Land of Power Airlift / 1housands of farmers, farmn equipment dealers il lesmen flew into Milwaukee eariy in December at'is believed to have been the iargest cornj 1 airlif t in aviation history. They were partici- in the three-day expense-paid trip offered as a* by Allis-Chalmers to anyone who bought one cf the coihpan)iy' farrn tractors. Among them were (top photo), lef t to right: dealer AI Hoar, Bowman- ville, and bis guest customers, Joseph Wright, Bow- znanville and Arthur Brunt, Enniskiilen; lower photo, dealer Fred Trewin, Port Perry and Blackstock; Hil- ton Simpson, Port Perry; Frank Nottingham, Little Britain; Ross Snodden, Valencia; Bill Peterson, Port Perry; Sandy Moore, Shirley; Jim Coates, Shirley! (seated on tractor), and Doug Crozier, Scugog Island (unable to attend). FURROW and FALLOW Ail meat sold in Ontario the solution to their problems. for humnan consumaption will "History lias shown us," lie be subjeet to inspection by said, "that if we place toee federal authorities in the very much hope on government ac- near future. The provincial tion to solve our prbesw legislature gave second read- are going to be disapone. ing to the government bill Mr. Lake made these re- rmaking such inspection man- marks at the annuai meeting datory early last week, re- of United Dairy and Poultry ferred it to the agriculture Co-operatives wliose market- committee of the house whicli ing facilities had handled fori approved it and sent it back members 161 million pounds for third reading and it be- of milk, 4.5 million pounds of came iaw before the house re- butterfat in cream, and 4.3 cessed for Christmas. This million dozens of eggs. In his fast action indicates the SUP- Management report, General port this particular piece Of Manager, T. E. Brady noted legisiation received from ail that U.D.P.C. Sales Volume des of the liouse, for the fourth year of opera- -f 'L 'cf flic actual furie. lions exceeded $16 millions, of!e-e new bill have and that the Directors had ap- o be worked out, but gen- proved a dividend of 40 cents raily speaking it calîs for the per share on ail common shar- cencing of ail premises wliere1 es. The United Dairy and Poul- vestock are slauglitered andjitry Co-operatives, organized e inspection of these as four years ago to provide ehl as ail animais before and dairy and poultry farmers siaugliter. There wili be with marketing facilities for xemptions for a farmer their products now lias 14 tering animais for lis plants across tlie province.I use or for bis neiglibours These plants have complete probabiy for New York faciities for processing dairy ssed poultry, but ail abat- products, poultry and eggs, rs wfll be licenced by the and for the first time, in 1962 itario Department of Agri- the co-op moved into the sale culture and inspected by CDA. of fluid milk in a large scale, Owners will be ailowed twe when the Victoria Dairy in years to canvert their premis- Guelph was purchased. Just es to meet federal standards. recentiy U.D.P.C. signed a con- Miik producers in this pro- tract with a Cliocolate Co. at vince who cannot find agree- Smitlis Falls to provide its ment amongst themnseives on entire milk suppiy. how their product shouid be marketed may derive some salace from the news that BriU-R tish Columbia producers ae O IU R in the same boat but we think tliey might better listen to the MRS. JAMES F. LAREIN words cf a farmer from the Foliowing an ilImes" cf six United States. weeks, the death , !i Mrs.1 "Sound bargaining proced- James F. Larkin, 7C' occurred tires by experienced and pro- at Memnorial Hosp'tai, Bow- perly equipped co-operatives manville, on Sund(ýy, Decem- can yieid great benefits ta ber 16, 1962. farmers as 1 believe thé re- Born in Claiie Township,. cord cf the Mvihigan Mil)t 8th Concessic.n, the deceased Producers' Association indi- ws t he former Elizabeth cates," says Glenn Lake, Mfatthetr !te ae president cf that association Mfat agtro h ae and the National Milk Pro- Elizab,-h McKay and Andrewý ducers' Federatioîi. "Co-upera- ivMoffatt. She attended the th tives are a business-accord- Lîne Schooi and on June 13, ing ta Mr. Lake, "a part of the 1930, married James F. La-- competitive business enter- kmn Bowmanville, who pre-ý prîze system. In this respect deceased lier.1 they should be hîîndled and The late Mrs. Larkin resided! xnanaged in t ~ efficicnt the whole of lier lifetime in! an ggressixy1 manner as any Newcastie and vicinity. Slie sLesu 1sinc is. Co-opera- was an adherent cf the An- "le ve cre the most democratie1 glican Church, and liad been, cf the enterprizes wvhich make a semi-invalid for the past ten' up the competitive systemn." years. He pointed out that farm- She is survived bv one sis- ers are being forced to turn ter. Mrs. Arthur Allen (Mar- more and more to their own garet), Orono; and was pre-j' co-operative businesses in an deceased by six brothers, effort to combat the growing, George in 1955, James in 19111,1 power cf other big business 1 Alexander in 1952, John in f roups. -The business climate 1 959, Andrew in 1952 and' he farnier and his co-opera- William in 1948. 0i nd themselves in today, Among the many ioveiy ffcing us ta take a new floral tributes was one from at aggressive bargaining the Royal Canadian Legian,l and marketing as a means cf Brandi 178, Bowmanviile. bettering farm prices. Mergers and consolidations in the dairy The funeral service wasl ndustiy are piacîng a terrific heid from the Morris Funerali concentration of power in the C h a p e, Bowmanville, oný Iands o! fewer and fewer Tuesday, December l8th, and buyers cf milk," lie said. He was conducted by Rev. D. R. aise had something to say to Dewdney of Newcastle. Inter-i those who would lean on the ment was in Bowmanvilieý ehoulders of government as Cemretery. - - - ____- Palibearers w e re Messrs.1 FIEQULT Harold Allen, Vance Allen, FINE QALITY Allan Moffatt, Gardon Maf-1 MONUMENTS AND fatt, Harold Hooey and MiI. deceased. FAMILY datAorize* Stafford Brothers LIMITED Monuments Box 133 318 Dundas St. E. Whltby Phono Wltby MObawk 8-3553 NOTC Parents - Young People The Oshawa Business College announces the openlng or NEW WINTER TERM comnîencing WEDNESDAY, JAN. 2, 1963 Collete la open ail year ACT NOW .. GET FREE LiTERATURE Dial 725-3375 10 Slmeoe St. N., Oshawa ýýThe Canadian Sta tatesinan, Bowmanville, Dec. 2s, 1982 lm, mK. Household Needs: Kapok - Asst. Colors Throw Cushions 200's CIGARETTES uarocery .bpeciais ALOHA BRAND PINEAPPLE 48oz JUICE Tin 29C STOKELY FANCY. }IONEY POD PEA-3 Tins 49C LIBBY FANCY TOMATO 48oz JUICE £ Tins 55 DYSONS BRAND - PLAIN OR GARLIC 16 oz. Whole DlsJar 29 YORK BRAND BREAD 'N' BUTTER 16 oz. PICLES Jar25 DOMINO CHEESE 16 oz. SPREAD Jar 59C DOMINO INSTANT 6 oz. COFFEE Jr75C MAPLE LEAF 28 ôoz. MINCEMEAT Tin 47C KRAFT CRACKER BARREL MILD 8 oz. CHEESE Sik31C P-arty bup plies McCormick's SNACKERS Christies SOCIABLES 8 oz. f Pkg. 279c 8 oz. Pkg. 29C Kraft - Party Snack - 6 Delicious Flaveurs CHEESE Kraft - Onion - Dili - Roka CHEESE DIPS Gayt#me Blanched PEAN UTS Jack's - Twin Pack CHEESE TWISTS Quinlans Butter PREIZEL STICKS Beaver MIXED NUIS Cordon Bleu - Assorted 4 oz. Pkg. 8 oz. Pkg. 23 C 39C~ 13 oz. f Pkg. 39 C Pkg. J 9 oz. Pkg. 33c 1 14 oz. ff Tin 99C Meat Spreads 2 Toz'in-29c Pantry Shelf - Fiat or Rolled ANCHO VIES 2 Tr: 29C Clover Leaf - Salmon or Salmon & Shrimp PASTE 22Jar:39C G.B. Pink & Green 24 oz. Sandwich Bread Loaf 27c Silverstein - Plain- Carroway Dark - European- Sliced 16 oz. RYE BREAD Loaf25C RICHMELLO 1FRUIT CAKE 1 lb. Sliccd 1 lb. Piece 2 lb. 3 lb. 4 lb. 65c 69cl.351.992,65 FROZEN FOOD SPECIALS DOMINO FANCY 15 z. DOMINO FANCY 10 oz.f RASPBERRIES L Pkgs. 79C Broccoli Spears 2 Pk gs. £j7C SENECA FANC Y 6 oz AYLMER FANC Y 12 oz. GRAPE JUICE l ins 55C GREEN PEAS J Pkgs. 55C SHIRRIFF LIMEADE4 6 oz. 4 DOMINO FANCY 20o.5 Tins49cBrussel Sprouts 2Pikgz. 5 c Ail merchandise sol4 'at ý-our Dominion Store Limited is uncondielonally guaranteed to give 1/00% satisfaction. GUARANTEED QUALITY MEATS %xntLrL UVZ3.L D - .10 JIto 14 lbs Y'oung Hen TURKEYS45c POPULAR BRANDS ILD CURED - /2 VAC. COTTAGE ROLLS 59ml PRESSWOODS COMPASS BRANDc Ri'ndless BACON 692l CALDWELLS POLISH SAUSAIGE 59,l FRESH PRODUCE SPECIALS No. 1 U.S.A. - ELLOp TOMATOESG33 ONTARIO GROWN No. 1i Waxed TURNIPS 2R25" CALIFORNIA GROWN - FIRM, CRISPF HEAiD LETTUCE 2()35' CALIFORNIA GROWN - FIRM Crýisp CELERY 2 Bunh 9c P tatochips AMPLE FRE E PARKING whie you shop ________________________ 'E' Values effective at your Dominion Store Limited, Bowznanville. until closing time, December 31, 1962, 6 p.m. wý r-PAnr a - rlylLIWT lt)lLq x TYX7 19% . 1 à il 00 0 WEI WAY