8 'Ie rCadian Statesman, Bowmanvnfle, Nov, 21, 1962 s uhMrh. Alj.q L b Mr. and Mrs. G. Willis and ý J ffIl Iuâ I 1 mIfgrx ' Ray, Cannington, Miss car"'ft ISnow and Mr. Gary Willis, l n n r u e L v . Toronto. were Sundav guests moan n r a e L v Red Cross Shipments of Mr. ad r W andOrUsMki.alte Now that Fail activites are aïl To knit, quilt, sew, or mnake 1 Shipmnert taken to Toronto, Ronnie of Aulac, N.B.. wr started Blood Clinie supplies. lOct. 13, 1062, Mrs. E. Rundie:overn ight guests of Mr. and Local municipal grants paid Newcastle w as take,1itoo And children are settled back Money wise, it wili flot cost Il pr. boys' blue stripe pyja- Mrs. G. Alldread. anriually to Ganaraska Region the authority thîs year ini achool: you a dirne. mas, 10 yrs.; 5 pr. boys' green' Mvrs. H. Murray. Orono, re-iConservation Authority willi Elmore Scott sugeled the The~~~~~~ wetel ahsbe a orBwavleadoveraîls, 6 yrs.: 6 pr. girls' turned home after speriding likely be raised by a third, itauthority shouldugrevisp Ie C normal, Disrict Red Coss Branchrose overalîs, 1 r. 3 giri<, ten days with Mrs. G. Al- was suggested recently at a 16-year-old levy tutr.H B orat itDistroiccmeveyCu t n edou Crnsmsajî 'panty dresses, 2 yrs.: 8 boys'* dread. meeting of the Authority in also advocated a fî-ya cui il ol: wayeryCun n o i om malblue shirts, 2 yrs.: 4 3-piecel Mr. and Mrs. W. Park Sr. Port Hope. forecast of spending to be*fo- - It i col; waybaby sets; 8 pr. mitts (donat-1 were supper guests of Mr. and This would be the first in- warded to the municipal1ticîes( tis ait this time of the year: And folks, remember the Free' ec); 2 Pr. blue socks (donat-' Mrs. A. Geisberger, Zion. crease in levy in the 16-yeari About haîf the conservation We sp)end more time i our Loan Cupboard ýed); 2 girls' red sweaters, 12 Congratulations to Clifford1history of the authority. authorities in Ontario haseF home, ýIf sickness should strike to. yrs. Bv am on receiving the trophy Te atoiv hi levy on the Dîlrae- If vou find you bave Urne to day. l ethrmostRnu poin il rte svre olown aeth îs to Shipnient taken to Torontn. for the otpits during teiCbudget would be increased said Mr. Hook. Other author. c Thnpase, Frememberar thes himesto Toroto c.3,16,Ms .Sr summer at the D.A.R.A. (Dir- from $10,000 to about sîs,ooo ities will use the asscssm-ient little poeni. If vou would like to spread a 3 3-piece baby sets; I1 9-pi'ecr v ponRce Ascitonor S16,000, said Mrs. C racmiain0 iirt Other people, less fortunat,ý1 little cheer. pinlue. Modssacy-teasHa. Bfindlssesmng, thn s Cnac rs . ublu\ý3 ne tte2y; 65gir s "n rs i Knthis amount would be paid by Mr. Hook was înstructed Io tha us Cotac Mr. E Ru dieuMA i ie jms, 2 yrs.; p. b y':Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Stanleylocal municipalities and hafidraw up the structure of local V Depend on you, and your free 5430, bu tiepjms r.; Rahm, Blktok, sted Mr.b h e,. . fLadslvesuigcc o h he Urne, ~~~And be a Red Cross Volunteer. i1 pr. boy's blue stripe pyja-ac cise rbyteD atmnof anseesungah0fhelre mas, 10ys;2Pr os ad and Mrs. Arthur Rahm. and Forests. methods. socssie 8iî igir'scoen Mr. and Mrs. Theo Down, 'This ycar bas been a go A meeting will bc called ýsveatr,12 rs. 1pr.gren'Lakefield, visited Mr. and indication of how fast theiDec. 6 to establîsh the new Mmitts (donated); 1 quilt (do-ý Mrs. Leon Moore and Mrs. authority is expanding," said budget -Examiner. BOWMANVILLE nated). îusi Vru'n udy Harold Hook, conservation T Ai Mr. and Mrs. H. Hatherly authority field officer. R O Y A L 623-5589 If you have any Red Cross and famnily, Toronto. visited Sm $1,0 ha ben work that yoîi have finished Mrs. A. Hatherly on Sunday 'Soe $2001a e will you please return articles< Mrs. Annie Hatherly is nowvsetC',prhse huaI S h o THIS FR1. cand SAT., NOV. 23 - 24 so thèy may be packed to staying withi Mr.. A. J. Grose, maeanother shipment to Raglan. 1er adM.Hok "bu~î~I G v Two ompeteshos a 7 nd 915 .m. Tornto 1 44,000 acres of reforestationP'*"""'S G v Two conipete showsat 7 and9:15 p.m.Torônto.Mrs. M. Hamilton, Toronh,în ondb aroscn called on several friends in srvation authorîties in On-C r I '. the vllage on Mo day. tario. The local authorty hasa ~ n c . "The M acin W ho Shot 'New I. O. O. F. hutin nowltCon ilwe th r8,000 acres"'Dre Tyhel1wariletone Township no Iuck. Sorry. HllBusinessneleenng L b r aa c f'Mr. and Mrs. R. Glaspelli Busness___________________prentand___ Li e t a a ceW)fc r were dinner guests Sunday of ends bo hear a prograrri f VrMie 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Reynolds, A Àc c 0 u nfia n c y choruses by almost 200 chilci- James Stewart, John Wayne, Vr ie Port Hope. ___ ren of Enfield, Bradlev's, Baik- _______________________________ nsta11ed1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibbs, Mr. RAY J. DILLING er's, Enniskillen, Haydonad and Mrs. W. Park were Satur- Chartered Accountant ýLong Sault schools Linder the SUOno.2 aS T. e.i( as Thursday einiÀ, c day supper guests of Mr. and' 93 Church Street 1 direction of Mrs. Stanlecr tôr 25, Bro. Batten, isrit Mrs. Eric M..lhenchi, Newcas-I MArket 3-3861PaeATCMSprîr Deputy Grand Master of Dis- itIc LEONARD JAMES BROOKS of Music. ~- Uproarlous, Roymatlc Free.F r -Ail!. trict No. 41, and his Insta1la-ý Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gibbsý Accourîtants - Auditors The program consisied of 15 t., ~.tio Tem nstlle th ofi-were taken by surprise o Trustee in Bankruptcy numbers, unaccompanied, b S cers of Florence Nightingale1 Saturday when Mr. Alex Car- Suite 205W 725-9953 aIl the juniors: then 14 nu-n'- L:g o 6m hi e ruthers, M.P., Garden Hill,ý OshawaSh -opping- Centre bers by the senior pupils. ]i- spective chairs: ývisited them and presented WM. ..H. COGGINS cluding folk songs of differciîv Junior Past Grand, Bro.Mr. andMrs. Gibbs with 'an: Chartened Accountant 'counitries in unison. txývo-pait Herb. Powell, Noble Grand, "'OfficiaI Plaque',cnga- Second Floor adtrepr ragmns àwBro. Gord. L a m o n t; Vice îating them on their 55th Newv Library Building Accompaniment and direc- Grand, Bro. Wm. Wade; Re-iwedding anniversary. Cor. King & Temperance Sts lion was shared bv Mrs. Pavner - cording Sec'ty, Bro. Stan Mc-: Mrs. Phil Giln-er a n dl Phone MArket 3-3612-_adM.Jms r,,c-'i, t Murter;Fînancial Sec'ty, Bro.,Blaine, Mirs. Wallace Boughen,- adM.Jms r'dmti U~~fU~N11dbEE -~ Wm. Corden; Treasurer, Bro.1 Newtonville. visited Mrs. Pau, AE RELNE h ~ 1 ihi as iu .sL I t hp e r f o r m a n c e a n di Gord MeMurter; Warden,' Bro.' Vaneyk last Friday. & COMPANYi the audience ncspondcd w:îh John Griffin; Conductor, Bro. Mr. Gordon His, Hannon,, Charterecl Accountants hatetapas.Eeyn Nie Francis Tufford; Right Sup- spnt a few days with bis par-,Tuteî etta i a cx oîi COLO porter Noble Grand, Bro. Mac ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hilîs. Licensed Tutei Bankruptcy ! hi1e effort. Moore; Left Supporter Noble. Agternoon group of U.C'.i Grand, Bro. Vince Archer;-mt 1ast week with 14 ladies64 King St. E. 728-73711 The teachers. flic 'hu1lri2 Chaplain, Bro. Harry Farrow: and three chi]dren present.1 Oshawa, Ontario and the music superx'îsor a re RgtSupporter Vice Grand, Mrs. W. Murphy, leader, took MONTEITII - MONTEITH tob0 ihvcomne i Bro. Art Youngman Left Sup-! charge of business, when plans. RIEHL & CO. the success or their effort,. ~ u1iYOtN~JAUDfEYM~ïwO s ~porter Vice Grand, Bro. Ever-iwere mnade to have a bazaar' 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa __ GGYUG- fl MetHarness: Right Scene Sup-f Nov. 30. Chartened Accountants porter, Bro. Henry Barter;j Mrs. R. r). Hodigkinson. Au-! 728-7527 C U TC Sun. to Thurs., 7:30 p.nL, Fri., Sat. at 7 & 9:15 p.m.1 Lef t Scene Supporter, Bro.1 rora, Mr. Gordon Rivers, Dres-, Partners: C U TC Dennis Severn; Inside Guard-i dan, were weekend guests of! Hon. J.MW. Monteith, F.C'.A. Svrlfo ee;1eýe lan, Bro. Wm. Begley; Outside Mr. and Mrs. James Woodley.ý A. B. Monteilli, B. Comn., C.A. th e trpa y om here aild ____________________________________Guardian, Bro. Allan Farrow. Svmpathy is extended toi G. W. Riehl, C.A., R.I.A. viheRotairy pla heyiciew a Visitors were present for! Mr. and Mrs. Ray Paterson,I (Licensed Trustee) vileste of he rn , Chrisinias Cards Timex Vlaches t he Installation from Cobourg,' Courtice, and Mr. C. W. Wood-! G. E. Trethewey, C.A. moIeoybe ad fi - Chisin s ars im x athe Port Hope, Orono, Whitby, leY On the passing of their lit- MR. F.dLîghtfoot, C.A. pîay, <Guaranteed) Oshawa, Brookl, Toronto. tle son Lewis and grandson. WîiLsO-%_& -BÜPR-Ocad r. -frdBr- 50 ssite . *8 FR EN ndWOMN mon fioe atedin wre Mr. a nd Mrs. M. 1Hamiltor. visited with Mr. and Mrs.l 33 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~79 .lotl_____ 7 9.95 - 10.95 - 1295 District Deputy Grand Master and chiidrcn were dinner ChredAcunat :WatrR deBwailc 33Aotd7o Plastic Coated of District No. 42, Les Chi+ -Zgests of Mrs. James Clarke, 1114 King St East, Oshawa, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. John NorriF. 12 Winter Scenea 1.50 Bridge Cards - ------ - 1.98 tick: District Deputy GrandKeiean alocle oPrtrs OhwvsidThsaxa- 9 Master of District No. 41, R. Mrs. John Stuces, Queensvillc.ý Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. ternoon witli Mrs. Bob Fairev 20 Long Style . 1.25 Ladies' Carry-ail Bags 2.4 Batten, District Deputy Grandi Mn. a nd Mrs. G arnet Fi-! G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. and Bobbi Ann. Cosmetic Warden of District 'No. 41 nen, Port Coîborne, spent th- Phone 728-7554 Miss Diane Cookman 1[ Gift Wnapplnt 39c, 79, 98e Bags--------- 79c, 1.98, 2.98 weeknd wth thir duglier .--iv ___________. -Istaying wiîii Mn A. Wilk1n, - Grands and five Past Districtiand son-in-law, Mr. andMr h- . for the winter monthis. Niu'., Ladies" Brush, Comb and Mirror Sets 'ed the installation. Mr. and Mrs. Robert But-- - ____e Depty ran Mater v ew- CaridCla. u i r O r a lC.1CookNMand 15 ;,altatrti F ulit New Shades - New Designs 'Eight 25-year m lc m b e r gess andf M.andy wresupp.Er.' EDWiNMpaco DCrCutie 4.98 - 5.95 6.95 - 13.50 wi epeetadas 0 0get fM.adMs .E hrpatr.M~ n iAtr îlo :wrepesntad ls ne50ýteenHampton. Officeý ýand chldren spent ihe wcek- ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ ear m effi ber in the person of M r. and M rs. A lIvin Taylor 15 Elgin St., cor. of H orsey St.,end ah R ice L ake wxvtîh h.1 Bro. Joe Highfield. an'hlrn wr udiv; Phone MA 3-5509 parents Make-up FO M Nfair evnn callers of Mr. and Office Hours: By Appoinment Ebênezer Explorers h a v c Mirors FOR A M N Dyer1 ýstarted their activities foir fli Miros BUifods 1.25 to $10-00 Dre comin. Ms . îteD g year. Miss Marion Shave Brushes 75c to $5.00 M10.8 mbas taken M. andMrsaE. i com and John visited the funeral. e .i M- - Cuislofr hs tak hoerEaslCref. Hot Water Gillette Razons 1.50 to 5.00 Eleetrie Tyrone United Church was.cae oonoo udyi DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S.0th lnsofM' 1-cCounseinoToronor-flic Explorer-n Botties Old Spice Shave Bianket !ildo uda at hnof her uncle, the late Albert 75 King St. E. Bowmanvilleown 10telnss fM-. filld o Sunay ast whe IBlto, Mefor. Ms. VrtuiýOficeHous: Wilfred Brown. Miss Betty, 88e - 1.29 Sets 1.50, 2.25, 3.00, 4.25 $17.88 the Sacrament of Baptism was BltnMefod.Mr. irueOfic os: aiy 1Gyn ssil sitat Yardley Shavlng adminîstered at the il o'cîockand John attended his funenal Clo9 ard to andp.m. da Goyne is stil asstant. Thi, Seamiess Sets 1.75, 2.75, 3.00, 3.75 Throw service. The infants receivced Ion Monday. Coe audyadSna ru smcisalrfi Nylons flair Brushes 98c, 1.49, 1.95 Pillows m t te congregation were Recent guests at the Manse! Office Phone - MA 3-5790 year, but Miss Muir lias sony' Judithi Sarah, daughten of M- i were Mr. and Mrs.,Ross Brown ý House Phone - Newcastle 35511 interestîng plans for tlie Ex- - -r i e ole ae----850 9eSISN - plorers so we are lookîng for- 59c pr, Fit ed oll t ase -. - 8 50 9eand M rs. 'G abriel K ovacs : and M rs. N orm an W illson ofý D R . E. W . SI S O w a d 10 a good x'ar. Election 'Debonah Ln n GlenrilToronto. Weekend guests and! L.D.S., D.D.S. of officers took plnce wit iflec Fiesta Brownie Camera Ly: n visitons FO H L D ouls thehidn fM.- .ofle morning service Office in his homefoown hodfic:C f Set - 9.88Cue MncreSt and Mrs. Dou.glas Miller. in Tyrone United Churcli were 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanile Explorer, argaret D o 'ýx- o Ponds ~ ~ Cte Make-upe Sets .0t .0TeCGIT n iCMrs. Erskin Wilkinson and, Phone MA 3-5604 Keeper of the Log. Karen M- 1.5 - .49Yardiey Sets 2.00 bo 6.75 Igroups are already busy with da her Janan Mrgre1Ofie1ous 1.59 - 1.4fnom Montreal, and anothr 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily K'igre,:CKeeer of flicre- c their respective presenfations daugliter, Donr i s Wilkinson. Closed__Wednesday - SuiîdasueCaoe ovnPr. - Ladies' Plastic Raincoat aieureSes1i.25, eed fo2.h2C5ima4s.50 R N who is taking post-gra-,DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S New Explorers. Karen Cov- cae .2, .5,4.0 the life of the chuncli, and it duateè studies at Western Un;i- Office eî-ly, Laurel Mecaîf. Diater In a case - 2.98 flair Brushes 98c, 1.95, 3.50 is hoped that the choir Wil versitv. The bouse party was 75 King St. E. Bowmanvil.Mro r okn nap- beprsetig "arlsbycompleted by Mn. Frank Du-'Office Houns: !ter with flic Explorer ebei CIGARETTES, by the carton - 2.99 ade h"sevc o hgan, also of Montreal. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Seniors, Marrgaret Dwn first time.IMs.W Ram cc paie Cosd atra anSuayWnyBonan Itetî. Snîith (BCtesdai. Bn iZ-thM1pr gtm with thecpeechurtE'd the sri- I fllaëkburn (SAlènV>. Ai ice nie Lave at the oral sPeakingi14 Frank St- Bowmav eSvrîn'îrbers 0 u Jonies (Haydonl), Grade Silx E. RICHARtaD HaroptoN 1;e-c.90 Raynad ameon (Lngp!aced founfli. If there wncE . IHADLOE zUarr tcd nde flie anît Rauymo n knincr (Tv-n gthree judged better than she, B.A., LL.B. zartheidunderTi u fc Saul), Lnn kinnr flie-th e vcao certainlv look Barrister, Solilctor of temeThdoust - S Q U E E Z E " none) Anne Hamiton (Beth- owr ooegledn ig~E.Nwatebe rredu ucs esd), usa Crig Saem) foývad t soe oldn-tn-:in PSt.Eo Ne wc46 ethe hall was crowded anîd, a( - Pdadefromjuic cf ree-npene Floid resFivarchat hMag- ev Duanw-atbc .m nHours: .9-5:30 - Wd., Sat., 9I cording toone vîsîtor. shfe,î bld rmjic fte-ipndFoia Gae (Long- Sa),En a iianspeaker of the eveninz and'g gîft table. The baking and ane- oranges, picked ut the peak of niaturitv to giv'e (T-vrane), Dave Deelev (BetLi- welleedbsitneso M r ag es nntblanadecoufa esd),Mura Tist(Sleî~. is theme of Ilie "Unity thene as__________________ _____in esMra ws Slm.hiould be between flic Home SADIE HAIMLTON - ORONO a i semngd 0gfn you that fresh, dellejous flavor. Kathy Rahm (Haydon). Am- and fli chol TeeaýPhoe r161 when the lady chauffeure wa. ong the Grade Four students Fis i ag ud ready to leave. Walkîng hiomie who did not have to, write the~ an interestcd discussion after- FReis orîage uns didntapl h ay 4.zexaminîatiils but who wished ward witl everybody ex. Resines - Fanmis 1d n o appealIto dakal ho d so Jaice awdn (ongpounding their own views. Di- Bsns rpris ,W ol ieh ln i to dà so Jance Swdon(Lon -jur friends who were so in- SSault) and Kvle Graham versionaî-v tactics were triedr Motgage Loans terested in aur appearance o11 3ôtir9 c (Haydon) did exfremely well. b muetotketeaui Prompt, courteous service TV onl Monday, thc 2t. I Sixee Exloergirs etences attention awav from HAROLD C. PEDWELL was a very tliniliing expren- Ore tdv rminr rve ath unday Se oo'ening. ks ndshuddcrs from île Motgage Broker land baîked ho were Arthur ad Orrde toda fro yourdrivr las Thurdýy venin. Aferifenalaleemelement, son tbe NesoonlePgone3Newcast oderPhonevis3td th the worsi'îp service, Mr-s. back 10 bbc theme 'in band. I jarodrey Wp e -the orpuchts a D ir BrPhilp siîôwèd us part one cf Mn. D. Drain and Mrs. W. Op metrV cameras and TV's. Wlien as a missionary ston, with lier Muph fpmd o1tbroOrm __e___1___ ri weyn flanineigrapli. We had singing;a musical duo on lte iolir KIE-ITH A. B-ILLETT-, CD.on TVT, jsR ewas aw ur and then »pent thc rest of oun and piano çtith a couple of Optomebnist i Everyone was 50 pleasant. ý- EJ IR Vtime doinîg craft work. Mrn5.'livelv jigs tlat soon started 141 King St. E. - Bowmanville enjoyed everv minut e in ti LEI~ Woodley is tèaching us how tle tocs to tapiling. This w&s Office Hours: By appointmenthuge hall of TV. w.K EM -44 bnd. ýve-n-newenrhme èl sa-Môn. -Tués. -Thurs . -Fri, icombe fook a few days off Kigs.W A354 rs.Eih Irhvstdife ihtefrtmeig hrdyeeig fanming for a few days recect- . yMoLaugh- it- yoeHm n co Wd n a.-9-1 ly to celebrate the 23ndann- lin, Blackstock, and Mr. arîd'Association. 9 arn. ta 5 pra, 'versai-y of their marriage via- t'Mrs. Hugh Murphr. no-,x=an- - ville. A mm6kimv:&so BEST BUY! - You Save 4c! - Enter the 'ýHELGA TOO" CONTEST LUSHUS Jelly Dessert 4R'3 5c BEST BUY! - You Save 7c! - Pancake Flour lZegtlar - Buttermilk - Buckwhcat 16-oz. Pkgs. BEST BUX'! - You Save 4c BEST BUY! - You Save 6c! - Chickeni Noodie - Tomnate Vcgetable LIPJTON SOUPS 33'351 BEST BUY! - You Save 13c! - PARAMOUNT FANCY RED 1/2's Tin COHOE Salmon 2,,851 BEST BUY! - You Save 46c! - 35e Off Pack... KINGsize CHEER $107 2-lb. Tin BROOM SALE! SAIVE 20e! CLEAN SWEEP 79c VELVET TIP $1.29. A Fond ',aver- SARAN WRAP 39c Laver's Choice Whole I-z. Tin ,MUSHROOMS 39c Best Buy! York Brand Cholce Quality You Save 18c! 20-oz. Tins Dessert Pears 5for9lc 28-oz. Tins 4 for 99e Save l7e FANMOLS CHIQUITA BANANAS 2 35e TURNIPS lb. Sc Ibs. Fcatrîre! - You Save 9c! Cuiverlinuse Choice Quality - 20-oz. Tins :ream CORN 5for89c Feattire! - You Save 5c! Doie Fancy Quality 20-oz. Tins Fruit Cocktail 3 for $1 ý'ature! - l'ou Save 2c! -b. Pkg. IUCOA Margarine 25c 'ry Chicken This Weekend' reshýl Grade "A" - Choice, Plurnp CHICKENS M- hoastîng or F rying 35Fb fA A- %Vhte's Own Brand - Mld Seasoned lirkorv 'Smoked 1-lb. cello Pkg, [rend WIENERS 49c leiEme Fno Szen Ve1etables PEA -eno KiER2lb.CORN 31IXED VEGETABLES G~REEN BEANS WAX BEANS - >EAS and CARROTS- Fresh Baked! - Sunbeamn Crisp 'N Serve R isRezular 29e- Feature! - You Save 9c Walker'9s F f SALTINES2 R49 16-oz. Pkgs. BUY 2 GET 1 FREE! Esquire Scuff Cote (3 colours) aind Lanol White ALL 3 for 70c Finest Flonida - No. 1 Grade CUCUMBERS 2 for 27e rrisp, No. i Grade, large head ICEBERG LETTUCE . 19e F'resh, No. 1 Grade - 10-o7.. cello bag CURLY SPINACH 19e Washcd and Waxed - No. 1 Grade Featrîre! - l'ou Save 4c! 16-oz. Pkgs. Romi Spaghetti 2for37c OR ELBOW MACA~RONI Feahure! - You Save Ilc' Alcan Aluminum - 12 inch - 25-fb.lotils FOIL WRAP 2for59c leature! - You Save 6c! ('anada's Leading 1 -lb. Tin Fryis Pure Cocoa 53c 49c 57c - -- - i9c 43c Prics efectve t 5t e tdRd&W teFo Sorsny AAPLE GROVE MARKET ..Maple Grove :ORNISH'S MARKET .0 .. 0 .Orono ORTERFS MARKET...... Newtonville V:: FINE QUALMT MIONUMENTS AND) MARKERS <** 4 tee& f O M WI.wu U ruflU a" t« W pemmuan OF STAFFORD BROS. LTD. Stafford Brothers LIMITED Monuments Box 133 318 Dundas St. E. *bitby Phone Whltby MOhawk 9-3552 c c I. '~RENCH FRIES - mM--M-Mý 1 - - - 1 . - --ý .,., ': - --, lu, Ifi Iz 1 +ui.r~ i frIen Iiaga.ra 'is, fined te her bed. 'me hmre te. fîtffordvtlle and St. Mary's, see ber up and ber usual-hap- lere bbcy called upon bbc py self before 100 long. Rcr. W. Wright. who wibh bis Mn. and Mrs. Eflian Joncs of -ifo anîd famil\ arc on fur-jPont Hope were Sunday vîsî- o ucli from Nigeria. Mrs. Wr'- ions with Mrs. William MvcHolrn :lif ~ ~ t etunedwib Mn an on Remembrance Day, MrF. Brîmarombe to1ii r- Mrs. William MciHoIm spenlt ;iftvc- in C obourg and dis- a a or t v li n c k xv h Irici. Nlr ~ ~ M. and Mrs rgtx r nMs. Mell McHolm at i'ecl in visit Morrish ealy in Wecome. Aprtl 196.1, for a special Mis- oavpogrim in Morish Sunday. November f ili, ?liuur( hwas Laymen's Sundav'. Joint ThrIo%(,y n\,- bnglowofworship service was 'bld t TI' loe v nw bnglowofZion United Chrrdl at f0 l. aid Mrs. Morton Hender- arn. Assisbing ini flis service. so j now -ncaring completion. frorn Morrish %-ccp Mr. Allen The,% hope ho be established Pebers and Mr. George Han- i ilhin new borne early in ness. lcember. We understand thie Sunday' School wam lield aht Id residetîce lias been sold 11:15 ar.. vitli an average ah- nd wvîll bc remnoved laber on. tendance. Mn. George Harncss, '\Ti aud Mns. Brooks Cowan superintendent conduciedthe f Oroîno, visjted with Mrs. M. session and aceompanieithe, 1Oshorne on Friday, the l6th. hyrns in the absence of flic In.M. J. Osborne is still con- nianist.