Discuss Storm Sewers b n oehasrn, the The Canadian Statesman cv;nl1, e.5 922 the charge against John Shack- three months 1:il.Sh o oyBwavl M i emtte s C u tVernon E. Tremble. age James Brickmanl, OhwProsfun ulyo r 48, Bowmanville, %vas found.age 17, appeared for seen S e c e u e o e s f rFeld in Bowmanville impaired, on No. 2 Highway,!a previous session of theui umed .Thy wr e O O ~~~~~~~~~~Constable George Evans. O.P. theft. one of receiving an eer d t p y to l c ss of $ 2 Tuesday, December 4th and get onto the highwa\." luna ble to do so before because p., gave evidence. Mr. Tremble of assault. The mater a OP ro ce s in g A p p ica itio ns James Leslie Archer, Court- 'I went over to mY broth- he had to wait 10 get a licence was fined $50 and $3 costs, or'put over to May 28th. 16.t$2OOeya! e. age 16, who was found er Jim's place across the road ,for his trailer, and also be- seven days. ithere is any further offes _____________ l'o 1 'o n I'Ici iiirg cscirclguilty last month on a chargeiand theIn weft back to mvcause of his sister's illress and James William Robinson,Iwill go to Jail for 15 mnhLANIW.sl of assault, appeared in Mag ,tbe wer h cusadah Newcastle, was convicted of the Magistrate told himn30008200 . era oe strate's Court here on Tues 'was and told him to gel out.! He claimed that lie had!having drive: a car in New-, Gerry Fitzgerald. no ds, GetiaNWhk' mî day for sentence. He had beenfH i ears the face found a reservoir of his in the:castle on November Ist whileage 16, was found gutyo uieoyuw'*ed8.0 remanded out of custodly for, with a stick. 1 had to have!stable and was dragging ti rvnglcnews underltwo charges of theft h ludbd ou n. 0EU. Bowma.nvjHip Town Council amendment is not approved -' cession Street and including a pre-sentence report whenthree stitches in my lhp and towards the door when his'suspension. This was his third!Magistrate directcd he b e ae.MnraQe at the meeting held in the $100 for each application., the following streets, Horsev, convicled of the offense, which two on my nose." Frank Shack- brother came in and hit him. offence. He was sentcnced toiturned 10 the Ontario Ta1in Council Chamber on Mondav (c) Application for considera-~ Elgin, Wellington, Church. took place in the grounds of elton complained. "He hit me with somelhing,________________________________________ evening approved the unani- tion of new subdivisions withý Temrperance, Division, Car- Courtice High School. Cross examined b ' Terence I did flot see whal. It was flot mous recommcndaîion of the a refund of $25 if application lisle, and Liberty St. North., Magistrale R. B. Baxter tbld Kelly, Oshawa, lawvcr for a heavy blow. Then he wcnt Planning Board that se'tfees is not approved - $50 for each'1A cmrhnie shm Archer yesterday that his re- John Shackelton, the witness OUI." icurr in rtocssin appli- foappovation.() l:iato!aî orasîr swrport shows he was convictedisaid thatthie defcndant*s h"Whcen I came out1 the door T t eIL>ts o 1 Dusimilarfoffeseslasm April.goods were on the propcrtv, hecharged at me. Idropped cation.c Th ees to bcPe::,apicato diions(d of a iotl CntraereeLoe andr::î \ ere dischargd from .and that after he ha been the reservir ad stcppedthE I ct rof La ln tcn able in advance. such as part lot divisionsj entr Streel, oeaponHor-: schooî whien you were in Grade taken to hospital tic accus- quirkly out of the way, and support onor Dec. upp A By-Law wf'llbcdrafted with a minimum charge osýentaSîreets 1 Mra point oppoiNine, adasaboy Thank you for youro te.,hewet ea irt nt asoi Io cover tne following sce $10 per lotewhere less thanienrl coo, r Dm sv Waiy because he was flot in- . quarrelled until four \'ears'reached for me bo help him be advised y u votes were appe aed dulie: (a) Application to the Wnoarui ra ih hag said. the eplie th t i ere t he grade schror astyIHagred ht hv adfotbad Ifenc e adfenl.He ou ZoigBy-Law with arefundio $5 per arefor each addi- wouîd serve the ent h ee s tedY fesifro.o pai die d , h.efnatBack again in 1963. Zoning ao l acre arrafeacctitnhe north-easthave bec: drinking to compeni '"So. atter -waiting t68 ycars tsiid oif $25 if the amendment ionaconacre or fractionoLib flot approved - $50 for each of. Plus a fee of $5 for the cotyrne Noul raith. Lb sate," the Magistrale said. you want your brother con- Magistrale Baxter statcd -application. (b) Application! board's consent to each mort-. rySre ot."o do not make anv victed of assauît?" Magistrale that if he registered a con- to amend the Officia] Plant gage, conveyance, or ]ease. The estimated cost of thc secret of drinking and have;'Baxter asked. Frank Shackel- viction in Ihis case it would bc Sincerely Wit a efud o $2 if Mayr Ian obb sltedproposal is $11,690. E.stimated admitted that you drink when'lofl replied: -Itlhink hie shouldllike throwing gas onto a fire. tht efn f$2 f ayoIvaas benhecslo s ubida,6, eviga a-!you cani.get hold of il. This be, I did îlot strike him." "I is most unfoitunate that "For QUAITY Car appoint some commillees forý ance to be paid hy the town 'is not a smart thing to do.j John Shackelton in his own'two brothers who have lived Rs e l H o oneoyear onlyCand omemmiot $9,535 plus $2.,975 for a You think il may imprcss otil-Idefence, told the court thai. he;n peace for more than 67 ycar and Service" brofcnil mhle m to- 700 foot extension of four' inch ers, but il only shows lack of ýhad gone 10 his brothers to'have come to this. I thinký US b E eaofchnCounci hl or ip carried from Libert\v good sens. i.et his own belongings, and both should act sensiblv. I do, Glehome uges seonedStreet North. Magistrale Baxfer informed,explained -that, he had been'no sece how teenagers couldî ýGenoleHuhe, eaned y oung Archer that he comes __ by Deputy-Reeve Ross Stev-' Mr. Dempsev proposcd aIo good family and has a, ens, moved that a Striking second trunk from a manholetbohra nvriy Nt ~~cQUEEN ~Comritee be appointed by at St. George and Churcholy are you destroying yourW o d r o ucs c ny u M OTOR SALES i His Worship announced that et orh p ie t 0 daînaging theirs," the Magis- ç l - :IE as has been the practice in the Wellington, along Welington trate asserted. He stated that O s a a W o d P od c s cn ei y LIMIED - past, the Striking Committee bo Temperance with a branchit would be a good thing if EarlMcQcenPre. wll b copose ofIhesîorm sewer 10 Church Streetisomnebody wilh whom Archer 219 KIQenG PS . wl May mo e, a fdtDepuy-and along Church t10 Division picks a fighî would knock him BOW ANVLLE Reeve. Stet down f0, show hlm he is noîfi BOW ANVLLECouncillor Roy W. Nichols,. Th' estimated cost of Ihethe cock of the walk, and Autborized Dealer for sode bvReeSnysecond trunk syslem i $20,-'i make him take the chip off+ MG SPOTS CA SLie, o ved that werSdes845, the eslimated subsidy is his shoulder. MGOR S ABR BLlew e' has been eadfr$.2, evn ot h Vnhdaiat u o h hOIe-RA623 -3356 torm s eers ntd o rm town of $18,220. The total for' backbooe f0, go on with your, Phon 62-335 ýsorm ewes uner ocal'm-the two systems and exten-fedLIcatioO. I: view of youri * . provement that another By- so oudb $070,M.background, probation could; Law be enacted to transfer Demipsey estimaîed. He alsoihelp, and bccause your fml 1962 Rambler storm sewers to the general explained that there is a pos-ideserves your having proba-11 Station \eagonJCo unclr Hughs po196 ed sibility that after a more lion. not because you tdo,", Staio W go ý CunilorHuhe pinedcareful study tmh Magistrale Baxter stated. The - 6 cyl., standard shift, custoM ouI that this would be a mna- found necessary to a dd $3,500Probabion Officer, D. G. Bige-' radio, etc. Local, one own- jrcag nplcadad the cost ot the Churchllow, Port Hope, agreed thal er, like new. 'cd that it had been presented Street syslemn for an addition- probation would probably be + 196 Chv. el i octh t the nfomatern.'bet a 800 feet of sîorm sewer. Ithe solution 10, the problem. 1962Che. Be Ai ýmoed hat he atte bcThe Magistrale warned Jas.! ptponed and debated at the' Archer flot to drink. 'Il willI 2-D. Hrdop oad o Wrksmetin i Bel ompnyask Mr. Bigelow to check, and I the entire f ami! y with this repea ffr 6 cyl., autornatie. power January. This wa! seconded i fCo pa y thereolise anyteiee fro steering. eustomn radio, white1 by Councillor Ken Hooper [h oieo ohrieta wall tires, other extras. 'and carried. ' vou have bec: drinking, your probation will cnd a nd lUu One wne, ne ca W. . Dmpse, Ohawa -A trod ceswihl be sent 10 the reforma-, condition. engincer, reporled on anor-y. E On wnr wca .T. Dcmp e Oha w acn, r ieo nomdte 1961 Pontiac cerning the drainage require- iNew S yste court that Archer is now work- R EREA TIO N 4-Dr. Sedan mesofaarao10acs ing in Port Pcrry. The prescrnt covering King Street to Con- A new long distance billing hours of his job are to cight, 0; cyl.. %tandard shift. procedure is being introdueed 1or nîne o'clock each evening, ~ Chevs. for Bell Telephone custornershsid.Ace a lcdo r- ' R OM 196 chvs exhngs . .Lorbation for one ycar. He inust, Three to choose from. thj'lan' aagrfrreport 10 the Probation Officerý 2-Dr. and 4-D.C m It lutis area, said this week.-D.C m lt once a month, and observe a' Two are automnaticq. Te poeue i aldcrfew by being in his place' __ One 6 cyl. UPHOLSTERING mark sensing" and ks beingo0f residence each nighl by O ther extras. A il In i t o u e v r a p i d o f l 0 P m 1înornduced over a perioddof immaculate condition. cnivrabout fi',e months as the oh nes'hceloagd i SERVmICEnersTownshîip, pleaded OPE E Y 195 Po tia mii~with il. isauling bis brother Frank, 4-Dr. Sedana For Bell customers, it will age 72, on November 141h. Ed- I Lsoc ad, -one pe ar.,U in !a e ype of long d is- gave estimony. He said that MF * Locl, on owne car,- -' tance statement accompanying1Ihe background of the caseM[ ***their elephone bis, was that in 1958 John Shackel- NTLE Exceptlonaliy gond selection The statTent with hcio had enlcrcd pnoperty of 1957 and older models In they've become fam-iliar in-'owned by Frank Shackelbon ___________________ various makes. Corne In cludes details as to the date, in Manvers, and he had sent today. the place called and the char- lelters 10 the accused for-! ges for the caîl. bidding him tf0 enter the pro-i H ER E I S W H AT FULL 12 x 18 FOOT RECRUAIN R O Noiv i~the'lime tb have a The new statement will 1- in prtslaîred that ei hesl-t' Mr.L II U T your ar t ~.. U clude all this information plus icitor for Frank Shackelton. INSO U ET ____________IN____________ Under-sprayed ' A the tellephone number called. As a result of County Court OG E and r Il will aiso Eist all types -)f action in September, Frank .1 ýcaIls - collect catIs, credît Shackelton was deelared the, * 480 sq. fIL of becautifl pre-finihd I auan Let Oshawa Wood Pioducts tnansform* UE Snow Tires card calis, Zenith calls andI!sole owner of the north haîf Rotary Vl-groovcd NMahogany Plywood.~115~ ansndage cAathr blnofLt in avesfHs ru asmntellezgrgeo uuephone, as well as the normal'client had also asked fora* 216 sq. Il. of Vinyl Asbestos l'île, colour storage area i:10 an informai family-living, installed. long distance caîls. permanent injuniction againsC eaainadetetimn ete I)on't be caught nappîng. Du ring the five- mo n t hJohn Shackelton enteni ng the ~ 216 sq. It. of Acoustical Ceillng l'ew od rdrshade h * * * training period, telephone us-1property. Judge Miller gave, (White). h d 2 HorPlanning to redecorate? ers mighî receive cither Ihetinterim judgment.i comiplete job undei one contract from the __ 24H u ave nioney and let un old stalement, the new one, or' The minutes of settiement i One 1)oor. Ccilinig la instalIing the floor. . you huy both. Eventually, ail will r- 1:i this regard wcre signed inli, Complete trim, finishing matenials, liard- a "Package" iiot a 'Projcct". To ig evie reupholster your present ceivie only the new type ofSeptember, Mr. Hill said, but:: ware, etc. Service Station- 623-3401 furniture! statement. ýil was agneed that John,~ 3 Recessed Lights. rc hw sfraeaeisalto Afte Ilp.r. - 23-467With the new system of rp-Shcetn av a and may bc slightly lower or higher depend- We are now a recognizedI FREE ESTIMATES cording calîs, Bell operators lime to remove articles he had,ï 3 Receptacles. ing on Your needs and requirements. inember of N. A. L. wl use soft graphite ecl placed on the land prepara- 1 Sivt _____________________ e e eFreePiku ad elvLy tomakdetails onbusiness tory t10bildigcraft. - Our Shell Service r Stationt machine cards. These caerdis added that a further extension!i Complete Isalto ysildcat-N teieety hat manv European cou: Authorizcd by addition t: the presidemit, Mrs. total of $260.000 raiscd i &S e ofl 92,~ewI fo e VitraFnnadthe gucst'Canada for this cause, and Decenbe Ist 192, w wii no he speaker, were Mrs. Muriel ! have now stanted Iheir nwn interested in doing any outsîde Clark, Port Hope, president of lPcace Research Irîstitute. Wo- the B. and P. Women's Clubýmen fnom all the world aI- ~ construction work. thene, Mns. Lesiey Wand, Port lended the conference heid in!S E I LC RI TA OU Regional Advisor, Mrs. Doro- anîd added thal at the next: WE ILLSPEIALZE N:thy Payne, the guesl pianist,' conference 1: lie beld i WEWL SEILIEI:and Miss Evelyn Boyd, aPrague in 1963 a permanent OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. memben of the teaching staff;comniittee with representa-ý R O IG A Dof Bowmanville High Seheol. tives fromn different countnies 'ý W1LL GIVE YOU RO FNG A DMrs. Stewart, the guest will be set up. Miss Helen Z / HEET METAL WORK ~~speaker was intrmduced liv Devitt moved a vote of thanks ~D f ~ , ~ A igSz Mrs. hd Anderson. ie r. Stewart for ber in- Days efore ___~RG1 : " Tar and Gravel Roofing told the club that the Voico_ formative talk. ote of Women was organized two Miss Velma Gay was ap- 5 ChdArismas 14 8of "Coke" " ReshingIing Eavestrougbing and a ha]! years ago at the pointed Ways and Means Con-, 1 " Ch'ny lahn time of the collapse of the venor in succession to Mns.,'lnyza~îgI O TR OU ERAINRO EOECRSMS Ai ye fHm n nutilSummit Conference on Berlin.tMarvelene Bird. I'YUSATYU ERAINRO EOECRSIIS " AUType of ome nd IdustialThe Voice of Women now! Mrs. Marion Jeffcrv moved! Sheet Metal Work. has 6,000 memnibers across thal $5 lie sent to the Ontario Canada. and is entirel.v wîîh- Messengeir for adventising. oui political affiliations, thc This w.as seconded liv Miss ALLIN & HETHERINCTON speaker said. She stated that Helen CrYderman, and car- OSHWV O D PRUC S Ld ALLI & H THERNGTO 1 te members believe that no- ried. thîng justifies the use of nu- It was decided an R motionO SAAWD RU1 Construction Ltd. d cear weapons, and Ihat this liv Miss Crvdcrman, eod! type of arms produce the te:- bv Miss Isabelle Davis, Ihat! 19 SCUGOG ST. BOWMANVILLE ýsions that make wars. She each niember donate 60 cents J 10 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU OshawaOfiendSoro claimed that theîe is no pin- at the December meeting and' Main Office anîd Showroomi BOWMANVILLE - 623-21:11 OSHAWA HPIGCNR Phones: tection from Ihese bomlis. and the collection be sent t 1 e CUTE-72161A X Znih-90 Bownianville 623-5576 Whitby 668-2148 'ýthat the, brecd fear and mis- Ronial]ah Centre i: Jordan CUTC 2.61AA Eih290)Poe7811 trust, for the education of Arabl - . . . . . . . .. Tao speaker assented that girl&s.