Gordon Àgnew, Edilor phon Badminton Club Plans Legion SweIIs1 Round Robin Tournament ýFor Cer Ne.wcaffle:- The first mnept- The memnheus, decided the wav on Thursdav evrning. ing of the season of the New- badminton court sbould be December 13th. wien the club ca3tle BadmInton Club was 1 pen Thuusday, Friday even- -ecnutn on oi and social eveuiing when anv- held in the Communitv 'Hall ings and Sattiîrda.v afternoons, one înterested in becoming'a en Tuesday, December 4th, ecli for tcenagers. Th" emeofhecuisuiid with 16 Persans li attend an ce., first hour on Fiday evenings to attend. Proceedîngs will!, The new executive was ap- wiil be couducted *as an in-gel underwav on Thursdav at roinled And Plans weue d.'îrcinpeuuod for those7:0p. cussed for the coming sea3on. wishing tn becomne acquain.d ffces or ueconig ea Il was decided the exectitive with the gamne, wlien experi- son Are: Puesident, Harper ahould meet witi the coni- enced piavers xiii be present Kelsey:- Secuelaux, Mary Plu- muriitv hall board tn r[md ouf 10 toaci lie newcomers, of isýter, Treasurer-, Judy Mikios iust~~ htwaexpected of tue which the club is, in opsand Tournameuit Cm îe club in lie wav% of pa.viuig fou tioî'e will lie a gondîx uum RlILae u Mux ewdev electricitv, ec sdb ert tegtnlecliub. The refresimeuit 'ouivenor u club. The 'sason xiii get undctr-,Atdreý, Wallon. RWev. R.D. Jones Speaker Le 1nc Çtk (kAuiar Anaauu Previousiv ackn ledged Evening Bî'anch George's Ê Church W. A castie. Ladies' Auxiliar ai Canadian Branch 178, B, ville Fred H. Guahai & Door, New Go)ode'.s Hardwa Newcast le Dirk Briuikman, ance, Newcasl PONTY The Canarlian Statestan, oni1, Dec. 12, ig62 Mr. and Mrq. Lionel Mc- ~eti otH p Keown, Mona Road, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. Toba c Mus. Russel Nesbitt, Messrs. a c Leon Buavley, Frank Nesbitt 103621 jto, visited Sunday with Messrs- T o 2 c P e Elmer and Marvin Nesbitt and I ir P Ted Lennard. W U U Mr. and Mrs. George Bow- Au . erý weue Sunday evening din- Durham an otubr A UX. ner guests of Mr. and Mrs.]and tobacco far-m owners met Wilfrid Vine to celebrate Heu- li Port Hope on ThUrsdax bert's ninth birthday. evening and agreed to support Funa a request by the Ontario Flue- miotaph Howard Lee and Clifford. per pound levy on the 1962 low- Little Britain, visited Mu. and, Put-pose of the ]ev\, rejected $507-61 Mrs. George Bowers. iast March in a province-wide ,S t. Friends xii be pleased to plebiscite, is 1. enabie the Anglican ilearn t hat George Heaslip bas board with Ontario goveun- New- been taken from the citical mient assistance. to buv and 10.00 list in Lindsay Hospital and store tobacco unsold ai the 'y, Rov- progressing nicely. Mu. and thuee auction excharîges. Legion Mus. Gordon Heaslip and fam- Mac Frew, district 14 board ýowman- ily of Oakville spent the week- director, toid the meeting if i- ah100.001 end witli Mrs. Heaslip. ail districts supported the levv, vaste 5.00 M. Arthur Jackman has the auctions -hich cosed No'V. beenuelasedfro Por.>Pr',23 after a week's operation. 10re, Hospital and Mu. Cecil Veale oièpnnx ek Insur- front Lindsav'ý. Hospital and The vote, taken at a lastilv Insur- both are staying with friends. convened meeting at thie golf le 5.())cl_-ub, resulted in 64 in favour A Unitarian bale m'as pack - and nhýne agamnst the levy. Total $637.61 d bv Ms. R. Davison and MI. B. Heaslip [rom the Nestleton: Vote of Confidence ,Women's lnstitute and valued Air. Yrew ternied the de- POOL lat $5800- cision "a vote of confidence" Mr. and Mus. Donald 'Il the~ board. i Auio'uicr citizen passed awv ompson enert'aineci the INIU57 0 ba su s &UR D» Imlllu l gI cir aarinembers o! lie Tiompson i suddcenlv ie hpe,,,n of ,ani toa,.,,kv inner for 0 'Claudia' Badluk, wife of Mu. Miss Etiel Tliompsoui on Sun- Morris Gillis and mother' of day, tic occasion of heu birti- W eII Attended by District Lions iwas of a pleasiuig personality and Mus.Lo-eTmpnad ad ioxed b.V ail. Etineral familY, Mu. and Mus. Ix'an Newrastlé -Soml@ 175. peu- R. D. Jlones, District Governor la would travpeller and lectui Pr services heid fr'om the United Thonipson anid family, and sons sat clown in a;deljIcioiis;and Mus. Robert Gardon, Lion and s diiector of tire Cao- Chuuc'i on Thuirsda ' v ,ei'e Mi. and Mus. Harvey Thomp- turkey dinuier wii al] llc Brenton an'd Mrs. Rickard, adian Council of Christians laugel>' atlciided wilh Rex. son and famil.v o! Oshawa. Mi'. trimmings at the 1.51h Cliarter Lion Haury and Mus. Jose, and Jcws was introducecl bv Snowdon conducting tie serv-,and Mis. Adrien Hudson of Anr.iversary nf tie Newcastle Lion Bill and Mus. Storks, Lion lrwiui Colwill. Mu. Jone1(05 sw th Mis. Lily Richard- Touonîo also called on Miss Lions Club in the 1owmnaui- Lion Harold and Mus. Gibson. said in cioosing a sub.jec.' fou son as ougarîist. Intermien t Tlîompsor ithii a third lovely ville Lions Centre on Satur- Deputy District Governor- Ross'his address in Ibis gaîliering was in Pontypool Cemeteux'. birtbday cake. day evening. This was wîthoîît and Mus. Oliphant, Z o ri e lie decouations had given hi We extend oui- sinceî'est s.Nm- Mr'. and Mus. Edgar Emner-ý doubt the largesl and most Chaairm dFr. and Mus. Ed. his subject and ho spoke on Yll pati>'ho bliose wio mouro. son anid bo "s of Don Milîsý impressive, Ladies' Night Par-~ Niciolîs, Russell C. Hone.\, Christmas Themne. lovePmcnt of Christmas xisited Sunda 'v with Mu. andi ty held bv lie cliii in ils 155 M.P. anc. Mus. Hone'1. De- Mu. Jouies said that lie lices lias hccui gond rînlil tirs Mus. Malcolm E.merson. year history. pîîtv Pist. Goveruior of Re- Christmas sea.fon îuiugs oui wcckend wlieui suow, slippeux' Miss Leslie of tie Depaî't-, Following the ieliet' m-1 diii- g'ýrri11, Jack Boyle and. Miss the very iest in rman becau se roads, andi fields slowecd up ment of Agriculture conduct-: nersered y Ih laie~uitMaux'Ev'anis, Zone Chairman il is a ltime fuir love, ciaritv sales. 1962 lias sooen lie most 1 w-a ous u up St.r Js Anglihe a iërruci: of Il West, Jerry Evans and anid self sacrifice. Using Maitrocs .mox',ed nito ni Ibi oraliîvrdatoa cusonCp lie President, Frank Hoar-'us Eil.l îustrations of hoxv man fuir manv verars. Mon wce peu .-Tuiul.Wingtunderli asices( '0ni Ncsiletoui Wotcui's lristîtiîteo welcmedticlare gaiiein~A brief bistory of leth oe d' ' at hrsmstm j mPl0yedrom fra,'and near. Thos o iiatteuided aithie and called on International projects of tie club ovPr fthe gix'e trithose in nccd ii Ihe p ments iy rail or lurîrk. roo Côuncillor Buenton Rickard ho past 15 yeaî's wererevip.,Ved a rea. he suggesled wiaî aIwerr,,higci han exer a;nd Prsstenin iurpingses-'o introduce the following head by President Frauik anrd 8 wondeuril xorld thig woulîdhe Oufaita'o iyc &,wbleiaPmp erions. otiiersigss table guesîs. Lion and Mýrs. "Toast Inotlie Ladres" i everyone on t llis North ercd ix stiox, arc stil luxing iuS Ir'win Colwrll. Lion Presicient PrOPOsPd b>' Lion Brll Shorks! Amrerican continent rouliid ho seciie trecs fou the Ontario andMrs FrnkHoa, Rv!and respondied ihy Mu:;. Har- have this same spirit i love tracte. Snid Gibson. and self s"crifice throughouitr Local wuitier', un Ihie di'axxH n y s Election Representativeg or L'lnn the veau, what il wouid mcunai IRord'x store in Bpthaui on yAyk Clubs present [rom rie'iiitricIto the hungry hôrdes iii Afri- were Mr. Chas. Ciapnian xx ho Cars f haks were called iv Lion Brentof c rtegvrnsn oul ,ni i Yhrke'atîiriMr . Il" Q uestion on Rikadan skdtri stand, rieia wouid have. this sanie Pàyne was wýinuier of lie Sincere thanks tr i &l votérs'The foliowing cus weue mre-. spirit wie.n dealing with i ie blankot. Who supported me for School!puesented, Wbltby, Port HoPe, îîodprdeveloped( countrics of. u u rs.Ost il Scad. n te rcen muicial:Cobouîrg, Bowmanville, Iird- ::he would.Mran szip\ht o c o Isu electiorîs. sy eebrugCbrn, Tie speaker-, liough gîvîier sp utand av fy riesha ie scriticai sîluitiou iun Iho George E. Chaud. Frauikford, Napanee, Haveiock, muci fond fou thloughtin iii hu- lieue.with fi ' iitniiarrn iniuslrv in Ontarioi ,50-1 Nouwood and Newcastli.. driF hkerebi District Goveunnu, Ruibeut a - ,kpthsaudienice on ' i - putn rmil lsn wol lk iitk tr SIdfl iNowo peethie edge of Iheju seats ýwithIl i, .Mr. FulEmmorey- 15 lia',-ie p.markets has, ocsinc wpounily f t ak, ie vol- d lencofvele d pre Dscric-quick hum o ri r iuterj(,leîd Ig a good tuapping >'i -e some qes-Dii 'm -Li'- oportur ofli vila t ecas .t he'Go cnno vaI0ýsrd îom th lrouigiont bis address. lias hagged several n'ink, icav- ai Members of Parliament uc-1 forthirsupot ii iedc- ntrntioalAsocaton o! Mr. Jones w'as thanked fou r adlaslatix'e tri goxrimeuitai action,1 ton on December 3rdî. 00Lions Clubs Io Lion Brenton uhs most iuilereslung and in-' While disappoirîted, t I s if anyin answeu to represen- behaif of My family and mV- Rickard for bis oulstandiog ioi'Malixe address li> PasI writeu is ver 'v happy with lie rations macle10ineh Ministeru self, 1 would like to wisi otle work last year as Govennor o usdullluyJs i -sportecive n the receuit nr Agriculture b>'IeOnan and al a Merry Christmas District A-.3 and hp was given sented hixiii a amaîl jgift eleron. The xvote ant Prntv- Flîîe-Cîr'ed Tobacco Grower's' andi a Happy New Veau. a standing ovation by tie, oui lihaI! iof lie club as a :pool and Caus'adcn Sciool was Marketing Board. (Mus.) Pauîline Stouks. Lions of lie district. uiiciie'nto ofi us xisit. ver' faIVOuIIRale wilh Most tri Hansard o! Wedlnesday, .9(-l, Lion Puesident Franik Hoar, Following the. closing ce- otier polis giving nie con- Dc tqeto, nt; -- -inleujected lie one sadi note -marks by lie president Lion siderable support. We sin- Dci'. ti, er stions onRusl into lie puorecding.s wben ho Frsnk, tie dinner motine ,cerely hope Iliat youi have suC. ' ere ask.eDurhamRuse. nnounced liat the Charter iroke up and flie gatiering ebeca[t ed agod oesinl96, aind C Haoe' rai)._ REGISTRATION Presideni of the Cluli Lion danced Lunlil niidnight Io h iial t hevu fson193 raion aotiactr'xin- 'R G S R TO Percy Hare hart heen laken music of Norman Williams Sor i eport iiM'.w frmtinwsotie rn dr-owîî wilh tie [lii te niglit!'and hi% orchestra. Thos fot J. Boggs ix stilli in poor healîli.the goveroimeot, Mu. Honey FOR HOCKEY jbefoî'c and wasunahle in take wishing tIn dance har tichft' op- Mr. and Mus. Ernest CavauiiiPlace" the followiuig question hspartin. ho prncepdings. tion nf playung cards for the lefI for the Sunnx' South, ne- on the Order Paper. This w Ne ca l- in Tie Rvx. Richard D. Joues revpoing. eentlv. ueouîre an oral answer 1 H~ockey Leaque All boys 4l years nt ate au of August 1, 1962. to 15 years of ate, August ist, 1962. may regîster at the Community Hall Saturday, Dec. 15 Iran, 10:30 a.m. to 12 nanti. AnT baya from the lm,- mediate nutl'tdng &réas of Newcastle are 'elcotne. There wtl be a retistratan lee Of 11.00 whlch eas'erm the coit Of Insurance for1 the baya. ilewca st/e &ocia a!anc1 £Jersotnu! Mu. auidMr,;, Milton Kýit bail, Nextonviiie. Mu;. XV îîamiSmith. Bowmanxville; M and Mu,;. Frank Gimer Ai Mu. and Mu ,lJack Kimba and famuly of Npwtonville, ai Mu. anrd Mus. George Kimba were Sunday gucsts witi M and Iîrý. Alfr-ed Graham c Sundayv where the famîly gat. ering hon-oured George T'fir bail and Lena Graham on P, occasion ro! liu-birthday ai nîversarv. Mu. and Mus. Don Mitcht- of Newmarkeh and Mr. -n Pre - Christmas StoreHours TOMS & SONS LIMITED n d GOODE'S HARDWARE OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. EVERY NIGHT From Dec. 13 until Christmas Excspt Saturday, Der. lSth and 22nd and Christmas Eve. Dec. 24th %when the stores will close nt 6 p.rn. NEWCASTLE LIONS CLI 1ru - il- lu. ini lu.l o- Mi's- . CCseoor 'totito xx i Suonda>' guesîs 'vth Mr. amd Mu'. C. G. Gouirl and faniil., Mu. and Mus,lJohn Vouit spent th@ wekend vistrng1 wihh Mu. anid Mu,;. Dd Sale and Joanne - n Scauuoî - ougi, Auken wil be sorr>' ho learu- liaI shmic us erîouslv ili 's , a patient in Memoral Hospitl un Bowmanvillm, Mu. and Mus. Don Gulbnie- o! Millbuook weî'e Sunday, visitors with the Fred Younog- iiians. Mu'r. anîd Mus. l'red 'ourig- man atteodcd lie. Santa Claus Parade in Bowmanville on Sat- ["ou the frst lime i niariv vcar's lieue xx iiilihen cxcii- ing Chr'istmas ('onîul i al Carc'adcns Siioi.Ticre are 001>' 10 Jijnior pîrpîls aI- tendung. Howex', hiere w i i ban afleunoon Tie and ('no-1 uent mhich pArenlx and f-inrnds xiiilie a;le ho attend. ý le Minisîcu in lie House of Communx at an eaui.v date. 'Whai action, it anv, hasý the goveromeuit laken withi referîce to the request of The Ontario Flue-Cured To- bacco Guowxei's' M a r k e t i n g Board liaI, an agreement beI enterd rîîbo betwecui liat Board snd Fieu Majesîx Tic' Qioco in ighl o! Canada un- dpr tht Prox'isions o!rIthe Ag'-i- viiîîu ai Produrrîs C-opera- luxe Marketing Art for lie m'arke*ting nt fliiîc-cuncd Ii- bacrnro roduiced in liep ro. Vrnce of Ontarin duîing the', Lady Bowler Rails 385 Leaaiue Game Ont, nt tp ic brg etx nt o fl id, Christmas sea.son fou t he chiLi- Neurasîle - Powlung on F'ri- u eoniOflie villagv iii be t l i aynigh i-oxed bJague, Be,'- annual Suoda>' Scin Christ- nicep Pacînerr xx'iie bowling n mas Concert in bu'î' United lier regular trai tie Sbred- Citîrcli Stînday'li(iioli bali dies boxvied a bealîîifui 3 on Saturday nf Ibis week. T-hP score. Qrîestinng lieu as lui iAnnuai White GifI service u, xvsic fttalerthe igiti alo eing ield aitite Sî.îî- framne xiti sevenrilîikcs and day morning serx'ice Ibis week. sa.sparc, Beunice n e p 1 i e d, Friends o! Miss H. A. Mason "Oh-h-i Vve got itutterfies in will be pieased <o iea'nthuatinm' stoma'ih." Well, who she returîied to be" home last 'vouîidn't. Nice gùuuug Berruice week wiere sleie s couixacus- ansd keep up the gond \xx'oik. c'ing foliowing ici icngtlî>'sîa.v:Conne oui the îesî O!f','ou boxx- as a patient in Memorial Hos- er's, see if i Ou can top tuis. pitlI Lu Bowmatîvîlie. HIgh Score.. For The lVeek The December mîeetinig of Mondav L.adies' League (2ifhl Ithe Button Club wa.s, held at arud overi - V. Par'ker 274, lie home of Mus. Siorlb, New- L. Paioxx' 266, R. Couci 50 'astle. Meuniers wer" there H. Courolux 21.1, G. Courci 20ý, from Bowmanville, Oshawa, M. Ta ylor '201, V. Watson 20<1. Pickering a n di Newcastle. 'ruesdax Men's League ( 222 5 Cards of!PMe.n'.% Wnrk RuIlonF and oxeri - A. Pesuce 292, M.1 .were dispiayed, also cards re- Fer 92 .Gaa 71 iating to the Christmaçs e Hnx'22 A rha 71 son. Tiese cards included buit- L. Hig-hfit-id 271, J. Tendam2 '269. J1. Burstoxv 2)69, C. X!'-1 ton which wcre qtArs'. bhcIis' dread 261. B. Rowce 25.5, D.F hlIhv, nofar er, miii- Parker 248, H. Aiken 246, L.j deerý, rowui, abY, cane, chuu- MeCuîouigh 2,39. i W'ednesda * Ladies' League UB ~' (200< sud oxeru - G. Couch '144. R. Concu 226, L. Whiru- op !l, . B.u-gxuýon 214, I. Dxn -r. Rtidmain 306, W. Pearcr -299. . .Baskperviiip ,2,33,' R. Grode 219, G. Chaud 19', PB. Ricksu'u 198, J. McClean 192, B. Brownu 189, B. Ail- duead 186, B. Tendai 184, G. Ahuin177. Tliii.da 'v Mîxed I..ea g tue (2100 aud oxcu) - B. Rowe 243, G. Coucli 225, B. 'rerdam 223, E. Langlc'v '221<), M. Couci 21)3 'l'iursda ' Ladies' L e ag ue (150 sud river>) - J. Hall 229, J. Stacex' 188, M. Farrow 169, E. Elliott 1.52, F. Brown 150. Fridax' vMixed League (20 f sud ox'eu) - B. Pautuier 38.5, IR. D.vke 255, E. Darliing 233. A. Rriwe236, F. Lariglev 2 32, K<. Deani 230,. H. Munro 2 25, M. Paterson 222.3, C. Glanx'iiie 23, B. McCî'acken 221, J, Lx's221,.MM Henux'v 219, B. F'Ugýon -217, K. Whitney'-)14, J. Rickarcd 211, A. Pearce 2014, MI. Peauce 201, A. LauigieY 200.1 rai silgel's, berrnes, elc. Each member' had lico asýk,,d lu hninc trne ,pecia! butions x'apped as a Chrstmas gift Nunibeus x'ere draw n sd the ladies recoeix d a sur-prise par- cel of buttons to add to their- collection. At lie conclusion o! tic meeting a dairîîv lunch w'ss ,;erx'ed b>, rie boSrc<ý. Tic December meeting of Unit No. 4, was held i t Il home o!OtMis. Rîîdeli on Monu day evening. Tic meetinglie- gan xx:tir a vxPuyI. c njo\ aile dinner paît>, tI xiuch 'ca(i mernîer husd cnntrîhuîed a certain diicac'. Thirss fol- lowed iv tie buýsuncs,;Fdi ;c'u,- s iOnn.afler whirci lieue xxPaa haîf-hmlir' of CaFo ni rnc tgo rootint tiF' i, aStmeeting for the year 1962. A favoura Oie vote in nI ler 1tobacýco districts xvii11 enable the board to appuoach its par- ent b)d,\,the Ontario Farmi Prodtîcts Mvarketing Board, Mr. Fuew said. The levY xviii be a mne shot affailr for Ille 1962 cuop only. It \viii flot appiv Io noni-descý;ript lobacco nu' toliaccn with a fî'ost ni. ha il factor, Il xviii also en - able guowcers Io receive mnini- imn grade prices for unsold tobacco, Mr. Fre\;w said. Týhe govertnment xviii hack tic .schenie. lie saîr'. l'le arcs director said the 1,On 1lv alternative to the iv Was an oppn market. -None Of Lus want that," hp declaued. Need Buzsiness DIirectin La ýt n gl Its n riceti ng o r more Ihan 100 faum owlnel- and share cuopperg also lheardi a chrge w Peer Nweiiof SHOPSY ALI,~ BEEF WIENERS 1-lh. pkg. 'SHOPSY ALI, BEEF Salami Chub 12 oz. Chub Boneless S HOULDER or- UI6 l Cross (ut RIB ROASI 9l SHORT RIB ROA 1 - ---a wl , Growers Agree Pound Crop Levy 'eaçecî fix'e air force hangars at Aylmeu to store no-sale b- hacco. This would eliminate farmiers having to take tiunld crops home. He descrihed lthq rua uket ini the sex'en days hp- fore its clostîre a, 'ct~ crUmm%-." About one-eighth of 8.000.000 pounids put up for N~ewcastle tmat Ile tobacco administuator contained in a Ontrio cro.a"abot"1'e industrv would neveu prospeu brief dra\xvn utp by tie Durham 000l.000 opotinds. uintil il was run in a business and Northumbeuland Associa- "At that rate of sale, w like manner. tion %vould be put 10 tie board would be there uintil JulAý» "Most of us are just sitting as soon as possible. He also de- Mr. Frem- said. here not taking the inteuest fended the board against ceî- Epr ae we should i how board af- tain Of Mu. Nexvell's cuiticisnis. T expiecort as i-ot(-- fairs are u-unning," Mr. Newell lie aguced 'bat if ilh'e levx' Th ietr N rdre said. xent through tobacco would figures to show an incres1se in **Not fie pet- cent of vou be graded tîg-htei' than excul. export sales, but warnd the knowv what you are voting However. lie1 saw th.le\,ex' meeting that further ad\,anc4. fo," e declared. He said he supported iin Marci b '% United would necessarilY be slow.- woud support the ey as a Coutities gowý%ers, as the onil ', heCi stop gap measure but calleil way' bu open the marketsý4 il a case of "the bind leadug againl. Ie ld the meeting ~ Ilie biind." Ihat an approach. 10 the btk o v ia l Th oeiiin.lesihad been lieicc Yu bns ow A aial w as interfering wih the laxv also said he felt confident gov'-'legvrîîeV i si l for of supplY and demarid. Thîs eruiment a.zsistaîîce on à 10(t y %viii plav unto tie buyeu< ýpeucent i nin itîrn -î' %1 Festive Season ' hands, e p edicted. p ic \%vo ld follo xv aipport. - of the levv. The Newcastle t o b a c c o , o gower said tat if the board's peiFo Support ~ affaiî's weue mun iin a pî'operic 'i ineeîiiig also heard an manner', lieue would be rio inmpassioned pies b ' vAndy necd <o lic "goîng 10 danin Souch of Pouiîýpool that the politicians fou help." lexv wa.s lie onlI answer to 'We don't need tie poiitic- tlie prescrit staleniste. 1<' isuis," he declared. He x'a.q warmily applauded Specîficallvý, Mu. Newell 'e- when lie assert'ed liat no commended tiaI a good coi'- grower waiited to repeat last poral ion laxv er be Ibired--licllearsperfoumance xvherîsomle best ini Caniada if necessarvx - tobacco wsas stili iînsoid liv and also a business manager. IJune. WiII Hit Arreage 'mrtr ixfellow'.""0 M.Newell also pr'edicted nc oeprtcinto'0e' Mi.market " Mu. Suitch said.O liai factored tobacco would In lis prelimuinaux address, Ail Dairv Prndtivti; 0 take:a beating under the 1evv Mr'. Fuew ssid lie board liad fî s ' i m a n a ' . , , ,5'. r eai c o i r- trol for ruext >'ear would be burt. Since suiv surplus wnld hiaxe tobule aken loto accounit in delcrmiiug 1963 acucage. "Tie buyors will just take the gond tobacco and leave tie rosI," he said. Tie speaker also advised groxycus ho gr'ade tieiu cruips as iest the', couîld and sce what tic resuits were. Mu. Newoll also refer'ied bo hboard maladministration river mouldv, tobacco and acceptiog hum legal advice" thal hadi puoxcd costlv. lIn repl' Mr. Fuew said that the suggestion o! a business pî'ocessed in our new plant .. the iost up-to-date dairy in,." Soulhern Ontario. Glen Paei Da Phone BAG No-I GRADE for YourF Nn. 1 Grade Emperor G 2Ibs 9c 1 Lh Table Dates Easy ho Peel- Navel, Sunkist Or 69C No. 1 (grade FRESH Sp Ifor EXTý AN BOTAPE JN BONUS TAPES BOWMANVILLE IGA MARK 45e Fc 255c oR 12 oz.. Pkg. 4aý39c 1 Lh. Pkgs. 2Ifor 45C 1 LB. 54C 9 M'. Pies 4pies 8S5c Ess SUR BOWMAN VILLE HEINZ - 48 oz. TinsFc Tomato Juice 2R49e VAN DUSEN - 20 oz. Tins F 9 TOMATOES 229 Sweet Mixed - Bicks-3ozJa PICKLES Food Saver - 100 Ft. Roils Wax Paper Annual Turkey Shoot WALTONA PARK, NEWCASTLE Saturday, December 15 1:00 to 5:00 p.nm BRING YOUR OWN RIFLE OR SHOTGUN SHELLS SUPPLIED IGA POTATO CHIPS }IOSPITAIT- Thurs., lri. and Sat. OnIy SOLO MARGARINE ROYAL, (OLD IGA BUTTER Frozen Turke 'N - Chieken - Beef YORK PIES A 1 t A TOTAL ý We reserve the right Io limit qu BOWMANVILLE