SMYTH - THOMPSON Bowmanviile, en Saturday,i October 13, 1962. Standards The marriage of Suzanne of white 'mums formed an Louise Tbompson, daughter Of attractive setting for the cere- Mr. and Mrs. James Cairns mony and white tulle rosettes, TIe ,n Bowmanville, and centred with white pornpomn [r.LaurneMawl Syh mums, designated the guest scn of Mrs. Muriel Smyth,! pews. ]Brantford, and the late Mr. A.ý B. Smyth, was solemnized in Rev. H. A. Turzier officiated, St. Paul's United C h u r c b, and the wedding music was played by organist Mr. M. L. ___ Beatan. / f / 1/jET/fR Given in marriage by lher 'YOU/ father, the bride wore a full- - - ~ length gown of white peau de IIEI&INsoie satin with bouffant skirti '~ W~E~sweeping inta a chapel train.1 ±f!R~ MSSOVIcaW sl.The fitted bodice was fash- ... neu itha scoop neckline ~U~EIEJA~~A ~!~~Vc6 An heirlooma locket, h e rj 7~YEES7?grandmother's, was the alyï ewleyworn by the bride.! A drss ateialcabbage rase' cauglit ber eibow-length veill e-,Q of tulle, and she carried a cas- 0 ArYý cade of yellow sweetheart roses and white cymbidiumn orchîds. Miss Joan ButterY, Bow- manville, was maid of hanar d, and the bridesmaids were the bride's cousin, Mrs. M. Shee- han of Bowmanviiie, and the groom's sister, Miss Gene ~ smyth of Toronto. They were CTRIJ Li in identically styied dresses COTACTING REPASf of emerald green peau de soie 01 Exma satin wîth bell-sbaped skirts. IERGERATION-ELECTRICI The bodices were designed MOTR SLE -SERVICE with scoop necklines and 0.-RAI - APPLIANCES tbree-quarter sleeves. A tail- ared fiat bow accented the e i waistline. They wore match- ing pilîbox bats with circular say mie"ry rntmais wiui a BU LOVA the gftq!i.y watchj I1HOLOS YOUR B ULOVA IIL 1 CIRISTM1AS BMON DM u qusttuly carvod end pleces hold two shimmering diamonds, 17 lewels, ln yellow orw hts. JET CLIPPER Rugged as ait outdoors - 17 jewels, uif- wlndint, certif led waterproff'. shock resitant. $49.95 ýCMARR'S JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP 39 King St. W. Bowmanville FOR FUELS F'You ""JUST CALL" FOR (OMFORT! Winter comfort is right at your finger-tips. It takes only a 'phone cali to ensure you prompt delivery of the finest in coal or fuel ois. t~6 orbI -plus- Furnace and Stove Ois '1IIhPHONEZ? STEPHEN FUELS à'. OFFICE AT C.N.R. YARDS Recently Married in St. PauI's Mr. and Mrs. Laurer, in St. Paul's United Chui bride is the former Suzann Cairns Thompson of Bawrr Smyth, Brantford, and the1 Illusion tulle veils, and their1 flowers were cascades of, 'bronze pompoma 'mums and' yeloaw shasta daisies. Mr. Bill Smyth of St. Tho- brother of the groom, best man and the ushers --e Mr. Ray Turner, Scar- uorougih, and Mr. Bruce Dlua- das of Montreal, Que. A reception was held at the Flying Dutcbman MotrHatel where the guests were receîv- ed by the bride's mother, wbo wore beige wool boucle with matcbing jacket, brown vel- vet bat, brown accessories and corsage of bronze pompoin 'mums. She was assisted by the grooym's mather wbo chose a beavenly blue satin brocade jacket-dress with mink cuffs, matching bat, navy accessor- ies, and corsage of pink car- nations. As the couple left on a wed- ding trip ta Ottawa and Nor- thera points, the bride was wearing a two-piece brilliant pink dress with matching jac- ket, black velvet bat witb tulle trim, black accessories, white gloves, and corsage of wbite and pink cymbidiumn orchids. They wil reside in London, Ontario. Prior ta ber marriage sev- eral parties were heid in hon- or of the bride. Miss Joan Btittery and Mrs. Murray Sheeban were co-hostesses for a miscellaneous shower, and the girls of the Bell Telephone Co., where the bride was a business representative, gave a crystal sbower. A kitchen shower was beld by ber aunt, Mrs. Fred Payne, with Mrs. Clarence Osborne, another aunt of the bride, assisting. Out-of-town guests w e r e present from London, St. Thomas, Brantford, Wood- stock, T o r o n t o, Montreal. Scarborougb, Osbawa a n d Newcastle. LANE - COOPER A weddinýg of interest was solemnized on Saturday after- noon, Novemben iOth, 1962, in Orono United Church when IGail Audrey Cooper, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Cooper, Orono, became the bride of Mr. Edward Cleland Lane, Newtonville. The bride- groom is the second son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lane, New- tonville. Baskets of yellow and white ebrysanthfmums effectively decorated the cburch for the ceremony. Rev. Basîl E. Long officiated. The soloist was Mns. Chiarles Gray, Bowman- ville, sister of the groom, who sang very beautifuily "The Wedding Prayer" and "Be- cause'. Mrs. Richard Morton, was the organist. Gen in marriage by ber Jfather, the beautiful bride was attired Ia a floor lengtb gown o! embossed taffeta 1Engagement Is Announced The engagement is announced of Miss Margaret Ann Goheen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Mar- wood Goheen, Bawmanville, to Mr. Gary Michael Dault, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Dault, Hamilton. Their marriage will take place in Trinity United Church on Saturday, December 15. Excellent Reports Given at Hos pifai Auxiliary Meeting The Navember meeting of the Wamen's Hospital Auxil- iary held recently in the Board Room of Memorial Hospital was opened by the president, Mrs. S. G. McMurter, with the Auxiliaries Prayer. Mrs. Wesley Cawker, wbo recently retired as chairman of the Na. 8 District Wamen's Hospital Auxiliaries Associa- tion, gave a brief report on the L recent annual convention of the Ontario W.H.A.A.. wbich was held at the Royal York ice Maxwell Smyth, above, exchanged marriage vows lHotel, Toronto, during the ceh, Bowmanville, on Saturday, October 13, 1962. The last week of October. Mrs. ie Luis Thmpso, dugher o Mr an iVis JmesCaviker said that she will give ne Luis Thmpsn, dugher f M. an Mr. Jmesa full account of the conven- nanville, and the groom is the son of Mrs Murieltian's sessions at a forthcom- late Mr. A. B. Smyth. -Photo by Ircland jing meeting. The carresponding secretary, Mrs. Joseph Cuddahee, read a M arred a Reh _ __ ___letter from the Oshawa Gen- M red a Rhoboth eral optlWmnsAxl a bazaar to be beld in the cafe- teria of the Oshawa General Hospital on November 21st. A communication from Law- rence C. Masan was also read by Mrs. Cuddabee. It infarm- ed the organization that the final instalîment of the leg- acy for the Wamen's Hospital Auxiiiary from tbe Miss Ag- nes J. Bleakeiy estate amaunts *to $2,704.78. The total amaunt of the legacy was $10,704.78. Mrs. Cuddabee, secanded by Mrs. J. O'Neill, moved the ad- option of ber report. The treasurer Mrs. R. G. ~ ~.~,_ ,.,.Cowie, presented a satisfactory was secanded by Mrs. E. V. Hoar. Mrs. A. L. Haoey, the canvenar, gave tbe gift Shop Repart. This was secanded by Mrs. Harold Lake. Mrs. Hooey also showed the members a sample Cbristmas stocking made by Mrs. Jesse Van Ncst for the Gift Shop. She asked that the members bring small items suitable for chljdren and candy ta the next meeting ta fil hristmas stockings. Mrs. J. O'Neill, co-convenor of the Marathan Bridge, tald the meeting that this praject is in full swing, and that re- turns during Octaber amount- ed ta $24.42. Mrs. Lawrence C. Mason, the immediate past president, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hanemaayer, pictured above, who is the chairman of the were married on Friday, Octaber 5, 1962, at 3 o'clock-Membership Committee, suli- in te Rhoboh Crisian efomedChurh, ow-mitted a report. She also ask- in te Rhoboh Cristan efored hurc, Bw- d for volunteers ta, serve in manville. The bride is the former Wilma Bylsma, the Gift Shop. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bylsma of Bowman- MrsM Murter, the presi- ville, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arendi dent, described an attractive of SringaleOntaioand practîcai type of hospi- Hanemaayer ofSrndlOtro tai library cart that had been -Photo by Astor Studioldisplayed at the convention, and wauld be suitable for the 'made with scoop neckline and scalloped waistline. The bo- dice was long-sieeved and the attractive gown had a full fiowing skirt with a chapel train. Rer bouquet was a cas- cade of red roses and white carnations. The attendants were ahl sis- ters of the bride. Mrs. Bruce Myles (Adele) acted as mat- ran of bonor, and the brides- fmaids were Mrs. Donald Mer- cer (Betty) and Miss Cheryli Cooper. They were gowned alike in pretty cherry pink peau de soie, fasbioned in sheath style with full short over-skirt. The wee bats were 3crown shaped with a circular -veil. They wore matching gloves and shoes, and carried nasegays of pink roses and white chrysanthemumus. 1Mr. William Lane, Port Hope, was best man for bis rbrother and the usbers were SMr. Gary Cooper, brother of the bride, and Mr. Charles aGray, Bowmanville, brother- in-law of the groom. Fallowing the ceremony a receptian was beld in the 10 0.F. Community Hall. Theý bride's mother ware a becom-: ing gown of royal blue -with! pink accessories and ber cor- sage was of pink carnations.ý The groom's mother, who as- sisted in receiving, was in- gold brocade with matching1 bat and brown accessories, and wore a corsage of bronze' cbrysanthemums. For their honeymoon tnpý tbrough the United States tal Milwaukee, the bride donned! a smart imported double kaiti twûpiece suit of red withý white and black accessories., The suit jacket was adornedý witb a corsage of wbite car-' nations. On their return Mr. ad: Mrs. Lane will reside in Or-! ono* The bride has lived ah bher le ini Orano and was edu- cated in Orono Public and High Sehools and Bowman-~ ville Business College. She is, a typist at Department of, Lands and Forests, Orono. Mr. Lane lias lived ail his life iný Newtonviile, w'as eduicated at the Newtonville Public School and the Orono High Schooi. He is an employce of General Motors of Canada Limited,ý Osh awa. Following the rehearsal, on' the evenjng 'Ib'fore the xved-: ding, the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lane, Newton- ville, entertained the bridai' party at their residence. Prior ta her rnarriage theý bride was guest of honor at ai shower given by Mrs. Charles Gray, Bowmanville. On this; occasion Miss Cooper xvas pre-1 sented with an electric clorki fromn the Newcastle Girls' Softball Team, of which sheý is a meinher. Six close friends of theý bride acted as hostesses at Orono when a misceilaneous shower was held in the 1.0. O.F. Hall where about 80 fri- ends and relatives were pre- sent. Also an this evening, an; behaîf of the Orono Forestr'v Staff, Mrs. James Major and' Mrs. John Forrester presented the bride-to-be with a General, Electric fry pan. MOIfE Y AVAILABLE FOR NGRTGAGES JONES & GREER RALPH S. JONES THOMAS H. GREER 130 KIng St. E. Oshawa 728-6246 donation of one to Memorial Hospital, which R. Stap- ley, Montreai, would like to make in memory of ber moth- er Mrs. W. H. Birks. Mrs. J. O'Neill moved that this type of cart be ordered. This was seconded by Mrs. Harold Lake, and carried. Mrs. Haoey, seconded by Mrs. W. A. Courtney, moved that the Pur- chasing Committee be author- ized to buy additianai artic- les for the day room on the chronie floor. This was car- ried. Mrs. McMurter announced that the television set donated by the auxiliary had been in- stalled in the day roam, and it had been reparted that it is being mucli enjoyed by the patients. After the adjaurnment of the meeting, the members at- tended the bazaar being held at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Sunday School Roams, and had afternoon tea there. MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Milis visited their uncie and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bush, Castieton, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hager- man and fa.mily, Sauit Ste. Marie, spent the weekendý with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hagerman. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Rager- mnan were Saturday visitars with their daughter and bus- band, Mr. and Mrs. Manford Dean and famlly, Dundalk. Mr. Vernon Hendsbee, Nova Scotia, is visiting his son, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Hendsbee and family. The sympathy of this com- munity is extended to Mr. and, Mrs. Ray Patterson and fam- ily in the loss of their littie son and brother. Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Oshawa, recently visited with her dau- ghter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beech. Congratulations to M is s Baninie Beech on winning top honors in the public speaking contest in Maple Grove schooi. Her topic was "It Pays to Ad- vertise." Bonnie Beech and Gel Cash Today For OId Appliances througb STATESMAN C LA S SIFIED 8 Phone MArket 3-3303 W. E. LANG Hearlng Consultant The Canadlan Statesman, Bownanvfle, Nov. 21, 1982 - 13 Mr. John McGuirk then jour- neyed to Hampton last week to compete with the winners from other sehools and they brought home the honors ta Maple Grave. John's speech was "Tel Star." They will go ta Biackstock in February ta compete there. They were each presented with a Parker pen and pencil set donated by the Lions Club of Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Hends- bee and famiiy spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.' Ronald Carrigan, Clarkson. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Edwards and family, Oshawa, 1were Sunday visitors with her býro-ý ther and sister-in-law, Mr. andi Mrs. Ted White and faniiîy.1 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence, White visited on Sunday withý their aunt, Mrs. Addie Fergu- son, Cobourg. Mr. Barry Bleeks, Ottawa, spent the weekend at Mr. andý Mrs. W. H. Brown's. Mr. andi Mrs. W. H. Brown were in, Toronto on Monday and Tues-j day attendin'g the Case Con-j vention at the Seaway Hotel. ~2Sry Cleaný Mr. Garry Jeffery, Kempt. ville Agricultural Coalle ge, Kemptville, spent the week- end wîth bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jeffery. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Swallow were Sunday visitors with their niece and nepbew, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Blackburn, Bay Ridges. Mrs. Eva Bartlett, Brooklin, is visiting at ber sister and brother-in-law's, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Foley. SOULS PIMPLES Mdecca ontment retieves pain, dears up lIfection, and promotes fast healing. SoId at al drug counters. lc ,ersCLu/e Daughter: "But mother, 1 can't marry hlm. He's an Atheist and doesn't believe there is a heil." Mother: "Marry hlm, my dear, and between the two of us we'Il convince hlm he's wrong!' CLOTHES CARE HINTS: A WeII Dressed Person is one whose garments are cleaned regularly. KINETTE CLUB BAZAAR AND TEA Friday, Nov. 23 - St. Andrew's S.S. Room iFIRTH BRO)S.1 QUALITY MEATS1 47 King St. E. 623-5081 PORK SPECIALS Deliclous, Nutritions Fresh, Meaty PORK L iPORK > LIVER 31s.$1IHOCKS 29fC Lean, Store Sliced BREAKFAST BACON - ----69l CHRISTIE'S BROOKSIDE BREAD 24-oz. Loaves6 for $ BEEF SPECIALS SWIFT'S TENDERED BEEF Short Rib LEAN, BONELESS or BLADE c Chuck Roast ROAST 53 lb orGROUND c « HUCI< 551b LEAN, BONELESS WELL TRIMMED STEW lbCCross Cut 1. C BEEF 55c lb ib Roast UJJ b KING 0F 'EM ALL! STANDING PRIME ROLLED PRIM RIB OC RIASB69c ROAST 51b IOA 9b FOR YOUR FREEZER! FRONTS - of Beef - HINDS rpCut andc 91b FREE e! 1 EATON'S HEARING CENTRE, UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 421 EATON'S in OSHAWA THE JOY 0F CHRISTMAS may be partially losI bo you if you have a hearing problem! The joyous voices of children ... the happy carollers at your door . . . the traditional beils pealing out the message of goodwill ... you wiII want to enjoy ail of these! If you have a hearing loss, DO see Mr. W. E. Lang, EATON'S trained Hearing Consultant. Mr. Lang wiIl test your hearing audiometrically - at no charge; and determine which type of hear. ing aid is best suited to your particular problem. EATON'S has a wide range of hearing aids, from conventional types to the very newest in-the-ear electronic models. EATON'S Hearing Centre Offers 0 Audiometric testing 9b Private consultation room 0 Home consultation if desired FOR AN APPOINTMENT PHONE 725m7373 FA DVWc~n 01 DAIRY PARMERS 0P CANADA 147 Dav.apoRtfO&d, Toronto 5 1 c 1- J,