cedutie xwill Painothle chiild a diploia ini contempb for acitîorit '-. \Vli-iu vut au- ont dixiîîg xitl the J'ami]* ', exicecî t'lie specd lumit but Sloxx' doxvr'lucru1o yrun sec- a police r-. T[his xx\ili showxx thîc childthelîiaw is Ioi icniisec-ec onl.\ xvheîî bbc-uc s a dangei of'lueiug, caugbt. If *'ruu Rai-c-slnpped fuoir sprediuug, alxvavs flatLv .-deuîv hat, o\urnSrec.\- thdîî le lumit. 'sake a hi,,i cîss oser ti. Yuiur uhîlci viii lihoru kncr chca ting and1l*viig ar-e acceptable îunîî- cc-dun-es. If ' ou hîax-e managed ioci sel a Iesv dollars on x'our income box, lue suit-e bo tel] the family how' srnact \uuuî a i-e. Thlis sliotld coiiviîice flue s*L oîIgStc-I's hiat Stealiiig is al ci4t if Youi cari gel awa ' wiîlu il.- Neri check up ouin':ic-voU lr sau otlgstc IS o i iii thue evcuiig. Ncx'c c- 1-un oIr'auu rts tIiinug abocut their frieîîds. Pnacticre allese pu-c-cdit cs r un a reasouabic tîrnue dcilrîil is mi ic sianable s-cai-s andîcî s-cuti cte rtainu van bas-c u-ised a litie situker .inte whuo is géng tuA bea pcem iI lits scîîool. lus fri-nids, if' lueliîas antus aid the polir-. lHcPsill alsbe A Onu es-ettal sourtce o nI tarîtu lherated licll l'r Ii u ~'N - 4T%@ Canadian Statesnuarm, towunvillm, Der. 11, 1A __-EDUTORIAL COM MENT Welcome ta "Sambow" Manufacturers On Friday afternoon, quite a large riumber of Bowmanville officiais and residents welcomed the executive mem- hfrs of the N. E. Sweet Company to Bowmanville during the officiai sod turning for this new industry. In his opening remarks, master of ce'remonies Couancillor Kenneth Hooper- said that as far as can be recalèd this is the first. rod turning cèremony foi- a new- in- rdustryv that has taken place in the town for 5b yeaî-s. The industî-y, fî-onting on Highwayv 401, has an idêal location on high ground both for its plant which will be close to town while still sufficiently removed to have plenty of space for rxpansion and for its highway advertis- ing program. Once the factorv is con- Structed, and accoî-ding to Mr-. Sweet a start xii be made very soon, one cari x-sualize a huge sign facing the ïeast- bound traffic proclaiming the word "Sambow" for ail travellers to see and remember when next Ihey visit their favorite grocery or suipèrmàrket. Stores in Bowmanville ai-e alréady c;arrying the "Sambow" detergent and. ini fact, the Editor lias given i. a good irst in his own home and is delighted Io report that the product is rnagnifi- Wasnl't [bat a beautiful par-ade on .Saturday! Even tbhéxcather was with us, aithough it could hax'e been a lîttie Varmer - Summing up now that. il is over forr another- year, we believe il xvas one of the bcst morale builders that exer happencd tb this town. It was also a ir-emendous unifying foi-ce, bringing church groups, service club s, hundreds of individuals, businesses, schools and ainiost eveî-yone in the town and maîîy f îom surrounding communities togetli- Pit- in a -ommon pî-oject. The nice part was that no one was seeking aîîy igîory or prominence, no commercial advantage, from its pr-omotion. Jt was ; c-ammunity effort such as is seldom seri anyxvhere; one that made us homne- foiks proud of Bowmanx'ille and especialiy gi-ateful ta a compar-ative iiewcomer, Carson ElliaIt, the chair- man, who demonstrateci once mai-e thaï; Bowmanvile and area citizens can acc-omplisb a great deal by woî-king t ogefher. Like eveî-y other native of the toxvn, we glowed with community pride w,\hen visitors expresscd Iheir- amaze- m-enbt and appi-eciation oif the show. TlieY came hete froni a wide ai-ca to witness oui- second big extî-axaganza ànîd it, b-ought nation wide favorable publicity sucli as this town has not received in a long time. Jn two years, Bowmanville's status among other- coni- Smunities in Canada has grown to the point wher-e this town's name wiIl be remembered as the place where the 'v have the best Santa Claus par-ade irn lhe couîntr-y. l makes one feel waîm Rnd happy inside to be a part of sucli a community. Bands, majIorettes and otheti- feature attractions wilI want Io crnme t Bowmanvîlle in futur-e ta be a part of this wondei-ful Christmas parade.- Those xvho dîd the ieal siugging, the day and night planning and woî-k Do yoîu xvant to know hoxv ta taise children so they xiii become anti- social misfits? Heî-e's a for-mula which Nvas offered reccîîtiy by the Deputy Commissionci- of the R.C.iM.P. Do flot have rules for cbild bchax'iouî- or obedience in the home. This wilI ensure that the child bas no clear con- cpt, of right ai- wîang. If y-on baxe anv rules. enfor-c tbem inteî-mitteîîtîx ý ignore them w-hen ' ou ai-e in a goaci humourt and knock the kids silly if 1. lic 'v l-re-ak the i-ues \-iei oui ar-c h îîed and out of sorts. This xiii thor- ouîghiy confuse themn. Air x'our do- mcstic disputes in front of tÎic chiid- rcu --- pi-fcrabl\- with a littie lame- callîig. This ensures thîey hase îno respect foi- îheii- parents. Nex'er- give a -hlîd aiiv cloî-es or- îegulaî- duties; aî-uund the home. This will couiince linu thiat vout and the woî-ld oxve hbu a living witlîout effort on bis part. If lie is discipiined at scooal. alxvax- s tiar a stî-îp off the teacluer ini fronut of tie child. This will ci-cate an excellenît (-ontcmpt for authoî-ity at anx' lex'el. Later- xhen he lias trouble with thie police, which is most likcly. bawl out the office,-, or bette,- stili, the Chief ('onstable -- bcing alway-s suie ho i-cfr in bhe "drumh caps". This pr-o- cent. At thl manment, otîr rescaî-ch i5. of course. incomplete. The ladY of our, bouse graciously alloxved us to do the dishes once or twicc-. usîng just a liaif filled lid of -Sambow- and we have nex-er used an-hîng that liftcd the gi-case so cffcctively while still lcaxing our hands soft and unscathecl. As a matteî of fact, the v too were deoan for R change. 'With her permission wvc mayv next trx- it out on the famulv xvash and recommcnd that others cdo likewvisc-. Also. contiar\' to rumors. we have been informcd that. îhei-e viii be no pî-oblem conrnected cither with ocloîs or pollution. froni the plant. Both i Sweet and sevcî-al members of (-ounicil assuî-ed uis that citizens nved bave no worrîes ini this r-egard, xvhich shotild satisf 'v man 'v people who ma.v haxe been somewhat apprehensive. We do extend a cordial \weqlcomp tri Nr. Swcct and bis organîzation and wish thcm evei-y snccess iin this iheir fîrst major manufacturing endcaxour. We also extend congratulations Io mem- bers of counicil wxho show-ed great initiative in bîinging thrn li Bownan- ville and hope, as thc 'v do. that the iîe\% plant wiil nuxv open n p t his sector of t he towvn for a iapidlv expa ndiog iin- dustrial ai-ca. river a peri-od of sex-eral mounil u h.ý -ocld be exti-emel>- pioud of thernscîx-es aid their- efforts. Those not closeîx' con- nccted with the xenture xvll ucyci- knaw hoxv tlese pnblic-spiritc-d cil izelis slax'cd, sxveated aîîd woî-ri-d lI make ccrtainî it \xvould bce cxcii iggcc and hcttcr than last veau-. Theiesults xvc beyond ex-cii hciî niost uuhtimistuc expectations aîdthie town'o wces lhemn a real debt. of gratitude. NexI v car .s prougrarn is pr-uhabll alî-eady bcing urgaîized lui cusutre iliat il xx'll agaiii mcasuie up[I)tu te h igyii standar-ds wîîicîîhave lic-ciisetl. iliglu on the iist, shouid he a corîlîîînig planu tri gradualN- i-raise funds su ihere will be no last minuîte \voiiic-s ini blat lic-Id. We uealizc Ihiat h xvii be difficrult ho maintain interest during the iuteî-xerr- ing moîîîhs until uîcxt Doembeî-. brut feel that if the scîieme is toru tccecd ax'eî the 'cais. there must bc r-ord- inated fuiid saising Iliiouglitîîe yeai, noa, just before the parade w'r-k starts. The funds iequircd au-e toonlauge Io1 le raised in a short lime. We wcî-e cspeciaillv impr-cssed hvý the smoothncss with whicîi tle Ituge cîcuwd was lîaîdled anîd clcai-ed. 'li-e appcaî-ed un be few ri-îp.xith ex'e-yonr having ample crppor lnuit 'v aiid sîîfficient \'iexviug space to sec wxhat xvas gairug cn. Acttiall':v. uic-te was suî mclitbuthie iparade iliat \ve would suggest the units be spaced mou-c widely scu that vcdi xx'uuIcihaxe uiorue roorn lu îîioduire its iidi\idLla SlltW for thie croxxd. This, of curîîse, is diffi- cuit to contrai because thîe. wiii brinch up uîîless the- ai-e kept uînder iglît CO ntiol - But t licse ai-e compai-at ivrl.v n iruîl) items ;t bat raniiot detiac-t l-rn h le ox'erall sucCesS. t W-as a s.Ptperh Sîrcix tîîatlcft eveî-ynne iii a happy fiamp or mmid and dîd xvonders fcor crummunuiîx' morale. We uow huaxe a place iii the suin. Lets kceep it going' Ifanyone %wants b inread of teborder, in the "land of the frc',the.\ should read Bird- Li-Le or the author would find himself in serious trouble with the Attorney Generaf's Dept. of the U.S.A. Instead. the au- thor dlaimrs that. 'no tact in this documented book has been publîclv challenged by any pri- sýon officia]. No correctional journal bas reviewed this book". Frornl now on. if thisý scribbler hears a ny emotional rantiniz about '&rnh1ri--rica.. utngtnani's c0~ He is not allowed newspapers or a radio and has neyer seea-i a television set. H-e is living oni thirteen acres of rock (Alca-' traz) onîs- two thousand yards1 away from San Francisco. gen-i erally regarded as- the West's1 most cultured city. Wbat ironx-: Robert Stroud achieved bis naine of "birdman' tbrougli tinding same baby sparraws in( bis exercise - ard, taking thein1 ta his ceil and caring for them.1 Later, be obtained saine canar-1 ies and through studying tbc-n.i becarne a %vorld renowed atn- thority on their habite, rare. dîseabes ec. His booke ai-e acknowledged 10 be the best, vet tins man had onl.\ a grade three education wbcn he en- tered prisai,, but became seif taught tbîough studying books froin the prison Ilbrar. Fin no sob-sîster, but fred revulsion wben 1 read of bow ', on top ni all bis other restric- tions. bis beloved birds were taken fromIlihm. Land of the fr-ce'* Yot. tan have my share or it.l.'Il stay*\ put bauk here arnovig the bilîs and trees. Extra Child Care ai' Christmas The holida v season inti-oduces mian v new f ire hazards into the home, Fire Chief Tom Lyle wai-ncd todav. \Vhile Christmas is a time foi- childi-cn. the '- miglit face' great danger- from fiî-e if they ai-e left alone anid unattend- ed ex-en for the shortest interx-aI. The highlv inflammable Christmas tic.decoaiions and gifi'wrappîngs make it an imperative dut * of ail par- ents to make sure trheir childi-en aie neyer witlhout î-esponsible supervision. The fi, e chief quoted Section 189 of the Criminal Code of Caniada: "Eve ix- land of the hi-ave and the - fre. lhe will, in lan-s-, give a bronx ubeer. crt Stî-oud was born in 1890. IR I g ii mother appears ta have R endg bec-n a pî-tty well eduuated.an fin(- type of womnan, but bis B e fathe wasa bit of a driftr. y R v had a i-oving eve and liked thé S PI'1 Ub bott Ie His secialty wlienOnc-p again tebb iito dî-uînk. was tb savagely beat IChi-isil mas e,ýllopC5 lis and lis soit. wbiub i igrained in mi Iv e fincl orrselvs-evxerv bu.y, fibe laiter. a batî-ed af any B Bill Smiev making plans Io enjox-, and, fnrm of uruelty. Wben be was Jengled nerves, Vc-ar, Lliîtiî about tbe follow- celebrate tbis bcautîful ocua-, ecithîen, Bob was working inJangled nervecs, ýiiig Jiiinc. l'in lîretbN- belliger- sion of the birtb nf the Chr;ýt! A,,laska. and sbaukrd up with Jangled ail the wa' t c-ut about it ail ai-ound bhe -bild.. Our- thoughits and auir. Ibie i0-11*Sprettiest pi-ostitute. Through th(> muddlecd fn-st of ccuenîber. t put mx- Coergies are again fncused oni \vbio tc-ueive-d a savage beal- madoess foot rdoNu. 1 state flatlv tha't this gi-cat event whîch lank > ing al fibe bands oi a foi-mer Preceding Christnja. Dax- we arc- going Io0(ui down on plate un far off Bethlehemn: suLitor. whic-lîSa cnraged Bob evecirxthing: adgfs n lhuhs ogao e v ibiat lie loaded np bis shootin, If people trîed 10 go ai thuec(uîdgIs n lhubsnln g.xi mrn, called on tbe beater-up- saie clip during file ricilivs ffrtb is -lveaaniio rbaî pci-andsho hi ded. theyearas heydo n te fw ýBut b'. fie xveek befoî-e nînst bles.-ec occasion. and ail, pc- d ho umdcd. tekyere hrisdoain the wChristmnas l'in nning around who ai-e *y-oung in becart a'ie ForIlit bt o chvaly, iewecks beore chsi n as, bbc a like bbhe rest of thie lunatics: prcpaî-îng 10 giv.e and lo cc-- xvas sentenced Io twelx'e years td b R acîae nf wild-c-ycd-dg ab b i n g suragglv trees, ucive gufis, and tri spread glad: iln prison aînd wbile serving bis twitcbing Inaniacs. Ev-n Men- su atcbing tougb turke 'vs, plan- tidings of great jo. fim-e iii Leavcnwortb. in 1916. tal constitutions 'atiuned ta antnîuîg imnpossible parties. bold- This spirit nf gon '.vill, so at th(- age of txveiiiy,-six. lie el-a ot guided nmissiles in flic in., w-isp-recdconoversations beautifnllv porti-ax-ed b- l;ieý îlungcd a knife imb the chest bands of rnisgnidied nortals -uiibeflic1(1 Girl aud tbrow- Wise Mcin in theit- art of Wo r- of a tlub-w-ielding sadist of a couid't stand fliat pare mur-l nig moncv aiond like (nue Of zip, stilI prevails todav de-- Liar-d. For buis, lie \vas senî- lonr. the tncwly c lected presidents spt - ruld ol.À v' tencd 10Iobe bangc-d in April. Never mid.i,-îaps. WP r nia îeeArManstlookspteatrounbi led world. riwe 192tt. 'Filie gallows was built iii-the borne strecic. Only ail- One aspect of (Christmas lok roun rd ui tl-easeotr ----- yard, about twe-otheri- - da'.s ofChis [abtat 1 thoroughly enjoy ik the rtîI-ouLed ontde.siaeî- Io' t'. fc-t troni Bob'sc-l]:lie crds. concerts. urmI cis uri nd ecevth ofcars.recc(ilethie promisze, Peanc- ("011(1 isce-il ironi ]lis incdow'. cranberries. Christmas pa - ' h oeym o h earonerh cd ilI al but touir davs beforethie lbang- geants. puddinîgs and parties. frien 1 aîdrains. e i d gmcn. un bbc- i guit nf pic-ut f uîîg date. Presidient Woodrox,' Chiristi-nas trees, tnrkex-s andiîd sadrltos i oidcniin..Wieoý Wilson u-nrrnnbed bue sentence tinsci, anîd we r-aulgo back tIo up headrse alidfen or othiNorl ndWhlge. ani Io lile iniprisnnniciit. bcing tlîe realistir-, selfusli slobs pilots ini Australia, India and hfallnItueorlgod tinuge ici Wluc-iithee Warder- ilcav- xve are tbe r-sb ni thie vear. .South .Afrie-a and send [hem alain odtîns i c-uw-crtlî x'as asked. b ' 1t1it, For kids, the pre-Christma% cardiii thich Itplne m n-o 'n hlesri no nr-essif Sti-oud Nouid be takeîî wing-ing lajust dandy. There corne. theandompisnîet scn t o fWlil oercîiva ~ o% l o itr li e îeplied aie lettera ta becivritten to S. hat.Tr otesne h epsdI lc beladfa liiuat, lîiolcss otblei-provision Claus. There are Christitmaa eih 1'e otesae h o ed 10 ivti-n.at adlean s'.as ruade. Robert Stîoud concertsalatwhich ta ble Mir- liarsn.ic\ nvso.Wa wouid be kept scgîegatcd dur-,acuiousiy and tempo-iiy Andiri enuftle tarde rnirthe cause or %aa-s and conter- iuglit hs sentencue. wbicb xvas transformed tronm sinail devils ting iteailc-ers u o r v1Jnd antuons rcie bo eidîthîesti al foi. li u. Ibalitl-xwouild iîevc-r [o amail angcis. Thei-e ai-e ttîi .utt liel'.- wv ier and iîstî-uctixe tii îc-ad tn l;.e, f be pcr-iiitted 10 assoulate witîu glass balls toÎlie shattered eurfliac,\, au rcndeil i-e Apolthl.aines 1anm suineiVa obie puorer ad svul viie sse'rc-decorating the a: P i-e e i.adlix oiiiuiatr r u i-e nthr pisoer an %vul tree. There ai-e packacaes a maux-rbildrc-n flicy bave. Last tbant if nmore nofisw-c-ie betten our ' v bIcau lini- eaubri day, se ustîint mysteriously. to Île 1 caid. on(- w as iii Europe, inîormed as In Illic-onidtions- tor yafard. As r ectx-a 95, Ipn d Pn.n re tadhie otier in hie West lndies. prevailing ln othei- parts onIbc thcar.Asosl.8,rpet. pnin ave n 'Ibeii- wiver send uaids. bbc- xx-orld. we wnuldnont coui- M t ibjs tioni- chap lhartsperît lortY lst *** * * * file oui- gifle Io oui 0w-n cir- lJ 1w-o -c-a rs iii soitar ' confine- For tiliee lrlry, o, the Ou1r firist (-aid t bis ven-rwascIe nf fricid. oic-rt: if litu isi*fi bai-barons Christïoas scasoîî brings cx-a pnzuleî-. Il w-as postmarked Thîis settiug ni the birtb Or SL sadisi r Iltle xvorst type, what citenient. 'Plire is the sotind Be hast, ImlanrI, and address- the Christ uhld, told 10 uIs ýi! C iis i*'I le se\ty-iveie -Oioî-cs inci-gn e i ererîg - - arols. 10 briîîg bac-k me- cd: Mr. aso rtMs. Srnylie. 790îtbb cGospels, us Vcrc bCaLltifl rl nilsi e nariýg evefy-Iýre.!oris o rih, odfines B aY Si .Onatriuu, Caianda,, aîîd peacefuf dcspit«e t.e huml- le lias eridur-eri solitar-I(co- ti, paet. 'l'erîe ai-e ligbits and tbe"" ainut n sur-b place ont ltesnrronnding-s: yet il Ic I irenicrit longer Ilian ai liv- dtcor-atiotis bo put a spla-sbof il arrîx-d erl îe. luide, il rcad, w-orld aitaiie one linid- h( iiig man. Wbheri thbe steel doou-s colar loto Ileci rai) grex-or th ' r (rea, A lex aîi(] f.Ni linttere wcas stri le, lisire.ni. first ularigeri slict behiîîd iini, nilssdv. n] I ic- i roiKa'.-v aîndDavd-.*Wce- - - cniiac, nera Tedd c «v Roosevelt was Presi- c.îitextdas .-\u d ii- idn'fi noraiîi - poluher tial polenuvandc-,rcra- ai, daentIle extraUwS.A-uTheiTstdnic' dnd uork Ie - a sni ut il ber - rtcrî niflc- .SA. Flc Ttaicmanity ahi-oaci. lu make people caudni li Thrr- etibu tw-as hoIci pioblnis wsudheai ualobuh- xv'asri built; Russia was stifi pav sonne attention t10he lreid auc'ad.Tr\aîrevw-strliics I i xasthe Cki! nI ireiliîg inled bx a czar-: tfhere folk, for aic-r-e. so 11n i wi l viiprobr- w'old lui bonxi.cl nti Ci wvei-cnoul onetaxes. [aeliasî(îîfîboiv i blhf wtid 'vasIoboin xeuatig., lever seuîail a iîpiarîcon1Itie so-calicd prime rof 1 if,1 e i dwe ccpeulagifori'îi-b crgî ciKugi grnuîuîd: niîer obeyed a t-aI- sec-uns tîîat o'rnsînuieat s-ors.d:bis ofi ulenyd fic i- gli I iex-er d ited gearsileasîtflic- cuple nofîxecks btuu'îbaans uit-e ni pic-ascii- je a lousvatened irs- lic- c-s la in s ut a utomiobile. lie had un oi- ielîgd llîsbuuit iiiliecra rds is unî\-îoîiîir-idai anid iclnne itrs i for te ig da , in bco Ie iri l r ftliec-ie ornu Ilblie coîsidered H iria rivalI 10 fil- brnkeuu hi-cad vith arîother- ail Oi-g) of shiopping, mail ing,. idlAlIleJdgieitd luumai ciuîg siuîce Presidentcleaniîg. scraniîbiiîîg a I l C;ice 'lThiusus onue limni oflte Tiuoî t tle ,ngîeu Woodi-ow- Wilsn îsiguîed a de- verî-yiug bliat produc vuil ear Nwlîer n mv ainilv 'secsts eabue bclore Poutins ;Pilate. r uia rationî of Wai- against Gel- but 'bcnsiou.tî-ries i tthuart n f fble 1l.înLuSe uisl un1h-,tLe Jesus dcclared hlatHie king- al nisis (uibiI lu buok vaspn- 0au-. ,Epeir'.- s.oîg [iec-loi-s. Or licai-s lilui, rather,: dom w-as !unt oni i s age -lie pc- manbcd i ie8.ook a ia"ubwomr. Ps, eilut ain teif \ou ii urlic-ar bine. betause adunîîhed hîox-vc- oho ls beiuîg Pl xisuî ii iii excpt his brother, Like mosb oic-, l'i iabouuî I îîîsrbi îa iof w iungd iroa i kin pudw iiet andetauî lus Iaw-*x-er. and a Prison cbapl- 50)-50 oui Cbiistuiias A t 1limres,.i i-r-to roinaî -hid eg u oe dcqi' tariFl i-u uspcrnittcd ta scnd Fin st-onguy iii avor nf Ilier- cii Licforc-1bstarI -'Ple axelInn fie PI-OPlet Isariali. wlîn a Anîd recive a letter each whole businîess. ai on iersis s Inn tauîds. 'l'lic-oil us iluat:deýclarýed. -Uuto Lus a uirild V r muni 10 hîntbe, a iaiI si- x'oieîbi..- opnsd k i ite crne*îc ack lu me blînse bain. alaso ebateri." . . .nfIllue fer sud au iod mari in Florida. Ihat ut puts me un rchi, ex\enlii'. - 'î.u Mlifluî.st-uîraea isgvuiei - sfyuîîg Ce-ltiu nablîs rny> Dad aîîd pencete îre w-oufdi be il, lisec-rl blise xvili-r lie was doxvîîend.' His kirîgdorn w-anld be r cc-ilar frix'i urg f,-i i lîrruace anrd estabîisîbed w' i 1tIh j dgmpnt l .~-L... aiiiglît rii' nîtlier (01 do't and j1us t-e Ini-exer. fIlisas 2 licar hni. GC In th D iti Il Ile speaker for bringirugLis tr COURTICE scuuuan c-uuîgiicniuig aoan-cs: Mns. Lloyd Domuu and Mcs.1 Cooruugnsulsîîolus Iru al n-ir Il)(- tire devohiona Ipcrirdadnsd Ptheeouspol wn irelband look Iorv Di/ stanlt L-asL ictc îuarurtircs in 1ulie Opcred w'il Ft-nn Nol. 6 w-nnoI blanket. Mn..flet-man weckl.%. cleulîrn onuruMonla'.- hieShucplîeuds Wahchc-d MeGili. Bethialîv, thue christ- 'foui-s' F1rom Tlf' Statresmnan F~iles Scrics Inn olco Mastier Ies-uru Thueir Fiocks by Nighl." ma-, cak-e: Chiai-les Chapouan, Mrs.. Fr s înîulouus us o patiucntin i Oslî- Tbronghotii Mme. Down oý R.R. i1, Bellianytichbe tIurkc-. 25xYaAi.Hospitli.buitj;t re-ox--- iedutatimn onu Christmas, Mrs. White Gift Service 11 S V AS ,< 49 YICARS AG() mg îiçcc-i«v fnumrn bis ueccc-it Coverly read severai passages l'l'ie United Chrmui Suns' a Dc18 i. oahuini. oîscriptuuc. Mn-s. D owi - Si-boo ie aWhite i e r-i - o t).1. 3 î(Der-. 16, 193-4l Mus. MacIge iries Miss thoughîs ueuurert ainrnd flue - îdaGrls- Dec. 5".o irIen R. (). lane i.-lion - Mnr. Robc-rt E. Siiitllulias Ma r' \vni kiis.Oshiawa,- M r. tact thîs w-e lise e. c acnsd \dretu n-uInging b heuhl, heCrld o'r-cn icvCcin i cs Couirircilous ctr-tsasutauon in'Torontoi Bi lb lc-Ichciii, Pnrt Hope. w-th work iin00c-esvorld and tuiessc-dre - gngIici r nMisstin- 'h a a si hlia uucîu uc-h s îîrpented ss'ithi Mise Hazel Rcrs e ssjil crhMi..uu un Mis. W. Bnoxvii - us bhe persour wbo lias 1iesrned as« uîesdua-ugt i- uBxniivie go.ld lcsaiil-l iunnuc-rho nmark fric-rde o lt Torontou us ci i lic \i.eDainrco i ur-cn ahv i wnsoli.a hasket ai Itue frant f th(- Pieasefind u-uîuupc-hnuu ni insteri sewc-kcud leisc;erDi ai ber rnise nu 'live inguwng wor Ns.-charge af thue Sundas' Sehoo!dollars ;forr ý('Oiilllcioli f histel-Il ëI,;week,,tld he ivrkriidat lir hom crihTeîrclung o 'Plie iseichuuci. w-aserinr .ars anîor her 'ri tLniteri Criuitue Xaidcni. Miss Elsue \lM. Pi gg speili Laktueiri. fi0Ot."Wise M e n Sck ng MViss Mai-garet Bruookuig hie w-ekc-u ich . ir crsute, Ailun viiiug ic-elng ofgIni-tl'Jesus" and ira>-en bx'1\1i-5.superuniendeîut, Earl Weatiuri,- the news cet-v Torv rlds M," Mytie V Bragg in jjjIjý( Clltl(.IiWorni-l of ovut Mn-ssd iEdgaeetigB c-t-MrF aIda ther oci te iLisionchchwtt 'ovH uil, vusîc-d nid frlc-uu rî5 nthe V Bugg II ii'-r ur iiccu Wouic-li AoceIx- tlSed th me etiug. hirdreis stars- . Douglas Mc- Sincerel, 'si iin. Ncluuuai vsued Messie. Rire- sud h auuk lic-luI nil Niv 'in27, 1962, sertIo thue 49 ladies icsetGIl. Miss MLII-ielNeals s'uiFi Malcinu Neeleuînucc--cnuic s-nIr is. -llati Dt)nw- rî ic-ur- b> Mrs. H. Gas', Mrs. C. Tuhî isNom mt raiiu Ilufld unruceui Brax-ectouîî xsited at Mr. '. H.hlscu trht uuC.Ms .P-rc-sd~u Rscinicre ic-eouis aiid pr-s> c-s. MssRuethi Iiluîrrlslias bec-il Praxuidenuicu. ,Nfr Dîuxiis.uchsers-.-B- e ardtuei ssa i. tý Tir -îoreanîhueniwas'lir Belleville, D i-!ii ug ri c-livnsn-siiTorronîto. Mus. t Rex -T. 'P. W ulh hî h trcnu uc av-r" aw nciu Mir ss'Ke o-tv Caini. 'Pie Canaclian SIat t tînulu .; OOentduuirg w 50is5MKe n- )'.B\va ileOn Mi. andcl MmeA.iL. Nuiclis a' uc-udc-d the C ic-rî' alter xcii c'ch Tvi No. 1- ni)s'. rn hsexen-al qruestuans n-c- . C.W. MeetingBovavieOn sudi granursoi Donuald Nuchuolis. Victoria Colîr-ge. 'Toronito-.alaîudSuuug asoSng nuf Bc-thuleni* u gai-ding the requisutes fa,- le- lTire United ("hurt-h Wanen Dear Sits:- visileu I Mc aund Mie Anidrew'rueports a 5Cr> pieasant time. csruigthwdb'pi.vu-nuuutgaDaoissrt nrmt uiMds- uguhaid fn wll id A. Nirhlulr-. Fiiigerbcuaud. Mius en.ic-uîe i\lLean, - Fl Theimnuteîîics culth le Su-nu ci,- rîil n-.ipuuugraduation. heard renorîs nI a satilactor,' cheque for $4.001 re Dr. and Mus. G. E. Reaoîat)î.'tnton.luuAlta., us lhome1 beu e v - i-tuIng svc-u rvrd Lsb - Elciezer Explorers et-hfoi- seau ohfl-low-slip un thue îîc'ý,ss'sbrptian ta The i'.u l t bteunicrl th(- (3ood - sp-nud Chriistmais xc bi hicr seurcis r'.\ ns (lailie I-lli îu -nuciiss'c- x mec-binîg an 'Piluc- og nza- -l'i e uI i or l9 cc-or (lncue Frîda 'v uugliih and folhIci' dsui sbir. alter txs'u sd an id '.rli.,'.iliifExplorr )-ogatn-l tî-iuu1ua:igc u iciriitce u' heEi 9xrnIgCSte cuf Mr. sud Mis. E. >'ears abMruu-.5h - hboi\s (v>pic-su- un(i 1Disj '. r.u-uurnîed upcu ig cx - losa-,n gis uîulis Mcr0 -nCni 1 c1-tbutescoy Ille Edia P. Brartt sxfille unr hosur - Mus. W. C.Al iii i iluiit c-sa r iati ii î iu-si - .ciii\vahtle xlrrHyun us b Mis . i x ayhî:- utwo-- uoec nulu bue enugagement-iiofailier-dacugli- rpr n ta l'iotadpayr Id Thue Velu Aricicltîi George ber Berthua May. ho Mr. H. sA.uuuuu-eitul i ii'i udîr>-- Weriiv. uuiui-ii)ilerled mn nIfOf-ni-ucw-sion I ie Necras or. run-uonr'ak -, ccl uîr-lid hGrills. tirî soin ofIlle ae ierc î uteuusoh the Bs as i'.-i\as inuchange of garuî- ficers. Mca. Tironas Jenn ingulrs-1 Suuia s un Si .Johiui Anîghucaru Mauxu « Ms. Grill. Valw oic- $4k;3,90. c-I., - VOsbucuîc- bac!bthue pra-, - xxas iuc-h inucirtaF Preir trnu fý- uii l Cllrl 'iy 0\asaoTenaraewl ar Plis ns sr i uale Ilo -i e, PTh, Es picirs spcil ui te '0lin rt'- soAîbenîs .1I \scar cirdauncrh a ctonu bv the thehe fnakinn fuu- I1ý,c- ftrLii okw ciairIoi s eau icalB.neprd MrsA, 1. laie Bisiuop sx c-et nuaiî. A fllîetluei. .h. abo eerni inNc Ov-u snd gu ttc ci: nue'i\'Chuorushers for ouiiof liue Chiuu u-lu iOthe e lc-tm Mn. XV. O Laliche. Ertuuuuui - 'lier icîiit nif Ile up dci 1'in n u the Snundav wr -Ih adSudr,' <I-lu tur h e c-ted haritic -rd ai i tnAa, i- s vse nug lits liair on n tce-lioxyc l i nhah u ir- Sc-luî iii i ilic hsn ios -.i a - -ý. Ha od S i r-, ! ,A9) obtn l, Ii tc-nu- Ilici lue eriu cand cni, Mr suI rs v S .1 f) iLsa- -- h c r n(ciiltd(u, ýiicrno ii v'r 0 oo f)FO t iAHlc huii BelleIIIises i Sie. -<ofqigIl i i5ru c-u unuupl-td icR- r-ouilnlor ileî--cnuoe -asw-re re- imn-r 1ifh"Pnun n cepeOfr.Ei f ocoh n Xii cuit lii ~a. un nii-etuug <i Bell aîuddacululur ~ iug t hc hat sea NIr Ra> îoîBelletel anidîe wc-ciaseri h s r I le u-onnuuî ce ul "uie dito lue Mens,;Librral Assacnatiou paiiicd hni Eaelsrt dare visît-niatni Osbornie gaveItlîe repor ani lsuiim s mc. Cucu se-rd M SainThe Canaduan siatesmran nI Bow-nuatiine was fe l-d On nu gfler-moîhuer in T'lonoo ofnIlrlue Noiltuuug Coniiîitt"c- I iintc-dc frist w-cck Ron)res e-Mm D ea, ir Tuslvex-rniog at bbc Bal-' Ve ruobuce innithic VNnilsoi lu"lî- nt ofn -nug \\as -p ne ed h:r ci'm îî-etotinBec- sort Mn-s.Winifred Da Sc niosi bId svheoIlise I- ai. Aba tht n -E Ceugr- Mis, If. Us>ansuri cc-aiccdic-un e -di meeting. Chic-i Spencer, pu-agrarn cuvnor: Ma'. welakr Ihuii ppor- mora flt(, ývhn tleS Of Mai, Ata. thi Mr E.Cregh-Mrs. Cari Portenuis, u-baînma; uîlrilx i fcxlcuing tb vauand fiuer-s wue c-heuted. Wm- C. ton Higguunboîhia i has lie n Sp- bc Mirs. AllaitiDos'. n. Explne:r-idi-n thIe upc-y ('av-eu 1'. -Presuclent; Gar-don A. ipointc-r'te-ceauý-t-rc-surer-,ofNî - rs. Lin> d fownî uîîroîIccl îîîg ir i mi-afbc-r shie 1usd nIencar rvand itte- rr h safaiTr ta' Beulhu, Secretar> - the Athletîc- Association olf DSoit--MK- rcuuulvuag d ane Krn c etad rxrsotM'~ evc-rv be.s wîsb for ChristbisR Noran-es nul duplitlietua inHighlandt, Alta. 'Tue we-sternuappontcihr hDc-aconess ai Northu- Kiîuglîî n r-artiIlîe mnuutes c rs Bih aIdLosv's. avis anuuulc:d teNeb car. Thig eter i'.'. otuni zux > caie ;MO.H - re-! cîlmate i-. agrcunîg scut b uuuuush-r tUniuted lCirch -Osýh- îy Go it- a- i'tatut Ic-arhr. ne- rd l - pot ~Creugit anîni he experts in plaxca. t'snig Isynulange i-harns, mnîîced .s aii)0< thre Caudie- Mrs. Gervun u Illiiacu. Fnriul-and beller andu a w Cix c- bodr u-garncdofficuais hucr-kc> xv 1h ithe FiigI)landc-rs Miss .MI- Kcr nuitlunr-ni uni lu luglut )ns- 1miS, r -i6ti hi s and sottru î:Mr..Haroulh-sa ooc0) îusv s i buule Io Niasor Struke ai ti i wîuîr. Suuil\andsoitniduîc-cck arn- at 7p. nu -si gc cuf bhSauderson. Siinir-hiie c xc .S: M% luîurbaîid and Psanul (-or piînuenîarx ibanuquet. Sehool Mui. Tuar. undiiins. NIaphe grain, foc all age groupe xxuit- CUGI.T. Exii: tcs w îî attenud Mn '1 J. Jac-k-on. ucîanc- ilu]the grchmig 'Gn Boacds. Welfare. laitir sudGros-c. rerentîsvusuhech fric-nids iii the c-uni cuider thue guud- in uniuform 'sW,,c-anc - -ng la Mirs. Eari Wcatueriîît. -urch BIcrss 'nni, Eve ry One" Hospital Boards sort Cuvur at Colborne. aîcc- nif lue Christianu Edues- pack a box fi Mis' Ai.!a Os- flowc-rs. Mrs. Ralumb Prestoni Offitiahs boumnor hu tring Chic-I Mrs. Wni. Roscsuai-. jO'l j oi n tOiCrnnitc. Mis McKceborne snd t, ke nil in-on acdmi - Rs aisn u-Snee Magutrabe. 1Mss or Strîke %was tr) i.sr-ted hber pareiilsz, ardstucibd OnIlie c-s'. w cucruuntu:m Dec. 231-d. Mi>s-. 51!- - uni luetors: Mis Clarence Roxcar. Marion Ford. îîcs'uîel '.utllu a beautiful NIrs. Jas.Johnti-. ansd hplanslfi-n lcfri ic- Tii'.' our Christmas pa 'i- co l ic-tuauii t: M cs Ross ("alr.A ucallen easy tchair. MNrs A Bînugban a nid N mr--naga -ziiln e -Plie Chistianî Der. Igtir. snd xQw aî,itiil-'*ibnifz and Presýs: Mrs Acýdi: A Iubeluculin test deteiuuien Orouuo:Ma>t-erKeuîb We-sbM. Clîrîuue aI Boxvranx ic- Hone"ue s as iîglullv c-r-oou--utc-our mothens. Wormiiiru-c-r--ào SCott.sucreharv. \&,Icthcr oD- îot a person lias c-itiztauii dsorte "0 1 iîcds. speni the veckuruid ai ironie ofI muderh vice w-as given h- 13i0-ut;rx-- TPie ~--ctvrc-purled 47 heeu n iected b>'tuberculosis Saicirdas - onu bue occasion off Mc. and Mu' George Sander- [inu ;pîcakiig il o Clii sirnne. Roll rall show n( nI %,t-y'iuup tuuinembens w'ithai, ave'- gPruns. but ilb dcc fot show if iijý iid huunîhuas* vCSI).i Mc-.Brungluan Il]cIiinc--Ediai ui îî. Miss siMc Krerarn!il prescmi aud had o r-i ni.,' irage aI teniraiue ori 2,1 plinfioection hbasadvancedl 1 Newc-a-t le rMjiss MNiroui Alun numaini for s few ia>s (olhmunie ius r>tuiiigs, hi usMir-siouufor chrhi i ("r i li nu. sîd vc culrai t relit u0 ncctuin drisca.s--.CbestX-rayasot t ba cepbed a schoioc-nar Express'IhiusEsgeuî.ItsLf-Bbi ealscok-ci.u mu eId. ThbefuIl fînancîilreport mtssacnec c ee~ Bolton sort xiii enter upon Ty'vrolie MuiP.uu-,rc-hVii lue !olug Il us phaiinII lt equutes activubyý. Our choiur n-cewutb will be gir-en ai tire Jannani' mine the presence of discase. her ors' chie'aller Newv hias' one onlao-onto loirlire!Leaderslirp. Il is sbarcd rmes-big cirarts aI our Puayer. Mot. nmeeting. but mcntiaîu wa' The World Heaith Organiza- 'fei sscnîlr Ipoisiîhiosfntlie xc h o'il e'toansd Expînuren Ba5'uner3 v-ss manie ioftire sIc-cs..aior iýc';tinru c-stinuutc sthat if aIlcases R. liort n heir uncleà, 1i. AltàProut.'Mr Uic-i Suuo miir\en ihanitcd i m1ce It wai. Jackzon gave a 'report af thre ib about 10,000,000 annually. poses a child who is under the age ni tcri vears. so that ils life is or is lîkcly to be endangcred or its hicalth is or is likely t o be pcr-manentîx- injured, is guilîx- of an indictable offence and1 liable lui impi-isoient for Iwo Vears i1 During this season of parties an i xisiting, there is an increased teîîdenu-v to leave childi-en alone "just for, î minuite", but it oix-l'v akes 18 second$ for a Chrisîimas trec Io burn furiously to char-îed xvood! If -y OU must 9o01UI, tilV fi i-e uluef adx-ises, c-pt ýresponsible baby sitte* foi- the childi-en and viiu w~il loi. youir parîv rnuch moi-e. 'ion for Todciy rWalter H. Crawford Rc-v. IValter H.,('rawford vit lu t lic uî ofe cI tlioe fau-teý that ilhte s uel. w-A îiirci I tue shicplicu-ds ont thuai -veruilfujl iîîgbt. madt hueglor- nus dccl aîation, Fear uîît - for, betînt di 1 briiug '.îîu gond t idunge ni gi-cat loy. wh-i shail be bo ail People" anîd il confirmnationî. as it were, of thue gloriaus promiise, ili hea-ci ix' ,hast dclr-ficd iniiit sui. "Goinr- lio C'd tilt higliesi. aud on erth , a1-e gond xvili Iowai-d men."bDoc-s Ibis pr'escrit age bnwex'er. ii' its probleniîs.i,;troublexa"d estate?! [t i-au do, if we pe: i-oit it. Let true rmînd oui- seives again of the purpose oi Hie birth. Be -,wha is thelý Prince ai Peace, the Savionuuý ai mcii; lus mission to cari xxas. 10 dispel fear, otabak assaY sinî and tb imparbta nu.i of lus rugliteouxiess, peace anil goad %il]. There is an iîîwar peace which wc can eljo. nn.marte possible, anl available tIhirougi, ail b Christ did for us in bil sarr- lic-ti]deathi01n Caix-arv. Thîî - is cod's Gift t onman. Mvav we udsponc od (m'd' nîuuuîificeuîue wit'l oui- hnntiag and dedicalion, and allert, Mini Ocui* gifla 4i truie de'.o tiou.1 BETHANY Mi-. n-ricci-kSuliil lirug Ici! recurul Woi ksîiu-p" hrid- ut lier luouîîe on Wcdîiesda.v. Milîbrook. xxilî ic-4a.s for i- p-, rscutci-ig lic-r rg, aort is niov'-'granu planning. Mînibcu-s ,vei apatient in Civic Hos-pitai, aslced 10 oiihnribite nuExv r Peberboagli. cisc-rt tn\ s for tlue children Mu-.hcn.1 nucly ee-Suîudav nursccv. IR was agrerr rorongu. spc-ut Ilue pash wc-ck h urhaefosr o i s-tIi MIr. sort Mis.Westoii chuchluChuristmnas serivice. -Hcichuuuir-n. Mirs. Hc-rb. Coppins lia charge ofI hie svanship service j Miss Dusunue Bigclow m'ho whi 1usid a Chiitrnas theme, rî fcrc-d facial injuries In a sart aiso acted as ruarrator fui car accident two weeks ago 1, a Chruistmas paseari "u îuîw nuuc-b ii-npraovcr. T'i'hec Wise Men*. Tlîc- pag- .Ioatuie Edniucndrs fi-actcinc r csut Icatnî-ed a ighi1tvd Cu- ici- ]eg on Wreducdav anud che tue gnirtiuig tar anîd tliq tIOW liase Ilir iuu.iurerl linîib in nluc-n Bible arnd ssîîsactcd hv awalkiiig (5.Mu-.Esc! Wc-i1nu0t, M:-%. lai-olrt white, Mm Crcighu Mn..an su i M ce. Enui-v. aanuncari . Me.i t1 e M hav'e Ieft fin lic-lu w inie' T . J. Jackson, st unir in Inute-cessucîn Cii' , Rnw.laiud,Mr - Flica ri.ndr Mrs. H AiucI s Watsui-i liii o Sa liii-- Mrns. Thiorniasm as-t ui ssil Mwitlîluleiucpî-wMsRoss Ca r~ an Segai- ai Elînobu. Lahue. tire EasI'. At ilîcir nîuev.tirug oui Sat;in- - 1 w-u I.q s> o ulglut. thue 1hi-C Club pi-e- 1' 11 u e - 'Mrs. ROSS ýeîutc-d Iiîir c-ounsc-ilou-s, Mr. r-On. Mrs. aîph Preston, ind Mus. Aihaui Beer wilh an Gladytý Malcolnsora-a48Mt ?cc-trc- coffee nake iii ap-HaodW ie ucecialinofai lin rleaderslu lu. Lasî w cek'!zBowlinug n cscrib ;t Bctusi Iilusngle. Gin- s-i .ohn:ston 255, othuers ;wci-c guues M artuciiko 241, Ka'. niîti '225. -Higluitriple, Aguies Mactchiiko 611.- Meu's ligu - uuugplc-. Allan Jnluîîston 289, \fsFe thuene xvc-n-c Morganu Bigelo.is.Fe ?66, Rose Kerr 264. Denous 51( Sher luc-c-uuwnod 256. iligi imeuve Pc-Icibar uiple, Dennis Gneenwood 675. iDear Editai-: AI flue lfckx- Christruise 1 am sc-nrhiuigy uraw for prizes in W al11-. order ni $4.00 for leide, siue on Satrdax-. Jolin of yonur paper. 1 h Di Re i We're FiIIed With Pride Formula for Littie Stinkers 1l ii uand 1 Utbe umibtn tate#lm4u Durham County's Greort Famulv JImurnil Established 108 years ago in 1854 Alao lncotpoîcinq The Bowmanville New% The Newcaste Independent The Orono New* ID 4 cb "Auihoeintd cmsoSccn ivi aléo ICIIhyterost Othce Ospi.. ouiw', qr1 imt r'- ,nt r-i r-rro7e mnc- Produced every Wednosday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED P.O. Box 190 82-66 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ontco JOHN M. JAMES GEO. W. GRAHAM GrO. il MORRItj EmTprirra.us ADVTG. MANAGEU rv-. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $4,00 l Yeoer ctly in adveance $5.50n c el n tha tUnii~{îted liaolis 01, ex-