r i Present $150 to T. B. Seal Campaign EOn Tuesday afternoon, two representatives of ~he 15-member Chauffeurs' Rod and Custom Club of ~owmanville presented a cheque for $150 to assist the Northunjberland-Durham TEB. and Health Association's Ipresent Seal Campaign. President Brian Martyn is shown presenting the cheque to the association's president Clifford A. Helmes. The club's secretarv- 'treasurci' Edward Dunni is standing at rear. The inoney was raised at club dances throughout the year. Unusual Gift ____ Durham County's Great Family Journal VOLUME 108 20 -Pages BOWMvANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER l9th, 1962 10e Per Copy NUMBER 51 A CrismasLeterD*iscuss Annual Awards Night A Chistas ete From a (ongo Mission Ed or noe Te l e-ii ,tte i nade into f x e separate letter was received recent'., apartinen L 'Xt first, thereý ,by Mr. and Mrs.Ross Stever .r 'oEg s atst from their daughter. Mirieý couple, both moved to otheri in Africa. At this time of TURN TO PAGE: TWO yvear her experiences and the message she conv~e s should make ail of uis iealie hcnv Mail Reaches fortunate we are in Canada, Con RepbM. ad ri ':fie tf a dabs Decrmer 119i1 Dce mhc ihe peakl Steer MoiadDa. oahe asnMndy.O On]y 24 orda -s uc 1ý1tltha ay h miin a ChitalSad I han't even ine record d ahi bh tegnmrd (letes eVlm f ali h f th g( vero halvildse n ad)tfc istoyre A teosto iinos pfiuieto eiee.o,67fice s f ail wentu Petha bti ece1,ber wh en r t heeligIa- aresl te2 rin h e a n t ad hine. Higthet maeiing to-Mr everisma dyis have'ntin chtine as aouddth,0 ecord- *t bgrdns. Thirs e tee hav cd vome o a ago. of Actall, olv 125wasraied y te cub. Th a garen1whtv-ion.cabbs). 1L Poest Mstr.Ge ogelVic balncecae fomthef ee se f he al doatd btpants and emaeres. elieves ghthe cincrease w a- t h e e m o i a l P a r A s n . h i c h u s u l l y c h a g e s $ 2 e S i n e vl as n t h e le t t e r .d uh i e 't o t h e a t t h a hi s to - and~~~~~~~~~~~ evt eeae h aefresf rnswih earlybodey sbus-van everval masfabon ut3,0eod-ti thidnscThs to ave Ioohaveed r,'er. Ths cabld eol brouhall pofit of$15. Msr Holes ercsudsinerhegreLasthycrn. it was me ose IasteeoredVfor banrecamon o the ftrend usoudthn hs praie of emingand tchangin. bThis mos the i crrear a- th hfusfthe eoilPr snhi pulsp rgestue er '$sacdptw2e i0i, siilain eea andcSidtalth eeraeis sthi gime fre or citizns sendin rendseers te he changeiý.%,caysr Ther altpopar- thei'dnations e theCrist tmasfoT. B. Seast campain Myneighbours - 0r ous rive at local and nearby thei doatins o te Cristas . B Sel cmpagn.was' eriginall.va bole adlocations. Kinsmen Plan to R aise Blue Baby Received for Their Parade Assistance The Kînsmien Club w~pre. sented with a brandi new baby on Tuesday during tcheir au- rnual stag ChristmaF parîx-ai the Badminton CJlub. Thev l'ope to raise it te a ripe ehà ~ost Office -h ours for Boxing Day 1 The'. -Noliday service for t fhe P(eti Office at Christ- Imas is àas follows: Christmas Day- Dc<'em- ber -25, 1962, closed. Btoxîng Day, Decembe.r 26, 1962, Bo-, Lobby open 'I from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.mn. Public Lobby open f roin 8:-30 a.m. to 1030 ar. There wiii bc no Rural Mai] Delivery, Money Order or Savings Bank Bu.siness. There wilI bc one Street Letter Box Collection about 3:00 p.nî. The receipt and despatch of mails iili be posted on Sthe front door of the post Office. ?age, and then, of ail thingz. îhe bliie babv as iwr own iiiii y sel! it. 'et it teed .-\ A s'glh et ref 1- The baby presented on be- went up as lte' piglet sot- it haif of the Santa Claus Par- tliriii without a whimpcr and Y ade Committe i apprcciatîeîi took ils Il eX-ock iîouris,-ý d of the Kinsmen Club's assis- ment. tlance during the anneal a ffai The b] ce ha bx-was adr wa s a fîve day old pturebrt(-d to Sa nta C laus,-Jobhn Stutt. ô\, pîg, donated bv Vie Cooksoii. Bert Snowden and! he. in te rn Loi-ne Ha *ynes. prepî'ietoî- et gaxve il o Kîn President Ar-l Cab 500. whe previdcd greal nold Sleep. Santa was assist- help during the parade, teok cd by Ken Nicks, aise suitablvl on, the job et picking up the cesttumed for the occasion. pig frem Lloyd Ayre's farce As the evening Wore 00,, whcre it had received its coï.-t!memberis of' the club bL-cameý eof biue cloring. He delivered imore andcimure enîbuiLsiast«:el the pig te the part 'y, lterlabout rai,ýiuu lie pu rebredl picked it up and returned k !blue babY, ex-eu showing it aý te its mother. Anxicty reigneulýthe Rex-ai Winler Fair îîcxt fer a while fer fear mothei- r 'ear, if il iliirixes uîîder thel sew wou]d fail te recogi:ej (,clubs sponsorshilp. Thank More Citizens Who H elped in Parade IPeople ar'e stili taiking about the wonderful Santa Claus Parade held in Bew- manville as a combined cern-' mnunity effort on Saturday,ý December 8th. Corporal E. J.Z Crough, O.P.P., drove the' smart new white cruiser abeadi ef the whole parade.r Mrs. John Hendrv spent two weeks as secretary- of the: Parade Committee. She aIse; served as a purchasi ng agent, and piaced her car at the dis-ý posa] efthte cemimittee during ITuRN TO PAGE TWOj Nice Christmas Present Barrv Mlasoen. right, 134 High St., Bowmianville, of (Mý's Pai-ts Pî-îcîng Department was the recipient of a suggestion awaî'd cheque fer- S4,191.12 î'e- centIv. On hand te make the presenta tien was K. C. Watson, lefi., manager of the Parts Pricing Depaî'îment, and L. A. Hastings, assistant directer cf sales, not shown in this phýoto. s/ils (tndc CITY MORGUE Nu-s. Jim Newman lîad a bit cftoble with a mouse recently, and se did ber friend Mrs. Jack Colx'ille. Traps weî-e sel, and Mrs. Colville dulv reported that lier rodent had been cau-ht. Later, Mrs. Newman aise founid ber mouse dead ini a trap and thought slie wouid 'phone Mrs. Colville to suggest a double funeral, without flowers. for the two deceased rnice. While dialing, bei' fingeî' slipped and she got the wronig number. Imagine ber surprise when the party- at tlhe othet' end answered "Oshawa City Morgue, can we help YeLi?" t j- t t 't LONG TIMIE - Whiie renexving bier subseî'iption te The Canadian Statesman recentlvy, IVrs, Lewis Roach, 97 Libertv St. South, informed the staff that she had been a subseriber foi' 54 'vears, since ber marriage. She read it before that while at borne, se she could have been a Statesman reader for neariy thî'ee quarters cf a century. That's quite a long lime, but we hope biei' health M'il permit ber te keep reading it with cnjovment for many more vears. Next year, the Statesman wil start its lO9th vear cf publication. t t t t t W'1NS "SCORO" - Bill Cole, et' Ken Nicks' Men's Wear i'eceiveci a worthwhile Christmas (gif t on rFhursday. -He won the "Score" prize during the Shamrock intermediate game herc. When Bill's number was called for holding the right program, be said te sports editer Frank Mohun. "l'il tr 'N anything once.' Actually, it was the second shot that went dead centre through the hele in the wooden goalie and into the net. He wins $250 in merchandise. This is the first winner "Scoreo" bas had in a season and a half. Bill savs lbe's going te hold off buying until the Januaî'v sales. tt- SAME TIME - Boxing Da ' vat 'Fb e Statesman office will be beld the Fridav following Chr istmas instead cf Wednesday te enable us le preduce a papet' which should be available at the re 'gular lime Wednesda 'v ex'ening in the stores and iin the mails or by paper boy ci' girl on Thursda 'v mcî-n- ing. That is if the staff doesn't eat se much Christmas turke 'v on Tuesday that thv don*t show up for weî-k on We-dnesdav. 1 ~T t++ FREE HOCKEY --All memibeis orfthe miner hockey league wiil a 'gain be guests of 1Ihe Pic - 0 - Mat Juniors en Sunda 'v afternoon Mien the lecals play Sehembeî'g. A registration caî-d is ail Ilbat is required. STORES BUSY - This wec-kend shlîid be an an exceptionally busy one in town stores with the r'ush foi- food and lasI minute gfs A quiek survey indicates that mest of the mei'chants in tewn have experienced higheî' sales than hast year, which is most 'gi'atifving te them. We ar-e aise, infei'med that stocks cf gift merchandise ai-e stili in good suppiv in the stores which, this \'Car, ai-e even more attractiveiy decorated tlîan previousl 'v. We believe aIl retaîlers wilI join us in thanking those loyal custoi-ers who have pati-euized town stores for tbeir huvin-. This weck's Statesman is filled witb Christn-as Greeting advertisements expressing theii' appi'eciaîion. 'Ne sa 1 aglain. it payvs 10 Shop ini Bowmanvilie. - t ~ COPIES AVAILABLE --Thei-e \as a reali-un cii hast week's copies of The Statesman which were sold eut on the newstarîds as ear1l' as Thursda ' afternoon. Apparenti %. someone cornei-ed the ma'ket. 'Ne hav-e heen infermed thati. iose who were unable te obtain a copv wiil now find them availabie if the v isit the Bowmanvi'lle Brancb of the Canadian Imperia] Batik of Commerce. The bank didn't bu '.' th em up. someone eise did. but thev hav.e \,ci\ kindiv loaned their facilities so nebody will miss the Santa Parade story and pictures, as well as the other new features. Opens Off i In Oshawé e fhese three gentlemen were mest active participants in the Jr. Award% Night in Orono, Thursday, when many competition winners in both Jr. Farmers an d 4-H Club work received prîzes for achievements. They are Agrieultural Representatives from Durham and Victoria Counties, respectively, A. 0. Dairymple, lcft, and Leroy Brown, right, who was also the guest speaker. Ron t~ Brooks, centre, president of the Club Leaders was chairman for the evening. They are -]ooking at t -he green an d white 4-H Club ba nner. Large Audiences Enjoy lExcellent Varîety Night jPro gram by B. H. S.e Pupils - - -. Large audiencei on Thurs. - lrbert. A.Hpe' S. Jet- white blouse, and a calf ay and riday evenings en- fey .Koey, M. LeddyB ent uisit h krs joyed the excellent Variety Lucas, G. Luxten, D. Mar- rî'bhon lacings 01 the vçsts, - Ni.ght program presented by shall, A. Michailevits, J. 011-land the headdresses were of Bowrnanville High School in ver, R. S. Thempson, A. Trej- m.atching colop, gemne.vere ~ ih uioim h sces aN emuelen, and C. vibrant red shade, others a k fui event was opened by the Westover. sunny yellSw, a nunmber were B.H.S. Concert Band playing Tbe Girls' Dance Group-verdant green, and the re- O Canada. performed an Hungarian Clap mainder were azure blue. At- Stt art Mackie The Overture, Colorama, bY Dance witb grace and verve. tractive floral wreaths crowi. the Concert Band under the The chereography was cx- ed their heads and were fin- ltcii! Estate Broker Mrs. M.Idirection of D. C. Peters, was pressive of bappiness and fes- ished with satin bows in the E. Lc îsk of Bowmanville an- highlighted by tbree talented tivity. The dancers moving back. The costumes were nouns the epening of a on uiin'sls uYi efctep hog amdeytepromr. b r a n c h o ff ic e a t 5 5 5 K in g S t y u g m s c a s o o , J d n p r e t e p h ' u h a m d y t e p r o m r East. Oshaw.x with Mr. Stewart Brougb, clarine t, Bihl Cobban, series ef intricate s t e p s Those who took part in the Mackie in charge. and Pat Gi, alto sax. smoetbly fermcd many effec- dance were J. Ames, L. Baker, Mir. Mackie is from Oshawa1 The Concert Band was-.cern- tive patternis. Mrs. E. Mic- C. Elliott, S. Etcher, A. Haves, and has had extensive sales posed of: P. Austin, S. Ander-ihailevits was the director. L. Hellyar, T. Hughes, J. Pur. jexpel-îence in the area duringI son, T. Bale, J. Brough, B.1 T he becoming costumes dy, D. Reader, S. Rivers, S. th past 15 years. Tbe second Cobban, B. Crombie, R. Dew- worn by the dancers were Robinson, D. Rogers, B. Sleep, office fias been epencd te pro- ell, P. Dorsman, B. Duon, C. gala Hungarian peasant dress. V. Siemon, C. Smith and A. vidie additienal service for real Elîjott, L. Ewert, A. Ferguson, Eacb young gir'l wore a laced Werxry. The pianist was Fred e-dtate custemers. P. Gill, D. Goheen,_F. Graham, black vcst ever a fui] sleeved <TURN TO PAGE TWO) Kinsmen Rebulit Toys Ready for Distribution On Monday evening, the extensive amount of child, accompanied hy an adult, will be able to select weî- put in by memrbers of the Kinsmen Club, a toy of his or her choice starting at 9 a.m. Capt. and wchbuilding iîsed tovs for needy youngsters of the area, Mrs. Donald Ritson arc shown in the foreground with \vas c<mpleted. The project was carried out in the Gord Sturrock who was in charge of the project. basement of the library building. This year, the Other Kin members in the photo include, from left SdI'. atien Armyv has undertaken the task of distribu- to right, seated, Harry Collacutt, Clarke Wilson; stand- tien. aieng with their regular baskets. This photo ing, Dr. John Werry, Sam Seymour, Roy Woodward, shows the wonderful collection assembled at the Dr. Charles Cattran, President Arnold Sleep, Osborne Armv' 's Division St. Citadel. A toy parade will be Williams, Bill Kilpatrick, Doug Ruttan and Jack Schill. helci this Saturday at the citadel when any needy ______ MBERRY CHRISTMAS GB1IETINGts To AILL (î) ul(?CCS À1ýj mhip dmý