Présent Service Hospital Staff A During Annual( Tihn lnoiiiIloýpita1 Stal Chrîstrnas Partv ld iin the cafetcria off ihle lospital iast Vednesday aflornooni. \vas a tTîot enj oyabie eveni. A hu-Vs Christmas tree gliîîerîng wxitîi crnarnient. dorinaied the rooi and gifts xrediîtribuIcd hx. Santa Cisu hn cf Dr Il. B. Rundleeiii his oxxnininîîit- mble wav ypla %cd the part off the îolv ýand pfppx .Santaf Claus. cont'riîî:cd bY; Ille v; Inc i i ' 1-Ispitai .uîia x.'hr ore-é sidei?. Mrs S C;. MNuî: end t <o. e xho as sîstcd in ser'- ing v. cie. the past pre 'sidie:],. Mtrs. LxCitC. \IsnîNi. .sý Wesciy Cxke.Mrs. Dunca i Smnith, \lrs. E . PThorrIp -o! MVrs. liarrx Sanies ECliîliolrne Iliuglics and N is5 HIaraldi Cake. ,Âînholiînc tiu~heF. Boa rd Ch jWnan. cxtendcd bezsi xx i P!.M ra Mcrrx Chris7tras andi a Happy Ncxx \'ear tri exc d body present. and lnpio i o A, ers t nnc i ilb i be bo1 lai xvho had bceîiona bir tb ai- tend.s taare grate fui Io MisN lýlicMlurter, thie presiderit, anidE inemrbers off the WVoncnsIlos- pitai Auxiliarv for brîng oLU hostmes esn I hîs occasioný. 1Ii have sarnpied file farts anîd tC is marvelouis. 1 "Also vou shoid he tid J Ihle the auxîhiarv bas dona- S fed $2,475, the fiîl Pavxn for al the furnishîngs off theS Chronic Floor, and an addi- S tionai $2,00f(j10 îrnprox:e th(,P ]:ghting nii theider part off b( the hospital. What cani be said. pi nily to ihank sioisandi 50 &incereiv the Womnenis Auxîl- M fary 10 Memnoriai Ilospital. -l aiso xxani tri thani Mr t kflden %withotiîî vboe xhoic v hearled co-ocieatioîi xe couid ai riot have beld Ibis part ' . Anîd 1 amn goinig ho lake Ibis oppo!- Ili tunitv Io compliment! My te friend. Bernard Folieîî on W his co-cipprafin. administra- fi BIRTIDAY C0 'nie heaut v of the East( nid simple Bethlehem A,-, n a stables soft dirt The littie ro val Babe Xhile ncr the stable gl Tel] ing t he place whe Rririging th(- xise menf To lay Ihcir gifts upoc The roîhtmii , i Eaih sltillcd trohear f OhIl ,M a 'v wP th f<aY h onage to the I-f Be fore you carvei -miake sure you have plenty ofV Ginger Aie on hand. Nothir rothing-goe.% better with turke ginger ale-and Wilson's givt more flavor, more sparkle, mc your money. That's why if'si SMart tb serve, wise to huy fINGER ALE ,fAMILY SIZE QUA RTS 189-2 FOR 359 CARTON 0F SIX 12 OZ. BOTTLES-41t PLUS DPOSIr îPins to Miembers Christmas Party lion. and loy-aiitv.' NMr l1'îgh es sa'd. Hle also rernarked that il vras good 'o sep sQ man% boardi members ât the cele- bration. *Temost %wel'nm peopie. off ai] are those who make Iiii one off the best hospitals of il size in the counlrv. the mcm-j bers off the hospital staff. In. oariîcFî appreciatbon off the fi ne xorkoff ali of von. i. 1 our picasure to gi\,e pinis fo :011gs~c We hope tIha' xouI w.: xear ',hein prouidiý as %ve are proud or VOL]. The -presentatIon orf seirxe pins v. ats made b ' Mr. Hug1icý as foliowxs: Fixe Ycar serva e Pins- Mrs. Dovis AI:Cy, Mr. Cora Ali!i. Mrs. Rhodla Aii- dersoi). \Irs. Ruth Bate. Ii FEIî.'abcilh BeliairvLawrcncc BnI:iincIl. Mrs. Iv N. Cox cri'.- Mis. Beairice Evans. Mrs. Iso- bel CGouild. Flerbert Gibson. \Irs. Helen Graharo. Mrs. Ex- angeline ïMor-rison .Mrs. Sarah Nlcaydn.Mrs. GIad. s Op- den. ?'Iis. Cathc'rine Ornmîston, Al r.. Z r 1ia Pa t terso i, M r ý \larin Perfect. Dcinnis Pick - ird. Mis AIax Pickard, litiigli Sanîn. YIrs. Pcrînelia Whitc, Virs. Emma Widdecornhe, Mr..ý Elizabeth Wilkins and Mi- Wiiiiîifrcd Woninacotl. If) Yvar Servicr Pins: *vIrý !.iilian Ai lison. Mis. Mai. Caiiii. MViss larx- Chaplin .Mrs I i abel Graham. Miss Edîthii -oin', Kas Wistiiew. I 15Yent Service Pins.* Mrs..Jessie Pr-ou. Pnd Edward MWil latts. '20 Yeur Service Pî in: i's. 2vargarrel tephens ý 2 5 Yrar Service Piin: Miss Veirna Gav. vwho on behaif offail the recîpients c'x pressed their appreciation. Following the presentationst MIr. liolden, the fHospital Adi- miînîst rator, blid the gatherîîîg hat in the futitîîe long ,rr vice awaicis xvii lie presenteri Mis. Rîîth iv on bchai f off flic staff thanked Mis. MeMîî, te andi 11w rneîbeî's of hie Vorien's Hospital A¶ixiiai- fr lhe deleertahie iunh. WF A KING; ierti iiiglif, mi adorn, P was born. lowed the Slar, 'l'e Jesus lax', fronafai', on the hav. aninicenise, and Îlolrl, the angels sitig, lieCv of olci. eaverti.v King,~ 'Marjorie Cullii i-laii- 4c best neuis tbat the Vu le- tide season crel We hope you and ours enjoy it Io the fulli Tiroi our CARRIER BOYS that turkey.. Nison'$i ng-- but ey thonH ees you - ore for always i F r _______________________ GRADE ; YOUNG HEN Pie Canadtan ~t~itp~mafl. ~owmanv111e. Dec. 10, 1981 15 /~K - ~ i rde -A 'Pro UF- u .A tOP'£ L - K,$T GRAN01OO0019G tg lb 'IcP T OVEN RKEYE.RSSE 3IAPLE LEAF OR SWVIFTS SAUSAGE MEAT - 10 to 14-lbs. 3Ç %. A&&,à4 JARANTEED FRESH MEAT ,DE A - OVEN READY - PRE-DRESSED 'NG TOM - 20-lbs. arnd over TURKEYS b P PRESSWOODS (OMPASS BRAND> RIND 1LESS BACON 69'1 WE HAVE A FULL SELECTION 0F SMOKED HAMS FULLY COOKED GLAZED PRE-m(OOKED PARTY STYLE ATTRACTIVELY PRICED WTOCK up anai ALCAN - 18" FOILWRAP .3LICTOUS FLAVOL:RS HI-C DRINKS STOKELYS FAN( Y FRUIT COCKTAIL AYLMER FANCY PEA&S STOKELYS FANCY 2 2 .bave 25 Fi Roill 491 oz. Tnx 15 nit. Tiilîs TOMATO JUICE iirn MAPLE LEAF 29 MINCEMEAT T'in GATTUSO MANZANILLI PLACE PACK OLIVES -lar AYLMER 1 SWEET GHERKINS - fafrî ROSE SWEET 16 . MIXED PICKLES )CEAN SPRAY- WHOLE OR JELLIED CRANBERRY SAUCE Tin7 .59C 69c 59C 33c 55C 47c 39C 35C 29C 25C SERVE DURING THE FESTIVE SEASON! - RICHINELLO COFFEE FRESH (ROUND NAP RITE A ssorted SERVIETTES 2 DOMINO CHEESE SLUCES IASON"S CANNEI>'a" SOFT DRINKS 1.754 CHERRY SHORTBREAD FRESH- BAKERY FICHM1ELLO RUIT CAKE 1 h.- lir 65C 2 1>s. $135 3h.$199 ICHMELL(> )INNER ROLLS B67C ti 6 35C 29c n.59C T'noz 45c Pkg 39C Christmas Chocolates and Candy MNOIRS TrOWN TA LA Asso rted Chocolates 31OIRS FAMILY Assorted mîonts 'roVN 'T Assorted 4 Chocolates CHOCOLATES I)XRI s SATIN HARD MIX DARE'S CREAM & GUM BELLS DX RES FRENCH CREAMS .LLANS CANDY CANES 2'il sl.59 2 1 2" l49 1 1h 75c 16 oz. p k z3 c 16 oz.. 'kg. 35c 35C of 6 25 Nuts in Sheil - Fancy Quality 1)113I) - LARG~E SIXE BEAV~ER MIXED NUTS BEAVER- LARGE ROUND POLISH El FILBERTS BRAZIL NUTS Christmas Party Supplies! BLAVLR SHELLED MIXED NUTS HOTS POTATO CHIPS 11IANTEItS BLANCHED PEANUTS LIBERTY lREI Marachino CHERRIES dL £H RIST1 ALMOND PASTE PRODUCIS lb. riece 69C 4 Ihx. $265 ['k, nr; 9 3c IFREE PARKINGI while You ShopI ri oz.L Pkgt 6 C Bag 59C 1 lh. Bagr 57C Ba 49( 1 ni-99 Tin99 vi Rn69C Pkg 3 C 1h. 51C Open Ail Day Wednesday Thurs., Fri. 'tii 9 o'cloclc Fresh Calif . Grown - SUNKIST l3 ORANGES 69 dr FRESH CAPE COD Cranberries 291b Brussel Sprouts 29 Florida Grown - Ruby Red - 80's Grapefruit 6a49c Urisp - Large Size 24s (ELERYSTALKs2F49, Frozen Food Specials DO<MINO) FA NCY Strawberrues 2 1 ozt. DOMINION Orange Juice 3 Tin,. Cooked Squash 3 D)OMINO) FANCY - ROMANO Italian Green BEANS DO(MINO) FAN('V - FEC Green BEANS 2 (ItEEN (IAN'l'NC CORN Nioblets Liluitecl, Bnwmanville, iunti1 closing limue, SatLîrday, December 24, 1962, 6i 14 oz Pkgs. style.) 1I fi z. ['kg. SI>ECIAI 85( 98e 49C SPECIAL S PECIA L .SPECIAL .12 oz.jf Bag 4 C 1I -~-K a i * ~JI~I. II I ~ I a. - -- - I ___ Ail nierchandise -sold a( your Dominion Store Limitjed ki%tinconditionally zuarantced to give ltiNatisfaction. À 1 1 1 Speciais S T 0 R E H 0 U R S Dominion Store 1 Values effective nt Vour Produce