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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1962, p. 2

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2 The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanville, Nov. 21. IPRI Contest in Hampton Choose Three Speakers To Represent 'Darlîngton Ther annual public speaking Trans-Canada Highwa'v . !Page, John McGuirk and Bon- contes' for Darlingtori Town- No. 9 - Marion Prescott, En-.' nie Beech were presented with snîp wa.s hcld in Hampton field, speaking on An Aim iin prizes donated by the Bow-1 Hall on Wednesday. Nov. l4th. Lire. ýmanville Lions Club by Mr. The hall wvas well filled to No. 10) - Joan Rogers. Bak- Jack Mundav. The other con- hecar the twclve orators repre- Pr's Schdol, speaking on testants each received a book s,ýnting schools in the town- ns. for their efforts. Fnip. No. Il - .lanice Taylor. Tv- The chairman, Mr. McGuirk Mr. T, McGuirk of Maplbe rone, speaking on Water Safe- expressed thanks to a]] whc Grove was chairman for thetY. assisted with the contest, thc rvent. The other directors inl No. 12- Sandra Sobil, Mit-1Judges, Mr. Hansen, Mr. Mor- rnargp were Mrs. S. Draper. chelî's Corners, speaking on'rison and Mr. Lundy, Mr Mrs, W. Ashton and Mrs. W. 'Easter Island". Munday and the Lions Club. Yellowlees, ail of Enniskillen. Mr. Hansen gave the decis- Mrs. Payne and her pupils. nhe meeting opened with the !on of the iudges as follows, the contestants, their teachers çinging of 0 Canada, with speakers No. 2, No. 5 and No. and parents, the Hall Board Mrs. Payne at the piano. 7, and as runner-up No. Il. for use of the hall, and al Six contestants in turn gavi, The first three will go on to others present.t their speeches which wcre al compete in the semi-finals at, AIl interested remember thet weil received. Mrs. Dorothy Blackstock on Feb. 5th. inext contest at Blackstock on1 Payne. music supervisor, led The three selected, Lillian Feb. 5tb.c the children prescrnt ina number of entcrtaining son gs.O rmed i n 1920 t The final six contestants pre- t sented their speeches which2 vrrre ail very interesting. cA0 z.plndid aret o s FK nsrnen Clubs Now p songs were given by Mrs.N Payne and her pupils while u ber Nearly 400 lheir conclusions. The judges Z~II'f were r.Mor4-ison. Lun- Wîth 12000MembersE cly andi1Me.ublicsch of ols. nianvlle ubli Schols. A nation-wide organization Harmon, Bihll -leald and Sam Those pupils taklng part witn almost 400 member clubs Seymour were initiated. The0 Nowê-riaeon, Sa' and 12,000 members is the re- imprcsrive ceremony was con-7 ' N. 1- ria Jnc.gSha'ssuIt of the formation of the ducted by President ArnoldP School, spcaking on Prefabri- first Kinsmen Club in Hamil- Slep. rated Houses. ton in February, 1920, A. Har- The guest speaker was intro- No. 2 - Lillianl Page, Hamp- old Bickerstaff, C.L.U., chair- duced by Past Deputy-Gover- ton, speaking on Louis'burg, man of the World Council of nor Browri, who spoke of Mr. Nova Scotia. Young Men's Service Club sta- Bickerstaff's excellent wr No.3 Rchrd oowadted in bis address at the re- in connection with the World 7Burkcton. speaking on Elec- cent dinner meeting of the Council of Young Men's Ser-n tricity - The Farmers Hired Bowmanvillc Kinsmen Club vice Clubs. Man. at the Flying Dutchman Mo- Mr Biertfdicse Nýo. 4- Garry Gorr, Solina, tel.Mr ikstf dsuse anr-aking ion "Books". , nadto otegetthe aims and objectives of No. - ohnMcGurkMa-spcaker, Mr. Bickerstaff, other KÇinsmenships. H-e stressed the ple Grove. speaking on The h eadtable guests were District importance of the organiza- Satellite "Telstar". 18 World Council Chairman, tion'ls outstanding achieve- No- 6 - Josie Ann Loescher,libm Brown of the East York ments in community service, Mitchell':, Corners, speakingI'Kj05men Club, and Zone "C" and the work by the Clubs im Space Travcl. ýDeputy-Governor Howie Reid towards the establishmcnt or Noý 7 - Bonnie Beech. MapleI0f the Peterborough Kinsmen international understand i n g Grove, speaking on It Pays tO Club, and Past Deputy-Gover- and tolerance. Advertise. nor of Zone "C" Irvine Brown The speaker staied Ihat the No. 8 - Janet MeLaggan, of the Bowmanville Kinsmen World Council of Young Men's T..onàz Sault, speaking on The Club. Service Clubs is a liaison or- Out et town guests presentiganization wîth 2,000 member ! were the president of the clubs in 30 counitries united in Lindsay Kinsrnen Club, G. the interest of building a bet- as A V Etub Stringer. and J. Wilson, also ter world community as a of the Lindsay Club, President mneans towards peace. He add- A. Stone of the Oshawa Kins- cd that the president of the men Club. and two othe mm World Council is Dick Millet-, bers of that club, j. Resor-. a Kinsmen. ough and H-. Haggmans, and Mr. Bickerstaff urger! that E, Comceau, Peterborough, the local Kinsmen Club give iMorlcy Etcher, Bowmnanville, the world Council its collective was also a gucst at the din- support in its great work of J, 4 ner meeting. promoting peace and goodwill Four new members of the on earth now and in the future. Bowmanville Kingmen Club, A vote of thanks to Mr. Bick- William Edmondson, R e i d erstaff for his inspiring ad- dress was moved by Don for Stutt, apast peieto h A&uTO Choirs loin frclub. LIABILITY Hroy ntd Reeve I N SU R ANCE Special Servie Pounds PIREMIUMS AS LOW AS O n Sunday evenlng, Nov. 25, FO AEOE 7 o'clock, the choirs of St..allow the PAriGon Rai Paul's United Church, Bow- Ilo h alntnRt- $ ~.1 manville, and Harmony Unit-ipayer's Association to hold theý cd Church Choir, Oshawa,evnbthhal PER YEAR .will join in a service of fel- Pointing out that the dance, * Budget Terms Avallable lowship and sacred praise, at was held there on Saturda'.,' * Easy Monthly Payments Harmony United Church, Osh- evening, November 1Oth, as awa. originally planned, Mrs. Budai We ae a nea au The music will be under the said that the committeehd your 'Phone 'direction of the Choirmasters: revcrsed its decision to allo\v *Don Ellison 'Mr. Murdoch Beaton, L.R.A. it to be held in the hall. This; * Gery OsorneM., A.R.C.M., L.T.C.L., Bow- reversal was unanimous ex- erlphsborneld manville, and Mr. Ross Met- cept for one disagreeing mcm- RalphSchofeld caîf, A.R.C.T., A.C.C.M., Osha- ber, Mrs. Budai asscrtcd. h eg Aker wva. She spoke of the open let- oThe two choirs will sing the1 ter written by her and pub- LIFE anthem "Let Mount Zion Re-Ilished in the Canadian States- joice" by Dr. Herbert, soloiman concerning the matter. INSUR NCE iparts being taken by Mr-. Councillor Cornish intcrject- Perona - usiessHuIllBowmanvillc, nd- r. d-A fl- as4 oth_ g ut ee was , CouniorCorisb as-l, AàgMýbReeve Rickard stated that as w long as he was presiding, the argument was endcd for t el day. H told Mrs. Budi s e HIGH SN OSCHOOL would be given thue report thati .... ... she bad askcdfo regarding, the total amount spent by the municipality on planning. It wvas announced by Towu- ship Clerk Walter Rundle1 that planning in Darlingtoni Tow.nship had cost approxi- matclv $20,000 during the COMMENCEMENT past five 'yvea rs. Smith, moved that the Fin-j ance Coxnmittee study the îre-ý port on Planning Costs, and ir to be held in the On motion of Deputy-Reeve' Blanchard, scconded by Couni-' cillor Muir, it was decidedý HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM that George Totten, Cobourg,ý be appointed consulting en- gineer for the BaseLn - Fria N v.j Oh elopment Ra Frido , Nov 30th that the Dcpartment of Higb-ý 7, ways be asked to approve the pro>posai to have Mr. Totten iol 8:00 PM this work. Counicil al--O pa>,ýeci'qr a ) lution, movcd bv Counefilor Muir, seconded bv Deputý - PUBLIC CORDIALLY INVITED . Reeve Blanchard. toauthorize M. Short ta have gravel pitu testz made, anul to engage suc!h cqutpment and assis tance as ,s ennisilen aîcse. r lC u i Proposed street lighting for1 era Co n i j -- 4 L.Lc l oTre By-Laws were pass- held bv the Otonabee Region ed bv' Reeve Littl. 'oil u serving wereSisterDoroth,~iteNHL a o e a heeieves that street ligbt- ed at the meeting of Bowman- Conser'vation Authoriu.v on that 'cross nîarkings be piaced Parker. Sister Mona Adcock a meeting but would be hav'- ing there sbould be paid for ville Town Council beld in the Saturdav. November 24tb, at by 'be Roads and Streets ai and Sister Louise Bell. ing one shortl.' and would on1 an as-sessmerit b a sui s Counicil Chamber on Monday the Adam Scott Collegiate Jo- Quecusd uaioSret.discuss same and pass the iu- DcptyReveBlncar ds-evenÎng. One %vas to repeal the 'stitute in Peterborough. Ano- This was passed frato n oJ1n agcreed. He asserted that lie preliminary agreement with ther communication announ- î -~ib onilrS. C tz n moved b.ý Helen Gilhool%-, conidcs tat he nlvfaiD. Harv'ey, and By-Law 1860 ced îîhat the anniual meeting Hooper. serordd by C MrgTbb ta wavwoud b o a Iatrat. to atîthorize the Mayor of the Ontario Good Roads cillor Fice tîîat the< Building par ofdonae hemone for th Councillor Smith, secondedand Town Clerk to execute Association xiii be beld on Inspector Me] Moore deliver'M eeA ings are p cati fa e pa ored bv Councillir Comnjsh, movedWthe agreement with Mi. Har- Februar 'v 25th, 26th and 27tb. a letter to the coutrators con-in s e rcrain et Crid that the Township Clerk. Mr.l ve.\ regarding the ambulance Rov W. Nichols. chairman structing Ithene A.&P AI A ~ I The mothers were then iu- Rundle, furtber investigate service to be provided by him. of ftic Roads and Streets Com- Store to reprimand tbemi for vveii Atienaea formed that the Arena Board the Enniskiilen street ligbting, The third By-Law appoint- mitteý reported that action cutting the ciMb on Libert 'v bad felt il necessary to charge proposai. This xvas carried. ed Mrs. Evelvu Aider a mem- had been taken regardiuîg the Street wtotis having re Sixîx -sex'eu Senior Cutizenls an admittance of 25e per per- On a motion b Couincillorber ot the Bowmanville Re- petition of Ernest A. Jones, ceived permission to do su aftended fthe October meeting son, (witb the exception of 3mitb and Councilior MLlir creatioui Commission for tfle to have the cause of fiooding froni counicil, aud that flue in- at the Lions Centre. Mrs T. coaches and boys playin hoc- he counicil agreed to bave a balance of the year, and ap- rectified in a ditch on Churclu spectoi- make sîue the vwork us Gatcheil ot the sonsoring keY. -%%bo \xould be Dcfled )uiiding constructed aitflue pointed Murray Cain to be a Street, east of Liberty Street. procrix complefed. This mo- group infroduced the new Wtlacr) o h ers T'ownship Dump. The e.fimat- membeu- of the Bowm-anville He said that if had been found lion carried. President of Club 1.5. Mrs. D.* lion Hockey games en Satuir- id cosf of the structure iý1Arei1a Board for the rest of that the culverts had been Co-nilo lupu clared Masters. wbo presided as mis- davs. Il was the general feel- $150. tbe car. piugged witb stones, leaves thatt he PUC Icave 1îoads in trcss of ceremonies. ing of those prescot that w e A letter xvas received tromý An invitation xvas rcceivced and refuse. Counicillor Nichols a disgraceful condition when Mr. Ken Halleti sang QOd shoîuid have our president re- j_ýuged hisa reidens noifypresent us and approach the Humphrey, Boyebin, aud Hill- fo attend the Womkshop on A-ugdta eiet oiythcy have Io dig 10 xvork on Man River' and "Danv Boy." Aren a Board lu find ouf more ma an Oshawa law firm, ask- Igae and Aquatie Weeds to be the Roads and Streets when watermnains. Ile rouf nuded fluat He \vas accourpanied 'aithIu etal.1 o xpes our ing that immediafe considera-I they see a catch basin or cul- wben sncb bioles are filled buI piano bY Mms. N. Taylor. fbougls indthexparter tion be given 10 authorizing vert plugged up. a tamper sbould be used by Mms. Masters then introduje- togt nti at that hydro be booked up inR e D K U l Councillor Nichols discus- the PUC lu pack flic contents, Tm.Mihcoit.wo i was moved b%, Kav Wor- thek sh gaaeadbd hnsed file problem raused by fimmlv. fd Mof b he loit beind licden, seconded bv Bernieve owned by Theodome Lieffers.1 water on Lamber~t Street, and As cluaiiman of thue Pulir'e Iron Curtain. She dcscribcd Puk, tbat fie nmeefing be ad- On motion by Councillor Cor-1 o o said thaf a 12 incb pipe and Committ,, COLInillOm booper 'lite !l Hungary before the .îoumîîcd. nisb and Smith, the Township two culvemts would be nccd- stated that arrangements baveý 1956 Revolution and of ber Ail niothers of boys in the Clcrk was instructed to write FROM PAGE ONE ed there to allow proper drain- been umade witb the Bow?,man,- fligbt trom that counfry. lier Minor Hockey League will be tu the firm sud notify fbem Grand Jean Rice. The Riglit iang Heesmated the os fvlePlc h we le~sumnmation w-as that «Cum- welcomcd tb oui- ncxt meet- Iluaf Section 6 of By-Law No. Supporter of fthe Vice Grand intigto es25,endmoequre ts arc-,althIe sceule of an accident rnunism aises the standard of ing. Nuvember 27tlu. atI ilie 2111 does not permit the use .Grace Murdoch, xvho is a t b $53 sdaov thfe\, wll tise Iivier walkie- ivin for- the vcmy poor, bu! Lion,; Centre ai 2 po-i. of the Lefriuidn 'past Noble Grand, thswokbedue Ti wstake aiolurilfuePliaindividuai freedom of all is present. ~~~~~~~~~~secouded by Reeve Sidneyv Lit-Sttowe tecnabe inhepcs. present. The excellent pogram o! tle, and carricd. . Ston. tvwleradiolternabulelosi ufi poes A motionî by Couuîcillor Cor- cntertainment was mucluh e oucno-KuHo]u t-o dt viirdotb mu- Mm. Cmook, Cbairmauî of filue Acient IluudU WritiuîgS me- nishcilo KeonedbyTw no'lt sletin su ce service onsuiother fre- Snor Cifizens. w e I c o m e d fer 10 tuberculosis among the passd ad tel"rooit awbe" ad "unt te tht h hal igucsts sud read a financial domesticated elephants. Th is anr asak d t b otc e ig oktwec" n d "Hunt- A erai complaints regarding ftue- statemeuif. Mrs. Hutchinson is believed f0 be the first ref- sidential owncrs in the Ci A. Memklcy and Ross Metealf park allowance south of Jane Zone on the souflu side of deligbted flue audience. Muclu Street. le said that about a took flic ueading gmoc pin the crence lu flie disease aftecting Higbway No. 2 in Lot 25,1 applause was also awardcd the monflu ago the Works Depart- IVan y E Greeu Roon, wbuîe othe ýit. ~ia Conesio 2 t se f he detrediio o " Pment had graded fluere and 1nIy dem folk enjoyed cards u'rd Cocsio ,bse rniin f" assed By îf u o i ep cL i cu okinole. wish to have Ilue emajoider Your Wiuîdow". Mrs. Keitb Biu- movcdfludatl i m aerbe y A tere-b eeig of their properfies zoned Cl.I letf was the pianist. ferdeute Raddui b > AtfueNvmbrmetn They ill e reqeste to r-J Ms. Doothyferrp Io he RodY -d 9veme present. Mr. ro Thy ill edi ucsfedin re-!Mm. io:uy VanDriel'.,;Str- sCom-miftec wiflu pow- C urconducfed a business meetinîg plv a as irn eieivi rtingha ve vtag ws îcrdf0adSrc ct.tThîis xvas seconded t \e t e A fili ntitled ',Pauignlir- in vaaag ssoloi. l'lhe Old 1cmoutluntteîuuig*' xas enjoved bv flic ENAL J. D. Moorhouse, flue CounfueslViolin"Mssleil-mv' by Couuîcillor Wesley Fiee, Engineer, notified ot couocil's ao Tilr pcc-ie IId rarmied. Tihle Bazaar lîeld bv Couit gmuup. It fold ot lite anîong intention to close flue oud b-intricate au-d intcresîung uum-, A moutionu b,',- Dupît.t-N-Reev-e Venutu; e (iflie C anadia'i Ordcî fluhe Eskimos ilu the Amefir, twecn Lots 16 au-d 17 ili Cori-1 bers. ai-d the Ladies' Kitcheru 1 Ro-ss.Steveus, seco-iodb futFomcessiii fle Legiouî ]-[al] Mrs.Dianu Ri r sang "I Wlis- cession Eiglut. soutlu of îlue;Band Booklin, plaved seveur- Courîrillor Gleuiholme Huglues, on Safurdax' afîcu nuon was a Ile a Hlappy Tunc*' andAic new County Road. ali elections. asked thaf, a report be pme- uncu-ouable cxcnh. 'lle mrnaui BIne Gowvu". She fluen led pame by omk Supminfnd-peuple fmom Boxymalnville anîdthie 'Senior Cifizeus in a livelv S D ( O wateir pmoblem on Northu Lib- deliglilful time. Sister Joan flue mading gmoup. erty Street aud w at could be G ibsnuî vas the ge uical cou- A ffer c a d u -id okinol,, P )L Ldonc as a SO]lfiouî. This xvasiveuîur. anid Presuderît Jean a deliriouis lunch was semved; 1959 Belvedere 'D eit ur e gLueSfS. bv- Club 1,5. The ýnext egular4D Counc Io Iloper second- Sisfel' Stisie G-ralua '.as Senior Citizeuus meeting wil file Parl Pst roxuor. sud be flueir ana Cu ia S tandard transmission, es fI o-e in charge ufthfle Sale ot Di-mer. toni radio. wlndshield wash- ~ Home Bakung wcme Sister Juuie - ers. sharp red ani white. E S Councillor Steplucurs, Sister Carol Mc- Roberts and Sisfcr Jean Jonîes. À ,.4 A I 1957 Buick -r Tlue Clirisfma.; Camd'suadIV .IIer v îi4D. by John W. Lowry 11311i esLook Books Boolth was cou- M t(;IW11 Geamlnr black. One xNeued bv Sister Elsie Prout.~I owner car. A-I. your telephone ýi ignr g us esponsib iltY Sister -Marion MacNab aud L."Jl aie Z2 Sets 15 og -r fou,' potenf ally dangerou Sis1er JoY're Potfcî were i Il 96D dg i manager siuso ul bdteCRcluarge ut thue'ApmouîBoofth, siuaio s ubise te PRad heCad Tbl cnenýO G a Pads 6 eYl., rustom radio, nd xvould respond iu aroused pubu- aaSuia-d'Tal o e-hed ahr.Nwpit DON'T MISS THIS CHRISTMAS Iicoinin.ors were Sister lHelen Hunft oce Mshu.ime n od rubber. Newd runln The Deputy-Reeve moved ýand Siser Wilelmina Wol Hcky Mtesmt igod. cabb r. Go un SUGGESTION Ihat the CPR be contacted. the Te lu coohawrge o! Ilue Nv;usa.OI 3d ifu pbofgraps b forardd ~ lt~Boofu wme CapliLions -Centre with lu mcm- 1C ~ I T poorpsb owre oFaye Allen, Sister Helen le espeeu rsdntJa Ur..Arse~Lr ut, the dangers pointed ouf, le'br rset rsdn on 94C rse -r andtheCP ascdlu ler te and Sister Marie Sedman. ýimpson weleomcd flue mo- 4-r andtheCP asedto ler te'Warden Gc ensadthers. Atter the rollcall, the 1954 Pontiac Dr malter cîp This was seconded! iitrPtMrbl eefu mincîtesouthfle Sept. meetiuîgi Gv sa fe m by Cocuncllor Houper, and 'ovnrsu leCbl iuswere read and appmovedi, andý Cieuanofrn and lofants' Booth. financiai report given. It wascteroe Trhe co-convenurs ufthfle tea moved bx' Rae Shackleton. 1oom weme Sisfem Shirley seconded bv Nellie Oyler flaut  I. Brock. Sister len Dvth te oufstanding buis be paid. an Sstr le e Manfl. PA M ER Accden 'ad Sste Flrene Mntl.,Rae Shackleton, convenue,' A Tlîe scrviug table was cenfred flier repomted un the Hockey M T ..... a heautitul Yulefide ari'-Rummage Sale, and wbile the I ~~rangement wbiclu teatumed a committce had not. had many A E gîiffering mcd spheme suirround- itesturned fiat th lyoat talat og cd by finy Christmas urus-I donations would be comung in On Suriday atternoon ah 2:47)5 menîs. 1h was Iigbted by tall doser lu flue date of flue sale. Dodge Trucks c'clock there was a tbree car* mcd and white hapers in crystal A notice was fa 1w pI accd 'nl 2 K Igt jBwia.I collision on the Taunton Road. cadlesticks. The tes tables'The Stafesman gix'ing detal s Bîan, Thedrier iuvovedin flu wmc doned wvifh Plasfic foam Atter contacting Rec. Dimec Phne 2-5487 acidntwce eogeA.Vi-plaques decorated witb ever- for Duug. Rigg snd Pres. ut isb, 35 Concession Street, Locuis greeu sprays sud flux- mcd' the Little NU.H,. Ed Rundle, Lyle, Reluder Avenue, andý James C. Rowan, R.R. 1, Bow- There was extensive damagc 10aIl flurce motor vebicles fbut forfunatcly no one was i n- jured. The accidenf wassunves- ..tigaýed bv Constable K. Scud- dard, OPP. Constable Sîiddard was als;o Uow's yoiir Christmas ist coung alouîg? Ifs offteuîthe investigating ufficer for, a one car accident which hap-. difficcult lufirud iust flue right fhiug toorfluat ,,ciyi ce ntu aryhusu special someone - a wite or husband, son or Sunday morning. Grant Lar- . X daugbtem. mofluer or close relative. Well, berc's a mler, Bumketon, iost control ut suggcstioo fom Roma Glanville: say s "Merry lus car ou- a road a short dis- (Crisfnmas" 10 your dcar unes fluis yeai' wifb fa ovIY tncwasof udrble a ge lu ,. Thet 4 colouî'ed extension 'phione - a ycar-round u'emiuidcî-Oft'the car bcut Mm. Larmneu' was ycur lboughttulncss. \'ouciau order tlue 'phone otuuiinjcurcd. yocir eboice now by simply calling us at 723-460U1 We'1l do it up in brighf Chîristmas wrapping for yocî ,,u in lime 1,u plut if under tlue Irce for Christmas. ffLreitIes. Christmas, ocir istalli will caîl around u conct i b xlîtccmIoctiuuyuu isb W'l 3e3lsaluUa Muo Ika Business 1 r and.ç Anet çurmnunfed with abot ulpment Mr help thev the letters C.O.F. in gold. mayv need this season. Prei. Junior PRst President Betty; Joan reported that goalie padm Westlake presided over the were needed at that time for q. * * * 'Fle Bowmanville Conuserv'a- AREA ODESive Association beld an en- AREA CODEStuusiastic meeting afflue Bow- SPEEI) LONG DISTANCE CALLS manville Hofel on Monday evening. Alex Cai'rciflers,i (Note change in codle) IMPP, au-d Gar-net Riekard. the Beginning December 2 Progressive Conservafive Cali- the Area Code for long didate for the Riding ut Dui'-r distance calling to fluelami ue oigtdrl Ontario cornmunîties of election xvere flic speakers,. Peterboroughi, Lindsay, Jlack Brouglu, pi-esideut o!flute Beaverton, and surround- association, presided. izcentres changes to -11Mr. Carruthers spoke on the i0.We liglng Ontario Refait Sales Tax, ifs distance you'I fînd it purpose and flue need for it in helps f0 know the Area thue economx' of the province, r ('ode for the community "l'lie necd for Ibis fax is ilîcus- you wish to reach. North trafed by flue tact that tlue pro- America has been divlded vincial govemo-ments total 1952' int Nuimbering Plan bcîdget is now excccdcd by the .Arras (NPA) for Ionz estimafes in 1962 foi, the De- distance purposes. and parîmeuitot Educafion, lie as-_ Pach NPA Is ldentified by setcd. a thee-lgue Aea ode.Are Coes or any The speaker rxplained tbat a thee-igur Ara Coe. rra ode forman tomccl ts obligations the pro- centres on this continent are listed in the lntroductory vincial government will rp- pages of your telephone directory. Bowmanvllle, qluire a total combined net or- for instance, together with Oshawa and Toronto is dinary sud oct capital expend- iture in 1962 and 1963 estimai- ln the 416 area. Anyone outside Ibis area eaiiingcd at $1,125,8 million. Hc dis- you shouid associate Ibis Area ('ode wlth your cussed flue amounts lu fie spent number. If, for exampie, they %vere caiiing the by diffement gox-emumenfal de- Bowmanvilie lelephone number 623-1234, they 3houid parîmieofs. The need out raisiîîg extra consider the full numnber as 416 623-1234. The same Morley Ibrougli taxation is principal applies to catis WE makie outside our 0-vn, Mr. Carmuthers point- NPA. (Long distance catis piaced witbin the cd out. He said fluaI il woculd Numbering Plan .Area do flot require the Area ('ode), bave becu impractical tu uni- eease flue corporation fax or ¶ihose who dia! their own long distance catis by the fax ou liquor to provide Direct Distance DlinK find it saves time If they the necessary addifionai e- lcnow the Area Code of the place they're calling. venue. He turfber expiained Also, if you place long distance calis through an that if was ouly atter scarclu- operator, you'Il fînd il goes through smoother If you th er ovmnenî avede 11w give the Area Code. May we suggest that you give Sales Tax. your Area Code aiong with your teleplione number In bis addmess Mm. Riekard to your out-of-Lown frlends and business acquaint- empluasized fluaIflue strength ance. I wil hep t, seed hei cals t yo. uo agriculture in flue west ;s ancs. f wii el tosped tei cals 0 YU. rctlected tbroughouit ah in- Idustry un Canada. Uc claimed Iluat industrial production ba-, ~~iucreascd ibis ycar, and aisu l~/ stated that there bas been irn- V provemrent in the tineml mflent situation. eply Surprising? Yes-but truie. Like most people, you have probably thought of your lite insirance-as protection for your family-as a good way to save money regularly-as a valuable collateral if you need a boan for an emnergency -as a retire- ment plan for you later on. Acf ually, youm lîfe insurance dollars are more than an investrment in your persona] security and your famuily's. These dollars are aiso an iovestmenf in Canada. They stimulate growth and prugress and help roake this counitry a bel fer place in which to luve and work. At this nmoment, 9 BILLION i>L.LARLS ôf ite nsurance sax'ingg are invested in impo1rtant Ca nad ian en terprise-thrntugh the purchase of bonds and stocks a.nd through mort gagex. TIhese hard-working donllars are helpinc to finance great prnje(,Its all ove-r (hie country such as pipeline%, shopping ven- tres, bridges and highways%, homes, spart. ment and office building, rhnnls, faclories, industrial plantx' and power developments. 'l'hege invesi mentg create emnployment upî,urtuunitier, (ou. The income (rom i1 heuie unvexi mentA hlie- fitS Yuu direcfly WN, réduing the ropt ot lite insurance t< ol>m and the 9 million other Canaduan p<wIîmyowncrx. At Meeting luere YOU HAVE A HAND IN THINGS CANADIAN when you own Life Insurance TH-E LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA

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