* ~~~~~~~~T. Larngslaff 117, M. BuntlngiThe Canadian Statesmani wnnfIDc 1 92 i !A ren in pera *ion 210, G. Couch 210, E. Perrin 205. R. Irwin 201, A. Lang- 1' <? ri------- ___________________________staff '200. Y. Peel 200. - Y Phone 3621 For Winter Seaso and over)- D. Parker 298, Ail.!s rcaiT Mr New,,as le: Last %eek's coId Vthe wea 1,frim &< as Ofll ny NcCulloulch 245, B. Lake 236, stCrtms fru Gordon Àgnew, Editoi hoet62 ea hetvas taken advantagequE-: tion mark. i 3L. J.nson 23..otm'> io vthe Mernorial AreruiIt sSthe panofthe con-'ood friendsJ.and patrons. N1anagternent with skating and, chilciren in partîcular. !o0îîavej ' WednesdaN' Ladies' League ktnkyufo etigu hockey enjoyed on the week- ! uc ce time as psil 20adoe>-B rw Children's Party Saturday edWatrprmingi 45,B. - -n21, .Coc and Wether prmittn, tarndinform~ation regarding 45B.eruo21.RCuh ** ;eceou etwihst Badminton twilI coinie in operation fortimie mav be had bv Contact- 121. Rteet, iersao.The ing Mr. Alex H1cy Teenage League (175 an ail?'ý, i'o s em b rs V e y & ~ oud R bi RcreatioiCommittee has had t is plaimt*d to allow abun.; over) -D, Rudmnan 360, T, Lio s P be s V ryais the arena during the fali sea-' ebjîdren and if supervision is , 229, J. Gaines 211, J. Basker ~onan eerthing ijoinrea-Ipr-ovided, anv group of p, ile27 W er e 0,B. Alk diness for a goodttinter with lents max' arrange aflernoon 1 Heatlie 193. J. Mcbean 185. iINE Noecstleve frst Rund tes nNteY!eSfBARBERG AliSH7O1 D uring C hrisfm as S eason Robin TouCake D raw theweIIs corecnix be allT, Pr GThurdalined ~L e agu 1S Tî Newcastle>- The Lions Club Saturday when Santa Claus shot gunmrinton Club in the communi la rprsriini .surd;D. oe17 .R members have had their busi- wvill be giving out treats to The turke-y shoot was lield ty hall on Thursciay evening C oa ph Fund provded. « . Lewis !33, MV. Couch 21 years what with their anni- The annual Turkey Shoot is one reports a real gooid after was well attended, part C enot '214. L. Heard 206.1 versary celebration on Dec. becoming quite the affair. noon . ly by teenage boys. Up to $ 4 Community Thursdiv Ladies' League 8th, the big turkey shoot on Held Saturday, 12 mren came In the telepiione lt h vral p~* f(l75 and ot'er)- D. Stark 207, r" the 15th, Christmas cake sales, home with their Christmas ducted by reteso h h vnn eeBhLk e wc'. o ln l ilim 9.J ii 7.i Christmas hampers for the turkeys, while a good turnout club to sdofChresth e a ning er llngake who duct'I eý-Ad a 1Bowing lFridalixed Le9. . alle (200 1 iteedy, and last but by no from the community had thecbtea sfe hrisgretms ap-esad rgeHennngramnoduaCh b kFed a n l cs>eFoloPngI aadi ovier)- .Lewis 200;~ mneans least the annual Christ- satisfaction of a good alter- P_ ndc3 10cae ee ick Pere i hedfial aoa.r d b I } tojct a-% es AII at 0 te t Forcîsin theaaner2 .B Hokap22 mias Party for the children on noon__ot_practice_ with hi ad deliverles wifl R borei tefnldntelb,,_\rs retA] ____ made_ _ thes wed andround. Consolations were %voldread. aisd O frtevarious l -lieson hic com-1A. Iu~22-1, M. Henry 212,1y .~ ~ hi ee.by John Pluister and Wayne!Newcastle Cen*apli1 fi nd1munitY bovln2 Iniips for the 1G. Kiniball -116, J. Richard:~ .r~X fi The ann ual Children's Pearce who defeated Wayne'.vhich noýv stands tît $745.11. .eck endi Di-cL-iib-cr lSth. 212 'T. Entble-v 210, E. Ernbley~ dm1 hitnsParty for children Flintoff and Jirn Baskervi'le. MrdvLdeLge<0 0.Nlogai 209, â! V >~of the ommunitDoniitibeseld, Foîowt theand over) - R. Couch 221, J. Mýuîîro 209, L,. Dyke0,K '~nS.urda- afternoon al, 1:30 g gnesa£-ackncowed ... Sfl37.f)l V clevs29;M.Gr itain 218, ea201 ____ ~~ ~~ç; o'clock ti the cornmunity hall clal period with refreshments tes __ _ »en _____ ____ j wt-na pogrîncf ilm an ~as enjoyed by ail present. Newcastle Cernent ~seees ~ wim~s~ Sotîter entertainrnentt will bej The Badminton Club i.s stlîî Block Cümî>aî.x .01 J i* RINGING4I\and Sana wll o! nned of mr emesad *---.- -2. ÈI'NGN IN hand to) greet thîe boys andiail persons interested are in- IH. C. PBoratha, 2.î.00 ""' " 'girls and to sen that each oflvited to corne along and join CÇ,RR Carv-',th 10 1)0 o WI#TSIIES FOR A - mas calke ar5 0,0! eM N G M N i 'RRISTMAS ~Total coiIetkox, t>.> ate $74-511l4an ThaR Ingy ou forISTMAS 1STFF& »__R loyal patronage. #ýi- ailE! CHIRSTS cSocia/ ari±ersonat LUKY BA Dï NecslUCKYhonBA 2081 M.Ira--.Mtekley Clark 's cele-!G.ordon Agnew Duî B E R N ,A R.' ______________ er B3rd birthday on, Ur. anld Mrs, Reginald Th iaN rie,.n A r .t ,,ii'ci,, .zz - T - >f, ver É*-A 15 A »I PE9 1 àRu A IL un We welconie the opportunity the Holiday Season offers te express our appreciation for the patronage and goodwill of our friends. A Merry Christmas te you and youire and every good wish for a Happy New Yenr. TOMS & SONS LTD. and Staf f NEWCASTLE troua Elmhurt Hote NECSL AI omn~;tity ot Mrs. P, F. Hare day visitors with .Mrs. Nor. ~- efiwill be sorry to Iearn of eia Sanils, ., Fred oc ~ill1ness. Mrs. Hare is a patient Sr, and Mr. Leslie Allin, aiý in Milentorial Hospital in 80w- Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M-'? ntanvillle, Gibbon and Mn3. William u411 ,% nunter trira the village Baldwin of Toronto visited ii~ "wer(e in att enuailce at the dv- Ww MNr. anud Mrs, C.fi. Seniitg service at Slimcoe Street Hodgson on Friday. t e4>ýUnitPd Church on Suriday,ý Due to the Christrr1as Holi- i.1 vhere Fred Gra]tam, son Of cday next Tuesday, Newcastle y qý!lr .gnd Mrs. Alfred Grahama, cop'r for the issue of Decein- 14! presenlted a hialf hour Organ ber'26eth %vul be received un- ARecital before the service. til 5 p.ma. Saturday, Dec. 22.1îl NIr. andMr. Joihn Eccle.ston The local office will be closed~ ,ot Toren'to were Sunday visi-lfroni Saturday until Thurs-1V tors xit.h thteir incie, Mr,_day, ___________ A Here's lioping Santa inG#E '~guod to you! And may w. tell vont how much we X' HiI j4 enjoy serving you, how ïý higilly we value your good ~G O E SEve's Beau!>' Salon NEWCASTLE ______et taie5Im .. 4>~ . P. G. TO OUR iMANV SCOUD IRIENDS GOULD NEWELL LUMBER (0O.mbn NEWCASTLE Pubn - ~NEWCASTLEI BEST WISIIES TO ALL OUTR PATRONS CRSTMAS FOR A BLESSINGS NIERRY CHIRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAU C The Queen's -oe tgBat a NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE --- --- --- -- --- --- --- - - - -- -- ---- Fra.ervczle -. rotin - on.pkq. ']I')O CREST TOOTHPASTE STRAWBERRIES EmperorGrapes21b~s29c Pinocchio & Jimin.y Crickat - £o. No. 1 Grade- 3 lb. bug F UN B AT H COOKING ONIONS B.C. ini Re B d Deliciotis Popular brutadk Carton ot 200 Maple Leal Pure Pork - lb. Pkg. Falncy Apples 5'49 CIGARETTES Extra Fancy Danjous - Size SFaOraeJ n'- sb PI a B& ear 519cFROZEN PEAS 39( i r Teder. Garden F'resti Original Runch Kraft Cracker Barrel - 120oz. Cut BuncflL7 \oIBroc cou, OLDlEESE55 OCFAN% SPRAY CRANBERRIES Kraft - 16 oz. jar ALSO AVAILABLE ries eff ecrgtt ltqattive (HEEZ2WHIZ%6 c restecgt i 20, 21, s HE Zw H 6 BOWMANVILLE IGA MARKET - BOWMAN VILLE- ««W«qr4t««4m &"-Ib IN