[8 The Canadian Sta n, EowmanvMle e. 1, 1982 ___________ Coming Events Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Tendrsc Wane <,rifat orSleNtietoCedtrsA ron BADOUI - Don and Gloria Monster Bingo, ThursdLay PIANO, used. Cal 263-2526. KEYS cut automatlcall, while EHOSE- mî,~ osadANDOHR Olive Hender, TraurJakElotwheMran (nee Brent> are happy to an- nght at 8 o'clock, sponsored 51-1 you wait, at McMullen Hard- TOWN 0F BO WiMANVL E bath* heavy wrn h wr IN THEMr. Inz &u h Pais. Mr ilad oto nd Wl nounce the arrivai of a daugh- by the Junior Chamber Of WATER for sale and clellverdwr,3 ing St. E., Bowman- ONTARIO vo down Pa1et hn AE ADRO MT jî Mrs. JeseBesteng Visitos ter Tracy Lynn, 6 lbs. 2 ozs., Commerce, Red Barn, North *alCifPthc 6-11 ville. 34! TEND R 6359. 2 Al persons having dlaims on Friday, December 14, 1962, Oshawa. 45-tf 32-tf ORDER your wod now, 2 for against the estate of JAMES Gr p Led s, M s Brnc Mr. .Ki aî ad Ms.S a t O s h a w a H o s p ita l. A ittle CC is m0 0Dn c a d 0 - 0 E N R b n j , i k n w , $ 3Ocr drrs a w d , $ 3 d li e r d . C MA NI EDTE ES O N ls i nSA lM IrF r eHa A D E S O S I T ,fa t o d le Ir m m s y - s e w r a d rs sister for Brent. 51-1 DR, yon ombitaalShjSo, l Onj eet . . $3ca5. Pon Oon Mllian sa LCl Laat *t DrwTyon omuntyHal SoeShp 2 OtaioSret.J*A Crsaden hoe roo CONCRETE BRIDGE a Vers' the Village of Neiwcastle, in the Saturday, December 22. Clara 511 35 r 9.40 t ON THE BASE LINE ROAD - . County of Durham, Prsident, kle, Margaret E llot v a- R ctl b r rd G a a PRICE-Terry ad Wood, Mary Vin- F. Gilmerrs.attededrytheristma (nee Jackson) are happy to mission $1.50 per couple. 51_1 SWEET eider; Macs, Spys and SCOTCH Pine Christmas trees, OVER SOPER CREEK '.~1lta deceased, who died on or aboutirw En annoncethe irth ofehei so ___-fDlicous.W. .oCx, Pone75e t frai G..ovas, frthTENERSproerl andm te12lttde o Jul, 162 ae ibaî andHeln E9i62; Ohaea Suda; eveinanan Phon G. ovas, nrthSEALEDTEDRpoelana nvorSs Mark William, 7 bs. 12 Colmner Travel Service wish- 623-2267. 51-1 of Tyrone, 3/ mile west Ofmarked as to contents, will be hereby notified to send to the C neo usie C nri.tesrie o hit a u on Thursday, December 6h es to announce a special- Mosport. 49_-ý received by Mr. J.L.RiHap Ne arudsgn esolrpe-tMs ay 196, a Meoril Hsptai'Florida Tour la May, 1963. SINGER treadie sewing ma- -Clerk - Treasurer, LT RednÂÂppyNe Yer nderiedof persoal deree e, r s.ry klin;Cn scb tecorChc(fi 192 a emralHsi Season'ls Greetings arnd Bstcingo condition. Phone SNOV, IRS Bowmanviîîe, up to Tw of JESSE VAN NEST sntativefof the said dcasedfIren o ShueCmite, r.1d Bowmanville. 51 WisheDecena-iber, 1962,erfuli-particu:0ars Sonage.TComanttee, Mrs. 1MaryfMercantileulLeaguegeNewtoi- D ah 1iýi-Y N Ïrma-dress-,yelow- 2 for $25.00O MONDAY, JAUAY ,n96 of their dlaims. Immediately Jones. vleeee pterrcr D eat s __ ____ W eekend Ski Excursion sieL16, worn once. Cal lu the Popular Sizes for the supply of materials for ERNIE BRADLEY after the said date, the sai Mrs. Zena C al w iitd t 3-, b lo ng 54 o th BROWN, Meredith Ja e AtJn ay 1 -20 S. Sa v r 263-2449. 51-1 and the construction of a com- 51- personal representative wiîî Mrs. Bess Duff i hty fr M th w o vyr team Toronto General Hospital On Quebec. Special rate charter CONNOR washiag machine, .0l ad7.50x14 posite steel and coacrete distribute the assets of the a few days, last we.WisldTewneswt Friday, December 14, 1962, bus. Information, reserva- wringer type, like new. Call .IVISN TR bridge, 70 foot span, on the Mrs. A. McRobbie said deceased having regard Mr. and Mrs. Clno(rwtehttik aeo n Mveredith James Brown, be- tions, Bisset Tours, King St, 623-3669. 1-1 A IS N TR Base Line Road over Soper oly to aims of which she with Mr. and Mr.RyodLxntce h te ak ___________of the____Co our .____________AN ILL 50-tf Creek within the Town of B w Agent for shal then have notice. Trim, ret nd Mabel Burk, and dear father -New YarsE4 anelngh, re O di ove;$1 a Ca Pa a nd SpeciicationsHOIVE REAL ESTATE DATED at Newcastle, Ontario, their trip toFlonia atWd rm oruBonfo of Arthur and Ruth of Toron- Tyrone Community Hall, Claraload. 263-2275. _______39-trs for Sale aralbea heofc fte 16.KihBre to, and brother of Mrs. Thomas1 Nesbitt's Musicmakers, 9:30 tOoooA ~ 1954 GMC-Pckup ruck, 4 new Consulting Engineers, Messrs.1 Best WXV st l ARAE MTChita at Kerr and Lewis, Fenelon Falls;1 1:. Fvors00od0 buLs helats Phon0 ires; efc igSre at 30 aorfo.Adms- lstrPi t hay, 1,1004,balesotishes toernAlonMArAet EsMt, rsmsPryfrhsbsGle rmCuox Gladys (Mrs. Percy Brown) sin' 3 pr oupe.Eveyoe 51ot.Phn ies efe o a rvr wsh of Detroit; Mary <Mrs. Ivaniweom 3pr ope. Eey53-222,_Welcome.- 51-1 chanically. Phone Clarke 4920. ment of a deposit of $20.00,1 %wcslOtro rf al a C.arling) of Toronto; Howard __________----__-_-_51-i" $10.00 of which is refundable erChitaAdnsrtixSct' Ocet of onypol i hi 6th Ne Yar' Ee aneBo SPORTS coat, size 10, blue____________ if the documents are roturned, and a By SMITH, RAE, GREER, lusi for dancingadabfpayteila5:. Restcd at Northcutt and Smith manville Badminton Club, $12nw-$0 hoe63-00 L' oc o Sl'tîH pyN wYa oot 1 nai.ftlnhwse Funcral Home, 53 Division St.,Iper couple. Tickets from Fred nc,$1.Pon12-5070.fice in good condition within! e oiioshri.M.adMs Eowmanville. Service was Cole. Eighty couples onlyj- - - 16 GOOD pigs. Au-stin-Wood,114 days of the date of cîosing s- e oictr een and family, Mrs. edWo held on Tuesday, December 18 Bill Millar's Orchestra. Fun, lONE 8a Standard Ol-Iiver -trac- 623-2212. 51-11 0f tenders. ________4- and family, Mn.adir at2 .m ItrmntSt Jh's Favours and Food. 46-tf tor for sale, like new. Mn.1 The award of a contract will \Jle rn Maurice Halloweîîan stock.m. ckmtS. JohnOrval Zealand, Kendal, Ont. NOTICE - Boar Service. 1 1 WWaNVltererMr.anaMrs Anglican Cemetory, Blacko-ewCmuit ete ___511dPio ofam rd ab!be subject to Department of NReltor te, Mr.aneJM stck ______ ie Cmunt Cnre_ __ 51-__ _______ m.Frd ab. Highways of Ontario approval eloanfmi ____ and fBinm.lyeMn. andkeMns. YRoMr 5111-Monste Bingo. Twe football game; B reo.5-1 of the projet. Ain ay iM cG ill hOe Christmas meeting ofBrown and fal,wee COAEfeSrhEtrdgames-twirty dollars; fivemicroscope; girl's clothing, siz REGISTERED ScotcËho-i_ h oeto any tender teUCW a edi hjmn hs te five . Sh SrahEntrtdgaes-îowestolars or0 u. cw. xvasudoimlat1e aog hose aendin tea 50ors nte aiyrs-jako.adto akosai80, and shoes 31/2, skates 3.1 horn .bull, dark red, age fine will flot necessarily be accept- Chdnisktmasr en t o e t i n he ami A e u ly o i a k o . a d t o j c p t C a l 6 2 3 - 2 2 9 5 . _ _ _ _ 5 1 - 1 m o n t hi s , r u g g e d a n d l o t s o f l e d . a niJ c k R i a r S n d a y e o l i t o. r e siu m a t l u i n C h i l d e d n e 91 A ea e Av n e EI$250. Door prizes. NextI- -N- C re. A pply Bill Slater, R.R. Project No. E.O. 6131, w sWedneen M s ary Weveni ng. Pr e i n Pa nty i h fll &w al Oshawa, on Friday, Docember Monday. 8 p.m., Red BarnON used DeLaval milking'l1 Orono, at Dean's Corners.1 Mr. J. L. Reid týrglrbsns eid nn.Mse 14, 1962, Effie Sarah Cowan, Oshawa. 46-tf machine; one DeLaval bulk1iTolephone 18 r 19. 50-2* Cierk-Treasuren .Dest vvishes to .ti.l a-ssisted by .. fortunt Cowan, in lher 77th year. Rest- Make arrangements to a-Po 623-2169. 51-4* npîsOntario jfor a very er enderson Un liot led na-thMraw fothetrey es] at the Armstrong Funenal tend Clarke Highi Schooi's ReDairs ______CHRISTMA _______________on_____________Clarke_ oryMrsinelen Eiiottrvle o in ro s. t Senso n sý-rvice in the chapel on Mon- Higb. Dance to the music of (Samples taken to the home). RADIO and Television Repairs. Consuiting Engineers and a canois, and Christmas custorris Lena Ovens on thewekn day, December 17, at 2 p.m. Gordon Brond's orchestra from Free estimates. F. A. Kramp Prompt service. Pick-up and 75 Eglinton Avenue East __ Itemet roo emteyD9 .m t ia.. dmssonLt.,37Kigot.E. Bwmn-deivry Goges,14CetrTroto12 OtaloAPY NDPRSPROS f thrMars.naeanCdco-Mn ad rs Intemen Oroo Cmetey. 9_P'_to_1____Amision_____37KingSt.E.,NEWmn-YEARvrysGeove'ki14,enCh Trna, 12PontrioNEWYIre-slvofiOCinandlnweIre-ofunday weeni 51-1 2.50 per student couple, adults ville 623-7071. 20-tf St. Phone 623-5713. 41-tf 51-1 51-11land, Gerrnany, inand, or-1 supper guests withM.adY 3.50 per couple. 49-3 NSULATION, blowing meth- REPAIRS to aUl makes of re- 'way and England, were read Mrs. Earl Walkey. CURTIS, Caroline Grigg-At od, with rock wooi. Work- frigerators, domestic and coin- TOWVN 0F BOWMANVILLE In r by Mesdames Mabel Wade, Mn.% and Mrs. Rap1op Strathaven Nursing Home,l In Memoriam mnanship guaranteed. Free esti- mercial; m.ilking coolers. Hig. ONTARIO rater K171 J Bernice H-enderson, M a r y kisnid famiyo otHp Bowma vill, on rida , De- ALLI -In l ving momor of hono iark 2420 3 9- f St.E . P ono_6 3-33 5ndWa e.an M. B urgeie. T ol w re Su day isito s wih Mn Camnvlo rine nig aD e arttenic-adcosnmates. Harry L. Wade. Tele- gon Electrie Limitea, 38 iKing TENDER ad E ALTNSRANElvl oo yMs ajneadMs etTmkn 95 years. Rested passeOcphoneAlakNUM 4do.o r s a Sn.dEGUARAneD330.7t oey oo yMs ajri n r.BtT r e m e r 4 , C a r l i n G ' g g a e a r l i t l e n i e e n d o u s n o r n d G E N R A L I N U R A C E C a s w e l l , " A n g e l s f r o r t h e , S u n d a y d i n n e r g u s s w t at Northcutt and Fu Sheila Marie, wh television CONSTRCTION 0F 1211 52 King St. W. 623-2453 Realms of Glory" and "Once Mrs. e.MClog nld away DeceanmSit F n-ber 21, 1959. windows. Cali us today for radio service, to al makes. WATERMAIN AND C lI Ro a D vi s Ci ," c - d Mr. andM rs. orma trlHomve, 5 fvor sreton WonDeulemone fene estimate. Ternis arnang- Season's Greetings and Best, SANaArliSsERSAve. - 3 bedroomIc opaledavd by,,a-e r.adMs Vowatnviy, Decembervicteso ear ed. Cowan Equipaient, KinglWishes for the New Year to ON THE BASE LINE ROAD'brick somni-detacbed home in copawere muc Mrs. Jessie Best, ClogPn oe n n Bowman- suT d stili with a love S. E, B w a vîe P o o al o r c so es oe îi n SEALED TENDERS, prp- g o o dto . P iced rih ý 1rge 0 enjoyed. An ex- Mrs. Al x Lang, D n i n eesac er 1 ..Interment Boasman 623-5689. 45-tfiService Co. Phone 623-3883.elymrdastcoent$700wh good tenais. ~g fgfts to music, wasIBnian, Mn. Edgan acugetn rill p.m Bed5-11-rooee;erymar e s tbrne t ,at $ ,0 i ck bu ga ow an nteresting change of pro-. M . and M s e u a yg o ___ ___ o u h ' ___ ___ ___ __-51- 1 w sil b e received b y M . J . L .i 3 B d m b i k b n a o ced u re, an d a strictly n on - an d fam ily , M rs. E l W i n yfr e d a d cu t e s ?PENDRY-At Memonial Hos- We loved her too doarly tolfor good used television sets, CekTesrr ono ueSre ihalmdýaoi uc forget. cetrildUddrses elp Vanted o Bwanville, up to ern conveniencos. Storais andich olwdb o ic ihM.adMs hlGl ttI ueiesaoi pital, Bowmanville, on Mon- chestenfioldsyhotbods, dressonsd M Sadly missd by unti vaniieschair, rerigertors3:00 p.ni,, E.S.T., sereens. Immediatepsio.pe and ice cneam and coffec ,. ba, eloe wier of James2 M. unel alan osne wses. Cail Ei e ONîng opoera On. or the supply of mNaten7,al fo 4 edroo bungalowewith Jane Hamilton, aged 76 years Jaxet' an ciePaul an cosis5 wshesou heatens, ranges, in writingtoiBox38 i rn fr.h .pyofmtrasfr eronbuglwwt was served to the 28 members enrs at Mart KennesRa d Paul Jr.fJaesM. 51-1ihs CllElerpresent, at gaily decorated Friday evening.ch lF Hendry, 20 Jane St., Bowman 263-2294. 46-tf 50-tf and the construction of approx- recreation roomn and fireplace Rv n ndMs o Wo elo Don GLh;sstrofCri-a erhS-l a vgmnd fH M R EE Swr 12dy e ek i 1880 lin. ft. of 12" watemain'i Church and school. Asking tbe R. C. White conducted and family, GoodehaweJ 14FnkSre Scnan o ou ;s ise t eo f . 1 dean hu sand a f t eHss R E Z R i a s rwekop liyie and appurtenances, only $12,500 and only $2,500 t1963 usiaeso o ffecicn s fln o N s it ti a Mr. He to acPhail), C c . G a s w o p s e o u lt - M ade In Canada u.P o o6 3 3 4 .4 - f 1 1770 lin. ft. of dual Sanitary'down.1 bu3 s inte ssf of sei c ti thfo - An eked sit or w t M s Ncrth Bay, and Achie Ham- away December 15, 1961. 17 eu. t. $269. - 22 eu. ft. $299 IFyou want peaant work,1 Syphon and appurtenances, 10 Roomn brick 2-stoey homo lows: Past Pres., Mrs. Mary M. and Mrs. Neio o- ecsl Mlon, Kirkland Lake. Service -Sadly missed and fondly re- New Magnetie Sealed Lid- at full or part time, write Raw- and with garage, vory centnally Wade; President, Mns. Gladys ney and Ray, Brampon pet was beld in the Morris Funenal miembered by his ioving wife BOWMANVIILLE ileigh's, Dept. I-140-OC, 4005 740 lin. ft. of 14" Transite located. This home Is in good Wood;__lst Vice Pres., Mrs. SundaywtMna dM s. Cfapel, Bowmanvilie, on WedlLila and fam-ily. 51-1 Riceiu Montneal. 51-1 sewe nd aprtenncsrepain and has moder foed wi r ncsday, Decemben 19 at 2 FRIGID LOCKER SYSTEM iceiu ____ e poane .r c oclo k. nte ment Bow an- GRIF IN-n l ving mem ry1Phone 623-5578 BRITISH Columbia. Pup m i on tho Base Lino Road in the air heating. Bargain at$ 2o . ville Cemeteny. 51-1 of a dean brother, Reginald R.J 8-tf construction. Winter work. Town of Bowmanvilîe. 3 Bedroorn brick bungalÎow * Top pay. Long projoct. "Job Plans and Specifications are in beautiful condition anda Gnifin ho assd a ay ud-CAR Insuance Due? $35,000-- News" 30e and addressed en-I available at the office of the very desirable location. We ?il LRIN-At Memorlal Hos- denly on Decemben 25, 1958. i. 3rd Party Liability. $13.00 velope. PRCO, Box 444, Both- 1 Consulting Engineers, Messrs. can recommend this homne pital, Bowmanville, on Sun- As angels keep their watch u5o otsCas10 ae.el ah î-* Proctor & Redfern, on pay- faithfuily for the asking pnîce day D ccnb r 6, 196, lia-th re Iith discount for second car ment of a deposit of $îs.oo, of $12,900 and only $2,0W0 rs0 beth Moffatt, aged 76 years, Please, God, Just lot hiai'n opc.Peiuasa fwihi eunal on vnns Lan in N wc ste; dea sst r ha 1 do n er , o otlow as $10.60 per 6 m oB a k f onths.l warife f tewcate;aesaisa own herO do not rea. if the documents are returned Eeig of anart (rs Athu frgtGet your price fnomn largesf; han an opening on its staff to the Consulting Engineers' Aflla), O ron . e hrviewa f oe n ms iao insuror. Phono Dink Brink. for a office in good condition with- A. L. Hooey - 623-7264 held in the Morris Funenai -Mary.51* man, 3671 Newcastle. Mill St. QUALIFIED in 14 days of the date of clos-J.ABron - 6309 ChaelBowanill, o Tus-N., Newcastle, Ont. Auto, Stnorahe ing of tenders. P. Kowai 623-5868 day, December 18 at 2 o'clock. GRIFIN-In lovlng memony FrLf nuac ic 92 Apply by writing wThe lo necersany bencet-Cadso1Thnk Interment Bowmanville Cerne- of oun dean son and brother,4- BOX 220, BOMNVLE ld. ecsail eacet tory. 51-1 Reginald R. Giffin, who pass- T U R KEÈ Y 5 ___S________ 51-l1Projeet No. E.O. 6131 ed away suddeniy on Deceai- Mn. J. L. Reid I wish to express my sincore YOUNG, George W.-At Osha- ber 25, 1958. Freshly Kiiied Turkeys Florist - I Clerk-Treasurer thanks to nurses and staff and wa Generai Hospital on Fnl- ITime speeds on, four years 8 to 30 Ibs. Town of Bowmanviile Dr. Ferguson for kindneIl day, Decemben 14, 1962, George have passed, Ontario shown to me while ina e W. Young, beloved husband of since death its gîoomn, its DRESSED and DELIVERED Season's Greetmngs1 roton & Redfern monial Hospital. Eva Dillon, R.R. No. 3, Ban- shadows cast Fo hita n e ert aloresoesadfins1y croft, and dean brother of MarylWithln our home, whene al FrCrsmsadNwYa al orcu75esad rensI osling ngivneastChnli1Buas and William Young of Toron- seemed bight, Toronto 12, Ontario 1 to i bs 3r yar ested at And took from us a shining CalC.BOREKOdr Your Corsage 51-1, 1 wish to express m i- Northcutt and Smith Funenal light. HAMPTON early for New Year's cene thanks to My relatives,! Homne, 53 Division St., Bow- We miss that iight, and even hn 2329 from $2.00 u X ok V td friends and aeighbons for;' manville. Service was held on will, Phoneti ele2o63f-2o2r97n SW hrpeedonou ed- iis cards, flowens and gifts, lhrTih~~ ,u t Monday, Decomnbon 17 at 2 p.m. His4vacant place thene _of___________nd_______during my stay in Otoaw. pra "-zG Interment Bowmanville Cerne-1 none can fill. -Potted Plants for Christmas. lern machinery. Frank Crowe, Gonenal Hospital. Iq~ ~ tel'y. - 51-1 Hee we mourn, but not iniChristmas Sqpeciafls L W RS O 0 li tBwavie o anmi. 5-!n hrj~oa or~ man SCOITT-In lOVin mmryof iay or Nigni boat. Phno 623-2420. 5inrc lc Cnrt eoe ohrtelt n.-EA ~~ ~ 1 UJJIU Flden n dS od h B i LL EAS , P op27-tf 3 R O E ï m is e p n-and Carpentry IM adison Hall, of Orono. 1 Phonem63-2502eleFlnnea.hot ho ps-m-ent, available Jan. 1. Calrn and Catherine A dron, RPY hne62-202 edawy Dcme 2,15.ROTARY 63-10oor578nt-to.W OR5a1-EP1R _______41-tf hpyhours we once 1'HON426-2ooHAMTa enjoyed, CIN Newcastle, 4ro part- PON 6-22 APO oot.5- Hoewe h mmr tlHRISTMAS TPPPE mont, alconveniences, privatel -f Nendsh tan heigous or- W ne oBu'y'But death as left a loneliness for sale by 4256. for'.O F S ~ t o ~ B ow s eet he m mor stii, e tran~ Ph no N wc51 la tef ep airs ards, floral tributes, exp es USD rgn orlarge room, The world can neven fi. l waviî oySot FV oosad ahïarage, QUICK SERVICE sions of sympatby,acso reasonable pnice and fair con- -Lovingly remembered5 byl ow at eBo cuseparateontance coe o TCCaADNEÈWR kindness and visits at the time diio. al 23536.5-1-h- fmly-l~* Library scliool, two children welcorne. R . L . T A F T the loss of a dean husband,, ±axpayers wising tO prepay fi:riauscn ntl poultry, goose feathers, feath- SCOT--In loving mernory of, Cali 263-2394.cee tank Hr IHEST cpniespalfragliv earmte n gacmt Beaver Lumber HAEDà-r fant,---lbe5 in t . 63531othe Revn d sn ceeanksýmnsofter16 txswl ert ksand ra p oras. , de anml o then P andl nanSotc Januay 1. Light and water 16-tf M orris Funeral Chapel. 72eta43lsawaw fursc. 48 'oFlnnc eniSot, Memorial ositlineltided, $65 monthly. Adults H~-Clara Schmid and family, AL k195f9.eputrOtan f urtogtsd Yproferred. 623-3408. 51-i Electric Hetn r n r.H cmdS. icounts ALL kind of livepoultry Oft andoft our houghtsdCLEANthaRdtarodeub fi ée noomidFord SunroomFoRecreation Room, Mary andMaryanEdith.. 51-1* leathers, new goose and duck wanden .'Dominion Store 2-bedroom bungalow in Bow-)Z Bathroom . .. any room need- Jauayls z .uay1 - ic also old fathen ticica wanted. To the grave fot fan away, 49-3 manville, $75.00 per month to lng eat - or complete home. Ja ua" stt J n ar l t i cl sve2 Highest pices paid. M. latt, Whee we laid ur dean mother eib fm l C lL.SSn - Vour Q---- - 'ied'a" incîus Bethany R.R. i.Phone 7 r 13 Just three years ago to-day. groelibCoal. Caî L.-98. 51e-Tour ualifed Elctriemoney available. Januar 1t....ebuay 1hin collect. 21-tf _-Even nemembere<j by Trew- Pets MOENhatdaataet eating Contractor Peter Feddema, Realtor. Cal I graveMO.LD .,R723-9810. 51-imMOTOAGE23-3644.[ith " in, Ray and Scott family. iiý,iËR ED Bod r C li on e r o ; c n rl D n H g o l c r c L .F b u a y 1 t t M ch 3 h in Watd51-i* pps.Offering 5 wellmark- r,,lceral (Dn- n ed W a n t e d _______ ~led m a es, 8 w eeks old. R eas- fac iliti e, parking; rent $57. 38 K ing St. E. B R E Y MM r h 1 4 h t t pliances, furnnture. Taken of my wife Mabel, who passed 623-2160, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. 623-3810. 48-tf -fPU B G & BETN away fee. 263-2509. 47-tf away Christmias Day, Dec. 25,1 _ 50-2* IET ao praet. - -_____ ___ _ _______r_-__ 59 ______ 4-tfrAp Pmn-s. L ESBNG & SEAIN WOMN t aefrbaby 959. 24HOUR Pes n lNew, luxuious, stove and L24NEDSALS OUSRVICEN S OBEB SE sId's home, part time New- Three yeans sin ce the day Proa rg upid 2 bedrooms, Nursing Home__ "tearea. Write p.ô. Box The one I loved was called _ _igOsupliedr____________Hom 1 Bow an vlle. 51-1 away; HYGENIC supplies - (Rubbe broadloom, balcony. Inter-com.* SOUTH -HavenQi B me SrvcerA M NTiTnBgB SE OH162TAe tGod took ber home, it was His goods) maied postpaid inpli aiyte. Apply M. E. Leask,-Accommoaon frlng Home SEPTIC TANKS AND I D and crippled faalàil sealtd envelope with prnce list 62519 o r 623-5996. 48-tf iodto frMivt ILE BEDS, kpicked up prompl7yV. But la my heant she llveth Six samples 25c, 24 sampls P Tnny andsm-nvt ains PHONE Co10ý iano lune V uly iiene hone collect 263-2721,11$.00 Mai] Order Dent T2,-' new building, mode Vsto H M ON 6328 i urFamTyoe- hubnNvub0 CoBx9,PAOTng.AtuCl- wecome Reasonabie rates. TYRONE 263-2650 149/62. 42tfnu5i am toO . 1-521ison. Phone 623-3900. 36-tf iPhone Newcastle 4441. 13.U 19o-tf i