cSoial ýI Phone Please keep phoni.g in toi names off 3-ur vi.sitons la 6-1:, 3303. We do appreciate ,oui calls. Mr. Douglas Nirlîo)ýs. C.P.Rý rondurtor, Kingston..-;; P e n ' Mondav- with hîs fa,,ýthe r. M L. B. Nichais. Canlo-le Ave. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Bad.gar. Barby andi Patti off Woodstocl- wtere weekend guests off his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Bad- ger. King St. East. Steven and Peter Caxx ket aof ]Belleville spent the weekend with their grandiparents. -AIr. and Mrs. T. Wesley Caxx,-ker,. Liberty St. Narth. Sympathv ta AIr5. H.Ba- lantine and family. Town c, mhose miother. Mrs. Henry J. Narris, Oshawa, passed away on Saturday, Decemben th. Mr. and Mi's. E. V. Hoar wvere Sunday'N dinner gueSts off their son andi daughter-in- kaw, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Hoa,, Barb ,a andi Tam off Willoxv- dll Canadian Order offFr-- ters. Court Ventura, 50-. 10 draxv for the month off No-' vember in the sun off S40.75 was won bx' Ab. Donoghuc. Town. Mrs. W. R. Eciger. Ran,m and Debby off Peterborough were weekeiid xisitars xv.tl Mrs. W. A. Edgeî. Wellîngton Street. andi enîot-ed the Santa Claus parade on Saturda 'v. Mrs. F. E. Walden ias e furned to lier lîoînii i West Vancauver, Britishî Columbia, after spending a feu, days las! week xith lier mothen. Mrs. C. H. Mason, King St. East. Winner off the Ontario- Duor h am New Demorra'ic Youth Azsociation .50-50 draxv wvas Mrs. Moily Bosle\, 31 the aritiei of the eonm!ce, We succe.- ln performant-e gave The Canad:. I heard of one man wha came evidence of good rhythmic (1) witti his 'rhree children froni1 sense %'îth excellent intona- Barrie. Arnoher from a grea. 'Lion in ttie violin part and' u ersania/ distance was Mrs. J. M,%orrkih I < I I I4 V USound technical and musicalI fiand familv of Schrieber. wno e o t r m 0 w abiiMty an the part of Fenwick 623-3303 travèl1ed by train and bus to ( H A pLai'rd. arrive in tlme for the parade. LJ Russ ll . Hofl', M . . Mr. Beatoii was not at ih z; Lnd ____________________A' a bu.! station. Mrs. Morrizlh be.-ýt in acompanying ,lhe Hani- On Fr-idaencountered a voung man o Section 108 of the British to deterining if the particular property of the Province or del Sonata for violin.. T'12 mon Eiders* e a Arhe:dSIatt he d.W all, as aiting for- a friend "0 North Amierica Act. and the lands being used as a harbour Ontario. particular cornoosition) is a Basketbaili - ma he: ai he U..W. aI!,arrive from Niagara Falls a 'rhird Scliedule to that Act, are otvned b.\ the Federal demanding one. for soloist and xvere ail q r ha . Sundav. Decem- attend the popular event. Ail vested in the Crown in right Crovn or the Provincial On 'Monaay evening off thîs accompanist, and therefore re- thoug-h ourý bel' 9*,11 and ',he prize money, four corners as w-ell as Lhe of Canada awnership af the Croxvn. week the' Honourable Leoni quires more rehearsals thanl that the\, p arnounted ta S73.7 5.(entra! section of the province bed and foreshore of ail pub- A prartîral example of this Balcer, Alinister of Transport.MrHooitan M'.eto ga. t S pah exedd seemed ta be represented he,-e lic- harbours in Canada that difficultv m'aseprtne ook a step ta resolve this wr bet rai oehr Mr. adr. aeciShf armOfn Slth.v eractually used as such at rnoîith Or sa ago \vth relation prolm of te to arbour However-,Ille performnances . daThe.sa Ohnshawpaensof dah 0C hoete oBCn.A Aratio. tePort Hope Harbour. lands ohen lhe introduced Bill Ihe next groîipof violin solo-.dace. a Jureh n icton oS ndea , 11Howver thTT1..Actdid-Last tinter the Por-t Hope C-.59.When finalîs- passed by S hubeî-t's Ava -NIa r ia and!\ue w 1hie Deceniber 9:n. aftera short UDILU~flI fot lisI and descrîbe those Haîbour Commission, in ca-o rimn.adwe l- Borcherini's Mînuet. cav e eBadpoi s illnei. e 9vas forerlav eîn- MUS. ARTHUR CLARKE harbaurs and in sonne cases operation \vith the Town ineilta-x-legislation lhas been auiecealeulB<î a ild fo r otid ioxed xitHie. ana d mr1 ian - Flovn nllns f i there are doubts as ta whether Council and R.C.S.C.C. keena pussed by the Ontario Legis- ths x ong a rueis atenia, l'oabui, * oe riaJa Bank of Commerce'day-s. the death of Mrs. Arthur. a harbour became the praperty rce amrn building aI aue sB i prve ithanks to ti brnhhr.Clarke, 68. accurred ati e of the Ccawn in right off the Port Hope Harbour .. A 1 agreement between the The crio!. Silent Nic0,1hmu 1bac a re.et laeNra ail -optl antnil, Canada by operation of the part off the agreement the Dominion off Canada and the a1xi aYs a favorite aod iwaS The derol ';ý1British North America Act. or Ciatvn in righit of Canlada iPoic.f na-i vihepcax apeln r-o~ trombone pl D.~~~~~ Hg.PeietN.DHagO Madv Noebrlh, whether the land rompi'ising ta convey the land on \vhich. wîîl proide y means off legal b\-Mr Beaton for tua part the side wa.1 Lzd.. Toranto. announces the 1962. the bed and fareshore af the the building is erected ta the. descriptions of thie lands nom, chotus and twovo oho'MISs Phone andv formation of a new Canadian Formerir, Elizabeth Anne habu-ï- oeprshr-Hrbu omsso. The bing osed for harbour pur- JOv(ce Gundy plaved tnle bc lt v compan%. Hogg-Dawe's Labor- (Bethi) Williams, the deceased of, might belong ta the Crown question ai-ose as to iviîo Is poses in the 27 municipalities. ond violiti part ver\~ seîxî!? auditorium. atories Ltd. The new com- \Vas 'born at Ironside. Mii_ i îhtoftePovne chxve ftelad ftt that these lands are xested n 1l'x and the chîidt-en's eVOICI ri -aî pan-s-, formed i conjunction gan, U.S.A. About 12 Yearz fteadbln oteCýý,7 npoueiafeigo oeada ed with Datve's Laboratories, ago she married Arthur The difficulty is 1inî'espect lanîd wvas used as part aitueandboCn athe Ciaxv bpcduedafeinfoxean vs.d Inc.. Chicaga, Illinois, will a,,- Clarke wvho predeceased her off the limits off those public Port Hope Harbour on .u' i nt of Canada. sume the activities off N. D). Bèfore maoing ta 185 Duke ýharbours which are naxv rer- 1867, then under the British This legislation piovides that The Maie Voice Chloir off thp No. 3. anid it Hag Lt. th fed uppe-St. Bwmavile.las Agus, gnized as such vithin the North Anieia Art it, belongs ail mines and mineri'as xsithl- local bi-anch off lte Canadian bv Mis ' I mieaning off the British North tO the Federal Ci'owxn. If this in te harbout- lands are the Legion gieaîlx- appealed to 'On Saturd ment and chemical tieldz. Air.' the dereased hiad resided ai Arnerica Art. ho many cases paiticular paît-el of land on, piapeî'ty of Ontaio, The only the audienýce. Tfhe intense ze3l :icipated in Hogg formerly resided in thie 1562 Queen St. East, Toranto. traffir hias încreased cansjd- whirh the building is con- inites and minerais at-e of tbis groulp of dedîcated uocre vei-îg is ns Gaî'net Ghnd , Town. r leen lJaitedhurnh.TaiW-on ,erabix- and the areas off par- structed xsas not used as paît sait beds in Goderi-b and ýinRers is a i-ai-e camimodît:.. oî'oud orf ail is Irs Gane Goeen Ton.gren Uite Curviv oî's. .ticula'locations used for hai- Orf theIliai-bout' on the date off Windsor harbours and iran are arroi-ding ta thieir proud con- ber-s,. _isMary. Betties, Box';- There are no srios bour purposes have berome in- Confedieration thie land is the uinder Kingston hiarbt-bu. ductor. AIui'dach L. Boatioii Next Thur .manville. xvas one of the 12 The funeral service w,'as cesnly lai ger. s'hee r. Beaton added that a gi'o.îp Dcc. Ï3 and \vomen students chosen friom xrmte "Iiýi Liea vere no cadastral plans at oIsigscaIoefrNi ,1 b Peterbor'ough Teachers' Coi- C Ih a p e 1, Bowimanv.ille. 011 most afthe harboursin 867, 0 îora ii oeîiing anîd nmot no- lege to attend a Student-Tea- Tusay. Novemiber 15, and it is. in 1962. impassbl iiU por tan - loval tv Io the or--Ille Little Ro the PeterbonoughY Women Tea- K. Houcassi-idetteoffiTe the alimitsiof -hecor chýer Confet-enre. sponsored bv xa odredb1e.Wi.mn ae 1 o Igaiao od 'lotfa il Io It \vas reti' 'Li eebruhWmnTaprocceci ffrom t enîhtsiige ih chers' Azsoci ation. which was Unte Churrh. Bowlvmaîwîlle. bouî-s %ith ans d egeeof stren-ith The Male Voice the'rncood oor helci at-the iMcIGillis Ioel nterment xxas in Bowm-an- cerîaintv. The secondc annual ex-coing performiance and Coi-cit, be- choir gave finle renditions cf does nottmdi Peterborough, last Wednesdayýi] emetery, Corîst itutionalix', a nl d i il off music at St. Patîl's United hiaviout-i tht-oughout Ilhe eveiî- Aura Lee. Jolînn Cone Doxx'î i imentalit\. 1vîkhp PaIlbeaners xx-P e ' MeSsl:s. practire. harbour lands and CLiurh ori Fridax-e-c7ngigw-as;off the igh tn- aHl.OCh'soa re. TeMI are bc ing held in each c(ttvWila Harford, C. R. Chis*.- farilities have been uniethie \as enjos c%,d b\ a ver-: appre- aîd. and Ei'mc Stanrer was anl cf- ciude Ilther wleea cîîe is lacat'edi tian. A rnoldl Covne, Dave Aik- juî'isdliction off the Federal niative autdienlce. Mi:ýs Wencx- Beatoti. aged fertive ';'sAin It Caine Up- -oi.0 Petrboou-Iiil th frstofenhead G eo rg e .\,eelieii Crawn representeci by the Min- The large cild-euis cla 7. and Master Fenwýirk Laird, on the MJdnight Clear. h inbr the rolleges ta holci the con- an o- ýcilein ister off Transport. The prob- opene Illie pt'og-aînnme %-iiî aged 7. ffolowed with a violin Mr. ougo Rutta:î sang u)erplexed bv. le ren ce. Amongythe lox'el « v fIoî-9. leni is realîv one off ranstitu- The Hlollv and the lvv. ffol- and organ duet. Bath the with great Purtlv off toile a 'id ias Ille beaul lokns as ne rom th T.tioal aw uthas xery real towpcd bx-the Gerrni cai', chlildi-eîî have be studvitig articulatio1i and'iobviauls un- reiniiscciito Aniong thie man 'y thous.,andtsEaton Ca. Ltd. ramnifications wxhen il ('aines As Latelv We Watelhed. Theit for sonie tel' monflhs. Thei- decstanding offitle st-Oi-P tif Cathed'ali c vietving the spectacular Santaý Claus parade xxere man * who: lîad ti-axelied nmiles ta, see the beautiful floats, heai- the tol tapping bands, and laugh ati TRINITY UNITED (HURCH Minister - Rev. \Vm K. Houslander B.A, B.D. Ot gantst - Mr.Atrthur Collison, Mus.B,,L.R.S.M. Il amIT. - MORNIN(; WORSHIP "Silently, How Silently!" 7:00 p.rn. - EVENING IVORSHIP C.G.I.T. Vesper Service SUNDAY SCHOOL, White Gif t Service 9:45 an-t. - Junior, Intermediate, and 11:00 a.m. - Nursery' and Beginners 11:20 a.m. - Kindergarten and Prirnary A CORDIAL WVELCOME TO ALL Senior REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Sctgog Street, Bowmanville Rev. Jrhn C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D., Mnse Te1ephotie 6:.3-5023 IVORSHIP SERVICES 9:00 a.111. - Eniglish 11:00 a.m. - Dutch 7:30 parn. - English Vroclairing the Whiole Counsel of God 1 "Back To God Hour" Broadcasis CKLB, Oshawva, at 9:15 p.rn. every Sunday CKFH, Toronto, at 7 a.ni. A nnual Chrîstmas Can tata St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16th at 7 p.rn. The Choir will present the Cantata "BETHLEHEM'S BABE" and other special Christmas music. Everyone is invited to cone and enjoy ani evening of praise to Christ the New born King. St'. PauI's Unit ed Church Mtilster Rex. H. A. 'ttt-ner, B.A., B.D. Organnst M Nr. M. Beaîort, .ANAR M, L. T.C.-L. 11:00 a.m. -White Gif t Service The Sunday School and the Congregation will join for this service. Suilday Scitool nemibers will nieet in the Sunday School Hall ai 10:40. 7:00 p.m. - CandIelighting Service by the C.G.I.T. and Explorers. Wednesday, Dec. 19 at 7:30 p.m. Prirnary (8 and uinder) Sunday Scbool Prograrn in the SundaY Scbool Hall. Priniary pupils and their parents especially invited. ian Statesmritn, BowmanvIlle. Dec. il, ion 17 3e.HeS. NEWS' la Steel, IIA vY. Dec. 7. the Mo sp:ax-ed oui' Senti team. Tiiese bo, quitte ta.! and. a ýboys hast. xvc te plased a ver.,.-gai ne da\ , tiie bam r-ps andi Flats, R eld. 11 vas quite e '\onte-ax-Danr id popular- oins îal! ti a: lour O, uci band for tbei isic. t h*LoIIS n-Ideci tlax\er c-liai-ein ll. a truiipez,. saxo raltiLs harps ai-, placeci arooinc t1i 0 a!id xwatrci raWinii-er off the i.t 's. Canipbel!. R.F. lie -watlî xx-as; oi .dV-N a ug hiton - das' the band par the parade. 'lie: gooci andi xxcai( of the bandi miero iscias'aid rJx JDec. 14, Varie'ý eîog hiel at 1t1i 'oaci ta Betlehemî resliigta lîcara so abx- captures fa ,soiig anc i ii dllge ii aven-sonen Voire choit'railm oi'ograii - lh Come Enimaia-l, sI shoulci not L) y thieirfa.se itait' tiffut uiiso'î xa off the lotie of a loir. an- oi- 'ci 'Thlc- deatî off Adlaîn Heitdeî- ~oiKeajie. 51R'chnîlolliîdSt. C East. Oshîawa, occurred aI .1lie SOsliaxs,-a Genienal Hospital. Fri- dax. Dec. 7. 1962". He lîad beera tin pool, bcaltlh fort. va yai-s A , on off the late Mi... anci SMi's. Johin Koatie. lie xvas bonit -lait 5. 1884, tin Nantiern li,'e- .lald. and xx-as îiar'ied tht-net CJutîx 1. 1913. Mn. Kealie hiac r'esîded ini Oshîaxxa foi'thie past ~10 \ecars. niox-iig tîeî'e train Oro110. fie reîîî'ed ftii faî'îî- iitg imi ilat ar'ea in 19525*. li 'Mn. Kearie xas a nîeîîîben mît Nt'thimnîste - ttoited CItui-ci,. --Olaxanad a foirner mnenîber off the Oshaxx'a Rotaî'x- Club. e He issurx ixecibv lus xxid(oxx, thIle former Rebecca Hiunter, alici fotit- sons: Samîuel off OsiI- -axx a: Mci'viit(Bill) or TOI.. onalta; Johnt otf\atei'doxxni: Rn- ýe beî't off Bluritoii. Englanic. Tlîer-e ai-e tlîîee sisters: Mt-. Rcît h IVolfi-aitioff Toronto; A its . Anniiie Simipsoi aîcl iM!r,. sMa '-vRabeits. bath ot liîetailîd. 0 lie !s also ini-viveci bx oni -brothier. GeorgAe Keaiîe.. li Leasidle. Theî'e ai-e îîiîe grand- U hiildren. Ieiiioi'ia I Seri'ce w-as n h e *Aroîstroiig Fnreî'al Chiapol. 05Oslawxa. Mlorday. Dec. 10. at Ila.m. Rev, H. A. Melloxx. pastor off North ir i o s t e r i Chiou-li. officiateci. Iiitermet x-as ah hlie Oroiio Cern-etpry. H;911 Sriool Auditorium. It tril be verv interesting andi xxe xx-ouIld Mke tO see a lar!ge audience thîeî'e The'e xwill be a silx c" collection. OBITUARY /~ \' VOI»R 8ekcXt~vt! Old Spice GIFT SET Cologne, After Shave Lotion, Stick Deodarant ~ Special IL $2.65 (a) DESERT FIOWER GIFT SET Speciefl 31/2 oz. Toilet Water, ½i oz. Perfume $3.55 (b) DESERT FLOWER Toilet Water with Atomizer--------- Special $267j (c) FRIENDSHIP GARDEN Spray Cologne Special $2.25 (d) TWEED COLOGNE. $2.00, $3.00 ()TWEED '"CLASSICS IN FRAGRANCE" QUINTET - f ive assorted colognes-------- $2.50 KODAK "FIESTA" CAMERA OUTFIT Newest in the Kodak low price range. Takes first. class p;cturps Speciail $9.95 "FLASHMITE 20" CAMERA OUTFIT Versatile camnera with tboy, built-in flash holder- zone facusîrg permits vrn'mety of pictures Special $19.75 (h) CUTEX MANICURE SET- ---$3Q Other Cutex Sets $1.00 to $5.00 (i) ROGER & GALLET SOAP - f inest quality Ssoap from France - .- - cakes $2.00 ()FINE STATION ERY in Iiinged box -- --,-$2.00 Other gift papeteries $1.00 up Guerlain from Paris (k) SHALIMAR COLOGNE $4.00, $6,00 (1) SHALIMAR PERFUME, 13 Oz.-------------------------- (m)COLOGNE & PERFUME SET - Ne Ra: Cre for $7,50 $5.0 Coty Sets L'Aimant - Emeraude - L'Origon . paris (n) "NECESSAIRE" Talc and Toilet Wcster $4.60 (o) "FANTASY" Crystal Mist and Dusting Powder ------------~ 61 (p) "PLAISIR" Crystal Mist and Talc ------$4.85 BORG BATHROOM SCALE1 "LOOK VOUR IOVELIEST" 1 CADBURY CHOCOLATES Magnifyiniglens for easy read. ing. Accurate mnechanism, 250. lb. capactrîy Reg. $1095 . $9 5 Visit us ta see many more F ie Gfts Treat yaurself ta a "Toni" per- manent . . . keep il neatly in place with Aciorrn Hoir Spray The sweetest gift of ail - Cad. bury's famnous Milk Troy 12 l b. 85C 1 lb. 2 fb. $1.65 $3.25 *PRESCRIPTIONS .D.A. REMEDIES* AImbFXoM DFtflD%0DI%0 5 KING ST. W. - PHONE 623-5792 z~7 GILLETTE GIFT SET BILLFOLDS ew "SIim" Adjustoble Choose a London, Brand bill- tzar and Foarriy Shave foîd and you're sure of lean, .- . the perfect pair excellent quality. Made with rperfect shaves f inest leathers. Last for years Specicil $2.09 $3.00 to $1 0.00 SHAVING BRUSHES with vr bristie genuine badger hair --$39 to $15.00 PIPES variety of niakes and shopes $1.25 to $10.00 RONSON LIGIITERS -- - - -- .$2.95 Up RONSON VARAFLAME LIGHTERS - -$9.95 up GILIETTE (S1{PUE<) BLADES m0 in guft carton -$2.00 CLUB BRUSH genuine white boar bristies ----- $4.95 Men, Appreciate OId Spice by Shulton They like the tangy scent . . . the ultra-smart containers AFTER SHAVE LOTION ....,Special $1.30, $1.94 SHAVING MUG with SOAP - -----$1.50 plus mony other individual itemsq and set% ZIPPO STORM LIGHTEk MILITARY BRUSH SET $3.95 ELECTRIC SHAVERS by SUNBEAM, SCHICK, RONSON, Contiuous rall paper, Tro of Rolis, or Sheet Ensemble------each 77c See us for Tags, Seals, Tinsel, etc., too :j s j; i for HER' (f) TWEED COLOGNE MIST -------$2.50 (g) 3-PIECE DRESSER SET in broccjde or floral patterns - a Ioveîy gift - $4.98 Other sets up to $14.95 FW i il - $3.95 À