposed by on the staff of the Hamiltono president, Keith Ferguson: 2ndiRight Supporter of the Noble General Hospital. ~-ic-resident, Glen Virtue- _1 .u..TO.AGE. WO-Photo bY leRo\- Toli secrctary, Jim Firthi: treasurer, George Thrý-sher: Sergeant-ý NO LIMIT - Genial Ed. Ruthven of H-ope Twp. at-Arms, Jack Knight. and'ý hit the headlines last week. As chairman of the chaplain, Jack Living. These elected to the execu- Ontario Vegetable Growers Marketing Board, he tive f'or 1.963 weî-e Ed Run dle, m Maurice Conwav, L. Burton, 1 ade a speech in Chathamn, saying that the D. Cameron, William Kilpat- organization is preparcd ta spend $50,000 b find rick, William Wallis, A. exotmresfrOtratmt hî& Smilî and R. Johnson. The x rtm kesfrO aiooao juice. hr' five truîstees elected for 196;i "No limit in sight'" ta possible markets, said Ed. are J. O'Neill, Ross McKnight. woebudcseeg vi etii idte Jack Adams, Monte Goslett woebudeseeg ilcranyfn hr and Pec Greenfi,-d. if they are there. )urlian County's Great Family Journal , ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1962 lU F r n -ivm ' Santa's Sleigh Receives Finishing Touches - Four tenders for the con-' Association, appeared before :struction of the Marti Bridgeý counicil during the time for wcre received and opened atI delegations. the meeting of Da rlington Mrs. Budai charged that Township Councit hcld in thei while acting for the Ratepay- '7'Township Hall, Hampton, on, ers Association she had re- Thursday. On motion cif Coun- served the Community Hall in cillor H. C. Muir, seconded by, the Darlington M u n i c i p ai1 Deputv-Recve A. L.' Blanch-ý Building, Hampton, for a, ard, the Iowest tcnder. that of 'dance to be held by the or- umn- the E. F. Marston Construc-,1 ganization, and that later afterý nan- tion Company, xvas acccptedj tickets were sold the Com- bas isubject to the approval of thiemunjty Hall Comniittee hadý Ing Ontario Department of High- tried to break its agreemnent M the ays.She contended that as sec- A stormy argument bet\wýee!il retar.y she received a notice ted jMî-s. Mary Budai and Council-, informin.g her that because 7ait- lor Sidney Cornish resultedj the dance was being advertis- mit when Mrs. Budai, secî-etary of1 ed the co*mmttee would not o f the Darlington Ratepavers (TURN TO PAGE TWO) red [one __If ~ nec- a- iviapie Leat Lircte Hon ors Mrs. Wrighf Member fc Companion Annme Vrighi was honored at the meeting of MVaple Leaf Cirelc No. 143, An- (icot Order of Forcsters, held ini the Union Hall on Thursda ; evening. The 5tth Anniversar * ci Companion Wright's initia- tion into membership xvas u-elcbratcd. She joined the Cir- cei November, 1912. Chief Companion Rose Dick- Rno I~ on behalf of the coii- gtt to Mrs. Wrght wti thir congratulations and best wsh- es. District Depu tx -I gh Cl ie Companion Rena Bathgal f xcessive Speed Found Cause 0f Six Deaths Tu lo inquests w ete helti in the, Town Hall today, one enquiring into the deaths (of six people on Highway 401 on October l6th, the second into.the death of Charles, N. Fulton, R.R. 3, Bowm-anville. HIe died on October l2th. fallowving an accident at Taunton Rd. and Salina Rd.. on Sept. 5th. Coroner IDr. C. J1. Austin presidcd. The jury faund that ex- cessive speed on the part oif ('astbound driver.,.James Plîillips, Grimsby Beach, %v'as the direct cause of the Oct. l6th accident. with alcohol bclieved to have been a contributing factor. The westbound driver wvas ia no ivay respansible. the findings stated. Negligence on the part of bath parties %vas held to have caused the accident in- volving Fulton, his wvife, ,.ho also %v'as in.iured and the driver ai the second car, Elmer Fredin, R.R .3.B manville. Jurors for the first inqucst wtere Bernard Iloldea. Ed. Rundle, Murray Tighe. Paul Phil.ips and Frank Ilooper. For the second (Fulton) in- quest, the jurors werc Stan- ley Morrison, Byron Van- stane, Daniel Dudley, James Bell and Raymond WVeIsh. Celebrates 50 Years With Maple Leaf Circle Companion Aninie Wrighit whose 5tb Anni- versary as a C ompanion )f the Forest xvas celebrated ut the ineeting oif Mapie Leaf Cii-cie, No. 143, Ancient Ordei- f Foresters. held on Thursdav evcning. is pictured above foliowing the presentationi of a gift. from lier felio\v Companions. Reading from left taý right above are: Secretary Hfilda Humphrey. who is also H igh Outer Guard of the Ontario Hi 'gh Cour-t Circle- Companion Wright, Chief Companion Rose Dickinson, and District Deputy Rena Bathgate. )r D u Yecirs 1brou git a congratulatory mes- )f sage to Companion Wright i- fromi the Ontario 1High Court -1 Circle. Two ne-w members Compan. ion Helen Park and Compan- '-ion Rose Irwin were initiated 'in an impressive ceremnony - -nducted by Chief Compan- ioni Dickinson assisted by Right Guide Evelyn Beard. Companion Nancy Calmer ipresented a report on the re- - cent Euchres held by Maple * Leaf Circle at her residence ýtwiee each month. e Plans for a Christmias party wcre discussed. Chief Compan- ion Dickinson and Companion Colmer were appointed co- convenors for the iurkey Sup- per. Standard Bearer Karen Ves- na %vas in charge of the draw, ilnd the lucky prize winner was Compantion Henrietta Cor- den. Following the business * nieeting a social hour was en- joyed. A delicious lunch was scrved by Companion Wright, Companion Corden, Compan- ion Colmer and Secretary Hil- da Humphrey, who is also High Outer Guard of the On- tario 111gh Court Circle. Ç/311s an( Enthusiasmn began to mnount throughout the town this week as the day of the big parade came a bit dloser. Il will be held here on December 8th and promnises to be a great event. As of this week, 16 out- standing bands have been booked, and more than 20 floats and several hundred marching figures will take Lpart. Here, Ontario Training School boys,, under .Plaque Honors ýNo Reply to Letters 'Mrs. C. DudleyCoun ii .35 Yrs. OraaniSt O fCIi w -- Mrs. C. H. Dudley's long and faithful service as or- ganist and choir leader of St. PauI's United Church wias honored a, the morning servrice las, Sunday. in recognition of 35 years, 1925-60, as organis, and nine years, 1951-60, as choir lead- er, a brass plaque was pre- sentedl on behaif of the con- gregation by Mr. J. H. Aber- nethy a senior eider of the church, a.nd was received and dedicated by Rev. H. A. Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley were present for the dedication service. if £Peces POSTPONED - Please disregard the advance notice of a meeting of Bowmanville Liberal Association scheduled for Ibis week. The meet- ing bas been postponed due 'ta previous commit- ments which made it impossible for Russell C. lluoney, M.P., ta attend. Another date will be announced in the near future, DINNER FOR TWO - Program purchasers ai the Junior B game this Sunday afternoon m7ill be fortunate if theirs contains the right number. The persan whose lucky number is drawn will be guest of The Flying Dutchman where they will enjoy a deliciau s din ner for two. MAKING IT HERE - Information came to, light this wcek that the R. M. Hollingsbead Corpora- tion plant in Bowmanville has received a new contract ta, make a prestige product known as Haggerty's Silverfoam. This world famous high quality silver polish has been fcatured for some tme in advertisements in The Statesman placed by local jewellers. It is nice ta know that its manufactLîring home is now Bowmanvillc. TAME CROW - Just before they werc ta beave l'oar Flotida this week, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Conneli suffered quite a sad loss. A pet, tame crow wandered away fromn the Creamn of Barley Camp, aiso known as Bowmanville Zoo. It was last seen south of Vincent Massey public school. Anyone erîcountering a pet cruw should return it ta the zoo, otherwise witb cold weather setting in, the poor bird could perisb. We wonder if it left the 1park because the Connelis wouldn't take if with them ta a warmer climate. GOOD SHOW- Don Milligan's former IGA store stili basn't been taken over by another retailer, but it is certainly being put la good use. * The windows are being used quite effectively by Lloyd Ellis Sboes for display and the interior is being loaned ta variaus local groups for bazaaî-s, and other services. Wbile Don would like ta see it, rented, he must be commended for bis gen- erosity toward groups in permitting them f0 use the premnises. tt t CONGRATULATIONS - lier many friends in thue B & P Womnen's Club and those wbo have worked witb her on TB seals and Rehabilitation work; will be interested bo learn tbat Mrs. Marjery Pewtress of Cobourg was bonored recently by the B & P Club there. She was charter president of the club and received a life membersbip. NOT MNE - Gary Hancock, mentioned last w'eek as one of the forfunabe ones wbo shot a mnoose, disclaimns the credit. He was with a party of Doug Powell and William Ashton who did bring home three of tbem, but Bill Ashton shot them ail, whicb is niee going. t t t OUT 0F SEASON- Merlin Suggitt of Nestieton ran into bard luck on Sunday night wbile driving along Higbway 7A. He crashed into a deer and killed if, with about $250 damnage ta, his car. The dccr hunting season closed Saturday, so tbe carcass %vent. to the Ontario H-ospital, Whitby. direction of Les Aslett, Robert Johnson and Robert Thompson put the finishing touches on the huge trailer which will carry Santa Claus and his reindeer. At the f ar end of the f loat is Ron Whyte who donateci the beautiful white upholstering on the sleigh and installed it in his, shop on Silver Street. The trailer was made by Dave Alldread. ,Fo Floodîng Condition.s At Liberty Sftreet Subway At thie meeting of Bowman- Mayor Ivan Hobbs remninded ville Town Cotincil held in the the meeting that this matter Council Chamber on Monday had been referred to the CPR,1 evening it was declared that whîch had not taken any ac- the CPR was responsible for tion. the deplorable condition of Reeve Sidney Little stated the subway under the railway that letters ta the CPR had tracks on Liberty Street North. been ignored. He explained Councillor Ken Hooper con- that the cost of rectifying the tended that during a recent trauble would only amnount ta rainstormi the water on road $200. He mentioaed that the there was between two and a tile laid there is three quarters lialf and three feet deep. full of white clay and mud. fPictures he had taken later Councillor Roy W. Nichais, n the day of the flood candi- ch-alrman of the Roads and tions in the subway were Streets Committee stated that îto he oher embes ofTownsituation,bu htWrsSp Council. *'This situation should erintendent T. K. Stewart be cleared Up fast. What wauld knows alI about lt. it be like there in the spring Deputy-Reeve Ross Stev- when melting snow adds ta the ens painted out that he feels rain problem?" he asked. ýthat the drainage situation is He charged that it is a the fault of the CPR and that - hanie that the drainage dîf- therefore the CPR should be ficulty at the subway had not ýforced ta) correct it. He urged been fixed before Liberty that if the fact that the CPR North was paved. His Worship, ITURN TO PAGE TWO) IN TORONTO - Many of his friends from Ibis area probably will be en route to Toronto next Tuesday evening when Ray Dudley will be pre- senting a piano recital in Eaton Auditorium. This will be bis first appearance in Toronto in the ___past 10 years. Bât of luck to you, Ray. Christmnas Mail Closing Dates to Distant Points The folIowing are the closiag dates for Christmas Mail f r o i Bowmanvllle Post Office: Great Britain - Surface letters Nov. 24, parcels Nov. 24; Airmail letters Dec. 15. parcels Dec. 11. Enropean Continent - Sur- face letters Nov. 24, pareels Nov. 10; Airmail letters Dec. 12, parcels Dec. 10. Distant Points ln Canada and U.S.A. - Surface letters Der. 8. Other Canadian Points - Surface letters Dec. 13. Bowmanville - L e tt e r Dec. 17. The Post Office Staff wll be very pleased to add the box numbers to any Christ- mas Mailing Lists which are left at the Post Office before December 1Oth. r Honor Rebekah Charter Members The two Charter Members of Beebive Rebekah Lodge No. 125, Sister Mabel Bagneil, a past Noble Grand, and Sister Jessie Prout, a past District Deputy and a past Noble Grand, whose 50th Anniversary of Membership was celebrated at tbe banquet held by the organization at the Lions Community Centre on Saturday evening, are pictured above. Sister Mabel Bagneli is oz% the lef t and Sister Jessie Prout on the right in the pbotograph. Mrs. Eula Hyckic, Kirkland Lake, President of tbe Rebekah Assembly of Ontario, is in the centre.- -Photo by Behder tate~man ýýjjy u IVIJDrilt It 1 10c Per Coov NUM-RER. 47 . t