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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1962, p. 10

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10 The. Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Dec. 35, 19(r Nine rnembers attended. Wednesdav, AnualMe- oOnai.eea 1Nunber Three met Wednes- AGRIIUL uURA ha nd th- sA= e etti TtlLodnL day afternoon at the home of RIKLULUKUnite a d 6th-.. Sssins ___________Basic__Structure_____Mrs, Frank Butt, with eight Ontarid o- prvso auay1 7 members present. Leader Mns. j AIEIJI'AR OThuari.RyalYok Trnt.Tusdy.Jna615t Hil read a poem '"Life's Les- I ~ bI M t p.m.- Ganaraska CosraesAnulndan son.*' Fo]lowing a hymn and Wdedy eebrSh tion Authority MeetingPr ut Federa ion Pr sidentpraver, MrshStanflord Van- 800 p.m.UridHighHo~. dvaui Cnat 4TeCuhinCrnh County Debating Competition. Blackstock, Annuel Bnut rdcr. Drcosc o which was followed by a dis- The Ontario County Junior Durham CunyHoistin lb ur 4-1-Ot ri cussion. The roll call i Farmer Teani will debate with guest seaker, G. N. Hw.adVg rwr ovnin Speaks a! Annual M eeting: or ars %ork"Sone books ia ter amersonthKipic 800d.-Duha The basic structure of the1 shp- Mlford White, Weston 1 Township- John Knox, Bruce caiNs made. Materials were Council Systers of Governaient1 ing, Dept. of Agriculture o- Jn 3d-2t,1:0an IFederation of Agriculture wasBannister; Cavan Townshp- 1ylr; Cartwright Toiwnship'donated and purchased for a in Ontarioi Satxsfactory"l. manville. -ootCisun xii outllned by Mr. Art Musgrove, ITom McCamus, Erie Falli'-Dalton Dorrel M'err il Van:l ieedv family.1 Closed withI Wedniesday Decemnber 5th, Monday, flecember ltinPak nîlMeigfu president of Ontario Federa- Clarke Townshp- CIarence ý Camp. I vniii and pr-a,.er. I030.m-Anal Meeting.,1:30 a.m. - 3.30 p.nx. ir-'h rvnilSuadC tio c Aricltre wen e lu Do SdpesManer Te eectie Illxdct rs. Kenneth Lee wils hos- Big 4 Guernsey Club in Elack- ectors and Project Plni1IpoeetAsc wa get pekr t u a-Townshp- Ray Robinsone 1 heJnar1îrcor s for Numhcer 4 Unit on stock Recreational Ctre MeetingDlra riual banquet at Port Hope Lawrence Staples, Danlington meeting. ______ _____ enre. g, umrem Su ad e.4- -Otru ua onHoe ataeha2 prtc.atonneun bers -and four visitors et- cars sparingly and on light-Bad Room, Dept. of Arcl enslv Hsatt eduny at particiApationT O C Ktendet. The worship and Bi- traffic roads. Igsrane corn-Non stein Foian AsÏc. o! Ca potn n sete fteHelen Donneil and Joan Gra- discount fr-cm the pnevailing thumberland and Durhal p okHtl oot. t work cf the federation is to <lntended for last week) met et Mrs. Roy Ta.ý-i i s o a.Ti omne iharrlisrn eaeI pt oun evs esl gotionsth e F h Msegr adlaesTuesdav afternoon v th i nne Biblical contest. A udrney Rb ~ ~ ,--a This year for the finat time castle. Magmn Cose level te be further studied. iflet Tuesday aternoon. Meet_ members present. The leader Wright read the seipture 'g~tÂukkareceives separate listings have been Thursday. D)ec. l131 :0 OACGulh_______ xng pene wut thesxnxg o! R. Duff opened the meet- passage. Joan Graham red congratulations and a warn welcome from Ontario compiled for farmes and .m.- Orono Towi al: -- ______ tahseara reoi seented "Suig oen ih the Lyna Kytfrng with a scripture, hymnithe meditation on "Training HYdro Chairnian W. Ross Sfrike con his appointment mosIt farmers wifl benefit urham Junior Award igt te he a different version o and pra3'er. The Bible stuivl of Little Childrcn," and Helen frcm the change. Peetto !seilpie toth Mark. chapters 9.-12, %vaWs Don-ell led the discussion and as Second Vice-Chaiman of the Commission. He sue- About 220 thousand farniers and trophies te Durbi4I l Decembeten NigatntsaLong , ago esn by Mrs. Kenneth Sain-'offered prayer. The leader, ceeds William G. Davis, M.P..P., for Peel, who has been are involved. Club and Junior Farinermin complishments during the past Th emoferNinght a onreceived by and a discussion followed I4rs. Glenn Larier closed the nmdMnse fEuain.PbihradEio f Ontario farmers, the great- bers. Guest speaker,MrLe lew years wene given by Mr. Teo rn a eevdb etng with prayer. th aebidge Heraf daete, MPblsr adEiro.o 1 KathyGunterand deicateà Numibe Two mt the BacebrigeestrlsingletegrM.upyn uWhobe,,instsioglegropn, bAgr. RRypBowVictoriap Mduigrove.Kah Gueradddatd N brTomt et the B~usiness at a îî Unîts con-Byr Wowl about 94 thousand drivers, are County. and two Helr. firen me- toe oOntarEreot aor a uesary tnd th-Staf A eeti~on from thetbrszusnlered the roll rail. Instead o te uoraryÏsisted of, ronndin.g up the d*! be 49 on Deoember 14, is maried and has one son and one exception te, th e trenid.Tsdyad Wded, reeainwsmade by Mnî.lIDianne Taylor read the storyllunch et the finish o! the Ici-en, departnients adpre- w daughters. H was is elected t theOnai Accident statisties frOMai anuagemelintdorkh..C Deug Kemp te Larry Wýelsh, lof the origin o! "Sulent Nighit." 1meeting, this Unit met at IljParations for annual reports; egslt ur n15 adwsr-ee di 15.pincte wthat faes i atun ayJauuary Oh ç Bowmanville, and Bill Olan, i Pictures repnesenting t h 1 jp.m. and began %vith dessert. plans for cater-ing te the Hol- ~îutr n15 n a eeetdi 99 rvnewl bbyfc 10:00 an.- Durhani Sî n Millbrook. winner of the 4-H'sevwreclrd Meeting Mrs. Harold Kyte gave the stein banquet Dec. 8th; sug- fr nOueds HYdre, PhefWe fuw $o*@e, 420 Uhiuwy MAb*., 2. Ourdom rate increase simnilar te the Crop Inxprov. Assoc. Ana Potato judging competîton ti« 1c]osed with the singring of, worship on "The Chiurch in~ gestions for the nominatnaeagfraUdirsnteMeting. r m osi Guelph.i Christmnas songs and carols. I the Commuinit." 1,rs. Rom- I £omrittee: and arrangements - country . . .about 10 percent. Head, Field Cropi Deptr~ The following directors for'1 All Units of the U.C.W. met - cii conducted the Bible studv [or a program and candle- Ray Larunen, Pickering, and Ratinarioinranee com tanhtes pliuentstickr 1963 were elected: Hope Town- ciuring the week. Number- One 'discussion on Acts, chapter j' ight service in thie church, Mn n r.Bb lthrirm r ea. rups Sarce cunti'- Frda..JnIl 0:0 r t ecu be ut a :3 n. Lindsay. F r e s e e i Durhini County ost n * *. Prize wunners at the L.O.MiesetreHnrad- studying the accident cOstýClub Di-ectors Meeting.Dp !BA efr Tuesday nught sissGrrdeHnyadtatistics. These statistics give o! Agr. Board Roon. wcme Hih ldyMIS Ca Doris Gniffin, Toronto, and rum Iiuurance eonly a gencral indication of! Sat., Jan. l2th, 9:00Cr.- Cwrze: Highgentd, Mss Ed- Mr. Jack Swain, Glen Ross, the wev that rates will gorf igEdad ot. 1ward Colby; low lady, Mn 1 Frank Bailev, low gent, Mr. respective homes. Clasificaion could affect the statistics mus1 Fparmens of Ontario. Thepo Ic! i iStanford V1anCanup; d oer Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Str-ong be considered by the lisun- gramime ivili censist c on !rzMms.,Cei il visited Mn. and Mu-s. Rois Canadian fer-mers will bene. ance man. petitions ini public spekig The ONO.Club entr-tain- , Onillia, Sunday after- fit fr-cm a ncw method of Rates for individual fRr-r- choir, quartettes and tro.CRU Their hO usbs n tr- Bry Hbb ad i classification which is te be ers could also be a!feeted by Set., Jan. 12, 12:00JR GH nigtht. ir st, ds onper- introduced by many automo- a change in their classification Peterbonough a n dDitctPUBG HETN t Manh. ster arbeue aset- isCo ry lke spendheweek-bile insurance comupanies in caused by a laim during the Duel Purpose Shor-thoruCu S A L Eiovncesters.Batoncemi-cI end irn CTorkeont ewek 1963. yean or a newv under-25 driv- Annual meeting, Diana Mtl iiinSre ot joyd, rsDalon orrll nd n Trono.Far-mers have traditionally er-. A year of accident-fre Peterbonougi. M > ncla y', D ec. ~ 7Pf11proposed a toast f0 the bius- Master- Phil Roeil, Cour- paid less for their insrnance driving could aiso bring abouti January 14 - 16 - ariA>î BOM VIL bands, te which Bob Wheeler tice, spent the weekend with since most fermers use their 1ower rates. ______________of__Canada_ mod y e . 1 t eplied. Frank Butt proposed Dennis Romer-il et the Manse._______ r-nsfCnaaAul the toast to the wives and Mr. a.nd Mrs. Roy Trewln, Mms. Iarvelv Grahamn replied. Gail and Carol, Mirnico, Mn.; TIR - p. . S arpThe club president, Mrs. Rich- and Mns. Earl Tuewin, Donald TIME - 1 pn. Sharp ard %anCa.,ip cevieived the and Doreen, Eniliskillen, visit- To be -ýVWfWUE **~yeam's acomplishinents. There cd the Fred Tnewins and AI- held atiITLWflAVEN AII'ILI>. Iwcre interspersedt by wvoden- bei-t Wrighits, Sundav. Glad fui accordion musical nuin- to report Master Banl Trewin which is on the Scugog Road 15 miles north of Bowmanville and %2 mile ;bers by Miss Tina Kozub, able te return homne from hos- south of Blackstock or 7 miles east of Port Perry via Highwiay 7A. Newcastle. Following this, ail pitl. ONTRIpO :Wcnt to ýhe_ home of 'Mr. and Glad te ixear Canon Ash- 50 WE OFFER PURE BRED .50 ýMrs. Ernest Swain and played re j is Ipro'ing and hopes - j Ruinrnoli anid fin ished off the to leave the liospital tbis HEAD HOLTEIN CATTLE HEAD i htln.t1ppoxiatel atteded.MissNora Varning, Lindsay. i and 2-year-olds, as well as a number of Yearlings and Calves-iM. and Ms ln a- m Penny, Port Perry, visited We ae oferln a sefu grop c Freh an Sprngig 1'nng owsi, Mr and Mrs.Dalten n a- Mn, and rs. G r ye; ~I , i i~ I GISJ 6 k ACCREDITED - VACCINATED - BLOOD TESTE!) mer and Mr. and MUrs. Tenny -Iand . Cla, Vening, ayn Themajrit ar redyforfmmdiae epor. son Sarnelîs attended the Fed- ao] LiU N A N Sunda-. TheniJoltyar rad fo Imeiat epet.Ail cattie tested or leration of Agriculture Ban- Mr. id Mrs,. Kenneth StI- cligible to enter listedl or certified area herd. quet nt Port Hope, Saturday ver, Way ne and Bnian, Lang- neon, staff, visited Mn. and 1'dus. NEXT SALE WILL BE IIELD JANUARY 29th Mn and Mr. Harold Swain Bruce Mountjoy and farniiy, Sale Managed by: attended the Kirk Christmas SutndaY. TREWHAVEN FARIM LTD. Auetioneeri Tree Co. banquet aI the Fiy- Mn and Mrs. Benson Dunn, R.R. 1. Burketon. Ont. ing Dutchinan Restau r a n t, Oshawa, s p e nti, Wednesday Phoo lacstck986497HOWARD TREWIN, Blackstock. Boivianville, Satur-day even- withl Mr. and Mrs. WilI For-, ing dem.1 Ê* N DECEMBER îon*, the lt nîesr Sunday guests of Mng. Geo. Rev, and Mns. Ronald Camp- Fowler were Mr. and Mn,. bell and two sons, Toronto,;oth -ivraDel called on Mr. and Mrs. Har-od! Martyn and boys, Monday. i Rights - we can note wt o ests Mr, and Mrs. Theodone Wat. 4 - -son and thu-ce sons, Caue-ou faction, that ini the past yearorPovnela were Sundav gtuests of Mn.ý and Mrs. Rnay lradburn and, ae nte usata t farnily. tknaohrsbtnilse o adipe Mm. and Mrs. Oliver gLib menting its principles by theeateti bard, Oshawa, and XM.Maryý Webbei-, Jowmanvillc, wene the Ontario Human ilitsCoe Sun day guests; and Mkiss Ma- blhe Pow ell and Mn. Wesley y b i g n to e h r n c Powell, Oshawa, and MI. and' Mrs Fian Carte, \iap] -e :l<Jrove, wrvMor -1av tsof Mm We a e ail of the various human igtlgsiin Mm. and Mm. Lw is Heur-y.passed since 1944, by enlaringtesoeo 'Mn. and %rls. Ralph Wood,!teO troH m nRgisCm iso n yapitn ultm ,. Tomante, visited Mr. and Mns. teO troH mnRg sC m isonadb ap i Onr Venning, Sundiay. Mn. and M1rs. flupert Wemry, Director with additional staff, we are now in a much etrpsto 1 and Mn. Roy \Venu-y ere Sun., l~ ralrenne euainlnormds~e day guests of Dr. andi Mrs. to yIoCeeM wth a ralex nd du ti a po Johin Werry, Bowmnanville.r ean cld d i ý make the aims of the Code better known and understoodbcu epe * Mi-_ Wilert Archîer-, We It is a matter for gratification too, that in the deveom nto t n i-da y vnn n udp o r m of e u ai n a d e l g t n e t h o m s i n i e e v Durhamn County Executive somnetimes in our own minds- and whîch deny to oui elwctzn meeting was held et home of that justice and equality of opportunity which is their inainbl ih Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cox, Bow- - - . .» e....» anville, Monday, Nov. 261h, ~~~i, -I1, , Iwiîh Mi-. J. Trudeau in the Justice, like charity, hudbgnahoe ch air. -. ______ Minutes o!fprevieus Execu- Let Human Riglits Day be, among other things,atmefrel tive meeting Med aI Caven HOW MANY KEEP THEIR SAVINGS IN A BANK? aMnd apprHall.Cre repodc examination in order to make certain that we are faithlyahrn lwsdeal ith by the chair-totoeofypnipeofteU veslecaaonnwhhth rnan. Much discussion follow- ' toe otypinile f h havea Dcarto Probably ail of themfThere are 10 milion svn dpstaccounts iedtins. letthand ben su aavigs epoit daties letes andecoig- Parliament of Canada and the Legislature oplaced Igesîed that O.F.U. hold their In hechateed ans, y ar hemot ppuar yp. Teyareusd annuel banquet. Turne and their seat, i n t i . h a r e r e d b a n s , y f a t h m o t p o u l a t y e . T e y r e s e dp la c e t e b e d e c id e d la te r . W .I. !nt Caven te be contacted. by al srteof eopl - ageearersbusnesmen houewiesfamrsSpeakers to be enquired about by a l s rts 0f p opl -w a ge.e rne s, usi essm n, ous wive , f rin raiand contacted. Much discussion followed artudents - who know their money is safe, earns good interest, and 18 the suggestion o! e Work Shop being set up in Durham. These Meetings te be under the aus- available whenever needed. And they like the efficlency and courtesy of pices o! O.F.U. Women's Coin-P- maittee and Farm-Labour or- *ganizeu-s. This forum is plan. the. mon and women who serve them f Your nearest branch ia the place, neti for nexî Merch. More discussion on this subject will JOHRN P. 1OAT take place aI the next regular for your savings - and the one place you can do ail your banking. meeting. M &T^ bo md isqý P m Turne and place o! next ~Pm iùeooai 0.F.U. conventicn discussed. More on this et a later date. THEC CHARTEREID BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY Meeting adjeurned. Regular rnonthly meeting ______________________________________ ___________ to be held et the homne o! Otto Bragq, Tues., Dec. 3,

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