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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1962, p. 13

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DIS.COUNT S ON ALL ele (:205> FOR THE HOME!e eA% ; BUY NOW... at these DISCOUNT PRICES fwere anproved. @ te ue me th ft,.,7@cqldà ga tm Reports fromersof ., Rotary Club Entertains m-""-- . • land, winner of the Henry he eenngwa MssJonn wcs n, fr. and r. liauiCa pelfr, ii Wome'sGistittesCrippled Children With ed hurc wil NW OVLE W.'. GInsetit t es h Anexcelnt mresp n ent.e la.m. and at 8 p.m. The Morn- week 3ctatSio udywswl The Newcastle 'grous of the w1,ater's edge where it ouîdblanketsa , son sid P r ty FOillOWing Parade sn°Li 7°ih e" ann cidrs lyc MCy ddGr lre' h Newtonville W. 1. was in the e oler,' since the tempera-,ren 5 weaters, wsreported. :iidd with the happineear vsitedehi-. d r e b ogh hidMwt te h t chare ofthe ecemer m e asaso a vieo er 100. he Ro d for one of ade n e r Te B wmnil Rtr hrle ythe marvelous San- laite milk was served d the season. In the evening the Mr. and Mlrs. Thomas ur-Soyb Re. .C.W i, ing t te hme f Mr. C to Damscus, te "tret Cub's annual Christmas Party, ta Claus Parade before the ivoungsters also e , a t Sntt i-C ru paf Tyr o iltpe- phy*,iMrs. Isaac ur py Mran M s.E SheT Fegusnt e dnôesdvo f er. C alltri a aight" "the Gardent The Copper Tooling course held at the Flying Dutchman partv. They were able to have p ulling and sna penjoed ol-the s t ma the rpaen of teD w s e , w re reeent noatM .L ydH lw l' oon Dec 12th of e tsemane." anThe Gtombtoebe held the followmng day Motor Hotel after teSnaafn wo the ectn ru hita pigo o-C rsmsSoy according to gu.ests of Mrs. EdithMupy Snd . inoo, De. l2h. o Gw h ser t s eee."a d t esus'was discused with a dona'- Claus Parade, was a wonder- sights from the vantage of two Il The craig t ters. St. Lke , the music for he i-ch Mr. and Mrs. .Fardt n T Vic Pesden M s.F. en bdwaee i s liTee art of ;'tion to be made to the Pres- fui success, en.loyed by 30 comfortable buses obtained1s- e hig heiht ofShe aocca. . eing pvied yteH- ery r n r.EalP- t h. .' fS io e d er ioen th eti .Hng tourits a., d . he a rice Oatbyterian Church for the uey u gtr. William Thies- for them by the Rotarians, nCas The visit o Santa c t ho irTet pageantMise unec ott ers etaSundr viiTrc on t a etn tt with n op e the Institue Ode M r istlocaion. asevie tof the S. S. hall. Arrange- burger, chairman of the club's which were parked at Memor~ d asche merry an ta greet-ed ak d eti n ofMises eclMrs . R ta Mrray, T rno1:0 h lr.J h tr wit th In tit te de M a ,,,thi lo ati n.m ents w ere m ade to have, the C rippled Children s Com m it- ial H ospital. M r. Thiesburg e e ach cof hild a d pr s tersD o rka d Jo ave il ev, M rs M lesV .and guest Stewart Collect, and Lord'_s At the close of the meeting giftis for the Golden Po1 e asi hre1farne-wsasstc nlo in afger everyo neatofathve ygsft er nsonal tDa eyoccw i nbehthe or.f rs M\ r. aMil sLaie abu 30 rsom n brer iprayer, and Mrs. S. Lancasterlthe ,hostess and groupe served Lodge delivered to Cobourg Z.ments for the event. Other the children in the bugaeswt atriegit. anst orth ocainwllsed C rtms tte eda pealuke dnn read the minutes, financial re. ]lunch of sandwiches an d Mrs. A. HyIland offered to rnembers of this committee are his daughter, Miss Margaret Those assisting the chair. The Chistmas meeting ofMomre.o r n r.Lo h meigtlo e iht port and correspondence. Christmas cake, and giftýs pack the box. James Hogarth, Captain Don- Thisburger. Mr. Whyte,' Mr'- maln of he om t e Ci ld r o nen' Uve Un Chur h eWo- M residen Mrs. Cal Toddi It~ ~ waecddoace I rwere exchanged. A big box The roll cal."Name ap aid Ritson, Eric Whyte, R. R. Arthur Hamilton, a nurse, Mr. mChildrn's Coi tteac hair- tme'soE ening Unif ta -H l rsEa t E aedn, a .Ate ume T. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i H nesns tne o the hall held gifts for theduct of Canadian Indur-tv en n a mth n r.BrarPodn e an r.hiesbuDr er, at:hie t lti The o eno esr stin Hll isiend ate on Hl iash d ate usne '.heierwirng forther com- G tdn Plough Lodge. rWith!which you a re wearing" Te hpv atr-n lnom uh-pry wr r et ileesn.h ovnrM sss erK na n Sn wsgsn b h t eo munit hall and lans e:-e el elpretyewrapedppr- Stmped hristas e r de rs ad ehom h president of the RotarY CIlub, M. Hoar, E. Cook, W. Coombes Mondav Mr. and Mrs.a a .M s Ewr Rbisnesre made to have acardthpary in l te orations and gaily wee doaed hi a M rs. Dg yer th C rima eeas The Christmas Party for the M rs. Billett, Mr. and Mrs served a delicious Christmas Hill and baby Mr. lHenryI iW iehdcag ft r t hall , o dhe lp ianc e th C i stm oasr eit s i trul va la e e o fe nred t o d esc om ym o fa iigchildren was held in the, ban- H n, D'. and Mrs. H. B. dessert and coffee. This was and Miss, Marv Ellen IHillm] in o fies a d a c d proj l t el nnet. hisnisméeeir,g- hs.oscsu-n ndds hita prt" Mrs.Earl e ro t h ling Dtchl- M n le, Mr. and Mrs. Don followed by the worship per- ed back to 11eir apartmn t ntelde fS oo n Mrs. artsore sowedcol- - tnt me bers Mrs.R. D vi- M Quai gavecurrnt w ere n enomousand borri, Mis Mararet hies.HamdwithChrismas heme on- he vilage execti.eofothkgrop fo c rd slides o t h um edr visitson and Mrs. G. Bowers ;will covering local and nationalbeuifly eorated Christ- K e rMrac s.naMilton t, , rs. ic b r s.E ok e-- - - - - ie w r fti et to thiesof hLandw ith itr-NESTLETON lW. INSýTITUTE pack addlve h hi st- news items. mas tree was the centre of Oin - M .W lcsn r ht rlCrstmas Carols, old and ya. I a eriyare mg ce ommeLntsabot ah . heCrtatmetigf adch eer boes. rs.Hary Rlevga e n e of The spa rYulet lde M. ters and Mr. Hughes nev were sung led bv Ms S A KV LE. ýo"itoc "u e n o t e pits u e ere Thestieton aWo me entituer. eilW lsnfcnenrnterestmng and concise report ms fetv lses o G. Burgess at the piano. Gait- o igya. T e r peaie ,d Copenh ftheegen, a wa a edv a th au m hfl n othgrcnlurerie'C',naenla inThrnnadwhihn e ona- ,e wn Whth ihT RhadChastes nv o egveTYRONEr enlvhe dr tor C Wle river, and native-people dent M rs. H. Vine was in the,wheels of industrv round. Bt ha v b a c ,an1hn e d rn d s a ltmpa i . i a llChrstmatsm n v rv eadOr, si it as di dedChi tm a s gfS uvia t \ l o d ry rs er-rmmo re p n carrying loads on the r heads,ichair and Mr-. A. . B a o en w iv n in iCsr'ote m m es fr t i pp r h e ala d tre dme-o omanhri stm s insver oe ofex ha gig h isas ift, uay ro .d n e sceay a d M s w A raham s well, Nebo s Moun-1cock, secretary. T e m ePein g b o n . e learned of tnt. .so a w ie a d g l urets hold an o vsth m insto r ,e a og the membersthi eHMse o p rma an B ua at R bm n tr s re. E . tainhMoab, Bethlehem, thelopented as usual with the In- Plastic and its uses, taking a Vice-president Mrs. Ralph and towers dominated tefr o oe thecm gyarw ol ontriute t gft al olT o nt:M Ganegfswr dirbu d Shpherds field, River Jor-Istitute Ode, Creed and read. look into the future of what Preston chaired the businesswall. hat foll 1 oud ik owsbm s-v u uch f o n d orut -ii \.M s G ap L M i e P rtHalo wel n d r o i r ty te n dan,~~~~~~~~~~~~~ th edSaadSao n f te mnts w ihm yb xetd i h om- session, with Mrs. T. Jennings A variety of delicious Sand- hp mess . Iv hwk ould letoe-coreommunity. r sof. h i ls e lMauriewtHalo r. nd( a et prcae <a .t e D a e an e a o i o f h - n te h h m g y ears. M rs. R Davison jgiing the report of the trea- wiches, ice cream and choco- prss h a cnkt o alt hoiese 4-Hne o t e a derof1n the G r lN w o vle r n r d s o ptlt n ea rmSgar t Wtig sorepnve s hhog anuced that the Harold Little, Dennis an h eatts st rr cana nd su -hgaroe t industhr which indcud eth enrhamA ouIt the past year. SincerelY meeting in the form of an Ar- Fcnamili ar Chrit hCu nty Agricu trlhendu arri No Av ilaue- c"orrespondent Mrs. Wal- ternoon Tea at erhome from ma -aols of coming evenits, a bulletin -cha nld 2:30thIo 4 .m FrdacD were Sung. Following the In -1from the Golden PILugh Lodge for ilsTvron eUnite hrch e ldn 28 nth , orwh ich Il aied. nThe stitute grace, Mrs. V. Hud I-at Cobourg and an app,ý -e ts da.WhitecGit"ervice o cmmn ityr aro e inth e d.eethn 1son's group served the usual 1from Unitarian Se 1 e tv e snrvices for 1 Festiv S hur""was' " e d erh, 16hsoe , n Laer c oed the onmeeti deciusluch -Ms. Wilfridiclothing and bedding. It was O $ $ $ ochrch as le it hewthsoe thu ts o te & Bowles voiced the thanks of agreed to send Christmas cide n dls whopstyatefrto h e th ldistoth ifstosikan su-iPm m broughit gifts of food, cloth- organization, follow.ed by the A h graM convenor and lunch bers. A special collection of "b Ing a mnles to e s tri- bneitinrS t e id y Se Sn.p committee for the interesting $10.00 wa.s received which bted t a he slesesru- aCristmasu mtoCW a of th he d and profitable afternoon. will go as a Christmas gift to atie thas nd uslve.Tesr]feno nto ..W a p O C e ,a(re W a h r C n - heW me'sIsttteIne- ie as cndced by the held at the home of Mrs .W. d fo s om t ai on Sholaship u InderySunidav School Superintend- Murphy -with 17 ladies and 4tO S S m tme l C a i BETHANY W. INSTITUTEnd. 1 ent Mr. Rowland Coombes and childrenpeei ntlae unbre B E H N W E TTThm e be s o th B eth n(rrnéxth o aiu ifse w sS a H ai b v C har ote M rs. M rp h y op ned te le d m y o esa n it e were e xmerhanos tunchatise v Atms adrnarsiaeChHmalGeegs tain our highle lOferCet EWmma Cavno frte r e ete- eMrs. t.e Jack son M s. Clar-es and YS cars o r .Thee usl- ad frs W. Rahm had char- our retail store a d h me i e mgon Mondav night,wihe e Rwa, M s Watric wee Ean An sA Posip erd. r. € Mr. T J.Jackoncon en Ro an ,Mrs. r WMQatdr Jene Hal, David Johnstorn and Boo Po olvorr g v C SO es Aof Historical Research, chair- and Mrs. Ross Carr. Mrs. Ad- ý t R e vrt Ha m nTh e ins Brnt fono ooy Mr.. h m te rora . heroll call dison Scott won the lucky tea ter Reo. ChrisMDugans kod M bv. Bened io was answered with Wise Say-v p rzead r.Cahre-sll D i rdthe mean i ostom e of a gt n u ehd M R O V i SerOuS COn eStOr r Car Gandiparents her itri soa nert frai t poesdinore had l e renr ssa at our Stores adaS iapit o tme t stheee orhDaY.ltrNea sxre ssed :hi plant . .in . th e w s r erS i-H dd ,B k aeIs hs m ent in our de i ry S r C d - M s. lrestmas oGift e he takifte grugou -od te d iy i eniornchoiMrprov ide two s ell Wrigh ttne Smurpe a e e i d W C rs Rs CrrMs.Caan rth seo Sohhen nta ios oeyCrsmsates ntt ntd Cuc ii Trm e s won h t e s d a ohero ra vco b ed to m aelanvte an r g v n e s e t fus plly S g e t t a u m o t o " ets n t u t h er li m r s a lo t hN a s e p sde tu p --G l e n aR o ý i te s e ni ° goi r th e d wC.G .Lri taT. a n f m M o aC S O e s O d r r p r h s h i A . H . ST R O C & SO St hhistras rican Re h te t evandf t e o v prf4oes eCer ister ovtemandMSi. Enied Youngma enn, et- esp e etaSe rlua OS ib e XýChristmas trees rs nsd teai ouots.g h o n dis to r n r i Sturrck R. Romanvile tmrds rohernaTvhPhoe 6235444dvice ed oapy ndas ece WanMso.ndr. Wag MurOhyaO PAYLIIE e43rånemaanaMM MMM MAM mntins teirfirt eindes gn from orCanam9. KngStoWMis adlo. n tevi e Mr. and Mrs. . Mal- fiý -Duringcards T d earone le OOronotyrs.vBilstLakenN ew - peratorsrvofeB rew ersdR etailtStares e t . . , "" ADMIRAL TELEVISION Features: Up-front fingertip precision controls,.. safety glass and alumtiinized picture tube, face plates are bonded u t. oneashatterproo unit - and permanently s als t temnporary Walnuit, Earl 'y American Cherrywood, Mahogany Grained, Charcoal, or Mahogany Grained Finishes on Metal. ADMIRAL STEREO m The latest in High Fidelity. Six mnatchied and balanced speakers for true sterenotond sprto.Appeo furniture that will add grace ansearatt to yout "'ome Master crafted in genuine veneers with hardwood solid.1 and tapered legs, in genuine wvalnut, mahogany or Swedish walnuit veneers. SPE CIA L ADMIRAL TV THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT AD STEREC SPECIA L SAVINGS ON ALL î 1962 MODELS When You Buy ADMIRAL You Buy the Best! 20 KING STREET WEST BOW IMANVILLE -BUDGET TERMS MAY BE ARRANGE&D"Y L '-'%, Mk- t%

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