of Paulfine Johnson to Durham Club at Annual Ladies' Night gaturday evening s u pp er guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Grow'th, Expansion Scott, Garden Hill. Stor Mr adMr.J. Gibbs and r dyof Mr. and Mrs. R. Perfect,i Predicted for '63 by BoMaisss er Their T-D Bank President Mras.i lwyipoighi after ber aperation. The yea.r 1963 will be one o! tency with which we have had portunity for other nations Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Del- by AleenA growlth and Uic overaîl econ- Ideficits in Canada in periods that chose to be part of it." ýaney accompanied ber par- ornc climate sbould be ex- :of growth as well as recession, General Manager A. E. Hall ents Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rose- The Indian sumi pansionary in character, A. T. has put a question in the in bis remarks pointed out vear to visit their little daugh- it Queen's) weath Lambert, president o! The minds o! many as ta wbetber that 1962 has been a good year ter Lora Lynne in Sick Cbild- stage for Ladies' Toronto-Dominion Bank told a ur ecanomy bas become toa for Canada and the Bank. ren's Hospital. Glad ta report November 22nd fo shareholders attending the! dependent on stimulation bY Net profit, after taxes, was she is coming along fine. Durhami County CI .Annual Meeting beld here to- 'the public sectar." 9% bigher than in the pre- Mn. and Mrs. George West- at tbe I.O.D.E. HE day. Canadians have continued ta ceding year. amounting to erdyk and children, Oshawa, Many visitors an( "TLé extent ta whîch we are be tao dependent upon goods $8,244,914, the equivalent o! were guests of Mr. and Mrs. attended including able ta achieve another good and services provided by oth- $2.75 a share on the average James Reyenga and family. bonorary menibers, year of progress," Mn. Lam- ers vwhen we had resaurces ta amount o! capital outstanding Mrs. Jean Abrams visited W. James, Bowma bert said, "dcpends largely on do much more for ourselves during the year. Shareholders, ber family at Kingston over Mr. ".Billy,, Milîs, two things; on the general .according ta Mr. Lambert but funds as at October 31 totalled the weekend. aur oldest membe prosperity o! the trading world "1there is a tendency on the $515 millions. Miss Margaret Stonnie spent over with his da. of which wc are a part, and part o! many, bath inside and Total assets o! the Bank the weekend with ber parents Helen Wilson. Aiso on our own efforts to compete outside Canada, ta aver-em- were $2,268 millions at yean- at Peterborough. out-of-town wereD effectively in domestic and phasize the enormity o! the end, an increase o! $142 mil- Congratulations ta D C k Slemon, Enniskille foreign markets." ;task o! bringing aur interna- lions for 1962. Gibbs who was elected as Wmn. Davey, Oror Since the indications are Itianal payments into balance Commenting on the Royal Cauncillor an Monday election. Thspae s that aur external markets1 and ta overlook what bas been Commission on Banking and Mn. and Mrs. Ewart Bragg BateMspeakew wiU. continue reasonably pros- accomplished." Finance, Mr. Hall said the and famnily, Bowmanville, were BatMnue perous, it is apparent that tie ?TIr. Lambert said an im- study is of prime importance recent guests o! Mr. and Mns. troduced by Mrs.J efforts o! Canadians ta make provement in aur trade bal- ta the Bank and the future W. F. Park. the great, great gra the best possible use o! the re- ance can be expected. In dis- vefare of the Canadian econ- Ronald and Paul Geisberger, of Joseph Brant,t sources and advantages which cussing the entry o! Bitain Omy. inset at brda it Idianowreservtio they possess wil be the decid- ýinto the European Economie "Even though there a r, their grandparents. fh v.or, now a i ing !factor in pnosperity in 'Community he said this is flot same uncentaînties on the bar-anafir.na 1963, according ta Mn. Lam- ilikely ta gneatiy affect Can- izon,"Mn. Hall canclude d, C TTT full o! admiration bert. He felt that the veryI adian trade in the next twelve ",the ovenall prospects are for LONG LSAULTJ undenstandjng Mr magnitude o! the economic months. continued growth and the de- told the storyc storms Canada bas weathered "However, trade patterns gree of pragress Toronta-Dom- iMs oenCr nee onoCnd' in the past year should instill ýare sharply challenged by the inian makes will, ta a large MOshawaDospentarn ntehrs-edonsn. Cnd confidence in the ability a! luncertainties about the termns extent, be a neflectian of the Ohw optlls hr-pe. Canadians ta sustain the new a hc nti' nr a general level o!fusnes. day and underwent surgery Mrs. Monture ex inomentum. be wan. riai'se twa- ayln Monday. The cammunity knowiedge of Inc A ~ ~ ~ ~ b pemnnwxhnert hrso!. Approximately TYRO Iwishes ber a speedy recovery. by telling bow the per antt e acceptableta therso Canadian exports ta E Mr. and Mrs. Earl Penwar- Indians wbo 0V poliy tht isaccetabl to tJenited Kingdam, or about Y O Elnadfmywe Sdyso tin13fr bath business and the public i s 10 % of aur total exponts wiîî dvenin usso r and famiy wre undaysodptlnu83 sf essential ta Canada's ecanomic 'be affected ta some degree if The Christmas meeting o!fevening.gueltso!Mr.and drleodspounes plus healtb and to end the threat Brîtaîn jisteCrmnthe U.C.W. evening gnaup wiîî Mr. adM. Kelet Ja nte g o Tetbe i o! adverse speculatian in the!Manket." jisteCmo take the farm o! a "Dessert Mrand Mdawres C ay row the Goney bo elgi exchange market, Mn. Lam-, He feit it was difficuit ta Caffee Party" an Dec. 12 at ande ynd wee Sudayofp the E.Pna- G av ctcht, enl bert stated.1 say what the actual loss o! 1:30 at the home o! Mrs. Henry per e's o E ewa-ing SotcrshEg "Confidence in officiai pol- 'trade will be, or whether these ýStaintan. Mn. and Mrs. N. Davis andi needed it mare thai icies is the first need for the lasses will be offset in other1 Members o! the afternaon Jnie eeSna uprtiedd oti defence o! any currency," Mn. 'ways but said it vas passible U.C.W. wish ta thank therJgenni fer.eeaSnday supp.r itne did! o t Lambert said. "We cannot ex- the new arrangements may neighbours, friends and ail vine, Toronto, and were Mon- in Toronto. pect foreigners ta have faith 'result in a redirectian o! Can- athers who helped in anyway day evening guests o! Mn. and Emily, Pauline in aur policies if we have not adian trade rather than a ta make their bazaar a succes s. Mrs. N. Scbrattof!, Oshawa. mother, camne Up made up our minds about change in its total quantity. i A special thanks ta Mrs. J. L. r ilCr asaSna ovsthrsse them. "A much mare chalflenging iDugan, who opened the ba M.Bl arwsaSna avstbrsse "Canada's interest will be 'aspect a! the prospective new aar. az- dinnen guest at the Davis'. was married toa served best by accepting the :trading arrangements is whe- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith,' Mn. and Mns. D. Oke, Osh- then living in Brar same rules as other members ý ther they perpetuate and in- Columbus, were Fiday caîl- awa, were Saturday evening sbe met and feuli o! the worid community of! tensify tbe traditional pattern ens of Mrs. Florence Scott and visitars o! Mr. and Mrs. Robt. George Jobnson,t trading nations. A fIuctuatinýz o! tarif! discrimination against ýafter were ail callens o! Mrs. Cameron. The Camerons wene chie! o! the Six N currency rate in a world of manutactured goods fnom out- ID. G. Hooper. Onano. recent visitons o! Mr. and Mrs. family did not th fixed rates is incangruous." side Europe." iMn. and Mrs. Russell Stew-M. Kellet, Janetville. dian was good cru Mn. Lambert emphasized If Britain is unable toara-I art, Centretan, were Wednes- Mn. and Mrs. Albert Van- and the tribe tho thene is no virtue in currencv range suitable tenms o! entry; day visitons o! Mns. Florence dyke, Bradford, were week- wasn't the rightc depreciation as such. Too iow into the Common Market and "Scott. end guests o! Mn. and Mrs. W. its future Chiefs, a value fan the Canadman dol- i! the new Europe should even- Mrs. James Woodley and! Vaneyk. Mn. and Mrs. John ýple eloped and or lar wili sooner or later bring tually turn pratectionist and lgirls, Miss Jean Malette, Mns. i Vaneyk and Kristopkîer were 1853 were marri renewed inflatianan.Y pressur- inwand-looking, an alternative R.A Burgess and childncn visit- Satunday evenîng visitons. Marks. es, just as toa bigh a value in aiignmient o! trading nations ted Santa Claus last week in Mn. and Mrs. Graydon By- Their house the past contributed ta a low .înay xell become necessary. ýToronto. ers, Onllia, Mns. Edith Mur- overlooks the Gr rate of cconomic growth. accordîng ta Mn. Lambert. lMn. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue, phy were 'Sunday a!ternoon restoZed by the While he feit the cisis of 'The intrîguing possibility IMrs. Ken Hardy 1eeStr visitons af Mn. and Mrs. H. it will bc openeda last summer bas been sur- arises," Mr. Lambert said, Iday evening visitonso Ms Murphy. this summen. It ha rnountcd, Mn. Lambert said it "that in such a situation aî Chas. Shaw, Oshawa. Miss Gloria Smith, Toronto, tical front doors,m wouid be unfortunate if the vigoraus campaign might suc- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dawn, was a Satunday suppen gucst the question o! W success a! the measures taken 'ceed in persuading the United 'Toronto, vîsited on Sunday o! ber grandiparents, Mn. and be the front or caused any relaxation o! ef- States ta jain the Common- with Mrs. R. Virtue . Mrs. F. G. Smith. Here, Pauline gne fonts ta carry through with wealth. This would greatly Mn. and Mrs. A. Knowlton Mn. and 'Mrs. Fred Blows, ber sister and t'. corrective measures. alter the present centre o! gra- and family visited Mn and Mns. Toronto, were Saturday caîl- "Sang My Paddle "The reduction or elimina-!vitv within the Common- Earl Shipman, Courtice. îers of Mn. and Mrs. A. J. Mc- ber first poern ta tion o! govennment deficits is:wealth, but it wouid offer re- Mn. and Mrs. Donald Dick- Laggan. thnee dollars) a: a vital part o! any programme, ne\ved hope fan iibenalizing'son, Toronto. visited Mn. and Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson ber great skill Inî ~or restoring full bealth andi trade aven a major portion of Mrs. H. Windsor. Sunday. and family, 'Lifford, were Pauline gave he 4igour ta thc econamy," Mr', the wonld. It would ahs ffr Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibbs, Mn. Sunday guests n! Mn. and Mns. gram in Toronto; k.fmbert said. "The persis- hope, encouragement an a-and Mns. Henry Stainton were Bert Johnson. ed with Alexander The Canadian Statesman, BowmanvMfe, Dec. 5, 1962 15 Anniversary Party Honors Dutch Couple Mmr. Arthur Sîceman and Mrs. Den. Willoughby were co-hostesses at an annivensary party recently for their re- spective parents at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Slee- man of Hanmpton. Mn. and Mrs. Sinionis o! Den Haag, HoUland, anc Uic parents o! Mrs. Arthur Sîce- man. Tbey celcbrated their 40th wedding anniversany on November 2 lst. Mn. and Mrs. De Baas o! Amersfoort, Hol- land, are the parents of Mns. Den Willoughby and they ceiebrated their 45th wedding annIversary Novcrnber A4th. An e.njoyable evening was spent dancing, and duning the cvening a toast was proposed ta Mr. and Mrs. De Baas by their son-in-law, Mn. Den Wil- loughiby, likewise a toast ta Mn. and Mrs. Simonis was made by their son-in-law, Mn. Arthur Sleeman. At this time Aked composed "The Maple Leaf Cousins poured tea and cof- Forever." Sir Gilbert Parker, fee. Miss Sybil Langmaid Tier (or was'writer of "Seats of the Migh- thanked the hostesses. ther set the ty," lived in London and help- Ms le kdra i Nih Oled her publish ber book, time minutes, showing how1 fr Toronto',. which was very successful, the ladies had changed the 'lub meeting also ber English tour whîh nane of the Durham County îeadquarters. made ber famous. Later, out ClubofTrno rmth1 nd embrs es, se lvedwih te fm-Durham Old Boys. Auld Lang gtwo of aur ily of G. D. Roberts. Syne ended a most successful rs Mrs. Geo. Pauline Johnson had that Ladies' Night and another anville, and human touch and kneW Can. year. Next meeting In Janu- s, St. Marys, ada. Her poetry told of the ary. uger Mors. Indian's God - a great Spirit nogted roMrsflot just for Sunday but for OId Minutes Mrs nTeroin every day. "I arn always hop- The D)urham County Club Mrn, Tnd r ing someone will discover ber of Toronto was organized in lenand r.',hristmastide" and wr i te 1898 by a group of gentlemen ,no. music to it," concluded Mrs. who were former residents s Mrs. Ethel Monture. 'She was an indi- from the East and West Rid- who was in- vidual, sternly Cana di an, ing o! Durham. Ail former J. H. Fair as whose poetry was filled with residents were éligible, the randdaughter love for this great land, hop- membership was 25 cents per born on the ing to thrill with the glory of annum. Two weeks later an- m in Brant- the Nation." "Canadian Born" other meeting was held and *calist with and "Corn Huskers" were two the name 'Me Durham Old an relations of ber many poems which Boys was recorded. gentie vaice, Mrs. Monture recited so casi- n, love and ly. She chose to live inl Van- A year later in the minutes Irs. Monture couver where she died, cher- we find the naxne Old Dur- of "Paulinelisbed and cared for in ber two Boys; this continucd for as na ti v e last illness by mmesof the w more years, and then in Wo men diCber 1899 we find it merely the Old ýxprssedher Miss Gladys Jackson thank-Bos ndian affairs ed the speaker from personal Now the gentlemen didn't ,Mississauga experience of reciting and mind being called Old Boys- vned Metro studying the poems of Pauline perbaps it gave them, the )r eight hun- Johnson; also ail those who feeling of perpetual youth, ssome trad2 had made Ladies' Night such but the Old Boys were soon Smoved that a wonderful evening. joined by the Old Girls and yen back to Great interest was added to some way the name Old Girls [the strug- the meeting when Mr. W. doesn't împly -the sanie feei- glish and Ir- Milîs said they had the first ing of perpetual youth! So on vY felt these jingle wrîtten by Pauline Jan. 5th, 1903, we find the an the Indian Johnson while a school girl name of our Club recorded is day over in Brantford as well as the sim'ply as the Durham Boys Indians live letter wbioli went along with and Girls. it, which bis brother-in-law This title held for several ,eJohnson's had brought home, also a meetings and tben the Girls - efrom, Ohio sampler worked by ber. Mr. old or otberwise - were drop- ýEliza, wbo Milis, while reminiscing, said ped and Durhami Boys was a clergyman bis wife was a friend of Paul- their title. It rnight seern that antford. Here ine's. Soon after their mar- the word OLD was the diffi- in love with niage in 1892 they were in- culty, because the ladies were the heredity vited to attend one of ber agaîn included and Old was Nations. Her concerts and on ane side of tacked on ta Durham (which think an In- the aisie sat the Earl of Aber- didn't seem to object), the iugh for ber deen and bis Lady wbile name beîng Old Durham Boys ougbt Emily across the aisle was Billy and Girls. one to bear Mills and his frau! She bad After a see-saw battle the sa the cou- made Canada part o! the lit-Clbstedd nasheDr in August 27, erary worl, he said. After hC lubstd Bo asitionfr- -ed in St. she went out West he bad hmnyye ysar s oc195itonafo neyer seen her again. mthe Durs.n O 9d5Boys ad 'Chiefwood" Miss Patricia Andrews, who tGirlsAsation. Boysnain rand River; was formerly the contralto 198irlsongsithn weon in Six Nations soloist in Yorkminster Baptist the8,trops hm e frong h as a museuni Cburcb, accompanied by Mrs. ah r Dr. Trobec uggete has two iden- W. L. McNeil, thrilled ber that "ini future the, association which solved audience witb ber lovely voice sbould be called "The Dur- wbich would and generous selections of h am County Old Boys CIub." .back door. "MY Native Land," "Devo- rew up with ton," "If there were dreams By 1919 it had become "The vo brothers. to sell what would you buy?", Durhami Club", By that Urne eSings" was "Love's Philosophy" and "Will it lied become of age and the be sold (for ye go to, the Highlands witb naine must bave praved quite ind reflected me?" satisfactory as aur Club stili a canoe. Deliciaus re!reshment was goes by that name, thc words er first pro-iserved by Mrs. A. C. Ashton "Of Toronto" neatly replacing ;she appear-lwith Group 2, while Mrs. W., the world "Old" - The Dur- er Muir, who P. Coulson and Mrs. A. R. bain County Club of Toronto. also, every'one Joined ln slng- ing 'Happy Blrtliday' to Mrs. Arthur Sieman. It cert4in1yr was a very hapîpy birthday for her to be able to spend it with ber parents for the first time in rnany years. Manî beautiful gi.!ts were recie by bath coi4ples which will always remindt theni o! their anniversaries iii Canada. Rc!reshznents were scrved bv the hostesses frcàm a beauti!ully dccorated, can- dle-lit table. Two large bell- shaped cakes céntred the table, set wlth many Dutch and Canadian delicacies. . Gucsts wcre present frôni Osbawa, Hampton, Toronto and Ajax. Mr. and Mrs. Simoni anid Mr. and Mn.. De Baas arriVed in Canada aboard the Duteh liner Ryndam ln May, 1962, ta spend the year wlth t1ieir familles and will be réturning ta Holland i April, 1963. Bath couples wiii be going home ta Holiand with maliy fond memonies o! Canada ahîd of many new !nlends Wh'>r tbey have made during 0h year. 52% SIMCOE ST. N. 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