14 The Canadian Statesman, Bowrnanville, Dec. 19, 1982 Q would like to take this oppor- ftichenko.Chsnuad emr WS O ie t W lo e ounaest tny ta thankai who have The deep sympay fheaedt cntue olctg Leroy Brown Guest Speaker subscriptions for the paper. and Mrs. S. L. Sper intesansstelftwrfo Dear Mr. Editor:. sudden death of thi1 ag-chrhkthn ai May 1 beg your courtesy in ter Giadys Yvonnr ple, Rvos lsdtx et a iwng m e to send the Sea- aged 19 m onths, on S t r a , ng w h p ay , af e wh c son's Greetings to ail the Yer- December l5th.asoilhrwsenydad 'guson clan in Cartwright. Dur- Cnrtltost r n ebr xhne hit ingrny recent visit to your i Mrs. George Waddel h ilmsgt.Lnhwssre rlOCllt i as rratly impres- be celebrating therGlet.Ms os .sse yMs >sd viih the s,-In-id sta-c.Wdin niesryo e haisSihan r.Jh Jr. F ar ers, 4 H M e m b rs taIedinyorcrWmuliy M annah rns ~t A .F r e s ,4 H Mm e sards which re oe g mal". cember 28th. ae. HeIdhaThursday ai Oronoodo- Mrs. anhC May you long continue sa ta erborough. Due to se erai oth r events rophies.sense of d scovery of one's w s m ie p rre o 2 n wa h o e D u e ta ev e al oth r e ent t oph es.-o d C artw rig h t 'b o y s" ivno T oron to h osp ital r ce t taking place the saine evening, Guest speaker for the event 1owfl area. wt ylf ate o * o convales.cing fewer than usual attended the was Leray Brown, Victoria! One f the Important hopes years, I amn preparing a record of her son and duhe-n connect ~which I hope to have ready! law, Mr. and M s. R nl aninual Junior Awards Night County's Agriculture Repre- ,ceth ed with the work is ali h NwYO tog at the Township Hall, Orono, sentative and a former Dur- tat of developing wholesome 1 ary i te New ar. O tog on Tursdy, Dc. lth. ham boy. lie reviewed the his- attitudes in 4-H members 1n ieo hsrcr r M.adMs aslWih Cn hairman for th v tory of 4-H Club Work since about life and the world. It is igs and toriehsand'sra-sttive wek Cama foth vning its introduction in the United their atitude which wiii deter- svrio vhsadsra-setteweedwt ea was Ron Brooks, President States between 1900 and 1910.:mine their success and enjay- mon. On the other asc Pr- in Owen Sound.e of Durham County 4-H ClubAtaltenm - n h mn nlf n aeohrsmles of my wvork with Nel-! Mrs. Eari McQuaid i h u! Leaders,.lHe was assistcd by symboiic four leaf claver em- people regard their friendship son Bo' Choir. Beside thedn death Of her Agriculture Representative A.;biem were approved in 1911 highiy or make them wish ta faterth s in g in g o f t e B y S p a o , l ate G a t J a c k s o n f Lni O.Darypl, oh Igr but did not become officiai avoid it entirely. One of the I ave aded exampes fronm say. members of the Club Leaders until 1914. The 4-H name was larger attitudes which it is some of the work of my aIder The members of S.Pu' group, prominent officiais, as not adopted in Canada untii hoped 4-H club work will de- Yugmn h atrexam Anglican Church Lade ui well asdonors of the many 1952, although the first clubs veo 5teattd !se-ples inoludes a maie quartette were entertained athe ec ~ afcin smiarobecivs e-ardship towards the land, its ýand a tenor and a baritone tory for termeigti' ni gan in~ 1912-15. resources and a sense of stew- sl.Mn !teeyugwexihMs ognBg- The first Junior Club in adhpfrardmcai rsdn n edn h ;! Durham County was a bacon-prnpesThtiraly ht 23rd year and have since made Rcv. Regrinald Rose! ndc fhog club and a junior potato we are trying ta do ta young msetercer., ~ lbognie n 99 Snepeople when we ask them ta e h lcino ti Ahi ranze i 129.ice1 mhe:r8th th eor d 196 as oll:rî A~ then, the junior programi has work on prajects, attend and Among those present at the sod turning ceremony for the N. E. Sweet grwn raidly here, with conduct meetings, give dem- Cmay recently, one of the most enthusiastic was Hry Aln, aged 87, who oridals oofhsband "Je" rsi-t Mrs. Morgatn Bîge phiemes n i ocal an p roca be respansibie young people, until his retirement, operated the Corner Grocery here for more than 50 years. jFerguson and wiil be glad ta 10w; vice-president, r e gcopetiinocalsad Mp roingal îei ete tesn He is shown at right, extending a welcome ta President Norville E. Sweet, share it with any of his rea- vin Smith; secretar r 4- lb wokl esg e or spoken word, attend church, who presented M r. A llun w ith a bottie of "Sam bow ".' tvs or rin . Wil a n e Sd ey W ; te su r Ms f.4ing in citizenship. Those tak- Ipers and keep financial re- D . B rackenrîdge and M el e g s n f m l of B C , w l I er f r th j.g ar learn how meetings The 4-H club mavement Wodprsntdth 00bshlA C KruonfmS To .. ilfiwrOortechrh a shu~becnuce.bc only too glad to sharc with ihudb odce.They anc o! the strong educatianai patato club trophy ta Bill you, the rich thoughts and i ,RaloStmsp ~learn ow ta xpressforcse s in aur country and with .lnadteMlWo etl The Messengers met for dance last Frîday in the Cart- sayings of anc of your nativa Y Aves through debates, discussiontea ene forcesr izer1 award ta Ron Welsh and their last meeting in 1962 on wright Recreational Centre.isons, aur husband and father,l T C E TS YH.Brw ering mmtes and mnt atitada, we ustd Paul Wood. Tusday aftr shool. The frst The Ste've Backwell Trio pro- IRev. T. J. S. Fergusn SEA S o0 N S Rr erino mtes and esnst ation gra n efrmoretcdu- Ron Brooks presented a Ki- haf of the time was spent in vîded excellent music as! I may add that the cdn gs CoisultAN STF gofficers, thcy deveiop charac- eeyhn osbet ar wanis Apple Club trophy ta B. cmltn decorations f o r everyone danced around a'recorded, a Il date from Mr JU &L fiET NG ter, foresight and sound judg- on better than ever before this Stainton, Mike Cooper pre- t etpinte bachs n yreChita tree in the Ferguson's 86th ya and we ' 2 Kinig St. LE.-3 mentNG è , hecnnudTe work great youth program, conclud- sentcd the Agrico Trophy yerar 61 Bowmanville M enli oniue.Th patiin orte hisms ýtr f the lo.Fu large ýgiven n conjunction wth Bwnnlî Atti FsieSe Xni also encourages the use o! im- cd the speaker. Silage Corn club ta Harold programme ta be held Dec. murais, a Staîned glass win-j Christmas programns o! the____ 4proved practices in farming Duigtepeettas h Ylolc.TeJmsMr 6th. The latter haif of the dow and Christmas lights Nelson Boys Choir. This in- we wish to extend ta Iland homemaking. names of the autstanding boy Livestoick showman trophy program took the form of a added ta the spirit o! Christ-1 tercst in the boys, has always and girl in 1962 in 4-H Club wvas won by Paul Tamblyn. Ch-istmas Party withi games1mas. been a tower oif strcngth bath ý aur many custamers ' In carrying out projccts on work wcre announced as Mary Rickz Rickard received the Ma- and lunch. Aneiiain ac'a ate n ane and friends .& the farm or home, the 4-H Strong o! Bethany and Doug- sn&Wyetoh o hm and fiend . .. q;member dcvelops awnership, las Jase of Newcastle. Thcy re-mpon b yeef soman atoLinay- Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thomp-, won by Paul Rahm and Linda May the light from your ,s Christmas Greetings È 1 responsibil i t y, partnerships cived wrist watches present- pir n io showan d Lindar s on and Mr. and Mrs. Harold iVenning and the spot dancýý small community continue ta M' wit th paent an th adp- d b Orno ra-h mnag r'erry nion thew CnEs ar-Kyte entertairncd the United iby aur Principal Mxi. Paisley shine, as it has in the past for- and the wish for a gition f better methods, contin- R. M. Dickson and Boman- ware trophy for C urh horto a ure acianarsmR y u nr. "As! an la mp gteot aa tleMrBrw.Teyugvlebranch manager R. G. _indiyshwa ham r supper at the Thompson si A very deliciaus lunc a tcnd goethntou, 0 Hap n rseos& persans riationshp ta isat Lînd-1ý uipesn eainhpt hs Gropp of the Canadian Imper-sa home Saturday evcning. !scred at ceven o'ciock in nobleýness enkindleth noble- New Year. rq community is anc o! the *m ilBaSafComec . The annual banquet of the'candie light. The buffet styleiness". li-ilBn fCmec.In the homemaking field, IB ~ S I G Srtant spectio!l-H clb Othr awrds wre asfol-Wallace Marlow Ca. and Don- knch inchuded sandwiches, Thanking you Mr. Editor for i ELMERS X ~work. Through the club, he or lows: lthe girls completing countydgetats cffe.ou kndes i a orn m ELMER'Se irl fac h .A.Smes 10sge hog the E. A. Surn- shippers was heid in the Rie- !and Lkmonade. Doug Metcaif this space and xvith warmest ~--~ ± E IS O E FURNITURE ý. quaintances in the neighbar- Memnorial Fund Schalarship mesMrolfn.TeWs creation Centre at Blackstock, ate f rom the lucky marked Christmas greetings ta ail our - & hodTey meet, wvork and ta William Tmln present- Durham Women's Insttute on Thursday, Dec. l3th. Ail 'plat e fngofriends1.emi APP.LIANCES ýpad came other young people cd by Garnet B. Riekard; the awards were aiso presented ta, the shippers wcre represend IrRe Kigo WityIrma, Hamtonfluncoe o! duitsthe recthn D. Bacenidgc heaSeed t County Honours winners, Lois and sat down ta a deliclous cond ucted the service in the Yours Sincerely Elmer and Lizzie WiIbur thos thcy meet in their evcry- Judging Competition award Gwse enn Glasp i n, Ashton Esthe beef inn Ter xvithCluba i the rim- A nglia Churh n a yb. (rs5T0J4S) M ilrs n,U Sday school life. In many cases, ta Hrold Yellowlccs, the Bow- Sva r, Lynne Stalin tn-ig. h .. lbd a h ndext munaion tInl be BaCd '~ hes eperencs iveanca anvlleLins lubchllege ylia ruism, Pylls est 'atering in their usual effie- the special Christmes service 504Mlson t..IY lake and SheiaghsMurphy.neha ient manner. Many compli-anCom inatha..adNso trophy ta Donald Welsh. Hie East Durhem Women's Insti- mentary remarks were passed:at 7 p.m. there will be the yv'T also received the Federation tute awards wcre reccivcd for about the quelity oif the food 'Chiidren's Pageant. .iEnirANY i o! Agricuiture's challenge tro- County honours by Patsy Bige- and the strcamlined efficiency The regular service was phy. The C.N.E. Shicld went îow, Dianne Smith, Mariao! the scrving. Doniands gave held in thc United Church Toa al Statesman Readers:1~j b » ta Sharon Larmer, the Land Mercer, Sharon Trew, Donna a prize for the best shipper iSunday morning. 'lie choir Wc wish you joy and gladness Yi JudingCametiionawad t Den ad Saro Eiot; Pofo high quality milk fromn this 'sang the anthem "The Pro- in every home at this Christ-I-1 Willam Olan. The Bank o! vincial Honours, Muriel Neals, area in 1962, which was won msOei s one"Th ubtasatloso rngd o the l Montreal's $35 expense money Ehaine Syer and Linda MeAll- by Mr. Maurice Edgerton. Our iject o! Rev. Romcril's sermon tlhat fios w ouring so nuchk award was awarded ta Har- ister. congratulations. A film andji\Vas "This Child is Different." apnsswewullloe old Yellowlees and presented Entertainment was provided slides were showni after which i t 7:30 Sunday a Carol and press Our thanks ta ail thoseF by Bowmanville branch man- by a sing-song with John In- dancing was enjoyed under the Candle-lgt eviews ed h hv1onrbue-.w~ ager James Bell. gCosaWitin anugh. e'ad PetrbroghRayi an gatt iadngendMr. eriddirection o! Mr. Walter Co-iwh choruses, acoustics, solos items for this colum-n throuhý C Clu Awar was on byThe Grade twelve students Primary Depertment. T h e your Bethany correspondent,1X D. fBrackenridge, the leather accompaniment. lof Cartwright High SchooliMessengers, Explorers, Hi-C, (Mrs.> Violet M. Carr. 2halter ta Philip Adams and played hst ta a ChristmasiTown and Country Club, the Mrs. J. J. Clarke is spend- C S$5.00 cash ta Janice Adams. MO nT~TChoir and U.C.W. did a Cen- ing the Christmas holidays ini- A.B l E BeyGry pesnte te Bc!RRI.S was the only date evailab11e. dIelight worship service. Niagara Falls with lier son i A. cV1 Ifal Club Gray Trophy ta (ncddfrls ek More about this next Sundayý Regular Christmas Service Dr. J. J. Clark and farnily. !Ronnie Baker and the Canad- Pehenrailhtefches are eskedsat 0 a.m. ncxt Sunday and a Lawrence Martichenko and -Y PLUMBN ETN Mr. an Mrs. orley ier- r Heb. Lr a Carol Service at 7:30 p.m. ta Alex Martichenko oif Sonninc ' ian Im p erial B an k of C o m-n P t r h f u e r o d s n ta b r s .we-e"an , Dv s n S fL2r91 owpofn MhDar Ptr. and Mrs. More Ha- r.e er. Lta asrepart - Çhrnhall apitmntecofmh ae la, r iiigwthVDvso t gmerce,' Part Perry, award went ncss, had the misfortne ta cd home fram hospital cturn-wchale reintentso! the ale At rarc vis Tth.in- - tR.Rcard. The Canadian break a leg last Monday, De_-ie h akn orteacht atrgeare ivtd hi rte n itri.- Pioermanenlit trophy was won cewstkn o ramntBStra vening, Dcc. lSth, law, Mr. and Mrs. Frnk Mar- by K Mcioim Mr. J.T. ember 3rd, whilc phaying at few weeks aga. We arc les Miss Jean Bright sponsarcd a-________________________________________ b K eom r.JT.awaadpiic with a sister Hr i iesewilinbePoing Hoe Hspimae- WVC her pupils, their parents and tie tis ek. ig hoe i friends. The programme wes prcsented the Holstein clubtiWe tund estand te large presented by hier pupils fromngi We uncrstan the argý r4Port Perry and Blackstock. T o yo , O R wards ta L. Brown and D. brick bouse, once the home of ,,:D tennpreogramed as faLors T O ,O R Jase. Bowmanville manager B. Lewis Brothers, naw the prJ Dtennpreor a ed M..fors ýL. Burk prcsented the Tor- proyo Dwo eeead-Y rvao wrigJn alr FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS onto-Domînion Bank award ta pry0 asnBcead~I ao wrigJn alr sheep clubNDinner Davi vacant for a number o! years, Jerry Doyle, Patty Gettins, Brent. Glen Larmier present- isbengdcolishd ndn ced the Hog Praducers trophy Lime -will be replaced with a,., riDennase Taiktn, Lindcoandg ta winner James Bycrs. The modemn up-to-minute home. &~Doal JcSmtondTep anc ing, W. H. Brown trophy for poul- This is good news as we re-ý2 jii son. Tep, Rhonda Farder, Ban- C has. L. W arren ::~~~tryî:: awarded ta D. Bra- a h nn apyh::I i Chas. RL CTW r rdenHrodYeiwle spent in this home, once theV so- Baton solo, Dale Smith. HamiptonOnao phy !rom its donor for Grain .The. Soc.ial. Club o! Marri sry e olNac tisn o! Mosh onOfhm sy In- f M:jamConGh ®rataton, ta M rhs. el Cartwrig ht r si e t) w h U N E M N N T . R 0 .nfY i dei ng qulWorshîpt:rv c ciher -9s _birthdaY g. ~IlRquliies "~celebrat cd lsdet) fwas held at 10 a.m. on Sunday, .S ura t M.an 1 4j~December Oth, the Rev. M.tg r. limi. ays Noee TRIm i-S L-----Reg 4.5 --3. 9 1 Freman officieting. A num-- iSiCernochen) who werc mer- Fc t o etflings have Iîi~ p O L Y V I S O LReg. 5.254 2 9 11 Free an thank d the choir YS Mmra.Fr d re n a d ai c ou-O L - e .5.5 - - ----4 2 frter m ua s e opl ta-0hs c stmers ho purchas to mu ql inite oL vung peoletheo tractors since Oct. lst, 9 in all to h for aur own good. We are, in fact, the world's greatest ipresc VITA IElr----9's- -2 for 4.99; ed rar ndjinte Uhad a mast enjayable three1 manufactured goods. junioar choir. The arganist, ' t ' days trip ta Chicago, Mil- ïr.Helen McHolnm, would èîs waukee and Harvey lest week. Lo the fgue hcsowteargeyrlexndue W ATCH OR MIS AD M'HWE RThpRev. em oFr e em n hs.! Mrs. Mary Perriman, Cal- manufactured goods for the people of four nations: !s*emnsrse h rpr- i on oknoe h ek Canadians- $235 per person. Americans- $35 per persan; British 7 e III',~~~~, h r s t a D a y - a s o n c o f t e M rs . H a ro ld W e rry , M iss P r a . W s e n a s 6 e e s n v isii' any of the follo'wing stores for tfistduiesthof Christians, ta MAY CHRISTMAS i Miriam Wcrry and Mr. Jack If each of us reduced aur import buying by just $100 and dirtdht , ,, d i r e g r d h e o v e r w h e l m n g ' .t4 W e r r y , T o r o n t o , v i s î t e d M r . m n y t h u c a e o a a i n p o u t , t e p o i c f 0 lcomrilpart of Christrnasý GLOW WITH JOY and Mrs. Rupert Werry and~ oe ateprhs fCnda rdcs h rvnea nal ol ful un o Ch1st aandits preaduring the -eason:.4 4iRoy during the weck. gain 600,000,000Ovital dollars which ould. help provide 60,000 Mwjos fulln fC rsm sG t 11o dett ake heîyBirth-' M. ndveryil ugn C ayo Crita oy ayi-! OREVRON1 Mr. and Mrs. alDgn Evr consumer should satisfy himsef that there isno Canadianivet BOWstead o! aEWhoSidEy.1, Lochiin, visited Mr-. and Ms before he reaches out his hand for an imported product. By becomig"ae I a m. rs D o ald L o d AIRiIS M r. an d M rs. Joh n L aw - co fstious," he w ill probably find that often hab it b as led him t t he i p r e O R P O r N E ~~CO LJN 'S EUG TOR JO NSON S D UG TO RE 11 conductec! the session. Dianna R A IB S i rence and Timmy moved to out The Canadian product, alangside, may lie just as good. Dui aad Th Y o f ruc n X N c G E E G O R , D R U G S I O R O N O , , M e- C o n n e l l a c c o r p a n i e d t h e Id î O s h a w a f o r t h e w i n t r . p o u t o i n ! ~ f r 1 . D o l a I '1of unday School the teachers WND4STFF w'o he d is randt f!d~~dsriO EY & LOVELL STUTT'S PHAIRACY mewh the sprnedn SUNOCO SERVICE 14' The Statesman, I wouid wish'Ii, Mr. George Harness ta plan Bowinanville 4 the joys of the Christmas Sea- -~ -- -à -à.for the annuai Christmas par-,é son, and peace and lbappines 4 GOVERNM ENT F ONTARIO TR D- à-tdàAhty. Tues4ay4 Decomber M la_ ~ --- ~nthe Z'New Year. Also CftGle