I%?h Canadiari Statesman, Bowmanville, Dec. 19, 1962 EDUTORIAL COMMENT A Glorious Time of the Year There is something about Christ- m#4s time that seems ta arouse the best in all of us. The air is different, people are thinking more of others. no matter what the weather, there is a spirit abroad of celebration, of decora- tion and even dedication. The gay stores, the colored street lighting, the Santa Claus parades, the many Christ- mas parties for aId and yaung alI have sornething ta do with stirring up these kindly, friendly, unselfish thoughts that brmng jay ta almost everyone at Christ- mas. The churches ring with special music appropriate ta the occasion. The story of the birth of the Babe in Beth- lehem is told over and over again ta wide-eyed youngsters enthralled by the mystery and the beauty of every- thing that goes on around them during Decemnber. It is truly a month of wonder for children, a period that is sa exciting they can hardly cantain them- selves at times. Really, it is not surprising that alrnost everyone loves Christmas. There are those of course who have suffered the loss of ioved ones during December. We can think of several who right naw are maurning înstead of rejoicing due ta recent deaths in the family or tragie, seriaus illness, and our sincere sympathy goes out ta them. At Christmas, when everyone else is filled with jay, the weight of their grief must be especially hard ta bear. There is little that wards, sa inadequate at times, can do ta relieve or lighten their suffering. Their faith and the cornfort of treasured memories must play a great rale in providing themn with help to bear their sarrow. We extend our hearts tao ta thase with children who are finding the road la rough and filled with pitf ails. Possibly, they are unempioyed, unable to work due ta injury or illness. Fortun- ately, although it can neyer be the urne as praviding these things them- selves, they will be taken care of with food, clathing and tays. But, it is flot much fun accepting charity f rom others, no matter how generously it is giveri. We can only hope that the future will be brighter and that eternal hope and spiritual strength will shine upon them during the coming months, sa things will bc better next year. We also think of the older people in nursing homes, many of whose families will be celebrating Christmas without thcm. Possibly they have no family of their own or have lost their husband or wife through death. They cannot have much fun at Christmas with none of their loved ones around them and with their bodies and minds aging and racked with pain. But, this editorial that started out sa happily is becoming too sad for Christmas. Certainly, there is much sadness and grief, but there is much ta be happy about too. This week we visited the Saivation Army Cîtadel and watched preparations for their annual good cheer expedition inta many homes in this area. The hard-working mnem- bers of the Kinsmen Club had just brought dozens of toys they had repair- ed and made like new for distribution. On Tuesday afternoon, we watched while members of the Chauffeurs' Club, proudly handed over a donation of more than a hundred dollars ta the Tuberculosis and Health Assn. of this area. The IRotarians have already held their party for crippled children of the district, the Lions have assisted their blind friends, the Legion feted the hundreds of children of members, the Kiwanis brouglit loy ta the Training Sohool Boys. Every church will be doing its bit ta bring the spirit of Christmas ta chi]dren by p)arties which have been or will be held, and sa on until everyone is taken care of in some manner. We would hate ta be without Christmas, its rush and bustle, its thrills and bills, its joys and good food, and gifts that fit and don't fit. It's al a part of this gloriaus time of year. Let's make the most of it. All too soon we'll be too old ta enjoy it ta the full. Secret to Successful Living Why we didn't think of it before, we'll neyer know, but we just didn't realize until last Thursday what a tre- mendously important impact the Junior Farrners and 4-H Club work has upon the young people in the rural areas of Ontario. Passibly, the full import of the program came ta us while reading over the address by former Durhamite Leroy Brown, naw of Lindsay, but we must apologize for taking this work for granted for years past. Mr. Brawn stressed several themes which the program includes. There are prajects, carried on by individual club members in their homes and on their family farms, with parents providing guidance and encouragement. When one thinks of it, these are almost bound to bring whole families dloser together while instilling in the yaung folks the value of concerted effort, patience and persistence. The program alsa places emphasis on competition with others which in our mind is wonderful. It also encourages good business practices, proper conduct of meetings, a willing- uiess ta accept responsibility and carry through a praject ta the end. AlI of these aspects are character building Items, which shauld produce better citizens. They also teach young farm- ers ta love their land and learn the intricacies of succesful farming. Having attended many meetings of young farmers and farmerettes, we now realize why this program is turn- ing out so many enthusiastic support- ers. They receive recognition for achievement and are filled with pride when they camplete the very tough prajects which have kept them busy ail year. 0f especial interest here is the formation of a Leaders Club made up of former participants in 4-H and Junior Farmers clubs. These graduates have takiri on the responsibility of organizing, without recompense cf any kind, the entire club pragram for the county, knowing that it was of tre- mendous value ta them in their yaun.ger years. They are intensely intercsted in their public-spirited work and do a wonderful job. On reflectian, we couldn't help wondering if samething similar isn't the answer in the urban areas, where no znany yaung people became bored for one reason or anather. The rural folk have learned that hard work on educational programs can do wonders in relieving disinterest and boredom. Young people must have something constructive to do or they will find an outiet for their energies in ways that don't prove so beneficial. Our courts are fillcd with these types every week. Our hats are off in praise ta A. O. Dairymple, the Agr. Rep., his fruit specialist John Ingratta, the Club Lead- ers and to Leroy Browvn who is carry- ing on the same work in Victoria County. W/e must also pay tribute ta the late Ed. A. Summers xvho for a great many years wvas responsible for the program in Durham and who is creditcd with achieving tremendous resuits with rural young people, many of xvhoni are the prescrnt day Club Leaders. W/e in town should look into this operatian vcry closely to sce if some- thingc comparable could be brought inta f ocus here, possibly through the Recreation Department. It is ccrtainly an excellent program which is produe- ing young citizens xvho are a great credit to their country and themselves. IN THE BOOK! The "Detroit World", after check- ing the names in the new Detroit tele- phone dircctory, reported that there are 60 Guys and 32 Dolis, six Grooms but no bride; f ive Bachelors but no spinster; two Boys but no girl; eight Coffees, eig-ht Cupps and six Creamers; 15 Sugars and Il Spoons; one Saint, two Sinners, 25 Angels, but nary a devil; 35 Crooks, one Cop, 84 Goods, but flot a single bad. CAPSULE COURSE IN HUIMAN RELATIONS Five most important wvords: I am proud of you. Four most important words: Xhat is your opinion? Thrce most important words: If you please. Two most important words: Thank you. Least important word: I. Durham County's Great Farnily Journal Established 108 years ago in 1854 Also Incorporating The Bownianville News The. Newcastle Independent le ~~~The Orono News #C4 Lb 'Authoanzed ae Secod Clos. Mail by the lPast Ottice Dept.. Ottawa, and for payment of postage tm Cah" Produced every Wednesday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED P.O. Box 190 62-86 King St. W.. Bownianville, Ontecrio JOHN M. JAMES Ebnzot-puusm GEO. W. GRAHAM Aov-r. MAtNArEn GEo. P. MORRIS BustNrss MGa. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $4.00 a Year, strictly ln advanc. $5.50 a Year in the. United States Report from Ottawa By Russell C. Honey, M. P. In an earller report I re- i field of chemistry he said the 1Al nembers of the House ferred to the activities of the l ndustralized world is con- 1wîll look forward to this Com- Health Committee of the Lib- fronted wîth far reaching 1mittee rendering a real service eral Party and its activities in! changes and pragress in faods, ta the people of Canada and studying and debating the pro- 1drugs and pesticides. In ord- helping ta find some answers N..- . visions of Bill C-3 which has er ta keep up with this scien- ta the perplexing probiema -- - -. now been cnacted as an:tific progress" he said "re- arising out of the amazing z--- .- . , amendment ta the Food and sponsîble governments must scientific progress now taking - Drug Act. This legisiation'update their legîsiatian and1 place in the field of foods, provides for dloser and more regulations, thus discharging drugs, pesticides and 1nsecti. effective contrai over the dis-: their responsibilîty for scien-ircides. tribution of drug samples, anditific pragress as well as for., _________ pravided for the absolute pro- public safety". hibition of the sale of Thali-1 Dr. Haidasz carnplained that! domide and Lysergic Acid1 the termis of reference settingi Diethylmide. iout the Committee's authority1 uii:z:iiia At the time of the debate onihdnticuedadrcin ~ Bill C-3 the opposition urged ta acrutinize the problems o the governmnent ta refer the cosmeties. He said thaRt in- Bill ta a Special Committee Of' vestigation of cosmetics lbya 217 Burk St., Oshawa the House for study before fin- special cammittee of the Unt December 10, 1962 Aie. al enactment. The Minister Of ed States Congress had shown Dear Sir: *o,,eeoooee~o~umeeoomo~jo,,,.eu .,nMoe, National Health and Welfarelthat a great deal of danger QPLAIN IHE RED NOSES ..." resisted this suggestion but did had occurred ta womnen by the Congratulations on yaur indicate that he would later use of cosmetic sprays. Sum- swell Santa Claus Parade. ______________________________________________________________consider the establishmet tOf'ming up his remarks, the Lib..j We took aur three grand- a Special Committee. leral Spokesman said, "I be- children from Taronto ta see Following this indication the1 ieve that public protection is it and did we ail have fun, risMinister hast week introduced the averriding motive in con-!lots of room, good parking la Resolution establishinga sidering this probe and newvýand close up ta paradàj and e d y oun gýim an 's o u n Special Committee of the legislation. While govern- the kids could shake 7*n ds House on Drugs and ChemicaU ment, industry, the medicallwith ail, and did they enjoy Food Contamination. This 15 profession and the consumer the bag of candy (for free!,% I've neyer met Albert Liptay, Congratulations are in orderiwhich Mr. Smith tried to avoid smemba erort pn)tee hcouhave thisponsibiavitie 1I a ust a good parade. Staesmn, is pledidy cnChef itny's'bys" byby xtr caefu drvin. Sv-w ~and practices relatingtirv responsibility ta probe r cleque for $4.00 ta heip de- cîase a vaeitory addess, d-ithefdany'sardeboute nerltie, eenure fshe the contrai af the introduction, into this matter and enact thefa xess cis vaeditor adres, ie-ýhe and paaderoue mpsiishd hm t stp, r po-,marketing and use of drugs; best possible hegisiation frfa xess livered by him at the recentidistributed courtesy Boxvman-;,vide something for her to1and (b) the dangers arisingithe good of ahl concerned." Jas. and Crdce Clarke. Courtice High School Corn-iville District Boy Scouts; as:drink. That happened 14,from contamination a! food by T. C. Douglas, NDP ed menceinent Exercises, I of fer iwell as the generai orderliness'ycars ago, but we stili remem- the use of chemnicals ta kîli ... ed sincere congratulations. Misiof the crowds. ber. wceds, insects and ather pests. er, spoke for his Party and his 'effort could wvell be used as Ta ontddtiGo h 0ordon Sinclair's suggestion Names af members ofth remarks pertaining ta the PRAISE FOR PARADE an Asnon or sfut lictor- orGeneraî's H or se fo a special Christmas, txvo. Committee have not yet been danesrising rom tf ueMr. Doug. Rigg, 1 Gadwt rw ars!et po!tpesticideins werennoo!eparticular sans. s eac o!"lbehisfel ard ihd iatisbrs, n pal rglie ta n grannone.interest. He referred0ta are-' Director of Recreation, moei fv intsthnteprovokcd an awful dose of ,inalbrghtrcdan grenthe Resolution1pr rpae ya pm iBowmanville, Otro lmr nfiemntsta h ,,co11ours, n-erits approval. It's nruîn rpae rmnent: Igustspeke dd i 4w. nostalgia in this oId 'swea" tooat frthsya but set up the Committee the American scientist who made Dear Doug: igetspae itd iTt5". as lhe rernbered the rnany tothes tisyer bt Miise stated that events a survey o! the millioin f We vted oronto twce towns and cities in w hichi he ithe~ Postmaster Generai cannotaover the recent months have tons of insecticides and pesti-1 I just wLsh to comment! you during the carly part o! No-: had paraded astride a xvelh- ceryI iatd te un-îcdssd t-ýcotnn o h os xeln at vî,-rber, right after the Christ- 1groomed, prancing steed, tîhat 1order an adequate supply foirclearl indicatdnthe ar cashedent orClusPae ourxeletSn pt Es ~~~~~~~~~~~~~the Christmas Season of 1963'certainties which we are fac- 1whichar shdittesol CusPaeyu owpt mslights on lower Yonge, often evoked scads of oohis and, ybs trio h urn ing in the drug field. He 81SO and carried inta the streamsi on I suppose everyane had Street were switched on, and' ahs, espccially f roin the f emale Cîiita Saoi aottestated that while the contamind iest idterwyhi adi tb.tI o :eChostmy elieet h at thespcars four-y-ear-old Bowmanville boyI1inatio.n o! food by the use Of into the drinking water usedivou personally had a hand in Chrstms lghs aongth~ wtchngtheBowx~o wnt a oroto schemîcaîs dcsigned ta kill by the people in the cities asit. Ht certainly shows what !main stcm of Bowmanvillel While wthn h oa -wi %et oTrnot e . as 'are a darn sight better, yet imanville parade, we learned,'the Santa Claus Parade. He weeds, însects and other pests wc 1 as into the vegetation can be doue when the people. whata difernce n sze o wih reret tha Aurey .' had not gained a high degree and meat supplies wh behind a project. wht dffrnc i szec wthreretht ubeyJhad received religiaus instruc-,i0 g the two places. Smith had passedi on. Someone tion, iucluding stories o!,o public attention it does constitute the food o! the Sincerely yours, We saw this year's editionilhas said that "the good a man Jesus beiug with the anerepresent a problem wvhich Is people of this continent Mr. cf atn' SataClus arde dos ivs o ate hî. Tht i havn. s e vaswachlikely ta become more and 'Douglas said, "A whoenw K. W. Rabinson, on TV, and made a 40-mile is truecof Mr. Smith hecause îng the parade, his balloonlmore praminent in the years mena ce has arisen by this Director o! Reereation, round trip ta see Bowman-! we remnember his kindhy sohici- escaped his grasp. He looked la'ead.wispedueochmas"Perbru. 'villc's and compare the two.i tation for mv wife's comfort: at the scaring tcy, and asked Chie! Spokesman for the 'Eaton's had ncthing on thewhen hie teck lher by ambu-'in a loud, surprised voice,ltLibcrai Party on the Resohu- local show, even though they lance, from aur home ta ihe "jcsus! Have yeu got My ion was Dr. Stanley Haidasz; have been at it for encugh Osbîawa General H-ospital. She bahIcan?" (Toronto-Parkdale) who is a' .. years ta qualify as experts. Iivas dangerously ilh; the slighit-1 To all readers o! this column prominent Polish- Canadian saw their parade in 1913, est joît caused extreme pain-A Merry Christmas. physician and a man veIlý when ral lie reineer plIedýknown and respected by the'.... whenreahliv reideerpuled I ~ ~people of Polish origin i Santa's vehicle. They've corne'i i long way since then. My, MsDhaCt hi Dr.thesabish- wife, whc was "raised in; ai ha hieth etbls-TT WN OF B WM N IL. Toronto, saw her first Santai U G ZI. ment of the Committee was T W F BO M N IL Claus Parade, at Bcwmanville, lo hng overdue the Liberal Party wehcomed the Minister's an- a few days ago, and rates it 1 nuceet.R!erngt0ti tops. It is difficult ta compre- and.pro !rpdy dacn u i i a heud how a town of less than ý tc9 xoîgicnirogespanth 8,000 people cculd produce «tnl,,lpr, nte such an cye-appealing, caler. -i[ J dd h _ fui, wvcll organîzed, welh bal- S P C they wane, regardless of eh anced, intercsting parade cfi com!ort or covnec r Ie .11 ta find them samething else , ar While it is usualhy unfair ta o G acnenecearteage Collection 1 igeou pca performers, Bl Smiley ta bellyache about, but they' sil o ut petc ia cdfi ut t oud ' i c f n to h v '9 ,0 o es f y u d f ouhd probably fahi back on There w ill b. no Garbage Collection o n 'fîas ts, et.,it i tdifiuty tc o ulnti e utahve$0 0h mes af ogidof rthe camplaint that those tre-i passio thp the opotny a the power o! Santa Claus just course, thiai oe~mendous crops were takinga' etion that the triny mor.h for a day and give everyonewouldn't last, and on Christ-ilot out of the land. spcaos and the heroin the gifts they really, truly mas morning, ail the f ýAI h amateur golfers would! T e . c mb r 2 t was Mrs. (Dr.) Lew Williams, wanted, regardless cf cost, in-, espesnswud aihbe donated one seasan in on the "Golden Years" float. stead o! the junk they get? ýjust after they'd been un-,which they sliced not, nor didi or It usthav ben qitean r- hatwoud yu d If wrapped. And youd be as they hock, but banged every dea fmrst hise 90(pus) e ar- ha such a oerdthrustYOu, popuhar as a socialist In the one down the centre. AUl ang- delfrths9 pls er-hdschapwr hutupon snt.lr would be given one year 'ona mvinc~~, erPacyou sudeny? cul~ 1 Because, you see, tos in hh they were as smarti e lee n e parderoueona cîly,~vih in cots Cdilac,'really, truly want. And the itors wouhd be given one week Tuesday & Wednesday Garbag. breezy December day. automatie dishwashers, fCw: Santa Claus magie would work in which there were no mis-j only for realiy, truly gifts, flot takes in the paper. All teach- wl epckdu f just the things people %vant fOr ers would bc given a free hloi e e be 7 In t e D m 'or comfort. ms.a Crst urs., LIbe 2 tD i1 know seme o! the presents i I'd hand out. To childhess AIl wlves would be given ALSO, NO GARBAGE PICKUP a ncicouples who wanted chihdren one year's absence from the' terribly, I'd give, on Christ-: boring, insensltive, callous, in-ý m . ~ nas memniug. not crie, but fcur, attentive cretins they are' o-as f the fattest, pmttiest, pink-lmarried to. And ail husbands! Tues., January s D is+.-tnt Past est, wettest babies you ever would recelve a simîlar parole.! Prom The Statesman Files saw. Two boys and twe girIs.i fromn the nagging, camplaîn-1 Tuesday Garbage will be Picked Up And te even things out, I'd ing, spendthrift, over-bearing: _____________________________________________ *throw in a large bottle o! harridans they married. Servei 25 YEARS AGO 49 YEARS AGOtranquillizers and a pair o! them both right. e . a u r n stritjakes.There, I don't think I've le!tW (Dec. 23, 1937) Dec. 25th, 1913** anybody out. But if I have,:T TW R Gea W Pnge, reinnt Whn te ooycr actory[ To aIl childmen, I'd grant ajust drap me a line at the!TSEW R Otaw bsies.ia ad a.ir - hite le, hrlls o f parents who wouild South Pole. I'm sort o! a S2pt Agicultural CallegGhig at her father's, Mn. H. give a special pi-esent. They'd, ar2 spending the Christmas Mleaden. . get a chumch packed ta theý holidays with their parents i Mis. Jas. Fletcher ac- dons with people who sang' W ed , D c m e 2 619' here. Icempanied Dr. and Mrs. Camp- lustily, listened attentively, d , D c me 6 9 Z Mms. A. E. Wmenn attendedibell to Arthur to spend Christ- prayed humbly, gave bounte-. a Christmas Party o! theimas wvith his parents. ously, and continued ta doi Sîlver Cross Women o! theý Mrs. Williamsen, Toronto, these unusual things through-1 British Empire, at the Royalirecently vislted hen sister,!eut the folowing year. Allan Balsen of Hampton'iBewý,manville Hospital. 1 -Ail mathers of large famnI- BXNDY was a member o! the finsti Miss Belle Allen xvas in lies would get something they! string quartette %vhich played!Wlitby, Wedncsday, attending really, truly wanted for Christ-,. be and the same is hereby affixed as a at the Sunday evening serviceithe wedding o! Miss A. Lick, mas. I'd give themn famnilles in Princcss Street Uniitcd;B.A., and Mr. J. A. Jeffery. who appreciated ail the work Church necenthy. The service1 Mms. Ervine Faster and sens they did, praised their cook- w., conducted bv the Quecn's Kenneth and Hlarold are, ing, toid themn once in a while ciety off which Mr. Balson isi with her parents, Mn. and Mrs. their feet wvhen they came In, a mrember. S. Il. Reynolds, Bothwvell. Idid the dishes frequently, and *Necwc a stlIe: 'Miss Eileený Miss Mlary Finlay, Canlisle paid attention to them on eth- These are, therefore, to make known that in compliance wlth the Clark., Belleville, spent the Ave., entertained 35 guests on er occasions than Mother's Day. weekend with hem mother Monday, Dcc. 22, in honor of And I'd throw in the services aforesaid resolution 1 do hereby proclaim Wednesday, December 26th, 1982, Mrs. Mý-erkley Clark. Ilher 1llt birthday. Ah cenjoy-'of a cracking good housekeep-, Hampton: Miss Mary Nidd-ed themnselvcs immensely. er, and pay her salary for a' Boxing Day, as a Civic Holiday. ery cf the nursing staff of, Dr. B. J. Hazelwood , Bow- year. Gavcnhumst Hospital is visit-Imanville, has heen gazetted a On Christmas Eve, I'd give' ing hem mother, Mrs. L., lieutenant in the R.C.A.M.C., aIl merchants a cash register Niddery. and appointcd to the 46th stuf!ed with maney, and, at IVAN M. HOBBS, Maple Grave: Master Allan Rogiment as medical officer. the same time, an irresistible, Strike, towri, visited Masteri Prof. R. Orlando Jolliffe,'urge ta go out and spcnd the' Mayor Bobhy Stevens. ýBA., of Wesley Colege, Win- bundie on retarded chihdren,' Sauina: Mrs. Roy Langmaidnipeg, Mari., spent the Christ- or unwed mothers, or somne- Towu of Bowmanvilh spent the weekcnd with Toron-'ý,mas holidays with his father, body. to tniends. 'Rev. T. W. Jolliffe, and his What would I leave under Salemn: Mrs. G. A. Stephens sisters at Havelock. the Christmas tree for the GOD SAVE THE QIJEEN l'_,ft on Friday evcning ta spcnd Mm. Norman Mayse of the f armer? You guessed it. I'd the winter %,,itli hem daughter, Civil Service, Toronto, spent grant tlîem a whole year o! i Mrs. Schahl in South Carolina. Sunday at his father's. 'exactly the kind of weather _______________________________________
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