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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Dec 1962, p. 2

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aEmpty Ail Bottles for Sa nta Claus Parade Fund __________________gif S. caýd%.' <a nc'5. a:'d anzc.-, to al thOie "i.dti'îr. A ri-picîou: lunch waI; -r'e. farians P e ntCourt Borar"'LS '" Christroazz partv.' a r A I h t a -ii~~sppcr a'I* ls'reguar ' r ! :t o S uets Ireceil". Thep' ind t:h i'P 'c ev EcI Bakr. ' ,d .c" M r' Training School kter 1,J('fl I i'-~i 'n ner. Xfre 'rcl p The Rtarý" CiUI1 of Bo%%- a Patr'Proe mariville andi Toronto joîned wrtst watrh. forces on Fr:dav to bring and a pen Santa Claus 10 those bov%. rr- a nsernbcro mnaining at the Ontario Train- ex'isceller ing School for BoYs hcre for ful%oixtouS the Christîmas holiday-. Afîc'r din More than 50 Rotarian ýa' a-cmnb]cd ;r down 10 'innicr kuith the box cous audi'i in the schoot dining hall. !A, njovablep delictous îurkov 'dirnicr vwas tainmcrint prepared for the occaýiof l b' the. boYs anc Chef AI Srmith and hiF staff. Rat' Lou-. The nwal was rx'cd b" th' clati front tcacher,'. assi"tcd bvt he lci'i- Kingston an cal sýtaff anrd the .lpe" skIllc During 1i iai Douglaq wiîo are Hansnond, a mcmhr'r of tue schoo1. pli school's teaching staff, enter- lihhtful sce tained aI. the piano, ini and acc Presîdent K P i tbI ilelr"wrhr towmriville Rotar-,,- Cluib. Plause Fk'i vwas the iarmn and H;1- tberoi'î ve': Nei.on, <'ha;1'tîna n f t iF Youth Srrvicr Comeitter nf tbé Toronto Rotarv Club, w~ o the leader of the Botaria;-': e frorntthat <':1' . Tho. e ai ic head table vrre Pi'csidvrî Ktith Billet'. Suprrintrndrn! John Bain. Toin iieier :! nf Bowmianx'iile, ind Harvo"t Neilson and Walter' Thomui' The highlight or 'ie chie teasof courseilite arrivai of Santa CIlaus bearing g i fs donated by th(,,'Toronto Rn- tary Clnh. Ear-h box' rece.'d Mrs. W. A. Itutton or 'l'il- ' hury i% spcniding tue wîntr wîth lier daughtcr., Mrs. Nora Hornick. Christmas eeîî guésts willi Mri-,. Iornick were ber d1aughtcr, Mr. aîîd Mrs. Ken Barlow and daugh- fer Mary Jane, Toronto, anîd Isor sisteî'. <Miss Bcatrice Hut- tonn, also oft Torto. l Approve Accou.nts 97ROM F'OMF it ter of thanks bc. sent ite tue Women's Hospital Auxiliarv ln appreciation of ibe cheque for S2,475, lte balance of thei: gAnerous donation for flic' furnisbîngs aind furniture of the Chronic Floor, and foi'Pan additional guif, of $2,00f0 tor improved lighting (aciities ho lhe eIder portion of the hos- pital. This w&as seconced hi Mr. Cryderman. and carried unatuimousl>7. On motioun of Dr. :tr, t;rconded by Mr. Tihornpsotu. Dr. Donald McDougall Sprouli. Osbawa. was admitted 10 the active consultant staff of tise hos-pital. Dr. Ew'ect rrported ibat tbp mcdicat staff is mak- ing plans for a c'ntiraI îe,ý- eordirig centrc. Mr. Stutt niot'ed ihat a lt- fer iof thanks ir' sent ici Mc- Gregor Drugs. P. R. Cowlitig Pnd .lîîr & Lovc'Il foc thecir donations nof.$50 cacit. This seconr!d y Mrs. MeMur- ter and carried. hIl. as agrced on nmotion of Mr. SUi t, Sec- onded byI Mr. Bell, thai the procedure to tic followectfor the collection of aecoîînts tic as recommcrinded tii the fin- anctrecomlmittec. Tbecehairisian, M r. Huglies. told the meeting tai the ait- nual Memorial Hospital Christ- mas Parts' hcld in the cafctt"ria was the besi oîî Ho Said iit the pî'escnitation of long se-r'-ice pins '.tas greatly ap- pr'ctiateri Pîl Iankc' the' enenibcrtsof Ite board ixho inad' atteitdecItItis staff part)'. Mr. Ct'ydcumn tiarnf: (if thle buîildting î'omnmtiec" statced ilat the aiteratints to the older parts of the bospitai wuilI sooîstibcionspieted. iii' adderi that xork tias started oit the rineox' incincra tor. Mr'. Holden, lic linspital ad- rinitria tor. îe<itc'dtIdur' toc Nov'cnber. tltie tere .16 3f mnajor operatioiss anîd f84 nin- or orieratiitis pcrforied alttie bospîtal.Ilîcre ce 15 eis W 40 tIse cirncvtt)'cpartrnent. .¶.drissons ini Nox'ernberi'nt- taflt ci 179 adulis. '57 pedia truc a nci f itrch l'nrtsr';î iu t ir ln Rirths iiiimhereýd :,fi NEW YEAR May every wish- corne true for you and yours in the new yearl DON MOUNTJOY lý, ENERAL INSL'RANCE 1FakSt., Bwaatl ine623-3950 i. box of c'hoeo;a Ir. set. Bob Gcddr', of thrB.T.S. :n. n! as Ihn(. ncr Santa Ciaîs. lier th11Put tx t" n th o'ispa- nrograIlti, î et u;'as; presented forr d the Rotarians i': a talenteci nîaý,- Toronto. Ciaiaez nd Robe't Gordion. d v'<ii'g niu.-icii'i s1icnts at tac 'î':cd .,eVef'c* dc lectiriis on the fi tordicin. The\','r wi'ttIl niin'h a")- rkiertonk pit iif to Ajax t1ev. Arnoldt C. Herbert t lis many~ frieîuds here jl hi" sorry to learî tltîat the Rex'. A. C. Hieibert, rector of St. .John's Anglicanî Chuch for t lit" past seteral ycars, xvillheclest'- ung tbis ares earlv it tIe Newtt Year. I-lis new' post 'sil I lin Ajax where he wutl take îx'cr a chiurch. bruît oix' fite "cars ageo. During M r. llerbert's 1s niîist r hcî'e, St. Jolin's lis cornplctt"d extenive'oatt'ra- tions. Besi xt'ishes<of ilse roni- niîy wit t go witli liinu.Mis. Herber't and tîseir famnilt as the v face another flCw <'bal- le n go. Local MPP ada ite r'wailirci t 1 bî'îu C\'Charl cd g;:tts. Township Gains 1'F 10r CA ýF ' F \la " i! ieÏ'. . n '. M Ilnpte cc'iol. !lIitC was thlelrgi îc ever beld a t 11weSi nii. l'i' Boaî i Secrt t i ' k (islî'-îiiîhet' fIo 'î ii iî iilt Ci' l eir î1) 1t'.'??? lititi f Pc 'lii i ut for t('1' 'l 'n i sa' D)istric't 1iï mciSti'îin aid ltoi' stiffl 'ii i w kk ;i -fi lei) a dc'ccîatf'd ;Ilth- " 1)11.i11 Seitools cbuit.nkk'fi the- Linirsa k I A ri qiiest i<nvi: i PS sequin for a yc:i' tcx i absence for Ot er5îs h ic'.i was -ra ntud b': t ie pBai- 1 Miss Sq i t ui ii' l'Y uci1 ai ihe lik Si h cîl. iii(-CClati lu ii i NyCar ai. Port t lCI;ii' i ln SchoOl ] liizTCh i iS iin "i îîad" by the 13oaîcIiin x o' f tht" slînitage utof' 1111 1 ilI i rin , t' i thi < !1(""k" i*~ ind art anici c'ornîii iil slî- X\'ac 'Pt "iich hic i W t h as aliim if't k'1ii~k' pe i iesil ilk'(l l iii' îîîh t '; nt he 1(' u. ii)t i nf gi ii tior g hi'î'ai a 1)(l' (.(.!lii u ped'l B o icI li'andiî'îui "hwI i qcei. iet f uaorffî'it'cC Accident S FROM i"AGF ONE) 1riu a u l itirii the second terni of auux' sc'hool year oit and aftR" a due u atsîtiox'cd lt' lte hoartd. hoîstuin oiîa i ii i 'A chîlici whiose Iirtlici;i' - i (hislm -:1( m oit or after Jamniry 1, ancd b"- thic uu' a 'uu: a ttiiUit' i ciifff fore .Itly 1t and isho is cli oui, iKinîg St reet. o~ii. $hW hIn bc aditsited to public"i<i s Srîicîkec'Silih, JI f sc'hoot i' k iniergartcn, as bhe driveas of tSle t tt ci tCl'is case may be, the oltox' v'it"Ived e 'u ic't hi A. tIoc- September, lias tie rigîst. iii at- i , .54 Sittipsoi nx'en i'. io m tensd such a c»as. X%'umi,.iuhiuuBrit ti.4MfluPiu Bill 21, whitih t'salso ap- table JohnitForci xxsi', duri- pî'oxcd, is an AM to Amnid 'xst if4aii iigofficir. Dliitei the Sc'ool AdminitatinAit.v)tewncr m Iledo This Act wilI provide foi'tI"' th(? e roixt ei' tuiriii' i exteîtson ntof cthedbis of aaîxnaiA i1:1.7) î. rehool ai tendaitte offcer a P" tyli,,'xt,îsjpii gitii,, iii' pointed titiRa ighIs 5eooi ho- tise ('or'ueu' of l'utcCi ard to include te ioi'cesideuu C'~h St reit u xviun iu pîîpis enroltcd iin t hosehol . cIruciu lit' NicmhîmcIi i At te pr'escuit tumre no ofl- P.R. '2, Bitiut at'ii.ndul i icer bas controilnof thî i., cliit'ilu.' toinse 5iicii'tc gs'oup. The Act xiii aise t« SLuîrt.St'u' uî vide acitoritvfor' sehtol lii tai deiaini hi inîc ki l ards tn protide pî'oump n il, as lc"stiiiiSI00i.Ciiti dent iiiscranee tIo îutctenii FoBudclii te'.twudcît<c. n'entbecrs ofthe bcuai'dor tîi'ii Rciurt N1?t'C'iiî'!." ' estates foi' a'cideîutat l deuitlt îst ('0111rci1 of' luý i i e . 'lu or iii.titr' ' xxlt t'onetîig ivi'it f il sthoi'iif( iif if f buMiuss of iii'briard. Th" CPI-iiitcciiîl lii .clt.t<'l fit poteeci' %vas gmx'i'rm ti sîu i'utî u '.rI fcund Ii.. î,î'.ff' c'oucels uint1962. îemb'iu i t n . 'flue third i ll., mii ..'\î't ti lis "'tîî '~ i'i î i. ."miicncitihe Piiui' i lui'liufi' 'hc' t'îîeî'cl aîl l s ull At, pt trot'îies feuo i' itiihi' Ileif2e. h Ii<u'iîu1 itl' iiiif lIshmuctl of a rc'gioiu \tviiiils t'eTuu h' cil'î k. î co-operatit'e i Auît "~"- îSa il .t th if1 iifi!if.i' ion nMaty be srtiti lit'A- t fi"' d hvlut,'i(Mr, ' Mitistr cîpoi thfle îu'îît f siilh' t.'li ii i ff a pe ttioiisîn etc i"the'gai <' or' ntoî'epuîblic' lbrary lboardis At thîîee ci oi ii Sf of c'îtiCs i'tttits, cesulv ititl ufte'eciu Xt1ul Jîît.tjnh! upg il populatiîonu of 1.1.000 ou'tot, l.R R. -l. ic' (I. 'i i nyoie te10 estmtbtisils a i'egiouimi ct't'u i l 1 't '<h 1 % uî f!' Ihi'ai't' i -oisciitioil. ii cî liiits %i hi '.t u'î t Mi' ý Carui'ctiuesi's 'f <uunutuil f cuitri ri'îuh " u nf r'i. la ki i ls <t s ciuliii l, portiýi i "m rî'i t'ails. Il<ip ' ,ilui de on, Ptii' ,c ti d1' i uiu'cf i . it i'i i f t lui t i <'f liii". if t c .. i li) iiai-e anîd snuill bottIns .k't.ii'I it i 5.r~li'..!Cspots tlirt>tglOUt hIe fi:'.'. i 'l' . î 4 t bir mlls antd silIxci, ail jut ij " iia (:CI:is Pai-ade l'und. Two ofIlhen'i l f ii("\'ei(' f ull. Atlte Catiadiait 'I. . ' c uil rc'oîuons liad bven placcd iii "diltii' store t'edeerned lhei' i. ~ ~ ý r i,.n1 iicla i lî an a\e i &CF"Irei Eoy KiIIed in C-ý,ove Accident t" i hi~. i '.i . i.i i 'i .i i iii,'- i w Nu. il ' ' i',' i . i ' i i ' ' ' ' 'i if.. y r titi il "f . i. ' i ' ' ' i i. ' i 'i ' ' ' i ' ' i f ' i if ~' Il(e xas i~lI1'pt. I e tciLii I f l ervice '. i tt w o <'lo<'tt ii i i1r NI 'ni f Fi'ivie cl Chatiel. R '. Joii Roineî'il niiiister <if i" 'l:i mci' Gruoxe Untited Cliiirei rý fi'it'd ltcî'ucut ttas f 'i thL lt ittwn'.'iil teCettr'. YELVERTON lii".ea'sChristtmassConi- Il ' i'sî'iool %\.t tb t'Itot' grauhiý ifu'utioni. et.. abîx' 'îppii'Idi b1" lu i thi c' ehtcil nia uni -\lr> (;ei n sht i' tt'fýi. <1h i i'. light staiicluii'ci Th 'llî' iicgîaîui. '.ithî iî i'd t'i Siisonias<5gcial <'lie:- 'nu. %as as fd0ovs:c Ci- .u'iu . Re ('itationi't:c ' .<"" 1)hi. t '.x î et her utile hocginu !- , Kit les a', 1lite ITii'iitii-liinitîo n îk.\\it li 1w tf stat'titîg tuIle uilt, \\'illi a bou'aQdalict S12 inidi tions }iri' mut tIc'. Intcluid ti tht"jphtoi.hI 1<) Io Dou, R'uttaiî,.Miîss JoInat c Mi~\lss l\iffs.f"M~i'n FBîtkuti'M \î .. 'lai c' MtL.ittI atl Un, i '. v Wic'iti;1 I.î M atIx'\'isitls andi iinlcil i/us alsîîitti dIieulciicou t~ ~ t 'it'i tiLtetiiiiit 'te"Icý. \oi'e k1.>ocilci be \eelc'iec il îx'iic xV îidc'anîî' l 1tii(1a liaiic. Rob'(insoniîiligae caicilic"li, foltoe'til u'. a iaîntilgîie. f ti - îîi'îif .e' oui (uf tli ' f f - tIo 1 Itt cul 1hiVt ia dîinaîug' n. f11 1fi' . "S f.for - i 11fm i S i ît il tl'So ) i t ci. u î u l ' fî a' 1; o' l , til ia e- f ' oi i~iil 'i l ii f' - fv iluh r;..lmiii i '; ti' 1 l uini',1) :m t ie f î k .',teetii n ii A ii fi 4 tuu'f ' tuto1 sii liilik\urt ix il < t o mi' t1,i i 1 i I l 1111îîî < if l c il ii 1 rani n'a.lii l".î ti i lfi iît t" "1:1 i a Polili . of -) A tl) ii 'fi oif " te .\ il 'i i î l'il,' i i.i r ir t 1 io'r. iili iiin, 11hi k' 1f si c .i.iîîut i'hît l i ii l Thua.'î' <if m te(If l1 I Legion Pôpe LEm C 2 Roi GiI At C i 1~ h ~" 1 'iii i "f"' '<i t"" c" ' ' 11.' tint 'fi! e 'i h: '1' ~u' t r t', ' i 'I "~"~"i' (' I~i k :.f il r t' (ii Iii t t' i 1~ iî'i t f t' t'): ut '1' Ici t" i heaih~frayrd after years ni c 'tcandi in some cases Io Scpliickilts and doublets te v, xaisilînes which have adt- krici is rapidily as the years. Prîx F. Cole, Mrs. M. i ,, ALunneman. Bill K' . vi. nt.Sutnvnersfoi'd. df~k c Edmnîîdson of Bow- 1'(:CDart. L, e'ctx * I î.Rubv Glode <'f il ' 'k i DoinSv.'t"tt, Wliîtlx'. * îtiioi Ste ens of E nniý- if i ' s eller's ra s i ' i oopCi's Tc wclery, i tc, Bill Pollx'. B olb ' GPîrdv'. Art Slice- Bcixx'iî'anx'ille: G. Duni- (irinin: D. Swcet. Whitb"'; \ liii n Newcastl, and - ilit.Boxvrnanvi]Ie. .1 :12 Ait'. Rail nr ~team~hlp '1' 1 (' K E T S 'lO I'.'ERMWHERlE Con sult t A Il' & .0Ov E L Il Bowtnan ville f TIl 0V DOWMANVILLE GAV~ PICKUP C1~~?AS TREES kIU, F .,\NUARY 3rd "D 1 oV No. 2lII(IINVAY FRJANJUARY 4tk T1. Si'EVA RT, Supt, 1'. ' * i ' i i ui i lu iii. i 'f.' ii~. i (iii tii t'i i. ()t't'. i i'i' i i if' i'i.i If t 'i "f If ut 'f kif fn 'i liii <if i fui' iff'. tu.iii..i t. t i.i. 1f tii1 'i 'cI ic f. iii tii i i Ni' f il 'i i. 'i i. t i t i uu 1' i ' iii' fi. N t. t' i i i i ("fi. lu C . 0i . F . IP a rit y "' i c i Jiuîi' < , 'i i :.' . For Children ita. fi "i' '" flp (o ! i nf i Boteilatt'lle f tteto'ricî. , mi i< Stî' t î ' i I Oî'dr of i"orestci'." l" rr fil"- t', oi' n' .î uuust cu'iotalîe OCl i ci c'a ,i'I' i'hhý n Chriitas Pa rti: as' W*oieit- i()n dat' re'cnîc a' th L ifui. luiPu uîî" " 1w Cotnnsiisîtx' Centre. Niote tî>itliill't0î .'. (tu <imdreti hsaîl s dc]igitfh- îu d i 'iîi'u t(nsefuil , ;1îh 'f f: 1 Brouiser N I: p Ste!icp!) .'v 'iThe (jrît r '.'. i ' tu's thte i ltsiiniof the <'cii- N,, Ul. Siit('.f'. 'lj rruttreciuu tharge of raisl- î'î"'Si'f"iNint: . i meitis for tIheect. 0th' Ro.'ltS. 1 12211 hfk1hSt!!f', t C mcrnbeî's <f ttsotitiit" B tlîr Btc i ',î w'ere Brotlier CIa retitnc ' X e ii ' I' ; Past Chief Ray~er Bed' tJ-e.St<'t,, ..f js!!m'.1_,il; Inner G ita rd 1Iiclc'n Du)c1-'t ît. t ,ýIii ' ..I i ; and Aster' Joan a (,L "ion.t t'uiiii:'i'tll(l.! Chief Rantger Rcon Brunik <cliithe' frik 'I ;0 'w, andi PresdertiJeaun Pet' t i rc i lltifa.i i v.' wnee h MMC' ..\e eciv' "km iiw the on, Ahane m'i Pntertamngtp pcppet shtotx'hi': i ospjntsi j h. ' 1' '. Larrx' Dex'mtt aîndMkeM'-AX'.f . .îi'. i' shahl made a grealt. it if., gte anne Grahais a, "'i'c lc. "t'.ii i I much applaumse for lier guitdf 4, Boxe nisi ..'f'u'." .-ii solos. Cdrux'îuîg is crt:i w' A rotisiiRi ip s ii it.t \Cd'f led inîauu tcIr (el, Nui, 2 I:.. hy President Deviii and Chier <i-t x'ut î (y 'MW ' ' ' Ranger Brock. Si. te:Sii"'e sOski on - FI-f i'uaiw i,: Gjraham tv'as tise panît-. TO.s R:2<s ii lS m"P ",m vvas folloxt',ed bx' att its xîî. 1'sîl( dt i lu bttexcellet'.pragratu i of otstahIe Mî J- .t' ti1'f entertainmnt A x'theC iOulflft Arthuir c' I. guse Tht' xocutstre tuf une t t.ttitoIif! . fi, ' solos aîd duiets, gave irw.îxxt> i:i. ' r'iv .i'l dions, ansd plat'ed ittinu'.oi C> .- 't '.fiau ,'Ai' "J i .trurnients FrCIic lri i"l'.If -'ii The' hchIih t eof the i'tt'i i'itai'cd it ttItI irACi. ff' :Iý ia tuýriiiarettal of Sat'ae ) C01>1al i ' (' h , Ctaus. antd t" part t-a- t)ila' - xkil.orp. Ld ,splendidlà- býFred Criff.n. Dc.iiaý;t clun,-*-t.., u ' <>y ' i Ti ho-ii M iii! Hfi 1W i . , il.'u cir Ni.if This New Year's Eve.. when if's 4'. nefor the road". .. ! - L f if l i.- tlo i i P'ii il' 1 "i'ili' 'i f ..~ . î~ NI.i'c' i ' 'iii' "f i Il 'iit'.'.'i' i ' f <if i tt' i t lu t') i i ti"e il ic fi "ii f ' ' fi' 'fi 'I. t t '.t'u i " ' i\.f..î -"'f f f 't"' t. .1 i 'i if i f Cî i'ttm f." . .~ u':ch 'î;" - .' i i." 'i NI' f"- f t I t')i" - i i NI'. I '.' y. 'I Fine whisky, in moderation, plays an important part in the art of graclous living. Knowing whenl to miake a «'gracious refusai" plays an equally great part in the art of sensible living. This is especially truc whcn thor Ne'w Ycar's party is breaking up . when you're about to drive homoa and somneone suggests, "How about one for the roadb This New Year's Eve, if you are doing the driving, say: 'Yes, l'il have one for the road. But, please inake it coffee!" i 'f t' I i 'i 's' 'c1'i r' 'I 'ifs', 1~ ~ A s i '1 THE HOUSE 0F SEAGRAM LTDI MEV~N WIIO TIIINK OF '..'()M013.ROW. . . PFAG"i'I UE j: j C < i,.liO '1 I-)AI i. E I.' Santa Visits 1- -ont ai ni il Z ;l & ý r À, ï ILI

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