Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1962, p. 9

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Shamrocks Edge Picton! Arch je- ('w tf)-it o nd veat i rai t tie î'71 goal of lie : -,a , e iici o -'i r*, i orced T ato an iiour bcetîr- Éliriouih t Pc th. cd p. rlod o -Pictni an îî -d %vitl oni Ite ecd :0 be tht * f c-a - Bov:. na - Il v.aý '.vorth TIlhe (e- (C- nxn i' S h j m ountsa-k - tc- a v for f l i 1e a -u e -1leijd i i iu Ficton Mc74 ri *i e- ,Sait iroch'- w1imopicked up ilî' - final rTr.e,î n yti- thrýt Ti,, Importlant foui -point wîo. thoer - C:uoý -. Thî(rc ; i l tthc thîrd i gainsi the 7McFaria!îd: - I%*,rý 1otI .\e A L:Pîîr - le i fil- 1)peru ýCI (Jver 20Il.- t'.t ;: i i\.- pla't-cl in s1ra:ii uni'-.Mme dit Bn. aiiio.grahh d a Men s oasIketball 014 Icac____ i . bd P t li (7d i ___ i re iin ie m u Jtu("or(, a gaIaag ch-hancliiig dL- Coronati r ~ LO D 0F oaIai the 32:4 mik.Crs iand slapped a liai-ci ailo ti BEST clrive into ItPe cage to makt ir Firs, T te pthOWest. orof e>Dax e Jonc,- scor-c. T1he Slhani- ___& c Sfece wa guIo;o (1S1)t'Ilaeie0lof Ill or anr] Sncnne aî- c i C[oro lnCaeh n GRETINS T AL OU FRiNS, !u.nd SeT an St. dcnnisn oi-wil tP,Le rmpgîîgCoti-ca P A TR ONS A N D N E IGH B OR S , Lit" s bc!liiid Itlc net pass- 1'o%\'a (1er iosing tileîr I irstf ____________CYCLEf ecîtWtis l~i S ddibe A I GÏiUDAY F000 SUGGESTIONSI! at AiP LDWLDW PRICES Retg. Prir., 47r tt--SAVE 2« 28-c, tin4 5 c eg Pr- 29c firit-SAVE 3. 48l Roi, tn 5 5 c -APPINEAPPLE-Rrg. Price, tin-SAVE Se %RAPEFRUIT DRINK 3 4R1OO in 10 REYNOLD'S HEAVY DUTY (18" WlDEt Rt-M. Pt'tce 63ecroll-SAVE 4* .ALUMINUM FOIL irl 59 ÏMINCE PIE Iie2oP49C vvIMi rri BoIt".îaîîî Ilte Pic - 0 T- .Matis, c.i tIllte iecefolwrci a i he tif Rî,ých c 1--i talSharîîaiî t-iîd lMt-i Iad iig thie vca '.. efcaterl Dixie Roc- - t-. ai tht' lu-niiîîial Ar- ena lîîtv Suîta lt teiîtîtî On itlii.ettcîci il '. as liard Io imagine tlie Ptt--O-,Matîs as be-int. in lat tlle- look tlhe plaît a'.' \,t-IlroîîîDixi:- in 1w finial San/,a . scii' 1 7]Iihî imeîîîs Iobreýak ci; a 4-4 Dîx-ie îik ain t-l1, lî'atciiin Jîîîî Sati fîld's i stedcif- fort, bill Sliarman ilook a- E,ýs ws P to ci 'ai the' iocre ai 1 ie t-:14 niarkh. Wî -1 0 -rcîntis cfl t nIle pectoti. Mth coli- \i-t, r Ri oiîKi e ci Iot -cn cl tlie Pic:-O-l \I:tt iin fi:ii - Boîl) Vatt a-oec [oi Ron Moore ai41.30 of t he cît. e\ct a \Lo Ffat. (11reta Riclaircl . .-pril 6.Coxle Alarg Covle . 8- .1-.5 6-1 4-7- Ai c lodgson. Vi 'Marî, 12 4--3 -1 8-7 6-1% Milie Whitî dedQi- iic of fiîrst schedult-, hec. I Jail dîb . Mani. 'ti lic .11a Doddls. Elieîî Comh».Lula 43 ahalin lIa:,: \l Dnad.Wit n:a Cotîîn- 1- 1 -4 5-6 - Aillers .AlIeys .mle:% A.lIey s Iaiar> 7-7 .1 -1 - f 5 ,-6t . - - 8 't t 4-t 6-7 Marull 204 - i fi 7-1 n Hands Stephen's ;t Loss of Season 's Edge Hotel 31 m29 li-a - iti iia - in a four Norn i Bovvalda ietTeci 1:1 points aîîci Dan Seto added iiin o tocIlle' c'. notas. Scorîng, cead(i3-11tintîg nrCooîîîed foîr n-iIi lift- Fuel otal, rack - Cng o; 15 point. la the nii)and lt-k iiglît- cap, Alcîen iolors PtIed on t-tie Bocvniîani il!(-- lote] i - aîiolecup-ciEicît-ROPcOLeHriî- cd 12 t,> pace iI-Oeandai pitîi .. Dio Mat "n t c'. t i e thtd lAo-i-c- l.]u Tcam Stanîdinîgs W 1, Pts. te phri tici fi1e]12 ('uîîîîam iOt hot' c :1,4 6) XItQc c -~ ttii i Sf Wl t s Down Dixie 'emendous Effort -etîcliiitheic nal-in w '.t i-~l e I)uiailvlt!une Iî~vtTol- goals-. Dong,îig AcUîîî'.aiclit-ecl t-clai SPOU4.KîîktIi-c .'a imA,îi cii a tuc ilîi-ee-wiac- effort lori hi tichîg ie:rofîî-- u1hilîMBU Watts anti Alîchey mîanîî (e Aitdy--t]hîanttl len ('li-c.ahtt t 7A4&1. Gak-tb: tt'e show wi'as cmi. Bi'fii t-c dii flaî-v 01ii' and (h-î-î-itt- uiill- Szadtliiî-iat-ci t îîvd aîîc in 311 r-it-oicl'gai e 1wBt--piitcîmon-aittiui lilîî-iîifi uî Ilil ces the- lead foi, hie s,'ctîiît thc,- pai,, lte-, e il vcia- tie. biP ot b thPishop teieti Ktî-ks st-i d uiîtîidci-. H e tht score- al4-4 laie nithie pet- i-haled otvc-c It Ilie- penîaltcy borad. aîid tih ka sing upai S\ýictti- liv-ctr-cîal 16024 '.îe-îîSicitzcc-t t-t*g i-Il S't i c as andiî ItiePAi- taîîglecl and îdrew ma'. W -cat-in ltiîatc-. iutt-ii- ligii'îg îiîajoi-sSwit/erlo-i catis pi i-cail, i oasK o k ce- piC-ht-cl opa Slaý4InP, î~Sentencie ired tt Io lt -.îîng riomi. andîi uk a îiîtc-oîîclui -A lonîg ci c- niGai- Puri- SW'-îiM'cr ci-ttPPetî tt if tîccîs I ciicia ltaOitf Shati'-ý tht- ui-îalîIy bx iiinme To i- andîc i ýsti~Ici icahc-il 8-4 at tcrc-cpt a lpas.' andi îoar- inIoTi15:0a antI il cPie -M-ýat.s au- niht-lt5-4 ai 3:3î of th-,, peal'd lhainîe lii- l ot ht fliniiîstansé,a Nine sev-c)nd Bre iliic- ht-pt tiig ana laier c-i. hiiarîîa Pagged lits iici-r- :r'~ -cl P c ('hi i-i t-' i- se-cond totia Iface-.'pas. andtitianti (n% -st-iîuîd îîa cre Recreation Revîews Niior IHoctkey * '[ic u' Boit-oc le Jr. B PIcu- O-NMa lare agca i cilferi t amIPc cîlîriA uld îiciibc-iîi-a i-aid - roîi thlicReî-rcatîoîî De'- parinielit li ilior Hockt-î a thnc IiIor ciaitt'îi t is Coii ng Suiitac s gaîefîe tif Charge. (daiiiMetîi s t315 i. A Il Aîiioc I-lot-k i-cPlacer-t a1r e ilîiiccithial ttis s île lasi Satclcloi. i titi i Ilî vctt edCI (a ci-vAMt-Cii IlouogIli' bdr-lîe liive i li t - t-tii-or lier,- i-- î5 -lacc ]Llli0l- XV'tpîChiliîg Lo; i lis ii d as- sist.i SIitPpîlivrl i offPîg sait- oî\Xisaîl itJrîts miltpc ihluc I cc Pcorc- Ci ti»cî ýsPot, re- i II ti- eilu ici cooîî d î frI lle tt' c înliliî ai tIlie 9A41 mark.- Si.-Deîîii îmadeiet 7-6i at 17:24. andclio thi' ftnal iîii- Illte Plu-tonii cd six a îtauke'r, gutil Sut ddîî:î i îi îfoîîî i îom î .lllîor. tlîîcre anti Keitli. lico i botil goal,- i tormedc 1 i t l it- lt- taIs, ilost poi cîî luit-. Cn'-- sec anîd obcîis c'.ere top OP- NEW ! RECORD AND PLAY BACK ANYWHERE WITH BATTERY POWER! Fresh Fruits and Vege fables Clusters, No. 1 Gade O RNES GAsiE S o G Rd OR NG S CaPe Cocu Lace Hosf. Vmt. are gBerre%, CALIF:ORNIA Ne. 1Grade NAVELS. FINEST i FOR EATING. CRANBERRIES 1 bba29c LA G IE RI dol ýý-o n Psa l. C 'r ým m Sze FANCY GRADE 6 9 No.IG- CALIORNA Su :' - ELERY STALKS eaCo 2 5 NAV E L S FANCý 5-lb ~FIES.T FOR Ce llo bag 69C * isit Car FIoýscr Oeçarment. feattut-r-g Ch-rist. Mas varieties oh Patteri Ckirysanthemcims, Arp*. to M.d Cyclamen. CONTINENTAL 1 100 TAPE RECORDER * [.itirply self cî-ticieti * est 50h11idreprodiic- tion of a:îX battery tape recorder *Recotr dad play-, t'ii wîe.n curripti *Ltghit anid stroti-2 $14495 easy ternis HARRY LOCKE TV Kig Si. NI. Bo%%-nlatl ille i)ial 62.'l-2112 Pat-k flte peut-ts î) Tlr Atom League <itîis -Btiîiîer-t 1,'r-li - cîcts 2 - Gia af u- Fia roi i s Vii i ngs 1 fiiîa ils- flo~ aIs il Pee lVee l.~a~uc Bot-t,- 4 - Lt-uts -T. I -4 - Caitarl ti us 2. XVuîi lnliaiis 1, 4 1. '1- i -i 3 t -i i 1 ig-s 2fi t o I Kaci ks 2 Rangcerst I Caiiniis ti 1 Beai1-s f : Bantani L.eague Riai- -. Cihs2 -Tee P 'h"t- Pt-t--c ('uhs f 'lîg4e1s 2 0 ! .ti t1 ? - lios Mclg'tLepagu S- iI - M-CîIiîct-, t A MW-ets 2 ' AuIs 2 3 Satudy ici-,tl- 2 2t P.ire .Pcene Leage Sarc liRo-i ýis N3- Ai 7A5 wn. mba s1 Ti IXli ali. v>I- 4 I l At-os 2 3ýz s T SaucAtuDMaemr ' l>e e Ieague 12 5 a iii Aiîgci-s C-so 12 :31 n-ii -Radrns '.5 C Ili--enile 1.eague ri 11p t fc - cvs Acif onl p.11. t Roc aI s c' %IondayJveember 24t Nct Atni League gt Tots Skating siît:s 0o1 wi' iil I becaîlet for ii-htwoc-tî. -ek's. Next Ss c-- !!- aiic'7th 31Y LOI-F. BOWLING R. W.cst lake .Kuikel RBroc-k F, King C. Schc'.it Afternoon Ladies" Bowling 200 C (ames Oh\~ c J'aifield 2111i, ELit :lîiit'11 j217. A v erage% t). Lherî~ 188 ig-- 6 4. 1fll7f from your 1 3, ce'-- 2t,, t t I Siiii~- e n V av s p ct r d t e s af f y o Str, h is ouoean ll aV C'aî ýt a p n r s eou e e r ett h7'1 59 Store, wharwish yauane And ail . . . alV Y~~ Bail and AI. Farrow. I. Miillev -A. EIoclg.-on J. LoPli I'. .Xtaril , E.I \ittcheil M1 -Coi le K. Hearl B, St-Iers T. Lii'. '. Boîil S Brokml- I.' Dodsi~I E. Dlrd D. Clarie N. i-riF(ec RX. IAttFcîiso AL I-<1uh-son F-4Slcoîld XX Eho1 if IV. iC-oi'a G. XX'. oombe 1). it-hardi L. ~-P E. Ib1har- s D-. V14eliî IL Vit M'. Ilioia F' CoonîleF R. Cou lafi Il]. X hi- 'R. Qoîmde\- 'leaiStaidiing,- Paifo Ici i- Co\ 1('1 ?nd bsodul Brooks 2rL ÏAA Bvo-h-c 73 it~. X i î-"-î ' Xl cat- ' h îi~ e a Hîîl'"T lies. . r s et] B- S'l-c Dot Pc".nu t . Else Btliîcl.Iai Bon c')5 ~ 1. ('uîlî i t' A lci (11 J7lii d. Daîi- Paecilî. Bo'-e 4. -îaI E-Iii lîr-l L V a O 'ii--,a lu - Emnîîa Clark,'- Ne] ie lXIFeti c ~.Vel m-a 1K7it-- -~your 11eart atChristmas Iloi-' Iliiiiîîsolii.Leoita \tlWIVe sincerely wish each and every one of aur many friends and 4 MONEYcustomers a truly blessed AVAIABIE1~ORChristmas, one that's filied with pecice, M OR T GA GE S and eyer-lasting happiness. JONES & GREER THMSH. (RIFR t STEPHEN FUELS 130 Ring st. l". Osliawva P' BOWINANVILLF, ~1 1441 1 3 6 1-27 tj(ERX MA SNRERVICE ýcal Western Tire Associate -ry Merry Christmas and a oright: AI. Taylor, Gordon Crassman, Jean Boyd, Ross MAPLE LEAF MINCEMEAT FANCY QUALITY ne A&P TOMATO JUICE 2 FOOD'J'STOR]ES* Ail prices shown in this ad gtarantced irougi, Saturday, Oecombae 22rid. 1MU M e -t c 1

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