Minor Hockey AUl players taking pari ir th he Recreation Departnient and Lions Club Mio ckex, teams wil] be admitted fret of charge to the Junior *B game betv-een Bowmanvil!e Pic-O-.Mats and Toronto Lake- shore. Gaine turne is 3:15 pirn AU mincir hocke, pla,, cr1s ere requested to either brîng back the pens or the rnoney this Saturda,-. Bantam League In the tir-t Bantarn gaine played lasi Saturdav thue Cubs defeated the Tîgers 1-0. Ger- aid Wright Jeff Gilhoolb- scored the winning goal for the tubs. The win imovoFd thp Cubs into îrst place in the league standings. In the second Banlai gai-ne of the day the Braves defeat- ed the Huskies 10-0 to pick up their first wiîi of the seaso:u. Robert Large (4). Brian Pet- ers (2), Tomi Carter (2. John Sikora and Jaînie McPhail ar- counted for the Braves goals. In the thîrd and final Ban- tam gaine of the dlav the Tee Pees defeated the Pirates 4-2 Io movein seceondi place in the league Standings Bill Eb-: (2), Joe Hircock and John 141crcen were the Tee Pfes gulscorr'r:. Alan Brown ac- counted for both Pirates goals. Pee Wee League In the first Pee Wee gaine of the day the Hawks and Red Wings played ici a 3-:3 tie. The tiecrnoved the Hawks into sole possession of fîrsi place. David Lcc (2) and Dan- ny Nowlan accounited l'or the Hawks goals. Red Wings scor- ers were Bon Mlcillcii. Grove Bennett and Sandl%- o\ n The tie left the Wings in sec- ond place in the standings. In the second Pee Wee gaine the Rockets defeated the Canadians 4-2. Bob Howes (2) and Jini Rob.,on (2) ac- counited for the Rockets goals. Gary Wilson scored both Canadian goals. In the third Pc-e Wve gaine the Itangers dctcated the Bru- ns 'i-1 to inove inb a third place tie withlî tc. Rockets. Tomn March (2) and Clayton Campbell accouritecl for the Ranger goals. Pan! Schm " %r (Warren AlderS .,cored for the Bruins. Lions Midget League In the first M.ý,idget gaine the Orphians dcfeateci the Cornets 4-1 to move into a 1îrst place tie ini the Icag-Le stanidinig. Bill Buday, Werner Walraff. Larry Simnpson and Terry Wal- lon were flie goal gettcrs for the Orphaos. Gregg Couci scored the Cornets lone goal. In the second M,'idguet gaine the Boys Training School chalked up their s e c o ni d straight %%-in bY cdefeatîng the Raiders 3-1 . The m~ii novf the Training Scnool înto a1 first place tic ,vith the Orph - ans. Dave Bro-.vn. Gilbert \'a- gamneýe and Brian Derrv uwere the goal scorers for the School. Peter .McCullougli accounted for the RaiderS oî goal, Juvenile League In the finrt Juveriice gaine the Caî.ucks scorcc - inii the final period Io defeat the Mt. oyaIs 2.1. kjrry Fal!u; and Ted Broivn (%a vnc De- vitb wcie the Canueks goal getters. Jack Xhaen accoLiln,- cd for, the Mi. Rox ais cmlv goal. In the second Ju\ciiile ganie the Midget Al-Stars detcatcd the Aces 1-0. to move into a fîrst place tic ît the Mt. Royals. WVayne Dowxn f<Mike Dickens and Dont Mrer accouinted for the Midgets' winnîng goal. Atoni League Ini the fîrst Atoni gaine thel Bisons and Hornels pla.yed to a 3-3 tue. Doog, Croug h ac- counied for ail three of thel Hornets goals. Doogie St-utt! i2) ard DvMark John-'ýn wer-e' the goal suorers for the Bis-' ons. In the seci>id gaine the Barons defeaturi the Rovals 1l - 1 to nove into a first place tic %wýith the Giants. Tomii Siînp,.O1u f7> and iMurray, Caxvker (4) accouîtcd for the Barons goals. Donald Ilrcw scorecl the Roy'ýals lone goal. In the hiord Atoni gaine the, Vikinmgs dlefcatod the Rains 3-2. Carry Carier. Stepheii Davey and J aines Baker scored fur the Vikings. Rain-s goal scor- ers v:cere Ntîkc Gilhool ' vand Clinton Canupoll <Pao)' Mai- In tise fouirtis .tonn gaine the Bisons defcabed the Boinb-! crs 3- 1. Doug Stuit. Ted Bro- onne and Rom Vais WaliRer ac- ciiuntcd l'or the Bisons goals-. Keith Swiîr-ored[ the Bonib- ers 01l. goal. Minor Hockey Scecdule Saturda.v. e-ember 8th Pee lVee League 7.00 a.. Leafk vs Ronýger; i- j:45 a.n.-- Ci-iriais Vs l3rU'Is fu S8l35 a-1n1.-Bearýs vs Itoc-etsd Bantain League C 9:20> &rn.- Fix crs-,s 'Teerer 10.15 ar.. braves x - Pirates 11:0(1 atin.- Lions vs Huskies CIE AtoiniLeague 11:501an.(uassvgHoiiets 3lidget League 12:35 puis. Raîderz xv- Ccniusets 1:30) p.ns. -euseraIs vs B.T.S. .luveniîe League 2.1:15 p.on. -Midgets vs Mb. Ro vals 3:00 p.nsu.-es vý Lamickcs .Monday. L)ecember lOtît .5:001 pvi mats 'sviking'; 5:45 p.ni. B oxaIs vs Bisusi 6i::i) p.nî Rouis xvs lonmirust. . Flobby Showc A1 coimtnuitty Hobby Shorw ansd Sale of Arts auîd Crafts is ta be lîeld aItIshe Badintns Club. Kinig Street East. Bov.- maux icl, Onîtario, on Weduies- day, Deceniber 12. in tise aiter- utoon anîd ex-eincs,' Ans' indîvîiciai mu o.gi-oup %,lto xx onir liRe to cisffîav or uiemoiîstnate theur arts ancd urafts or oiiîeî hobbies aI tIse H-aniclicraft Shov., (do ni rie- lax' un coîitaciig tise Hobbyx Club. Box 1523. Bow-nîativîllc'. oi- phnumie 6213-3587. r Olympia RESTAURANT nA 'EWbîle ',ou are inI to'wil for the SSanta Clous Parade rD Sbring te faiiy iii foi- -.FULL COURSE DISNLER \J A LIGI-T LUNCH r ORE A CUP OF COFFEE *o are a1waxs wlckome at . ' SOLYMPIA RESTAURANT Ki hng St. L.Bmowi ta lile FOR FUELS rYou "JUSI CALL" FOR COMFORT! Winter comfort is riglit at your finger-tips. Il takes only a phone <ail to emstire You prompt delivery of the (incst in Stove Ois t' Rubber Workers Union Outfits Complete League Local 189 Ujnited RL nto thir ltrcasury receit] four-tearn hockey', leaguie Jay aftcmi noon at llemor-ial .oniplete sets oif swreaterF 'resenitatioi being iadeo cmt D)on Kem p. show n Ih 10 îna i-kt lue evcnt. Alsr Local 189 Hockey Cornets Hornets Tiiu hu-gcîr- laduumg ('omiets Yii"r tisiLgIllOiri- eventià -aium- Itllut a loss. tnoctiic-iîs th rd i-lPlac-e Raidens 9-3 mîn tise opeiser of Scu idaYý,s Local 189 lloc-ex Leaigcîe. Tise Hou- ns got off t0 a l'yiîig star-t ini thî. e oslganse to adIidlt lasI plaie Bei uims a 9-66-set- bau>: Bri) - AMat errisoi. Ao- Ruisards ouI Dois Prout each fi-ri o pair of gosals Ici Pace ih lie Iadirs lu)tueur sixtii vue- tOrs - Jnuium Fowlcer, Bill Crcis- sr- aild Bull FIlms added sis- Ales. 1,10 'ci Hamiltii, Domi Bamrl and 1 Laurvy Pipr Goalie Stars Despit ýPic- O-Mt Weston Goal-keepe- LrirjeCanin- bels groit gual-teîîding dus- play tp Buux-iiauîxýile Pie-O- Matiusnutentiotn foi- bx'.o aîsdi a lualf peuuoc.. but W's t 0;: Dodgcrs Reptb blir i- cstfeatcd rec-ord inotautlas the - broke loobe in the ilmua I 10 umiutes, Scuusrlaa.-îienomuuaItthe Mcm- Onua I rn .->ruolii- r-. fir1 Iol after.teil ""Night-hawks"f 'Ucani Staildiiugs MI. \V-î -cUsaum M\. Capgo2 if-,m V. PickRnd 8 F. Plitc-r5'oiu1 à 1. Craoe1> L. CLrgUci15 ,M. Wisemani 158 F. Allens 153 I1, uts 15-4 AI. >i/iii154 D. Hi)Ioos i153 \V. MluNeil -152 3.gvrm;r151 E 1 ku ard 151 1Wli i r149 t, i'ccît -14p, S. CNomus 14-t AL. %urdi-142 R Rîr: ci 142 C'. Cols 1-t) j . Pal Ri t 39 ,. Seulgimi E. Cuomiiles 125 J. Baker-121 AI Fostur 121 O. cfoîîaîî 12S I. Hiaxx lsumnîu 114 M. S'.xr su 194 Iliglis Suîîle V. Pic-Rair! 286. Hugh I Trple V. Pîckaîr! 630t. 200 (jamesç V. Pi( Ram ci236, 211. C. cuihtiS 23 A2 t Srmt 231, E. Combes 22a. M. Wàîzmni 227, D. Hiol- va> r! 213. M. Sedmsan :209. S. Counîb- 209 F, Paterson '204. '103. *IL). E Pickcard 202, M,1 Hod;.,on 2UO. The Canadian Statesinan, Bowmanville, Vec. 5, 1fi62 9 LAKESHORE INT. LEADING SCORERS CI A Pt%. J'en. Keith West (B) .------ On.- Gravelle (Ti - Bob Marjerrison (B) Junior West (B) ---- Jack Sneddon (Bi Keith McDooald (P)-4 Joe St. Pierre (Ti 10 15 n 4 Il -' 5 10 4 8 Iii j> 2 9 R 5 9 >3 7 9 w Ladies Major Bowling League It looks liRe a race righit Lorraine 1.ar . (i downi to the i ire in Ladies'. Norma Gay ------ Afeno n Major League play after Ba- Shirley Bicîccl . 1' Rer had things pretty inucli'Ollie Patfield18 their own xv up until last Marg Peri-is - 18 B w igweek whcn thex- were dislog- ýBabe Browxn18 L d e "ed ram bhc top spot. elen ri an1 200 Cames oighfts action, fouir clubs are -Marion Slaghit 17 i Jeanl Lobb -2-0, 210. O)lie deadlocked foi- t:îsi teaio. 20 Cames Patfîeld 237, Greta Richard - ýith bx'ýo onIx- a couple of eg lve 21 2,Dr 245, Eileen Hieari 219, Ena Et- points baek and another pan- uDoo2t Sd uk l cher 205, Rose Cowali 20 4, only three behînd the leaders. '00. Aleg Gibbs 217. llelc:i Shirley Brooks 20o. Co-leaders Budax- and Et- Dunn '230. 272, Enid'Trimnto Averages c-hei-bath lost. Richards ed-ed 29-1. Nancx- Bryaiîs 236, Donna D. Book 19 Budax 2-1 ta gain a share of Preston 247, 23-1. Nornia (av telead, xvhile Etcher drop- 240, Ileleni Piper '221. "Mariln E.. Etcher ..... 196 ped a 2-1 decision to Jol1I Ba-! Pcarscn 217. 249. Dot Brook,,; O. Patficid.......... ... .177 ker moved back uLp. by virtue"219, Jovce Tennant -_16. 26!1, M. MIley- 10of a '.-1 wun over Haynes. 249. Essije Co,%:* .Hec M.Gbsn ~Lv0e vaulted hit a second Nicholson 208. 201, Ma i- e- 'A. 1-odgnori -4 17) il a'ce tie with Brooks, posting ris 230). 207, Onie Etchei- 21o, T. Lob .......... 61 the n ciht's jlne shiutout, 248. 233. DJoris Jol I 20.). 21:1, 1 . by ......1... 54 blanking Vivian 3-0. Preston Bermc-e Teri-v22.24 rn E.Halupset Brooks 2-1, and -A1a r t.,n Bromnicîl 21.Elihcl Morgali E. Mitchiell . i noved ta withi a single poiie '206. Karen Beaupric '259,Jo JV Matuii - 1 o3 caping the cellar by beat-, Lyle 235. 239,. Mo! Yiv Mous S. ~~n? BuReI-12 Patfield 2-1. - 225. 209. Irene Witiiev 2. * M. Coîx-lle 131 Jackie Triînbc had l-îerself -223, Helen Vix-li 21-1 S. Brooks 14j a profitable evenîng. rack 'iil gOhîic Patficld 21.Alarg Kii g K. Dodds - 143 u'p a 318 score to wi hi-h 20.ShrlyDav-is 2-loi. i D. Pertect 142 «single honours, also a S9.00) Btbonhaw 1.233. . Lor ro 264 R. Hutchinson - 1401 voucher fî-ornLande Hai-d- "61Maron 3. Bbe i-oxit 6.; N. MeFeetrs . - 13 ware for beatîng lier a\-erge eu-i22 E. Clark - 138 and a five spot froni Bowniafi- BeauCoie D2,cDll Viluis2 8 -j,3ville Cleaners. bv rollîng a 2 oneOsmîond 22ý2. RBise ;M. Da\wso! .13 Kelly, 210, Ena Eteher 20ol. G. Richar-d,, .), 300 gaine. E. Richar-ds no13 Ena Etcher carne up wvitii a ,W. Brownî-)18 big 295 ganie. followved b" o e W i n r W. Coomnbes . 1 2v Eoîd Tennant 292. Hlelen DunM r i n r M. \'IDotiaid - 126 272 and Joyce Tennanit 266. B. :McDonald ..1,), JoYce Tennantl put tagCîher A à.I n Kitsoil Li , - . dV'I U"Ii-' iu - p. c- Several aiea i - rs x r ubherî Woî kers ripped dccp Pi-esideîît.Counicillor Ken lHooper. Execuotixe nember M.Iofal to i) un689dDoîn Pcs ost successful xxitît nîeii- vil- t1v Ici lcnd a iîand lo tiheir Paddy, Dolan. Sports Officer Ralph Oî-mistoii and John 'NI. Tippins 17 Teani Standings tes iii the reietd Rp lss \vIIi fmnctions cvr Suri- Baker,. president of the hockey league. Faciiig off at L. Grahani 1 115 1 pl, Fair-. Toronsto. Inieluicii itlt 1Aîe c'ialiue. '111e>- suppliedi centric car-e Don Masters, righît, vice piesident of, R., -Coxxati 1 ist of winners w-cer (Jpii s orcditcr. it its fieWre- no n îce ecaiPt .Xht 109j Baker 211 Show. Whcat, Soit whuite wxiii- fo echtern it Ileth OM.eWokeQ nininnlocecx-eeri 10e t2'Budav ...2- ter.* 2nd. A. L. Blaîsc-hard, nil Sutîdax' . 1 Union 1>1esi- Stace\-. whiile otiier famniliar- faces in the 1 ague reR. radle,! Etcleel-.2 Hampton. i-c dropping t1ise- i ust puck shriwn aIt te rear. Teas tanding Richards ...2 cais~Broo 0ksi Restricted Shiov- ]Ea,,teî pi.cscl -it [ullion Vice -~.Lobb Lvle l canada- Oats: I. 'w. J. Vel- MeDonalel 15i Prestos n 1 owlees & Sons. Eimiskijlcln; McLughîî :36,787 Cx-: . . >Joli . ,Six Roxv Barlcy: 1, Carnet Loxx single ansd tri ple_~ P.,Patfield ' a7c .. - 7Rickard. Bovnîaîîx-îllc:rx- <i;odfiecy 84. S. Buiîcry uî Gbsî-.............. J. Ve: ning 9fViviail C',row.'.barley. 3, Carnet Rick- :.Vnig369. Brooks - Patfield 13~ arc>. Todte this sCasiol. IiilibSellers Maiîî2 4-lSov Ser Grus ,siiîgle anud triple. Ted. lMec- Browxn. . i F.ari-Y Oabs: 1, Har old Ycllox- Lol A o n 1auglin 346, 7901. i Averages iee.,Einsiln R o i A l n g owsogl acI 6,-) S. Dr.Johanines Holin, Ex-; BeriCe Buda x 214 cr*Chlii*vhp,,0as W ViII Aa R. Twisti0 national union Agamîst Tub-1i Oie Etelier 20 6 Ennirkilleti; Si\ Row I3arlcy: erculoeLagir.iisays tha aI oftIseiJoyce Lyle --20t :,Chamipion. Carnet Hh-kai-d, T. l\ltecL.C lglt fo D a gley -2 9 xo-ld's chilcren are nfected Heeis Dunn200 Bowinanx-î le. hiuukcd ic er> it-sîb or dr T x D Baie\)5wuîb toubeî-cle bacilib-le DonPrso- - - 199 We appreciate rcu-viig. -Ibtird place Raider>. Serc a ii a pair-mîof1 l. cLaugliliti2:3turne theY ai-e 14 Ii counitries Jumie Bakei-r 197 from an iis;owm IouriT -a ntril theligtcap. the Ilornetz goal anîd ilrer assusîs. COil K Yn 01 liRe Caniada. xx-tl adx-anced i Eia Etchci 196,page froni bbleFiee Pre -:,; inioved four poinits oui iii f non> Fergiison reguuisered a hat- C. Sl1ills 196 prevenitve pi-ogrammnes, the Dot Brooks .195iWeckiv Prairie Foiui-r coui- 1ii second place, runining up a Irmck and ait assist and Ruttanl K. MeC))ll 195 'percentage inteuted at age 14 Peggy Haynes 194 taiiing a coinplete i;I cf 5-in leacl. bmfre thc Brimois i;t scoîred txvCice. aloisg xwitlh an, B. MeDonalil 195k is xo ta tfoui-. Kay Beaupi-ie 191 Field Crops xiîners. flit. score-sheet. Il vos 9-2 xutls ssust. Pou) McCullough addcd ___he t hirce minutsoes m-r-]ina lii ug. w-l the other rmaircu. mr «-W e the m-la-lvlisra pped i iTe Biuilis s c-oimmî x Wif Ilt,ý in usLxx nisîtles and22e-ilx dix irld anîoi-g Doin seconuds. ïMasters. -Hankr Laîîe aila - Tise Chunt.Frmgusoiî - Robi John Clark. eau-h xii a pair, M M E N 'S *Shermidanî - DouogRutililune Teani Standings A~ pickeri up a dlozeiu s1COriuse V L1 Fp t .ERE psoints and dcfuuîusari Raye Coume!' 6 0 I1 nWA West vollectcd a golal aulimheerlioruir-Is .1 2 2 i asîm.mi -riîgts IoiesRamdrimms 2 5 (n 4 ~IG S.E BOWMANVILLE :isFoId in Third HA EVRTlNF# >titi Undefeated wa iiiik of Ilotiid p id CJ-llelled thse fort turne to \li- le Plu104.i iti agaii as Xeso îî Caibl un d iecev ho a poiocms de- ii ii, li x i lumixx mu lis crice in thle final stan/a. M\ENSI'BAN-LON"I~' opei ig spssitiu o. Illie teanis Boxxsan iiîlle nissed t1vw-ri E ' baluleci to asoel-stir-," - oldupponbciîties tri lie tIse fus~ ~ ~~~~~~~%le t --%uîr ieClfîu!suuc*xIc-iiWsttail i Iar!the ~M ~ ~ R fina lxsoîxr! onipelis îs - oalir- rîrux'. umbut didiît lift tise fl*i3 ouc s. cluckuuug nuu JacR puIc1k bli i lougil, amîd Moore luelecosbnfo iîsu ~ hîeo oosr~M pas, aItihe 2 :20 manrk, Box'.- ht1e c- fou!. * AClie of olo 1llsljVull i tcli t se cconids liimiIsle rooif frit n. Gar- ýj 1il -- - -IR T Lite om G rs Xil1er miila-hit baguerl ims seco)ad Reguiar $7.95 Valut*PLID suir -ffî nd iu i l- lir.i 'nais. Cliflord iotu-hed Mals forgî-d oicPLoAINS ~ HRITAS ECA (ha I. ol is second iand! Briami Screeî * PLAINSASSPEIA lo ok Stan i s rI d Jiiiosligties.ndTIsbrnt e *ALL SIZES chaiusgî~~a(124\etalls Juuî Joimls.T hesaur! AI sborn: Recg.$399 B~~~~~~li, ui cDiaII xmultleGarbcuît. Osborne ansciGai r-"D ~ T (oult tail ýlr bul l'il]caile wthii M N'S ORL N" HRISTMAS s n i wouI f î t(r- pe-nirl .cc-oilýr. viii i thais lxxoI ciudrç ci alz b' Ti-u - i arli-1it iiinil rnicim s sunI Jcr i i Roxx mrti' arie il \Vc stous lîcîr a 35-16 abats - 1 42 u-ga iagin. C______N TeaniStaningsClassie V-nleck Style*M Button Front Goodyear Lg.ToPkes; Choice of Colors$.5 Foui Bc-lts Ahl Sizes - .Reg. . 52 to Laboi-atur'.-. Tlîursdax- Coîis HEST ASSPCIIfor $5OO usiislt is(ood.î-or Bowliiug CHRaISTiASe Sisop s au' uons but ther i'cIIuIIIe- p Fan ýLab-oratoî a) î Beits xxere abîle tus inuster Ofc U-----------............ ~ . .'. ousî\ la 4-:3 der-isiouî oxer Ho5e Lear! Pre5ýs 48 ungauîbx- îo:s.'F'ise Cuiii- T ger ME 'S4)N rIs utse atcdoi îexce-lent oppor- Comsbites -n >44 tUn t1v o i 10helltises- ' -cî-cBanourv 18KtA INY K P R A lsausidnla bug 7-0 upsct <efea: Hio C f WaerReP ARKAnS lix( : a li nbtrx sl e fihBet*1 easvy Duck whlult. L-ad Piic.- sslkI ir l ,L R~*Wooi Lincd R~ural Bowling -11Pop*at Lamnate'> 1 mm mi ecl last place, Be1 t,- 4-3t.. ç JulinCartr lici abi, gh'.Reg. $14 9' hu Ciri sr1obuTngI , % k awraI gooid ~Fabric. ~CIITA i' -iiiga fullc :360 ii uuglc- alonu ýig b, hebo,.s 1think ît CÉîTQ nisganir îof 276 and! 211 Ifoupi wh k so far thît s"O o$10ie099d PCIL o iagu 87 tîpl-.lIn :1>)cf-so .Thto top îm en e (15 erî.iCviu .7(0T, (Latgtln 346. 236, L20t Weg- -eav ocucL.ucr fruiu (.sboî useSpcur*uý 8îR. TuI3 10.211, 205-'! and Warni H av lor bowl: ig !56 ;pus (n\el, lîý 1i . e uîu averge. Pa, W'ýjikr urn M'- 11ýý a ý yS vPlaid avcag- R. e.-ak- î-nlim a er thîs x'eek Baut- iShades ccl il' a 298- 259 and! 243 ser- il te ,gJe aveiages T.Me- i t) ecord an 800W nI'lcs 0:. ahicihe average Ix' Ias -* - *Reg. S29.9D5si hit 0Ii, hig oasI ett 3 idlerolîed 3-16, whiichk -n CRISTMA Br;aii 'Marux n 77. JacR Bond is 14:3 over aver-age. So lie got CHiISTMA * Ail Sizes 7,04 1 Hoxvourci Bronie-N 699. a Pep)si Cola conier- vorth S4 ~ SPECIAL AiCor " v.cl O'Ruutrke 678. Alf Raid:e OfOhîx.a anrd Jack Honex ilin bont<t xx iis Team Standings Re. $.9 676's and Arnold Lobb 658. Tea m Pts. 9 9 SIL Crý;n ad eCHRISTMAS$2 ~ foiý :xr xJOkHonevnsaru EîînuskîllieîîSi. 24 SPECIAL 9 22 o',rORoiurke- 277. Solina _$ Eu Sd Mort- -i271t, 250'. J;lun Blc oc I hloueR, 264. Keii Njcjon 260. nlaniptous __-- - ----- SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION 0F GIFT ITEMS e * Mlauri-e Coîîxx-o. 273Frank S ae ----D ES-LAK--GL VS-SC R ES BET-H ND E CHE- Wrigils t257. B .DRS SLr-S - - iESa Sr!RVTvrBLie à N -EIlIEF HoorlBroîsîrci both xc cih Enuîskllen Tnt. I 12 41 -Iota.' 12the bes t il 10 w 1lk off witli triple, other highs At Koyal rair £Iq ecrýeatibn OR e'ewss MONEY AVIL ABLE JFOR NORTGAGES JONES & GREER RAILPU 5S. JONES ,T110MAS Il. GREER 13«tKing St. E. Oshaiva 728-6246 moal or fuel Oils REAING or -plu. Furnace and 5410 STEPHEN FUELS OFFICE AT C.N.R, YARDS s '-I Ç