in the province. Such filspec-iEmID had the producers actuaflylThe Canadian Staei n onavllDc ,15 I tion cornes under the jurisdic- M5III U Dm:5 implemented this program' mient primarily, but there are, S oci~al/ &on also municipal ordinances in atemnber ,2 ti this year, reduc- no comments seifclyooucsf ikwodcst7 similar areas and the newlet rI c r, er ed the premnium from $3 to $2 that at this Urne. oipoecns gislation is designed to co-r- I etc Srf per carcass. It was a matter the Minister of Arcluet r oe:Id ltflo dinate ail efforts for the great- of some surprise to) me, M .raiehss~t n okes h o.mme xcl u ____________________________________est protection of the public. Chairman. and I amn sure totrl beyond the(aeed o~ddmnin stehn Ancther interesting announ- i Editor's Note: The followingi have us believe for the dairy ail hion. memibers of this house 1gîve some relieffrmtesrme erwlrcaihta Mrs. Geo. Young, Dyno Sudbury after spending the.cement concernis the establish-1 address by Russell C. Honey, Ifarmers to go into beef pro-ito hear the Mînister of Agri- ious problerms wihaenlvfra h il rga o Mines, Bancroft, vîisited i weekend with MNrs. Whelan's ment of a Food Council onIM.P. for Durham, was given; !duction. Dairy farming, as culture say, shortly aftiýr the facing agriculturei atr eolaecide vscn town during ',he weekend. parents, Mr. and M17s. C. H. which representatives of pro- on Fnidây, Nov. 30th, in the ýwith anv other branch of thelopening (of this session, that Canada.cend t as eesayt Mn. Bob Hann ah, Toron'ùo, Palmer, King St. East, and dlucers. processors and consul-! House of Commons, during a ýagriculture industry, becomes this reduction was part )f the Mr. Bigg: W(udtehn aeaprga feuain apent the weekend with lu other relatives in Town. ers will meet to discuss one'debate on Agriculture, a way of life and it is flot easy government's austerity pro- member permit aqeto?~ hthrte cide r parents, Mn. and Mrs. D. Hant- Miss Barb MacDonald, Osh- anotber's problems and te re- Mn. Honey: Mr. Cbairman,l :to shift. In many cases, be-ý gram, and that it was a con- Mr. Honey: Yesirnigpp eas ti rxah. awa, Mrs. Jan Earle, Port commend possible government I have listened to the partici- !cause of lack of capital or, as! tnibution the bog producers Mr. Bigrg: I aflowgchpe or bthrte ae Rev. S. E. and Mrs. Snowý- Hope, Mlis3 Dorothy Dunbar, policies to assure the weil pation of the Minister of Ag-' jI have mentioned, the hig 'w~ere asked to make towards the hion. mernbeveycn-dnin po beas thr viste~Mr an Mr. . J! Ys utterv, Town, returned on food industny'. This is a pnetty ralso listened to the contribu- impossible for a dairy farmerte visitodebutef hsNou- instethsdeat.mdebJtohaknheshftttbefpr- Minister of Agriculture to cd by his fi-urescnenn uiinlvlec ik h On Sgýiday. Sundav afte spending an en- nag omk h hf obe r- e-implernent the premium oftepneofopadomikpit thteristavi joyýLbie two-wveek vacation in cil is sufficiently representa-Imembers of the government . duction as the minister and, $3. The hog producers of Can- As I understanditth prccnutin vtbtsprga, Miss Vivian Bunner spe-ntNaau TeBaa s.Ms tive and if its members can Party. However, I must regis- hsdprtment have suggest- ada do not appreciate being of pop is15 censaiuc neuainlporm Ierl dy atwe n Dorothy Dunbar returned to caryteohrflos mes-' ter my surprise and disap-! Id singled eut as one segment of' TA.Mga.Tuesday, lber filg-ht having it could clear up a lot of Mis- 'the Minister of Agriculturel gvnte jyinutyaye omkeaseii oti Miss Sharon Lucas, Queen's heem del3yed by fog. understanding. One cannot be nrayo i uprr a!, gvntediyidsn n dt aeaseii oti !Univensity, was with lher par- Ms .. de Wmnstoo optimistie about the ps-taken 'time to say anything leadethisproen t h oion hvecf nrbution oher nd aoeth n as fosew aetod ents, Mn. and Mrs. Len Lucas, Wrs.E udeWmnSsibility of such a group ever labout the very senious plight this rem tHe h ic hIbe on ributkin.Teh r ondensThe isme sa aStr aven tbe weekend. Wr chairman, and Mrs. R. neaching complete agreementljj. wbich the agriculture im-1 dry nutmtmad1oesaesfenn h fetjThey left tertss n rv n od MMsi DiieGDixYokeni-Spllampign ChirmnUoninyon ganutytteasithgdstbuofeater Cnad fidst'hshestredan mpactcafofthi pogrm, hihCbsnStdut o jurey ar spent Friday in Toronto at' hprovidean a for- fthsprgrn, hchhaýSe vensity, Toronto, spent thecuii hudpoieafr-iisl.Itogtta hs the annual Carnpaign meeting uii hc ac a i t suggestion owihIhvlenacv-n ytegos The emy-hndc weekend xith lher parents, cf Ontario Divisi n ii shul cn ar is itslf thugt ha tis.newic Ibveenacv-,byhe nssywn, otp beue-a m n e outWtro ot, ersnig Rusl oeM.P. any governiment policy in cf this government.ThyhdgfsfifoaKn, M. Vnd s. .ui. Redf Crtos ivsiochiety. D tibesused-tshe ie cNtin~as lhe dees an eastern Canada Ithese present serious circum- 1 have tnied te deal with the' As Theywodhertea essig Toronsoutog viie i aet,'i 93cmagwloe ictural riding, mi g h t should take effective steps te, stances may I venture a fexv poblems having a irec Mrcn r.A anes ee a mp ronagn, welcome da a oanda for md v efrrdte eastern agri-Jdelwttepolrso h suggestions with respect te bearing on the dairy industry' They saw hmitebb ig Mn. leRan d ,rs oA.Sunde rovdingaes.foAn il oere the iadual pvrpteaganda. ficulture during the course cf, agriculture industry on a na-'the dairy îndustny and its pro- and the hog producing indus-1A elyupntehy a y o l R ad oiSnd a r m tvin e a n e frest i e Ho ev e t e t a s inf i- is re m a rk s. B u t l h o d id n o t tio n w id e b asis, a n d t e re b y e t p o les'n . I es h is e f A -A d s trh i g ty t h y k e t w s i p i g ,at nomtiepnlo adienuera iesm hDYsn rbes r.I s h iitro g! personaliis from Saincntanuc'eta a sde se. lHe join cd with prie-gvesohpead ncu- Finst, the department might iculture te continu hat-; Mn. Douglas James, Ryersanlte rm ain the family farm is concenned eadecu-newAdsr Insitue f Tchnloy, CTorave-hsepresent is hatof the reinstatement cf vlcus speakeso h oenaemennd . the famoîste explore the possibilîty of selI- ever efforts hoe may doem ad-' norfrt rsmsDy onto, sment the weekerid ith many belpful suggestions for the Junior Farmer Establisb- mn id nbasigo teigm orehta sceawhtho n ture, an e o thewest be rcan Aso, OhisGifttn isprents, Mn. end Mrs. puhlict.Ms u-mn on cpcialy, I governrnent's record. Ho talk- cf Agriculture, both duriný ih acranvrsngo.ue adt d h es i an lo dle wasthe luky wlinen o t n o i san neActepextndc aou heisu c cbne t carnpaign and in the ' ehvea fiietslsfor that industry, althougb it Bte hngl, oighat R. James. two tickcets for the Grey Cupiits scope and effectiveness. Isolidarity xith reference to!WesteefeasrdesIrmto programi in tbolwould appear that his efforts! a1 b t ic Winnen cwforMte ntalPakame, compliments cf Mn. This act bas iiot been introe giaan itesccfte mdnisertom ermonthe t, bavingf he!United Kingdom. The dopant- in this connection, et leasti y eoee1, Novemben in the sum cf $59.25 thus.i t it wîbutaîwo snide nemarks about ay;et and placed the western, weee tmgth was Mrs. Ede Colo, il Edsalil nauts. t.r'itn tate young ferons and their opinions on the is- agiculturists on a level of, gram weee tmgtb Ave., Town. P i' t d Chh oersfrm th*b ciane to qun for bans sue of cabinet solidarity. unprecedcnted pnosperity and 1 found wenting, in enden to in- Mr. John E. James, Ryenson terCuslo Ms entudn h eeinamCrdt l efnash asdta' a position whenc they could!sulre that as mucb as possible Insituo o Tebnoog, Ton-i Werny, and 12 C.G.I.T. girls Corporation because t h e y issue, may I say, as a member lokt pcueofucod duteri oc itio cheeair ent, as it bi prensand thein leader, Miss Mer- haven't the nocessary capital cf the profession te which ho prespSritydi the ftrhinunis ggionceeeof'u' M rven d the .eoen . J me , garet Atken, a'tended thelon equty in propoty. This efered, that in my opinion vote iso unmb a to dabit he-m nse rt e uli au ,~4 U vver the weC.G.I.T. Christmas VeO peori could help young people get the nejection by the Prime vt i and I bltýhemnsero h utmtm Mrs. Tom Butteny annîved Service for this district beld: started in fanming either as, Ministen of the remarks made deoint h asec fyulkthtdiypo 9ales e eut ait 1 D A Ti hoeo audyatra yteMnse fArclueagriculture almost excîusiveîv ducers should reduce pnoduc- i~ . le hoe n atrdy ftc rin Simcoe St. United Cbuncb, pantners ini the family fanm, h1h iite fArclue frtego c aain ntion is a negative approacb te two-week vacation with Mc.'Osbawa, on Sunday ovoning, with fathers and/or brothers, was in itself a shocking ex-' aedi ht nutrinos-ti polm aranl ti and Mns. Miller Seymour cf December 2nd. c n . on on thoin own. There will ample cf a hneech cf cabinet tae nCad.A thatidsr eahns o teapoahc pstv Groelad, londa.B. Hendenson, Mnr. Leland h oosprvso fbn solidarity as we know it. The mme o siioasi nature which fermons bave a Miss Mary Bettles, Teech- Milîson, Mns. J. Castle, Mn.,than under the previeus ect ilbon. memnber for Waterloo hi mlin, ain i ffctnibt epJtfrmth Mn en's College, Peterborough, Ray Bryson, Mn. and Mcs. Geer in order te give bonnowers the 1 South, instead cf dealing witb methis romhviison erere- ishte grcutufro e. T inu- fryua iecses one Ivisited lhen parents, Mr. and'Setiers, Mn. and Mrs. MeDon- 'benefit cf legal an~d business problemn e ternagnieul- msetation ptemihe formercestiono wouladthmean the vin-t Mrs. Chas. Bettles, King St. aid aise attended and provid- r advice wben rcquired. In other ture, spoke instead about thoeaosternTSY isic pcal( ig ahonsae Fast, oven the weekend. ed transportation. Ann Fer-! wonds, legal and business man- grcatness cf the Ministen of nwand, ha h ou tua lamintIoncfman f TUSgiptchSell 6hghfsio hde). Mn. L. B. Nichois bas ne- guson, Rose Robinson, Ruth'agement personnel will beirAgriculture and bis program,j needs, the Minister of Agri-imind -the ministor and tho US ra afm 10 turned home after spending a Wenry and Dianne Millson as-'pant cf the field staff te help panticulanly in respect te bis.culture suhsequently, it wouid : gevernment that this country TUSSY Cologne ln four delightful fragrances (rig 20 12 week with bis son and daugn- sîsted in the choir. Dr. Han-,; farm people set Up partnership 'efforts On behelf cf the wes- ,perbstvetndeatr as huilt hy gnasping, clutch- TUS MdnhtCoge2z.254z*.O 8oL35 ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.:old Ferguson provided trans- iarrangements, te incorporatc tom farmers. Again, insteadi feirmon s that ne sehn TUîng, stnuggling small peope4oz$2 Douglas Nichais, Kingston. prain frtoei htl farm business unit or; of deaiing witb the pnoblcms1.dn Mn. Fred Venstone, Toronto. ýchoir. wetveaheidciewil o featen .liulurt o ire sect te thejo srte in a small way. ___________________________ - . tewekn it isýtebetwy omketefamýho.nerbrfo aro ut theso rte ut fomu- soertht By o iioperation mono efficient and,:South in fact mado an admi-jdnten c n-usee*Qa e t' u o f odt spn theMrv oe ibVan-s wymemaethian-hn-mmerfrdaerlc di hlem , o sgon t r.Big We ddyo alse and C mothe, Mrs Monly Van businesslike. This re-affirms j sien that the wbeat deel, as it Mr. Honey: 1 discovened it, Ii LDc Heton and Bbissiar, Mis urAgriculture Ministen Stewcrt's, is ceiied, with China was a Since the minister bas giv- hed Ipebave gnwn tav ee ipt Beautifully! S Helen and Brbera Beec YIIWoft-statcd beliof in the family windfall for this government. en that assurance to the eas- teepopev a aebe Pjve. ~farm as an efficient unit that This, cf course, is cectrary te terri fanonrs, nothing con-,r nglnc tc n etl iscviWv ies "Cashiod-eomfon' I.D.A. Brand Mn. and Mns. Leo Vanden-1 cen compote successfully with wbat we have beard over the structive bas been donc. Hie graspîeg. I suggest te my hion. 1.198 i' nug as a dantista Mid!1 burg and deughter Vickie cf d the carponcte femm. r last few years fnom the Minis- I as mcdo a tbreat cnd given' fionds opposite that when falsetereh ast, stop lipng, clsck higDCR t TofMrasdwor weGaey!ia'ton of Ariculture and is sup- a time limit te the dairy l- tby ppreciate tht the real embarrassmnent. No messy pastes, pow- I.DA. Brand -Rg 9 l~etscMnen MrsG'v DIARY 0F A VAGABOND porters in the geverement. dustry te correct the over- essence cf democnccy cernes ders or pads. New CUSHioN-GRIP iS & egn1li and Todd, King SJ hyPik n ana This debete bas nanged over production cf butter or te suf- frem the people wbo stant in soft pliable plastic that holds snug as aFL RV AX EaiGos 44 ~ast *auOnebazad a olunistbassonne tbrec days now, acd fer the consequences. His de-' a small wvay and have te fighit dentist's moid, thru soothing suction. _____ Ror abr n litmp- pstotebn ebrfridsn n udnei hishave seme conception cf gev- lieves sore spots, refits, re-lines den. Agriculture ccd especîallv aint eom otli.Aoiin h in ebrfridsr ogiac nti lowdale, were Sunday iio:i aA yfrseevd hstm fyenIrmme sina boia and members of cennectien othor than the ra- ernmont in this country. miueso. No appicti, o laîtos onih ANdD_______________an(__________ witb the fonmer's parents Mr. fair share cf attention ie thejhoxv ruffied my feathers ho-Ithe Liberal party bave efor- thon ovemly simple and con- As I bave me.ntioned, it Is spite nightly cleaning. Easily remaved. ,nd rs. . V.Hoar Kin St.Throe Spech t th opo- cae whn a romiont en- mcdte sme c thoprobems equotiyt or impactiai rnetdemeeatieend t lest Fli mney ack uarates.Get CetA CDENT2AL350tube East. igc h unn ssinco da cm u ihbs fcm fthe farer ocf eastonn Cein- suggestion cf sbiftieg fnom r ne in acord ith te con ing of the curent session f, aGRaP ctmeout wiCOLGATEamantent39e ooothseBrushsion_-__-LG9T -Mr. and Mns. John Abranis tht2 Ontario leisiature. The e us pronounicemont that child- ada, as I bave seid, Mn. Chair- dainy te beef production., cpinc hs b i n___________________________ avo returned from an enjov-i government b pmsenting ar ren sheuld be told theme rcaîîy man, t is rather disturhing ta 'As bas been pcinted out by1 hs9idccte 2a.e25ha ý,betbnee-weok vacation et nurn b e r cf measures -t s' any Sente Claus. note that the Minister cf Ag- Dm. H. L. Patterson cf tb e Iwo sbould ask fermons te 8o22 DENTAL CREAMadFE Deytena Be a ch, Hollywood stnengtben the family ferm I would net, if I could j icultune and bis supponters. Octaneo department cf agri- ceow helr fan oneand the O G T ]ecOrlando and Miarni, ced the rural cconorny and te change for stenile eaîîsm, b ave not found time te make culture, fermons are stili pay- party wbame I forson t dodth Plorida. imprave the position cf the Years cf mny childbood wvhen nefenenco in this debete ta ing intenest rates cf 18 per- at hmIrpeetd Miss Judy Jcffery bas ne- family facm enterpriso." Any- Christmas bcd a magie pro- these verv senicus mettonsr cent, witbin a range cf 12 per netageetht hi iEaprpe 1i3r estonioCanadvTrisisyteof Tor,,. prporti n f th lepuction i the dairyReg. 1.69 ont ate scnin te vek-pupoes~~îî h wîcme b jscpe bas evo aîîed sac-expecteci, cf course, particu- borrowing. This bigh cst of industry. Tise FO IN0irD ooat13 end êtb ber parents, Mrn.ed, a vest mcjority cf faimmroc- cmlt mtoa aifc- we erfrbc e rei rvnsxcyfresThird, doaling witb tbe mat- UISSU£%______________ Mrs. Howard Jeffeny, We!-, ple. !te.larly we erfrb oceItpens ayfr r oi tT lingten Street. i It bcd boon expected that Wben my youngstcns came!r the record cf this gavomnment 1fmcm turning to beef produe- ton of the pnobiems cf our Rg 9 e.11 Mn. nd Ms. . L.~~~ 'Agriculture MinisterStwr along tbey wene subjected te1 and te the attitudes teken byltien, beceuse of the substen- dciry lndustry, migbt I sug- Sft ir A O-'- 9 9 would introduce a provincial the same meke-believe treat-I tho Prime Ministen ced the tial capital outicys involved. gstALatwo --ud---e-p- and John visited Mn. and Mrs. ARAponewhc oddmnt. Tbey suvvd ee Misenc Agcltr.Ti tp afrmrstcs schoûî milk pnogram. We with new W. aitin. evmsbmMrs lstFriday morning. This Ag-1 perfectiy well-adjusted grown tbcm cnd te this govenment frorrtdeiny production te beef sboupdovin ceate mn ith j -Rg.î an r.HnlG uy an, Ont., iultummi Rehabilitation and Mn n spiteof the fact they th fein iduryep-poucon oxvlned o- palities, insure tht evey To ucn - .ear TOP BRASS- - - - - 2fr10 and n. Gy Kettin, Me- Development Act bas the saile! gave eacb othen knowing lookcs .etly ends et the becd cf the hie the amount cf land and1cidiCada ecvsth fond Hospital, lest Sunday. j'general aims as the fodenal1 when we, thein parents, esked greet lakos: anything oasterly wc as many cows ie erder cpropein aontof mueacb th Mis Sarn eac ad erct- te foster cur naturel re- them lwbct tbey wented Sentea fo tebedcfte r maintacm the saime incoma day. What a sheme it is and P roaiÀQ iV finMiss Geraldice Wbîte'sources cf land ccd ensuro the ite bing them for s is ppanently net wonthy i roiul njcyed. The!wbet a sad commcntary on P ro ainA U E V e.12 ~10 of Nortb Bey, bave returned development cf e healtby agri- Tboy didn't went us.t k o f timo or enorgy. How fer' ei e eatmn.f gi100 giutr oiyt nw qftiend, Ilakeseprtmnt ohagi . for agriBRuMtuS LIZER Rcg. 98e 89 to their studios et the Univer- culturel ccocamy. The provin- 'tbey bcd been "enligbteiied";lthis attitude bas exteeded cen cu lture estimetes the cash that in Canade's cities there 2 fr29 sity cf Tomante efter spending ciel cct mentions the develop- it might spoil our fun ccd cul beh seen in the remcrks cf the yield per beef cew at S109 anc todey some chiidnen the weekond witb the forni- ment cf cammunity pasturos rclown considemcbly on their Primo Minister ic the debate aneuehly cempared with $240 dnnigppfrbekat o orfc ok ot r O er's parents, Mn. ccd Mrs. W. ced we understand thet spec- iprospects for boot. in reply te the speech from difAftTopforbeafat e- YoLIacTTLEs ete P. Leacb. fie prejeets are alnecdy in the I cannot rernember en-i the tbrone, when hie placýed e ar niigtovlejcuse their parents cannot cf- adfesbte ihLVRFLSRg 5 roýýtheclfoingme e'ifr ik Ntol 84c ndfesbetrwt On Sunday, Docember 2nd, study stage iii nothern and'spcsms cf grief or shock et the rstich empbasis on1 the suppotin mil k or Processing the this pnogcam ho supponted C R E Mn. and Mrs. John Watson, casterri Ontario. Theme are ýeventual eliztien rny awnr the Conservatîve patyhad airy produice. The agricul-1 financieily hy the federci gev-D Waverley Rocd, attended the mîso plans fon projeets of ai-, toys womc net brought dlown r eceived frem westernfe-tuedptretoth po-emntbttegoeret Chnlstenicg cf their grandsoii, ternate land use in co-opera- the chimney byea fat littie mmel ers, vince cf Ontario funther E:,-'sheuld sponsor an educational BARBASOL EX-LAX- -~ Rg 9 - 3 Scott Thomas, son cf Mr. mpli tien with local agicultural lin e ced suit. As for My sans 1 Mc. Chairman, 1 meonItinjfjate0 that for e farmer hav-1rograrn te stimulate and en- Brushlcss u n iwAI Mrs. Tom Lucy, et the North- groups on cemrnunity greups, 1 rememnben the youngest orjn this beemuse I have a peticui cfud mik cnrctuopaet fsbo mor -LI EOOATRg 9 ,rninisten United Churcc, Pet- but nething bas reacbed the nerncrking cnc Christmas ove lai interest in western Cn quota, bis cash yield per cowvjchildnon as te the necessity cf FIORIE erbnouigh. Point et wbich it becomes ae1when lhe was aboutseven , »", ada. I1xvms borc an a farm oldh aou 40.j l 1. blne1rcivng.ii -E ýUUI Sue Bn .-Q1:00 an.-NreyadBgnesIdtoe eti oe g Now yeu can have beautiful, modern blonde Then, lecving the dairy In- I lmnost as seon as they caf, wood finishes on old woodwvork and funtue dustrv, Mn. Chairman, rncyI..,. 112 am fundrare.nniture, k)cmpsd hirlst fproffer this opinion cf mine Kindergarteax anduess Pf Sntarotheilse f WI'thlout earnessy removing and tiresome serap- Mthat no segment of our econ. f KD E IL HLSFLETTI surance thene is no faling * icultune industry cf eestern REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN oihtîganNon c*W O f course, is the cost-price Bcah letton m i h ae euen l rNIcll esti *G AIIG amc.Te aicpobeFor , uetîrd I LAEMR letrmgthv enls nMABBELIZING squeeze of fcnm income. InMdclydvlpd e1n~ u oUinr IMY OMR REFORMED CHURCH the mil.eî raeig N IQ IG*the three-year period te958IPE pads help IRCSIEO Scugog Street, Bowinanville ents have been using for gen- MMturel produets have declined WIP OTandLE enatians stili works. Whe Corne un and see our samples . ou too hx' 3.6 per cent, while the cast witBlcdder SLIP.en Rev. John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D., Micister cbildren count their gifts be- vlbespredowayyucnmkeid f commoditîes and sevices wiouemarsen Telephone 623-5023 ý,fore dev,.n of Christmas day, UMpunehased by fermons have ________ papes and mammas cee. dark wood finishes look like new! increesed by 5 per cent.I stili se y, "Secte bas ail the have demît specificaily with WORSHIP SERVICES good lfle boys and ginls in the U jY «OLD MASTERS" LIQUID WOOD AT the deiry industry ccd just for ____________________________________ world te emember ccd there ' a moment I shauld like te din- 9:00 a.nn. - English tias eniy se mucb roon iun bis e ct my remarks te the prob- sicigh".' l B . lemis cf the hog producons. Pecito 11:00 a.rn. - Dutch Thousands more kiddiesM M fll* This industry is, of course,Prs iton -IDA.R m de wili again this year iick tiieor B R N T 7:30 p.rn. - English asuh ecl îd eoîuiM dis;appointed and penplexed s. Proclairning the WhoIe Counsel of God jJprint in big lettons on a Santa- PAINT and WALLPA.PER i n reducing the pncmium cen granm form c message te Senta grade A hogrs from $3 te $2 somethieg like this one phono- 3 Kn S.W.BM nile per cercess. The pnemium cof "Back To Iaod Hour" nBroadcasls yean-old bey: an courecil dated August 24, ..DRG.. "Plez sent by nudoîf cee bi- 1960. With the advect et this CKLB, Oshawa, at 9:15 p.rn. every Sunday sickle to, me aise c wetunms OUR lc SALE CONTINUES * rga hr a nor CKFH, Toronto, at 7 a.rn. dol for my siston who dees t o agement te fareros ccross 5Kn t nymte e eare goed aaat upgncde the quali- 5Kn t .-Poe6 35 9 kids love johnny." iMMMMM ty oft.heir begs. No seener E l i