8 The Canadim states!1an, Bewmanille, Dee. 19, 1982 SPORTropucs ~' ~ By Frank Mohun 623-7234"f INTERMEDIATE "B" STANDINGS Top Eleven Players Player Team G J. St. Pierre, Trenton ______9 K. West, Bowmanville _____8 0. Gravelle, Trenton --- -____ 9 Junior West, Bowtnanville J. Collins, Trenton .~ J. Sneddon, Bowmanville 10 D. Jones, Picton - 8 K. MacDonald, Pîcton ______5 A. Scott, Trenton ____7 A. Rennick, Uxbridge - -_____6 B. Cowle, Bowmanville - 1 Team p W L T -"Bowmanville - 10 6 3 1 Trenton_____ 10 5 4 1 "Picton ___ 8 3 5 0 Uxhnidge -. 8 3 5 0 (Dec, 14, 1962) A 13 14 9 4 6 il GF 58 68 39 41 Pts. 22 22 18 15 14 14 14 13 12 12 GA 64 32 43 47 FI. 4 0 2 0 16 10 12 lo 12ý Pts. ý 19, 6 "Night- Hawk" Ladies League' Town Presents Trophies to Championship Girls Bail Team Includes thnee 4-point wins over Picton *Includes one 4-point win over Bowmanville SHAMROCKS HAVE BENCH STRENGTH A big reason for the Shamrocks' first place standing thls year is thein great bench strength. Last week Vanstone I Powell, Pre3ton, Richa:-ds, Wiseman and Fairey missed bathi games, and Junior and Dean West and Abbott didn't make: the Trenton trip. The 'ocals were still able to ice a full club,! but flot content with what hie already has, Manager Bill' orme was busy last week in an effort ta funther strengthený the team. The result was the signîng of wcll-known Oronoi defenceman Don Mercer who was in action Frîday nighit, Thunsday's meeting with Pictan was the final of thel .' sea son between the two clubs. The Shamnocks won three of, the four tilts wonth 12 of their 19-point total. The major stumbling block so far has been Trenton Recently, during a special ceremony at the Lions Centre, R.C.A.F. Flyers who have defeated Bowmanville twice at this group of girl bail players, selected from the towri league, were home, while losing and tying here. presented with trophies by the Town of Bowmanville. The awards TheSharocs hve wo insto hei crditove were in recognition of their winning the champîonship in compe- Uxbnidge Black Hawks, last year*s Ontario finalists, and theyý tition at Hamilton during the summer with teams fromn many parts playd Modayin Ubride. he Hwks îllbe bre of the province. Included in this photo, left to right, back row: the ncxt two Thursday nights. ; Manager Jim Richards, His Worship Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs who made the presentation, J. Gîbson, G. Sellers, .1. Ovcr « , C. Sameils, G. Cale, S. Gill, B. Ormiston, J. Moses and J. Kennctt, coach; front row: L. White, S. Mitchell, N. Greenley, K. Burgcss, D. Wilcox, B. Lunney, C. Etcher, L. Mutton, J. Nichols and N. \Vclsh. Lunch was, served ta the players and quite a large number of guests, includingi many parents. NEW PIC - O - MATS' LINE IMPRESSES 'St. Pierre Scores 4 Sunday afternoon, the Pic - 0 - Mats unveiled a new __________________Bo forward line - Rick Switzer, Rowland Mackey and Stan- Sharman, along with defence player George Ashby, and the T..M EC L. . 1 1 3With ane week remaining in, Sleep---2?, locals came through with a big 8-6 win over Dixie Bee-Hives. thin J lI I a l ro R u *e Mixed League schedule, and MVary H- The line accounted for four goals in an impressîveý over Brunt ta take aven sole Team showing and another recent addition, Dwaine Routley, show- Trenton R.C.A.F. Fly e rs in the thîrd out-scaring Bow- the last ten minutes. Singles possession of the league lead ed wcll. Along wîth Bishop, Moore, Dowe, Westfall, Wilson, racked up their second home:manville 5-1. Set t a nc en ri. er, Au sti y tooints. Palmer, ed-EBennett Watt and Furey up front, Linton, Kyle, Ponteous and Ashby lice victony aven Bowrnanvillc IJoe St. Pierre paced the Scult akenCurnoers ost4 aoftfa edgcd E«E Brock on defence and Wright and Campbell sharing the. net-mind- Shamrocks, 10-3 at Trenton. wîvnnens, scoring five goals and PWandkrhely, Ksen Roeaertsc43 n ot ofirstnd Palmer ing chores, the Pic-O-Mats have finally arnived at a prettyFidy ngt sitn ntooh ."ep for the Shamrocks. In a ddi- This Friday Palmer meets: G.Eran fair line-up. Wins over Schombeng Friday and Sunday, The Flyens led 2-1 after a Collios gannened four points tion ta the six regulars who 'Bennet.Grn faîrly even first pcriod. made icn a pair of goals and assists didn't play Thursday, Dean 1 The other clubs arc out of Harrison would look good. If the locals turn in the same effort as it 5-2 after twn pcrîods of land veteran Orv Gravelle and Junior West and Bob A-i frtiHshdl. rdy Brnt -- against Dixie, they should be able ta add the four points. ipîay and heîd a widz margin 'pickcd up three assists, a il in'b att. didn't make the trip. inight O. Etcher defeated Grant ýM Etchen t t t t t 15-2, Harrison handed H. Brock TO B WLNGEFOR Lca 1O oceya 5-2 setback and io a battie SIe ------ TO BWLNGEFOR Loal18 H ckyfor the cellar M. Etcher pushed A Many of our veteran bowlers would be happy if tbey. Sleep four points funther backl could corne up wîth a triple as good as one turned in Satur- M o eon the strength of a 5-2 die- O. Etcher tremendous 854 total, the games being 309, 289 and 256. i E IU % LV I i i i ua Onie Etchex- came up with B. Glanvîlle Ta' o bwigi n ege o e ts W in O nce M ore pre of her top efforts, swccp-'N. O'Rounke Tha~sgod owinginan lage.ing the top honours with a 7 i H. Bennctt t t 1 t t i .J triple and a 337 single. Elton K. Luxtori OUR PINCH-HITTERS r i i v Brock-685 and Murnay Win- V. ProuLI While this reporter ls aa.o abr. Crstas a d e s U p e t Hrn t nacott-261 werc the top men HL Brock awa o abref hrstas'</ j) III I~bowlers. Hilda Brock was E. Brock holiday, our readers will be kept up ta date on the Junior Inext at 630, followed hy Mary 'LNo\wIli B" and 189 hockey happenings by Arnold Etcher and John The last place Druins tried the 23:10 mark, on a tally hot-,John Lunn added singles. Harrison-624, Essic Cox-62. H. Palmr Fowler. Thanks, boys! ihard but the league-leading ly disputed by Dan Girardi. Cowlecocmpleted Ilis bat-tnîck Ken Luxton- 622, H oward i~~~~~~~~Cornets came on strang to ex- Refence "Bud"~ Perfect hdedlamnt n affo h'rreI60 iir i ten ptem unbeaten streai< ta ...rardi a mîsconouct sentence end of regulation time. !catt-613, Joc Nowlan-61 i" Wishing Our Readers Cie, while Raiders dcfeated and finally tossed hirn out ofi Nelson Yeo and *'Anchie" "Hap" Palmer - 609, ArnoldW A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS lHornets 7-4 in Sunday morno-the game for denogatony ne- Crossey turncd goal-keepers Sleep-608 and Jim Castie- ing's Local 189 Hockey League !marks, lin the opener, with vetenan 601.y action. AfeiratFinoftidi net - minder Harvey "iSlip"~ Other top singles were ne- I In te oene th Rader . gai, Bh Bis hottdeCom Rowe making bis debut bet-1 corded hy Essie Cox-288, Treenage DOWli. ngh pnr h adr gan ilEls htteCm 9broke up a 2-2 tic, scaning four ets in front for the first time, :w~een the pipes for the Cornets Thelma Bennett- 263, Fern i Wîoingtean o th fist Winîn tcm o th fîstgoals in exactly four minutes but iiBarney"~ Woodward knot- in the second contest. Bradley-259, iiHap"~ Palmer- Wichedule aeng e os:R. schedule gTeeag fe irs H ta move ino a second Place ted the caunt for thc Bruins Teamn Standings ý258, Lew Welsh-257, Eltan Bsceuriea) W eaoys:W.!isceu toneaget GiAls: tic with the Hornets,1 a big less than two minutes later. W L T Pts.' Brock-251, Hilda Brock-250, Buanssine.. Onie Etcher T49-MiniamJpoints bB.îndrthe leaders. The league-leaders pawen Cornets ----- O- i 1 17:Winnacott-246, Ken Luxton- Bugss . hrnsnP Tn P efeyB Mrhy .1i Ray Crombie gave the Raid, showed through as Crassev Raiders el e (1 8238, Matt Hanisai 237, Bm- Y diff.Fia COX. ens the lead twice, but Bob 1otched bis thîrd, Maîjernîson Hornets 4 2 8 a Brml 3 1de R..Beapri 46 Final Teamn Standings Sheridan and Petcr Stacey bis second and Ted Fairey and Bruin' J. Callain _______ Vaflstone ___ 58 natched tying goals. before the J. Oke -_________ is Bal 47___ winners broke it open. GcrryI D. Gay - 41 Paeden _________ 461Mar.ierrison started it, nJiggs~ 'Y Clln ______ _401hnt~4 Cawling made il 4-2 and Don 230. Lvleach208-S.Oke-- 2 Hih--ng-- .5JffeyuTe3HnnesIcmeRackonBO W L BOW LING High Single- R. Beauprie;Oke ------------ 27 onds. J.Ok 25,20, . etrsn 30, 56 29,V.Adrn 27goals by Doug Ruttan and!.V 1BASE LINE ' The Schedule-makcrs really 1ý' 208, 202, 201, T. Callan 215, C.: P. Richards 225, H. Vanstone Raye West, a minute apart, called il pcrfectly wv back in' Muttan 206, D. Gay 217, 213. 1222, S. Bail 203, J. Paeden 200 ýbut M,ýarierrison's second end-Ilws I hi red a~Spebr hntc had the1 Hîigh Triple-D. Gay 625, P. 208,. cd the fhreat. :4ABnaiders meet. the Fan Be1tsV Peterson 611.___ Highi Triple- P. Jeffeny 854, The Bruins grabbenl a 3-0I an the second ta final weck. ù ____ __ 'ead on two goals boy Fred, - ,-ý1 Only impravement could havelef INTRMDIAE B" OCEYCowle and a single by Don ý' A beco a clash this Thursday. Masters. in the second game,. rBl luswr ie o h butBil Crsse sadwiheda Vlcad going into las wecek's ac- THURS., DEC. 20th - 8:15 p.m pair around onc hy Bob Mac- é tion, and the Braiders who jerrisan to even the score. have led most of the way UXBRIDGE vs. BOWMANVILLE Jirn McKnight agaîn sent and a X downed the Fan Belts 5-2. But V1 Adîlt 7c StdetsSO - hidrn 5c the cellar-dwellens in front at M only four points off the pace Aduls 75 Stdent 50 - Cilden 2e 1is the nampaging Labonatary, V J. Paeden 554. 71)) IA who whipped the Office 7-0.1Y Winetea+rn of the+i, 4rsf .I I I a ',.,T...,.5.- f],.,hp 1pnoiip in.. shedule Junior Girls G. Mas- ~ ters( Capt.), B. Brine, G. Mut- IV ton, J. Taylor, L. Fain. Final Team Standings t M asters . --------42 1 Mulhiolland - 36 Hately ----35 .< Gould. 25 t' Samells .-- 24 Sellers.................------ 13 ~ High Single -- S. MitchelliDl 250, L. Mutton 197.,V High Double --- S. Mitchell 363. B. Bnine 324. IWinning tearn of the first'Y :schedule Junior Boys: D. Bd- ý;v mondsan (Capt.). N Richards,,p G. Adamns, M. Marshall, D. -5 Luxton. Final Team Standings i Edmondsorî 42Y Neads ___39 Luxton----------36 , Wilson -__ .3 4 't Crago --15 MacDonald ~14'y *High Single- J. Dodds 216, D. Nowlan 173, ï *High Double- J. Dodds ' 348, D. Nowlan 299. Winniog team of thc fîrst V2 'schedule Bantam: K. Burgess,4v (Capt.), D. Sellers. C. Evans, ) M. Kilpatnick. L. Nickenson, D.V Lyle. Final Team Standingb ti ' Î! Burgess --- 45 50 Lew is ------- - ----34 Broniel] -29 Edmondson ..26 Goodxvin -------23 Tice .- -- - -2 Hîgh Sngle- N., Goodwin Y 162. Mý. Bradley15 Hîgh Doubl- N. Goodwin Eftappy 1 tew !yeai Alleys available during festive seasox for Open Bowling (Day or Nigbt) PHONE 623-5663 For Reservations for Your Party Bowling CHRISTMAS DINNER TAKE THE ENTIRE FAMILY OUT Fi CHRISTMAS DINN with ail the trinimings . . . where f tops and service cornes first - at - OLYMPIA RESTAURA& KING ST. E. BOWMANN 'OR E1 lood ILI "Season's Greetings to Mling Diclç Perfect.-31 arrisan--23 I. Standings Pis. 56 50 41 - 4 f 47 45 4.3 ----- 39 Averages Team Standing L.t,3Bu rjgess ............ \I. Visernari .1 M. Hodgzson ....160 V. P:ckard '~F M (rago 157 m. Cracn .1,F . Allen - 1;_7 E. Pickard M M. Covlc' \. . enian15 F. Allen 1.so MSedman .-- --158 Higlh Srnglp 1 Wriht 'O ,20... ihi15 Hig Tp!e. D.nhtV H' o rovd .. 5 200 C(amps F_ 1PîLkard ...133 I. Wrî,ht 220. . N edaW \IcNeil 152 216, V. Pickard 21I, . DH,'-B. W lbulr .130 royd 2'-01, JPrk:P.0. Roger .............. 14R Firth '00. C.Scott ..... 17 S. Coombcr.......... 147 M . Firth ....... ... 1 13 V. F3ickardI R Rnbertson................ .14:! MI. Covle 1 .1, Parkc'r .. .. . 141 F. Paterson FîlV oi-an 13q CHRZIST-MAS TO EVERYONE BANNER PASSANT YOUr Suin Life Representative Il Relhder Ave. Bowmanville MERRY CHRISTMA TO ALL 01 ~GEORG m~ BOWNI JR FRIENDS, RIS MEN VIAN VILLE LIII ~ W~Iji~ . 7 i n La) eacs e lage i i r total pins by a 709 pin margini.: SMachine Shop trounced Ban- -V bury 7-0 and Cornets edgcd V gBeits 4-3, leaving the winners N A deadlocked for fourth with i ~on ly a slim chance oftviing rthe lcaders. In the other action Ilase Y# W \hipped Tigers 7-0 andCo- 11 gbines defeated Lead Press 4_3. ii Bud Perfect and Bill Crosscy Y each won merchandise awards, ji Perfect's 300 game taking high jsin gle honours. Other individ- . Ie>Jiual highs were garnercd by z ---Jim Bedford--298, Bill Cros- ý1 isey- 285, Al Randir - 273, . ~Don Oke-272, Frarlk Wright- ~ S268, Phil Vowles-267. DavA Snowden-261, 2,54, and ArtW Rwe--251. ">.1~W~2c ~ l~ with the night's top triple- S728, followed by Ted lice--~ MI 720, Al Rand le- 706, Phd l 9 Vwles-680, Ted Halîman- i1 663 and Frank Wright and Don j a Oke both with 660 totals, Team Standings lBraiders 68tsogay Mm fPMCU Fan Beits --- 6.5 g & R Laboratory - ----- ------6 R d Cornets----1 Lead Press.9 is A Office -.9,-1~ STigers-4 jCombines .4- AHase . 42 SBanburv .-42 y Bets 2 rT Unlike thie germs of many infectious diseases. the tubercle y KI NGC ,LE bacillus has no definite incuba- e2 j tion period. Infection may be 9 S T. F; 1, present for years without ad- y MFli T vancing to il]ness or it may Stf jand cause illness in a very - A4'.n r i 13396 N MEMORIAL 1 80WMANVILLE Telephone 623-5728 FRIDAY, DEC. 21 CHILDREN'S SKATING 3:30 to 5:30 p.ni. PUBLIC SKATING -8 -10 p.m. SAT., DEC. 22- PUBLIC SKATING 8- 10 p.ni. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23 OHA. METRO JUNIOR "B" HOCKEY 3:15 p.zn. SCHOMBERG vs. BOWMANVILLE PIC - 0 - MATS ADMISSION Aduits 75e - Students 50e - Children 25c SUN., DEC. 23 PUBLIC SKATING 8- 10 p.m. ARENA CLOSE» MONDAY, DECEMBER 24 AND TUESDAY, DECEMBER 25 tel là1u. MMN« mon Ume. ---- --- -,a a -- - - - - - - - --ad 1 1'2614 J. TICO 237.