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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1962, p. 6

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'n TeCanadiari Statesnr Rotariam Don' ts of Amus!rnz arx:c- On how 'o vodcornion pitfals :n puIb. Jir oDeak:n;jg %waz gixcn ýibv .1. Picard. adv-erfîs5:nig a m si:.e' manager of th* 0haxI Wood Product. L i -nrn ri, n C ric.a, hie Bownianvx:l riolar' -Club*F tunclîcon nicet- inz held at the FI%i- ngDu'ýcr- moan Motor Hotel on Fridiax. The gL t- peaiÇer wI.aS - 1irodu ceci hv Jamies Spcer-, 'Io; tLo:C *LIre club tira*r NI P;card x'-a' boro inro Obax. Obîa:ned lis earlv educati;or- ýz1rater) r h s x1I ggc5rlti Ix e CI ine a h umorou.-s torx v iih compilr'telv ,straiglit fate. 'ttVcrr A speaker ail1oxxs fri t rrmna ru rrerx'Oklshfe xx inA ithat pailic ofi eir aLISP PR0NViMA,%NVI1LLE 6 23 -5 7 89 CONTINUQUS MATINEES THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 10) a.m., 12 Nonn, 2 andi 1 pa.. feattiring Han% C(hristian Alidel'sen'% Parents - BrinK the hî11ldrcin in in enîoy tis holîclay show wvhiIe ' ou do %our ('hristmlas sopn.(hli rn25 cents anytimle. THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Also SUN., MON., and XMAS DAY Evenings Only, Fri. and Sal.. 7 and 9:1.1 Sunday to Tucsda.v - 7:30 p.m. ALI THE YOUNG LOVES AND SENSATIONAL SCENES FROM THE SMASH BEST-S-ELLER! DECEMBER 25th - MID-NITE SHOW BORIS KARLOFF as "Frankenstein - 1970" - .AND - "The Bride and the Beasf" Aduit entertainmenî t - a r- MORRISH INow Available ~ ~ for Festive Season Ail Dairv Products prncessed in our newv Splant( ..the nmost tiup-to-date dairy in SSouthern Ontario. IGlen Rue i iDaîry i Phone 62.1-5444 .18 King St. W. sud reari a g rtfi ir s iiCxv11( pa1Id 'VIreF, (Çaria drja il Stab es ii a ti Bowniarrville. a \e xChîrsi nias arud A Vemni- iatpy Net, Vrear for ainnlirer nýeal- xoîî Moim1ishiiepn1r Minu b M cHo loi. t KEDRON (inicîrnieni foi- iss xxek' lIre Si-tba tri Cili Mlotllreî Awn Nt t a m ty bioxenta politirul sî,pper rutiiirle Loxuet Ils ll c îÇcdi-onu t innteni Cii cc[rnf tI'eum Clirraînias nnctiîrg.- The spcn-ial speaker fori-Iir Peverrung xvas Mi-s. G. N. Vxairtt nt,îc Oshiiaxa, xvho spoke ni, Irle topîca nlîsr tsseri aIftir Reguoîral ( -'oîiemicîrre rntfScout Atixilitnic!s inelh in Orilia. Dui riug Illehichtsiniessparioc bure trîcet i g nit u -asrepo lb r'd tirai a fn'aid ki an e douintdtom cainr relle Cil Packs. snd lies irani blie matrde fuir-lIre *A' Pack. Plaîrs xxvv emîade foi- i reats foi',Irl lins Cli mstnras liai-t tesz, uit for Irle Fatîrer -arndSoli Bari qîurlnr 'ah î .vxill he in trin Fc.bncriar-\23ini. ht6ias beeni nmante fî-ntr n sale of apples bhila past niurt r Thle munI bi-s m'xnratg sm-111 riiîrispesri. KedioiUitent Cliuc i heu thirurAnrnuis Whr île Gift Sei- ice o miîdav morîîung. Dur- ing tire uromnîg seix une tht cîrmîldiru of Irle Snniisv Schrool pr'esenteri tfrermgifts PaI lle mLtirger ftallaun liefore uIll ailtu, xx iteme Ruýt rBusîrnuur re pu'sertciMai-, nnd Ralpi Bs rnrc'l it mefîrseunient i o-eînt lThn grfts xiii bu takei 10 i I Frcr V couMissionfr-fuidistri- Iti nr alCin(hrsi mias h nue. 'Thi sri<Cial MN &N-mti. tttM.t llIn year goeo vmexRle Suîperuuîtcuîcheurî ni r K. Ginx m ssistenci Rex -.Roral Lo'- eiui couruti rgrIrle aerxicc andrc Mca. Brnianî Lee me'an a st' ,r foi-th Ie nuildu-et No matter howv ofteil it's saidi. it awa v-, lias a %'onderfiil meaning - "A liNir Christmas". This wpe wish for ',ot. withl ail gzond things the scason holds. Ladies' Fittediljet ('ases 1.98 - Z.9F - 3.998- .50 liaiicur.' Sets, ,ippered cases - 1.25, 2.25. 2.98. 4.50 ('utex ý%lanieure Setm 1.00 - 3.00 - 3.95 - 4.50f Bath 'I'xx i St *.7 (rr-IiBa-is !.89 Hcating P-acbs . 95. fi. 9. Bathrooin Scales 6.95, 9.9,î TI'MEX IVAIIIl-S for ".Ien and Ilomen 7.95 - 9.95 - 10.9.3 -1.9 Ladies' Brush, Comb and Mirror Sets 4.98 - 5.95 - 6.95 - 7.95 - MEN - 6.115 S ets )o 5.00 ('hrsns GI FTS FOR IV 69qe FLFC'TRIC SH.-VI l'de - q8e 1.1.95 - 119.9. 1¶rapping (>1<1 Spire Shax-ing 39C a ~i-3.00 49C - 99r Vardiey Shaxing ?.35 - 2.85 - 71.25 'brai'aiarm ilentien Shave Set ('Iok N Shax'ing Brushies 1.00 6.9.3 - 1495 Shave Box I.% 1.50 L.ADIES'FIJAIR BRVSHES rLiir l'la 49e - 98c - 1.9.5 - 2.75 - 71.,he Make-uap Mirrors 7 9c 'rhro%% Pillowss 9e I Set WRITING PAPE R 1.00 - 1.25 - 2.00 Fiesta ('am 13.50 Bat Itl 1.2.1 'a rd le Bath Sait.4 1 .5'0 - 1 .9.1 iying <tirds. ta r! la sh rera Set 11.95 Ail Brands Cigarettes, by ctn. 2.99 COWLING'1S "'I 'I DR UG STORE PRONI: 613-569a or!lance e onrijbflr ýrlo1 rur- in- 71S anîd tbeaChCr \xx cre îrnxl'i'em bv io conir doxvnr 10Io he r-hurt-h ttndatLear tire h S. e'- in- ~vice sillrda v ('\etliltiz W1111,- 1 s Gi fi Stlirda v srît'da x Scho hi C andrl ub11tir rh niblrrei Til, of specral prolgrams s rîedi r g lu 'PJones reari I lleSrip ' * rcading Matirxv'-:t111: 13eV Dugan. I John 4-16. Rev. 1)-:- t,,an tbld a Chrvlrrîa-. stot - Clii:nias C\S is r, ave bheenr d siprogram Of muI<re nther-utIdreir ( Cion2 1-. i r - lie over at Cýia-ke IHi'ir silice Thursdlav night. xvbich proved xvas "0Q Lîtile 'I cx rr of Reil- 1e TuPesda:. Box. Pa(, we, glari. cnîoYable Io ail the people Ierrni". rs rThi; ai;«'iJtnie x rn xe sit who atteiîded. Sexeralifrrr: ,ýi hi \.ie: i a - bat-k. liope for îhe best andi Earlrer irî the aiternoon ire tieirieniIle Uarîrilc-Iigii Sel- -le', the teaclrrr> do the wor:k students of Clark e aHîir vice ai T roe on Sltuda v ý paratiorrs for t ire fi rsi For-nial Hop in ronor of the For'e-1i Churuli Ser vic t- riîriav ex pe ýof the si-lino'Drvorat ions are ýHil I pLpils. 'rui.q wa~ erein ai 7 ouîuiuî Note tnrg - beirig rmade o oriatcir IleSfvourable, a- man.v Of thl in timîe froni u'sual i7 2ho. tireie tif Woideriarîd lh.pupîls froni thschools md;Tyroil n [inirr olk ie(,pui- INighr '" Sorrie >i rident s are rrew-frierîrs. After tihe Sockrrrg err a coinfara ilr Tx ore, 'exciger r rrg oi o rf t-ias.-ýes tr op a very appreciable diii- Chîrru() ir r8 otru h i v-o r k on d eunora 1i orir ý We nier, was served bv the pupîls tri at, ,clic; \Il--. 0snroni td rcx Botr'anaix-lIe. a n ci Rolandm Til w'ilisriril, 1aimrptorr .« xxci c Sati cia tller' al Mrs. Alice Thirrp<0ors. NMr. andîMiI . FarI T[hotupsort a mi Cirrdv xx cru (uria allers. 'rit-. FX'ifrem ix,1.ýdate. Bc\\;- rîatîx- t le. 011 'lrndv ir 011-tre arrd Wa vtiî Black- brr crjox cd arr airplaie ArirrriilSirdavx-xxierc Ilirev iran iick fasl a id r lin ru- tii rri o sia-sa jpori - Iia vdott corsporîderi t t c1li- edilor aird sta ff otf'l'lire Carmin iarr Siatesiar 'A Nlcrrv Chrristmrias' anrd ,"A Fapp', Nexx \'ua r." and a Iso tb ali ir r caders rtf b iris uo01111r11. FISE QUALIT? MONIUMENTS AND MARKERS 1 "w1 D4u4cre ia. wmirter., mr ln1 2 Mi-s Annre Tan~.corrveni -Ofthie prograni A rather n lisual subjeci WaF given t :lrF. William McH-olirr. -N, G et dvic onFirsi Appecaramîce on T.V. 7< î G etA dvie onC.B.C.- Tlhis wvar quite inte ciîgand idcribied thi erioir of thre huge hl iîthi ni.mei o u s cameras. trrig' Publc S eaki g ýi ghtF. T.V.q and dozeîîs technîciaîrs at work meetii Public S eoking :Arthur and Mrs. Goi ~e:e, '.: a-n~' rl a O- ;ip' of the torigr,:e. anme 0f frev. Doris, Anderson, Edîtc ax'.a Un t :v.,;.which cari le reai -b!oope-, in&lricf of Cliatelairie. %vatc! Mc rad .:rlMrPicard assertemi. Hethho tli k rnarking of It d'il Arrrv as a or -.a:c oý,. 'i-linrustrated irhîa assertion b0*,leather chart. andi IastIv hi oihekrf Wortr War 1r.,recournting a rîm.ber of ex intervieus <3) xvth Rex Lc ane e c ": ai. nbt.rd re amnpies. îîîg b11closîîîg Mris. McHol rai k of Mit.I:Spe r'- Other ripq i cibvNiM,..spoke 'Of a :ecorrd appearan Kari \ic .pIcav -:, Picard concernirg the rvpe ol on C.B.C i. ,Chrannel 6 du x~ ~~~à -c-!0r a . coa*tcd ;,,Ih;ng to be ex aded %wlieIl ad_ ing tire Chirstmias season i XjLceitiý d I-orîducted dressing an audience %%erp-,Ci"irstmas Da-v Monday, De h i'oxxt ti h' e NI 'Dn rwaner ronrd ireember ' li. for a v-iden-tai Soce'- -a i t adderi that platform. Donti use too m an.- recorcling. Rer srilject. Cirris M i Pc a Ir'fhail'd off r'»e as geSt Lires. Dont speak o0 mas Csoî i nlîd0 Max or or aa ) : for txvn :ouCIv, or ton sortlv, Doilît SevenIx' \'ar's Ago. TV h ca: * ý,îOucir. or stand toc, mîgiml' -meeting cioýed wt ie cri ater NI ritan iani~ thie. Don t, be xKoeroýr paIr Beiedictori- tîî p thee v"rîî: er il 'the opposite, ton incel\.' o '[iexhîgofCrsm t o-iir-ct,"li.andmi aLi 'Tle guest speaker aigifrsansd a xciv festiv7e II rrha.rcd xirr:eîr- ti' o~rtedouitîrt atiîr.sonprepareri bv M\rc. Hazel Co 'rîr . îr-xa'e ~ ~ î Ire u bcer amiise pul ilnish and lUrs. Harrx' Bece oi ak pea I--,crs ro aodpî'ra n r CîneI OUI' lasi meeting fi tou rang ir s nereî ar- e'rroi oks. il *. 1962. The presideiri ralled fi prîrri Mr li'- I: s"eers i - - teigv ,;jke.and rat i, i ý halvvt ftrrk r a fo-tir cri 'h(- n totxise 10 talk doWn to ai arîmi evev oreofthaikî i a Th, 11- audience. -Neyer be a clifir-rai oriai v rv oee'rig pr ,.rac saeiBe vocîr-,e!f. Don-i trx vtri col)x Ihtr he i- ant mîtentmci tt a :i te Be sinceir. iair. lSUndav Schirîlxas lheIn rie- rie on :;,fe trhob -andibores' Mc i- a. on.'l'ierp ee21 pri ht xr Cirtîda. anîrihami He, al soidcclared ih,t ai é eît . George Harnies-, si gori r e In Oii a xx a PLII),' ,ordaa i kpr iax "ier-irerdenît. t-oidrited ti- drar' on t it ItI-to at eopportunît »N-of addrcssinrrg tpir"o ii n thle ahlre daao r'etoeVlit lclocal Rotai- Club, ain 1 tha a 'arrisr. acuiiîrîripair cd if lire hart ' ý r lh oýýhý tpç ý,l e J,,fiirst liîynriiontpianoîrarni NIa, on publiî speakirg. ard rai Dos, of Public Spcakrirg. trelirxUr.,(Coielth -o theru-.ed trree lof tuer xvt r esse Vair Nest movcd a Det .ails are coiriledrefi tue:esit ira le iamideudur xote or tiîarks to Mc. Prea: ireAraiCi iinaiar oP pi-ataknr ieDoîsfo iaentertaînng addre T 'uesda\ . Decerrilier' i8iiî if ubîe Seakng.?xl. ~ TIre presîdenît, Dr. Keith Bi]-8pm.iiîeSraySîo tiard l Eard trlett. also voîced appreciation 'rfrc w'll be ino- Surda * b irer xrtten rî,m,î - ri he peaker. and preserrted Scbo uSrra. e 3 ions re i irce 5 tti pi blitt Iirriwitir a ropv of a RotLa r'- Ci IdeiropansLiiai.Deci r ýppeakiirg JI1et alIrMIrriOI Publication, -Severi Paths tir)xChil rr xvi lre Zioîr Unhe ihe imnportlaitue o f lir rf():(e- Pese.'ed Cirîrui xxhr rire XVlr ira-t recorirrrirdar. ol. dri Buliienrr'gci <-iai rns i i frsxxr(liripreern cd t f îe rcr-os. tt tot - or x tr -ofr e Crippleri Ch ldr-erV's ro'îr xre ( i -led e rda\eni lpeterîri - Conrnîîtee, ai c 1rfoT minh se'hiimce 0AM. nig ir t Hc nîd rrrc - ýiii i chaelRegan tirankitng lire Materl em'Io i a lult ch of ii(luite;. Orîi a Rotarrarîs for tire gi fr an Moas a eCristîLord.s iti grotîp izz 50classeri rhe -.<rak wniefî ieanIrr dlix mirasasori.w hrismsrtiei 'r vtif: r r rs tîthrî r cd ia, tire vuirrbs ; Ciristmal ; erî x- a a pareitirin onr Ir e rmosa :Part - vfor- i'ipplerf 'hildren cal irospitai xxfhrj-e ire xv MI - Pic.ard ad\ aritired last Saturdax - r usiremiq a iexx' nax s ago x'lt n e~ittt ia r t s x I-n t o c I '[le birthdax ofr.jac'kBainia erdii is. W i ir ti i- po re. an Ire oprri iig tif a.qvsîeîebrated lv h a fel loxx trîoîîble xxii Iscionrr Ireoxer arr pecir hi x. rrinttii t)!e Rotarians. Tlie irkendrsxxGerr xvli î hrrionie1 shol ri rcver iiliirai Ouî as won li Clire Gaion aird 1kee(P«aîd etntv (lir1istîrraF. xo n joke: îlfe tircîr demoorTo eidr xuî , 'I,.a,,, 141 Ring St.E Boneniaix ile be sentrIo tIre Scott Missior. Office fInir B v ïabprnincnt'Santa Clans arriveri and dis- '[clepionin 62"3 - 3 22 tributed tire presents froni un- CORNISH S M R E rn Morn Tnt'-- '[n rIIII -nur. nici- le Cîrisimas itrce. afîc Crtttun> IrC' *. UUgn..ui Wulhii-' 9exe 1,2 cre-uir any lhnch \ r. sel*- PORTERK> M ARKET . * . . . .Newtonville I $m ».IPPh~~..W. g STAFFORD BROS. LTD. Stafford Brothers LIMITED Monuments Bo x 1.1. 318 I)iinda,ý St. E. %ý'hitby Plione %Whttbv MOhawk 8-3552 T'he Christmias îrrerrrîîi f the U.V.W. was lheid on Tries- Sday, Deceîrber ilh.Pai 8:uIf p.m. al Mrs. William Mle- HoIm's. Therp were - 11 îî bers and one visitor preserîr. President Mrs. Harry Beck-ý vit opened the meeting wrth a poem arnd hymrril " '0Q ltr Town cof Bethleien«. T'fhîrý WVas followed liv the poem-r The R ings rtf Ihe Easî Are: Ridling'. bld rn stor.v forni. and intersperscd with readi- rrrgs from the Bible rrad liv members of Ihe U.C.W 'l'ak- rrrg part wPre MrS. IHaZel Cor- nisfi, Mrs. Dawson Breee. Mrý. Frank Anderson, lUis. Hielcii Mc-olm, IMis5. Nf. rimca- comnh and Mrsý. Harold Os- Sborne. Hyinn 53, "Silerr i Nght, H-oly Niglt- oneluItded thisr weil arranged devotional pro- grain. Trhe roll xxas calird b as- sSai- sccretanrxMis. Airn Hartiess. 'lire mi nutesxvî ~rea d and adopteci. Letters xvere read liy th,-presideni fvrn x arious inîstitution,,; appeairng for donations. A report \vasý given l bx' rs. Harold Osborne relati g In the quilting or t\vo onilts. Other quilts are cx- pected Io be ready for quiît- ing early inthie New \'ear. Ilt vas nroved and seconrded tliat Christmas baskets lie sent to the sick and shut-ins or our community, and the offer tri select and mail Chr istmas cards ta scnior memerîs or nrîr churcb. a Chrrstmias gesîrîre of Mrs. William McHouni was au- cepted. The Ji ia îrarv ncetîng 0on Ille 15th vwill be heid ai the home- of I-IS. F-arry Bcckert ai 8:1) pi..Tre roii (ail to lie fee.- for the îrew year. Alter the1 usuai collection, the presîderît Iiii-cd i lie meeting over ri ROYA L las tft nK a i t anc idit tgttt to, I une i'.A L conomU i cs IiI>....... tir i a î-u-.Tire lornial parîmei. So Ihat Xou NMa ELi.o' the Rest ri ot onlYivftnr sriens blrl for- As the progi-ani camp tb aiCrsmsDmeEv - taux one xx I rocs to atternd. close. ever-oire was verv en-Rd&Wbt fesIo ocePîm The (bIar xi î!Il(bu S2.50f> i forthursias;tir abouit Ite progîranrie ht O fr oi C oc l oSiirtrct cnirope'arndis..7 foi- that thre\, had .lîîst attender.i. Grade -A" Ipl Leaf ch ntes. Howard StapIeton.f 'iroth ~On Tiiesmiax' evenigthrrg iTRES a' Oit 'l t -tir -L ncrier . l.' andnttoriimm xaa tIre scelle of t e-~ ~~~~~~jý tithmdn. ifCuk -iiie Gr-ade txveive ron part-vi ul- Sclinoi xe'e crrte:-rrcm d in c1 elbi'ation of the close o.ff r" sorîre "(u ipiils I frrr Frîe exarirs. A \ verx lrx'elx volley\- tfIl il t cotlle-i r \ oi v xi-rbail gante Ia r-led tliings off. r ie leclar ke Iligii Sulinoti t ienhlrrxve fornied sets andi20's n s- ciib. tllie r xx-(~.loo!S p edrr trnre rantcri tint ilceervorie - UP Business Directory lo\vedPciand thenirlnich rvas s ý i LrT'EBIIURî:îs.N.XtBEIN 310S 93ARE r n~~~~~(clerl tînre andI hope tIn have l'IIE SNIOKED NlEi-%'r'SI IIi.F I~'i .:~ SAc c o u n a n c y atiotirer foi-or parîx' sooni. IuI ok< knîs hi hk Pure pork Lh1. I'kz. l- RAY . DIILING Lnr5a9e.c NAMC ISQ AIIÇAG MEAT 39c 6.2:CI _3 ti-cet 1WESLEY VILLE PPEMEIx rý Red .Wihte Store NIeat I>cpartnient xviii hie le LIEONARD ).J.XMES BROOKS t Inrlndrri for lasi weekIl ltvSeoonv<~îxerflowxinc xx ith t he (inest assortruient o!f Hamnus. te Artnnrrta rît A (i difo rs On i otisd rf l ,,ýk Plr easI 'a e'k 'lurys. <'hirkens, I) re's. ec'a ndI Srnnked Net- '[L t c'inn tilstti-tv lire Sltrcl. gri-nu froîri W 'x-Shaker 14 siî te 2057W 7.39933xt15h:rlint i teclrii'i our <hoivr and sellet-tion for this festive Nraron. Il sîr xxa iit~ rî tit Cet c' aseirrenî uLinderIllre leadershrip W'M. .1. Il. ('OGU;INýS nf Rex. M. Frecirran Io ciscus' tiratri ".\intîr~iî 'Fire Ston x of Creation". I * * î5 exx I iirt mx Rîtt i itr.r ý anid fros vxIro ]lave becni ' . *m fiCon. lKtg&cl-î-însîc i r-.e ii oîsider 1Iirirsclx-ves__________________________________________ \ l~- î' î >sr-ry for-iirîrate ici hiave tire ci o'I,1-h-IIN)-~ ~ niiee rfunreetiig xitiî-Mr. - h"t 'nrra r for ti a Si idv xxlîc ~ 'o~i r~ SIlie lia' atRî fil f cîi nledfiie. nr VIi. aindiMi.%. K Welisicr of r, Li.ens ' ti:ýf-p in Ronkiiiptiry Poti Gianbv speiri Tuesdélv 64 ttt St 1' '8;27 triFridax of ast wcek uni 64 Kll Si.1, l-arrilior aitetndnng Ifle Vege-to <)sla x a <in tnintnable Gî'owers' cîovention. E. IIONIAT-;i'i'i fION'rEI'lR Mr. aid Mmx Teiniaîr Auistin ï i - JIEII . ,('0. vent up on WcdnesdaY for 135 inritie Si. . shrax Iliere ienairîiog lime. <'lant erlr-î<n usns Conngratîia f mus IofnMr. atii 728-7527 Mi1 s. H Vain Riaureir wio rr tIIer s: lînonîghit hirienew dauiglter, BEST UBTY' Y 5i SAVE1c' -SWI ET Nll.LD 1-ni. Jar lion. .1. W. hot î -V - -inls-lntue frouri Port Hope A. B. PMontrilht . RB.nt (A.ospîtai lasi wveek. -k G. W hli îîi -C '.R -R fA. Sijn da,ý Scirool was ini charge rV fC V."ett'x. CA. -Pavner, o Stnnday m ornîîrg ,, . R. b"I.iýtguufnîrî (A n Illntie membeis brouglit BESI BI'N- OVSAVE-I'c11- DE I)E I ON lE IANCY2(I.Ti le WILSON BU&;RROW'S tliru pecial offering for - ('ritî~ .rt nant W hrite Gîft Sîîndfax -The serip In'F t %irvxas ceari bv Truman F U T Cc t i 9 r a-trr-:the Whîite GifI xvas explairied, BEST BUX i S UN7E 1c'! - Fancv' Qualit:v - HEINZ 49-oz. Titi Ronld .' lbWt ou. 'A.IvMuLirrax'. A group of tIre 'r G. nIrrrtlr)li R rr C.v,(A. cIlilinîri describeri the ne"Pl ud Pliitrfoîr special lielp and why veltrqeson asaswe O MT OJ I E2 ti gixe gifts ai Chiristmas. TIrel OAOJE2 Chio r c1icby titi'v lots, Donald NichaIos, BES'I' BUY! - I OU SAV E Se! I6-oz. Jar G. E.DWIVN MANN, D.C. niiNiu Payne, «Jennifeî- fdtfr Ciirr'prar-atPi ayn ie, sud Stevie Dinner.; 1- Officr: 'imrhi i 'mffoi-d and i3obyiîA T C h e qz Wi I1Eli tri SI --nltru(Ir ~St. (larke rreariscripîcu re verses 1office i intnr n R. miinitltiN ii s alc e hi -oIer t - i fis A ,U- ' V i in[.lne o Lewisrhrs.yke Top Cat I"igu itnsr n f' cni J loIdin ;i1afeu- woi-niaxvy hrelp T E \vas -goiîrg titis 'ear tri AI- AEÀ BA G S MotherParker's 79c I DIR. Wv. 31. RIJ)ELI.. D.D.S. geritaSanra Payne, the necd - nrg i 1 Brixxanx lIe rHn or:bu îîos RS ~~ -0V SAVNEF1(-'i11h. Packagp, Ofc 1lîrs tolinrf Korca. andi Valerie ETBI -N FI 9 amti. t0 F un III. uhai l' Atistini toid ri fAngola. Jo ail ) l c nlpr S a luitd arv a n t i St îi y if th e s e p la ces t ie e x tr a ne r i: ( Offrue Plîrît n 22->;0 xxais eri bvwar, so <'ontran-vý I>R. F. ~~~. ~ -Ion e. 'l'lire offen ing %vas re- in sv <cie tu so eJh ln il ) EW.renSN vec h Leslie Ford a ou airi R-ve 6c, Goldenirax r i>uiy - firInox . rfiinn hi,,lînte îomndyrke as-d IlIrr RenolFt': CH C0.A E 8 -~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o I-ý wi lbrnS oviaon e'iSf xas givxeuî tInbe îîsedw.n Piînnîc 623-5-1 tirese foir-couitries. Diring: O L W eOffîî-c hIl( itu-S. n linciiserxice initire eveîrinrg. ou Sav c i ruPairru , l ii anev Quais J h celle> loe a tr dI, rut i> tit i, t ' based omIltie Cliirist ian-fs recasoîr Set 1n(lua S ynrvfoi" cepiir Christmas: lle Cocktail PEANUTS 39c MIXED NUIS 59c Office of PFraisé" and folîoxxitig lIe, I attire ' AyIimrr S ni bar lb nz. lar i .siiîn Ha 1 f ,alion Office [finnirs saîig 'Beyoîd lire Sunsel". O I E 3 9 C R A 9 !), )tut o nacailIx' On Der eorber 23 the Choir, ('hoseri Sanîtia s iýanr ilîdav and rrerliers orf CaîntonrChoir ~u(d'1îîni sm îSxc6e (.nlcen lintir h(cl '1'eeirort O i re 23-459 xx'l IresenI a Canlats i n I iis >ccan 'Spray ix i tii i 'adnreyn Ms heai F"eemnauof T'oi-ait- CranherriSuc 2 C rsPI NG C R 9 Lan Srvein tI calied on friends un flicerry Sauce 27c AbERI1I.l. » 1. BRIOWN cnnininiix on Sundax' aftem-- ~ nl Snn.pii I '.Sur IaJr W eston iu tnhranilir, 33 r I\<. <.I,.~S.linornr. i~~~~ frQirrS o î~hi lasu uveek wuxs wefi aut aa rsig 3 c Brown 'N' Serve Btis. andu ni litiii-r MnandniMca Ken ir nr S a ressigm37 'WIN 1101IS -12 tbpkg h -. l ~ a\a in -tFlorîda for sa Irolidax- . Tha -tidhave hbei pleas- 9«V ! 4 9Z arn. ion, hbutwe shonîri lave ~~ ,~(aîn n N ueî ca p rI1 k. gai ai rrarndMc.,.Ken 1 Ashbv. Clioila Nt rehCORANErRaESk- 2 STRIKE-anci STRIKE CG RÂPES - 27 lIa rrstr - Solnuumîns'YA~flk I sh and TIender -So. 1 Bll.nmh No. Pi Qublc. 5! UII>4I bs. 25c BROCCOLI - - 33c A. A.I. Stril, .BA. MrI BcrtiAshtfon. loiroo V C.Wld- xx as a Sunînv iax siton ai Mr-il Sxrcet. odrtlcDz Crs .lcFay 31h.PyBg 40 Rino Si. Wk. LL:Bn v r1«Min roI eckci Mr.F. California Oranges 55c Deliciaus APPLES - 35c li '[uuplnrît i2t-5')I Torontorîrix'ee Sîurdan clus Im ' LAIVRENCE C. SIASON, B.A. ai MI.. arîd Mn-s. LloYd Ashr- Featui-e! - Ybu >avi- 4c Barristeu - Solicitoir î n'Y, Nol ar- v Puiblic fxhn. arndMis. CliriRhn O N betsBani fr35 B~i-<îs E.v rozwen Fonds! Ring,, Si. W. - Bonvniîsnuvlle And ril CiRIx, I.unBrandsavor w-en-e il a fil. Lo ') p in, 1 nere a gooci aticnci-

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