14 The Canadien Statesman, 18owmanvllle, Dec. 5, 19621 was won by Shirley Williams 1îî u better worlds - tounertvmeta e.Noeder. and presented by B. L. Burk. Miss DxeG hr estudy Aristteade oe o 2yash Margaret Cowan was the win '____________ Plata, where we dsee a h ud feeysu t ner of the Underwood Expert nwtegadu fHmrs et h redo vr o .B.H.S. Com m encem ent Pin forsr mnue a ed1f0; ,ji;.~;~,~Odess-, the m:j:styoth d minutejIMjIro,# test.iI Book of Job. We leanbot silofpashsok (PROM PGE ONE) one. It is not thie purpose of awarded to Mary Betties, Don- The presentation of the ti a:'iei o a lthr on-tis on pelled you thus far in your education to provide a fixed ald Brown, James Collacott, Squair Prize awarded ta the, hp wv 'if - journey drive you on to great-i body of knowledge, because Monty Emmuerson, Dixie Gi, best student in Upper School Usuhre re a ler ingfoipi.Nwtesho s er accomplishments; that the 'knowledge is in a constant Roma Glanville, Susan Gray, French to the winner, Dixie N w E ' : er e c s If B .b .S brh to dah. oeiestehe anso MrLcs ambition ta attain this goal state of flux. It quickiy goes Robert Hagerman, Terry Harn- Gi, vas made by Miss . e Epr e n e n .. b lc darning p osi ad admn wo tegautn is replaced by an ambition ta Ou' of date. The purpose of den, Gary Housiander, Jc acc.LnaRbrswr involves difficulty,srugecashsknw a afid attain a higher goal; ta ex- education is to give students Humphreys, Dale In-lach, Judy the Joliffe Prize, awarded in "Tonight is a memorableWe ail remember being offiý-Ichers' College, Faculties of ind even heart-break.Btlf oetanamse.W n press, maybe, a thought which a start, but only a start in aJeffer, Sharon Leach, Sharon memory of the late Lieutenant night in our lives; tonight we cially welcomed to high Nursing, of Medicine, and thic is a chance to makeacor-trdhihsolune th the future or a word which ;should occupy themn for the ,McKenzie, Larry Miller, Doug- student in Upper Sehool His-,ý valediction, a bidding fare- wearing our pajama tops! Oh, nexv decision to make - ta! and serve each other n ogaut oih ne r will help in your search for a remainder of life. If they en-1 las Oke, David Orme, Larry, tory. G. R. Elliott made the' weîî. But there are so many that was a carefree year for specialize or not. The worldIgain the satisfactionof okLua.Wc re otntet >hilp opy;o o epresyahoptgageipreisprces, teirPeacegame RikarhDanepreenttionsthughsetibeexpessd beusJamehositslipedby.neeDiprfeseonl p o ietwel doe.'hav knwn wo uchmen -that your training will helpiknowiedge wil not become IRoberts, Linda Roberts, Fay, The Rotary Club Prize was fore thefna ieso many unaid so.Tos tslp e y edoctors lwes, tachers bute you to find the solutionseofoutmoued. ThinkinggisttheeRuma-,iNeilsSmithsPaulcpresenedtbyeDr. KeithWBu-nthanes t your problems. most difficuit of ail activities,jTamblyn, David Thompsor, iett, the president, ta the win- bFi e ar gven. 20 o umuked n ou o eare- Isit also naeds educatcdl t s "n otngtw rau Ad nw tetm a bFiveiyearsthgoover 200 commendd on ouroyear's slitJbhtterittkow ae-- Datee Wiendoteekinddoftfeyrcalltecornetanb commenceia - I guess hat is grdes werandtcom sence about smeth'.gYou a aitf ed aurtearer retwh U"DvrWsitClee, rontalo, tically human and the most Anne Werry and Mary Yurko. with the highest standing in: what you might have calied shortiy after June lst. about manv things? Every' Uaivethatay ou ighTorxpetrewrding of ail activities. iTha presentations were made Upper Sehool Subjeets, who us - 200 youngsters entered "The next three years have generation h las its. chalien.-e. more like fricnds.Itsacfsdcsndrgeam g Mr. Lucas stated. He further better at it than others, butjand announced by Vice-Prin- crest and honors in at least High Sehool for the first time. By then we were old hands ho taking over the places ofW o!'aiewa ions in this regard, and as- itwhich it is our duty ta de-1 R. W. Sheridan announced, The Hoskin Prize for the by, and in June we ieft these sed or excited us. Oh, we stim lworld. What we learn in theýýrdainfc i --erted that the idea is a pecu- velop. The person who wishes.the Secondary School Gradua- highest standing in English in halls for the last timne. We gazed in wonder at the awe- next few years nay weîîl gauainfomhg ehodnaepehtou-nMa 91 liar thin. IlIt cnnot alwys closour separatend waya.soWheraveerhikesnstabtetermtnathehfuhas bfeeh be produced when needed, one !constie and atchiete ke in whc erean presented byM.toswsw by Mary E.urko .room of Algebra e x a m s, with the entry of the newv world. we go, we have a ra n bet aelf itee canntnsa thay bytanagngb'ondiion nd wtc, is det.otacewas :olios:tKîth aailandCreretstmyaMisPE.toydsCratma Pariesy-d olle- sfrshmnn ciss, e thn ha "Bu wheeve"weug we astig mcory ! th f ilc lr fo othrs, nd t hav Our turne and energy we shahi He keeps in training by doing1 Jeanette Boc, Gary Burgess, The Biology Prize, donor the'bal games against the staff. someone to look down upon. have had our foundation here'ycars we shared herea epdten. r ipi a be bleto rodceonecognt om thnkig, ndhe know Elizabeth Cale, Donald Col- Brookdale - KingswayNusr Tonught we have corne back On slipped the sands of tim-2 at Bowrnanville Hiah Sehool. inanville High. dn hsfru.M.Lcs idea per month for the next that he can't succeed on an will, Ray Crombie, Jane de ies, was prcsented ta the win- taolod B.H.S. We will peck and with it our days at B.H.S. Our eharacters have beca vou hae doncfths for us live years. iexclusive diet of Time, Life, Jong, Wayne Devitt, Carol El- ner, Linida Roberts, byMr.A through the keyhole, once In years to corne isolatcd ev- moulded here, fashioned as it "hs fu rdaigt'ea1es aetfins o God ieasju t at ap- and Readers Digest. If stu- ston, Marilyn Falls, Jane Fos- Lewis. GeadKopr ws memories, and then, we wiii hayrides in the countr, foot- five years ago. Today eacpiM.LcsadM.Dp.yu ew'tfre tan canot e rodcedona po-watch their diet -this is phy- Diane Gilbart, Fred Grahamn, winner of the Agricuitural lock the door forever. balgmsad Christmas ex- young aduits carryigwihu oIl. We cannotspa o!ewn'lt udo . ar eesry for their appear- 1they wli discover that life is George Hendry, David Her- Frte i e iue mntos okn akw h dasadtaiin fBwavleHg arence erapstemjrcn 1l0 neet xctmnbrKr ofaRbr Grades IX and X obtaining th1 let us remninisce a littie as we wvonder hov we ever got1 Bowmanvilie High. without rememrbe ringMr highcst standingeinatorouon-tfusl yfarn;eitsknowxDipementforrit waslundermhi, Rnber61Dtheeaveraoe number "dition is that the person whoand the best kind o! fun. Hoimes, Douglas James, Don- tuc h relive five of the most won- throuTfl "How can we everem hopes to be the parent of a!Others will discover that they ai'erRihrd Ln e Th presentation of this derful years of our lives. 1 as if ive neyer had any timei how much we linve learned unfimgdaethtwbemeocsso!tbruospr cogntida ustbeenag 'retrlyintretig nd at-Dlas aer , R Jcam s Lane ,award, donated by W._ .s'poocc aei tora ostudy. But strictly speak-1te rtmt2~ ~E? h e, ve oung men and, oe 0,0 ftepplto a int er mus tikngbe wnttatveeol nrh oldLla ilr Jr orrfBrown, %vas made by F. Le- b2forc me has donc this, and îng, xve al survivcd.muc d syortnr .'srecrn1- we are. No one was__________ be able to produce an effeet-,wili in ail iikelihood profitlCharles Murphy, Mary Ruth Gely now I realize why. Tonight is By Fifth Form we were aib'r from the;rhi seho ive idea about, let us say, by the ideas which somne o! Osborne, Riek Peterson, John 1 Home Economies Awards the last time ail of us wili be closely kiut group. Wc had 1days? A istOry date per- jueil einune rWetthr ii roue 'lise, Doad ika ,for the students in Grades IX, together. Of the many who worked and played togetherý haps, the year of Shake-j Behi nls h now ost "We are ail in some measure Rick Riekard, Sandra Rivers, 'X, XI, and XII obtaining the started only a handful are for four years. Now came a',sPeare's birth, a mathemnatical! o!ewlat thee s eknow n oetal neletasadCrsohe oisn oadhighecst standing in Home Ec-; graduating tonight. year during whieh we ail hadý formula. Did vou know thý-ri *about juvenile delinquenc rcc tdn i re ora Rdmn ar aiJmes!'nrisdnte yteK- "Let us rememnber baek to one thought driiled into usý the surn of ail the naturi the two Germanies. ýlize his own potentiality and Scott, Eric Shackleton, Naney 'ette Club xvas prcsented by the, Our public sehool days. In constantly - those Depart- nunmibers is n (n+I) /2? This! "This is just the kind of! as a result the world, Canada, Stephenson, Marjorie Stcwart ýpresident, Mrs. Kay Cain, to'Grade VIII we were the 'big mental exams in June. Howv- us useful, ycs-ithpst pass. 5actiity fr whch aneduc- land he wiIl be the hiappier and Cheryl Syme, Loraine Taylor',hreyWiias raeXI shots' in the school; we had ever no aon !hmwroreasi ue fw o tion is designed to prepare the better for it," Principal Lu- David Tillcock. George Tom- Jean Cole, Grade XI; Pattii the most homework - 10 min- o fs prahn ueo ohge dcto tmy cas asserted. He offered best linson, Diane Turansky, King- Poole, Grade X: and 'liue o ujc sIrcî.euddun s eolwsa aeeu oevle u S wishes for the future to the slcy Van Nest, Helen' Van- Witherly, Grade IX. LittIe did we realize that we laugh frorn nine 'tili four. onIv' during in ycars tocorme' r ~graduates, and added that it stone, Norman Vanstone and L. G. Jolinston presented, wcre îc-aving behind one The realirmation had finally'will xve ever realize, how mc is left ta thern to verify the Ted Watson. !the Industriai Arts Prizes world whcre we were the reaehed us. This was our last[more we have gleaned during work of the institution. Commercial Diloa, an- a rd tth suen iicentre o! the universe to en- year and we wcre soon going our high ichool career than Thne excellent Valedictory nounced by Mrs. D. Regan, Grades IX, X, XI, XII, obtain- ' ter another where we would to part. But it; was a wonder- I easily forgotten faets. For address given by Dixie Gi is and presented by G. C. Gilpin ing the lighcst standing in be -a insignificant. That was fui year, I'm sure you'll al' theso pass out o! our minds sa 0A x8he SUPRI54E IF caried infull elewherein wer awarde ta Bil Bicklatglorioudsa milestoneraeforgloiouagreestoithormesthere. itWemliv-requi lkly.ui But. B hatwaremainss is VEYSON YUSE pwao this issue o! the Statesman. A Marguerite Camber, CarolynXII, John Oke. $10 in books, xvhen we arrived on that suni- ed every day o! it as if it werc xvhat we have truly learncd,î ONTEH0 1O/0-W~ beautiful bouquet of red roses Carr, Margaret Cowan, Diane rdnr MMle adae ny autumn day. Oh, we wcre orlseeymmn a h enn !sotmnhp u gift fromn the teaching staff Haliman, James Hayes, Karen ýGrade Xl, MiUchael Charles, $5 neueat o ihfwfiiled to ca.pacity. There wéts o! coaperation with friends and the students was present- Sorenson, Kirsten Sorenson,, in books, donor Lander Hard- cares, with nervous smiles for something unbelievable about and teachers, the meaning of cd to the Valedictorian, Miss Rickie Taylor and Shirley Wil- * xare; Grade X, Douglas Ni- evoryone. First Form at last, the ycar, a sort o! magie. Per- reai fellowshi.p. H er e we ~* ~ ~ mm The chairman o! the Dur- The Bank oflinra u der Hardware; Grade IX, Ter-con;te uercssn feels this way, but I'd like to where there is a need, to thinkRK I I V R - ~ Ghi, bony Dl itryt iam orsp. an cr C u ntpcls $ n oosdnomLn-T ete hers made ausbehas vrygduin easiandtoedaheighadJ L f ham Conty Ditrit ighfo spedandacuray n tp-ry Nichols, donor the Indus- cmctdo h o air think this feeling o! closenesslbefore we .ipeak, ta look ho- Sehool Board, Carlos Tamblyn, ing wvas won by Margaret trial Arts Department. o! the 'runts' barging in on was ours alone. Remember our fore we lip. How do we Orono, gave a short inspira- Cowan. J. A. Bell made the The Lions Club Prize for the thern. 'They're just chiidren!' party here at the sehool after measuro t h e s e intangiblel I tional talk. He brought a presentation. Shirley WiIliams; highiest standing in Upper they exclaimed. And sa we our Graduation Banquet - we'ideals which unconsciously ITEAL! on its behaîf, extended best adian Imperial Bank o! Com- sented by the Bowmanville get lost in the Labyrinth o! a mere formality - there xvaslalities and our eharacters. We ferentiai handiing otîhr issnstc yar 4-1wishes and congratulations to merce Award for the hghs1rLon1 Cu peid, G. 1ÎM-all nBHS -e orcsw the radate. Frd Gaha, stndig i Bookeeingtyrtta he inne 3 ypialnight, a certain nostalgie son- a taiented young pianist pleas- which was presented by R. G. p es Oriiiainwstpcl timent we feit. "For h isnt it tihesan quais As fo ter in aiayclohnerapd olr r N UNRSRIE cd the audience with an en- Gropp. The Goodyear Tienad wichditinuîshaavfrm: packs.[] Check drs it nld otlZn joyable musical selection. The Toronto-Dominion Bank IRubher Company Seholarship mdeh rsetto.Anoas e ahoave rturethearesty o! th nm a world, Numbes n eunadcs i u-ftw ~~ Secandary Sehool Honor Cup for speed and accuracy in iawarded to the pupils of HheMereorPrzeawrdn'n ase'to Bowmanvi'thelflr aihity totn, t ouex-i 'Graduation Diplomas were shorthand and transcription! Grade XIII for gencral pro- 1cd to the bcst student in Latin Hg.Tngh1etr teooe o eletaenld? andlocal Wmainp art ude.Atc tOfc fiinvin the following sub- and Engiish in thel Upper key that locks that room fuli :We carn d.lcýcuss and argu1e. lbl.EWa acl el u eunadesot jeets English, three mathemat- Sehool, donors Ms ee o! such happy memories. Our We can rationalize. Cod has aside and inside.WigatPsOfie EMilary ics, a Foreign Language and MeGregor and Alex MeGregor, Commencement is the end of!given us this power o! intelli-' Remember, Decembr1 stels at o oa eley two sciences, was won by îst was won by Miss Linda Rob- an era. At the samne time it! gence to use. This is what our ' Dixi Gu an 2n Shaon rtsandprcsnte by Mr.is the beginnings of another,'high sehool training does for Leach. The presentations were Sheridan. for where we go front here' is'us, it develops these powers o!, A.made by H. G. MacNeill. The Devitt and Ferguson our dccision alane. Alrcady rcaoning. We have learned The H aroalid Longworth Prize awarded to the boy and we have embarkod on now the facts, we are now ready Memorial Schoiarship award- girl, elected by feilow stu- adventures ta higher halls o! to be cducated. cd o hepuil o GrdeXII enswho showed diligence lcarning. Represented heroý "And thus we do not close! 810-62MA-1 for general proficiency, cand- in studies and other sehool ac- tonîght are Universities, Tea- our minds, but continue on ta' T H E ID EA L G IFI &ght papers wriec adGer- atvrit, self respect and in- * .**r: ". . . . . . r - ma en eustwsdependence o! character, read- * Se d o r rinv on by lst Mary Yurko, and iness to forgive offence, de- a2nd Diane Roberts, and pro- sire to conciliate differences o! sented by Miss Laycock. The others, moral courage and un- Subscrition todonors were Mr. and Mrs. H. E. flinching truthfulness, a ____________________________Longworth in memory o! their won by Jaro Trej bal andeai- son, who servcd as a Modemns ter Gibson. Mr. Stacey mad..e... Teacher and Rugby Coach in the presentations. The don-.... ~ 0 bÎa ~ xtsu~Bowmanvilie High Sehool. ors, the late Dr. J. C. Devitt Bawanvlle Trak an d 1 nd the late E. S. Ferguson. Field Winners Awards were1 The Screech Owl Plaque for A Vear Roud Gift - oit ners 196-6 Srthe wlwa p-pont*ac s un ahue.over-and- Easy-to-reach instrument panel, witiipush-button transistorîzed radio*aiihsaeCslse 52 Gfs W appd p in On Brunt as follows: Boys' Senior sented to Shirley Williams by underl headlig ts rmsd n er vvrappeuampîonsip, Donald Kerr-! Sharon Leach. The Screech $4.00 A YEAR ANYWHERE IN CANADAj Boys' Senior Runner-up, Gor- Owl Cup for the 1961-62 Cover A T ($550 N NITD TATS)don Burnhom; Boys' Inter- Design was presentcd to Pat 11 ($.0 NUITDSATS mediate Championshîp, Grant Thornpson by Judy Brough. W WBUIIN TA $2.25 FOR SIX MONTHS IN CANADA Thompson; Boys' Intermediate 1 Durham Coun t y District Runner - up, Larry Hatcly; High Sehool Board Prizes Here is a Gift that wiIl be appreciated every week Boys' Juior Championship,1!were awamded as follows: Toa . Lloyd Clifton; Boys' Junior:the students obtaining the of the year by your friends and relatives Runner-up, Peter Werry; Girls'!r highest standing Grade IX, ... at home and abroad é Senior Championship, Mary SalY Witherly; Grade X i uth Osorne: Girls' Senior :cpw;GrdeX , ' Antan For Runner - up, Ilcane Rahme; raster; Grade XII, C-hristopher ~ An C risias A Girl' InermeiateChamion-Robinson; Junior Commercial, 1 V An Attractive C rsm sGift GirlItermediate Chamr-pioJen'omril hre iias "" FREE f0 anounce yor ~j Cale Girls' Jnior Chamion- Mm.Tbyteordci- * . - _____ 'James Mrristednradhe, Gwe Cudahee To - ' the award was presented by Cuffe, Bruce Cuthbert s o n, BL. Burk. Lena DeJong, Michael De- PLEASE MAIL THIS TODAY TO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN Mcûi's Canadian Club His- Mark, John Depew, William PO.Box 19, Bwmavile, nt.' ýtory Prize awarded ta stu- Depew, Bob Duno, Gwen Far- P.O.Box 19, Bwmanill, Ot Û dents in Grade X with the row, Ann Ferguson, Susani 'highest standing in history was Flintef!, Richard Foster, Len Enclosed find$ in paymnent of _______ presented by the president, R. are Fow]cr, Larry Hately, Bob Mutton ta the winners, Anne'Heatlie, Marie Hendry, Doug- Year(s) Subscription to "THE STATESMAN". Mail to following: Ferguson and Bull Depcw. :las Hooper, Daniel Hughes, I The Catholie Women's Lea-,Bob James, Donald Jensen, GNRLMTR AU ________________________________ gue Prize awarded ta the stu- 'Hon a 1 d Johnston, William LAURENTIAN 4..DOOR SEDANA NAEdent obtaining thc highest Kent, Jili Kilpatrick, John ADDRSS _____________________________________________standing in Grade X Latin, Kilpatrick, Gcrald Kiopper, :1DES ,xas won hy Bill Depew. Rev. Bull Knapp, Ludmilla Kanyk, ..'6PO T Ae pld s te m h t at ar _________________________________________________________ -; F. K. Malane made the pro- 'Larry Lce, Patricia Locke, Da- sentation. The Gilfillan Prize, vid MeFeeters, Diane MeMul- C m a e .' 3 P N I C e po e ma memory of the late Princi- len, Louise Maguure, Bill Mar-. av NAME pal James Gilfillan, for Pub-, tin, Patricia Mavin, Çaralyn h veto be expensive ta Iook iti P43 Slic Speaking in Grades IX and1 Meadaws, Rocky Miko i i c, ADDES j X, was won by: lst Stephen ýLloyd Moore, Karen Momison, Pontiac is '63's mosi stylish car with its over-and-under headlights, ADESJeffery, 2nd Nellie Vermeulen, [Andy Murphy, Paul Mutton, %enfoîgue n t lc ea ok te asi' haI e d by Miss Boyd. Jane Oliver, Kathleen Os- comfort for 6; in luxury appointmcnts; in performance-a standard ______________________________________________ j The Tamblyn Prize for Pub- borne, Barry Pedwell, Betty 6 or a full range of V8's. Sec Pontiac*s 33 nodels in 9 series, soon. Sender's Namne lic Speaking in Grades XI, XII Piekard, Donna Polley, Patti Addrese and XIII. donated by the lato Poole, Kathryn Prazien k a, TH1f CAR THE UNI1R '8J3e WISH H1 06EV IIJI KEI I .~W. W. Tamblyn. Esq. MA., Ronald Richards, Walter Rick- Wiealtrsotoa ietacs otoa ietacs .3 was won by lst Dixie Gill, 2nd &rd, Bruce Roberts, Rose Rob- Wh:ialreoPnaa xtaos*ptnaa xtacs ________________________________________________________Carol Elston, 3rd, i\'Iarie For- inson, Gardon Rundie, Nancy 1 B. sure te watch "The Tommy Ambrose Show" on the CCT network. Check lcllsig o ieadcan i an. The presentatians* were Samis, Cheryl Scott, ILinda' Domase Oke. wascotewi-ShielaTopo n d hir le y moegbasR. H. Scothe -Steel, Romond hrpo,1 eO NM O yR S LI I E 'A tatesmQfln Scrpt1ofl1 a J1iIL tha scUiferen - ner o! the Bannycastle Prize Tomlinson, Anton Trejbal, RBO OO Sfor the student who has shown Rick Vallicres, Peter Vanstone, If 'will be enloyed the year "round nast pranmise in Dramnaties. Nellie Vemmeulen, Mary Wav- I L S.E 1 Donar, Mrs. Maitiand Gould, esvcid, Peter Werry, Jean! 166Kn StE.Poe 2339 V duheofthe late Dr. G. C. White, Suzanne White, Ann 1 hn 2-39 o m nil cnncasle.Mrs. L Jeffemy .Whitniey, Beverley Wright. à