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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Dec 1962, p. 10

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H. S. ec 26, for "A- Happy Journey" ReIig4on for Today by Rev. John P. Rom eril Courtire, Ontario. Ch~ stmas as w~e te hai Ma fie I iets Bi1 no, "Thank goodness Christmas be 'hristmas is a happx ',tinIe :grou ps huddhilng togeth lis over for another ýear, aid for orne peope but ets ig xwhipeing , but - the't lMrs. Jones to her husband as'nore1 it xext ý,ear. taîki w x mhenerIlh they surveyed the living room, 1 onder how many of us i car.T]he afternoon after their children had gone iwoulcj agree with the Jones" party arrived, Bill d to bed. The floor was littered And et next ycar the sainehi papers as usual wvith paper and string. Thei perfo4 mance w~ill be plaved: chool. Bx the tinie he gifts were scattered on the' through again, not ju st in one the ast house on his ro Ifurniture. The tree that had ýhome, but in countless huin- par-t% xwas in fu swin Ilooked SQ beautiful the night .dreds of homes. Could hi he if ýal1 the cbildren were lia 1 before now looked forlorn and Chriitna5 wasn'f trulv bhappy! wonderful time. w,\hen a bedraggled. this year that the guest- of was heard al the door. 0 "wodr nehng'si oorfoir the fezztivities has hslassynates w-ho was Mr. Jones. -x hy we botherbeer. linmedn Isearching for the treasui jwith Christmas. Look at ail1- That happenled to Bill on his 1one of the well planned gc those cards wishing us a Mer- itenth hirtbday. The party was'answvered BilUS knock. r' Christmas. Yei the chîild- to be held al the home of i thanks foi- the paper Bil ren fougbt over their pre- Iclassmate- the lasi bouse on ;said. "'ni kind of biisy sents. John sulked ail dlay in !Bils paper route. Hi, class-Înow, see you tomorro bhis roorn because 1,ve could'n ates with tbe help of tbe tea-1 sebiool." It was îiot .unti~ 'give him the transistor radio cher planticd a wonderful:brought out the birthda~ :he wanted. We scrimiped and party foi' that day. The.v care-1 that ilie bidren r~ saved and tried to please ev-Ifully selected the presents. Ithal Bill wasn't with eryone today and yet ours was plarmed the decorations and';He- had cone Io the doi as cbaotic and miserable a 'the games and ordered the re- they had for-oti m t These thespians at Bowmanville High School are shown having their inake up applied before the Variety Night audience-% with their presen- tation of "A Happy Journey to Camden and Trenton". The *'rectoi. was R. W. Sheridan and those in the photo are, front row: Ileane Ralimre. Rose Robinson, Garry Clarke and Nancy Woolsey; back row: Phyllis Emrnersuin, Jennie Stout, Charles Ewert and Paul Lucas. B. of M. Review Says Canada's Economy Shows No Evidence of Downturn 0f Major Proportions Canada's economy continued ricultural output exceeded eai- rclatively iow level of capital: to advance aimost without lier expectations. outîsys during the current up-' pause during 1962 and, a]-, "The stance of the Canadian 'swing could mnean. that the Sthough it could îîot be exPeCt- -econIomy as the year diraws to! Cananlian econoînx is oser ta, ed to maintain the pace e*per-, a close is measurably stronger, the stage wben major invest-1 îenced earlier in the -eair,;than might have been expe('t- ment plans wi[l be iniplement-j there is now littie eviden e of0 ,cd in the uncertain atmospherei ed. a major downturn, acco dng'at mid-year and encourage- The hbflk colicludes, "Wbatý to the Bank of Mvontreah"si usi-;ment may be draw n froin oth- 5 rs obe n toie is a fur-1 iness Review, jsissed et aspects of the ciire ift. ii- thermodeat in the r ate of The B of M ss t 't, in atil.xasionP perbaps a flatten- ept f fsoMe M k s s, for' Foi- nstance, the B tN o~~bfr mnost people and mnos indus- uoniti.nues. hile excess capa ,nan nts ve passed b', tries 1962 was a good ai'. cîty s still in evidence, theb d eup ___________ Pointirg out that year! ed out Inii ~4WUraging, *e' te bank.' vs that tsiness tindjeator» were LocalI Odd Fellows tîpwards and t le ex-! -conomic e'nvir ment 1 genex-ally fav6rable L C' re was also evideitweofýH s Grand Master's wing down in the flow J* -term capital invest;' f ic a ioCanada, as weIll ;D s r c exclbange reserves1 andi J c a D s ri t V is if hange rate. -0 Florence Nightingale Lodge The Barbersbop Quaitet of: came in rapid succes- Lodge No. 66, I.O.O.F., was Oshawxa, Four hI Accord", developments which host lodge recently on tbe xvas enthusiastical received,! the fixing of a par 'occasion of a visît from the'and the appreciation of their' ,r the Canadian dollar Grand Master of tbe Order, rendît ions was manifest by en- -)wei rate, continued ýBro. Carl Dresser of Riverside, cores. ýe osses of exchange re-i Ont., and Mrs. Dresser. Mcm- Ffy~eî eea ebr i and speculative pres- bers from Orono, Port Hope,,Joscp Higfeld etand eesle ainst. the Canadian dol-ICobourg, Port Perry B ow--C ve- wP H fere ndWuc sleb .gin an exehange crisîs manville and their wives ai-, Toastmaster D.D.G.M. Chit- rie B of M recalls, cul-Itended the dinner at Trinity tck q iîg corrective measures.1 United Churcb, catered by ' t .Twcntv-five year vet-I . )ntinued Advance !unit of the U.CWc rans numbcred 30. 4N e'theless, the economic; The head table Pgess;i_ Grand MNaster Dresser in an vance ili Canadia continued ieluded D.D.G.W. Wesley Frv er cloquenit and audience-captiv- 1Inost withouiP pause, and in and Mrs. Fryeî-, Port Iopc;ating kddress toucbed on manvý etrospeci. it cao De said that Grand Master and Mî-rs. Dress- matters affecting the Order, y anid large for Most people:er; Toastrnaster D.D.G.MV. Le. and oftcrcd suggestions that nd for most industries 1962 .Chitticýk and Mî-s. Chittick' w %ould sprc-ad the pî'inciphcs of is been a goori year," the !Noble Grand of Floreiicè Fricndsliip, Love and Truth. 'indstal oodctin ndNightingale Lodge Gordon La- He- expressed thet tanks olf "Inusria Podctin ndmont and Mrs. Lamont. Subordinate Lodges for the zfa5i sales both i'ose to re-ý Mrs. Art Youngman was mYonetar-v assistance contribut- rôo d .11,vehs, unemploymenr vas pianist for a short musical in- edtl.ô. 10F. Honme ai Barrie, suustantially reduced and a-terlude andsînging of Grace. by mnembers of the Rebekabs.' r An addition io the home is scbcduled to staî't in 1963, in- 1000..-r eluidinig a neV7 chape] and y audiTorium. The UIN. Pilgî'image !or X'outb. which entails -electioîî Of 1o sand î'sfroin bigh s bonis lo attend sessions of The .Zowmanville teUie ijnýi i in Pr g e sie~Thte cxpeuises of hssect Progre sivecd are paid b\Y Odd Fellows' LGdeSS Thýse'ction ofG.M SConservative ru-iY.Û adresougli 0( al £ * ~ ~.X\coînu red Mfi. extends ta the Cil of Durham Cou: their sincere wisj, continuancec rProsperit ~ £/~eai Itizens inty h for ,ce ar' (.rîeater emnpbasis hs eing placi d on the Educational s'Foundation wbich provides Sfunds for bigber educat ion and oInot Confined entirely to mrm-; bei., children. [4 The bospital bed. wvheechair. SCancer,. Polio and Tuberculos- lis pîoJect i, bc-ng gratefully *rcccîved by the public. In tbe field of blindnesýs, a chair bas beeni set up ai John Hopkins Un i\ersit.ý for research tb help relie\e causes of blind- The speaker stres-sd that I the Order should not kecep onap (1t he priniciples of the Order but endeavour Io "soreaZd ibe \word. If ,,ou do ilot sharv Odd Fellomship oib h ers. the expansion of j bh work f or na n k d will be curiauled, The mrmbers have the opportunity to bring man- kmnd nîd Gort doser together. The Church needs you -- you Ti(ecd bhc ChLrch. a. Past Grand Hiirrvý Wade S-mo5- d an appreciative, vote of 'thanks on belialf of tbe LOC~AL ANI) PERSONAL Guest, hasit weekend with, M"and Mrs. M. Conway,: Sugon St ,wcre Miss M. Hall. Tono: Mrs. Hall. )Ars. L, F. M.Nund\- Ruckclifte Park, Otta- !Wa. Lieut. and Mrs. Jack Eg- iAfliston, and Mr. and s. Bob Love and son, Stan-, d Village, California. 2.98 Values Reg. $3Mg SALE Prints anc nylon, hief and mnn cleared du mas Sale an asSortrr Walker's great after Christmas Sale starts a month of "Old Fashl fînd the traditional Walker quality merchand ise in ends of lines, broke reduced to prices you can't afford ta miss. Shop early and share in a w "01d Fashioned Values"1 THE WINNING NAMIE DRAWN O IN CHILDREN'S Christmas Star Contest euns Saving. u Dor/ ofR.R. 2 NESTLETON. ONT. tin who receives nierchandise to the valuie îes of $25.00 firein ouir store! 77 "VOGUE" GIRDLES Npw "LYCRA" sti etich - Pantv ut ptî lion st'. le SizcVI L 2.87 each Fille w, "VOGUE" BRAS 'bite Cottoni - Siz,-ê A B - (.C 1 b 1 97c each JEWELLERY *\I1 'egtlar 1.00 to 4.00 Jpins, brac elets. eantîi.s nid tne<klets Reg. L.110I SALE Reg. 2.001 SAL E Reg. 3.0f) SALE Rteg. 4.001 SA LE .------- - 6 6 C .------ 1.32 -.649 LADIES' DENIM WOOL MATCHING OUTFITS SLIMS Reg. 12.98 SALE--5() SKIRTS- Reg. 10.98 A r SALE ------ - 4-00 TUNICS Reg. 12.98 LADIES' FLA ,NkàE PYJAMAS & GOWNS Reg. 2.1,8 valuie AFTER CHRISYIMAS SALE PRICE GIRLS' TIVO-PIECE LINED COTTON KNIT SLIM SETS Solid knit, long sleeve pul lover T-Sh~itîi and coiton knit lineci Slir-ns S]zes 8 - 10 - 12 III E Reg. 5.98 ft ;ALE PRICE 3-99~.7 IT PAYS TO SHOP ATI There are mariy more not listed here- such BOYS" SWEATERS SPORTS SHIRT$ AND items on sale as . . . -SOCKS MANY MORE \Â4OqLKER S Re. 1098 :' Association Walker's owr suits of warn Orlon pileI knee. Sizes4 of shodes. Beyle Choîce of wi nylon withc able hood. Qt ed. Sizes 8 t( GIRLS" TWO PI sofi ct )dl11o' top w. Iined (old(ltlýOV slirns - 3.98 Value AJ'TFR CHRISTMAS SAL 2.84 GIRLS' FLANNELETTE PY, mizes 8 to 14 Reg. 2.59 SALE PIIICE----- GIRLS' SLIP and PANTY NYiîn and aceîhi: - S jze 84C set GIRLS' ESKIMO COÀ Soit Orlon pile Size, Reg. 10.98 SALE PRICE.ý---- LADIES' ENGLISH FIN WOOL SWE * M othproof *S ReIng. 9.98 - SALEd-wik Rteg. 1.98- SAL SALE Where good~ Jashion is nod SPECIAL SALE Of' KENWOOD BLANKETS ALL WOOL - SATIN BOUND Sizes 72 x 84 RAMCREST QUALITY Reg. $15.95 - SALE FAMOUS QUALITY Reg. $18.95 - SALE iJ 1 , El 1 RI 1

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