GolfClu______ inn r RvVe ineir i-waras at Annuai Dance r M - _____e7__ 4 K Il I il t, t1 3:30 to 5:30 p.n Frank's Variety - Ilî 1 f; î11 . C':urke -. . . 133'!Marioui Slaght 1811t'- 'B' erLumbi.:- Il17 - Il11N. MefFceti-rS ...... FOlliPatfield ____181 lVIdd y arg Welsi 2 .57, PUBICSK TIG *8 1 pm. Selby Grait i-t 9 18 9 2M Dawston----------1 Lorraine Maryn ir 180 Lew Welsli-255, Jîm Ca-tle- 1962 Corvair 15 ota Nel Osorn In. 7-2 W. Bucon--------------12.Enid.Ten.nt.178George Ellioti- 247, Murray JBurtown.......1297 elenNcon-------178 Winnacol- 244, Thelmîa Ben- 4-Dr. Sedan4-rSea J.Buto 17 eenNihoso 18net- 243, Fern Bradley--241, 700 Series, automatic, c-ustom rn. alnak SAàT., NOV. 24 PUBLIC SKATING M n te d L. ýj1 1. ......_. .....12.1 Barb Buthonshaw 176 rsr--26 ainWsmn 8 - 10 p.m. iAtte d . ite-------2400Gne Arnold Sleep-- 23î, Malt Har- radio. One ouvner, local car. Lual ~n-Icr D. WeIs---------------.......121 G-une and Frank Wright auli SU DY O EM E 5hBadminton AI. ippns-....-----------.....123 JouX'.e Lyle 259, Molly blairs iwith23s SUND Y. OVEM ER 5th Kison - ..---_ 12,3 231, Beciidco Pacîner 203, G.Richards-.....123 freue Whitney 207, Ena Etc-Uer Teaun Standings R OSO O.H.A. METROC JUbIDRa n ce m. Mofiat---------------.....123201, 213, Jackie Trimbie 232, Palmern-----------18' t uA.bETRaJUIOR\B". Coonîbes __. .. 123 enc Buday 226, Helene Bennett 40___ A 'uccessfcuId.ance tuts hdE. Coomnbes-------------....20 Burgess 223, Doris Polly 226, E. Brock -0-II H Ou CK~E Y * s U ixnn'leB Dn. Pao don................... 120) Onie Etcher 204, Helen Vix'ian 0. Etcher . - 38 W. McMECHANPesdn b, the BowbnaGra'ilie .-- -114 216, Joyce Major 218, Muriel Bruuît 36 BIK-PNIC-AAI 3:15 p.m. ton chlu i huc4luouse, M \Grhami.................107H1o4261egyHye rn3 UCK-PNIC-AAIN AXIL. M King Street \\es-. recentiv , . M t . - - --.... ......107 H245, Me 6,g eGibs 23, DotGrantche------_ -324 SCHOMBERG 'Ken Hookin. Dr. Keith SîenîoniR. Couwan .Brooks......265,6 Joyce Tbbs22, oat H. Brk2 and t-he president, Don AiîinM- Maindonald.........2r or 6,JyeTnatH Bok---- 9Poe6 uchre i Quinnoy---------... ----- ,Dois Joui 222. 248, Ber- Sleep 28 BO II. V S.L PIw- r- ATSnîcchfrgte e of aranged- R. Bradley ..... .........67 nice Tery 213, Pauline Wii- Harrison2616KnSt& Thcere andt 'Tain Sandig Barb Butlonsiay 215, Mabel Aeae ADMISSION i ucaJteVaried progu-ani Pts. Williams 222, Lorraine Martyn Onie Etcher -- ----------- -18 ofpûpular nuisie fou- danciug'Lobb ....... 13 229, Shirley Bickle 225, Jean George EllioIt 213 Adults 75e Students 50e Children 25e .ru-ddby Bil1 Millar's or- Cas-le------------.... 12 Sellers 202, Ada Richards 203, Norni 0'Rourke___ 21 chjoetr. TO eB own. a n uch1 M oati d ---------... ....12 242, 221, Kay Beauprie 210. Vince Prout- 207 SUN. NOV. 2 PUBLIC enjyed TIe Bwmn iPatf.îel ..............--------.12 264, Marilyn Wiggans 257, Bob Glanvihle- 207 25SK TIG Badminton Club is planni . .ibso.....-- 10 June Baker 225, 222, 223, Helen Ellon Brock - - -- 2041 8 0pnta hold a sou-les of dances dur-f Brooks-------------......... . Dunn 281, 210, Nancy Bryans Harold Bennet 203:h igtb witrsesu.T. rw........- .7 201, Donna Preston 23, Norma ýHap Palmer------ 202j neit one~ will be i-n Deceuuber. i Sellers ......- .---- Ga~y 209, 247 Ruth White 213. jHjj4a £roc"àu j IUKIoPICSýè By Frank Mohun MA 3-723X SOMM71MES IT HAPPENS We've been asked occasionally how we go about find- Ing enough news to put together a column every week. Mostly, there's plenty of sports action going on ln Bownian- ville, but the odd tirne we must admit we have to do a littie digging. Sometimes it happens that we have a great deal to say, and this hs one of those times. But - the column Iai't golng to be that long, because we're tired and we're going to save some for the next week or so. It was quite a sports weekend though, wasn't it? Tele- vision offered the eastern playoff, western playoff, Inter- collegflate final, N.F.L. and A.F.L. games on the rugby front. Baturday night we had N.H.L. hockey as usual. On the local scene, Saturday evening was also the season-ending golfr dance and trophy presentation. Sunday we refereed a couple of hockey games, visited Southview Curling Rink, toured Ken Nlcks' new golf layout, watched haif a rugby game and managed to reach the arena in time for the final period of P, the Pic - O - Mats tilt. We didn't play golf (hung up the sticks a month ago), but miust have seen 40 or so enthusiasts belting the bal on ,., Southview's frozen turf. Golf, hockey and curling all going .. en at the same time! 77 7 t t t fy y' SOUTHVIEW WINNERS Had a fine time at the closing festivities Saturday "' t. night, and thought the readers might be interested in the trophy winners. Besides, the editor wouldn't take our picture so at least we'I1 get our narie in print. And away 1 ~ - __ we go. AI Closlng Day Prizes- Bob James, Bill Crombie, Vivian! LocalrCkSY189w Cowan, Martha Stauffer, Eva Warren, Ray Twist, Frank Mohun, Wiis Stauffer, Jack Gay.Ci I 4 FlIIht Tournaments - lst-John Ford (won twice>; 2nd-ICont nue .t.rUU"-LUIgt eI Bob Guthrie, Frank Mohun; 3rd - Lowell MacDougalb1IOFu'Mrrasn wt Bob Sheridan. 0 Tz and kjrisn wthfv Champlonshlps - Junior Champ. - Ricky Gay. Junior Flight - Bcfore on oý1largest1 Dorrnlaters v.îngthe fourR i e s T a e Sc n Dave Kerr. Ladies' Champ. - Martha Stauffer. Ladies' hockey CrM4dutâ çhtness afl manv ilo scorng attack whîlied Bowm~~A~ . ntermediates Ken Roberts iead their depart- WInmers of the championships and sex'eral tournamnents received their trophies. four ga:nts theContha ofi, .i. ftr owr Men's lst Flight - Jack Jarvis. Men's 2nd Flight - Ralph made, t t' . .WIns in a ru as' ment wjih two assists apiece. Tournament Chairman Joe Smith presented h wrs tlf,\iinrh~fonbhn - eîlAe.Mns3d thFhightAtlft iva 1 ac Prkr.te ltatd iiII" ii dAI bd nttd h + t t t'1rerton Air Force club last looked better and deserves a '.owan i holding two trophies ior winning the ladies' flighit and the final day J Horncts i he fîtgiea UtEurso v ers u HAMILTON - CALGARY GREY CUP??- * giant share of the credit for tournament.I centre, r Smitht, presents the junior rpyt Rick Gay, the Local 189 tl-il u-Lodlanio rdtewn Those fans who biave been the Shamrock's prescrnt posi-. a fine golfer, who is also making a fine name for hiniseif as a hockey player dlay niorning. i h w nnt. Could it be H am lton vs. Calgary in the G rey Cu:jl? Wtching the locali s Inrk ou t tion of being ied for first w ith W hjtbv D u l p J ni r " " t a . A gh is h e n n' c a m o , J ckn 1 Montreal midght upset the Tigers, but even wihot ust have been îiprcsscd Uv Haks. ________ecrutis e tcîU fn]'ptI îOon ~e they're strong at every position. Guess we'll h a id it the deterriiation and qîîality Sc<îro is again proving pop. eotYo ae W~, ont thSmih lise oked ardn'dtcetkte iuky prurathoed Rhoice ofhadgive tUe1-lor HoîeB I 2 2 Western Champion hs, san.reived ful cooperation rom #ýr camne %vithin a hair <of ocks lWl nets a r40ladnteopB-n 1 2 I thtth i wnt aeit uttechie fWnLt~g'sthe omiths ear's te ar d iiclc ett u- t nhe lu wck Do'n Lv-Cin'eruR oadckIs' aie- la t tadR ack teplyr adibsfaikuokxSeffconadpo, INr.BhCrseyfnal ou pinerr been r~jackpot, lutUe ac uic-laBildlhis eek' SH MOK F T ODSATShanurock (drive of tbe firýstptize will Uc wvor-tb$200()an DuA EndGrn D ow ni g SOFFruyersD STuRT l aas Grantery intoff in ae far uiil.\lwd.Thsrwee<1s)nsto3 e Bowmanville Shamrocks got o-ff té ynt an an îwo games. niezujiandise and well worth L 4-2, twýo minutintr A .Qine-()9 I the Interniediate Lakeshore LeaVite lut -week, winning both Thsis Thîursdcx,Eowvm,1n- winnitig. Mqs-eu-rrenon (C) I l6 m starts, ln Picton and here Trenton. The Picton win ville iviii host. ic Picton Mac- Any fa ihîi îing to travel Mni ernis-o n u tU U'gr- Td Fatx (C6 3 9 waswothfou pins ad helocals will have another chance Ialusi U eodmeig ibtttaut rno hs Bownanvilie Sham r o c k s, tu the occaý;ion as Uic visitoru ed ln larjeJ-rison 'ssecond 1,1, leaders rîýglit bakicnn-FeCol(B 5 8 ing of the two 'U.Jnidging F'ridav uight niay cail the Ar- ito n o to pick up another double win fhere Thursday night when1by thie strong fine up of the, ena for ruservation on the bus. 1racke tei eod vnihld n al vidc2-6aginiwi tt38scod <fthcseod in m Dn Pot' ei - the McFariands xii be here. Severai o! Believille's topJMýacs. it as easy ia sec iliat thiey *Tlî bus tvilI Icave the Arena! twO starts, holding off a de-,2 mnuerIBb llre fri(on pcnýid and Doni Ma'.ters uk:e 1r" ettl-C>scs h "d motdiî senior paeswl ei heln-pU h hmrcsNil vl ca îaugli çontenudei- for i:as close ho seven o'cîock as termined late ra]ly ta edge roared back and d-"ve h a aliCfect Pais ta make ii 4--1 strcaikau- 'u'î1îoaId513,tO have to be good ar'd (t should be a top attraction. Friday , Lak P or g ouphiotirs thi15 possible anO thC e i $.00 Trenton Globe - Trotters 6-5alongto swveep the puck awa-, isscodga. J t . - 01îlntIlf .u 0 tc ya.Such naines as Ron ui, '1,returiu1. Ibefore nearly 300 fans in the 'on a dlean. breakaway, eue West s ick-handîed pas, thrrc. took Ui-lea th dt-eimsb-oerteortpnigeid Iposes another big test when Bowmanville visits Trenton- LionelC Bothty, Keitilu MtcDon- But the gaie at Bowman- Iîitermediate hoane-opener ar t!,;ve Uit tUe .t and Ken dlefeiiders toalaie the nicc__t ýfore finallI' vxi, ~ Itc r.t"iî uawhl Uxh ltb otehastlso. o oh sats hl it n n r no ida no t d v e s gvand o r i le biAoe.a t tld~i gheIrt e e ora! Ar n, hus- Ro cts deletd sre golha <f nglt or t e oa. rin. e roeîNîî'e'n e.:oit ine e u-l b" 124 e Manager Bihl Orme announced that Alex Wisenman has1<if th h. teani and the game tbis1and be certain of a gond seat. 1 1 i! ttin T- T,.erv ti toth rstr fera rif ligwih UePi1- week should provide all hoc- i Givte the.çe boys thse backing 1ViCsti g Tenîtonîa 4.2sr e eniargin <if victony iF'aii-e-xs rc-bound el 'in t Tetarned t h otrate re ln wt h !--key fans iith a fulmeasiure iUey uI-eix e. Last xweek's first period lead, Bowrnanvil!L- The Shainnocks opeuied tie third mid Peul Wakr'iY's SPCd i SnLfeMiu'a<'h>rto Mats. Another big acquisition is Paul Wakely, the starry <fttectmet b3cae.codwsecletbtîts evened the score willîa pair scaî-ing early as Marjerrisonset iup Junior West's xviuîning (o oiycur leeîi- ot speedster from Port Hope. ~o! sec ond pcriod talle' ari Iclicked on a play ý,t1Kihiý[ýra :2 pederfo PotHp..KeithU Wrst wilh six points, makçe ibis one eveni greater.1 oeryi hadd-,Ws ndDnMses AsýA1hul Au k n d b iz e w an y , i a m f " S o o i p l a 2 0b e f o r e t h e G o e - i o t r s i c o t t t i e d i t a t t h e n i d - - ý i t i i i i u t e m , t i he ai i - - i . l a - n u r p r y s bueka In prise n-ioney. M ajor ~ ~~~~turried (il, iî .- -i amark. Don Mdtrs s i îcli't hav-e a s i4 .: '-plnwo t t O- NEW COACH FOR PIC-O-MATS M s M a# r League lfromIllie Gvlu e ctn r e-i si-îed y Putare rio .sru in-a Pou-t laie t it~' ti Wkù v' fo fîîthe. copeo ek g .V off-side ta tUeilers)toeut fi-ont, but Gravelle knotted club, Ray Preston, AlexWi- 'bu n aeurdîetginutueIasl at-ogIieddint htnvtgti. A cupe f ees goE.V."Mike" Osborne told thisl the margn to a single2 goal p,'- 'lie counit 40 seconds latcu. aîîd:moai) l John Potvl'?r dicln't . 'Ltefeyoabui. scribe that due to 111 health he would have to forego the' EliouuBrocik b d gare' <of Averageb 13-44, aidâ afier thAt the puck unti ui-cvled 4-L, ;,7tl o -BNE PSA ' coachlng duties with the Pic -O-Mats. Rememberang ýt8 q6026th f arieft. i 8Es Ou br 7 29ws edt yî<f tUe Shin- a t~ndi Roger Drake c-or-1i wnstuane, Aobioi:. Junior'X:l:l3 tMk'"wl-rle em fth at efi ueh ek a wntc askh ada7 p'z o iu Gee a- Elîott. 27 22! ocks' eiiii. i i i hie i:ust 1tIvolintes. ,and Keith West playidUg. . *'Mie's"welldrihed tanisof te pat, w fei sur he ~eelJ ckP n 'u lud d66 Rsa 0 i 2 Goahe Viîce24ns22e21--!eGthWelts digingresui- 4ie- rusele ws Us bet 1-IRchdr Av., Bwm(nitl could develop the juniors, but we know that il has been triple and. a si.fe gamie .277 Haop Pal ier 2' 2221--Gaul va h e+ real effort for hîm ta perform the important chore. SO ~I, mi1tUe single. ev(nt. This Lcs Susale-- 27 *,la J a *to wong B Teto b man- SUNthe iASSURANE COMPAon0F CANAD etter a long, excellent coaching tenure "Mike" has stepped, isflicfirt timeattuhilisuasn-or touî Brooi>7. 27 21f>7Trnto 4. bviiiaJoSUNr aside, after waiting until a new coach could be found. ge ihagin' idr30D'...1 rudie 27 2 16 Jack "Red" McDermit was nanîed ta the post hasti uap Pmluneu'l. iii71W 1h11iJac-kBotîd - . .M2- .211i The rUi i-i trrh-cr A:' '-,- week, and the club came u ilh a bg effortSd Hearle 715, Kau-[, Bickie and Ted Bagueli 7 23po o ocri OicudD I Im a Up W isfrs ae fe i i ise."Rd" e iarLna , ýJack Bond otU with 707. Rs- Hfallinan L4 212 1appîr' that taIoitli' on- BOWLING wlnlngitsfist ani alerfiv lose. "ed" btte knwn TUe l'utsbo\îlIes are atili ,Hau-old Bennetit 27 209 i daynIlt inIllte Laclin' as the slugging first baseman with Tony's oif tUe Beachesseh g Ii i:eitu usriî1lal - 7 0 o ege na2isrorigN - -- -5 Fastball League Is well-equipped to hande thie Pic - -Mats, ýschedule. CGeor!,e Joncs m'on ' jack Parker 27 2017 set-to, iUc î oP teais emergeci No. 7-....- - -_-------------47 having refereed and coached iiU sswa io okyboth evefits ix-iile buuwled *H-alik fjazerî____2î7 12()jvictorfiu. i ot cases o--rN.2----- - - system. en76., siiigl1e anid a triple Oif John Cuiter 27 205 the Iov:er dxiin No. I------------3 Theloal hae canc t iîprvethir ostin t 76.terThe Gener:ul also Iîad aujO- 'Beri Eniicy 2 20à, ::ut-edîg 3km~ NO.---------------...34 Theloal hvea hace o niroe her ostio t!s tlir 10igodine Il-a li ai' Fcy xx- glu 7 204-lfccu:eJPrecpiibut 1i11- No. 3 ..-------....3 weekend when they play Schomberg there on Frîday and ai had 10, Glen Hooigson 1 11,,EL( 3i 7 2) tm e u on luu- vud-No. (j ..- -- - the Memorial Areria Sunday afternoon. Tic Pic - O - Mats Jî rnCastle 115, Tenu M: t - DnOk .ý ' d 'iaViin. 3.îu d ed - o....... 14: trail Sciomberg by a single point, and a double win could bowledi a 3 gainuu total of 41)1-. George Stephen 2o 202 Lyl1e and Brookýs ivou ove-. Laltencoet ii ntid lc.1a'urence Luru-m-ouî 416, Jitu ,FrituîkSaîîîis --- 27 2Hayr.eý.,ta enan iIf hau tim cos taDixe n 37- atiu 'oV4l iuve cKuîiiglit 24 202 , tîiid uniw v.iîsb.-foll :..IM j MASON FIRES IVINNER liu40 14f fou'; 3'in o Glanuseiiie 27 20 ioi- d. r~fs: Pa ii 4 ed League . net11,44 7,x'~-' A tp o hU liI h Jon iason, right-w'iiger With . Alley Chai ter Caec k 7 20Mih îCae U Lawrence University. who bagged tUe winning goal in over-, Ed Lugtenhurg i -u5ihî hiold- --- a thnee ît'uv deaJiLoc!k for-,A. ne%,n challenger but tUe Un-uc as St. Lawrence edged Lavai U., Saturday rugi. linig down first pn iii tUe îourth î psiilin, ontýy tl-ee saine leaders has heen 'tUe ver-eshitim,-.') Àfttlrn fn i ponts back of!hlUe haders. ýpîcture throughout lUe NMsxed t m MIIL- - - j