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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1962, p. 10

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- O. A. C. BUYING b .C. Cornish Editor nt The Trentonian According to pnpular slor- lo!F, the method of bu'.-:np i'n some countrie.- i for the sel- - FARM STYLE * n" to rflare h:,4 oî ce. :,he rinabo-,i*. on blocksz. A p a rt tntnel erO naie h: prîce. and froro a lltîie du;ît, in ookedý :hrr for a long pe.-:od of 'nag- .hr and new. ging tg 10ake place ufltP both She a.nit got rfil ta fn-;agree'. 1-500 m:lcs on her.' grt d Th; is i sippo-eri to be prcl.:- Bob. as lie pressed open thîe Y aI. va atrncîtnJ doors. so that %ve could get a But ',et kil be sa'!d hal. ,b trook. Win ners of Stewart Burseries eer the anreirv of the pea- beh. jb' the leather W. oh-p invýolveci. the c'îiýtom sGi-rb' rernarked mx- host. gin-î _____ k in z orne r-uraî arcias<of aeriv- pressing the almosi' .0.11nt a rio. o ,rock bard ide cui'tainF. M"ft ft hs exo:rQ h ou can ge, di'ssing, sort, of farm stvIe buv:rng oc. for tha'.. and thev-il be 1ike; curred v.'hen I decided in bhi' nex." said Bob. Sfstca r. , H oxv r-ntich ion wýant"' quteried nix' friend, poking and' whic'h in" farmr or !0 ýiperi1. 1 figure 1 ought urn de~de woid UA iltgel S150." Bob said. ci 5 hlat muni ' sa id 1ni% friend.' roior x-ork co&'d tnot be dune. B, x oldofrvni - ~ t-e drove bthe -hoe o distinct farmer who ,vas0 oblokofand-o' h ferin-j the t ehicle for sale. fib !lime andfrte "Ho nic-hhav ougot "Thiîs car' an',b har'dlxr sorn A b ~~inspend'." asked nmv trieni, a. e sid 1should gel DUR a~we ro e lon te oîinrvat lea-1. $125, and that's a: \Viiinei's of the Robert Arthur' Stetvar't Bursaî'îes at the Offlaijo Agri- road to the place \v-here the sica:." cuti',al College aie seen 1eceivlng thoir awaî'ds from Dr. J. 1). î\lacLachiln, Means etter ivingne! ca was eg ollacrc'«Mtf bwasedt tePresident of the Ontario Agî'icu]tural and Veterinaîx' Colleges, GuelIph. The __UR DI-RoRUW\ter S'O-iîv elîtnr. d i.'wsdor. and -;Ioc)d for a îîiomciib. bu'saî'ies of S250.00 aie offeî'ed bv' 2vrs. Elsa Stewart" of Packenham. Ont.. b 'I m repv. -ell"lie saici. 'ste haven'. 0J îem gîxe_ý us îî e5hî pure We'!. '.ou vu 'H ieed sýorne ,otthaI niuch cash. We miglitý assist studeris enteî'ing Illie Otitaiî'io Agr'iCLlturýal College, and are awarded on wvater when 'nd hr i v e of thatt b fix iAnbc arhe li \-ou $8.3. but not a cent the basis of academu.' proficicncy and interest in agricultui-al affairs. Fî'um neeci it . .. addi5 to our ci-on - -id So lii e do the : s 'k nore..1 left to rigoht ' J. .Dlype Kmtil.Ot;SiilyR otr .3 î'enience andi comiort oi daile' I.Bub xx ikcd OUISde. a1-.d hR aîvnl.Kmt-le Ot:Si'e .Pse.R.3 lUf. W arruxi-ci ai ( .id ýood kiin lliou0htfu!.ý Lambeth, Ont.; J. R. Ioiî'îs, R.R. 31, aterford. Ont., J. A. Raderi. IIav post PUR> Prns ae vai- rove;iio lhe y-a-d of a ra- fg1î I Moui do be-tter1 Office, Ont.; Dr. J. D. MacLachian. President, Fcderated Colleiges; D. W. Rînble. ahle in ail sizes Ici oleet ln- hen nrdinaiv lookiîîïg plae.'îîuî Ii!.e said. "1 liaci a. R.R. 2, Gormley. Ont.-, M. 1). Saari, Ont.; L. W. Vanchief, R.R. 1, Arneliasburg, dîsidual needý. Scecvour Areldrvmrcedi e clotxni a while back xxoulda ,Ont.; P.E, Tamrblyn. R.R. Nor'th, O'ono, Ont. O.A.C. Photo Plumber or DURO dealer gsrnel mofarer fid 'lcpaid S130 cashýl." for juil I'niormation or n-nr se-ie oleolifîîn - 'haî ('arn hacibeeî sittIngý for FREE folder, "Runnin.q Mcc da\-.. tva b gie lîe:' e for 20 veans, and it, V'as Wier te ar Ncesiy' "i -' 11'r isg.c ,a safe bel the last prospective H Waeth am eesiy. -Y ).'arpdn\ *Iell bie- aion itubdI,' o stein C lub M em bers ail oughI ws c h e 0 ~ dust for atIclast 15 of tiie 7ý thow lie noulId sav 50obu he ~ ,face of falluc rani tie~ Ux'frieiid contemplatied b.s , .ý l/ m p J wa uîtnolun a? , l 'î'îgerîiails. I '40c1"h11 fi'oiii ()'liefoot 'Tel] von ss'bat," lie said.'E io n n a e t n toaîo'hic-. iîtcliig tb sec tle x c't gi e nmore than s8l-3 n :a ed * a-h. but I could th ros' tO juil -'lliii h-' i I c ei ale h lIson rjo e il î x ýn tin O'î ic lso iîc-i *"soniie bags of potatoes.' l dina a îheii 20 tiiiili les iiillic saille g:- Bbtogbbî'u Bko i J. . oe and Son i i f.. rhi :î.about jî oliuesm îîeD o~ î i (.,a 1 vc-. a ilCIx ho haci înarr~ i-i; so lhot li oî. i ebtu hniib d e b ss'ioin 'Q fe ast svhibE. anid -sgrc.p 'lboi. ironocentlv, he ladii's. R. (flaspol ah-rn %voniî 11w who lin xaschad. and ivi w i , ;ask.d. ~About 10 bags . maN'-' Pi'side-i tRos s tes -iîs. i-ýe. ase Feeci Tnopîy' f o r I aI' ai so.t, nbe"' sdýIding as c'lîaii'îilin lcoii-G rand Chamlpion çW The, a lrgth nu frco o, ~T figi'e irnavbe tlitee the bi'eeciers anid ilîcr r scves 'fliceIaipis T. BroNî Mii eil sad Tlirarvou waiit 10 sel 'r Aiaica .Bb',ogsxol o.Te'iesorth 4-H Club nieîibcn ac tiiîIl'S i' oplI\' foi- the lîgh aacd i~aboul S2.50 a hag nos." untioduce I ulic-ad table. Vair CIlub uicinbei' xas 1)î'e V~eL I uiughi.i '"\ake il set en. thaI o!i m-Cuî x orOat' -urc eDLga oeb i P UMPS &SOFTENER S, warlic, athnodiliz;VE as i five me about $100." argueci tette consisting of Gleii AjH 1nir 1 Bto i se e e.W ON J C>N I I E ri~52 he:'hoa-îifacesI Il bos -~ NIA' ieîîd toc-il thele.oundicaîîd Jack Alliîi-sanîg txiî u buie C A N A D A : ii % - a lok i i 0 t 1 i l ," P u t s ba n d s i n i l p o c k e t , , g ro u p i s f r i n l l hc ' s i li ' i i l c ' B i u c î k î u ' ' c c x r "Les hs Ca lok I i. .and thei sa ud slosxlx."iv eypieasiîîg sic.k A. J. 'laîîblsi thi a gîfi.for sugo2erlni.-fniuî,,s ;aîd .$85. That's testsiiîiîvx crsuuffaiîttl*si - ___ Witlîout comment,- oîr liost W '.-'&ail do."bet i' . A. O. Da sitpl' cr-- (as our- salr-sniai. As, 1\n JA K BR0UG ;cd us iiîî:o s-hat passc'd foir oalo îiotli iduced uthepur-st spcakc.M r., 'îIilî ix siiaue1 u PLU1~mINGand HEATI giprage. e crawled ovei- as-:î'ubbec ilus cl'iîi, Uand tuien ielu .Nd{xnanLgîhI-ni s ortedisa'. lorsEs. bits af ciotriuiKonpi illaAgicu Division Street Souîth ioxvrs. îiilocl tord xv oodl. an-i "'ont lusliand. torah Sclinul. . ETrIRTmNT -. uncrv othe lc e iiaî-al. wanc . Duele aci is îopi- "Kes'. iciSucî-os," , ILV fI MA 3-5615 BOW11AN VILLE. 1- d1il lVuiti iîh that, a kurid of n'iagie , wsnos -ispiutoiulaîd 1 or T'~e"i -i ile ioi Iaigc came ox-er the tt7o u-toa iibu cug îi i' li JC'. ý lui--?aithie, îîî~oeîî Xhile T1'ouiited ont the!,oci ono<i he Poît. ptns hîieofui lic 085.hies-cliattec aîîd laughedï,,toîîccî svc- P: xoit Tlîîi'.dav aftc'x'oon MN - , aipllda lfi' ftePo- , 1î Seta goal an:d ker! 55 1, k, loi i D'-oiibe-r Meeting. Des- s A tato bags w-hic-h w-e haci ail tgîs'îc"î vu sis-pile tliii' ec-siicçlcmeîit xseath-i "- "eadv, pult bthie back of mx'tiics ,th, xx as eiii,ý ard, cr, a large turniout of nîeîî- -- t. 4* ' riend's car. 2. The abîlîty tb potaig li\svsas priesoiit. Follovv'iîg a Not Tbcî ive ail %vent in atiîd w-n vour fcihîuts' n s rv fuli agenda. iîîcludiîîg * ~~ Bob's wife made lis a big diii- j.Do n istkits-bb-anu al Chî'istnîas ex- i Anîd t[hats hk ow x car ivas lirot îiîlciii o i .. . xlrr4 lid wo',do Ilîlt 1),gîouîps .-,î-ediun-b wvitbpro- S ~/ "s Fathers . * nuh fi t-eai-c fi.icc(bz goiîig ho ibeir ongalîlsa- see.uhsolle or hîr-lion,. On O0Iy. poinths brouglît, outinii a fis- Ses oral Yelv'c-i'îaiîs ai- i ' ZIONb acicress. He mentiotied sortie o flrîdcd thie adn;Bnqe the Durhiami Couuiv farmns helc li Coiiurg on Tuîsday ik: - M".1-an-y Polo;., 's. j-xR xxhoehmsaulbiisiîîessos c %,t'iiîiig. ai ss-chlime Wai'- i ~~C. Staîntoîî çpctit'*a'ci dayauli aci s isti tliaiafteeî'uîoîî cienî Jenc-Y Phi lips of Crauîîalîe -u Toot.andi that tliey' prcted luis nie- 'u'isliip stvas p'eicds-- - V Lie Miss Niai-la Staiuîtor-îsae.agmW st atch ini hoiioui' fls' i jepeuî thîe dat' ',xith blu'coui-,Laîiinp -Staplos ithaniikeci Iiasiig seu s-r-cl the Uniitedl - sin Miss Chers'h Ain -ambl',the speaker'. Mr'. G. E. Nelsont Coun.iîus. A xnviw leasaiit.. to P i Oshaw-.a, andi baby Lisa Shain- Pl'eseîtcd Ihle fîgh Bt' A. en- teii s'ssi.oyed svih!î '-- f i i iste hr radiIl licte t te liniais preseuit for -J A litofte farticîes anid 'B.C.I. tuf os-en'21) r'orîds xx1h ll iipuisu 'ticd b thrir atenSied c-oiesl ni Llldd""ai pe 'hm nFidav fronilunn' oî uitt -c's' 0l-nkii -îu Iiîr' Su DlitR Clanis Par- -lsiaBoxx-iianixille, af- B.GlaspollI \Vas prcsouiýtci ii os'îîaî u e eissok. Mu' aid ntgeveCA. .1. Tuth>OTnnji ii' en'-l"'nuîai -'îo-c NIr ad Mrs. Cibu'utiaii Stor.l', - .. -sc'oîîîp porticons of thie parade 0, '.~..Br'uc-e aîd .Jacqueline. lsling- 'nu îapudls-in Meuicîial Inns- iiT' audsbut di 1 On a HnsGeissbergci-s. pitl. Boss niaîitillc vo ldî' sec -irays. Tî ' 'M's. F. B. Glaspeil, 1\n,";Nexi Suidas' nrniiig, i)fe is tii Le nongrattilatec it Alex .\iMaster. Joauî and Ross - cenur IlltiaiI laiit -Lcu a finîe p:'oseîtahîîî anîd ~~. ~~~. ~ ~ . î ,~~~~~ Visiî-'l at Ras' Scotu's, Kedroîî. .be Whiute Gîfi Sîia. -a-u iîoîîraes'ltnîtoa- 3'- HaîsGcisshuergeî-a- li)til e a spical NM. & S 'M, îjljîc xi hIlco-opetFac- thuù' ie (nieral ofthue laie Sniîcla\.. Plousc hi- up soýrirîuîo ls caî lirruiSc'bnid. Newcastle.. eu'ipsaî ie cueou~ îrand iMrs. Rae Maicolui Mr . andcI rs Arthuîr Young . -ri uini1ecl home oin Tfiurid. t'lai' aînd farniuiy. IT'î'one: Mlisa cîuîgle . e 1 ig1h ler.xuoid n a1et'da st'b Perl I.cac-lî -Soina, t'eepintii is cuininit', bSi lis' Rialuuhi Ma ts-oliiis aîîdthe Ii iîclui s sisitirF at Norman Mu '. t'uariern sent Mo -slr uc o iili - u! r-uclis. jas- s'îii el a :-s i în cuîî c, l'îio adîî lu.h s or W ~~~& o o d ~~~~iô & -M.\ adnMrF~. Fi Pd IIn, Our auiuîial t'G . T "c-i' lleHisrs aloiî - Bolttu. isiteci ai liapîs Ceîçs' tsd CaîidlýeluiltSeri'ce xx.'.ý berge r's, -'lie lii it) li hînili o Sui ti. (1 S jleasatit afte'î'uîoou C.G.? 1' gils:ai-e hlisîg a i'av, Decenî'oer 2:1 irdai 7 ui xthu flie Mecrle \VaitCamps cf * ' n n I 'h i'i.~~~tuii'a sors' uce on Dois-nii - A coi-dia t invsitationîîis c' -c-~ aklukoit Sunuday'. k ihre ointhî~ \ou knou, xjr fanill ' Aould cnjoy thisthr% ma hi-fi, a newv car, a TV sct?) If Yt)ure hesitating becIIuse COf the %train it %vould put on vour bank-roll. It wilI pay you tb cali on the Bank of Montreal. Xith a loiw-cost. life-insuIIcd B of MNI -aniilv Finance Plan 1. oan, Now Cali pas' cash for your purchase. and ea in monthly instalrnents îailored L~ff II In 'your budget \\ hy not ik to MY11 l$INf the people a? \oui local B or m brandi today. (BANK OF MON IREAL FàmOILVBpnance Plan crngs U14ldcr etsme roni. tOW.COST, tIFE-NSURED LOANS Bewnianville Brandi: lAINES RFLL, bManager Oshaw~a Branh; jAmis lMCCýaN$H, bMnaier WORKING WIIH CÂNADIANS IN EVLRY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1811 hon 1, i7 'cl.'flicEx- erl tiial PindîrolS aie assu"tuig inthie ___________ C.audielîglitiiîg sprtit-P. Su'. aud Mrs. Jium Stauîu ton, Mrs, John Barl, ios t ud teîîdcd a pari", vai Mr. andîî M ousdont h 'lOi-ci Gladm-aii's. Courtice. on SatcîrdaY cs'r-îiîg. Stauîîtoî Mr. anîd Mus. . C. squeezen aiteidc Ladies' Nuglît ai ilî Klecc'îic-aJ ?Maintenanice Club oii Satnîday es'eîing.i 1%1 t& ~Snîta0x - tv1. e\bcýtndod 1tin. 'xandci Xi rs. B Les- iiflIte ;liilfiti ;iasàiug of '\1rn. [<'c iun u? au11H \lr',l-ack SnîiIh. 'mIs ( lisSit' b anudfan'- in"ran spc'i Satirda to 'roio 'i"Har'oldlLarmner lias ne prtdp ut,d ol lîe Ennui Mncu, anit reýtc Hi' i ,. Bssuaî suefee! i nins nce i nTcrrs- Hubuutd liâ" haitc l'i> l.iJhoîîe lu ornuGeiicral Plan lets il, I.Oshiaswaf e eltin F~ Sirance iiuPli5'd iunuhuer iL i î .Bon lîi bbaîirt and ic Nb \llen - ci HaLbbarci xxee e ins-- a<<healhii di~rinr giocsts of M-andcimrs. ahaii Oliver l-lbbard. Oslbaxvta. .-. . ad MnIrandci Mrs Leslie Gra- Secens hor - tant. la'.donvere Sundas gciest.,. of Mr -ýaund MI's. Cs nu awuuç MI naid Mis C;erge AYiý (NSL'RANCE son and ifaiitlx . 'tIns Psar Aver,,s'. cre SiLuîdas' gLe'ss ofKingSt. E. \ li-. Etliic' iýon Osliax'aý Glaci ta report îîa M\irs. P A veux is feelinîg nîuîî'h im- Ofc i pîus'odNIA 3-5691 NI:- anid Mu5 RuSF HLIbba:n-i aid Jaru.cp. Trentlon,. Mu' adic ?lsP Ws Davicbsai. Zîou'. M4r atuci Mrs George Datiu- Marne of Pr onu and fariiv. O ia s. GrO.L. OMcop -,cI S'î:a' n z. of M:..a-ic1 i Es Mr.. C, Van Dam us Âmprov- ocace ofm1 ofs iona pt mW iflsurnci a hcalth rdetails. TrB. R RLA 'rttDrd 18f1nij ENNISKILLEN have ta Intoiiccnlfor last tek) your -alIe homîe of NIrs. R. Oî'nî- isîoîî. Mu's. J. SlEnmoî oponeci Ilue îmeetinîg ssith a shor't piitu "Tackle It'. Mrs. E. W'riglil gase the des-otional.ý -ihiicsiîig Hlappuiess as lien thcuîîe. The Soripture svs' takeui lroîîî Galations .5, verses 2-4 She choseci sithu prayen: sud i ni i394. Mrhis. A. \'cry st-as ii in-ai'geý îf tir- fol lots-iîg pi'ograin' l's. (i awsforci ga e i ie sttidvý bookL- ou iîîiîgratoî" Sie gat-c i '" oa it s"rtuxsbîh luoughuts po-i'Iti al i cprîunrs Slie iîu minci,'t oui co'Ind oil.\-Ins Stoîîgo xv li ilump xim 'un tlis o-f lier osto epernicnrcs iu l-i lx' Sîrs. F_ Wrighl ilaîd Mrs. ('rats- dgeî.' Ouir lr fav-oureci ssitl a vo('al Pachu i accompanieci bs'Mis. H. tour un- - . " . ilut îepî mteci n Sos ci a il it i u iStewsari'cshîip. Mir S. lis. ix' a ýA. Wernx o-xpressoci thanks taý i ,unii f "uîsý Ori'îiii anîd ait'ho 'e prognsm ic-hpeci ssith ilie programt. h utxdiiet. 'lTitemiutes of the last ieecc- 'ig w-eeî'cacl and approvedi. T: î' olI I -îlL sxbh s'as answrec i s'th t'Chtanges I - NEs tînnîci hke bru secin ncxt ya" JAMES ic ýtiiigs."' gax-e many gooci U, ESTATE 1(ic5,' 'isl1obI»s gasve ite tu-cas- on%%,manVille ci 's repoîrt. lit\,%as decideci fo gîs',e $10 luthe Tei-nperanceý Residence Funci and tii put $100 in the, Buiîlding Fuici. Mî's, E. Trots%-- è1A 3.5493 it siîî be outr îiet Presîdont i lrs- . KMeGilI as second, \'is-'resdcît. eeting clos- Fdxx îtlî hx'nîn 16 atîd praver. :Lchiuixas serteci b','Unit '2. s'.'ul euterbaîuî iir hus- hi csomen u. 2anc8 i iis.a Iifs-cîsonu Dofi. 12aid Mputu A. fSTARKVILL PL ' AIrs R. Lot'. i ' and Grant. Toronto, spent Suinda-,i wîthi MVrs. A. Dobson. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Casw&Il. and family spent Sundav %vîth: M r. and Mrs. A. Grev, Kings-: t on. MIr. D. Shika. Oslia\a. at1 Ai'. M. Shiutka'3, Su-dav. Mr. and M\,rs. Cliffr ià fle.d ipnd fairiilyBvinn i vis-i lited at AMr. Herb Reid's. MIr. and Ms.Pcrux' Tami-i blyn, Mrs. H. Boiven and Dar- IL-ne, Newcastle, a.nd Mrt. LleNv iiioon i itShiloh. IMe recourxted Hlalloivell -were e'eî',iî'.g diii- the fîî'st Christm-as as were ner guests %vith MIr. and '%rs. recordied by Mlatthew and St. Carl Todd, Sunday. Luke in the Gospels He crn- Mr. Rov i\cKay.Bi-otite. pleted bis mess.age with the visiteci Mi'. Arthur M'.v stories -The Fourth Wise :Mrs. M. Shiîtka is a patieivMa"bv Henîry Van Dyke and in Memnorial Hospit al."W' the Chimes Rang" by Some fromi this diistict st- Rayniond Aider. Next Sunday tended the Sania Ci-is Par- the service at Shiloli at 2-:30 ade ït Bowrnanville Saturdav' will be the special White Gift l'fterîîoon and greati>v apprec- onte aînd the following Sunday, iated the mnarvellous spertacle. Dec. *23i-d there will bc a Can. -'Christmas Meditation ',w-as cileliit Service at 7:309 ith the caption for Rev. R. C. special Christmas Music and TREWHAVEN CONSIGNMENT SALE Monda y, Dec. 17th TIME - 1 p.m. Sharp TI nhe U held at EWAE AMLD whih i gn te ctiogRoad 15 miles north of Bowinanville and 1 z mile south of Blackstock or 7 miles east of Port Perry via Highway 7A. 50 VE OFFER PURE BRED .50 HEAD HOLSTEIN CATTLE HEAD Neare oftcring a u'sefuI group etF Iresh anxd pringin.4 vIoung Cows and 2-ycar olds, as swei as a numnber of Yearlings and CaIves. ACCREDII'ED l'lie majority are readv for imiiediate expori. AIl cattie tested or eligible tri enter Iistcd or certified area herds. NEXT SALE %VILL BE IIELD JANIjARY 2901 Sale Managed by: TREWHAVEN FARNM LID., R.R. 1, Burketon, Ont. Phone Blackstock 986-4957 .iuctionrer: HIOWARD TREl'I'N, BIackitock. Jer ,.swr s hita RI L9 OE SOES- a à 1 10 The eaiadlin Anrille, Dee. 12, 1982 N'ACCINATED BLOOD TESTED ýi t tGr foe(u-â-,/ . 9?e , Ob

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