The TiCanadiana Btemtasnsewn=~vM&, Dee. 12, 19821 Ladies"MjrBoln Jeaê s p R rLast week it was orwy 0 ae ' g0 P tie for first place, no thrHe n Vi an 2, Sel . are two. but anythingcnhp Bon23 li afed28 ByFakMhnLeague bowlers wnu p h 0,21 hre ONTARIO CHA MPIONSHIP JR. BO W LING ~opening sc hiedule. Ai c nets D is 2 9 Bab ut n h w ONAI HMINHPJ.BWIGresulted in 2-1 scoes( sB-24 aeBan27 hre ker downed Buday i ed ikl21 (7 rt utx Junior bowling supervlsor Harold Bennett has inform-1 an clash for top so.Ece 0 eg ed this corner that a different type tournament has been but Richaryd fva tme yDtBoks21 1,23 s arraxiged by the Canadian Junior Bowling Congress. TheiiJldopn bantamn, junior and intermediate stars of the future will be;Jldopn on f h i o 2,EseSecr27 in action during the Christmas vacation as usual. This timne, __________________ Brooks stayed vhN ~HlnPr 0,25 ol however, t won't2ndt216,.rIrene oWthitnes InFbur h rafnl ilb edwt h!i- - asPa est ame - But L e in the tie-brkebt-Iun26 0,acy ran wlnners qualifying to campete at Easter for the Ontario we h w et In February the area fi als wifl be held with L p s e t s " o c se theo cubw ate m . he l w 23 23, E a t h r 2 2, 12 championships. 0f the top seven boys and girls in each alD ta saY ini the pro(edns s23 enc ua 8,27 division, six will form a teawn and one of the seven, not es oV IfSA aSt Place Martyn ustHy ee ihlo 2,Mr necessarily the highest, will compete in the single.tincsf angd .IL ih -5 V i t ryt feri23b29 Oietae +__i_____Jo yce Lyle rolledtehh 0,NraGy22Hle + + * + - - - ~ ~~~~~Wt1 only 12 players in the Wlght and top ga mnes by new -'ý Picton M\,cF'arlands k u stIp r. t u h an u single gaine of 306 o t i e 1. D rs J l 5, 27 igm h ri- n aaln-Z1ustIProttegine out cianother five buck cei Dre ak23 ae eu PIC -O MATS ADD FIVE TOP PLAYERS aeteBunadCn-Iie-p Bowmanville Pic-O- cornier Dwaine Rautley, Bob!Bowmanville Shatnroýcks 8-5 reach. ce rmBwavleCen re28 d ihrs29 dians played ta a 1-1 tie. Mats, showing a lot of desire, Watt, Ron Moore and StanlTuesday night in Picton to T h e Mcalad tatder. trop ore-er e KvBaure 2,Maiy Last week the Pic -O- Mats' executive held a %vide theBors.areyvnsisoeoi c I the ieasoini, rdbesit gam o Tetal]. ttdpick up a big four-point win.1strangly as Sain MulhollandgitrdbDoBoks23Wgan29,26 the ruis. ary ilsn a- th seson Friay i~h in he eam batledon ve!The league-leading Shamrockslanld Keith McDoriald scored Bernice B3uday-281,D ak- ______ disusson t wic Itwasvigroulydecdedtha th cunted for th Canadians Weston. But after holding the ternis until the 8:23 mark of lhad taken the two previaus ntefstadSiFaknr 63adDrsJl-27 clu ha beterstn sowig smelif ordrati chnge;gol.clasy odgrstoa a1-1 tie te tirdwhen Jim Johnson 1Iclaslies between the two clubs.l and Lionel Botley runnrng it dotroos 70 otloo wouid be made. In the third and final PeeWItli eight minutes gone I theibroke the tie ad added n-Pcole I0ateedofDtBok72 eeî ipeioa pi o as hrixecns ae aa îco d2a the n d end o a4-0 early in the imiddle ses- high trile honoursfloe Friday night in Weston, the Pic-O Mats. showing Wee game of the day the Roc-,thiripîid, pi1ffstte i scnsltr.1h istadadda pair ision. Ken 1Roberts started the by Bcrnice Buday--68JocB wm njl mor deir thn t ay tmeso ar hed ighy, ndfeaedgolsgave the Jeague-leaders Johnson set the pace with a early in the send, before Shainrocks' comne-back 35 sec- Lyle-- 655 and M. ign- thn t n Unes frhedrnghy udee td et hde hfea yr)3the ir2th straight win. hat - trick performance, the ,Bovwmrazville came 'ta lif.e,: onds later, Ted Fairey scored i Weston Dodgers ta, a 4-2 win. The game was tied 1-1 with 1score. Bob Howes (4), Jim fIl was a reai. team effort, ather goal going ta Rick Mc-I1scoring three times ta eut th 1a the mid-way mark and Rab- Got Iess than 12 minutes remaining, when a pair of goals, six Robson (2) accounted for the inspired by a great goal-tend Kenna. Watt and Westfall margin ta 4-3. But the winn- erts natchied hîs second at Teain Standngad seconds apart, broke Up the contest. The desire mas stilliRackets six goals. Harrv Wii-îgehbto rm Gatwr h i--as coes r vn naohrfu oll 3.Pg there Sunday but Bowmanvillc just couldn't cope with Lake- iloughbvr (2) and John Morri -- Bon Weiss got onle back be Baker______-- - 2Or o SWcr'e the Bears goal scoreirs. Stick -Swinging Duel fore the period ended. Each Ece . . .2 shore Goodyears in a penalty-filled tilt. 1a mLaE cu cîdlhe ie u the Bdv .-2 One bright -spot vas the work aof new-conier Dwiaînc hi tfitata g ain SO.)cordi lhuugh llowmin- he uard Sot Routley, a recent cut byv the Oshaw'a Generals, -who playeciaite ayte TePescvi U olelle held a wide mrac-gin, eut- -" .o very well in bath gaines. ,cd up their third win in *1111112TCco 2-, rok -- ..... Four big acquisitions are George Ashby, ,%ho Is finally row, by defeating the Flye rr ' cm wuwuo te b G od ea s Mulhollnd and Faulkner Lyle --2 rea y fr atio , ( eore as ith Whiby' Onari ý72ý oc ircck 3), Joh sndwiched tV i rl, second t- 1Joll.. ... ...--. chapin uvnies'ad te unop lstseWoden(3 ad ogr wai es around a goal hy Davey IPreston 19---- champon juenile and he Dulops ast sason), Ricky ' d ()adRge xa*A ,tick-switigiiig duel bet- fighting in Ile ie peîng period iLakeshore led 3-ù at the ,Id Joncs in tic ihird, before Jack Switzerfrom Whtby Jr. A" 196162 DunTee PeRos goalü scor-ulwPeen Pic-O-Mats' Gary Butler and when Ken Linton aie! ofthe iirst and 5-1 after twSlleddofl andi Bob) AbboîttHayncs ------ Swciterandfro n Whity r.of"A"e 19ntario unenileschamp .l rn s acul M d or thi Re rtay- nc Lakeshore player Bob Cook tangled a minute.later. pcriods 01 play. Grant Wright,, blinked the red liglit in the iviaî-- - -- Maki ad onBemeraith ntrl jveie haps Seno acontdfo te1 y-Cook rnarred a lhard-hitting referee Stan Boshier clam)pedlwwho had playcd so well inifinal thiree minutes. iPattield A The Pee Wee Town League Baseball players will bel crs two goals. The win movcd Junior "B" tilt won by Lake- down. He appeared to have thie'Weston,, was called upon ta, Muliolland, , who lined u at- !the Tee Pees into first place shore Coodyears 10-I. Sunday' gainiein central, as the pIaýcr_ aeadcltoasrstahsIihAvrgs__ guests of the Junior Pic - O - Mt this Sunaywen egestidn kf<mîo4<ni ake eehU l s akt Cobourg, several years, crests 'vil] be giveriotit. j in the lasecond>i;tngs. iC1 i -igh erncpBu a 1 the rae dtad ia ipnv Cook drew a fighting major jthe second until 12:21 inithe of the nirst live gave the Good- iPaî lgas i cet in the- first n aijs re- third period. t-car;s' a conimanding lead. iman Lioniel Botley garniernedl Doris Joli20 cci toa22tic. RoI)v _t Lar ettrîcîix-ouerving ai) inter-,'rite Goodiyears puc)lt:lýef , Mor irdhhr oa th ree points 011 a goal aî w îu thr I a d D n R o e : ~ c o " ~ t r f i r o t e s c ît u î c , ' h e i o p n a t y m i uix.he lii n o e a i h e-i n cN.D d P a p a a s s s t s . S h a mi r o c k s ' F r e d C o wle J O Y e C L le SHA ROCS GT NLYUNEPOIT BU th a ve îy a] fîir t~0îfaÇa îîîîîî txvo ýidlcia pair andi ýingles went leader Keith West being held Donnia Preston- - -19 The lcaguie-leadiing ,Shanrocks only collectec a -single Rcr elePrt ýaù Co nsod ast okJonRthe arlt ige on.Jc ateDtBok poit i to grne lst eel, ut angerBil One urter I L hird and final Bn re lcuîï< r nd imatch %while 'liad ane major anîd a nicli in'Ede.ýtr.ind. Tom Ficks and Bob stiffered his first loss between June Baker 17 padded bis alreadý potent line-up by, si_ýniny iM'el Brown.ý tam gauilelof the day the Hus- Bti' w' vas albo lianciccia theii- total. IGresko. th1iesnerphcn .---' ke hudb elast a.xo(e fJn lnk iesca h'p their fiîrý mAti n alyfo-inet a The PcOMî.unabit z:i Stan \Vesîf.Udl otched the ular goalie Viiîce Vanstone foriPeggy llayncs ___ 9 M cl sph is e re a n l a ns? S y ' o d r if J li s i m gh rn i atch their grezit perfornianceo lotie P c O M a - fally at the the last threc ga ne5. B ow - K ay B eatip ie ..---- 1th i oni tsc 1 P ason de eti r D Lve dc P a jorsd G -yof Friday iglit. was con tin- 17 second mai-k of the second 1manville out-shot Picton 46. Norma Gavy. 8 fP e s ivaukh s retrenenterpl a? B S an in .-the Lon -I. P ul r kc:foi- s r-w mbeaten tb the pit k as peiod. 141. Shirly Bikeli . 1 6 La e h re Itrne ite " " Stn î g ~ t e Huskies,. licky De wcl aly - - -- L rriî art,î _ _ _ _ 16 ~ L . L i <Up ta and lnciuditig Fr1., Dec. 7th> accaunted forithe Lions loi Bow-nLorrie 1atfil . - L T 61 GA rs. gol, Rual Bo l*ng Masters, Wiseman Hurt OlePtil 1. _ MaigPerris--12 A T PA E S*Shamrocks à -- S 2 h 48 48 15 LIOns Nidget League Mg arbiton slîa ____1tf h Picton ______ _ 3 In t dthe- Cmctr . nd g a ine.o î-,olerl ->orsekgBrdei Barbe Brtonwn.19 4 z 6 8tri, athe îrtîCnieam Raid- te . oi e hsoe good DI,'.us S elen Vi-ian 79 Trenton _______ 1 4 1 48 44 _.i ers played t0 a 1-1 tie, Don 11îsÇal> îighi man with 380, BI¶ C M V vBrowne Uxbridge . - 3 4 0O .1 C) 37 6 Short lied the , cote lorti" i. s namne goes on the Rck , FlyUPl y Il8-8aî--28,Dn ke27, - -Includes vteo 4-point winaid e i- ae l h iît TCl:to h, lu or'ta scay tha DntMWtcouple Me .VïýJohn Carter-262, K rI P pe1 oci H e urcc '. te i î . - trt, t C ;aroth (ý c c p ri es t o f o Jo î M s er ithe *is - Ju In - l t the !P st a I e lM l B ro w n sen t i c S iatî- 2 0 i k P rf c - 5 n - I c l d e o eF int G i n s 1 c o u î e i l r t h e i J ii 4 0 I e s r t r e i h e i a n s u s t a i x e d s - a v e r e f; c i a l ' f l i n e g le o 3 r o t l e r «K e i t h ! r o c k s i n f r o n t 7 -4 a t 1 1 : 3 0 . 1 t - 2 6 , oc-k oer f e ct-- - - 5 0 FuueGm ~ets goal. dift h-rt-ah longues flot saying ;injuries and liay Preston. fln- fireci On( goal, while zissist- wvas the first lune e tlac l; ýnyrai Mon. Dec. 10ti - Trenton vs. UTxbridge Iii the second Iwîclgf-j ait worît or anything about the ishcd the gamne despite a cut îng on three ther.jadldhuto-1mite.Tan adng lDATE Tues., Dec. Ilth -- Uxbidge vs, Pictor the Generais and î ~rorhants who gave the pri- and bruised head, as Trenton 1 Doug Powell apened the Terry Moroney's gool with. Ps Thrs, ec .3t-Pconvs BwnanileTraining Sehool pla.yed ta n Lts for high single gaines rail- IR.C.A.F. Flyers and Blowman-isceritig after oiîly 5o seconids only tWvo minutes reiintaininig,IBrukiciers . ... 6 AT R A Thurs, De. l3 h-Pl ton v. Bo nian llk 5-5 i. Gar-y Akecy 3). Bruce d thut got th i. ville Shamrocks pluyed ta an; nf play but. goas y Austin' sent tlle gain into o'ertim e. Fait Relts _ _ _ _ _ Fni.. Dec. l4th -Bowmanville v's, Trenitoni Meadows auJ J01111 Con1norsi Notice 8-8 overtimne tic, T?îirsday Scott and Frank Lewis, (theJno eîcoiltdhsLboaoy.l--5 E E B R lt Top Te 8corrs liraisigaltsat-,tAlebMemos paasrenap insecond while the Shamrocks lhat-tnick nt 3:12, but Jitn Coilloîs Top 'eo ~crer% er.thelber Wigal sco- p)b, s las ee tMasters, caught aon the fol- 'had an cdge iin man-power) eesnbeii o oi î Machinle Shop . P9Pe. GletWaaee minci that on Wed.,Dec. 19, îow through nf a haclz-lîian.ialc it 2 kterstlttieperiodr g g - i'd Pes--- -n ETCLETO G A P. e.Brian Derry and Bruce Smith - efv heprodwythrougli the toenitminute La rs Kelth West (B) .. 6 ~~~~ 20 scored for thé- B.TS. teami, the a.fley bas donated the use shot, lost a couple of teeth and cîîded.ssiaîSotangl:Tt-Oc 5 Ket Ws B)e 1 2 1of alley ta the league for a lad- was cut tor two sûtchoes by a IBu ciMcKinnon made it 31 bu 4, SBowinonvjlle -l j 'Jic-4pST.FB It,16 Junor ust(B)__ le--- 5 eaguei ies' niglit, s0 please ccame out stick in the second periaci. It üariy in the second and thien ___________ h1îhur'--------.4 JunioravW les T)< > - -a- -6 ll 15 In the firs, Juvenile game and bring the ladies. Ail appeared thzai Wisiîaî wz- the 'clubs taded four goals lu Co bi us Orv Grvele T) ..... . 06 4 1 the Aces defea tec the Canticks ntoney collected goes inta the high-stickcd l,, the third, u-lv minutes, Junior \Vest, Be -Keith MacDonald (P)>à 14 14 TO 4-1 ta ntove into a second league fonds. Sa ladies re- fering a gasli raiuitd the eýe "Jecp'-Collns, l(ay Preston Dave Jones (Pi) _____à_ 12 i0,p1aee tie in the lengue stand-rnind the men oic Wed, night, and nacse ý,vhirh to sevoît aad ciJae St. Pierreii intat or- GOODYIEAR ____t._iere_()_ 9 1? ings. Jim Archer f2), Brad- Dec. 19, stitches ta repaur. irAexWsmnptB - Ato e n. ierre(T) 5 J? ilY 0r h nd oh A a g e d ni Ist S hed i e The player lsses fiiîrlci-,nari ille w ithin a single goal Art ennck U) ----~-________ 5 l 0were the Aces goal get0jtanrs. n s nehurt the lbraIs for Ille buiict-'îit lte 15:41 mark aund JuniorBO LN Fred Cowle (B) _.~-.....- 10 il 121 Murrajv Brown; fLan- Hlale-l Map)le Grave 27 af the final peî'iod aîî v-- ltc t(iî2 eonsli o Jack Sneddoxî (B) --______ 8 2 10 811iy) Seoi'ed for tht- Camucks. Eaniskillen Sr. 26 time, a acion \Lreri- the e iud.Attr alon bad5srugleuo a dte t lastet-tyin Bob Marjerrison (B)- ____ 5 5 10 4 Tn the secondJxrîl gaine:Solina -- -- ___- 20 son, W lai-d -, Tra- -iC-- _ The Flyers clicked for ther.the Fan Beltsf t' a ugt ers lagigicme la the Mauint lhavaIs çdof-tedIBlackýstoc-k .19 sey Vio ie p d taliyn h110s vr h e e-la an ter Mirst l îstas 3-2 lu take S aleii - -- 14 Junio est p aycl a a lih n ed, ,%-Iieti Frank 1 'i , 1 -i de S 'iri ir d ý nig it t' e o i - i f e t y u r 1 1 avinistplc u he stand- TYrollý! .. - - ing riu, g lic Vnce x at L crt Bo e 0-si n s u r a n c e r e q u i r e m e n t s . ec e tî)i~eL 4 s chois and Miko Dicken. so- ; u~ Illolt. - . '12pzifa ssit loi f uthe ouuîb n ury. whileon gaii ced for the 4Mouint Iloya!S. I izlh single and triple -'B. Fa7 < ellBANNERPACombine Minor Hardbait Corners. fSteve Bumas oaAnd Kerrv -Die. ivIiis J80, 749. la.7-1,ltainff hoth taîits tied Ail boys who toak -part ln Ail members of the Choral kens accounted for the ia-,loforg nt tipe 5J~ JyTeLrstat bake.e-J ehe v. Bwînil thePe We aw BsealISOc iOt re asked ta be at the get Alistars goais. RPuttery 54, 239. i The LLadbUorst-îîîgrls -0blavke fi' League last summer -wil bel Four Corners at 8:00 p.m, oa-, Atoîn League M eo s ate o i ea c- cli- lel sp7-0totc I U IECMAYCND guests of - the Bowinanville Mondla%. Deceiner l7bii. Iî t ist Atoni gn:ne .1î', ASUsotNCE Or$UN- Jr.B Pc-OMat ths crnig inur Hockey IHrit creu îtîte:-limlli- BruceÏN'iuls Jbu. Ted, Fle îk. flor thue filr.:tuRauu cansisted of Captain Ji ons lidttPace -setteris. of thele ai c uv.u adtd St-ll)n C90,e. l3ud HenniaieBud Also un secound, Councts edged - - ___________ 3:15 p.M. l lie first Pee Wee gaine! feating lte Giarîs 9-2. lr Low- S. Buttery 54, ,39o. ,Gi-auts llc-:îiut btat v-au tlieioarter, Clif Black, Kari Piper, Machlîe Sihop 4-3. A 4-3 la s A lu d a y. De ntv llb e P sri.t, t î u s t S aJuna s s aineth eth - L e. . îc L a glt u n 7 0 l i g i u uy . 11, % a s a býig t Te i g e B e e e in d R u ss L a n e lýt a th e T ig e rs d in i u e d th e f- kvShackclton (4), DoLui1r.ý Avérages 180 and over btl-frsl Citsittlti utnughc h ih ie hnea .a rs ed with their crests at thi-iand Rangers p'layed la a 33Çnrouh () iiii -grLa rs AIl players wiforbe hresc-nt- plaved lzîst attirdar the i-. (2>. Jiuîîtîie Ragrrse ls tm.tic. Gregg Corden, B ru ce (2) antd Alari Juikili at'ut .McLaughliut . 11 io i cuu as bowled. uil-,8l utlCif lc ie thern th le strength <l (iNfTKNSE Cheohral aSocVituetyed fo ni e o m s go lPL si~ Tw id. ... ... ... ..-- ; A t tt! end of te first gaine lu!h single, 33 . O ther goodfa 'rit Bownanvlie Choaounteci for the Leafs goals.iic-e and TnyPE,àCon scuýrcd!D lie------.-2lFaî:sViit br e,- -'gs.mes: M. Leslie, a 779 triple;1 Jack Bond rolled a 736 setisuPE A I G ThrtadelIs 2handChriefr heGintsi.iotaoltin . ...2.. ca inle ii ) witii 114 9 ) ltS ta takýe C hu fB lack 760, Cec-il ,Nuttol, iles t a gm-nb h i gl Iri ple boit wSlogancisetanCayanwee h galgttrs n hesrotdAtu gtu--------------- bean-d tcrti, Lbeî Bwî7n-Bu Hnin 70 Nu- orhaeoedbyIowrdD o! Carols on anday, for IhARanger-sR. c.o 4FRIDAY DE EMB R 1V- :30p.m evenng te Vkiuts srrtdwitl ~-.~ Ct-ilMils . -- . - 196s~uud wo reitreci03i7pinlH.uiL-1 79, Jin astî- 71 'elOltJ, 'ot.Pips-1- - ~i~jJ~ç 7 7:3 a. -Tigrs v Bra-e~ .. -, z Nels Osbomne's Insurînuce teamn - 1961 PO NTIAC STRA TO CHIE D . S D N 1 8:35 a.m.-Ccubs vs Toc Pc-e5 ji Sec our large selection of: a lie sbrongei. Ted HBa gt)cli îot hoe(o. 6cl. uo aip rbae 3:30 to 5:30 e c eau a rbbn.BhHarle with'a- t 'to r di6c ,a 9:2 an.-cns v WALKING DOLLS GAMES an't fois. PrBidtlad erngHcoî o 10:1 a..-H wksvs an'dian i ___________________________________ 0:1 aîn.Ha-ks~ LECTRIC TRAINS SKATES ýStephen s'ettiag a better ex- 11:00 a.m.-Wi ngs v-s Rangers ~ DL ARAE ample for the rest of the bowl- 1959 BEL AIR CHEV. 4-DR. EDA Atorn 1egeDOI ARIGjers. Don Bagnell beatiing lis Automnatie. One owner, low ilege SAT., DEC. 15 PUBLIC SKATING i leareTRCCLS ___daci. KaniBiekeil wili better a 11:30 a.m.-Boiuîbers -,s Giantý5, RIYCEScounaio. Captain Geor-ge }iper;.W95 EL X 8 0P.l.Mldget Leagute e aroi- BIYLS uacing is team. Trasurer, 15 HV -D.DLX 12:35 p.m.-0rplianý vs'îi-u rnaev. Sarts EclîoIVThis sharp wagon is fîîlly equippl adsols! SUNDAY, DECEMBER lGth 1:30 pm.-Geîuerais vs Cornet- M1' ortkMohn giingbbcbowl OHA. METRO JUNIOR "B" Juvenile League A crsemoeacie i o l t na.:rM ii o v E2:15 p.m.-Caaîicks vs5 Midgets ProTeeeclv ith 1nstect your car ti itr 3:00 p..-Mî. Rot-ais vs Aces is TOBOGGANS ;j Major League- would bk u- HO K YMonday, Decenber 17th x;- t axe this oppoc-tuuiity off w;siu-GODERU ECA 31 . Atom League i ~ng all howleu-s a Merrv Christ- 3:5pr.5:00 p.m.-Baroîts vs Bisons %V GO Smjas and a Happy News Year. DIXIE BEEHIVES 5:45 p.în.-ndians vs Hornets 'go Mn0;jr cgePaofsUDRSRY (Geb necatn)-$99 BOWMANVILLE ~6:30 p.m.Raals vs iants, SLEIrat1-etig 3C7GR S O O TR BW AVLEPIC - 0 MATS 'O OW IG P-.i CoIla - SO N ,O O LN ImEUPETCtL\ýariîEquipeinnt ----IMIT;19D ADMISSION sV #ls'csann, uis. No. 4 R. Westiake 6NBe.Orn uns. 336W5MMCHNPe Aduli 75c - Students 50c- Children 25c 2 B. Kunkel.....56 Y El LEEV~I SOT Liberty Bawi W. M 3232N 7 R ... .... ') R n M .WM W Fraak's Variety Store '3212V S1. E.16-PBI SAIG IJ. Baker ...-..... 4 MML -CYCLE Stfphen Fuels.. 31601Bik-Pnac-A di SAIG 3W. Snowdocn........ ifEW A ~'Lancier BHardwatrce 3aia -Vaxhl 30P..138 KING ST. E. 8 - 10 pm j 5~ S. Hum.........6îCnS E63331 Kemts Mcn's %Wear 312e 6 E Kug -~ ~ g.Jury & Lovehi ... 3101 ', a c. Schwarz .... 18Kr..p.sFurniture - Ci' ~' J-. lýj ýi
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