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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1962, p. 14

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14 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvflle, Dec. 12, 19620 THINGS THAT MAXE CRISTMAS ry.M n ~.Gro ue N e s f o o 6 e e1 Getnsfilled with beauty; Preston.d wît Gr , eewt r i 4g Upnarriving at the S.S. for ail the help and happmness, There were 22 cards of GAeein's PrstnMaleGrveIfracernt E L om t8:15 p.m. on Dec. we receive from Him. thanks, received during the Goodies ail in place; th to atend the last joint i On behaif of the UC.W of year, and a special letter of A carol gently sung. meesin for s e onar go 2 ouriZo may I extend our sin-!thanks was sent to the cha:r- Sokig oeul ug Chrstmacs teeo agd-tipped1 cere good wishes to the States-, man of the "Weil" committee S M T I Crsmsteplaced at oneI man and its staff in the coin- for their prompt efficiency The joy of Jesus' birth. . . FO BO MAN IL IJIjII'~II1i~~~end of long table, decorat- ing year. It's been a great!and action in the completion Bringing harmony to Earth;LIQ U IDW O O D were placed mnany Christmasiso kindly print our completeilof an ample supply of water. ' s the Love ini cvery home! by Jon 'W.Lowrywrapped parcels. In the fore- reports. During the Past Year we ,A asf r w eeuic k -w i h u i c l your telephone]y to our indi~s the reason for Mfternoon Unit. Chre alr.Avr rhat brings sn fondly nearLI managerTsasnldpa. 1962 Annual Report of lightful and enlightenjng af- A sudden twinge of happiness Nwyucnhv euîumdm bod sidentMrs. Crl Brdley rad teroon ws spen whenMrs. For all that we've held dear. i wo iîhso l odokadfritr a ln rs ar adnc e Pi-ZnUCW Tom Sobil demonstrated how ehp it's the promise of Christmas odfnse a poem, "Music for Christ-r Prepared and presented [ta make and emboss alumni.; Prhp mnas," and thereby set thej by the Secretary, num trays, at which time Mrs Which is Eternal Hope. * without a messrmongadtiemecrp theme for the eve.ning. After! Mrs. Hans Geissberger Jr. Sobil donated two trays to t1ïe Then, it could be the sprt of Christmas M ng the singing of hymn 49, Mrs1 The first U.C.W. meeting of U.C.W., with those initiais on ; W ih sPec!-Tespîr . e iihb 1s anugi n Art Dart announced that a' Zion Uniited Church was held them. OfWhich isoPeace! - h etserm- film entitled "The Christmas~ in the Sunday School rooms A hswsavr uy Tept o i htsHmn ~ IUTtT7KP Str"would ble shown. It' on Jan. 3rd, 1962, with 22 pre- year there were seven execu-, 'ýLLJLN was a heautifully-colored i-e-j sent. The inaugural service. tive meetings held, to plan, Ah! Now, I know 'tis a reverie production of the wonderful for U.C.W. officers was held the agenda for the forthconv. A joy that neyer enîds -AN QU G "Event" that took place near- in the church on Jan. 2lst, ing meetings. fIl'Tis the blessing'of Love s memoryA ly 2000 years ago. Watching with Rev. Page officiatmng. us ge n n this picture and listening to In January, 70 letters and This draws to a close a sum- As we think of "Oîd Friends!" Ii n e u ape o o the commentai-y proved most qetoaiesweest out mary of the year's activities,l -Marion Fora___ i l be surprise o ayyu aik l awe-inspiring. A short prayer to mernbers within the coin- te first year of Zion U.C.W. I ________________ _____wl o i ended the devotional period. munity - with the result w-e akwodfnse Io ienw Business started off with' now have 29 paid members flT T1 7 large numler from this coin- Werry, Orono. munity have been attending Mrs. Fred Toms spent las - the last meetings' minutes (in the aitternoon unit). OIJ.U ARY.Ui.l the presentation of "The Friday with Mr. and Mrs.M BUY "OLD MATR"LQ I WOD T read and approved. Decided Oui- allocation to the Pro- Christmas Story" at Holy Tri- Austin Franklin, Oshawa.- to have a separate secretary visional Committee is $1 50, . Curh ooto r.M. n r.R.J ri- a~ for joint meetings, and Mrs. $110 to the Missionary Main iyCuï,Trot.Ms r n Ms .JOmsE i.Ken Miller (Gerda Craig) was ton called on Mr. and Mrs ME Ai-ald Geisberger volunteer- tenance Fund and $10 for ' ebrAftecat os sBn Hyo n E~ ~ M ed ta act in that capacity. Presbytery expenses. The in- on Afermuh isusio, heaugurai meeting of the Pres- . Oui- community was well Sunday.FodPehk AftermuchdiscssionINTeMr.ndd WALLFlAdPERhi- floigdcsoswr yeilU.C.W. was held in represented at the Santa Claus Mc.andMrs folgre d ecisonswer King Street Church on Jan. parade on Saturday. Much and Robin, Toronto, were (1) the executives of both 17th with five of oui- voting ý 3Kn i u n t s a r a n e o j i n i e e - m e m b e r s p r e s e n t .. h a v e p u t s o m u c h t i m e a n d i c k . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ igsarTahgr eoeJoint.W.erepresenta-" effort into making it such a M.adMrs. W. Crawfordý (2) each unit pay their own tives were norninated to the huge success. Mi- aendin.NE. r ughs t'OU lc S L C NT UEM OUR CHRISTMAS TRIBUTE curi-ent small expenses. OfiiiBoard Ms.CrM.adMs.LWesess.inegutati-adMs OR CRSM STIUEOfooinchalBordh bo ards l i.adMr.SmBtey'Mrs. F. Toms was Sunday - _____ ____ _____ __ penses_ (3 tpay e nt a ge t tex- BB a d o t w ~D on and R on W elsh and M ss C ourtney G raham 's, P ort P r At this time cf the year we like to think 'ess ob pse a h rde: 2 Norma Griffiths attended the M.. In; general meeting and paid by adMs asGîsegr~ human terms - the love of man for his fellow men1 the central treasurer. S r.-, (3) Board of Christian ' Holstein banquet at Black- 1Reports given by the var- Educatian, Mrs. H e r ma n stock on Friday evening. the ert of hopean the renewal of man'sI ious chairmen were most en- Haass, Mi-s. Arnold Geisberger. M.adMs ly îh falth In hlmself. We have seen the machine age cauraging. The treasurer's i-e- Oi osi evcswr ards visited Miss Ruby Lane port was excellent - but ta based on the material supplied in Meniorial Hospital. Glad ta r d O wn . grow ançi develop te, the point where some have kcep Up this splendid record, by the Presbytery, and the repart Ruby is feeling much F e study book "Signais for the bte n oe ortr suggested that machines have become our mastersý more work is needed in cvery 60swt mhai n"h oetahis e. etr maknified. After having a year to Ch'srh inth mhs o Te Comommunity"Asa thatnowaays achies cn seve mnki adjust ourselves ta new rules Cuc nteCmuiy better than man himself. Indced, the age of science land regulations, aur schedule and "Oui- Duty to the Church." Nichols stf fo th pst 2 has dvacedse fr ad s fat tht oe cn jseems less canfusing -thanks We had special worship sc-PTT~TT1. er Inw h l h en nil ha dacds a n ofs htoecnscarcely aoi aal rsdn. vices on Stewardship, Citizen- ABE MT keep abreast of It. We in the telephone company Buis and carrespondence shp Thanksgiving, Eastcr and poTHn fG nea angr ack.nowlcdged. A donation of Missions. These services taok Tedaho uryj. As we are now well into p sto arevey uc aar o ths.Wehae ad te-$15.00 ta the Sick Children's the foi-m of discussions, Bible Smith, 49 Division Street' the Advcnt seasan each Sun- mnins strides in perfecting what we like te cali Hospital w a s unanimously readings and pageants. Bowmanviile, occurred at Me- day will be fillcd with speciai a the telephone art. But, In spite of ail our up-to-date agi-ced ta. Notice was given In Feb. the nevi Anne Reed morial Hospital, Bowmanville, events ta celebrate the most of the C.G.L.T.'s Christmas Unit of the U.C.W. was form- l'Friday, December 7, 1962. He' important birthday of ail, season, invieyut e u l technology we cannot escape the happy fact that the Prograni, being planned for cd, ih r. Ai-oid Geisber- was in his 63rd yeai- 'times. The Sunday morningý frlendly helpful operator is as indispensible as ever.ý Dec. 23rd, ta be hcld in tegr pi-esident, and Mrs. Paul J Son of the late George and l service was he first of these li ne of 1963A to bie - -a d woitha Mertr.Terui'leet nte eicto o "O 'Top C r church. The exact time ta be'l ua eceaylheruiAima Smith, Mr. Smith was vesinte Ddcain a" r'V lu Usdo Ther ar man ti es hen nly hum n un ersandgven later. It was agi-ed toi meetings arc hed on the 4tilborn in Prt Hope. He was1 Mission" by thc three junior l t t B w a v l e a d C u t ing nd smpaty cn prvidetheservice you1 hold our installation servce iTuesday of the month, in the ýeducated in Part Hope and 'grouPs of oui- church.losa B , 1n n ypty a rvd h at the ncxt regular meeting. evening. There are four gen- 'Oshawa schools. In 1930, heý A large congregation dlaim- ice. urgently need. A sudden emergency, the need fer Mcmbershîp cards wiil be'eral meetings ta be heldimarricd the former Mildred cd the opportunity to experi- docor u te nght swfthel frm te plic oravilale t oi- cxtme tin.droughout the year, and the, Massie in Part Hope and then!ience the wholencss of OiY u wlla a'sf dcourt SFoilowing the collection and ae sflow:My2tmovcd ta Bowmanvilie. congregatianal fellowship by You i fire department, locating a friend In a distant cty- fetr ryr r rd Sept. 5th, Oct. 24th and Dcc. At the timè of his dcath hej attending the service in which eu aem no uvec a these are the times when an unknown, but friendlylleY calied, ta the front; two 0f,5th. was a partnei- in Northcutt, the younger members gave eou oui- past W. A. members who On Mai-ch 9th we joined and Smith Limited, Bowman-jsomc of the highlights cf their u t 'lc osreyu voceca hî yu os.Nomate owmay o- are icaving oui- mdist. Mswîth Hampton U.C.W. in the ville. Mr. Smith was a mcmn- mission study projects and ni9o « voicecan elp ou mste oe-ateEd.w Hoskcin n Mrs ohn i-d Day of Prayer. Mai-eh ber of Trinity United Church. prcsentcd theit- groups' con- ple deîcs te yar ma brngta mprve Cruikshanks, whase helpful- 27-28, there was a leadership He was instrumental in the1 tributians to the M. &M. fund. phone service there wilI always hi' operators tn giveiness and chcery natures wîîî course at Five Oaks, but no formation of the Bowm anvil!e' In the opening part of the the one service that ne machine can provide-human be ti-uly missed, were prcscnt- representatives werc sent. Lions Club and was very ac- service Miss Laura GriffinW bst wishes for them in tewr edtruhu the was also a member of Jerusa- Master Goge Leadbeater in R.W IHL understandiag. cdwt t ion w thr a ycletosad rvstv nthtagntto. h e nteivcto ryr yeas a orn. woothr a-year, and with the combined lem Lodge, A.F. & A.M., Bow- thle responsive reading, and' CHEVROLET - CHEVY II - ENO1 LD M $L dies who have also resigned efforts of everyone we caileet- manville. Miss Mary Yeo, the sciipture *firn aur ladies' group, Mrs. cd 20 lbs. of bandages which Besides his widow, Mr-. lesson. CHEV. TRUC]S Chai-les Nayior and Mrs. Har- were sent ta the Leprosarîum Smith is survivcd by anc dau- In the Dedication ceremony, COURTICEBO M N IL aid Bennett, were absent due in . 97 lbs. of cloth- ghter, Mrs. Donald B. Dodds the Messengers were i-cpi-Ph e72-26hne 2335 Speaking of Christmas, we would like ta take ta other cammitments, leaving ing sent ta Overseas Missions, (pat) of Oshawa. There ai-c sented by Misses Linda Av- hn 7860 this oppartunity ta remind everybody abu'arflpositions weli find difficuit and at the end of Api-il, a veryt two brothers, Arthur and Hor-' ciy, Heather Griffin and Lin- abu ae ýta fI. It is with rather nos- substantial contribution ta the! ace, and a sister,Ms.Rg-dRi;th Mr.Rg-,aRi;teC.G.I.T. by Mis-_______________________________________________ drivîng during the festive season. Wc at the Bellitaigic thoughts wc say "Sa- Cncer- drive. nald Porter (Vivian), ail of ,ses Shirley Avery, Donna havea srt f pilooph oftheroa tht w tr talong fricnds" - but feel quitej Oui- Prcsbyterîal allocation Poi-t Hope. He is also survived. Ycllowlees and Kathryn Sie- certain tt h a t whcncvcr a it o by two grandehildi-en. i mon: the Boys' Group by Mas- encourage oui-drivers ta foilow. We eall it defensive chancetajin us, in the fu- girls 13-14-16 on the Indian Bowmanvile Lions C lub,1 ters Wayne Beckett, Lawrence driving. A defensive driver avoids driving ei-i-oi-1turc, presents itself, w'Il be reserve at Keene, Ont., flan- joined by Part Hope Lions Wright and Robert Siemon. G V saying "Hi, it's goad ta sec nelette sheets and tea towels Club, attended in a body un Master Glenn Ashton of the KKL I N AO himself, is always alert ta the behaviaur of the carsyou again." for the Archer Memorial Hos- Sunday evening. ýMessengers graup announced around him and carefuliy compensates for road and Pi-agi-arn entertainiment con- pitai at Lamant, Alberta. Rev. W. K. Housiander, pas-' the hynins. Master Charles hi si sted of "Christmas gift ex-lThese were sent ta their i-e- toc of Tiinity United Churci,iAshton introduccd the offer- weather conditions in order ta stay alive. Atths change." This provided cachispective destinations. officiated at the private fun-, ing and read the annaunce- time of the year, when driving conditions can be persan with a gift, but how enArllthaPebt ria ia service held on Monday.: ments foi- the many coming lyou got it, proved ta be ailcadcrship day was hcld in December 10. Interment was events. hazrdoswe hîk tisis wrthhie piisopyhilariaus, mirth-provoking ex- Hamptn. audegts at- at Part Hope Union Ccmetcrv.: The ushers rccciving the of- te have. ~~~~~~~~~~perience. Methinks oui- social'tcdced. I aeAgs h _______ cigwr ru ffu convenor,Mr.Tm oblBy f Quinte Conference yugpoi chp ilb realy did an ail-out job on it' heid a convention at Whitby's! A 'f the nucleus for a Y. P. Union In hementme o bhai o eeron hreatThe luncheon committce had O.LC. The theme - "Oui-r..L.L, in the ncw year, viz. Missesj12C.F.-D r22C.t the Bell, 1 wouîd like ta extend you a vcry Merry salad plates prcpared, and us- ask -,Oui Challenge." One; Cheryl Rowan, Lais Ashton, Chrstasan th bstinheathan hppies fr ng the red and gi-cen Christ- representatilve was present. i Next Sunday, Dec. 16, thereJi Rowan and Ray Ashton. Christmas an h eti elhadhpi sfrmscalai-s, provided a rnostý On April 29th, as the gucsts wiil be a speciai White Gift1 McCawrds ubjcet REFRIGERATORCHT the coming year. delectabie and deliciaus lunch. of the C.G.I.T. at their Mo- service with Church and Sun- i "Christian Endeavour" wasFR E R Foliowed by srnall cookies ther and Daughtcr luncheon, day Schooi being hcid togeth'- given cspeciaily for the -F E ZE l. and tarts, tea, and Christmas ýwc prcscnted oui- thi-ce life- ci- at 1:30 p.rn. White gifts aiyounger members of aur conFRE-E * * *cake, we were trcated to al members with their new U. rnoney will be presented. If gregation. He stressed that . Mfg S Iuggcste-d Mfg.SuCetr e Tnank-offri-ng ver ta the' M. F n, M- et e i ] ' * **Î fI* F F ~ I I L AOfficiai Board and Board of receivcd the financiai gifts, ý*~ ~ , F V ~ E Stewards. This service was mfrmmhemheejuio .mus held on Ct. 14, 'and chairman of the Christian H L PS 1 6 f' (7) Two dozen World Fiî-1 I Education Committee led ln WITH 2.YA ITR IB 2 ends were purchased for the the dedicatory praver.GURNE #1EpoerAop A floral touch af Christmas ()It was dccided ta pool' was added with a lovely Pain-'.MDE C-4 aIl efforts and coîiect Canada settia donated by Mi-. and ..Mf.SgstdLt- ..$395 Paer labels - ta be cligible \ Mrs. Nicisen of aur local Mfg. Trade-i sllwe ---------109 Afor a large linen table cioth. ýgreenhouses and 'rnums fi-rnmTaei lo A acig isteUCW etSna a rpeThis was a busv year foi- Mi- and Mrs. N. E. Wright. :' v1 YUPA Ssponsored a boath at te ~ feature, with White Gift Ser- ONLY -. - hot beverage and sandwiches. M. Service at 10 a.m., and an- Th'is was foilowed by a des- nual Vespers and Candlchight- MDLC6 M sert card party which was ro' in" Services by C.G.I.T. ati Mfg. SuggestcdLs ..-$399 succcssful that it was repeat-ý Planning te redecorate? 7pm See our large selection of A cd again on Nov. Ist. Duiig, aemnyadlt ~ TheCiita dcta Trade-in Allowac 100 C he summer months we cater-'i Committec met at the home of~ OE .4 O A many, many more f cd ta four weddings, and as- reuphoîster your present MOs .Wa-nt irn NLe-14 YOLPY $ 7 E site he Do bes Cl b Wihfurniture! several projets for the e lO L '.~ît Sugestons ~ Atheîî- annual Sti-awber-y Sa- Year._______________________________________ c * * * *FREE ESTIMATES Miss Lois Ashton, as guestl Full Line ofi Oui- successful bazaar was of Salem Young Pcople's Un-' BUY NOW 1 No Paymet tlFbur F 'her June 6th, with Mrs. Page Free Pckup and Delivery 'ion, attnded the twnty-fifthi j FRIGIDAIRE APPLIANCES offieiating and the Anne Reed pi-esentation of 'The Christ-' Termis ta Suit Your d e oi unit as hostcss over the tea mas Story" pei-formed bv a _________________________________________ rom.R OUIS cast of 100 players at The A Later in the fall we served Church of The Holy rrinity. "-' J% at the A.O.T.S. fatheran Toronto. McMU LLE N H ARD WA R E daughter banquet and spn UPHOLSTERING rnMsKC .o a q im n o LIIEDAchui-ch- for the Elders, Stew- Silver St. Bowmanille and Mrs. Sam Piper's, Mapleý ards and several guest speak- Grn 63552M-anverTe er 36 King St E.Bow ------ j AFou comumunity showers and girls were Sunday tea'.... . . .. . . were hldthroughout the year. guests of M. an Mrs Blj

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