thtteePositions hvehedThe Cndin tatesmia Ewavle e 21 ~-onor Retiring up for 700-900 yer, e said 1 Parade Chairman Makes His Rounds WEDDING _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mr. Bradley also referred t speculation about changring PALMER - HULLY the entire county structure On Saturday in St. Alban's ." W r e h l tbut, he said, in years to corne I th tetithcntrywulAnglican Church, Peterbor- (l prize chapters of history of iBroenaAn Udth augero A n u i B n u tmunicipal governments. of r. da n . Fr aullye >uof r.Fank egn i Hoan Whcb mr The annual banquet in honor Jakeman (Manvers) who pre- Tribute teWarden Ptroog n eial oa:"Vih Of the retirmng Warden of the sented the warden with a Mr. Goodfellow concurred 'almer, son of Mrs. Ina Pal- i mer nd he ateReghal Pa-esaishesa onnwthe milio United Counties was held walch. by Russell Honey, M.P. with il thespeechenon th mer Thursdav n rght at the Co- "or Durham County; H a r r v: splendid manner in which B~ay bourg Pavilicn and attended Bradley, M.P. for Northumý- Warden Phîp had conducted' m iss o raBr-an so lye hlde? bv more than 300 guests from berland, and William ood- his office, saying "He is a; hMdissn mu rsc. ae, dlaso amnwt Northumberland and Durhamn fellGiv M.P.P. for Northum- mnan of whom you know ex- Gven eing mursiage1 bybere? MPser f ereones orth reat ilfather,, the bride was wearing 13Man: "A man wlth 12 cid Me r of Ls eem e te ela dtimes, whose honesty and in- evenng ws Reve S Har- Mr. Honev said that the of- tgiyi eodrpoc. acigacsoisadcr Ing (Coiborne>. A bouquet of fice of warden is becoming antgiys eodrpah.awne hteolsu ih red roses Was presented tri increasingy important posi- IMr. Goodfellow, in referring nosehig a ccof whies nca1rns W n "a ou roe t" Mrs. Gerald Philp by county tion each vear. back to some of the woen i andred rsbu. M . B a l v r f r e a k public office, M rs. K. M cDon-Mr C are Pa er o B - a : " es t2 ler ein g Sy mn t he hc e ad Mt er Bra ley" f erreti n s ob ak ad, th e first lady reeve, an d an dm an with ad s D tl e G oinroduc e oc the ro ts of po iton !nw A gnes M Phail, said that le t ar s th e P bm rid f esmaidY e , an % Depuy Reve ordn Hoey ccuped y those in munici- îiked to see wome.n in publicwaigabu olset ilo olr vnsmr! (Crarnahe>. pal affairs, which, although lf n ta hyshudb ithawstche stoemadwhtCalel Duin teevening, tribute considerably changed in their' it accisShe carrite LTE AEHNS Was paid to WadnGeadduties, had survived the pass-; encouraged more. In what he nsgyo biecrain Philp, Reeve Of the township'ing of time. referred tr. oo s bis alcdictory and pi whisebuds. tiNewOti o hisms . Yu ltoswii o cf Craae, by Reeve Henry "It is virtually a miracle he was gratified to report that1 arles Paler of Bet when or r lanrIsfnihd Hv yu c the Department of Highways1 a rosa o i bo lae yeprs 1bad been able to sbow a sur-,wsgommnfrhsbo lae yeprs plus 0f $7,50,000 out of aThe reception was beld in WE WISH TO CCNRTLT TESN. S P E C IW A C L S u g e f $ 2 0 0 0 , o .F o s t e r ' s D r i f t w o o d R o o m . M r s .C A UP R D E C MT E E F R Ai l E INB1MNVLE~ Wardens from surrouniding Hully was wearing an embos- counties wbo attended we-esecyse wie haCLAt~MEDUS JOBAELLDN.TEPRL AREA J. I. Alton, Victoria; E. G. %Maonba n lc acs A E OND L JPETATON P oisce l, naro J Fo ories and corsage of pink ros-l PrincRINGedwr;H at 'es. Tbe groom's mother, Mrs. I Ne Ow FO r in G . te iidwr; . VatIna Palmer was wearing a No o a ri obe a Head table guests W e r e: black dress wt green bat Practical Nurse. Single an Reeve and Mrs. Henry Jake _I....adbak cesre.Hrc married w1Jmen are urgently , man, Mr. and Mrs. Harr n lc cesre.Hrc . 4.eý ~~ w M needd a Pretiii urss 'Bradley, the Hon. and Mrs ~ lx otr'ofcs lneGoodfellow, Reeve and Mrs " later on a motor trip to Que1 ___________ private homes. HighSholFHadnWreadMs bec, and on return will live i-_ education helpful but nlot necessary. Books and equip GeaSPipheRvR~Bta ment supplied. Spare time home study course with Dark, Russell Honey and Dep -*.' . Pir obrmaraethe. a secalperodofpractical LECTURES and demon- t Reeve and Mrs. Gordonbrd agieashw o statupecia pero 0for evening classes). Get full infor- 1utny. S. ,.e~ bide as gihenhamhof erfck mation- for free booklet on the Course-Malopn Past Wardens present were * ' ".- __ egitsatshoeo Mrs. Jhoak F R straion (ateroon one. i. ~ Hamilton and was entertaîned below. <No obligation) i Stewart Gra 'y(Hope), E. R. ybe uns r Homas NelSsetoTrntn Nrsn ad (Pareynto), Gre RcThe chp sitting on he ackendof hismotrcyle s Carson Elliott, one Weaver and Mrs. Arthur ul Canadian Schools of PracticalNusn r(Dligo) Ray Both- of the partners in the Funeral Direct ingr firm of Northcutt & Smith, and the at the former's borne in Peter- U L 2EmSreTrno2weil (S. Monaghan), Lloyd chairman of the Santa Claus Parade Commlittee. It was his inspiration which sentedgifts. Fcliwemdspre- 47 KING ST. E. <.1 Plese en meivthot bliaton ou Fre ooket Hooton (Cavan), D. R. May- started the parade last year and he has been the driving force since. Many ces at Canadian General Elec- en how 1 can become a PRACTICAL NURSE. ibee (Campbellford, J. Hart-haeteroecncungi.ams'umebstiorseaooP RK S E I L (Bowmanville Area Class) well (Clarke) and Warden for ohr ondwt i n*1. ' aetet 1934, Wilbert Davey. orgmflaliy who refuse to accept credit because they are most anxiuus that this !an clectrîc fry pan and a cas-, NAME ~~~~~~~~serole. The gomrcie iLAFEI ErpoesHnrd be known as an overali community event, and another hard worker, Doug gift cheque f rom bis CGE as-, OI N)0 A D E SW are n Ployees Ho n d Rig th Tn' er aNDERLrco. In ie tllt e ie f h e plINite.P ~ ADRES Iduring the evening, 25 vear most directly involved could almost be called Santa Claus Parade widows' î CHOPS Mb PR -- -- PHONE____-I rings to: Miss Helena me- because they haven't seen much of their husbands since the project began this J Mabon, 45 years; Nor ma n year. The scheme expanded from its humble beginning until it now includetAartes FRESII, MEATY LA tr lei Braithwate, 34; James Stark, wvorkers frorn a wide area as well as the town, ail giving their time volun- BACON I 's W e tn h u eDean, Everett Ellis; 15 year tarily to make it a success. Mr. Elliott's colorfully garbed despatch rider and ill lbdH CK ,Devine,GodnEls lfori taki ilaMalr Oei oes crs o-P ryEE ILoore, Ed Mottershead, John'1IHoward Foley and Mrs. C XAIV Party MAKETHSCRTASDN t w w e 'u n~ ~pins: JaT arin ldamen mt Fe.h f~ avi fio.Mr ie t held : BEST 1 ~le~iI i.ns: ack Cnn, Jaes F.elty prizes were presented to Paet ux 1 Perc Elsýerr .CW mtat the manse on rs.FMrs. ghTh MajorettePaetA Gdins Don Gillespie, Mer- Monday evening. The newly I Mrs. Hilton Tink, 'Mr. and had the least to say during the wi îla state ofts sec te Zwîn Gieve, C. 0. Morris, H-Os-jeîected officers for 1963 as Mrs. Bil Harris, Mn. and Mrs. evening; to Gordon Leask, thelWîth a nes. lateof ofer T D 91ken Smith, Ken Symons, Miss! prepared by M ns. E. Spires andi C Sm th and Mr. and Mns. man who bas been drîvi ngPre Agnes Yule; 5ya pins: Wil-I1Mrs. Don Taylor, the nom a_ Francis Johnston. It consisted cars and trucks the longest 0 vicîned at rdrY«i lard Beatty, Roscoe Bentley,I1ting Committee are as follows. of cards and later dancing to Howard Foley with the niost las Vc-President; Mrs. Ernie Ms Mavis Bull, Leslie Cot-' President- Mrs. E. R. Tay- music provided by Mrs. Do- grandcildren and to Clarence Blake, Secretary, and Vice--~'. o Bs eeto iter, Kari Gillis, Ross Gillis,ýcr VicePreident Mrs. een Brooks and Messrs. L and Vice xvho bas been a resideînt Pres; Mrs. George Shaw, Trea- l I E R !IE elyr M ottr ts eld, G E u- Pro- m , otvend iW alter Cross ph_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __com m it-!_ _ _ A~~TOM~xTIC iw Alvin TrelvCaiel anet L. Broo e;yViit- rand rs. W anc ar 19ockayre ,et teemeeting an the minute TOAI i.Sa, antSanedEuocH il11 s; Assistant -Mns. H. vwe Hardy and MrsWces i f193as rei- EnetThe Presiden presided over1 B R E A D MARGARIN.. Avn Tec, ergaethit n i were read and approvedi. The -Tbe Guide. Miýssionary and Maintenance- once Vice and Mns. E. Cryd er- Treasurer- Mrs. Percy Dew- Money fromn the Toy Sale was Mrs. Stan Milîson, Mrs. Don man with highest scores and eh;- Committe-in-charge- Mr. turaed in by Mrs. E. Blake.SITSTNDRDBE Plae TUl~Taylor; Social Convenor-Mns. and Mrs. Clarence Tink, Mn. Arrangements were made fori ShoT' ile Pl[aseLx to Officiai Board- Mrs. E. W ork of Reha b and Mns. Burney Hooey, Mr. Bowmanville Santa Claus par- LEANortNELES ý1The Explorer girls opened iTaylor; Repnesentative to Bo-- - and Mrs. Arol acoenrd re u prd and th r ibI hckRos ard of Stewards- Mrs. B. Mr. and Mirs. Russell Best. Mr.Cosmd oin or BLADE A C j $~~~~~~~ ionr7hexeiinb IEoyn etrdt on Miss Harvey's behaf, thati ROAST 49lbCHC ff.ig Cbistias carols, fllodHOcY. IFounIIatI'*. lowr hall for doudcous re- the Aux provide ice oream forI a -bour o.pening exorcises. We' The topio from the study fehet hc ocue saw aoets .~iY Y~1hih assoe uetinsHave Yllxvee. beUC T n tts rms . wih nlea te Ihwa Io lktben bad tbe worship periodjbook was prosented by Mrs. I K very pleasant evening. rebe Patyehs' ETALA!IGRA LABNLI ý1 9 9 ni~~~~~~~~~- about the Bible. Mrs. Plhowi11 have charge of the Ves- e r.A ewlea n hita ars SEE OUR LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE g!grap. We practised for te at 8 o'clock. Lunch was en- Bownanville Kinette Club umbus, recently visited Mrs. Ms hwwl okatrte O Duthma MtoriHtel t e îwlesand rs. W s Ycllow- ms Partywili beihleldCat be ROAS G IFT W R D 5 i LAy ~candîeîigbt service. joyed during the social bour. held recently at the Flying M oiesadGtds tBwanil hst-9 IFTWARE DISPLAY f ~~Mrs. John Home, Grimsby, The annual social eveniag esHaodndMrywr ASE Miss 1rone Rouse, Toronto, of the Eldad Manried Couples 1president, Mrs. Kay Cain,'leoTHarid nd Mrra were TowrHllaDc.19 weercentvstnso ncalled on Mrs. rd K i Sundav dinner us oMr ELECTRIC APPLIANCES asalatenoabdevn Fed Kapust fAn Th oteswanedtate, SEIA1RET an n. Arthur Hamilton. lheld in the Community Hall and Mrs. Barbara Masters to ad i. AfSllaBNDnItocoNG bPis Hrvyan1E b y  V a L L e a n a i a o n ~ ~ tM n. ad M s. D . C . H a m il- o S a tu rd a y , D ce m b e r ý r eporta onn th en R e ab ilit a tio n film s o f e r Is a d M jo re tte sS A N I G P t lR O L D R U I S u n ' ro g n m w a arr n g e d b y T P l F o n d atan sK n o x ,o a p a a d e a n d C h r istm a s P a r-R B fR B nd fa i ly, o akvlofeiMithaaven 80 attending. ConvnT on to.cb on grtlto st a i b w y MX Mniio s o n n h h y h d at n e a T r no nreciving the Roy W, Nich l ties w rso n cludr. e ran R IBl proloawad at the Couricenilro . T is R A S T O A S GGANS - SLEIGHS - WAGONS !rs. Artbur Hamilton. committoe in charge. Mr. and 1Inl discussing the convention, igh Sohoolatth Coence n enjoy iseetn No eet -___an_____________________59__ GAMES - ETC.Mn. and Mrs. R. Burgess - botb Mrs. Kramp and Mrs. Exencises, being chosen as 1ho ing la December. _____ lIand famîly visited Mn. and nates paid trbt ohete H E M E . . . ýM s. H arry Bigelovw , Betanyv gu sts of M . and M rs. Ross Mate buerfto the' utsta a ________________the__.1_S T E AKa n HE MEN - . . Mn. and Mrs. N. Cox, Stouff: M i nw ttndngArRal r temhlei ROND - iLON oBNE WIU PO TBE O L ville, visited ber mothon Mr,. xvhO thanks to ail thoso i They were in agreement witl m rost pleasing proaiy Pat PORTABLE TOOLS 't~~cotnbutd o he han- xpeaditune of the funds 1 1watnigTales Ar alo tasi Or IL ves H meca vasraised anually trough thel clege t Peerboouor y et he CW.cas onuted r of Dimes, and stated' inso M.adMBONELESS RUMIP Mn. and Mrs. R. Clapp re- -~MrhNormaa Wright of Enniskillearsostl der Hardware j con~~~~~~~~isted ~Mr. andMrs. hUÇ. bc mut'that the monies cletdare etn ery ogauainiJURYLOEL M ncn d M . Rbnt eekiri$6Mn . 3 5 . L lo y d H o ar e w t h w b le r g a i n iz a- aýiniv h a ry chi n g wr st l o sB o w m anY 0 Vll L or A T_ _ _ _ EVe r crY E 'T L 9 Oc LOC en yr on lr e llenv Msille-F uce, Blovlel Mn ihan H oe nd H m tn al n. ad M' and Kennny.enOshawa, were ri. nadMs.Ted Boyden1 Vicie-President Grace Mur. $40King St. E. Sundav guests of Mrn rs ....... Ilain Leah Graham, Sogeat M n. and Mrs. Leslie Hunt.V .,t a n d M ar L ou a m pto n M n. la t-A rm s J a n B u rto n , a n d A an*Ms9K.Chmzrlin ~Standard Bearen Georgina 9. . ...... FULOshawa vi.ited on Sunday ýf' II -~ - ~,UNE OF: w th Mn. and Mrs. Ross Mc-2? .o..e.cte totheE...-..... G Roet ,tive for 1963 are Com.nad.os... Cas. Carruthers, Mns 10 ..nnPi.rMcl..u.t,.on LIniNGoERIEt Ada Butler, Leah LINGRIE, Bwmanili, ~ M Gaha, Gadys Belsey, Mary SKIRTSMrs. W.MacGnegon, Coîbonne, ý W.tove..nd.H.d..H.p... xKI E wene Friday guosts of Mrs g j ey. The auditor ectd are ~..........................~.-~ ~. Florence Scott. A Comnade MeNulty and Com- SW AESMn. and Mrs. F. Wilson a n d ly O rade Rose Dickinson. IMNLAPTT 1ý Hec ,or, Mn. and Mrs. Ros JAiET CLIPPhaEmn fth B-Rug, s i udor'W Ioe. N.w SLv alinADY re: The aic htbs u3t0g Ttrdacei l Wisn. Oshawa, were Satur'- l Dairy Produets Past President Bates was ap- ~CPE EDN AYIIOI3 day %,VJlso diamooMrnandDe î ,ooi* set-'ndinilo i eay nigguss'WMn nd~ processed in our new M reavcment Conimittee a n d proof'stat uis. rng , o thsebwaich3jhast s daAindiysasb a 3njsewels. owairerr.l ii. sunn 3î* If pas. i. Wiloncand Awltc ~ rs . ilo adAlan r.~ plan t. . t he rnost x chairman of Entertainment, l ecn. 7 lum iso it e xpson bind. elw orAjuwhie nu. tick iitisi lmc DRSE ýRussell Spinks, Oshawa, viiti Comnade Florence Knight, charmai i. $49.95 $6993 ~ ~ $ ed thoir home Monday. up-to-date dairy in chairmars of Tables and De- Mr and Mrs. H. Hardy andj corations, and Songeant-at- Persiav~~~~~,i~~ Mn. Russell Hard -y, Bowman-;~SutenOtro Arms Joan Burton, Bingo. E URLRESEETO * * * *r. ad* s. Gorg Achairm Pan oastB ranch 178 OF CO ~~ ~bSTUMEii@wo flOLL IioWtlcac~d JCESad /4 O T£e ubropaeti&fthRyl Canadian Legion' adcide rmTrn'G e a fiwt t nulChildren's I~Iart/ g SP R SW A couniattendd thehuDeairyismasPart y wi web hodiscus-R S uiri ALOFEATURED ATSatCluPaaei o' Isd.tws annouaced that the MR1S GF H KA ESS O TW ARcmaidMan r.C ilennDcme 7th, at 39 KING ST. W.BO ANLL 57 N STW.NG STl Whin. rrRhtrsmMnan9dKig h. . popacd ndser Ram ad hilnenPhonea Pho 2363-5444460 oc:o0 , ndtha th di- mplnFde Prkig t taref Sor - 'Alex Perger and Mrs M Sm! members of Brancb . ley and famnilles on S mi- ,*y.