nm were: Donald Adok ~Hamnpton, 1 turkey, i cheer; B I 'e Lockhart, Town, i tur-H .S S o t likey, i cheer; C. Purkiss, Tor- B es S oci l (A rson l anto, 1 turkey, 1 cheer; Mac by Linda Steel 1 l'Moore, Town, 1 chicken, 1i Phone 623-3303 jTow'n, cher;cknaî Lre On Thursday, Dec. 13, and, _________________ ____________cheer. was held at B.H.S. The pro- His rnany friends ti &o- gram apened with O' Canada farnily Christmas dinner December 12.'mniean dstct iibendhnanvrur "Colour- was held at the home of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Gil,',happy ta, learn that Mr. Lloyd amma' by the band who ap- and Mrs. Robert Hilditch, Willow Bluff Ranch, Jasmin.! Preston, who has been in hos- peared in public for the first Third Street, on Sunday. Sask., are with their son and pital in Toronto, was trans- time in their band uniforms. Congratulations ta Mr. and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.,ferred last week ta Memnoriai They consist of box-pleated Mrs. J. S. Ames, Carlisle Ave., R. I. Ciii and family, for the ' Hospital, Bowmanvilie. AI- charcoal caloured skirts or who recently ceiebrated their Festive Season and to spend' though making satisfactory slacks, white blouses or shirts 45th wedding anniversary. the winter with them. progress, he will be canfined and the red blazers. Please phone in the names, Visitors at Mr. and Mrs. ta0 hospital far some time yet. The next item was the Hua- of your holiday visitars as Percy Hayward's were Miss'ý RCAF Sergeant Clive S. Aid-, garian Ciap Dance done by early as possible on Manday. Georgie Forsythe, Miss M.lwinckie, Computer Instructorlour Girls Dance Club. They The number ta cail is 3-3303.' Smith, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs.!at Radar and Communcationsiwere appropriately dressed ia Mrs. Sam Glanville, whoiRaye West, Master BarrylSehool, was recentîy dcoa 'lfull colue krs paan has been a patient in Oshawa!West, Mr. Alb. West, Mr. and with the CD (Cndacoratedhi oured bsakrtspest General Hospital, has been1 Mrs. G. Cox, ail of Orono. Decaration) by CC J. G. Ma- This dance wes very well done! mnoved ta Memorial Hospital, I Ralph Fry, Scugag Street, thieson, MBE, CD, CO of RC Foilowing this was the Gym- Bownianville. i had the good fortune while AF Station, Chanton. Sgt. AId- nastic Dispiay by Don Kerr,' Mrs. D. L. Featherstone-î hunting in Clarke Township.I1winckle is the son of popularBrian Forsey, Grant Thomp- Haugh ofClay laiýer N tn i at ieki King Street merchant ja kson and Steven Burns. The1 spending Christroas haiidays' ta bag a brush wolf. The beast Aldwinckle and Mrs. Ald ostunts whîch wer weiul ue with her sister, Mrs. C. w.I weighed eround 60 lbs. andiwinckle. int-Anics were then done Downy ad fmil. Rlphwill sduecouse e-1M r s. Olive Norrish, Mr. W.j by Antan Forrestor and Suz- Mr. and' Mrs. Hugh Hamer, ceive a bounty o! about $50. )L. Barton, Mr. W. J. Berry,i zane Bail. This wonderful dis- Debbie and Paul of Washing- Flying Officer C. G. Fergu- 'Mr.Phiiip Dawsoa, Miss Diana play in ciuded Cold Fire, thej tan, Penn., are spending the son, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J.ý Dawson, aIl of 'omnilFlash Fire, Polka-dot paint1 Christmas vacation with er Fergusan, R.R. 1, Hempton,1Mrs. Peter Gatchell, Mr. Roly and others. They were veryi mleMrs. T. Buttery, iwas among 17 successful gra- Cousins, and Mrs. Catcheli Sr.1iaterestiag and well done. î TolPh. ýduates ta receive their Pilots of Burketon, and Master Çar1 1 The Girls Group of Seven 1 Mr. Lamne Trinible and fr1-lIwings from the Advanced Fly- Wilson af Courtice were. sin ging Scottish sangs werel end, Mr. Heber Young, both of ing Schooi et ROAF Station, amang those who attended1weli receîved and their sangs Basemi PntcosalBibe01l Gimli, Manitoba. the Christmas dinner partyjwere ioveiy. lege, Peterborough, recent1yý Mr. and Mrs. L. Casselý held in Christ Church Hall,! The comedy Midnîght Rob- visited the farmer's parents," Penny,Sandra and Roy, of El- Oshawa, last Thursday. The berv donc by Tom Masan a0nd Mr.andMs.E. . T il'mira, spent the weekend with Osaw iosClbwa Ms~arion Johnson was very fun- Ontario Street. ihrmteMs.M .Lak o the gathering of those with y The staff of the local branch ý Ontario St. Sunday visitors 1 impaired sight from AJa',, The MaieChorusappeared o! the Canadian Imperial1 with Mrs. Leask were her son1 Whit'by, Oshawa and Bow-_____ Bank of Commerce held their adfml r n r.R- Imanvile.Manday of this week journey- Christmas party et the home1 bert Leask and Todd of Mark- j Apparently we, who a f ew cd ta T7oronto ta take part in o! Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ames, Ilhem.i weeks aga had the pleasure of' a vide -tape of the pragram. Carlisle Ave., on Wednesday,' C.O.F. Christmas Draw w -seeing 87 year aid Mrs. Minnie The videa-tape will be shown t ___________________________________________E. MeHolm, this paper's Mor- Christmas Night at 7 p.m. onr [rish correspondent, on the TVJ '"70l", CBLT, TV Channel 6,c TRI ITY UN TED CHU CH program "70l", were not thewhen Mrs. McHolm will tl TRIN TY NITE CH RCH only anes greatly imprcssed of her girlhood Christmases Miniter- Rv. m. . Huslnde, B ., .D. with e performance. Re-. in "the Oid Country," and Mîniter RevWm K1-fusiaderB AB D cently she was invited to ap-i perhaps compare them withi Qiganist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M i pear- a second time, and anChristmas o! today, Il a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP "Be Born in Us Today" 7:00 p.m. - EVENING WORSHIP Candlelight Service SENIOR AND JUNIOR CHOIRS Christmas Eve Service at 8 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 a.m. - Junior, Intermediate, and Senior 11:00 a.m. - Nursery and Beginners 11:20 a.m. - Kindergarten and Primary A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL COURTICE CHARGE Christmas Services CHRISTMAS EVE 7:00 p.m.-EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH CHRISTMAS DAY 1 - ..- COURTICE UNITED CHURCH 11:00 a.m. - MAPLE GROVE UNITED CHURCE ANGLICAN CHURCH 0F CANADA St. John's Church Bowmanville is happy to announce the Christmastide Services wiII be beld in the Church. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23rd- 8:00 and 9:30 - HoIy Communion 11:00 - Morning Prayer 7:00 - Christmas Carol Service Christmas Eve - 11:30 p.m. - HoIy Communion Christmas Day - 8:00 and 10:00 - HoIy Communion St. Paulfrs Unied Church Minister - Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. M. Beaton, L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., L.T.C.L. 9:50 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Christmxas Service )4:00 p.m. - Christmas Pageant "THE FIRST CHRISTMAS ROSE" presented by the Senior Sunday School under the direction of Mrs. M. Beaton. COME AND WORSHIP REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmanville IRev. John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D., Minister Telephone 623-5023 WORSHIP SERVICES 9:00 a.m. - English 11:00 a.m. - Dutch 7:30 p.m. - English Proclaiming the Whole Counsel of God CHRISTMAS SERVICE CHRISTMAS DAY - 10 am. "'s.; ........... ........... ............. .......... ............. OtI PAF SH E PAF SHE A Kc comp andf speci Chrisi We'il the r' or ta projei CIGARETTES Popular Brands ins 20's, 25's, 50's Popular brands cf CIGARS and TOBACCOS la packages or larges. sires are stocked, toc). RONSON VARAFLAME LIGHTERS No wick, no fluid-lust Butron fuel Iii $9.95 to $16.50 Other Rorison Lighters-$2.95, $3.95 ZIPPO STORM LIGHTER Iights in almost any wind --.$3.95 FISHER LIGHTERS.- -.. $198 Elegant styles for ladies and for men. ther gift ideas for smokers on display in the store. gifts that can be given to, anyone. PER-MATE LADY CAPRI --- -$2.95 EAFFER CARTRIDGE PEN with refis __-_$2.95 >ER-MATE CAPRI MARK 111 $2.49 RIPTO TILT-TIP _________$1 .98 EAFFER PEN & PENCIL SET - ---__ $5.95 plus many more in our show case! )DAK gifts... odak Camnera Outfiî, ,iete with film, batteries flashbulbs, wilI earn aI thanks long before tmos Day is avent I be glad to help yau choose right one for you ta give.. select a mavie camera, ctor or' photo accessories mil at competitive prices. &RITMAS! WOODS ARTIFICIAL CHRISTMAS SNOW in spray tin 5 oz. 69C 10 oz. 89c See aur tree lights, mornments, tinsel, etc. Order Now! SINGER AIE CHOGO LAIES HARO and SOFI CANDIES We have a wonderful selection. ELECTRIC HEATIN G PADS $4.95 to $9.98 BATHROOM SCALES $5.98 up EVEREADY MAGNET- LITE Sticks f0 steel, iron objects. $2.49 (Batteries extra) Many "Under-A-$1 .00"0 items ideal as stocking stuffers. Something suitable for everyone. (b) TIMEX CAVATINA WATCH ...___ $12.95 Gold-colour case; anti-magnetic. Suede strap. (c) PHILISHAVE COQUETTE- $ 9.95 Slender, easy ta hold shaver at a very low price. (ci) CUTEX MANICURE SET ___________.$ 3.00 The main manicure essentials in a handsome case. (e) LAUREL ELECTRIC BLANKET ___..$17.88 Fully automnatic double-bed size; single contrai. ( f) DESERT FLOWER Spray Cologne - A delicately-scented misty spray she'll l (g) FRIENDSHIP GARDEN Charmer Set Miniatures of four delightful toiletries i (h) COTY "NECESSAIRE" SET- - Silky-soft talcumn and refreshing tailet v (i) GIJERLAIN "SHALIMAR" SET 5Occ Cologne and 1 dram Perfurne at a! (j) TWEED "Classics in Fragrance" SET Five colognes, each a different scent,i package. i~**** * ***** (a) OLD SPICE Gift baxed After Shave Lotion and Lather Shave Cream. Men like, its tangy scent -- - $2.25 (b) SEAFORTH Shaving Lotion and Men's Ca- logne, each in al flask-type con- tainer. A gift he'u appreciate $2.00 (c) GILLETTE SIim Adjustable Razor with Six Super Blue Blades and Foamy Shaving Cream- Special $2.09 (d) PHILISHAVE Famous "Speedshaver" rotary electric sliayer. Whisk beards off smoothly-- Special $19.95 (e) SHAVING BRUSH A Rubberset with ail bodger bris- ties -- Special value $2.98 Other brushes Up ta .--.$15.00 (f) PIPES Well-known makes such as Med- ico, Dr. PlumE,, Kaywoodie, in a voriety of shapes-- up ta $7.93 *PRESCRIPTIONS ... I.DA. REMEDIES * ALEX. McGREGOR DRUGS 5 KING ST. W. - PHONE 623-5792 (g) TIMEX Men's Morlin wrist metal band, sweep sg radialite dial- o (h) THERMOS New, rugged durable Pours Iike a pitcher, cup, 15 or.- - (i) MAGNI-LITE illumninates and magni for easy, close shavir, in for electric shavers kBILLFOLD! for her ... by London The "Graduate" fc fold - over style w purse - Morocco The "Oxford" for real beauty. E $2.50 love. ----$2.00 ngift box. -.$ 4.60 water. -$ 5.00 special price. T. ----- $ 2.50 in gift watch with econd hand, only $12.95 t Perma-case. Handie an --$2.39 iifies the face g. Has p!ug- 'q $5.95 or ber.. ith change or Calf. L.:-a . . . . . .. . . . L--- For -ýr- Il - - - - - - ,M 1 m mým m »ý iA.nd ail whom you hoid attended. Mrs. E. R. TyoThe Canadian Statesman, Bowmanviile, Dec. 19, 1962 dear." president, conducted the ser* _____ N EW S Giadys Yellowlees, ývice w'~ith Mrs. C. Vice readingi changing gifla and enjoying manville, visited at Mr. and SolnaCoresondnt 1the scripture and Mrs. Bruce lnh The next meeting wili Mrs. Tom Bnker's. fo hefrt ieatVrety At a pleasant social evening Tink, lader fthe Explo e ad n January 5th; the, Randy and Dale Freitag Night and sang Christmas ln Solina Community Hall group- lso he x'roll caîl, Name a Book of the Oshawa, spent the wveekend Carols. Next was a sing-alang1 three recently married coup- plorer girls with Sally Lang-Bible. with their grandparents, Mr. ithin Bod, her itahaasleM.adMs y ace maid, Penny Stuart, Jennifer Mr. and Mrs. Carson Kos- and Mrs. E. Cryderman. sinin tgehe wthMiss Mr. and Mrs. Alfred HugginsiBest, Anne' .Iils an dCaralsatz, Barri e, Mrs. Kossatz,l Boyd as leader and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. George Bitt-iWatson anuc them. The Pembroke,Mran s.Rd Thompson playing the piano. ner, wvere presented with annoucingab Mr*andMrs. odépe./ Thanks go ta both wvho helped big eso eafo hi group sang "Little Baby in aISimpson, Malcolm, Mark and brige etson ehaf o thïrManger". Carol His read a Kelly, and Mr. Sherwood o us.TwoChistas elctins rindsof hecomuniy ,Christmas story. Karen andsatz, Enfield, Constable Rossi BOSTON L0S ANGELES were then done by the band. Mr. and Mrs. C. Found of Bed lowesadPgy KstzNwWtrf roNSsi The play Happy Journey Courtice entertained their em- 1rnaYlole n eg osstNwWtrod .. LONDON CHICAGO was the last number and was pîoyees at a banquet in So.faDarch sang very sweetly1were Sur.day dinner guests of 1 by th Draa Clb. Sina Dear Little Stranger." ThefMr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and, put on b h rm lb Community Hall on Wednes- offering was received b y Jan- Pat. Our congratulations ta the day night. etM1sn enHcaa, M.adMs rc ik cast and everyane who helped Once again we have carne Carilo nxJan oK aM.arnYvite nud ay w rue ithMr it ta be the success it vas. to the time of year ta enjoy Caol eesox thedExplrengrau. vantd oMrs. ledBay ir, rokii. On the whole ve feel Var- the concerts of the three Mrs ofatheasxpresentep d We re please Bl air B Mrli. iety Night vas a great suc- sehools of the community Th.ewInnkes Star" in a Roy Laregmlad is ome fwrm cess and thanks go ta ail wha w'hich will be held in the hall.1 o agaI shm rm helped tai make it one. The dates are: Bradley's, De- ipleasing manner. The choir Oshawa Hospital and la im- Also on Friday the Courtice cember 19; Sauina, December' favoured with a Christmas provi.ng nîcely.0 Bantams were guests of aur 20: and Baker's, December 21.1 number. i Misses Annette and Calette Bantams. The basketbali game The assistant superintendent. i Next Sunday, December 23,~aîrvstdls ekwt ended in a score in our favour. Ms1er ec, rsddSna Sho ilb t Tyther vuncle ad aut, Mr. an Congratulations boys! forsthe alnuac hpite Gitreular t.Sho ire 4clock. At hlhi nl n u r n On December 17, Monday, servicewhich as Whie i urgior tCim, 9:4rogram k AMrs. E. Thornton, Miilbrook. the Courtice Student Couincil sevc. hciwshl u-shr hita rga ii Mr. and Mrs. E. Thornton, Executive visited aur sehool ing the Sunday Sehool haur.I1precede the lesson period. Milbrook, were Saturday din- and chailenged B.H.S. Student Sunday morning. Everyanei Church service will fOllow at, ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Interestinty Councli ta a volleybali garne jained in singing the 1oveî110:45 o'clock. E. R. Taylor. in Curtce n Wenesaycarols ta open the service and' The Twenty Tea Teens held' r.ad Ms N.Fie A Dec. 19, They have set the a program followed. It con- their seventh meeting on De- Taunton, Mr. Bob Blackburn, .tAccui'ate iuies and the game should bc sisted of the scripture reading!cember 15 with 17 members Salem, were Sunday visitors! a good one. A return match by Scott Eakins: a carol sung~ present. The girls asee with Mr. and Mrs. Frank wili be played in Bowmanvilie. by girls of the Primary class; the rail cail with "One duty Westlake Jr. and family, and o ilt 1Remember the Christmas recitatians by Fred Fergusan. of a pleasing guest." On Jan- Mrs. Frank Westlake S r. Party on Friday. This is spon- Susan Vice, Dean Knox and iuary 4 the club girls wili en- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox Intelnationai News Coverege sored by the Grade 13's. Let's Anne Hills. and piano solos byi tertain the ladies of the coin- and sons visited Mr. and Mrs. ---- -- -- -- -- --« se petyter nda teWilliam Taylor and Grant' munity. The skit p"epared by Ken Pascoe and family, The Christian Science Monitor Dance Friday night. Milîson. The story of the Dianne Tink and Marie Flett Braugham, on Sunday. One Norway St., Boston 15, mass _____________ irst Christmas was well pro- , wili he presonted at that Mr. Barry__Cowling, Bow- Fentcd with illustrations by time. Those taking part are!~Send yCur flCwspcpcr for the time flTTkTlMrs. Don Taylor. The Sunclav oi euhap cg i checked. Enclosed find my check of S UJLIl School room was nicely dec- son, Lois Ashton and Jean 1 ~ V u money order. [n 1 year $22. orated for Christmas with the ýHancock. The girls will serve CetYu rc [ 6 months $11 n 3 months $5.50 To the Editor and staff ot'Nativitvý scene formingc thoirefreshments. Fo the Canadian Statesman and centreaf worshiD. The Explorers met on Sat- Yu îetok-__ readers of this cal u nn1 Constable Ross Kossatz, R.C.1 urdav afternoon with 21. throughout the year this isýM.P., New Waterford, N.S., is members present. The girls' _i_ my Christmas wish for each enjoying his vacation wiih' answered the rail caîl with a tha.ougb Adrs of you: frie.nds and relatives,. Christmas carol. The scripturei "May your home be ail aglowý Mr .and Mrs. Plante and; passages were read by Caraol 8' A T E S M A N City Zone With Christmas love and famiiy have moved into the Wton and Jackie Brown.I C LAS8SI1F 1E DS cheer,1 former A. J. Baison home Jennifer Best read a poem. Pon Hrkt--303Mat. And heaven's blessings shine' The U.C.W. Vesper servicelThe remainder of the evenungi honlMPB-14-30 on you 'on Sunday evening was wellil was spent playing games, ex-1